letMatfre Ubtur f wtfLLiai1,.,! 1 Axi CALL ijy NIGHT for Taxi ,tley & Hale 1 PRINCE RUPERT Phone 67 Block 1 Northern and Central British Columbia's Newupaper Joe Brown Fred Syrotuok I'MIVUK III i'KUT. IJ. C. WI IAKHDAY. AI'ltIL (. H'21.' Vuurir't ClrcolallM 1.S0S. Stntt 1.1m S04. PRICE FIVK CKNT8 ritish Coal otrike Outlook Is cad wm mintiii) nuidi keu rLAii rwu bum a ruuix, imjuiiuiUNd urr f SAILS FOR ENGLAND. Subjects to Come Before rmitBrj ha en 1 1 ititm iniiimmriwin. i i-nin aawrra mrm W 'W W A AAA T w AAA CljlJOjV-' Imperial Conference at ot with the British striking London in Coming Summer Miners; Negotiations Are Off .MKI.HOtJItNK, April Premier Hughe t;ite thit control ( Hie Pacille, iiiivuI ciHupcnilion, ainj relations between Uritnin nil Hie coli in ie.H generally are mljjecl of iic(is.iion to come eforc llic Inipcriii) Uonferenec lo be licM in Jxriilu'ii in June. IKI.V i) K.irl Oirzon informed I lie louc uf !iiiriii' ws imMihle mi Ihe l;i:r.:; LIQUOR BOARD The decision of Ihc conference will' be xubjeel lij ratification iy the Iliiminioii parliament. - tr or iiiiiv coiiirui h uetiiumieti ny i ii ..i Lord uiltlfi u rusoliilinu providing for APPOINTEE, Aked regarding Ihe iN..ible return to Australia of Cardinal . which Ihe (Internment mlghl ileal Willi, Miinnix, Mr. Hughes xaid Aii.trali(i would nul prevent his re-urning. -1 1 ike. :ot Y(t Decided Who Will Act iii. lliitlwiiy lrniiirl worker 1. ur 1 Bu Diputy Aliorne-Central I ..I u niidllii'lii lrike on Wednesday. Sura. . RUSH IS ON TO l i i III refuse Ik Ii illlKirl ri(ii I. j CHANCELLOR IS lo.uig mill worker- generally urr lniuf nl Vli: iHI. April rt. Mi iimh i IN QLOOMY MOOD ii-iiimi J .if Mir- fw jro'rillll'-lll liiftlii OVER COAL SfnKE OIL FIELDS OF . ilimril irv ncl KHillilPil al lit' I.. I If.lllll". ORDER COAL ' 'i Iiiiir i'f Hi - Arrnll'- " "miiii-i I-O.M MIX. April 6. -Spreial GREAT NORTH . lllMlJl fl-i'iay Imt iTiiut t Olivei Sir IloVrt ; i n muretl Hi. i Ji j , In (In llnrii", tin nrw clianei'lliir (I-' ..lH.... IN CANADA l)".l inM' in 'itialii .i A M ' of tlie exelirqucr. fpeakin i iii uiilry Hotel Accommodation i IhIiiiwhi, il'iniiy all inioy-v''ii I in tin- Hun-r ut CoiniiHtut at Edmon ! ii menaced ' ton Taxed to Umlt to Provide m kililf (III! imI. Wit ri'i'luiM In mi tin yelerCay ruin I'rniiiw I lie for Travellers i the Fuel Purchd I n Thl mil. ci ml iniiifr Alr-ke. paintn ft m iJ in J. II. rjli'-ii." r V. iieoiitrr l' Result of Country at a Flooiny picture. He di M.nere' Slr.ko. I mi on ul in in- i ri ,1 a i iily ami rlarvil tlia the topa?e of Hotel artnuiodutioii in I lie city f k- Mil lltlj uf lUiiiiuiili'n " ' ir i-ltipr 4oiiilrM III m- rtllirr roal pnxlueUoii al liiU al.lhe precnt tinic ni- miners April 6. It rurrwl l.n-kl nr KoliMiel Tohlli i pructicaCy iinpo.-'ibIe to secure LONDON, was timewa far niore erlou i I'i'-'h driven learned here this morning I fie ni.li uuwiiiriill 1 exjhTlei' lliati. uuuli) ordinarily- be ow'lig lo tin. number of p.-vplc that, large coal order have, llie-ea'MV J4fit Meetlne. UulJ Mates dli(. fiom eitslern been placed in Canada as a Hi.' result of the stS of coal e, IU.nada. while travellers wiring -.. f' niil'iii miners In this eoi' i. This GRAND TRUNK re$enalioiis froin outside poiuti . . .1 ..f Ihe Is In addition tv ...e coal -find on arriial Ihal lln-i'r fore. 'i I Meet rdred, from tlie ' Un'tel nrrnmr nnnnnl INDIANS KILLED .luouifhl ia o."(t il uT no aicil. lln oWII-I 1 Slates and European couii-trles. j The iiian.if.-frs of tlo a''i'm I Ini- tr- i - - Uibb, nutcil li-cturer who Inu Ml foi Ureat 'hoslclries are hard jiul to it to i ''.i ;i v lew Mr Phillip 1 1 lrlke. w - . Ilrilain, his nauhe laud, after Hornij lour in llda couutrr. AUSTRIAN WHO accommodate their gui-iU ami in Absrnce of Authoritative Infor iiiitanrcs Ihe Ivpport Miners. .ANOTHER ELECTION lie ftajt that In- imij come hark to Atueiita In the near future ninny sample roonu mation Causes Depression a'ud'iiall.ways bae lo be used tu I.f'll lllfl IN GREAT BRITAIN of Securities. to again go on a etnnkitii: lour. WAS IN NORTH lake care of overlluw. Ihe present eoiis.'csliiiii is as "iMlxillei Minister of Agriculture Makes l.liMMlN. .nl rt. In llir all Strikers Hoist Red Flag cribed lo Ihe interest in Ihe oil'-l'III.M:i: igetUUuns OCT. -1'iiri' nf luiiliori.Ml it new iv OKUItisH. April C. liclds. say the local hotel men, and i . i :. I' Second Attempt to Secure Seat Ami i lli iNMilrrtemy letvei. Attack Police Force cciin-d of killin7 an Austrian, 1 still furlher iniitingcnt ore ex. I llVlmV A I.. ..I....I Ill' IJIIiaillUII (lifl nilkxtll llllv and Iwo Indians of Hie liarricr Iribc peeled, ' while iiiq:iiries are belli; itf iHh- HraiHl I'm nk Itallwuy r.om ere broiuM here by Ihe provincial receive! fnnu all or the i-intin-eut "ii. i . -H-n- Inken plniv on I rlday lo till llie pi ny. lcpr m umi hi (be. latter at Fifeshire Coal Mines police. The.Austrian HeJ riv-pitlirii: the coubilinns that Hiirro vacanry In the Tuutitnii eMi'lllu- -lm-k eoiil iiiwii. 'I lirrc reeint from Kamloops in lull In es-cape inevail here and Ihe possibility of' i Mnyil j. . Sir Arllnir (IriDIUi llo. l In- ii pccvullilis; idea Mini (In internment and had been getting to the north. afli i immhi tdVfii, iiiliii-li-r it nari-nli'i: . I-Iielinr Oincrio-Miiil of llaiiiiil i may iiack I.OXIMJN. April . Speci.il Serious doling broke out lard lr.';ipiii(f in the north. Hi Hi the L-ninr out uf Ihe ice in lli. niMirt by Jiuiiep l.iililini. down "ii le ileal. liuht In ciiiim . hull with Ihc i " il 'Irike al (lowdcubeulh, Fiff- 't he Indh us say they killed the northwest large number of lalinrilr him ill self defence. llio.se ill residence temporary from llnnirermllne. hero dexalch .... t'ttttsm........ l.j a ohIIIm atsaae.I iat Im diire, niHMinliiiK lntra New JP. ,irrn nrrn mi i nr will leave for the far north, but t m i iisMiriiig !fiuuntriyfi WiiMNtfcK DLttt WILL DC I'he Imfice alia kill Ihe .trikei wilh balonj bill Ihe Mriken SIR THOMAS WHITE thiir places wili uiidnuhledly.be XL election pa trr'J.if ArlliMr w.i UP FOR DISCUSSION ioilei Ihe rwi Huff nd boieged the jKilice injhe lalinn. The taken by further eniitiiiseiiU, and ' ili-fea(i-i)' lir IIUillo'.- i The IuIm Ufc OUT OF PARLIAMENT iliration ik anming u .crilieal aiect, defpalch sayV ll.e present ciitu'itioii is expected rundiiiale :n)i. I In' llllinv nf Is The trouble aro.-e when Ihc luker cailiired the .undei lo hold oimI throughout Ihe ej.ibaiKo wuulj iiii-up llir H'Iiiiik- Joint Meeting of Returned Soldiei Was' nUlll of I tllf'lioll OlIIHlliilll Organizations Will Consider nauagcr ut. a mine who refused lo ee:ie manning the puiup. Minister of Finance During summer. nth Ditorbd Over th U-Atlle pi (ireut Hrituin. n'i'1 Hi- It. I'lie fail ire rcfpoudeil In u call for aid and rescued the manager War But Resinned at '"u" ano ssnole mliiMrr ri'lillee (lint Itrilnln c-mbl nit were MirroHiided by miners whio forces had by th lime Close. FREIGHT RATES "HI Discuss It. ' not un Unit many If they came. YAXCIU'X Kit. April rt. lie-turiHHl teen incren,sed lo llioiiuin!s. 0. Sir Thus. OTTAWA. April Al-" Ihi-re ire no mnii" of lritii- Hiildier' orjiii luxation intend While, former minister of tlnatice n tYTri emtio piilliiK no larite n iuiimIit. TO BE ARGUED -iliUllJIUlIil lloldlllK II llinellllB lo iiirUe IESM0NDE REMAINS In Ihe I'lii'Mi (Sovcriimenl. has l inniTh h-. ... i jointly the ubolltloii of near beec resigned his seal in the House bar when I'.e eniilrol lniird l IN VANCOUVER JAIL of IIOIIIIIIIIIIS. imiiusl. In Ihe ineiintiinr I'icy will CHURCH HEADS ASK Mir Thomas has for al number British Columbia Case Not Yet" -- inquiry la h an. NIGH GRADE GALENA nriion lo Ilcs-ly PEACE IN IRELAND Ready a. Q. MoOeer to li ke no n em- Minister of Justice will Not Inter of years been an outstanding in Limitations liarriiHH the (internment. AND NO REPRISALS Hirurc in Canadian political life, Handle Appeal. h U Scope. Rich Strike Made In Mayor District, vene, He Wires Mayor GaAp lie had cIimikc of the It nances of l.ll.MiOX. April H. Nine YANl'iDlYKH. 'prll 0. -The I it' In the Yukon TRYINGTO"PURCHASE Ihe country during the war and " Mi'IiiIht Territory. hishos a lit1 I le heaiN if (;iTAWA. April 0. Tlie Mill was instrumental In lloatiiiR the complele cae for the llritinh ' "'iiiiimiit and BIG FLIN FLON MINE the n n - eiiuforoiisl isler of Justice has lelej-raphed Iiukc loans in this Country secured Cutuiiibia freight rates hearing 'al- ari' will not be ready. Cor the railway """ with which li iluiurbii churtlies ha .Joined by Virlory llonds, lliaf II.WVHlX. April rt. A iilne-fool lo Mayor (oil-- he i power- -'"'iiiimii. 'I'hr ullu'r ledire Mi-nck I lie Ai cIiI'I-Im'P of (hunter-bury enabled Ihe country lo carry on. commission on Thursday. An " " 11 lllllllll'lllW, Ihe Itlru l'IuIiii In'wua Ihe M'ayu iIIm-Irlel, on NVIX.MI'lHl. April . XeiP.lia-tlmiH in a i"d't jiaiii'l Jess In. iiilerxene in Ihe Fsiuonde (IvviiiK lo ill health he "rcsiirn-ed extension of lime. ). wiven fur 1 ' "' are under way for Ihc i'i'iniiKs iusiiuui'o llordcu's submission of aruumeiils against more iliday Yukon I'eiill Tlie vein reprisals in Ireland, and cuse. llir proi from Sir Hubert my. dilfereulials. ihe I'lin I'lon milic unfair , 1 " ' I' '"'iMliugi, Khuwrd iicveii-foiil nolld of lilxh pliii'liune of pifinliiiH will: the (iovern-menl u're ciifirelv ii'nle- Ihe iiiuyiirs tmhii'i'l. by a C.anailiitu nyudii'iilc, the (i. (I. Mcliccr has been retained ll "ini- uavintt Krade ithIimio. Illg priMlut'llnn is lo make (mare. fiHiiit'iil, snlij' i i to Ih" jintvijirlul In 111,. New Yitk yiiilicale IiuIiik al-lowed by Ihe ('ovLO'iiment and the '"'M'I'llllll'lll, Ml , , under way. (heir oidinii to espire. The aulliui ilic. DIAMONDS TAKEN Vancouver Hoard of Trade to l; ..ll;n new eoiieerii Ih headi'd liy Ihe I'siiiiiinli' leiiiaiiis hi Jail' in present their case, lie will af-Ifiupl ii,I i L- iiiri., ,, iiiuinni ir DISCUSS MANDATES Minlim r.oi'pui'ulioii or Caiuiila Vneooiivcr. Ball Bearlnps for Bicycles Left to prove that the net whli'li owim a quai'lei1 lnlcrci.1 In YANi'lU YI'H. April C Us operalinir costs are not higher "I . "" In Place of Precious ,,"Wa- Ihe mine. TRAPPED BY LETTER nioiide is hki lv to lie allowed lo in the iiioiiiilalu sections than on xMllnlruwi, Notes Sent United Slates to IM by Stones. oilier of (he line and will " illlll iukI Other Count?);, Interested. ao to till.i".! i" siiMire a passport purls , - nu., t,tt, MERRICK AMBASSADOR. Scotland Yard Officials Aid InJaed fisini there lo Xew tt. protest (hp assessment of terminal' u AMS'I KIlhAM. April 0.- A dia 1,1 Criminal This operation costs agulnst 2,t Delecting "i- WAKIIIXUTO.N. Aiil (1. New mond broker lien recently sen! llrilish Columbia. 1 ii , I" I he iiiiIcr' on Ihe MilJi'( of liutii-luli'i WASIIIXdTUN, Apill 0.-ri'ii Coast. INSURANCE INSPECTOR by rcjflstered posl lo his brother Mi " T. lleTlek lia nei cpled the po'il. 1 have been mhiI hy Iho in Antwerp, healed pack a UK lXlT CHARLES." Unili'd Slnlen Uiixrrntni'lil lo Ihe lion tif Amcrlt'uu nmbaiHudor In IhriiiiKh iKATH.K.aNlctlii'VpHI In rt.bis Trapped swcel-heiii'l IS TO BE APPOINTED 'oiitainiiiic unset tliamoiids worth KAlt fllfctllMi in Kiivrriiiiii'iiln of J a hi Itriliiln. France. ii, I SO.niiu Kiiildcrs. Upon receipt Ihrnuuh ENGLAND ABANDONED the in I. i ii i Ji i and I'ruiicn und Duly. Ihe brother found Ihe seals In. o. iipu. J. YirmniA, April j l. luw... . 1 ' IIIIM' K. OIRTH. aid. of a Scollainl Ynrd dctcelise, lact hut. in some mysterious I'arris inliinules that W. dell. EXPLOSION. Itoy - Miller, u murine tlremau. il A. I'liu New. MINE of Yaneouver manner, the diamonds had been l.(Mi(X, A; r - I1AI.AIK, April 0. I'oiirleen A iln'ulilcr bvin lo Mr. wan arivsled in Ta'coiua on a .1. )'. Iioiitherly extracted and in I heir place were bury race inccliinr has Lih'ii ahau. vi iv 'M tiuvernmeiii bodie Wr'e taken out of o mine and Mm.'J. J. Ullll. of rVwnlh chArue of comiilii'ilyjn u hoidup will today l;e ftpiudnlrd the liispeidor province number uf ball bearings for doiiei foe tin iireseut us a result ul the (ieueial ul He1 "Motor Inn near Auburn uu of insurance for Avenue Weal, at Tatdys yesterday folluwliij an hlcyUcs. uf fir coal striUo. '"l'1 ' llUnrvicw. cxplonlua. Huiltal jcnUiday January 0 of this year. with a salary of 3.000 a year.