MUCH LOOTING FROM Another Epidemic ON STEAMERS We are Clearing Out LIQUOR of the Westholme Theatre C.PM. Find It Impossible to Stop A Few Lines of Stuff Vanishing Influenza Spanish a. m. w im a m. v. rw m m - w 1UIN1UM1 AINU ST. JtillN. X.M.. I'll;, li. 1UMUKKUW M High-Class ml? M ItamN lliat r.-mli "ul frmii Ui' A nival u.nnj aiiiiK'riiii- laoe tiM iii' li d M'iiii-iliirkncs of 'lui'i-n ili'i'kd mi a rrliirn of lhal Innlile piaaiie wiihli Kurtd cai.niU from mie ro.l In llie oilier Hit- Ciuiailimi I'acillc rri'iHhl ImIh nit liHiar aw awl mi u many cl.-alU- in l.'inilin im yiM-M ,if liiiimr Ih'I-p and II. wak'. aMl iIkw wlm did nuriive w.-re Wm. Fa i clc i- pi'run Ming if wtinlf ciiKi's hn III a irenl ini'n Willi -..III' vers ham rli.M afhr etlci i -" ' ' wad lent ir "llplii-" UiJo IIip.v Mim in -Wnieiwf iB'tveit. iini'.i' i :tl IiIhI aim at Cost iniiliijrrtiavo lim-n p.nusiiiff I'-ona- 4 aeiB'rul vekin..,i imi mralel ii.inll pair dian I'nrllir special puliri" cim-iiil- lliai uf I hi' ajxtiMi m i. ili' v orry alio a hcish urai oi If ytm aip rim .i..n neari ini Before Stocktaking. llKht, WTH t lilii -:i.k. Ink' J I' u If "fiircial" in wiu-k. a ii-jiai H.e of, Mllllllrn - II r I el Nl rn I'lll- lookin," up I In' liuli'li vlitli' a niiiii--i ihI mrtif j mir "Imii -1 1" t mi" iimii!' iiaiiit-' upwaril willi it hwnl, a ilai"'. It voll llad llie I .ii in i n- Jlid ii wiriiiii or a lump tit poal or aiiy-lliiiiK ttilH any i.j.. jii. '''( i u.Ui rlsi- Hint lii-c may ap-fliifnlally" Ileil I ami M'rie I'm- vn iiin u ta. i ORMES LTD. fall froin Tin1 tlmk pi IM'IIIH ami Mlvn.'M . ;-.HC. i;tl:lalli'JI llllM' 1 1 111 I 1(1 ln Mr t. c. I'a'iu. i kiii. "-k wnli -I wiah in iiiiniiii ii "i (lie " r I Mime ulnar! iliiilpinK. wiitHirn'K llian an iki- I'm- e i Third Avenue Ph rtcs 82 and 200 Wlicit Dip i-argn i liiiolly mi'. After a liad .n i.n K in' ."in H -all-'' in llio lii'il.t "it Ho' Mliarf, iilliN'nsa my hearl m.i "mi wm- i t : the I'olicpinnn's troubles ar mil a M l) Lad ii.ii.lin. ii I - i IUh tiovi - ' iur Mil ami tni fa. d j jini.i -1 t". are al an eiul and (lie lot "f liim who I ever mil. ami I In" i.ik- n a amai inai ianii. nanl nir tin liaKHfre "is different kliidn, I hiii aiMayn heip Hi ml ii liappv our. tiroiipii ni aim Arra imu at iih- boii-i. ll... ll.ii.ilv i....l..i..iiil.. I...f..i'.. ami1 sr " " Healer. mi. Dr. Sutherland T Mn iiphiiuMIir MHiiinlnin of wet koimIx. , , i,,ro, ,.,.,. ,,i Advl While llie (illlcer prt'M'iil.'. a pn- D.P.S., L.D.S., D.D.C. ..Clp.l ilrixtf from (lie pni-my Ul ARAN OUNT BURTfH fnmf. Mini- iiIV'I""",ik spirit bLUtNuoh LXrhLl tU fjWILLIAM FAVERSWAM i'r HCLMi STFAVLLcj ii'jui suiIiIph aitacR from tio Luc riAn whu uji e-i i pi ur DENTISTRY in all its branches ear ami in Uic-p.vcHemelll. ii; -a- ran'. i 1U KALfc TuK rnn LUl rirn "SLaii:tucK.pi ctu p s a Tonka of th li M lo of Klfil Hiltior Vltlllsllfd. ; Paramount Mrgazine and Cotnedy, "IFe Four w c&i or$' Exchange Block, Suite 14 and 15 l lijs sort of, yi.ljPK.Jtai'ppn.t' r-- jschooner Now Nerrlng Completion i larly. j in Halifax Shipyard For Appointment Phone Black 516 One vutti" f; l'l"r - j '. csxiiilly eflrrteHrri lli1til.l f HALIFAX. I . li. i. IMio'- EMPRESS THEATRE - Tonight and Tomcrro i r.iin.iiliiin (oxpiihiipiu Mi-ri'lianl n,,.,,." U jmhip wtihh liur. In'i-n .Marini- lial to II urn MiTln'iil Urleeleil fur I In- u-hoolti'r. now WATKIi NOTICK. lusiilfr' n lioiyu liy tin- i-impl' px- of nivcnsiK.N xxu lsk. itfuririK piiii-i mn in theyitnl. I (lien I of keeiiiiiL' jtlrirl filpili'e Smith ft Itlitilnnil "f I.ononbtirw. Sessue TAKK MITICE that The V. V. MrCarter Hayakawa Have You Hnrr in., lid.. whose addreM l 4 Hill-irte n.i to llii nnlure f the einiletil Willi which Cnplani An no W'hI-ier. Avenue, Victoria. II. :.. mil apply for nf the line. lii'lllK iiiilnaileil. funiMTly ina-ter uf llie- rtei't , a licence In lake ami ne 9U0 rnbtr .ccnnd tret of waler Mil of Marmot t:rcek. wnich niiiM'it H. Waliei-.." ml lit in a Silver rami nnwi about weterlr Hirer and( drain,mil rrom into Stewart,roriland OPENINGS FOR DOCTORS -;',.. : ir ,.,.. the i,,,r, li. :. i f I I enntpiidpr. The water will tm diverted from the "An Arabian lrem at a point atinnt one mile from i in Hip uppoIIiI erie- hi Inler-liiitnilial Knight" iiiniiMi or elream and will I ncd for In- Medical Men Needed at Massett Tea-Set? tnlrla,l. awimll amt ininlnr piirpone. upon i.i'hoiiei' iacp Np lield and Queen nic lano aojoiiiina1. oenrrinea an l. Skldegate, ifT Halifax ti r.ill fi the 1 1 h I i Th x ll 1 7. HV applicant will cvert'l.e ll Charlottes FORD EDUCATIONAL Comedy, "HOW DRY I AM' power a a l In applicant upon in Herald Trophy. Nolliink cl off your lahle td'n-i-nt territory. j I Tin. notice i poted on the rrotmd 'Him lump'" repi i'M-nl a niarkeil .sTiIcJiiiai'll lfkK-sliyfcrwarwK-n If- fllh-rtsv of Jmuirr. tun. A ropy Therr aj-p Ivvji "oppiiinjM fur! ii.ikii rl ii.... fnnit III.I 1,-i.m ikf Vir I' en. nourc una an airiiifauon.ioir9uaiii iiedieal men to lake rivudciicc j ,Ah .,'h will up , tierelo ami lu the "Water Art. 1I4." ,la4 ,.,.i . WV can hnw yiMi soiuq tic Med in.the cmiv of the water Kccordcr anil praetlee ainoiifr llie wmip re-idenli 953 It prince Hiiprrl, II. :. !faur in Xoa.Si iilm aid duriiiK Yt ur Suit Cleaned Iwaulie al -'2.5,- $30.00, ulection iii liw" application may be ahd Indian of Hip IJin-pn l)i'lial feV i4ur. Iml lUliPi-meit HAVK l'rataw1 hv afaaiir Klam Pled with Ihe'.aid Water accruer or W1I0 $511.00, ,S5.00 to 125.00. ' he Ci-niptmllT of Water ItlKtil. Parliament ('.liarlotle Inland. One Of lhpi! iirp aKrppil thai i In tlepariwp i Machine Method. i'rice reason- lliilltlnr Vlrlurn. II. Ilk. wlinin at near " on Hie Me. C,iv u a t-iL or i JIas"eUf Unity day. after the POL awearaiire of .Ill in lav or of the venel'it elll The NEWEST ARRIVALS tint, wince in a local ncw.p.per. norlliiTii'pnj.1 ol jMihaj'ii Ulaixl. IMiono John Bulger Tlie petition ton the approval of ttn: ol1iefrur neW?8lP.ftrf,ri cieiicy a a flrttiiiiu. utaeliine. That . LING, TAILOR IllackSOS the mi aopllcant iinderiakhia a. a LI... I7 ap- li. will alo urp ieeiT I n malter i pllrant will lie lu-aril In Hie onirr or the l(ie Plld nf the ame -WMw Jeweller hoard at a dale m lie ntcd by the Uitnp .-.iiiilliern I hey are laMnV rr m-undil rur' j troller. and any Inlercatcd iirnwm may i.liniil.- !llle an olijerlloii therein In llie onire of tlie lime lie Hit. reerili Iheir it ggeg3g""-;igg il tlte Comptroller of of the Water lierorder. W. K. hilphln'iru. lihirf lnnM: einiilcnil jiidu'Orpnl niraiiit I he, rniee miiicri. 11. i;, lor of Indian ABenciej. fni- the THE W. V. MrCWIThTI MIIH CM. I.TU.. time Hull tlie Ueet make nu. HATS Appurani. T!roiiri nlile that I lt lpparl-iiA'til aelual ularl fifr I lie llltiiii( hank a 11 l.ul. llliwll, aicrill. TIMFEn S'LE X 2817. The dap ..f the llr.t publication of IIIU nf Indian Affair will pay u I. IVil. ill the .-print: ettd H'Wler will If reeee4 by IlM iiollcc I aturda. t'cbriiary 75o to -alary of Mr annum WlW.ter ut tMwh al Virion, nut laler ihiriaii who will locate lipar liMii taN llae 1 1 ill day of Marrh. 1, 'MMiiiph to the two n)iip.nieiu SMOKING DURING for the purrluw uf Lleettee kill), 14 tilt limipil - In permit uf reasonable ft.iso.afct feel of xpruee and llemkiek on for Spring FOR SALE Weekend SPECIALS p-iinl BUSINESS HOURS au area itilair luHl l.ll J, hkKK-i.l medical alleiiliiin heinir.civen lel. gaem IJurMtr Itlanda Ola-trlcl. ) llie Ma!'!! and Skiile.'ale Indian. It i iiinlerliMd that All e.pennist uf a Uiu l'.iiylih two will Ur allowed tor "ti- House of 3 Rooms mnial of Ittaetier. pure; jams. (lie I'ruv iiieinl liuM-ruiuenl will linn in aliovwiiK il einpluyM-r, in r"nr1her parlleular tit the CHarf la.Ur, and Halh, Fully FurnUhed Sliawlii'iry. ra;plierr,v. Iilaek al" pay a praul uf ioo or t-'iOii -rnnke fur l sited pciiinl iluilOU e-l.irai. H 1 .. ur Hl.inl t'oreaier, frtorn Section 6 rmiaiil. I-lb. tins $1,10 Mr year In llie reidenl ii.elni in lie ilu "lu'iilij Mle anilllP uf the Roprrl, U. I . $2,350.00 I -Hi. jar 45o. Hie heforp-iiieiilmned dilricl. el k lluw u elllciplipy evpei l. uti TIMBER SLr: X 2725. r.umhined with lhee two lanl- il III ide uf the water i.imim-1 Inn elei lter. WIU tr by lite 4 Room House MARMALADE. i believed -tlnil there i a yixiil lu think nix.lit. Stm.kin in MiiiLter irf I.ihI. at Victoria. H. i: m ji. t l Hai i mam m In- till dj nf April. KiiC- lieai'li. t Id. lini $1.15 lielir" anioiiu the while reHiil-enl Veiielully elrlclly prlllihlled III Il. for the hi rchxe of I leraier a ffl. Second Avenue, Section 1 Malkin'H llel Ulh. tins $1.00 uf Hie island Hufflcieiil to faciorie. i'M'ojbtlly lhoe in pi ul r..ju.iieii reel of irtfc and llem-hiek on an area lliaed on I ftie-.m,, H. $1,600.00 warrant u fair income. vvliieU llie nature X lltff work eall I.rtii.o lalainl. uiaerii i k.rtolle lalimf. lit-(ml. MILK. for nleady Inlmr, ill llie leclier Dial Two ' yeae. will be allowed fur re-neival Lot on 1st Avenue Paeiile, Maple Leaf. !.:. lillH' in aeil. or IMnle r a lurlle r taartinilar of llie luef l' all otic price $5.75 per case A II nu in l'railofl, Fnuland, ii'lneii. K i. or OnXnri I urraler. Criian. A jufi Si t lion , cloae to Si. Cliuiles . . $7.50 per case IIHperl. II I . Ueaner Apartrnenti hii h ha ln'cn pm-i ioieniiriK m! $600.00 APPLES AND ORANGES. ullowiiiK empliiyeca In einuko ) TIM3ER SALE X 2323. J AH the latest Shades and Colors b while at work, foUllil. (he runftp ' Sealed leader, will be recrlrMl ty lit Jonathan apple, wrapped MlllOler of tJiiHta al V leiona. H. ;.. Mil xtockl 4 lbs. 25c. m, iiiiliceulilc in makiiiK' for m-t-1 later llaaii iwen n the lum day of Vareh, McCaffery, Gibbons TK.MiHI- rni Vi.ivllaiieoii. -npplu-e at caed liulput, lhal (tie echeiiui Iff I. for INe narrliaw it Urraev X ffl, HATS BORSALINO V'itlP.1is jumliie Hllllill t'liii'i' lniieri, II i lo lnp and K.Iali-llrliiiH-ul lo cut l.iau.non feel of Mpniee, l.cur a'i ami. the workers Hemlock. an area Mllialml on Mliem ni.e , . 6 lbs. 25c. or I Ik department of llie Naval ban ieeuped Inlet. Vneeli i.liarhdle I Man-In llMlnrl Service of Canada and mlier Canadian Our-ermneiil ure now allowed lo eJiUilkt' fur an line 1 1 , year wilt v, allowed for rata & Doyle, Ltd. Kunkfrd ttranyi'M, ri.'ir 35e per Ijiiiarum-iilii. a. well a. lo Hhlpa I uf llie I Tin ril 'loveniineni at Iheir nplloli: uuur a" hair morniiiK and a of limber dozen, Npeeial 4 dot. $1.00 Healed lendera. adilre.iM-d lu llie under, fiirlner particular, ur liw rtiier lore.ler. 3rd Avenue Phone 1 1 , SiiiikM LemoitK, linied. will lie reeelved up In noon on ttflcriKtriri. 'I'Jai etmeinninii ha Virlurta. 0. :., or InMrtei foccier, i'rnice i-pecial per tlieri, a. c. t Mar.ii. 1(ll, for aupilU- of III under-n'llll'iliert dozi-n 25c. Hem.: relilted in a liljwer farlnry pro Far ptrlod f thr.a,-monlht from tat April duction ami areaier etmiPiiiiopiii i TIMCCR SALE X 3046. to 30th Juna, 1821. Heated lender, "will ue reieltnl llie EGQSl EQGSII A Freh M.'il. the ofke1. Oilier fae-tofiei Ii) .tuning l.trirl f ore.ier led laler, linn noon on II. C. Fri'nh, per dozen . 55c. II c I rreali n ill llh.Milk. are ailoptififf nimllar rule. pi.n llie bav tll or day I irenre of lebruary,A 0A near I a I.Port ror M-the 11' You Can't Sppeial price by (he jenti'. i:i freuli liaitm Veirnlafalff.and Lard. inrMin. a. i , reel or Buy f llnwil. irure and other M'ii" Niiuii'i-tiiis oilier xperialu on n II liunir.oiliieeltaneoui I'rovulooa. PRINCE GEORGE of"ne limner.year will be allowed ror rrmoial Inrlhir pariirult,r. of llie l.hlef rorealer. dUplay in llie More. I Ire. Virtorfa.. or the liialrtcl roretirr. rrinc Insurance For parlod ef four montn. from 1st April U. O. Perry, M.L.A., U pruxinn a l',Url GREENSTUFFS. J WaaMiiir to Slat of July.Iter lilluar.1B21.Uotninr. Eft. frreal hoonler for H"" ditrip and , TIMBER SALE X 2827. Martin Ithtiharh. sweet potatoen, ror tha rttcal Vaar commanclna lit April, iAf already rfelVed it KvnI deal 161i Healed lender will U' rrretaed t, llie letliipe. eaulillower spinach, k' i:oNl. glraiuina-. of puhllmly tiite triiltiK to Vie-loria. IMalrlit Koee.ler, I'Hlire lliiirL II. if. Ihi fienli tomatoes. Ii.nii of lender and all In forma Hon may la Ice Mian noon 011 llie 4lli day of (eiirn When Your Im oblained by aoidylnir to llie Ijmleralmed. ary"..' INI. ror the purrhaae 4f l.irriire O'Reilly Arpllrallmia for foiina aro regueaied to It f ?. orlh (ill .Ve V lleialie Hay, to i ul We Buy American Currency, male deflnllely llie linn, or lieina, on ttf.WOO reel of llMMhark. sprnre. iiMr wiilrli tljev wlah to tender I.. I). Vibbard hn lukt11 a year'a ami RilHm. Silver, Gold or Bills. Tlu. imi t or any lender not iiereiaarlljr it irar will be alluwtd fur rnumni lear mi Hie Itilz KrKer Hull. of i(iiJr. 'arri'pieii. House Burns! (eipofU' 4. II. i'K.L.,r.if. runner iNiflirnlarf of ini chief rore.ier. Ariinr ."fatal Kloee Oi.irer, tnlorl., II. L., iht.IIhi in.lrli I forraler. Table Co. II.M.C, Dockyard, ttqulinall. li.C A Kuinl many of Ihe Indian erliny IIUMrt. I K. Rupert Supply loth t'eliruarr, li) . Iriiiipi ir aire eutliiet IliU tinier No nipt can forecast when U'liaiiloorlieil puldliallon r,r una ad TIMBER SALE X2691. PHONES verllncmenl wnl twit lie paid fori. on in nt of Ihe low price ur or where Urn will hrcak 211, 212. Mealed lender, will lie reielteif In llie pell. The i-eaiiU In that fewer lilalrlrl t'orraler, PriiMe Unpen, 11. 1; . nu . oul. Ari you protected laler than ikoii on lli IIU da) ul li'lnn here. Barnes iiKiiiiii lire to? It is fur are being takeirrtuout ary. Illfl. fur pori'llaw of .trein'i. . . V TbUI near Huecoe luli l in rut Special really worlh while. iff The eiilbolltl(l Wfty freighl Ini feel of Halaaiu. dr. pruce and lliiiilink, All thl Two year.will m- allowed for removal DENTISTRY ! CANCELLATION OF RCStRVE. liiM-ii taken nit oil Tlitirday, hut of innlier. ' tnontlt KurllHT liartH'iilar. of Ihe chief t'on .ler make i jioi.ce Hi iiKiuTbr"" (iiven mat tne will riiiiiiiuie to run on Tncil.i Vlrlorla n, C. . ur llie In.Ire I t ori ,lrr! Furniture Ut Fun' Dyhhavn & Hanson Don't neglect your Teeth irererre i. vaiicciieu.oveiln Lot 4IVv, Caaaiar putrlcl, iiml Hatiiiiliiy. I'rlni Ilii!, 11. 1'. 1 room for (I. H. NADtN, LAND Insurance Agents, Third One decayed or mining tootb liepuly Miuiater or Laudi. ACT. s(ria lowera your efficiency 1jn I riepariioeiit, There mav fw uo'iiciliinjf yon orlioTici. Store Avenue, I'iinco Ilupcrt Victoria,vy to iieeemtwr,II. C, letii. want. Kfje (he elaimined f.oluniii l AUWIAII I.A.VU F0RM IMHTIiliirIilSTIIiCT Of Prices Good L-AMHII. DR. BAYNE TAkt lu.llre that ,1 Wrbder geotl Ullnp. I J TMrd wm. of li l.'Kranii le k, H. r. ocrupation Office JJoun-Morninif, 0 to 12; liiiliaii Alient, liilemla to apply for pcrinia-alon Afternoon, 1.30 to 6.30) Saturday, lo lea Dm rollowlnr deariilw-d land): PACIFIC CARTAGE LTD U to li! only. Evening, OUR COAL WILL PLEASE YOU li,re(jiiiiintiifiiiif or leaa iiorlliwaal ai a poat planted of llie too nortnweal yard! Tueaday, Wednesday and Fri- curlier it Ihe Trlerrapli Creek lownaite, Phone 9. S. Ii Parker, Mgr. Mday, from 7 to 9. Clean Lump. Clean Ex Mine Uun. IT'S JI0T. NO SOOT marked Initial I'otl; thenre mirni 40 rnalnai M thence eaal 40 chaina; ihenra aoum 40 Careful atUntiun rlvr to all orders far DENTAL MIKS1C IN ATTKNPANCB Consumers Coal Company, Ltd. cliainn thenm weal 40 cliaina to tin twint Daily t uj-aitur, t rclff br. b or othr of roiiiiiienrrmenl, and coniainlnr 110 acrci ORDERS takkn trtnsfar rot COAL work and WOOD PU ONE I'M FOR A PPOl NTal ENTJB 11 Smith Block PHONE 7 J. Lome MacLaren, Managtr more or leaa.WrrTi:H HCOTT MIMI'DUn, .. . ... rieli Ii h Col"" I Pat, pacumtier uic, ia$.i I he Leading Daily of INortnern