fcito Hems TAXI TAXI TAXI 139 vawj Phone 75 WE NEVERSLEEP Huntley & Hale PRINCE RUPERT ' . Prince Rupert Auto HIocK "Mta? a i a ri i IfelgeMon Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper iu cM-nrej Are, - rnnc nuperi j XII V I ' IMMNCK llt PKIIT. H. Ii. KMI'W JAM HY 2H, H?I. TaaUrtfar'a Cfrevlatla 1.74t. ift.l talM lit PRICE FIVK I'.KN'rt rince Albert Contrac C omes Here ,LL AVAILABLE REFRIGERATOR CARS AR E N USE FOR FISH NOW HERE HE HEADS THE KU KLUX KLAN. editorial Albert Contract :ish Car Situation i-I In-lew 1 1.lit telephone lll'l'll llllllllll's Oil Secured by Local Critical Again Now .hi w.i Ulkell ( ling Hi.i ir i II hrt-umI ww Drydock Company '5'x Cars Available Seven Cars of Tlii' in.in, wlm llhn'f blli- Halibut Arrived ard More I'lini. Hnperii tie for li.txing for lli- -mi III night A. Wnllure. head 4f a nfli ii million l I.e. sliirdniil.iiiiK iilinit Hint li.it taken over I lie- Iih-hI drxilo.k. un- Coming Steadily in iir.iiigh Wo k o'MMMM.Wij that hi Ilrm hud serured I lit rmriract for (he repair The Canadian Fisheries Association, the city, and the Board ,. In the O. T. . steamer Priurp Albert, work oil' whirl liii already iin-t i i- liiili- f Trade in the are co-operating splendidly energetic campaign mmi'iirtii. : what wi' "nr -T hat Is belrg made for the immediate delivery of refrigerator express II J' Nn"n, iii.iinijr Then' i h goiid lJtl of work in In- done f lt- verl. Ten cars to this port. I - '"I Gold itlntf haxe In ! irurwed and ft Km id de.il other woik dime ill i I w'" The Fisheries Association has wired to President D. B. Hanna, whnh will eiilail -killed labor. Hi. faeih- Ser.eral Manager E. A. Warren, Hon. Dr. Reld, minister of rail-vays, Tin- i the II i I job on which Ihe mxx Ilrin have liid mid il I !! of Hie and John Pullen, president of the Canadian Express Corn-any. hurt. At r(i f.ielnrjr (.. know lll.ll Illey .inn' The Board of Trade has also wired to the same Hnl 1. l -t il urn persons t hot lh' lnie 1.- iii rai in romp. heavy, arid thai DEFICIT ON oilli .iii(-i.- IikIiIi i -.. Nadiralh rid today the nay or Is sending a wire to Frank Carvel!, chairman rir' .lii'd ami Mr. ll.ni I In- iai nmniii'i. i f the railway commission, asking him how the situation realty I..- dim .lixhriL on 1 1 1' Ml.niy ii'ni ith tti "J - tards In regard to the delivery of these cars. GOVERNMENT Il- i I'M ;il- lfN . if o i two llli'lr. (ii Today the situation is again becoming critical. There will be II-Ii ( .ittrfl lierp mail."I'liiT Ill Iv ' '' x "freezers" available ard three of these are being filled this i- mi ii-flllitf ni ! III -nth intrsjii.e; ,, . ..ntnijVrii RAILWAYS icaiil l.' ill.- linn I h , .i.ri ' Urnoon and the Commonwealth has just arrived with 0,000 (ailed in rotite tlliivkM. Mr. Wallnre caul Mn-! out ds requiring four cars. This means one car short right now ..I. (if ,i-riKII- tnnHlNjr III!" Iinl ..ii.-iKu Ith fish cortlruing to arrive. 1 la Thlrtitn Millions Orattr auili ..v n li llm (ilt iWM " gut. Than for Last Year, c unil Utl m of Iwurfll o SNISTERS I Prospect. Up mi.. of lid eity. !lN WW LOT'OWNERS OF OTTAWA, Jan. 26 It It peeled tjal the annual RANG BANDIT COMOX AVENUE INCWAIGN iuumim of Utt yara op- oral on of Ihe government MtS. SMITH MAY . Ml railway will be raaJy In a 1 CNT . CABINET Jury at Sealtls Find John ScnmlU bmlr Rtmaln In Dslta Con faw days. It will show a 1 WITHOUT ELECTION Guilty of Murder in deficit of about StO.OOO.COO, CoMturl Uiuun J siuiiih ,i I.- imid ul iim- wrili ol Uir Kb Klui lilitvincy end King end Hart First Dig re e. on Mainland, Including lha Q. T. P. VA.r Vl.lt. Jan. Srt. KUo. atilrb U pmimlus tu li.i miir llw. Nollh im crl a foutbOHl tlx Mm Police Ccmmlsslonera Orders that This la In comparlcon with 'lUi iiuh-huis k Sun nUlea at IVt) nor hi lt Huuib ai n-llis at llr naltunal or ao-callrd 1o-lrtil" sKATTI.K. January . 3H. John Comphte List Owners and .1 lluforf th. a deficit cf $7,CO3,OC0 for i hat Mr. IUI.i Smith will Uduanr in Atlanta (la- It dn-kli-d Uiat Colooel Will. M-ltmitl. Hi.' ulti'Kml bandit, ha Agents ba Presented. I ' Mil IH Wrfk i lha previoua year. If iall'l into thr eahinet Wn J MaiBius Uiatl tn-cin in auwt nlnrlj daj a tour of aooie of 1 Ik'it! fi.ini.1 uiliy of munfer in I III- ttliul. m nlii.nl nf tUf rxiiu-llvr tin- llrst ib-itrrr- with a n-i-mn-iH-iidalion Tie lai' 1 uiei-liiiK of the tiexv Urg ntw of tn .North, nbrri amall tMpoul&ss bate be a madt Jt7 ' fish Rn t mmu riMinrtl wttliuut a lutal oraourra. l liul 111 M'lianl fnr iiliee eoiiimisMoii rooniri.in i ii. itarr... uHf.lio. A Hit np-ll&tnliiM'ul illiiiB iblirlli' Jam.. O'llrirli in Mayor llM'heiier. S. II. Slai-donald Him'. II l 4 not a i1d t iiun ba'ii'- la-l F inlay. and J. Myhill Jones. a held lust i'V . (iHl III offirr. Itii- uMiiylniinl Mill 'rhi1 jury, whi.-h includi'd four niplit in Hie may..i offlee. The ilal v CaPUIn Patrick McOlnnla Waa not ni-ci-xitale a Uy-Wfrllon. Port Simpson Fire vunirli, 'was out 51 iiiiiiiilr.. I merlin?, not beiiia a rvjruhir nne, ..l In I. ad lie Wbi'ii lbi heard the Velaran Nlatltr of lha . iinMini'r Jlie re xxas not admilled ainl i . iiiry illi I be North. 1 1 inlir In- -.mili'd and !-ii! "It! 'matters of poliry vtre ili-i-nril. - I'll Kill -- B " I'l'he meelin1-' lasted from 7:30 lo s j iiiin.(. i ia) 'I'hi' ilmlli nei'iirri'il lo-l nmht Spectacular Blaze i 11:50 and xarimis important . mill, .ii- tlmt ul tn:l In Hip Ui'nrml lloilial ; ... . disrussinh xxere jguestions .i ! ill.- (r a i r I'uirlrk J. MW'lhinip. a ' DniurrPf' DC ATDIPC WITNESS NOT j II was ordered on motion of i.ul.. Il.ii lir. jki.nwii rml INIi l4.;il i-niilHlii aiidl alillLOj DL'it Commissioner Myhill Jones, seconded mi itiir' in.- iiiiliiilii. UiiiHin Mriilnnm b 71 WILL BRING MAILS Consuming Conflagration was Visible by Commissioner Maedoii-uld. ' u II I....'- .iu M)iar of awe uml iiJitli wu llw llnil a roinplete lixt f alt i it I- mull i- tall nf a imrulylli- lroki'. lln for Miles; Fire Escapes Saved Loss ,1'xvners and aseiils of property on I I'atliitlu. hh a uiitlvi- of l'i lln .. lUlward ; tnnounced from Poit OTlca that Uiiiihi Axemie. ireuerally known .hi ii ram-. lulanil aud caiim wi hi 1M7 at , P. R. Boat Will Qlva of Life; To Rebuild No Trace of Man Who Waa to Give ias Ibe eily's tenderloin, lie siih-luiitled In IMlIlT III!' Ihf Mior of 1 In- KliilnUki- Bold WoKly Service. Evidence Against Murderers lo Ihe next hoard monting. lirii he f H-irtt In Dublin. ri'h win euliiin The eily rlerk is iinxv xvnrkiii;; on rMl idjinir north from Sr. Th" l'rllM-i"oi lli-alrlri' In lo I Th iron lln- ndpe. al lhi tii-oi-by pirU' homi uvi'd a prenl Ihe list. ii I He. In lyiH and IVI'J Ik- Man ueil lliin wiiiirr in the rurr.vlns ii,. (Jf Hfy in Ihr t-eeenl fr" aid Indian Aj(fiit !. C. Ierr who HI Hl.l Jan. ;s. No Iran- is USHERS SHOT a lulu of I In- tkiiadlan I'Uh and uf hihIU IipIwin'ii Itrri mid Van together with Hex. Arthur lUnier, of (iilgary,- siperiiileiideia of yd found nf Hie irinriial xxilness Cold KlurNifi tlMiiiHn' nrhoiiivr rottver. Thf fel arrltiu .on inItaii.Mi)iuii. "nil Ihtf-flvo terhrs of the miIiihjI ilaIT, rtjlurtifil Aaint Frank Tindtui:, William ALLIED COUNCIL LSiimnrr. IjhI yenr In wnl lo ;alnly morniiiKi. with lln Turn. I'onxxay. Hauiei Kealey and YA-xv.trd i and la.l evening on Ki nel niiUownnJ's hiuin-h from Port .Sitnpon. Poller, rbarned with Ihe out ntlli" whure he b iMinaju'd n-watrhiiiiul day VfdniclAy uialU of mi artxrniinriit r.-U Vin'ouMr hmiJ , reliirniiiK nulls In Ihe Miihleii early morning blase Hie only mean of erttK nii.rder of bleul. Aiiitliss, known uiidrr ennui ruct ion In Inki I'ninii. from Iht. nl o O'rlnek lln oamr from the buibliiiK xvu by memis of Ihese fire escapes. TJie fire n MrMahon. oiM of Ihe rourleenl Kidnapped on Saturday Near 'li wiiiinnd lMre in UcIoImt nml lo v and ' tin' niflll clusfH nl 0 va iudeed a "I"'' lClar wie and in the hoiitu before Ihe daxvn nlllrei-. killed here on .Nox ember ! Bdlea ara Found lircnmr male mi tin Mdioom-r ucliM-k. Aniiouiit'ement of Ihe Ihu blaze wiii vi-ihIt)Tor miles. Ir. Spencer's ui iou haue SI. Divergence or Views Regarding HJIku, hl lal IhwiI. A Lrnlln-r liexv mrxiee va made from the Reparations to Bs Paid by !!.. u.;: DiHOo in itnrinnrr. ' 1"'"t olllre ihH mnrnliiK. ixhich aiijoui" rhol' had a ' . SOLDIER-LABOR TO Germany. .'amir. 'ly nf William narmxv en ai.e ami II ""' lwru-.J Trow the Hi" two IrUh i i.ii-v.ii- Indiana. SUPPORT LIBERALlBELGIUM PROPOSES liy iiitmiin ol riiiini'uai iiwawrimp i ' kldnsiipeil nit South African Campaign ibul the rml hoi . ber from tbr I Teachers Arrive. ; SIX BILLION MARKS ' irimt, wwa found Thu learliors xxho arrixed last " burniiiK arlmot ill uol tHIille il MII.NKIt. Jan. SH. II. A. Payne,! 1'' nrhi'Mi u I.nke iiIKIiI Xxere Mli l'ililiol, .Mi PARIS, Jan. 'JH.- -ljvrrenee of I... f.m.w.f .ui.li.li.li in i Hi" hud Ihm'H is Waged Over Secession as xxelt. irfton. Mi- Jteai-oa. Mba Nel-i.i is!y" r members. iX the Allied . eli-clion. it ella at Hie general .r 'I , Mini -!...(. Everything Destroyed. in and Min MeFaUden. will not lie rilll.li- supreme i-.umii rvmu.,,. I'M l lh.lll. lllll When before -i.'ed Ihe liUM'J-Mime McFaildeit xxeni miuHi oil Hie aniionneed, H " rause.l llilerrup ion v II Lender of the Nationalists, Promises the oilier date at Ihe hyeleelimi. but will,'"""" n kiilllMI Iird Gerwr I Hertzog, remaifia Prim e (leorpr and ''" e..0,eri-nee loua, u,,., . fehoul IUii. uuxx .iimmrt A. p. Paterson. I.ibi'ral.!" .i- f.MinU Kuml'iy tear her will teaive m the eoiirun for Five Yenrs Labor to Put Off. Question miner Isoiiii iiiriri i ia i"Mnij i. of Inn nl nut but n nusa f for Iheir DuHiiiuIiji'. a frxv Uuj'K rcKinxjllvo jdaiiKer of breafeinir op. for Constitution mid uhe. 'Hi- il. -iroetioH nflhi' lin'tie. must of llieiu ui the a.t SPECTACULAR FIRE A eritieal slue wim , reaeheil EWSPAPERMAN OF Iniildlliw xx n en!it. n xxell ak all ion (heir arrival here laul niulit nFSTPfiVFn PnRlIM afternoon. The ' ri-is mine M(l(lS', Jiiiniiiry i'8. A Johii(iiiehiirK 11ialih mijs Iho the piicy.xiuni i.r (he .lenehers the lff xva eulertaineil by lr. ui.jinviiii' i uiiuiii oxer Ibe question of llmlinn (ho INTERIOR PASSES rlci'liou iMiiiiiilgn In Honlli Aliiei ii groxving nioie llerru every and nehtdiirM. AH :hn sUin. in-i-ludimt and Mr. V. T. Kervin. l till INTO, Jan. :'. -A sjjee total iiiiiDtiiit of i-epiirati"M dm day nml lluil Ihe Ihmik i doubtful. Decile the KlatenienU Unit Ixvu eu'- "f nhiM'i ind Already plan ll'V uiulir SiU liv the iileral oRaWrU' ' Nelon' rmarly (ii'Hfiul llci'Uiig lie luupuiTil In nllnxv the iiietioii nf tcri'iioii rubber- Hinf had inixed "ii the Htllll I l.i.ll'l i.hi III' III for ',. , It!leV3the Knruiii boildim: here.Vl3(MM(0-Hie loss,"! A pu sesstu.r'of i.ltllt II un. d for: rniisuiii.d mi (f D'i r.7 na Winnipeg, In real in abeyance for llv.' curf if relnriieil in over, il U sip-imrenl niulit befiin-, xx. nf i lie .I. .li-nv.'d srl I The new k ((( laler in Ihe uflernuou has beep Lat '.he blaie. Night Ihul Iho iiuik unil Hie nf Iho Nntinnul't jmrly regiiid Ihe .The piodi ol ii. Illduiu mIIii'i' bnililiii; "ill I". ii lai'Ki' 'Illi colli-miuliniiH Anyox airixnls on Hje prince uhumlyiifHl. . v. A. neveroiirix nf Imi'iTinl conni'i'lion ii Hie only ine in the coiili'Kl. remniiiileil in a n..ide manner lo one. .irninK (he One (tenrue last n In 111 iuejudi'd Mis The- basis o diseussioii tmlay 1 "I'iiimt-M limn of Kveii if llertzog is I'lfiled, It h beliexed the majority will fuieo Ihe aid' for dili' xi .. .......I Innnl, mid ill likely lie n .n'liool A. Croxve, C. II. CowNr, 1 I.uiuUxus Ihe llelmuu pl'Oliosal Hint Inr linlli hoy - and Kirls. . . . ii.l I" II. Ilroxxn. (iermuny be compeiiid lo iniike a III. ,, niflit H( HlU their lender's .JiiuuU. A fusinii of ihe UiilonUt urty nml the n hebl in Ih' niiif:2tiu aftet'enl-xpressimm the Great Shock. iimouil repa rat Ions of u billion k " IIii&tiHul lire no lei .than waa nl ' " ' rioiilhAfiii'aitfi'arly lia given (leni'iiil Jmi rjmutz iiiucli strongth jecleil and uuniy nf Lireill " l- file sti n k of Iho I Holder xeeK bef.il'l' transferrin!; vi'M mark' as Hie naxuniini and .1. ., 1 v ill the inillllry. '1 lie MUior puny i union.euij- unmn uuu ingy tyniiiiilliy xx. i. v U't'd. Al this Hi .11 .-li'i'iiiilll ..I Hie II.II TIIXV es-1 ih. .ii to i:oiiiiiii....t.a lusittutv at tln-ee billion, as lln itunimuti'. '""' t" the illalrltJL . . . .... . I . . , .. - ..I.I..I,, 11 !I I 1. 1 I II... thein will 1893 All) pledged n UpllOlU tlie roiisiunuou mm inej xvni noiq uiu ineellUK Ihe tlx" " Ufliera ol Hie n - Ill ill 1 1 .l derided lo leuxe Sardis xxhere many of uiuj wus ""' Winnipeg','' balaiice of power." jachool uppeareddresaed m clothe ,ilii' itliU4 III 1 xdvertisia the Daily News. .1 V