TTTrfmii.Y IffWS The Daily News Skin Sufferers iMINES IN B. C. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Read HAD INCREASE Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News "I hki a aevere attack of Ecrem, . Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue, un Mr. Michael Taplejr of Radiwoa, Sak. " My body xai limply covered IN PRODUCTION H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. with eruption. I had tried every aalve and akin aoap that money could buy be for t bit Zam-Huk. upon fircl neuKk. a HUH , J SUBSCRIPTION RATES I "7am-Puk proved the very treatment Despite the Unsettled Market1 I needed. I used Zam-Uui Medicinal City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month ...... i . . . . 11.00 Soap for bathirif.and afterward applied Conditions, Gold was the Only ratU5U!1 - oil Hy mail to all parts of the Itritish Umpire and the United Stater the ZanvPuk balm in liberal quantity. Metal that Fell Soothing and comforting this treatment in advance, per year $0.0(1 toon brouM aowtine imp'o-mnl rrrtt.. To all other countries, in advance, per year. $7.50, cawpleteh too with curt am buk reiutiea :n mr hla artea Despite xeri"n ilrups in the m More Tobacco for'the Money fenrr l"e Zam.Uuk for Colt. Wound or Sore, lirite irf nmlBl- tltiring the ynrl ltt eraltna power iatoaihiptf' 30c ail 4ealn. TELEPHONE 08, lUifO. t'te liMtltillifeioiis mines of Hsitisll Cotuoiliin nwnte n total -Irs am-Buk Transient Display Advertising $1.25 per Inch each Insertion "input of :. KtA '9 . iw an Transient advertising on front page . . . . . . $.00 per inch. itu rease in ne...iteti' n over l!M1 Local Headers, per Insertion, ... . . . SJSic per line You Need ji f sill.'),157, nivi" ilinn to lite pre. j Classified Advertising, per insertion, ,. . . . . . 2c. per word litninary exliti .1. .n! n-view of: Legal Notices, each Insertion, 15c. per agate line. tniueraj prolnri.. n jnl io4lisli.... miU-1' ill jnv"- , iimrn.ra j ji ui SUITCASES l: the provin. i. i K"'Tnment. Contract Hates on AjvL'tttion. All advertising should be in the Daily flews' Oftlce on day pre The gold pr"l "((!.ti if the pro- !nre for the lt?n I aiuouiili)! ceJing publication. All advertising received subject to approval. TRUNKS '.ir in allie lo'ij? ;!lrt. II di'frense HANDBAGS r-oiii tlio . tlinv year 'I aL. ' (111 Ji DAILY EDITION. I'ridiiy. January 28. 1021. sraa.u:. Win. an ii -nrel i HAH CnrwmMV ninlnn 7. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL tiiise nf lower " I of -i,' titxl ; lAiiiK it SMMIUs i:ul tutliL. uinin ' Keen Interest a ill aaiu iMH-ome profttaMn and In Fish Cars. J. F. MAGUIRE an iti(irei.ei irxlueliin nwk in-looked Keen inleroet wn taken lard evening in Hie articles, published 712 Second Ave., Prince Rupert for. In titu tjiiar i t -tricl in this paper regarding the need of fish cars. II was n general was the I unseat jrM pr. ilueer. MiliU'ct of roiiveryaliou everywhere and the Xe came in for Coal Production' a round of commendation for the action it was taking in giving Tlie t'olWerie- of (tie jcuvllllc 'publicity -io Hie cause. It is at last corning home to the people PRINCE RUPERT TIDES hte more (btin held lUvk own. AIL SCHEOULr here that a siilllcieucv of cars i- necessary lo the pi-ogres, of tint having itiaile n itet" nrixftiettot) f ,cily and something on which ll elTorts will be concent rat rd. It Friday," January 28. -',718,25H Um. ; htvu t llSkStit.- . For th EtsU FOR BREAKFAST 'High, i: 10 a. in., SI.2 .feet. 1 10 and C.fOO l0 of eoV valued Mondays. Wednesdays ana Sal be that the llsJierriicii's 'organization and the., labor is to hoped 10:56 p. in.. Jil.l feet. at $177,330. T!te nel run pro- lrlav at 10:1ft a.m. organizations in the city will bark up Ihe Hoard of Trade and Low. 1:I7 a. in., 5.H feet. iHciion rr r.'ro exeHji ni.n r Rupert Brand other organizations in their efforts to secure justice in tills re 23:3 p. in.. 5.1 feot. vne iirevmu wiir ny taji.nni in ?rcm lrt Caat. imh It means so much to the city that nothing should le left Saturday, January 29. :imt um a matter of fael wa only Sundays. T.teaday and Thura. undone to bring to the attention of the Railway Company ami Ihe High. 5:30 a. in., 20.5 feet. xreeded one pre ionx yi-iar, IVIO. days at' 7: 15 p. m. ' 17 :53 p. til.. 17.9 feel. iien it wa but linhtiy irreal r. (ioverumeut the absolute.necessity of providing proper equip-menl. KIPPERS Low. 11:1 1 n. in.. 6.5 feel. The qiiantHy of -diver iirtMlin-ed For Vancouver and South, 23:5S p. to.. 7.1 feet. it efitimle to have been ajioiil Tuesdays 7 p.m.11 Make Purchases The time usj3 ts Pacific Stan- 1. 10 1.920 otinre worth S05.- Thursdays II p.m.! A Nourishing and Delicious Brenkfkst Feed lard, for the 120th .Meridian west. 3S. inree in jtii prmlualmti Sunday , . . . 8 in. In the p. City. It is counted from 0 to 51 hours from 19 IP of t.rsn? unm. hut January 10 and !I0 Word has been received from Ihe acting chairman of the from midnight to midnight owinsr in the lower market vtiltie Place in frying pnn with a little hi newly-formed purchasing committee of the" Donjiuion Government The table given is for Port af iilvr. a deerea;M in vtilia- of From Vancouver and South, TOV,. and Cook for len minutes asking us to notify the people of Prince Huperl that so far as Simpson hut the time for Prince -327.3 t'J.Tite Skeena .itrw-! undars 8 d. in. Rupert varies only a few minutes possible all purchases for Dominion' Ooveniment work in this on some days and on others i iwond to Sloran in -ihe prdiir. U'edneaye 10:30 a. m. Sold by all Restuurnnts, Retail Grocers Butchen neighborhood will be' made locally. $herever- noMble, Under lien. I rut onlays k 8 a. m. he same- The range of the title SMOKED DAILY BY will be called abd the co-operfttion of local merchants' tsfasked iif Copper and Lead" January i9 order that the business bekept here. T he Commission takes may be computed as 3 per cent The ninoiiril of rnuuar eMItit may greater at Prince Kupert than at Canadian Fish Cold Iii nled to have noen prtMlrre4l ini- &t Storage Co., over the work of the War Purchasing Commission and will provide eaP ftnyo, and'atte. Arm. Port Simpson both at soring and the supplies for all branches of public work, including Jhe 1920 ohowa at eoinparMl with ttii-'undiiyi V. 10 p.m. Prince" neaps. Therefore the rise In the Uujwrt. B.C payment for labor. One paragraph of the letter will be snlllcieiil ureiiHi ymr a -liuhl tnerea in j UVdneednya y p.m lo give the idea: Prince Rupert harbor is aligktly quaittitv. hut. ottinat U ibn lawer) From flnroi and Alice Arm. greater than Port Simpson "To assist iif carrying out' this .policy, in so far as it is possible, LnarLel nellinr iiriee. deerraee in :Tuesday . . ; ajn. 1 ask.your aid. Perhaps you will be good enough to take The.helght is in feet and tenths,,!,,,.. The pr.luclion la ealim-l -hursdavs . . d. ni. of feet above the average level of steps to see that the busiiess interests' of your district are in- men ar -12.444.buo ixaonu. amen: fi)rmedthat their co-operation is essential. They should appre-H lower low water. 1 311.321 idnd niOre Ihaiv the iFop Port simp.on, Arrandala, Mill Special Prices! ciale the fact that government business is good business and that ccmrtcATt or inpnovcacnT. lJfO output. The valwe Tor the , Bay, Wales Island and Naas River, their emfeavors lo assist vili recl to Ihe development of Ihe Imn Dnke Mineral claim. Lot .So. m year "a 7.IH5,3u. whieli com- Sundays 1'J p.m.' country and their district; in accordance with the services rendered." ron Dak EpMjin Aa Mineral t Mineral claim,CUtm,U .10.Lt IJjd:n. pareo wiii tnaoe in (From Pt. Simpson, Arrandale, Mill HATS AND CAPS ' ' iUll) eh.m decrease f " . r-erbr Mineral claim. Uit .to. tin All a 151,-lCty Wales Island and Naas River. artHxmnr mineral riim annate in oneen 500. Skeena produced more Tuesdays narioiie winina uiTif Ktn nupen liiamci. a.m. Committee,on Where leeaietl: On Loote lllitvt copper than any other divfuhin in' . Cow Bay Problem ' TAKE .MiTii.E that I. C. J. Henen ef the Big Variety . . - t:iry or yaneourer. Province or Brttin the province. j QUMrt cilBrlotls Islands: II is to be hoped thai the ,eommiltee appointed lo make ' niiiintua. free Mlnefa certinrate no. si -7S-B, The totart amount of lend iro-Kor Masaett. Port Clements and artlnr on betiair of mvaeir and at recommendations in regard lo Ihe settlement of Ihe Cow Hay rent for .el Peroen. or ttie tald Clly cf u" " " "-mnaiei to nave; rjpper JaMf pnlots- STEVE KING problem will be the InsL 'If they complete the work and the anffuTer,intenfl tre iiity.nfnera(0 eninraie dava tne k,-IJI-C. been 2t.5i5.Ot7 pound. alu-d at Januarr 10 1' matter is settled, thwe wII be no need of another committee. 'tat, hereof. 10 apply for a crown Oram or 1.510.I7I. Tho. repri'M-nu. a Mn Furniahlnvf Third Avtmt ine auove eutn. ro,a Ma.set. I'orl Qemeuts and Aldermen Dybho Kerr anil Perry might lo be able to make A.IO fVBTIIF.B TAKE MOT1CC that roinpareii wit 11 ine preMnii- yur. 1 Km. under aruon . mint b rotnmenced Upper Irhtnd point: such recommendations as will be acceptable lo all parlies concerned. lefwe the Ktuanre of au'ft Cerimrite of a !ecreae of 7,1)30.02) iioundu Jantitiry ? If they do this, they will 'have showu themselves worthy iirtpmrrmeni in quantity, but 011 areottnt of DATED tmi 3rd or .vor svit,. ear DeeercDer. 1. D. ,JOrt chsrlolt of the trust the people placed in them.. j I0. iiiKlier prire. an ttiTie,nvUl THEO COLLART, Notary Public C. i. BE.13E.1. n.ll and Lnfe-.r I.I...H rw.lnl.- People Looking to . if 1113.010. Tlfi.i woo the oolyr Koatl Eetata Rentala Inauranc CCRTIflCATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. metal that had hiither ' a priee in'Vm. ovm..,. ......1. Ttolt" Mackenzie Basin. EOSON COAL S12.00 vrln ; a vv a" A Lf V If UII1I f 111,4" Iron Dnke Ho. I Mineral Claim, Lot .10. lOZO than in 1910. The North - FOR SALE 1 Harked, 9 1 3.BO People here are looking io Ihe Mackenzie basin, watching iMt; Iron Dnka .to. I Minrra! (.laim. Lot City and Lor leMnd points with interest the development in regard lo a supplyof oil for .o. S314: Hlnieoe Prienon Mineral a'laim. produced prnlienlly oo lead. January 18 Moat Littoral MARINE INSURANCE on th Coeit IML Sn. 1i3b; Oarneid Mineral Clainr, Lot Northern Coal Company of Nor IB Amria, i'aya tlaima y. i- ' fuel purposes. It is not far nwny from here and there' is a possibility In. fjin adloinmr mineral claimf of the big line coming out lhis For that Ituate tn Oueen charlotte Mininr Dmion The quantity of line ef imaled For Skaaway and the Yukon. pipe way. reason euperi niiiriCL wnere located: on Loutae have heen P.O. Baa ii W..ILlme TltMtre Blonk PtMeeNMil to iV2 they were much surprised at the action of the Dominion fSovern-ment prrxlureil in Jauunry 25; Fi hruary 8 and 22. TAKE .IOTICE tnal I. A lei. Rorera or tne atnoutiled to 70.7fk5.2oK ruod. in closing down prospecting in that district. To what extent Cttv or Vancouver Provinee. or Urittna to-li'inbli. From Skaqwair and Yukon. they were justified it is dilllciilt lo say without a belter artina-Free on beiuir Miner of certiflrate injelf and H7J-H. aaent uhif'h ehow an inereaVe of January in, 30; February 1.1 knowledge of conditions than is available. There is a very general vr nipu .iinKium. 01 ue Mia 1.117 or 20,027,017 pouniN over 1010. Th" and 27. Vanrouvtr, Fre Miner'a Cerlinraic ?io. waS l t:i value. .002,8 5.1 i:i,272. feeling, however, that it may be an effort to shut out the :o3 l). intend alitr 1601 daya fiom tne date Hereof, to apply for. a crown Oram ren).er than the preceding year. ! latantioe to l. land. poor prespeclor and to give the advantage to Ihe big concerns. r 'Tie aoove riaunt. Trust the delicate AMI FLIITIOH TAKE NOTICE ttiat ac Ornineea wa a law produeer of, (i-m Mr... r.... If this is the case it is wrong. It is expected thnt the fiovernment tion, unner aerllon Si. muat be rritnmenced will soon make themselves clear in regard to this or that questions brrore Ih9 laauanee of aurn Ccrtincate of zinr in Hie yearr Idiitrlet. HnnnUBr Outnrt or Alire Arm. fabrics to Improvementa. t he Telkwn (;o!ferlen Co wnft ,nu anuaia at nun r.Lnit creeal will be asked in Parliament so Hint people may know' what DATlD tnia ird day or uecemDar, file. to expect. ALEX HuCfcHS. the only northern coal prjueer rT J nMr Ahoill 1,2.9 ton un mined atfl It PRORATE. AMnonjr Mroulre and Bernard W. arret, I.'X THE Sl'PHEMK COI'HT or rlHITISH shipped to l'riliee rttiperl Ul I9t0,f Atlre Arm. oreupaOnn protpertor am) i:OLCMBIA. and continued proTluelion i aioraterper. intenda m appty far permii-loo It THE MATTER OF THE ADMIMJTHA- lo leiae the rIMlnf dearnbed landfil Dr.JOS. MAGUIRE iio.i At;t iweted Coaktneneiof at a poai ptanlfd aotitneail' and erer, l thatna awtiierly direetinn frorni I.t THE MA TTFIt -IF THE F.STA.TK OF GFOIMiE .AEW'MA.V, DECF.A8LO, l.tTEr). DASHED TO DEATH .K. corner of Lol ; tne nee (liaina ' TATE. north: ineiiea ta enema wmti tnene ti DENTIST. TUE NOTICE ttrai In order of ilia AGAINST THE ROCKS rbaina aonui: thenre tu rnaina eait and , Honour F. Me H. Vouna.' made tne Ird dav ronialalnt f rre, rnure or lea 5. 'i nf Janoarr. A. D. mil, 1 a appointed AflTHOV VrOt lHK. Aoniini4iraior 10 tne rniat or uenrae .tew-Diao, 8aaAH0 w. aAniterr, I Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Block ttrairint drreaM'd.t!e raid and citato all partlra are nerrliy navma requsrrd rlaiina Thirty-glx Lost Their Lives In Oal Nnvemtier l. 0. to rurwin ratne, prfperfy verined In ne, Wreck of Schooner Fellcldad m ut Itefore the 410 day or February, II PltOHATK. Lady Assistant Open Evenings A. D.vivii. and all partlea Indebted lo the IX THE AI'I'MKIHK ttfHT ' Office Hours: Phone 575 Sunday by eotate umir injeuieunewa are rettmrrd 10 ki me pay nirinwna the amount of MANILA, Jan, 27, Women Vtus Wm "'"t ni."iti,A 9-12; 1-6; 7-9. Appointment 4011.-V 11. MCXI.I.U.1, with hahex and onieial Adininuirator. MATTfcfl or Till? UTMir kit liATKO. tni ih riav or iannarv, mm. hoard and were tlrowned or dahed lA Vr-a MAIIIKIIUA, !ir. r.Aio; IA rt. IV LAMD ACT. lo death aalnut Ilia rook 011 Ihe T I ik.v!I L (ITI-V ,.. K .... Keep Baby's Garments f: O der of ihe captain of M.e !, iVTVV Natlae ef Intnllon te Apply te Pvrchaaa ! .... A tvrerked xehooner Felipldad at the Ai;miiUirair in tne eui of janiea Maine. Dainty - , tMreaed. and all partlea harmv rUima G. H. ARNOLD, Notary Public tiirt of trinee Mupert. and aituata atwul intiinn 01 tne .tljro nier, tieeortl aiainat tui aaid iaie are hereby required irriutcd Mie and one half tnllea eait of tne town. ,. i i in furniatl aanie, (.ruferly termed to tne, Paby'a tender akin will not be chafed or IU. or 111". Inn ,!. Mlnmln. a. ..! " mairiliriim .u.1.1.7 ii.-i r, i,n.or tK-rore the tih day of lebruarv. i if hit dainty waihed with Lua-The Ul and 14. ri'lilrty-Hlt liven were loaf. Anion? Ivrl. aim all narfif. irui,.r,tM,i i n,a i wee garmcnti are .... . . . . . .. f.tale ape ri,tiiir.-rt I,. n vattt LUX harmleM at 1 mmr Ilia iv-llll L1JJ, irriU creamy, pure tud- pure FOR SALE ewey of port Hammond, occupation faemer,! the" (Hirx n nrrt were Hie enplnln uieir iroier.teHne.. . r.rthitn. ; Itself sently clrantev. the delicate fabrict, and reitoft 'M II. MrMl I.U.V A fine double corner on ilb Avenue, hear McHriJo ;rSiS,yKiSp"rMM'''l nwmU-r of Ihft new. "nirial Aitmiiiiairilnr. them to their original toftnett. And thcLUX ratthoa niinmenrinr at a pott planted at Ine I OtTKh ihi. 4lh iiy ,,r Jmiiiarv. iti street In .Section Sjx. Sewer connection. Can. he bought aouthratl rorner or lot ll, thenre lUlnitnttn nniinrnT k1 it to tiraple and eaty. Jut dip the clotbet into a tx fur cash. An excellent site for that which rliama north: thenre to rhalnaeaiti tnenre KIIkNV I I of LUX- wf clieiip dwelling ;u t liaina loutn; thence 40 rnaina weat to uu VWltVUiatl III rinte them, tqueeze out the lurplut you are (minx to build in thq spring, ;plnl of cHiiinnreiiDl, and containlnr TriLMiri Tfllf" lirrri and hang them up to dry. No need to rub. Try w1' lid arrea. rnnre or ina. H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. Dated Wovember JOCK I'll KDOAH II, It0.THETHKWET, BAGS! BAGS! LUX way. yu will be delighted. Insurance Bonds Rentals TKLKWA. Jan. 28. - The Ilurnn On tale at all grocers, departmental ttorei, etc. eoneert held here Ihi Meek Van of Huy material a bg of that substantia)wear and quality,with SmJof our Jut udpt booh, " Th Cati Dai-H CW'" " one of the moat puereapful a IT n.Ird a frame that la conatruetcd for LEVER TORONTO held In Telkwa for ome lime.J cruJee, yet of llitht weleht Let 7,i BROTHERS LIMITEP, M.T. LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S Vcmg Dry Ciefriirig CANCKLLATIOM OP" RCICNVC Mia PanfAfrr prnvt'd a favorite u equip you tiroperly for NOl.CE IS HF.llt.Bv' GIVI'.'V that tna and other iierfofnera who pleased travelling TAILOR For good work, prompt service rererve rovermrLot 4 Id, Caialar piatrlct, Fit GvauAMTaico and reasonable price i tend goodi la cancelled. Ihe audience murh ' were Mr. F. LUX M. THIRD AVENUK to CITIZENS' CLEANERS & n. a. hadcv, Wheeler, Minn rxnn and the two Crosby Oermtv UlnlBlee or I inrta LEE. Pott Olhce 2037 4tb Ave., Vah. Oppeilu DYERS, Phone Red 136. couver. Inqulriea aolicfted Landa t leinriB,Drpirlfflrnl,. I, Mack Mrnean'.nnd Mcnurnn. 715 Third Avenue, lluprrt KVIti Oerember, 10. I.nral talent w'aa vry g-ood.