t Van s tttk paint rraws The Daily News POSSIBLE TO '.umiiiiiimiiimiinmi PRINCE RUPEKT - BRITISH COLUMBIA ' From LIVE LONG Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News pPnc, Printing, and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. Famous MACDONAL II. F: PULLEN, Managing Editor. Profetsor Huiley eay Extension Herds -of Age U Possible with Worms SUBSCRIPTION RATES: I'op'tlar ititr!'l in the ft-liseussetl PRINCE of WALES City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month ............. 11.00 l'luiHc Milk i the product of iue-tin whelhi-r il is Hy mail to all parts of Ihe llnttsh Knipiro and the United mates, I In- line ilaiii- in I hr l-rnaer ioible 0 ,ki'o. i.l.l uiii" a buy in advance, per year . Jtf.OO. Valley. It U Ihe only milk 1 rideil u,i t$y u ml -rrrr-potnl i 1 1 a l CHEWING Ti all other countries, in advance. per- year ,57.50. runned in'lhl province And if im'loiie Ihet'aunii T life hit Im-'-ii you ii e any oilier brand you re re)f;i by-prnri'or Julian llux-ley'jif TOBACCO TELEPHONE OS. K"iiig 30(lfl miles In milk a cow lixforil Vnierlly. Juhu" ami her triilk probably j nol is iFgraridon of the goi lltsvt. y 1 Transient Display Advertising t.5rP?r inch each insertion " n good, nt (nheftls no ineoniilernliI' Transient advertising on front page . .1 ...... . $2.00 per inch. 'Hii- onlv llriiif.li Columbia measrtrr of his lalt-nlXnr p.nn--laLinsr Uical -Header, per insertion, 25c. per line. i-anni'ii milk. iejenltni- --sr-nri'h. Classified advertising, per insertion, t'c. per word. Pacific Milk Co. "The t-olIllllu'll- view of tin- Legal Notices, each Insertion 1C. per agate line. life-cycle, drawn from the ob- Contract Hotes.on A.-fiCRtion. Limited ervnlioh f man "! Ihe familiar All advertising should he in the Daily New? Uillce on day preceding 132 Deal (., Vacmee, . O. nnmiaU," amid prop-nnor lluvley. . publication; All advertising received suhject to approval. FACTORY AT LASKtll. O. is that it ppHHvfii nlwnys hiui n'v iinlily In a dellnile ilinM-tuni, vi(h n deflnili- plan. The n.irm ii OAfLY EniTIOS. r,n: M.mday. I'.-hrfinr? SI, 19SI. life.cycle of man, fr lntin -. i SAILS its f-ilbiw: The illditidlllll "tin f - at a Jiiuiuie -imrle ell. tln-n f"l-11 Contract Signed AWNINGS peri.Nl i.f rapid rt..Mh Canodn's standartJ since 1858 For Ship Completion. .iri-onipuninl hy illlTerwiliaiion. 1 The new puhlihed on Saturday hy Uii pjpor that Ihe con-lrac-vilh TENTS :hen (trtiwlh vvitlioul differi-nhii-liun. r.Illllllllllllllllilllllllfr- the Wallace Company few Ihe completion of Ihe ships Uien enitily and llnaliy hnif'heen signed hylhe iKtmiiiion (iovernmenl vtjs mOiil welcome J. F. MAGUIRE U'-nlh. wh'jch nuNrene u a tot'ryone. There had been mmrSr lha'1 the riui I rar I w being natural phenomenon, even if n.a 1 in 712 Second Ave., Prince Rupert through ilfsense or iicclletil. I held lip. It look trffcliy weeks hi M'lllejvhal it was thought would AjrenU for Modify Growth.- MAIL 8CHEDULC have been done in &fv d.-iys. -f;Now'js-ervihing lsfe"'!? ,,M ,," C. H. JONES A SON, Ud. ' llxperiments had shown, how. difficulty between the (Joveninlei vi I dors, which the 40jrear experience a makers ever. that:.lhi pnwes i. mil ir-! Pop the East. . DENTISTRY! 4iiiii-Tmv' Theli of the Mondays. V rdticAlivyn and KtU courts hould slrairhli-ii otil thF BOijTid i-f-erihlv unl wax not itieviluMv rivelters will agaiti hepUsii'W;theatjfjith cUi Seal peaple. similar Is all aninuils; llftit il M- in. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES pijfible-to uimlify 'Ihe fale ofj . . of . . Are Man Worth From the East. i 111 lie , trim Hii'i 1 lemrin. ni inri Sundays. Tnesdaya and Thurs.; Conserving? Tuesday7'r,rury 22- prritHi ui i;ruMi hihi iou iinunun .Some exception has been taken to nn editorial article rerenlly lliph. 1:19 a.m.. 21.5 feel. lire. ' day at 7:19 p. in. i QUALITY published in regard to men being hetGer sort than women. One 13:25 p. 111.. 2-.'.; r-t. "It hhs heen shwn,,,',"l,nfeM-Huxley Winlinui-.l, "that hy alter-nnlely Foe Vancouver and South. lady expresses herself something like tMs: . Low. 7:21 a. in.. 4.IJet. starving ami fei-Oina: plnn- Tuesdays 7 p. m Yon men always have a high opinion 1t ytmrselves. Yoil Wednesday,19:19 p. February 111. 1.6 XU 23. arinn Itatworme (hey rah he kepi Thursdays tl p. m Dr. Bayne have the ideii that the Lord .of creation, nlurday S never yel got over yoirare Ilitfh; ,2:1 a. 111.. 22.2 TcH. mil only wiihin rerlaiu deunite p.m. and yet what use are you? You fuss Ground at your ofllces 14.12 p. in. 22.6 f.l. limils of mi.-. m wan Ii m el. February (2 and Sfi OFFICE IIOUR5 hut most of what do i The bees and" Ihe Low. 8:4 3.i fed. IH'Cled, hut also wilhtn certuin you unnecessary. a. uiM ttn 9 ti 12, Lit rt 133 tl 131 1 ISA. ilellnile liiuiN t.f 0e ntiimul From Vancouver and South. ti Slitftip, 13 si Hire. spiders are really the wie people. They know how lo treat Iheir i0:29 . 111.. 2 rcpl. The tune uci Is racins fUn. ha. thus lrrn kept of the Maine Sundays , . 8 p. in. Eterf EutU) trta Ml u 1 men. dan!, for the t2Hh .Meridian west. ape that j, Ihe unuie lively Wednesdays 10:3(1 a. m.f The drouesin only rnicd when they ae needed 8 Dcntnl Nurscfn ettendance heehivejAfe It is counted from 0 to 2t hours .-irlivily. the konie form, the .hum-Saturdays a. m and as soon as tKeirt work as fathers is done Ihey are put' nfjl of from midnight to midnfjrlit. type,of helmvior for a I hive during FftbfUttry 1 ami 21 Phone 109 for nppointmcnt their misery, either by Ihe females stinging them to death or The "table given Is for Port wlijch the re! nf the hriMHl Foe Anyoi and Alice A rm. Rooms 4, 5,t, IJclRcrson Blk. Cor 3rd tidtt have 19 keeping them out of the hive ,-jnd allowing llum lo starve to Simpson but the time for Prlnc i"w lliroiigh mrm-rn- 10 Sundays Kupert varies only a fr minutes lions; a i-rid which. Iranlatel p.m. EJcst Equipped Office In Northern B.C . death. That Is Ihe wny lo treat them. Wednesdays y p.m. on some days and on others is into human l'rni, wntld lake u In the spider world, Ihe riJale is very small mid' insignificant Ihe same. The ranee of the tide lock li Chaurer. TIiu-. aire doec , compared with the female. He isl&llowed to live until his work may be computed as 5 per cent not merely ieend on the nie of. pro,n nyo and Alice Arm. is completed and then th. female ake h,Iro 'JjJ'f r deadly emhrace Kreater at Prince Rupert than at lime; il i- the expression of in- , u" ,a,s "M' and squeezes the-life out of him. What a noble. example! Pi.rt Simpson both at springs and lernal proceset 'bursdays p.m. Among humans until of recent years, the nie.rtvaumed that neaps. Therefore the rise in the Only, Flatworms. i For Port Simpson, Arrandate. Mill harbor is sTTTT. IT-.I ill hi JIiiThi tm rnrl1 Prince Kupert slightly rl.e H.vir or life so l"n a. s Ihey were the all imporla'nt , fuelor in Mrriety. Women, existed inay, Wale. Island and Naaa River. - -"i i ii nai ava-e. in 1111 llj.aSaSI grj'ater than Port Simpson. fOUKht in Ihe Middle Afre ha at Sundays 13 The height is in, feet and tenths Iat hen found Intl. alas, onlyj "1' " ' p.m. GRAND TRUNK. PACIFIC We areppniftChingiOre,fieifrl the iiriniTtiVe but nattirhl JdeaN of feet above the average level of for lll.rnM " ,From Pt. Simpson. AerandaTe. mill, S. PRINCE GEORGE saillnf of Jhe bee and the spider. Why.keep a man hanging around, lower low watr. As.an illustrallo,, f revecal mBay. Wales Island and Neat River,' ' . ' Mi.hilulit Thursday foi fwan.- n IU eating his head off ami like a drmie liei-making ia loud buzz as menial life, l'rofi-or Huxley 'Toui-.v.... a.m., ' A lot of pepl upend money in ver. Vlelona anil rVml' if he-were important. II is a.'iisele va!te lloublless lie O'ler iiiiverlisin?, others Invest it in meniioneu ihnl in Mime i-u- oi 1; S. 3. PiNNCE J0HM had this in mind when he, proposed gently disposing of the men advertising. An advertisement in f.netiiKM ami nettra-tiienia me, nu.- r.U.ni. i.t.... Fr Port Clement. Msit. Huri.!e ' .alien U rev erf In an earlier irrFt,P m.,...! P.in ri.m.M. after they were forty years of age and passing them on lo the the Dnily News In an Investment. of menial exilenre. havintt (he Aiiillhero ti 11 I !.n t ! l-'.xt.-. next sphere of life where they may possibly be more' use than tnind of rhildreii in Ihe tMlieH .if Upper Island polos- Slewarl. I-Vhrunry flih rtn.! IM' I'ebrunry 2 and ir TDim treuie.r tley are here. Why keep the drones when their work is done? mliill". "The mot iilrikinjt rne," 'roin Maset. Port Clements and; Passenrer Monday, Wednesday and Salurdir si Wales 1 he aid, "was llml of an Aiislrali. Upper Island point fnr HinilliM-e. I'rlnrr. Oeorve.. Kdlltol t' 1 ; "1 . -t I Supports APPLICATION fOB ORAZIS'I PKRMITS ail soldier who reverled to Ihe K"hrtinrv 5 nnd 10 I1 Ir.ir direct rnnneelions for all l- LloytS George. L'MiKR CRAZIM) ACT lll. condition "f an infant, unnl.li- ! Agency All Ocean Steamship Unei The election-at Cardigan is an indication (hat the people of walk or lull, and incapahle of..-, uA.nl. n.... fe MAirtMlina era ir -Uu ! AppnraitonA for rrmii rut nn Wales, like Ihe people oP Knglaird, still have faith in Ihe litlle lorn &n Km crown rinr wmiin rn laklntr nny ToinI l.ut milk. iln.. f. A .,.. Oixt Tk.M On. ra T'r Welshman who brought Ihetn through the troublesome limes Oratint MMrlft of the ITtrrtnrr or Brltlin f 1 onrunrv t anA in Oilumlil durlm fbe rrtilur lemon of of the W and who is slicking to hl( guns during the period of 191 mmi ne rum im the innnrt rot- numer ou oilier example snvvw, cu reconstruction. It must he rcmenibered that in Hugland their rfrt ii cariboo, Cnmbronk, Port oeorre. lh. Ihe .pparent Irrever.tl y l ,n(J u U point-i kamlnfips, ,lon, Prts-e Hnpert, Vancouver. Fehruary 5 and IU- problems are much larger than Ours;-" They .enl rnore nien to Vernon or mm iim dmrolisioner of of the llfe-eyrle wa only nppar-! PACIFIC RAIffl Ommr, lwrjrtmDi of Ijmi at Victoria, ent. aud lhat Ihe ordinary tvpe of 4kCANADlAN the war. they have, to pay a much larger proportion of the cost B.C. on of tWore Var-0 It, Itfl. For Skagway and the Yukon. uavioU I life-cycle had heen adopted as Uie -. -...... end consequently Iheir taxes are heavier than ours. They were Iilank formt upun wbica to aubmit ap- Fehruary 7 and 21 pllratlnna txi obtained most convenient, hut not as the StrM from nujr tbe 1)1 - nearer lo the scene of action and Iheir natural, resources are irlri rreiier al IM above named piaeea only oeilile method of prapplinir From Skagway and Yukon. B.C. Coast Steamship more fully developed 5? that Ihey have not the safely valve whirh or fniin ttie Department of Lanaa at Vic with exisli-nce. In Jhe ene of - A toria. Fehruary 12 and 2 we possess -mid shall possess for many years. The rraimt or nveatori on iim crown mammals, the normal life of ralftj c. s PRINCCSS MARY 1 . LhiydOeorge, is attacked very, fiercely.by hisoppoiientsiul rant wlinout permit mnstltntea trernani. had heen prolonged hy ahoul 10 Itewart, Maple Bay and Swamp For Ketchikan, Juneau, Skagway, aiatls. from ri he.js revered by-his 'supporters and there is no "indication as yet firotiUtlted by jaw.O. B. .lADK.t. per S cent. , Fnrt Point. Rupert thil he has lost Ihe confidence of Hie people. Tlie Cardigan Deputy Minuter or Lands. March 7, 18. 28; April 8, 1. Department of Landi, Fehruai-v 0 nnd 10 Prlne election is aii'indicaliou that he is still the big litlle man of Ihe Victoria. U. C, FROM Foe Vancouver, VlotorU'smd Seattle from country and (hat he is likely to be premier for some time yet. January fiui. Illl. Ten Years Ago Fi-hruarv 7 and SO March 12, 23; April 2. 12. 22. In Prlnco Rupert LAND ACT. " ror rsie. rrvallona and taiUort. VOTICE or I1TK.1TIU TO ArrLY TO .. February 21, 1911 VW, M. VlltWriMIIM. .- I.KAE LAXD. Dr.JOS. MAGUIRE to Vueen Charlotte Jilanila Land Dfrtnel A requenl hy Vancouver for Cor 3rd Avenue and 4th Street n.i-.- Ruoen.a'B iermisinn lo annex Houlh Vancouver 'u' soio'umr tola III ana ttTi ha heen refused liy the TAKE XOTICE mat I, Hume B. aabutf-too DENTIST. of prlnrc riupcrt, occupation Mnu-r provincial uovernmenl. . Marliwr, loteDda to aoplv ror u-rmiuion iiErAiiTMKKr or vaiu.uk a.vh nMtitn.a lo traie ttw follow lnr deaciiDed landai Crnmpiu-ina at a poat planted at tne Local hoxfnir cnlhusiasla laal U.ft-il bn.1M . in.-ii... . ... ... . northwett ewner of 441, on Oeorr nU'lit had much pleasure in !'".."" ''"a,n ri-i.aif. 1.. t Rooms 7 and roint; tiinre manr to 8 Smith Block mU) I.no ctiaina more or TO FISHERMtn le ui the lw water main or Madra watching a proifium of bouN .nlKr-ieTS llarlMHir; iDcnre aouineaiterlr and follow. Lady Assistant Open Evenings Ina uie mmi low wau-r mark to eftaine 1110 ha en lit and 1; uh. i he ii. "w. nil ifrjfJ Office Hours: Phone 575 Sunday,by K.Tro!rJu?:V.,acUoVrof7ii' InaW-on hoy Kave nn exhihi Tender u, r-..inurii.fl tjy a rertinid Now the outfitting season is on, can I. n.-L'ipeT 9-12; .1.6; 7-9. Appointment wVai ?o?r? .,r. T... 5iV. ,KV? .UJJ' ,Kn' nockOUl JUUrphy....... KOl a lie- lliati-M a.Kl bther t-artieuur.Van IVen .---. - t 1. 11:11 mam lea to tht poini of iinnWSr and .nenijei ami jiauun PWCIIC IOUUIII ' ''"' at l-niir. WT A Dn ELECTRIC & MAR conlalnlnr t aerea more or Irna. to a draw, hcolly lluchatuiii won 1 lle lwct ir any other lender nol WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING GOOD DWELLING SITES Per Fred.Ill Kant.B. BAUIMJTO.il,B.C.L.8., arcDI. from lllllv fiolllna. nnd .' vv niXai supply iu- v 1 "i'tanrti jjj nn- JOlli Al.rll. ivtl A Double Corner with magnificent view on Atlin Avenue, Hated tne till day of January, int. Dcinpsey and Perry (Jueenanj Chief v, wo nrnvvr 11., COW BAY liiafriHr f li.hrrlea. ruction 2 $750.00 Pair. LAND ACT. fought a draw. Frijnk Keeley in-j nrpuver, Ei-liiuaiy Dili I. Storaere Two Lots on Fourth "Avenue on Graft ilfil with heaullful tr duced the flshlcrs, Frank InltIon and Lighting Outfits p.iint. c'& CASSIAB tA.Sip DISTHir.T niSTMIC'T WE Marino liardwaru view t S2.000.00 Pale, CA3SHH. . ilowneH was referee and Julm i A Fine Building Wlc 50 x 50, at corner of J)unmulr and TAke KOTirr th.i u 1 v hi... Levy I jini-keeper. i BAGS! BAGS! Fourlli Avenue, pno of Ihe most deafrahla sites to he II. F. krrrm of Alice Arm. occupation prva. n-cu)r. loiend to awly for prnn.iK,n to . ... had $1,000.00. lean the firtlowlnr draenbed landai The follow Infr officers have heen; One Lot Tin Sixth Avenue in Section S $425.00. noil OKMiwnrina-n iHitnnary at or s Lot pot ten;planted tlienra on fol.tne elected to Ihe Stewart Athletic of Iluy material a bag of tliat aultantlal n.uallly, THEO COLLART, Notary lowlnr Uie water mar lo norm AsKftclaljon President, 1:. a. wears and with Two Lots on Park Avenue. Seedon 1, close to ThirdtAvenuc, Mjrh ror- : a frame that la conatrurted for CUily ,", . ,t . ,, . , S760.00 Pair. rVdiVtaVce'oV '.."i'ft o,orn:ro,V,.T'S: Mann; First VifllrVtden. IV. 0 service, yet of llfclit weittht Let KobI Estate) Konlole - ' u. ...in iimurrii 1 1- 11 iii,fi-Hu. W.i,sin tl VKn llfAfiM tie equip for p.nsnrJ coai. i riiitC St 1.20 pr K. G. claim nrodurcd in a aouttk-rly direction:! -. you properly HELGERSON, LTD. 1 2-80 ILnir- fr.ioiri pcnduriioD of aald River eril, '. II. nray(ecfetary treasurer, travelling, FOR SAI-E t JSeeked. 9 on ihei. Insurance Bonds Rentals Moil IB boundary to low water mark! trirtu. Matt Ulieral MARINE INSURANCE follow inr low water mark to uorth eoun-nary O. F. liaun: Tiorrenponding F. Inmnnp. fVimn.nv nf North Amrl- 1 of Lot tail; fheore rollowuir oorlo Secretary, flev. J.J. NUon; Man-eer, M.Crosby 1' brundary of Lot itu to point of com. Advertise in "The Daily News" rr.rncewcnt.Hll.t LDMOAD STARK, Atrnt. J. II. flmlth; Cspliiin, neorc 7ISvThlrd Avenue, Prince Rupert P.O. Bo 6 W.alholme Theatre BloW Date January 17, mi, TlniifRy. 11