Ki-M PAOH 6 Till IUILY Nf.WS BOMBS EXPLODE Populnr nnd Reliable ANOTHER EFFORT WE OFFER for Sale an Excellent Dwelling Site at IN LENGTHY YERSE corner of Fourth Ave. and Dunsmuir St. on Graft PRINTING SHOPS Off For the Day" la Cleter Westholme :: Theatre Hill. Good drainage which will ensure dry basement and Amutlnp But Not EllgU Tonight and Tomorrow Many Peopla Fainted From Shock bla for Prlia. and grounds. Sewer connection. Good view. In Streets) of Llebon. SATURDAY MATINEE I Tin- keta4i vro "ff K"t Close in. Excellent neighborhood. The price is I.ISIION. July 2M. The f. - Mlie liiiy" In mlhT r.Mlilli nn-l I i vil 1 11 1 i'H'-1 iii" but of rotirnr uinli i ifa of S. Joint'. 1a wto $800.00. II. G. Helgerson, Ltd. Phone 96 inlrrHiitxl by (he i-tpoion of I Mi,' ruloii t the roiiiii'IHn'ii Charles Chaplin thprn rlynnMiHo littiui of ennr-riiniift i'iiiiiimi be (Kl'tiiiattJ in the r.Mii llmMlon v plariil by unknown iM'iiinn. - art iiainp tl ! IimihU in clifTeronl pnrtu of I ji-niiH. f il "lnern," I'lidm. tlio oily, otilmde tttrce prinllna; lOc CIGAR Ill Ihi- illlllril of hi a Writ f FOR THE SUMMER MONTHS utTin-K of xhirli t lie printera arc a of 'lie li Milter iTw ui'il in ai'iKt lit another on lrlkp. Union Mad In Vincouru i-li'nl:i Viiriil'ini Crtim, 75c Tin' flrt liKii no ior St act 1904 rttiitic roii 1 1 ibulom are holtliiit Cold Oram, 75c einj. I li rl I nlllimiifli t i hi t il 1 1 1.u ..,. lia'k wniliiDi ! nee what nthera' Garden Court Fact Pt.da, $1 00. Bmiin and Almcrd Cream, 75c fanlr m nr..A..e.l ......... .....L ..r b '" '" -'MVl- Toifel Wafer, JZiO bottle limi run 11 mh ton nnd Ike IhI h morrymnkers in lit.- street of but no real Hu ha n r biM-n ' Pet feme, $150 per unci llairrn Alio who. tewing? Ilicir diarmarad. rr will a,-l the (true. The Prince Rupert Drug Co. own nlr haM ami bonftrrn. Hm:1 m.. r .11....,,. nuum.i ' 'r rop uy into the Nit pari of the town. lh" life of a ju,K,. ., 1 1 1 il.uiutl MI,M" s" "ni J,,MI-A I'llUNB 134 3rd Avenue and 2nd Street NX " r'' "n,! IIIm.null the,r. wore no victim, of Publir Sf. i.nt.le! Mail Order Given Prompt Attention the- force of lh expliMlon about the name tin..', two hol(. w;i in.i kit y.u. fir.H.Blil .lrwii the reilinatn of the lieine flrHl al Imim in th .irerl,"0" 1 " " ,,,",," ,"" ,r" '" hnuftert near whirli it nml. A without wotindnv him. tl... L'l..(, krl I M HIToliT ntSTMCT or ll vmiiv like II. m ..It VI tt.f .IIAHIorTK l.LVlS. dertne awl unifocal 11 smoke flllrd We Recommend Take notlre umi t lalrnd ta apt ta tha (lie whole street anil many Kvint llde. .titer i:nnHnlMKmr of Laid pm a, MeaSMS fnintel. "TERRACE HOTEL 8 a. m. tn proapect for miura! tM aawl peteatenin Ml aboard' all aboard t lice, ' nv.r fin irr or land aa rollone: Another lioinb did lin CommMirlnr al noi pSSMet It the! In Ihe Una lon IVorrieiron. and I lie a day ' FIVE iraham.imnne.t Island.riwr MariMl or T.A. lion XV. Ma 31.a.Tp.v. ta.0-Ihrnre third, wtilcli wan of the ine CHANGES HANDS Say t. . . bill we're ln . north SS rknln. rat rfialaa, it a p.-arh of a day whiib a cnaina. want aa rnsin to put til fKiwerful lyjte a the Brat. ItnrM r n unmrHMl I Jtisf look at Iter Hill; she hornlike Uwatrd Mar tain. Iff I. near an niwn air ball. A. XV. MrlVTVHE. Ltwatnr. Harlfr-d Pueahand ho Duh-.rt a bee. I CVarlea Chaplin fciacrm from "THE K.0 A. I Orirtftin, Mmt, HkEEH I MTIMi-.T -M4TMTT if , . We'r.i inxkiR nil knot j 1-1 oin:n .tnnioTH itMirs. ' r-na Hnuowra 1 oi in.a ury ROSES ekii. i.yu iisthi t ri stru t or and Will ra Optrctod lake it front me. OIEF.. CHIRM ITTK MIANtS. Tak notlre thai I Intend an aawtar an tha by Takr imtlr that I In trad In aptilyr to the f.Mef umwnl.alnnrr nf Land, for a Nrefana Them. 9. a.m. ( htrr Ointmlaslnner or Land, tor a Harm tn nrnannet ror natnral raa and frtlfwttn My arolly! "lie loe. I ton I ! rtiprr riir natural sa and lnlesni rer 4t aerea of law! a tnOona: t ovtr arrc. or land a ri.llow.. rianmeairMir al a mm Manual at (be Twi locaf men. l i d Imbo-d! w"r' ,h TAe Kid' i nowrnnnr at a poal planted at the nurtatt-e.! rorner of aertlon ft, tp. a. lln- w.ini. M.nie more 111 Ire FLOUR aniithne.l rtirner of aerlt.m it, Tp. IS, ham, marked A A. M a T W. c... and Jack Mslii'(nli. hnr i.tir- ura ham latsnd. marked A. W. M.'a 9. F. C , inenee HHitn a the rule little K-al. H.,Hf...d IMe thrara north to rnnlna, l s chain. nurth (o rhaln nAT." rn..n. "pST.' ml ,inh an c hain., eaal se rhalM to paint of r.ntncnreinrnl 1 1 I.-..-ion 1 V re. my aweet lady, yon re rirfnmr rwf nwnl l.'M-aled May ,tnd, ,v 1 rat I know. Ux-ated Mar nth. lift A. A. MriHtlL Ixeatae. 1 011 Mondajr. liny mt.-nd to The comedy that took a r A. V. MrlTVRE. lAfltor. A J iiirm. Arent super :car . c .. for big healthy A I. qidn. A rent. iirauet a nri ria 1 eiry I.- t. I t a- I . .. I .... ; there. They nr.- well kn .wn j renit. we n. ji.icrvB cirvugu raugia iu inn ni.uti tr i .." ji bread that looks kEE.(Jl tf itn(HIM.OTTI:distwct ll..l.-nmrajcT r Tjh.-re. iHibord a- pr...:i. t .r . f the 12 m' doe nil the things you've r ovt rtttn 1 Take onll that I intend to apfdjr to the G ' ' bul Hi". Hotel I M. I .11 nu Cnlef r.iKnmlMlnner of Landa tor a Hcenae better,cuts better, to rofperi for naluril aa and petroleum WEEK-END all 111 eonneetion with ..tiiIi " orrr (tin acre of land a flMi: !,,, ,lrB. bul CiKiinienrlnir al a poal plMted at the l.n-al venturaya. j rrtit. Sjnshine ComeJy, with Sunshine Benfe, eats better, northeaal rorner nf SertlnR 17. Tp-Graham SPECIALS - ajani'l rtrk the bust. l.lapd. and narked A. A. M.'a M. E. -khLX I.Vyjfl H!TnilT MTW T of . ,h4k if. Ik. I . thenre a rhaifiv neat n chain. Vt EE cHsk.olTE 11 WW ' llflief, my n4ik norm so mla. Mat to rnanM to poM aii 1 t. in I Petlioats" Fox Nws keeps better. of r. ntnetwe ment. MrCortnirka family park,a(re ping tan "Plays an Located May f 3rd, ISTI Soda Di.ruilfl $1.25 Otter rrasalaanaswr oftand. rr a iren And Ike Miallirt- OK what A. A. Mrl'Hall.. Laraior. U truirl ta astaral an. and prir.vaa .-J .. A J. Gordon Aarnt Thia is fresh Mock and nar m arras of land a- f.-i(. bps.i "il.Hwi-iilaiti I Vckja, 2rt: .wl 55-. Snt'iHav V, i i Salaa Agent .nitit.nranf at a mi nn.rd ai ina My -.n.i.'HIor t off W. II I EEE1A l.1D I.HTRt T rlTHi T or rriap and the IhitbcoI rrtl..n a. Tn. S. lira- . ..... ... 15-, Adult .V Ol IHMI.ilTTI lI.A1.. value on this market laiamt, aaarsMi m 1 i "'7 "tai i"Usn iucb. John L. Christie Ta. notke that I Intend to anily In the i'h s nhaina. mrt rham.. ... .. ,k..i.. 1 hwf i:Mdaloairr of Mod. tor a llrme today. .rih Sh rhalna. t S rhawn. t., pomi of ' ""l" " -'' Prince Rupert. B.C. ... priMpert for natnral ra and priroirma .on.ff-nr.annnl Ml ill la the cfetltk. nr tn arrr of land a fotln. MrCrnii'k8 Iliaeuila A-aofle. L.atad ...miMrnrinc al a poal planted at Ihe Imon Finitern. Tr',L Jim B,. , anaaMlwkll. my The EMPRESS THEATRE aouthwrat rnrner of arlu II, TT. t, tr-- liraham laland. marked A. A. M.'a . v. Hire Cookie. Fanty Cake ; apiMllle s fine. thrnra north a rhalna. raat a rnaina, BUI T J"". "Ir. ran"!, t-eal a tNitTMi t or 35o TONIGHT AND TOMORROW and Ptifrar lb. aoulh a rh.tR.. weal I raMMM. Crlp. Ot IE TTt ISI OI.a ityi tkr brtate. or Lorated May tfod. Ifl 3 lb. for $1.00 day A. A. MrPHtll.. Inralor. Take noli)r Mail laalend to apply to a a MONEY A. 1. nnnhm, Aaent. McCormlek'a F'rait, ninfter hler C.aanwlaiaaer nf Laavl. r r a uw l pr.aapart far naharal a an and prtndrqan Cow Bay. and TourUt Itieulta. -kit I ill) WTWi T IMSThlCT Of per EILEEN PERCY VITEN Onm.oTTF lI.A?IIV uter 4 arena af tend aa futtnai. t w.. feetnvt jajai Btfty amj mmy lb. 40c; 3 Iba. for. . .$1.15 Cm anaai nrf m ai a mts paMr ai Takr noilra that I mlrnn tn anctj tn tha U'hen t nl lo w miuml meaer nf aaelhia 1 Tp a. ora a eajmp .Hie day. i.luef 1 if.iluhin.r of I anil, for a ft man I MrCormirk'a Anrled Can.v haan nsaftea) A A. I., pr.Mp.4-i fi r natural n. and pMrolrnaa ! ?h-nU I Have a W fcuiarb UVn.-r mew M , over r,a i arrra of land a f.towi- Kies. lb. 40c; 3 Iba. $1.15 IN f ati.ith a m putnt A bxak lunch nm aw 1 imnwnnni at a Boat planted al the TO ..iillwa-l r.irner r Rerti. ta. Tp. t, Quaker Ilrand Flour . :jtl aTTSena WaMT I lK-aled May Ifnd. IStl. ynaj wan. by iraham l-la.M. narknl A. A. M.'a S E. C, 45-lb aacka $2.85 A. K. laVetlViT. l-eaior. "BEWARE OF THE BRIDE . fbc tlN-iM r noriti a., rhaln. nr.I no rhatna, wayf A. J. nurd an. a.t. fc'iilh an riuni. ra.i to rnaiua to point at Pure Strawberry Jain r.imMr.rn'iit 4-lb. palls 75o I PIT nrj MTh.iT L".aK'il Mav ttiiit. lfl hl.E. j Mrfiuil.. Ixralor. Carnation Milk. .7 Una $1.00 OiEEM ' MARl'rTTt IHLVItK ALICE ARM LOAN I A J i...'.n. Aient Limit It tin lo earli 1 hi.I.k f riaaunla.Uaiier- nidirr lhal I of InSraat laadn In l-afJp'i r . kn! Ihr "Ruth fit t'ne Rockies" Episode 13 Mull ao! i customer. t. r. orri !i.r naMtral aaa and i iroleHaa I otraTtttK otefJli.Hia will coin CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTt AND Iiel Monte Pineapple 1 ' nan nrina al s poal ptanten al f roRce tm I fee Hat a belwara t lo- AUDITOaa 3 tins for $1.00 v.mhra.i r.mar of BwaaafJ I. Tp a ra On UIUm and KilaaMlt Mier Improved Property ham I.Und. ansrmrd A. A. ' ' 1 R0RIE & SMALL Del Mont Sliced Peaches - on Long Term 4 tin a for $1.00 ..annMn-iaMat ..m.h I here is a market . . Raa Partnar 11 MCite Pears L-ated May ttmdtir ! $ Tmtmm i OEORCC RORIC. OJI. t inwFn pmrF.i Mortgages 4 Una for $1.00 A I Pardon, Arm! ,f AblMil.tafai, a tutaaWr man Auditor fur I'mirr Sijiwrf rny Ai.lli'irKrd Tro.lrr 111 Rankruolrr Ttie above eanned fruit kt1 I.AP hMTWT IITI1I1 r 1 lie inna win ineii Mi ' If? S 7 f JLJM K A A ViJK. JSUV specials will not be sold viiEj i Mvni.orrt: ii..o. McCaffery, Gibbons & Avdltlaf Partn.rthlai Acceunta liaair for favrana. laiaat'aatlana UqaMaltaea al these price in lesa Takr nrdlrr thai I Inland lu ami) to ahn' aaa Doyle, Ltd. 1 hirf ianmla.Kirr nf Landaf .r a lin riaantlal Repent, alt. AaalaamaaU tl.on lots. than 1.. pnMprrt iiatarsl saa and .trdraai It re.rnani mere nun a l INSURANCE AND KrL ESTATE fad.ral B.lldl.f, Prlnca ayparl Hea Pearl Sardines -irri ',.i arrr. .4l be lakeii 1. 1-III.' 1. in Any x Plwai tl trd Aa. riwaa SI7 Baa Ml .annum,ai ifi sl aa aim at she CLOn-IIN'G is ihe order of tl.ecV 6 tins for $1.00 wrtiihne.l eTrsjer of SinMij ft tp. t, f.. nr rli Ihe attiliule af th.- aaarhaaf A. M 'a V W. d. and I.lbby'a Pork ruid FJeans. 2'a , "oTr rhr It eWna a eilii.-n. rexsrwlua the enlabll.l Pr 2 Una for 35c: dozen $1.90 rnaiaa. aoulli SB rSaaaa .Wat St rhalna to ( i4uir atitra beA.. i While our prices arc all Cash Shelled Walnuts, per lb. 6O0 Loraiea any en, a. mrr rni and the eMetler towi 'flu Pearline in 20-or. pkjts. a. l.arraan."aa. aaaaai.uwaaur a taking into consideration materia 1 ... ... . 2 for 25o ai. ji a.,...i-rj -.irir. ni m ph. 4 EEI.M I.AII. iTfUrT- liltTfcli I and workmanships We have received a shipment of White Wonder Laundry.Soap Oil! V . II l i.i.Tirr ,e.ii HinataltMl. Virloria. In ker- Tali n 4irr I'ul inleanl In appty In the 3 ror 25c; 13 for $1.00 . hi-r of laaaja Bar a aeenaa. mil ina with her aater, Mra. II each thfJ the famous Palinolive Toilet Soap zrwix .yes ?jx'trum K,rin garment. 11 for $1.00 . 'rfiinir.irui a. a pom ptanim a. inv i lower ii- no, .-. ..rnrr ,r naruon p. " arc prices. Finest Ontario Cheese ham laland. aaarkrd A. W. Ma J. C " .1 An intere.iiiiic M Indian n-d. - 2 lbs. for 65o ihr.H...r ...nit)..i..i a ii mmM.t alaaaaa.aa weal JJ!S5f" ,n "' form of h al.Nie haMin. r i Maid of Clover Creamery . -..nnw-ienieoi ' a. : Wi found by Waiter Haellonnlili . . .. . . I aaaaamaa-il Mai wlfaaS Ij tlassic Under in bulk 3 Iba. $1.25 I W MrllttBr-. lorawr. Mi 1 itoraVm. Afeni ! wharf road ll in on .-ihiMli. We buy American Currency, kllM I Ol. liMTRl'T fdnTRICT Wrilll lieiw-l.- IllllUK a torr Vll.iv . IKHIOTTK I.I UIH Silver, Gold or Takr im.ii r ihai I miend to Miott In Ma 1 ' Two Strap Rills b.i f "iiii.....i'.i.-r of aaola fur PRESIDENT OF CIVIL tl tnel Sl Rupert Table Supply Co. (... iiyii. n .iih u rhalna. eaat ao rhalna, RVICE ASSOCIATI IPPERS aouth an .'ham. wasi fa chsias to pdal at PROTESTS AT OTTAWA rmuitMHircttv-iil. PHONES 211. 211, L'Kal'd May Ifnd. Ittt. A U Mr le TIPS. I junior. A i Osraua. Afaxil. Il l TAW A, .Inly :v. I H I for ladies, in black, kid, black and brown suede. Murium-, pri-nldi-iil of Itie nil and rtP rv ice Ann.H-ialloll of OllaA.i j ban writ ten HI. Hon. an I j Consumers Coal Co. Ltd.' V.. F taster, Bi liiinprtrnc iinni.i. i . Children's Slippers protest lnr in the nam.- ..f it,,. Room K Smith Drxk tSSAetalaon. al ttie r.-i'.nl di-inlsaala in patent leather, black and brown kid, in all sizes. Sole Afrati in the l'il Offn.. ami Cuatema depart tnent a. Trices of these are down to pre war levels. Mr. Mas I a nea, while iionui upboldillaT efficiency In lh. , 4 . ice, ioinla out the Model greal m r SEE OUR WINDOWS davidual banlahifM beiim auff. . ant by those Who are hein Unl off a tai leo.minendn instetd .f Jabour Bros., Ltd. Telephone ajMjMiaiil'ii'iii theae dimils, maoV that no i. u,-w n,. Number 7 ncrviaia till th.- surplus in u,. .. O'REIUf and nth. i ili'i' irtiwenla an-orbed MARTIN Corner Third and Seventh fcy uiiafcr to oMn i .. Wljl Taka Coal Back If not Satisfied. Iiarlinenls wli'i.- I a.-1 1. i. . , in . di d.