snra tjnnr jorws BRINGING UP FATHER orgeMtMJ lYuc Economy) S I I 11 M HERE'S M.L THCH PUT THEM ALL I RtCHT-Sit I "SHOULD (WCLL-ILL OT WCHT IN VTXW. WAIT TOU TOLD ME TO THlti ROOM IHVmuCTlPi, AKQ Ot-OirV e - EAJT- On THE I I w , 'MCtJTlN' HCLL II 1 -sssassa-ssssssssaM rssTJi r TMILC- r , s i 'iw-Vei. -e ttt rjuSf roe IVJsJI.a 'T F YOU end us your last year's skirt or drcsi thd hare it returned looking like new-im't that true economy ? , "sssfesa, S Frequent Dry 11 - (ft . . I v i er inn. rt,f... Cleaning and Pressing . e l. will prolong the life NARROW RESULT IN (GRAND PRIX TO BE of your clothing and BILLIARDS BETWEEN CONTESTED THIS YEAR BUSINESS DIRECTORY keep it fresh and new. TRAIL AND CALLIES C0AI Airplanes t Fly 1,500 miles fori May we help you Prize of 100,000 Francs These ore Good Places to Mnke Your Purchases when You go out to buy economize? In tin' dual game nf Hie liilliart liairDaiiK'iil between Hie PI. An. PAWS. Feb. JS.The Arm Club rrr"i EDSON MLM Canadian drew' Society mid Ihe Trail Club of France ha published I he conditions 4ln71 ynsterday -.tiflernoon. II. under which Die Orand AERATED WATERS FURNITURE AND GENERAL LAUnDRIES ! 5,ektd au, Steam Laundry - Davie, or Hip fnrhier leant, wax P ix of France will be cond'sli-il MERCHANDISE !l Culk .... surressful in defealinsr lair S CAVER orrpno WORKS ' T csnaou srcasi uuror op Hil year. 'Hie Or.-itiil Prix, lite Phone 8 tss rraaer Slrr-I rnisv m WlirftlO CrUTTOSJ- Cor. Third a ad Iik.Mnn S. fur i.ksMn sisl pre .las befit, i ponent. J i.hake.pearc, by a score first of its . l.inil In' lie run in ttum Oreen IM. roe tftmi lurvi feml- ' i ! STEAM COAl of 200 to 140. Willi III is jralne Erunee, js founded In memory of BARBER SHOP : lore. PAINTERS AND DECORATORS llie tournament is finished vvilh the lale Henri Dctttrli !. la I.O.D. csrs- 5,, i llie narrow score of 1072 In 10(58 Meurlhe nml lutt be pun ilurinff TCIAHAM DSRStR SHOP FURNITURE fRfO SCAOOCR ilividinp (he winninp Trail Club (rl six nii.ntlis of I'Jil. The tsdjr Ilrbr Bml 731 Jrtl At. 'Hub tad rsr rinn Oreea SI rtuni biocmu from llie SI. An.lrevvV. Both value to llie v.inner i loo.nno Third r rbors. Oreea 4l. fiflruuo wiLutrJ teams also po down in the .land- franf. The roure i laid Pari BAKERS PAINTS AND OILS EOS0N COAL CO. ins, (he Trail by nine point anil pari lo Pan. Pari to FEED STORES con LA CAISC SSKtRT TMf A. W. KOC CO. t4 Ihe SI. Andrew's hy ttf. and return lo Pais. a di. -- Ate. rwm Art-til, I'hooe ISO . - I-..I.I.. hum vVsHswrer. FollowinR is the standing nf janee of l.ort miles, noiimulsory i PMIMCX RUPERT UID CO. theelujis for (he Trnll Cnh I lnri.isj. enr. fitd iM tlh St 1 Cup: lanilinc are provided fur al en. h have received during the last CHINA, CROCK CHY A NOTIONS PAINTERS AND' DECORATERS Albert &McCdH three weeks rall1 I LZl .1 al l.iUe and MM enn be THE OINir ALLCN CO. FISH MERCHANTS, RETAIL (LL A CROStSTT rkMi 4TT. WMuderers . . .820 lit ,,,, Third ArrlMr. ..1II I'M! Offlr. I ARTHUR'S HARM IT Phs!)si1U,H 100 Coal ri. .viiurew s flu v 1105 l-lnrh i Irplane w ill carry loo 'iTUld Are. Hhunes tta 4st, P(l sol ISS FLUMOING ;. v. V. A. HII7 1052 cars pounds 'if freight nml dummies CLEANING AND PRESSING Sunn f Kne 7?SI lo:ic. vveiphinc lf)5-ll' . each, placed as GENERAL MERCHANDISE STftsJ A LOftAWtLL ree S. from Maeleod River mine, owned Flks . 7910 H03 insienvrrs won III he installed. T0KO DVK WORKS rressinr and dry wiNa cm ix wen oo. 'rksMnr Iru - rtwme by Prince Rupert citizens. The i are Is Pirlusivf-ly for lit Ikm. mn - rMM S)Mt 7S, RENTALS Don't Disd We have the exclusive riiwt to FINAL BASKETBALL French owned-machine piloted, r T. W. HART Hy Blstk III handle this coal,in Prince Rupert h; French aviators. I CAFES GROCERIES Don't be misled GAMES ON MONDAY by other coal THt BOSTON ORILL LIXtlT'S PRINCS RUPIRT OROCtRT SIGN PAINTING that Garni dealers who use our firm name TINY TIMS BEATEN I Third Ate. I'bo I 4&T. Snod pltC K tSt Cj. rib snl rvtloa Kmc 114 to advertise their coal. Junior Championship Games and MILL A CROIIITT r4 4T7. If yoawant a real Rood screen-el Matches Between Select BY DRY DOCK BOYS THt CLITC CAFK HARDWARE coal, eal! j &rrnd Aw. Rlrsrt Itl tor Ik monry, up SHEET METAL WORKS MOW! A atcMULTY tnd Ate. tIAtf-s. ! Teams to be Played. th I.nipriiseib-rj:. isUhis sad nthermti s tup-1 Phone 58 j Narrow Score In Juvenile League .plies. Cteftiklef la Skeet H.Als .1 T Rt k (in Mondiiy - nifrlit the final i Fixture Played Last CIGARS AND TOBACCO i I ' MOWS ii-, PAiiies 4if (he huskelhall ' Evening. , SeAd Atroke -- rbooe til Prince Rupert Feed Co. seuMim VOMHABADS Third Ate. WL IMPORTED GROCERIES f. I will he played nt Ihe Apricultilrnl j . III Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. ALBtRT LAT sjarsct STCIM A LORSIWIIL ees S. Hall ihe . , . when following team.. The Juvenile League Ilalel.all fiflh Sireel rtutM Ps .i ' rat will-appear: 'came lal nichl heiween Ihe Tiny DRUGGISTS Tillicuins vs.-King Kilwnrd the Tims and Ihe Dry Ikx-k resiilli-d LAUNCHES FOR HIRE TAILORS LADIES AND GENTS w. i. rccuTCHtON for llie chauiioii. in win for Ihe latter Ihe deciding frame j a hy nar-ihip feewid Atenaia and Slilh (treet - imkIi -RARart ROxa rhes si oo. SU T. Lit optewile If.I line of Iho Junior League Sid row srore rtf 15 In li. Malcolm fhe tartest dmr hm.e In Murlhern S. Tlw 1100.009 Bnel Alen CleeMRS s4 Creei Terrace Fruit Lands Winshy, referee. IM. Innh was referee nml the line Modern flea Meleorn v. ret of Iplerntediale ups wero as follows: i League "ItPst" Mrs. O'Neill and I Dry Ink-Jo tl. lllylhe, 7; II. Ca. 20 Acres,3 Miles from Terrace on Miss Sewell; Mrs. Mohley .captain, 'Jarohsen, V. McKlnnon, fi: II. lel. Pressing Good V agon Road. (nd Misses Qilderrtne and Harvey. (i. Hills. News Classified Ads. 3rd Afm, A tci Good black soil on clay sub-soil. Daily 4 Acres under plow, 7 acres more Spnrn Miss Davidson and Mr.. Tiny Tim - ' :inpi. t; J. partly cleared; 25 bearing fruit owan. Ire Dell, referee. Kelly, li; P. lilac k. I.. Mi'Kiunon. 2 CENTS HER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Acivertlaetnent Taken fur L than OOc trees; 2 good wells with lots of Junior Select vh. Senior Select D. I rize. 2. water; well made log-house, 18 Juniors llnlvrriin, captain; K. I'he Juvenile I.eai-'iie slntidinK by 24 ft., two stories, with addition 16 by 18; log barn, 20 by Smith, Kri27.cU. MilrliHI and lloh-ei lo dale follow.: WAMTZD. Milt HALF. - One oak and one FOR PENT Nift ' 1! 1 40 feet with cellar beneath, full f s. Spares, Miicilonald n n d W. Pis. maple dininK room ntiile. Me. W 39 size of barn 10 feet deep; Price Martin. Tiny Tims . . . K K. WANTED fecund-hand furniture. ('Iiiry runste and other liouse-linld Full llFM Thrre r.Mim. and Day Phorxl J2.200 cash for quick sale. $2,400 Seniors K. Smilh, captain; Dry locks . . . . 0 IS If you have anythlnK tu fiirnllilnss. Phone lllark hnlh. McMonlle Apartment. terms of half balance on cab, 1 year at 7 per cent firaham. Mitchell, W. D. Smith, Junior 'Hants . 0 0 sell call lied 24.1. Wo pay cash. 5IM. t)M Ninth Avenue and Apply Mnfrery, (jihUHla A STEEN8L0S" ami Hlai-fc. :. lllylhe, referee. r'M. Crosliy, 715.Third Avenu (Uiiirnd'siree-l. 45 l)rfe. U,. . If Metal I KENNEY BROS. & CO. West. If Sheet Real Estate and Insurance MEETING OF SYNOD Keei,Dil-hand furniture houirhlanil '011 Hl-Vf ThrcA-roum furnlsh- Terrace, B.C. CITY IS WORKING HELD LAST EVENING WAXTlvD Position as cook or ld. Ilalrc Phone Hreen ml apartmeaL Apply SDH.210 A A Ninth Avenue Wmt. 3anii.i 7 r .,s waitress. ipty No. lo si. Louis &4t. tf ir ONE HUNDRED MEN Hootis. or phone, Heil 1)1. 4H Proposal to establish a Mission FARMS FOR SALE CAHINS FOIl HUNT from 1 In j tu, Ktrees sM rr School Here Discussed; WAN'TFIi - Plain' sewinst, Mrn. HO. Phone lllark 451. 15 Pn.. - ti ? Work Starts at McClymont Park was TOM LEE CO. and Sixth Avenue Play-grounds. AnnuaJ Meeting In Pearl Murphy, 831 Ninth Ave. 0. P. It. FARM LA.NDS The rich LOST j June. W. I ,s(lr. 4u prairies of Alberta, .Saskatchewan SIO Second Avenue, West and Manitoba are especial, I.'fiKT - lhineh of keys on ronil to IIOL'Si:-i:i.K..MA'0 WAV1F.D HY ly suited for mixed farmlnK. meeting or ine i jibl StorHBe. Iteturn loOlyiu-ptr One hundred men were certl oiiti -M Anglican VEGETABLES hour, day w eek nr nioiilh. Phone J.arid that will produce blic SMITH im ill in morning hy Ihe city pnjiineer Pvn UeUl Jasl evening it was de-for Cluli. deceive reward. 41 Wholesale end Retail lied JM'J. . 50 crops of grain and fodder, and work on parks and play-kided lo have. Ihe dioceson synod Oeneral Contractors and imeellnir held in Prince Huperl well adapted for dairying or HAIR OnCSSINO. mop ground under the relief measures PLUMBIN0 WANTFD Lady .lenorrnpher Labor Exchange ...... .. .. '.I. the llrst week In June. livestock raising can still be a'iopieii liy llie council. Iwo UHilirs IIAin I)IIF.8SNn. SCALP Apply P.O. hot SOU, stnliiiK x- HpKCIjkJ, liishop F. H. Du Vernet wus in Ihe bad at prices averaging about of ohout '80 men nre wfjrklng' at liericnce. ' - tf! (reitimeni, Mnrrel wavintr. Fare lUtlmatei Princo Rupert, B.C.. McClyuionl I'ark under Foremen chair and I hose present were 1 18.00 an acre, with twenty nwissiige. Hair dyeimr. I.dis' Plinno 517 P.O. Box 725 James Hampton and. Oeorge Bmith Archdeacon Collison, Caiinn IIU, IIOUsFKKIJI'CH WANTHD- Apply years to pay if you wish. Only i'ooiIiiok mod" Into switches. 3rd 10 cent down. No further AddrMi, -It i Is Phil McDonald Is In charge net. t . I.. i,oiiioii, . r.. liurrin, Mr. FcllivrM'tnhat'gli, Second per Charles, r..(-lArc, 23.1 Hiilh Second 8t of ahout 2 men clearing for iW 0. W. Homer and 0. V. F.viU. fit reel. - tf payment on the principal until Rlreet. Phone Illue 78 for home r new pluypround on Sixth Avenue. Indian mission affairs were ills, thn end or the fourth year then appointment. if -K.e 174 P-M IANO TUNING ruseed us .an outcome of the ro. ran blz sixteen annual payments. In CITV OF PRINCE RUPCRT. cent vlsil of Oinon flould, Kennrnl tercet ft pgr cent. Netlce ef leWellen ts eslt te Lsass Lead. p HONO REPAIRS secretary of missions, hero and TKNDKI18 WII.I. HP. HI.CI.IVI.I) Wrtle to II. O. Loughran, Land In Steena Mirer Minint nuirift, land HEALTH DEPARTMENT, rtiorifl. neenrdinr MMriM or nee Arm. HOTO ENLARGEMENTS Ihe matter of estahlUhlntx a mission by the undorslgned for the purchase Afc-ent, (i, p. II. station. Van- H. C. and sitbsie at mould of I-oiiis i.rert K U T I C K. school wai. a 1n hrou?lil. up. nf Hi ii hull of the jrnshoat couver. sdlmning Hllrer Illy. f. C. I Hotel Agent for best art enlargements "Tall an," evenly-flve feel lonjr Tste oolite thai we the litHMriltned.! made in Canada. Negatives not On sntf sftsr the 1st tfsy of April, 1821 owned music. Anthony Mroulre and hernard W. lurrell,! hy fret beam, by A srpsrsu- roverrd rrrrpisrlo mini tm FOURTH GAME FOR twenty necessary, but merely a print in of Alfe Arm, ormpiunn proapeclor and any condition faded, cracked or provided fur sIm-s, siul papers must not the Hudson Hay Company, VOOAI, THAIMNO II Y OAPAHLH lorr kH-ner, inlrnda lo apply for rmn-1 .' - J.. -US! spotted even) In- jilarpd lii rariiase rin. M'MORDIE TROPHY where hIio lies tin thn beach at aion lo eae ihe rnllo in dearribed laixlit i !J0 pr Phone us and we will call. Any rierwin li Is rullly or viQlalinc Port Simpson. Tenders lo lm in Insiriirtor. lievinner and 2nd iWiifuenfliif at xj'I planted souinratt tlii-se reriilU"n will be pniM-riiled undrr course pupils taken. Ilesulb ronier, If rhaiin aouiherly direflh-n from Red 291 J. Slade 'Stevens 111 llcslili liy-lsu's or Ih City or rnnre In the fourth billiard Inurnn-menl my onicQ fipt. later than live fftinrantooil. Terms moderaln. S t. rnrner or Uit ssi Uienra fl enams' P.O. Bos 7C2 Huperl. o'clock p.m. February 20, IU21. For nor I hi tlwnre 10 tnatnt tnenre 14 helween the Wanderers Club appointments phone Illue VII.IJA.M n. MAHTH, M. M. STflPUHfilS, P. O. drawer rbain south! ilienr te tfiains rail and U-lt-11 Iti'SlIU liinpecior. and th Prince, Ilupert f;iuh for 1705, Prince It'u pert, 1. C. tf 389. niiiiaiuini 14 arrrs. mors or less. Km McMoj dio Cup lo lm played tomorrow AXTIIONV MrOt'inK, . ..irettl MUSIC FOR DANCES. nlclit Hie fiillowiiiK P'ay-eri; FOIl KALI Knur full lots and ACCOUNTANTS IiKII.UVnD W. SAHIIKTT, Oaled Nnvrmber SO. 1 BSD Consfspaiidn will he lined up, the first barn ;in Ninth Avenue, near i:.pi:iiii:Nni:D accountant ARTHUR'S nJg.. named In each raso heiiiK Hie McHride Hlreet. Ilarn easily would takn LAND ACT. charge of set o( Notice of Mention to apsis to pursheie iiHiu,-!.!,, reliewed im)iiii the prince Huperl Club player: converti'd inlo dwelliniis. Price iiooks.. whole Land. .1 I u M HieT-'jil Phone 481 Phone 481 At Wan-fercr Club J. II. Mc-Mullin 2.C26.oo. 'Vrrns, 7r.O cash or art lime. In Cauiar land Oiairlrt, nernrdinr nil j " p!2s Imsr is sroutsd to activity by W. K. Wllllscroft. Phone Hid or Innre Hurs-rt, and ailuam aix.iil j , the u el Or Chtts's Ktdney- vs. H. KlnKI S. P. McMordle , rind balance over Iwo years nl 8 lllark 2fi0. tf nre or and A lire one Ann,hair miles and Sdjolnlni rail ir Ihe lots Innn-sue Jtc'l Liver Pi'lli On pill dot. vs. V. J. iiemininR; p. I. palmer per cent. L M. Hlephens. tf '.and 14. lAcl 1 SHORTHAND Take nnliee that I. Jnaenh Kdaar train. vs. Jos. Ilnwn. TYPEWniTlria Cliarti'T-iudit"'' . 2So boi. ill dsslsrt. rry at pnrl ll.mrrx.nrl. orrupallnn larmer, FOIl 8AI.K of Iwo bed At Prince Iluperl ClubJ. II. Furnltnr iniriwia in apply lor permission to purchase Rupert Dance Orchestra rooms, rontliq(r o f beds, Pitman llie rr.Hnwina dearrlbed landst PJIUbury v. ft. II. Fhockley; IJ. A. fjtanoprraplilo Brhool Cnmmenrlns si a poal hlanted St ths GEORGE' Four, five or six pieces Or. chases 'akefleld vs. 0. P. Tinker; J, dresser, chairs, carpet. Alfo Hvenins; clastes, Monday, Wed. flMins sntiihea.l iwrlh;rornrr tlienra or 40 lot rhalna It, fasti tnenre tr.enrt It f UAS Now ready for tingsgements Sloll vs. Fred Hlephen. kllrben cabinet, sewing raa-htne, nesday and Friday, 7:30 to 0 10 rnilnt anuihi thenre 40 rhalna weal W eilONeUl Phone II. White, Red 102 stair carpets, etc. Phone o'clock. Individual Instruction. point era rrn,or rnmDisnrrmrnt,mure or iraa, and containing I BUH'-'J v Advertise in the Dally News. Itlue i i for oppnintment, 4.1 No, 10 gmiHi flluek, ,Mt)ilrd NovnnDfr ll, 1 810,