II. 11. Allen, manager of (he Itoyal Mm, arrived tail riftit from I Do You Keep Local and Personal Pitman Spur. I I'.. Haiti and I."Kitn, a close tab on your digestion? This is fmrjort. Captain ant It will pay you well to do so. Digestion Ak fur Atklnft' tJaUiaite, tf of l.loydf Umlrrwr ilira. A. Ilruwn- is complicated andits processes often become nr. rrrcf wct, aiui .v vanan-left This t disordered. brines immediate discomfort J te;r. mutton,1 ferfc, City Market. laal YQKlit C'l til 'ir return often severe pain. Use , HOIllll. NIUBANK Fur baggage; phone 580. Hyde TrarinfiT. tf ll him decided at tin1 incctliiK of 4 BEECH AM S tin- poller eojjiininiofi Inal -evi-n- Hid Hardy rflr fil Mailt for in llial a arlll Iw Iniilf nl fin- Vaiii'i)utr. ' ! ' " rminlpr in tli iwiliri- uffli-i; iimmiI iu iHwfitiiiiiy of pryiiiK aP I Lb L I.ial yme Vmlt tor talo Mithp,d,r ryra bfromiij acquainti-d M. Mrliliem. , . tfiuilh liii- IhuiIk nt llix ili.tinrliiinnl II na f-l I thai, at lb pn-m-nt This valuable preparation has for years" been I rank lrlufiiii. of A I . Ann, found to relieve indigestion, biliousness, 6ick lime." loo free .UK)1 of IIk- Mali hi Ml la-t mtefet for tl tli. mii iii-ina malc by iwraniM Midi' headache and constipation. Thousands of no li-Klliiiutln btiitinian. careful folks have learned to use IJeecham' H.lakl'lllltfl (lllUjflJl I llllilllnll rills, which have proved both corrective and Hall. 7:15 to 10. fc- ..n.J to.-. A roiiiphiiril froiii I Ik- lli'i'p Kra preventive. Experience has taucht them to IIhsc luocb a Iimihutow ai r'iliiTiinn'M Union in rrnnnl to always have as box handy. Profit by their Mi, your 309 tin' iN'iiliiirnt llial liad lrcn pit-n ' example always have ucecham s i'llls tfiiireioa. i i unj ,p. If. Captain Mrflfnni, (lie (lnlii'iiiian ' In Your Home jwlio du ll Inxl niklil. wiion Ik- IihiJ kmii I'Jii:bt 4hii. in i-aiu- jlna-n nrki'il up liy lilt- poit-- of-' SOLD EVERYWHERE IN CANADA. IN BOXES, 25 50c WW, KrXtthUt a MH"' Mm .Ii .1 ' f rin from a lrk IUiriliui Largest Sale of any Medicine in the World if kvo, wax rrad at Hi poller rniiminti nirt-liiifc laM CWvnJn?. I" ( Hani Ilrall, mJiii l.-.-u-li-r. Fur viitw of tltr ronlradlclrr wrllti n itnlmrnlx iiriwnlj-d to tlt- nun.! Tliratrtt. tf nioxion. M a il-rilrd to iiviirc' a. a furibT informal iiih uriMlfna nn'l Wlit-.lIMiit--itiMir.iBir.mPiH J. Y. Ailkin a"1 II. I. M. I.ui- invratlsralion. "II. of Hyder. Mid'ii lai nig! j Grand Trunk Pacific. for I we eoulia. . rAVICABLI WATtR raOTICTIO) , CT.!) S.S. PRINCE GEORGE sailing j I Mnliiilit 'riinculay f-.- n:tiin It.... IHimii FalU Vnm-oii-rr. Rfl $UlltM tt Ctntit 111 1 With Xaval Iti u.nl.- m iifi ( (CMfilrr lit. . Virlornt :ml Siu llr Wi-iln. -ilay 10 p. 111. Anyox. narade 1thlffM at 7 :3 a tt.n d.-n nr. :A.ttnii mh ami dun moh S. S. PRINCE JOHN H Mil!tm CO..oartyr l.lll-trtiw hrrrhf wim tltn 171 ef nnntf;itv ttui nul l or I'orl ;ii;ini'iili. M. -. lt. Itiu kli y Itav mid all point on l OiHtame Pairhairi. ami pi ii.. WnrlM tl oim. (Ml ID llx ffl ttf tor Siiullifin (.iui-i-ii Cli..il'iii. I.aianils January 3lt; Ttiurs-ilar. wr from Trtkwa rft mglit iwinn nriirar m ur Laaa iwtiMrr February 3rd Sir-wail. Poirin of fnnrr hnrrn.. i it Cttr r for Ihr mniIIi. TRAIN SERVICE. llr M pMW jif arf pntfuura M I'a-sTitfir Monday, Wednesday and Saturday at 11:15 a. m. a Dbill la lar afcraaa Hjvrr. an la urn) i William Uotdlilooiii. (- Woll I-riwrm ttr a-atrr tamwa ana ararnfira a f I IW Siniili.T.. I'nni-r fiMirar. F.dmont'n and Vinrtippg inak-inti kntmn far txiyrr. ft aaaiinra im n at amra ar ii or iii ilirrrt runnci'lion for all points pal and nouth. rirw-faar aamlinl aa ronr-a mil .1 tor Vanrwuvtfr. aaaar Brr i. ! IH'trtrt. at lor!, Agency AH Ocean Steamship Lines I'lnntcr or anut OMaanmt. A SB Tr JiirTi:r thai arirr ttir ei-; for rarormttioa aid rMrmatioiu apor. to Mr. aml-Mra. M. I. Mi-DnnVry .iratluri of nnr miiUi rr.au tbr data .af Car Txlil Oditi. Iia nird Ararat, aaaaa t(0 !Nr aral puhliraiian or lint nIH-r i Ih! by tbr t'rintc i.i.hi- at '.5IABIn rf-H A.D nil li !TnHOt' i;o.. I fti . will umVr arruon 'rrn i ; of inr niklil for SatU. aid an aprar 10 :ar amuirr ..f parmc aaa Wnrta al Ma ofBrr id ihr rjty or oiuma for apariial tar nam mr aaa plan aud II. Hii'liiiinnil. of si..-, m.i i:i..h. r Iratr Ui rnawirarl Ihr ttta ariarf. in, arrivrsi from flat- niti-nur mi nTFP al ri naprn. a. tnia lata CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY ar or i.raaprr. if an laal i piling trtvin. frir CAXABIAA ma AD COLO h-roHAlit: i. .. ss. uaiTUi. ay rnnrr and oaao4a a or 10 occaa (camcaa. aaa Mtaiaa. 11a aoflrtinra ('.III llnWra, EatT liln . ioki-- r'CtWta B.C. Coast Services Steamship i paoatTK ii!One Great Essential i. hfa, Kbrub. p"t l tiiiil. It ml IS THE JlfHIVt rifBT or BlUllill ; iot.1 aaiv. fnna. City Marfcrt. tf S. S. PRINCESS MARY mi: MATTF.a or the -admimstha- in DENTISTRY To a Womans Health Ivinor IlfrK, of tl.. Klfunza 1 .i. - aaa For Ketchikan, Juneau, Skagway, Alaska, from Prince M;ninu Company. 'I hrrr 1 me TT;a or THe lstatk of Rupert Is Her Nerves' I ant nifflil frum tiak. VU.n F U. fiAMSLE. January 24; February 7 and 21. taik urirc taat in taa tirdrr of Hia For Vancouver, Vict-rla and Seattle from Prince Rupert Haaa-. r. V-a Vnuar. kiadr tbr Mtlaraia of K. of . Maaqurratl FYhriiary rtajr ivf inar. taa. aaa aaeoratrii K1- January 15 and 23; February 12 and 26. j tlurr iiw(l In lir MraaK IK. Kt. ArtdrtMa a Uall. Minimd 'laai.BMnlalratM.aVmaara.af k CaUla and all m?p-arim Varaoa hartar,F. O. S. S. PRINCESS BEATRICE QUALITY jfarttnr m aHt) it o u mi, Oi r lo-al ra. In ilalkm- only. aaalrxl lar mm raialr arr brrrtir ' Fraai Print. Ru part far taaaaoa Ba . Cxtaa Falla, Hardi Bar. Al.rt Bar. WW Mrk a4 rltW Hal nailrrd rn ranalaa uaar prtprrv vanard ar Victoria (ma . a a aw a arfnn- tar rtiaarrata dat of lulu Cata. 'await Bi.ar, aa r m4 Tim atrthlina ttMiV plarc lil rriaaai;.- . Bf"ttt. aaa aa ttrt rn- ' tiara tataraa- p.m. lh-lw4o nrrvau mw I iaar Vt It eauir. arr rrqotrt-4 l par lntf. lUf InaMrtr M Uvy f? liivfil al lltn rrrlor' nl 1 1 u'rlork tarlr laaiatadarat to dm For mr. r"'iunnr aad illrn. aopl. a. of liefer? nrnrr and )li Mary JOHN II. lrl-.IJ. Wl C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Dr. Bayne 4ltr Um. hr h la Iftrir IMIM. I t.rihUt, I'auou . Mix oftViaL OOKiat AdmnaxraMir. Cor 3rd Arenur aorl 4tlt Street Prince Rupert. B.C. II anr lily ! Hut IIht Pranra liafirri, H c imHWr MtWH. atv Ml illR. Till tilnri-. rFi A. KillK-aloti latard (M taia dar af Jaaaary. tan. orncE hours rmi tma mtt thi. inmi vt and Mia. Ki. -ton. iklmt fa. ti hum writ wt nrrt. aa Is-l:; 9 ti 12, Uurte... 131 ti 5 31, SUrtift, I ti 12 cm twl rl llH Ml Mfr lHWI MHI A I I lit- oirlii'.- nf I In pidira fieri Ml I 1 tmiiiiHi.ioii Ihi f 1 ir lit it a.an ilf ail Hrtri ml -iif niu art tkr rii.'fd thai for Hi- . ..ihiuk yiar all Dental Nurse In attendance Htr(dtna wilt In- iii l 1 in 11 i-n- tea m aosa araltb inir fr Ibr fOllxi illi'IKT of III! Phone 109 for nppointment ar-. r. M. a-ai laaa riai. m. a . pilld 11- ltt nut lil In- inli-ri--fil. A LESSON a rue. Hair ana a anal ralrnf Rooms 4 5, 6, Helncrson Blk., Cor. 3rd nnd 6th ruiiMi-. I vii an rak awd Tltf Aral IImii-iU iilli-r tin- 7 i la I cuaM aut aarwai at atai aaa of I hi- iminlli u ill In' i 'yulur iikm-I- Best Quipped Office in Northern B.C I Mka an) nitlit. an ajinin rrv iur. injf ; .ai artu nwit ilinart tmoMair. THE GOVERNMENT PAID FOR. 1 wmm am aanai aaa raiatanr apaaa. riii' npiMiiiiu vii I 1 In- lui-l.i l 1 w aiy arroaa but ta iajaraa ball afrii-ti Iihiib'IiI will la- III llrart ana rm I1U. I artta la Ural aat ;rr and fcr;l i vat:: I aa4 M auaaa laplr rfBr . tin' Mi'loora, ri'f-I'lic Defore 1914, Bond Brokers and Bankers were indifferent aara I Irll Ukr a atBm-el fraiiav I a arrrsl Igr .. f.Hn. I! era Uaaa lar aaa advertisei-s. Many who advertised regarded their expenditures in rr iiaaa hi aaaar ranaa. ill play I hf i:..i ffniMl bv C $50 to $5,000 ai'ffra Mai Iferta' mi aH aha aaflrr ana iaatr llUinr, arH-onil 111-1 .ul ur llrl a ns "soji," and thought they 1 vi."c doing publishers l rv Mr. a haa al att aaaara ur taaikra lirevlnufly arrant ! Th- Wk favor. 1 A YEAR FOR LIFE ittml rtwipl ur M1rr 111 Tar T. ail-burn . ' idtn-a vaim' will Im- rvfrrii-d it J CANADA GOVERNMENT A.NN'Jin PROVIDES IT x I limlril. tunaaki. out. AUrL by ln-r I toll. 1 Then came the Call for The same thing is true of aaa iui lifr n. ,mrni viUblc lli'V. III-. Ilii'--t 1 . nf lli'd llfir. War Loans. On the advice some manufacturers, who, C ..n il.rf iruil.)I'M or ub(UMblt Irvlrd upon for any tiuw FISH ARRIVALS NOW !ri. r-llifiai iTn-lui ..f Ibi- l.ord'H of this Association, yet contrary noting the results of the v :i ' n-4r if bi. Mokn I lay Alliaiirv for liiinali IViluuilna o drtlroynl EQUAL CAR SUPPLY to Brokers' and Imperial Munitions Board "'a Hxtrd h trarlc kftin and Albi't la. n-m li. il Ilia rily on some P N r 'inm Dhi, ni.Mi In.omr Tt Hip train Inal i-wiiH -r. (In Sun. Bankers' vievsv the adver-tfsing newspaper advertising, have " ''hr Itx-ttr.l mtt o. S n.in yawt mi rruWni rrucit or domicttfj in Canada Soats In Today Will Fill All the day iiiorninx I" ilwalia will of those loans was commenced to use the same Available Refrigerator Cara; in rurh in tlu I'H'-Ia: rlan I'.huri'U ln i may purdtaac jrMllly More Needjd. Mid ill Mm rVIlllllK in Ulf Ml'llio- made humanly interesting. ' force to introduce post-war I ' " putclmr for ihctr tmptnyrtt achunl hnarda for iliM Church. products. mni ni hi min- er ? llaliliiil i runliitiiliiK to roine ..aaa The results you are aware ' ' Oil" 'm. "ii'n ii-Hiivn i ul i'iiiiir4.a T On h4'tlt 4. r T tn iiimiiI iiiianliticn lo tliU port ami In fnturi' all iiM iiIiimiuU l of. The Government paid for II ' II J k . In nmrninir Ihrrv aiirtoada wra :llir pi d It forfr Mill lr maib by IhuiIiI at tin- I lli lUcliitngp for llii r-oniinioatnn, a urtllag '' But here is the real point. this lesson. i uiIitii a!iipiniil. Tliarn urc llvi dwiaitm tvarlnil iii-i nujtlil. In Have considered you pro-fitting rur in today and out' In M'inhIimI Dp' Htt llifio- Hpp'Hn'ini'ntM have Nearly every Bond House lor tomorrow. Willi tlm Ibri'o baton madf by lln rlu"f of poiini. and Bank in Canada is, today, by it? m'ini, i.).. n Kiuay Hut uooi. ilia ri-t-oiniin-iiiii.niiii-. Imwavnr, aggressively advertising, Advertising is not a matter mioiiwi-hIIIi In wilirRO.OOO ltHitld will br Idki-n iiiio niil''ralitHl i luiriirv four t'ltrn. nil 1 1 1 nuil. in making fuimv i, iointuurit and using all the interest of guesswork. It requires In ulilc ciii-i. Mill In- lima nn mid and ingenuity at their command skill and knowledge and experience. Mill be ri'"ulnsl iiuiiii'illato-ly. NOTICE. niiirr Coats and to attrast business. It is not something KoIIonmmk wi-re IliU'moinlnit'a Tako iiotirn iluii w'miir l.tiuf They observedthe -power of to be lightly undertaken.but Ready-to-wear Hats. ult': Winn linilltrrx Iibji IiouhIiI nevspaperadvertising,when it can be undertaken with l.flMinon, i7.ioo poiiiulu, nnd tln Allien r.afi. -Ml (llli Stn't-I, Third Avenue liuici jrun, lo.oiiu pounds Mtd riid all aiM-iuiiiK ijilnt auid properly used, and have pro-fitted assurance of success if it is iir 1 v 1 h it v Prince Ruperk DEMERS to I'urim- rinlierlo at IT.'Jo itml liuiniii'i. iiiiimI In. 1 1'mlared on or by the lesson. done properly. Oi-. lii-fort' Jiimiury 'II -I. IHSI. J I'lili'MMild, IK,ooo pouniN, nnd If you have ever thought you would like to Mulaiiiuli. 7.000 )uiilir, xnld In Tlir Hop Siim I'. 'upany Una. lln Ciinuiliuii Fioli and,Cold Stor-iun Iioiiulii mil tlio til Caf qiI advertise if you could get proper advice on how Co. nl I7.)fc nnd, rtn, lv il i.'ki. poHi'riini mi Murcti tat. estholme Lunch Kntilo I H.ooo piiunil, uml Alpha 'I'lii'V will nut in- 1 i'-i 'inallili' for to go about it, write to this Association. We ll.oiio luiiniiU. Mold tn lln Atlln uny nir.iiiui ii;;nn-! tti World Urif..wS la a Kfa.a j r iitntinaiviiiaiiia rVf aa.a .aa...aaa-a ' Z3 Flalii-i-ic at !(!.so it n 1 1 Or. I'af'-. S will give you the benefit of our experience in Hainan old to Iho (jold Hlorittfo ALL WHITE HELP nl llli' tliil 7..10. li anoUirrilaT 11 ct aufrr alta starting you on the road to successful publicity PIIFS I tab I Uf, fllrril. I nr. or I rolru.l-lug Issued by the Canadian Daily Newspapers Association, Westholmft Snicial I.. VValdi' and Fn-d Aurlol Miro I'llaa. No in I In" iolH'i' fiuirl thin iipirnlnit MWV atlou lureiaal raiulrnt.'Kr- Toronto. hree t'l.ni'h'i'il Milh IiiivIiik atnlril kimmI. Pr.Cbu.'a Oliitninit will rtliara you at oiira Course Meal from 45c ud and alluril laaUiia ban.! ... Nil all - a in llirlr ii!Mi'iHon. Tlnry were dralrra, r KilniananiL liairt A Ui., UiullrJ. TnroiiiA. 8auilr Hot Irrr l( ) manUoii Uila ii'innodi'U until Monday. fpar aal auclut Sc. llau.u U. V7 loUa.