Page 2 titk daily M..i,.uv p. i v INOVA SCOTIA EM 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C 1 1 1 1 1 , The Daily News SAVED F I lie", rgjcn. . PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News LIFELONG MISERY - LEGISLATURE Printing and Publishing Co.,Third Avenue. Will Opan In march with Big H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. An J a Dnf rl OpTrntlen.hf Chang In Oppotltion Rank Taluaf-FRUIT-A 1 IVi.S SUBSCRIPTION RATES I HALIFAX. K'K II Tli-iinlnriiiifH City helix ry, by carrier or mail, per month $1.00 of jn.iph'dti and N. Hy mail lo nil part of Ihe Hntish Umpire and the United Htates. II. J-ihn.lon.- uhlch llfink lh--"li'-akiT In advance, per year jn.oo. in tin- N'ia.i Scotia lloiixc if CHEWING To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50. "I AsxiMnlily, mII i are down on n I' i-lnlio ftnilM'i-Mik' ineluir of. TOBACCO TELEPHONE OS. 'n.-v clriiionN wlK ii Lieulriuiul j governor .McCitlluin lirnnt uiens, 5 Transient Display Advertising $1.25 per inch each. Insertion ,thi' I'rotinciiii LrislalurN-. early ( Transient advertising on front page $2.00 per inch 'in Mjirch. ln l iiiir.lioiiort'il Loral Headers per insertion.................. -5c, per line, i isy i. iii 4f Lilii i nl (u.M-rn(tiinl nnd Classified advertising, per insertion, l!c. per word. ! :i.nsirvaiir o i -n ion, lii-h Legal Notices, each insertion, toe, per agate line. i Premier iirt' II. Murray ha ;bei-n accusloiiK'd lo slllrr hr lMk, hi- ! in Mi,. Iloiisi' lwi'lll-foiii DAILY KDITION. Monday. February 11. I9S1. MRS. M.J. CORSt 'yrnrM hjt. rercivd a m'vrri" S3 Union St, Vancouver, B.C. at Ihe loximial c lliiiiis Ui "I i off red with all the symptoms jjiily and, nlihoimli. the Mmrny m v Another Attempt to of Female Trouble, ith chroale Co '(tiAf-rnho-ni i -hd iimtiy Abolish the Bar. aacl eonUut Headaches. stipatioa otal)Iihrd Milh ciar mh cef u Another nllenyU i In he made (abolish the liar, according W iemd M A Utck Olii iiii&Jorily of seenlri'H oiv or lo Premier Oliver. This is the tintd attempt in Hrilish Culiim-liiiu tidtt af At Mf. I tried various jila opponeids mid in this ri-ii i Canodn's standard 1858 When the Hot prohibition measure was carried it Sva remedies without relief,sad thn pat the rfiHii?p, amount inr lo since largely ill order to haiii.h Ihe bar. Then it was very mmiii round myself under a doctor's care aad be that the bar was not banished but was very much villi us. nuoli adtiaed E to hT ' pcntion. 1 jof four sal i iniirl trail jr imv-' tlllllllllllllllllllllllll lipihlc, (be shiii mure than formerly. It fllay Hot hae been ipiile as pernicious refused. opposil ioi a Miririlna luiuUtlention in rmi. ai it used lit he, Imt very, ireurly. ,: . Then, I started tailaf 'Fruit s-tire; What nennlp are wondering is whether the second attempt and from tha-outset, I felt position. Ir. IMiiiumlu Iltlanr, rvill be more Hiii-ceslfiil than, the ftrsfc PfrMbly it will; hut tiirj better, Aud Out mtJUi lo campltUly of Itlrhmnnd ami. 11. V. Ijirmnn' one ran sny with any degree of certainty. It is lo le assiimesi niievfJ ma of all my misery and from Varinoulli arlhe'Teiitfiant tAIL SCHrtXJLE that it will still o legal to solf soft 'drinks' at a bar or table rir .lufferlof. My welfht was onljr 143 of once 'luiwcrfid 'lliinsprulhi' to be tad It la 153 roup ami (hr n-t of the oiihisiuki Foe tria Cast. FOR BREAKFAST .counter, and if jl .is Ihe degree nf softness will haye determined. poundi now pounjt, flfiii jcuitVc lo' be with sad beaJichea and ths ,", ocrupieti i.y mix Tlie Iftit Jf hwttrYer hhnished mrr of pai l;ra Monday.. Wwlueadaya ami Sat. the wave of a band 'or the scralchnJf a pen. ll i an attractive terrible Const!patiou;and w hat UTrd mriHt-r ai. uv laitvr oiiiiwr, itr9y a i0:5 a. III. i institution npareiilly. me fro ni misery is ths splendid fruit most of whixu have neer al in; il 1 t medicine, 'FlitatiTe,. Ihe House Jeefore. From tha EaaU f Rupert Brand Prince of Wales MItS.M.J.GORSE. upposmon ksaosr Sunday. Tuelays and Tburn-days Was Interested. 50c. a box,6 for$2 JO,trfal alze 25e. W. II. CorninH f Chn(iih. at 7:(5 p. in. Some of the London newspapers are intensely inane. A re- At all dealer or feat postpaid by IndeiendenLj ilonoervalMe, Is cent number of Ihe Loudon Times tells of the Prince of Wales Frait-a-Ures Limited Ottawa, Oat. looked upon a the probable For Vancouver and South. KIPPER s visiting Ihe Times newspaper publishing house and says without leader of tlie Oppoitition. Mr. Tuesday 7 p. in. a. twinge or souirm that "the Prince look a keen interest in Kf.minjr Ml in Ihe loral House Thnrvlays 1 1 p. in. everything he saw."" ) SAILS from latl to ItfIA and aeuireil a ."Itirday i A Nourishing and Delicious BteaVfm Feed What did the Times Ihink Ihe Prince went Ihere for? Surely; hit of parliamentary i'twritni p.Ri.j Pfhruar IS and tO there could not he as inane a remark made by Ihe simplest ImmjI AWNINGS n I unneeenaary to the rlilef of a mi the street. let tlie Times is supposed lo oe one. or trie greni Hinall and poihly unetabte From Vancouver and South. newspapers of the world. It is hard on a prince lo have to sutler TENTS siuup. ' IV LUUii. and cook for ten minutei remarks of lhat kind, because Ihe inference is Hint usually the When ankeil l indirale the Igiindaya Hp. m. pro ' priiicp had uot.brains enough to be interested in anything, but on J. F. MAGUIRE bable eour?-o-)f legislation at the W,lniU;s alnrdays In tail 4 a.a. m.m. Sold by ull Rcstuurotits. Retail Grocers w5. Buicj ;tlns particular occasion he outshone Ins ordinary sell. riiiuinar .e.ii,n of ihe House of 712 Second Ave.. Prinee ilupert February 7 and 9 1 SMOKED DAILY BY The Prince is really a veryJrright young lad. but he would Assembly, for the Canadian Pre, . s-eem to be anything but that, judging 'from the Loudon papers. Agenta for Premier Murray id. C. H. JONES & SON, Ltd. "Kveryone! vor an,OM .d aie. -,. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ill Timbermen's Association 40 yean' experience aa maker kniw. Ihe eoiinlry i here and Suiulnti 10 n m Should Prove Valuable. v v are all poor.- 'V. dmtsdays V p.m Prince itupert, II, f While it it generally a a rem I thai and The timbermen of Ihe north are now fully organized should do some excellent work. They all have much in common little tu'w lefiitlation tninT r-m an.n, anri iri im and by helping each other may help also themselves-. The timber PRINCE RUPERT TIDES the expenditure of.jarge miiiix or,THelyg ln iniluslry is one of the most imiMirtant industries fif thejiorth. oue money t romempiairti ami fori 'riursdays ..,' p. in. February 15. this reaon,l he .program Im mie. i ill ine nasic innusiries. u siiouiu nme ioiiu inner inuusirir Tuesday, dependent on it. '. - . , High. IJ:IH a. m.. 10 feel. hal in ilouhl. there are straws FaT. Port simp,on, arrawjai,. Mill At Ihe present time there is little, done north of Swanson 10:10 p. III.. I5.K fret. which point Ihe ay lo definite jBay. Wales Island and Nass River. .B.C. Government Irrigation Projed Hay to use Ihe limber except lo VawTl Into lumber There is a Low. 12:18 p. in 6.9 freL hpiilalive arllon. . .Sundays....? I J p.m. box factory at (ieorgelown and two resaw and planing mills in Wednesday, February 16. Mlflhways Act ! . SOUTHCHN OKANAC&K VALLCY. l mill has HIrIi, 7:26 a.m.. I.9 fet. Perhaps the mot illlporUnl of From PL. Slrnoaon. Aerand.le. Mill thist city. Only the one,at the Prince Rupert lumber of 'Hixer. l f.., IT mil. 1 1 1 1 been used as yel, however. The olher, owned by the Charlotte 20:37 p. in., lt.7 frd. thee is. Hie inve.ligalion pn-lOav. Wale, laland and Waa Rlifae. ulTereil al At CTIlr.V at Pent) I Islands Spruce Products, Ltd., lias jiol turned a wheel yel, but Low. 0:IC a.m., H.7 m. cs-edlnjr at .reJ nt. un.Ier a lloyal Tueadays a.m. and 51 h, 1021. , it is confidently hoped will be reorganized 'and running full blast lt: p. in., (5.7 feel. ComiiliHxIon. of the niliniiiilrn. I in the spring. f pion or, fhe ll8hwfys AH In .Wni Quean CHarlotta IstaeD.; Irrlrjatlon System in.talled hy the lr.. The more we can use our lumber nl home instead of exporting The time usa Is racmo Stan Seotia. Whatever mhy he tlieiL.or viasse'tL Pan. Clement, and Imiiliia. it in the rough Male, Ihe belter jt will be for the dtMrirt. dard, for the 120th Meridian west oulrome of this ineligali..n il i ; rjpper M,nrJ p,,,, First Paymsnl, 20 per cant Cash, lialau- It is counted from 0 to 24 hours agreed that the elrcuih-tanee. r.h.ev n.i ir. roouiii iiriim live )inra from ' Good News Regarding ' . from midnight to midnight. leadintr up In il- Inslflulion d row Mlu,tt prl Clements and! C per eent. Local Pay Checks. The table given Is for. Port iih Miiii)'r4iirni firogrpeis win lornn Upper Inland roinln- For returned B. C. Scldlsrs slinilar i-1 -in Tiood news was received from Ollawn on Saturday when Simpson but the time for Prince Ihe tmhjerl for lengthy debate anl' February 5 and 19 irv r. ni enh initial payment u ! word wa received that the local outnlaiidiiig pay checks from Rupert -varies only a few minutes prKihle ainenilment to the exist.' after fl- rnr, itlijirt In ei;l' ri' . the drydork would be cashed at once by the government ageijL on some' days and onolhers is ing highway. leftilalion. Indeed ivnr gxifjuni 0'ieeo rharlotl' Lets In new Townslte of Oliver mil ! As (iipt. Saunders is not at present in the cily, there will he a dcl-iy ine same, ine range oi me line many are or the peiter that tlie Oily and lsiwr Islsnd points lime. of a few days, but il will be a great relief for a good many who may be computed as 5 per cent activities of the members of Imlh ., have advanced llo it back. .The members of Ihe Hoard February 2 and lit For full delailt, hpi.' yenxrnl mfoii money gel greater at Prince llupert than at Ide of Ihe llou.e will renlre From Pkldenat. Uu.:i, ;harlnili or Trade who went good at the bank for a considerable sum were Port Simpson both at springs and alr.ul the question of highways J. H. NAhl n and Lower beginning to fear tbey would have In pay the note they had giveji. neaps. Therefore the rise in the throughout Ihe approaching m-h- City February 5 Island and 19 oolnla Ileptily Minister of Li.'"' s 1 The bank was willing to renew the note for a short lime Joiigef, prince llupert harbor is slightly slon. but not for an indefinite period. greater than Port Biinpson. Liquor Legislation For th Skagway and Yukon. Merchants who had cashed some checks were badly tied ip The height is tn feet and tenths II is also taken ft r? granted lhat! ' as a result, but the decision or Ihe Government will relieve thif. of feet above the average level of the: referendum held on Ihe que. From February 7 and 21 The curious thing is why il should have been necessary to delay lower low water. ion of liquor, importation in Oet-i Skagway and Yukon. February 1 2 and 2fl 0 long. Ler, which reullei in an over-! t aaar l i ri i m . in.7in.i-in .a-iii helminit defeat for Ihe wet Itewart. Maple Bay and Iwimn rorceji, win provoke lesimalion Paint. ookintrlo the further eurlallmenl 'iFOn GRAND TRUNK PAC IFIC Dr.JOS. MAGUIRE applicatio.ks fob mum a fehmits f the distribution of intoxicants: February 6 and 30 S.S. PRINCE GEORGE sailing t.Di:n act is is ty a re-deflnllton of the privilefres FROM ' MMniirbt Th'irmls v r..i Kvnin n U .!' DENTIST. - AppMraiion for p"in M mie !! if the Hrenxed liquor vendors, i February 7nnd 30 Vi.-ti.ria .rT.I a He. V ! lor on lb Crown rmnn within cb Graiint Dl.irWl or Ihe Province or Britmn ! Try a classified advertisement S. 8. PRiriCE JOHN Columbia surtnr IB rriimt Pin or MORE REVENUE jif you wrinl to buy or sell or if For Port OlemenU, Martt. Itinkl. tin Y Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Block nters lJI mutt it Cariboo,lie ntd Cranbrook,will) Ihe DlitHel Fori Oeorse,for j you want anything. A lot of buslines. enitthern fjlteen nuirlotte Inland- I Slewarl. February lh ami nth. Is done lhat Mmlnopn, Aelvin. Pnnre Rupert, Vsocou war. Lady Assistant Open Evenings vtr. Vernon or uti the Commlnioner of THAPTEXPENSE TRAIN SERVICE, Office Hours: Phone 575 Sunday by Orailnr, nepariinent of l.tnrt at Vletorla, IasenKer Monday, Wednisfay and 3sturds t ""'s. " 9-1 2; 1.6; 7-9. Appointment B.C. nn or before Marrn II, Ull. for Bmitlirra. Prince Oeore. llmonln and w f;,,, Hlank forms upon whlrn to submit p TO SUBSCRIBERS tnif iliril cnunerlinni for all point- - " .llmllunf may oblalned from the That Is Present Condition of Pro. Agency All Ocean Steam.hlp wnc. trie! Forenlers at the above named ciaeea or from the Department of Lands at Vic vlnca under Oliver Administration Cuhscribera to The .Ntws roe infirmailna arS rewratifna arl: WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING GOOD DWELLING SITES toria. are asked to pi.y the delivery CHf Tlat.i Oo. I re TVf . A Double Corner wllli mapniflcent view on Allin Avenue, Tl sratlns of liveitock on the Crown boys each month S-eion ? $760.00 Pair. prohibited rante wltnoul uy law.permit commutes tretpais. VintmiA. Feb. IJ7 IlHlish when tbry eall. except Two Lots on I'ourth Avenue on (irafl J f 1 1 1 wills beautiful . H. JIADE.1, :lmnl)lii ha. u siirplu. revenue where payment has been view , , $2,000.00 Pair. Deputy Mimmer of Linos. ver expenditures for Ihe Ibirnl mads for the year In advance. A Fine Building Sit 50 x 50, at corner of Dunmnulr and Department of Unds, ear endloir Mairh 30 lawl The boys when Fourth Avenue, one of the most desirable lle to he vietoria, h. t; l mount RAI , Jantiarr II lh. toil. In? lo f.151,3Hy, acrordlnt: collection carry ofTlclal re. CANADIAN PACIFIC had $1,000.00. o the pul lie pcequnl presented ceipts whlrh should always WS Sw aBsr as - One Lot on fixih Avenue In Peclinn 5 $425.00. LAM) ACT. to the LeKiMlatitrn Ibis afternrion . be preserved, csnaoish esotrio oessa int'" Two Lots on Park Avenue, Hecllnn 1, close lo-Thlrd Avenue, SOTICE OF IXTf-HTfOM LfcAbK LA M.TO APPLY TO by Hon, John llarl minlsliT of B.C. Coast Steamship Serric" ' only ...r..... ,., $760.00 Pair. .......In Vueen Charlotte llanla Land District finance. , ,Z. H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. ai a(l-n Mi..,,Harbour.....iir, adjoinin wi cm,.,Lois,uq 411 nilUBl and The lolal reVenue ffr Ihe year; MARY S.S. PRINCES3 prlil Insurance Bonds Rentals TAKE NOTICE that I. Hum B. Habinr was l3,8Hl,r;02.75 and Ibe ex. . .. v ' urn or prlne nupert. KT - l.l.LfL.H I av QL.Mia.siU AlAftUli '' o:ciipatlon Mailer pendituren Jon , current Arrotint rr nvviiiptBii tfuiionv) iaiajrji BAGS! BAGS! warmer, inienni vi apply tor pennlolon to lean I be following dearrlbeit latidl: were l 1,588,0027 and on rapll-j Rupert i.miirfipcrinr at a pott piamea al tn nonhwett rner of Lot (ti, on oeorr al account expenditure- charged 24, February 7 and 21. THEO COLLART, Notary Public Polnli Ihenee wiulh mains more cr to Income was l,0IS,Jfl, multlntr ' Iluy a bag of subatrntlsl qiality, January leta lo trie low waler mark or ftaden of material that weara snd wllh For Vancouver, Vlotorla and Beaws ir Real Eatate Rentals Inauranca llartxiuri Ihenre aoutheaiterly and follow-inr a total expenditure of I3,&0,- a frame lhat Is ronitrui t for and fl trie aaid low waler mark 10 cnaml 15 and 23 February 12 EDSON COAL Culk SI 1.28 ton delivered more or !" to a point oue west 7.1 27I.7D. service, yet of light weiifht. IM January per rhairia from the Soiiinwrit corner of Lot us effulp for The lolal surplus assets over you properly FOR SALE Sacked, $ 4li Ihenre eaat 7,40 chain! to Ida (ouin Iravtlling. " 10 Moat Liberal MARINE INSURANCE on the Coast went rorner of lot .411; tbrnc eortn. linbllilie. increased . during IIia ror raiet, rrallon to4 faituis. we.ierly and follow Hit the hliD w Insurance Company of North America. Pays Claims promptly mark of Bladen Harbour 17 rhalm mora ater or year rrom Z2,Hi,3fi2.r,2 tn F. M. VJ, 0. ORCHARD, Oensrai u ge leta to the point of rommenrrmeni and Crosby 2.1,107,20.5. - - roiilaimus S arret more or leta. Cor 3rd Avenue and 4th Street t riov- P.O. Doi 06 Weitfeolme Thealr Block Pbone Blue 69 iit Mt n. rDiUT(j.i, 7IS Tblrd Avrnut, Prince Rupert Per Fred. an. B.C.L.8., atenl, aaatwefeeweetweeJeeMeeM am ruled the iu day of January, Itu. Advertise in the Daily News,