axi 139 FOR : TAXI CALL Phone Phone mm 1 ntley & Hale PRINCE RUPERT Block ROYAL Taxi SERVICE Uelgerfon Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper V 1 1 PIIIXCB lU.'PEUT. H. MOMMY FEISIlt AllY 21, K2I. ttrtfr' ClrcvUOn 1741, trt Im 44S. PRICE FIVE CENTS tnr-IU Ifi OLD I B0T1 ES, MOT 01 DEAifflT ERAR SAYS WILL VOTE WITH MACKENZIE KING ON WANT OF rONMPNffi - - - sj 1 1 C sj v. ss-k mm L NEWPORT NEWS WHERE ORDER IS TO WORK OR GET OUT. UHIC501VCO TT ill JlAfJ LjkjL L Mackenzie King Amendment ATTACK ON THE IRISH POLICY Government Frcient (aIso Declares Reparation Do- United Opposition' to on i mands Impossible or Leech Policy FulflllmenL n f ! -T. A. Creriir, leader or Ifie Pn- 1 Premier Aiuilh Jir'a ixeif:iirn . rl ! r, n In- will niMfrl I lie waul ,allar!k.--l Hie riovernoreolVyrrj.ilr .... i 1 1 1 -1 ! into Um IIiiiim of (Gnomon- hi HAROI..Q APPOINTS Kilicy. lie d.-clarol' Itie ATTORNEY-GENERAL 1 iluiidpr.s and rriiiH.- n-imii itlr.l K "ik ' 'niifK!lWni willi (lie debate un the demg Ihe la-l six tnonlti-. tlie !,. -i.. i! iniffi ITie tlinme. M'. AIUI MIM Flu. blarker-t in lln annal.i of Fn. ..II 'H'( "ni will follow Ihi'ir lemlr in Feb. 21. l'rinlliiU-WI and relation.-, with Ireland.' -flit i i.ivi'rnnu'iil ami Jl i toililc that IImhIiiiu nun.. tu Ihal ' .Mr. A-iiiilli a lo crili.-iii-d trip Hurry M. l.owliwlj of Hlicy of Premier Lloyd ;e..rKe HOIMl-' will bull ami vole fur Hip opMjiiiwii . hi is l b Attorney, and Hie allied teaderx in rejrard to ' I Premier MWnlMW. this l i.'.'llt II policy i.eneral In the neit ad. reparaliont, d.-.-Iarms lHat tbe I ll which llicy hate al)' llprtrsl Illilllxll I . deinnnd-i made . II lllll al Hie Pari con-fei-enee I tl i ii'ii ix-riiwl wii allowed i remain were imio-4!ible of ful. fill CI y Mr. M Pin In-II s looked llHl Union men, such a I be ll fi day man win. flllmcnt. recently tefii-cl an idfer nf work at :i and I'l llll ' i ii(iit'ii I niHjurilt if nol wiped out ;ia.r IK.K I i Fun-.' I .-i- onsidcrably iPiniirnpi fnii::mTxinii liter m-aa found to have sent III nmlrr noni-MuM -lff In ibo -4irlioiiM-. nill nou blip l z to III win i a irt voio of uif irerit of ii,i;riricrvo tun ten uuii work or 50 to jail r po awa.t from NVwjK.rt Newn Tbe 4irv ut iinrmitiYP-l ri-.un the SINN FEIN IS - ! COMMENCES TOMORROW! industrial plant will In? ml to wirk on ww-r rrMn nn.l .xifii-'iinv wbiVli ib ritv Innltj , Dctl bnt for wlilib it bat- iU-fTMil Uirniwiii" tbe iii.nicv WMpex will I .iwi-r 'iMn ll un'mn ..L I D I II III I II 1 I Tran Goes .liTllitltn with Canadian Counoll calc aW dnrin; llir at fe- Tt-am of plenty, ami it i uii- ti-,. i,e!i-r..n-. ilmi V ,r.--'Mninn-will STILL ACTIVE of Agriculture to be 1 be bitlerlr Ci'mli'miir-il by lb J4Itk tity utfirtal. it4rt. bnwrvtr, llaii' at. n.ti tnutilov Off Track atBissell Contidered. 1 mcnt cotntuence.U provided ibe bread line foi the lnl.boiu ill U; ni.H.-mlcil au.l urtotii forrj:rtilixy)iwiV Republican Army" Suffers From Meeting with Detachment 1 v.xr.rvKHf--pei.- si. Tii- ' of Soldiers'. ttrt had N rrow Ei a Lut Only Two Badly iii-Iiiiii .r ofllliullon Willi tbe Fish Auction Deadlock f .and be found Jlia(.vbr wa nlvtay llnnadtnii tHineil of Aurlcullur.'i Hlioii on a xlilpment. Ilie other milr.. 11 1 r M K li n.r I I l in lJ . m All. mrl .Hl fUillK, Feb. 21. Thirteen elv. will lie eiHUideml by the II. C. . day lie bad been sliwf 180 poundi ilian.s were tilled and three t'aa ed af ly j)jj,,"lta,,-,,hr,,,i,,?,," oroken by oettlement at n a ear load, tbniijvli having ibe uirtjiided in all enttaimient on in ;fK) pound IhIk. unday near Middletuti with a de. ii in' 'i.ii SI.- Uuiidrftl of MuM.iger hud Mikeniu. Iranpviillmi ami; Exchange Here Yesterday , i-t... .11 .,aM,ru 1.1 " (acbmenl of Hie llamiwliir.- flesj-'rbi niri fx.lllieal aeto-i wit) he aim-tig! in.ic- nun in.- im-1-i..ioii iieiu l .1II1 whll wri ii nuieliet. were derailed mi ioailllrn j is the larfre! nnmher Hie -.Htiieelo lo be dtM-U-tiMil. Four! tbe buyer muliay for an extra Lr ll.nlw . in itr lllell. Two I'liui lle-. Mi rl e cuallie,' anions member.', of I111 nd re.I iMeizul.- all rwirl-if man at the n.-l lien .small bi.aUin,,. S!e Held Hours while jij,,,, j.-ejn urinv in any cnil.-le UpfirTwo Wetghinir Problurh -Il I'l in.hi Ii.kI mii arm limki-o and uo- Ihe 'iiiloe- ari eipefteil to were uemv uiiiimiIcI mi lliut the enroiinter. tjlleiol tin' u'lillierin.'. vwai DUcuaaed; Five Car Loads Shipped Eas . ,..a.i, ,.r . ,e men iiiuriu, (i.L'AY. Feb. ;-- i,irirt This Morning Wcrth here $15,450 mbIpIi Ibe M-uh-.i. Ionrilb.r l-e.if.-hej.-aii wm taken il - . 1 ,1.1. ml.-nt r -ei.-m low-.. ake I'cilT fflUHII UnTD mD Among the boat a, the ld- hi M ,.,.,. all(, ,,,, A, -.nil ii;..f.oe. urH.iu leu milex lhl -id.- "till tUmiMrinUC.(A rUI i rle. nienily purebaed by :a.t.,aci1WaU.r two men bot I r.,.m Y,nr.Hiw ran off. Th- f ANAMAN AIR FflRfF! U'lirn the iiHiiil Snndny llh aurlion was dnr In have roni- Win. J. Seliii. ThU ii her nrl.M.i nn.i i... 11..... Mr.-r..,..i ... 1 1 Ih-i-i . mm ami. Ilndiuu the Hhei- irmi! vi ib ; VIIVU liieoied elenlu nioniing al rleveii o'l-lm k Iherr were live ear Iriji and a- a reMill Ihe crew .ct ai tf,P command of the sol. I 'Inii.iilrn. arrilna there af !- n lime. i)ITW F . ii. ; .... . . 'Ina.N of lialibut ..ITeniig bill (he liur were silent There were ""'""! "". Ihe jjprs ' i. T. I. nk-llnn of Hi.- lilt.'. Willi.' Hi. 0 AuneM l. i re-I" i t i as reported bad left AfliT Mltuig for half an hour wailing for !iiiinss tit Fires at Manchester. l.i 1: N. II line will I..- u'd lln-re thai out two j-kalea of off llunda i " ''tln.und Irani niliea ha been i.rfere.J the rum. i olart, one of Ibe lirr drew ntleulioii li u nolire whirh hud been jja,,,) . wind' VXIIIIFSTKII. Fib. 31 -Four. wan blowing .. i arrs .,1,.,.,. ,nu neiirli. niaml of the Canadian Air Force. p.ed by Ihe M-erelnry of Ihe Dorp .Sea Fihorrr.f nV IJiiiou !.r..iis from orllaud (filial and .u,riu.ui .... Si,i..r.i .v il... I IhlL1'!'!'!! IfMI 1111 lll'IMf '.iier.'.-iiiuK ijli-e. slullnif thai 8l ll-h miIiI would liac to be wcigheil in four him- her engine was running hot n aniouiitins to ;OO.0HI. It is up-ijrtil I ll I LI I I II U I i I I Uriiealh that 1,15,1 "In-rould nol-beani aain.t w m mmm. m XA WXI VI 1 A pound lol. nolire wa another rigmtl by nil p,, t have bi. n Hie work of niinnn PRICE OF COAL the iloiilfi slating Unit all llsh they l.ouglit would have to be !!"" ,'pv ""M" a';l ;eyye Ibe ipeendiaries who are believed In a win '' "- iO'l i-ei lU'inniini Im. S nil Ki'inrr. wejplied us usual in two hundred pound lot These nulire.s Investigation will be Held by the they out luSlajV'Tlie. Ilb sold MlfflM' a diunll.M-k which il t.wik 1 've.stertlav were us Tollrnvs: I Provincial Government. nearly' hourx of dr'sruslou Ihe rliangr, lliut MAN SHOT FOR DEER . two t.janaii)sl .-ayiiiK Vuknlal, 23,000; Uojal Fish Co. AlftOCIAtlnn I. n. 1..J . . i n i. ...... .., . " " ------- break. The fli.hermi'11 then Ill llieaill weiunno: ie II.II oter n I I I TO mi.I fl Tk.. .11, ll lillllV 1-..I. l T.,. I".-.. azri-ed! HUNTING ALERT BAY r win lane fart in Unimnloiminl Outll on at " " ruing S.lirlea. meiai .lowrnmeni hi eieruinc lo wvigliina in tw huhdnl pound " , imreen; Aeiu-ii IU I.SOO: Forum Medina. . .... .. ......... ........ ... " I""" "-. r-i"-v. tJbld : .. w i I...I lot., but .lii.iilul.,1 Hint un evlrn, m.nim. to Storage, at ii .'.ii. I. .-utijii.uj umiini i.f O. H. Jackson Got Wound In Neck W - lit It I .... tt i i hold no Imiuiry Into Ihe price of 1.1.111 must he provided iu ills t .. ... ..... ". - 4r ii. .i in.m '' ,:,,ur!'-- 1 v But Expected to Recover. eon In the eo.ii.1 eillen. rharalm: the .,,ali,. &XU s., i,al "uv. YR -n0: - .000: - -I l ike, hae U an III? uhjeel Hi llir iell f.irum oneorth-nsbe....... mTshtbeable ,,,J,,reV ,n"M . ,m .Vi-h. WO; Cold Storage at,. i i a week, uu-rllng of the Cenlrul Labor I WAR CHIEFS DIE Ihe wril..s. ' ;of tune and ex,.ne. t5.J0al.dC. i VA.NCOFVFIt. Feb. Sl.-O. II. n.-en n In- lnineil IhkI uliiht. V. S. Ilniiim Thirteen. e a t ' Il e .I of llll cuiv-mir, inuuui-r ill me iii.'Iiiih. lo.i.uo; .Millie UCK. juiso.i ui .i.eri aj n ith I'1 ' -' Avno.'iii- vi t in the ehuir iiiul a rrpoi'l wim IIKItM.N. Fib. St. The death ii iimounlitiK (ii all i" 157 000 lbs 1 ac,,,t! !v a itouucih Mimpany. me to.oon, io Ainu l-lH-nes at IS..0 nroujjui ik-ib whii a ouuei wouuu l Mi.. c".. cud iiy i:. M, Smith ntaliiiK thai auniiunoiHl uf (wo Oernwin war un, ii.,... -ni.i ui an uvlruse orie'e "nI.v buypr who had pot signed Ihe umJ . ,in tb neck said to liavi? been re- Mile eily would be Urf inii it la - 1'hiefn, (ieiiornl llan von Iloehu of 15e for llrsl urade and lie f.,.. notiee, said there were arguments Lincoln. I3.U00; Cape Cleur. rehed when his rompanion, who 'Ue odjimtr. wround eouxlrurlion at the eornrr and ill IMeek. weonds. the total feteblmr I5.- ,M,h " ,,M,k l""' .0o(l; I'aeitie. Fisheries at I I,V0 wa hunting, took him for a deer 1 b.mrd of iSivlh Avenue and Mrllrfde t30. There was 10 000 lbs. 0f money io weign me iisii over again and 0 filial tired. It 14 expected that lie in'sirefl Ktiitiaiion iomiii iiih (hat il wan likely will DIED ON GLACIER II this I revoer. a8 l-eeond grade. was shipped llhe liliynrd ueliile would ai 'iy' ' all'aehera n.iniJnn commenee.Ibe eily rouneil A re.lHlion to proido rallliiK an VIKN.VA. Feb. I. Four men and mornins will on uo the lo Chi.-aiAj passenger for train,'dis-' No Beer Clause in EARL HAIG LIKELY and three women rlimbiiiK Ihe'.lributlon. Most r the fWh was niinlliiK wiibi for the uuemploid Ihieholeiu lilaeier pel lulled caught In llernle Siralt and the TO YISIT THIS COAST whether work rould be oiipp.lieil or WHO went roast of fju-.'i Charlotte Is. KILLED not wan Ihen' panaed. -. Measure IVIIowfTii D.5 Swi.lliig'nr Ibefl EASTERN HOCKEY. lands. Liquor VICTOIUA. Feb. "I. Field ATI1 Ait niir report III ere wan" n itlu'einoiluii of Iu dUriiHiUK lie- new proposal Marshal Karl Haig is to visit hern U H I N KAII the uliemploymeiil eondiliou and St. Palrii-kK S, llumiltiiii t. at li.H.le by Ihe llslivrinen, Hurry iu the full, uccordiiiK'to a letter v i XJi Il.AU Toronto, Meiialier. serretaiy of the lieep reeeKed by Ihe Pacific (loast their eHUt.en, J. I'l Hiinoui-'li I.eiiiK Draft will Provide for Sale in Smith Sea FUheriiien'ii I "ion, explained Only ..Hirers of the Veterans Assiieiu-lion U. M. e M M.. . I,l,c ruiei jK-uner. Mi. F. W. AuderNOii, chiirffed lliut In welching Hi - lUh in small fro.'i Ihe parent orguil.atioa "B ,0P,nlo made itome rrmarkH on Ihe In Sealed Left Non-Party .VAncoiiwAN. iutt ipientioii. wllh nlbiwliig ilrunkenue.s.s mi liar It'll, there was u distinct loss In Packages; to ill F.iigland. I f.1 fi U...' - ''V I u. ii eiiiii'n, appeared umiln iu imltee Ihe llslierm.'iT. It ulwiiys took a .Ml .1 eoiirl lliis iiiornliiu'. The evidence few pounds In I n ni the scale, Vote to Make Change CROTHERS IMPROVES. air I llmi. AIR FORCE IS TO was taken and jllduinent reered sometimes as much us elchl or I'll! It l'lieJ of BE REORGANIZED by lugiiule McMoidie Tor u I I'll, pounds because of illfllciilly VltrroniA. IVbruarv 21. There will he no beer I'luuNf in OTTAWA, Feb. ,l.-?Theie is a ' ' .Iiiirii. week. ill veiling n'fish Ihe right site to Li.irN,aliiri'M;-t li'"l'r..xei.u iit iou iu llii Hi the mo.lcruli..n bill w hen the Uruft conies be r.ire the il ' r .lutepli make weight. Ill Seattle they of Hon. T. W. Crothers Ir I. "I'.'iireil to II. A. Miiii-hUoii. ul Ihe eml of this .week. A l.cer i liuise may be introduced l,.v,Xvho taken III Satur-privule Voluntary Sytlem to Cease formerly of weighed is 100 poilllil lots usd he was seriously In 1 ' '"ilium I lie Exist; Similar to Mllltla this i lly, vriles from Oukland, thought I bey should ilo the same members, however, und its falo will depend un the non- duy. I M " bull until lUilifornlu. hul is Ihluking of here. The tUhermcn hud met in Kirly vole of the House. I Villi) ""'"niity will b. OTTAWA, Feb. St.- II l neml-olllciully iiinNliuf. He nays lalmr ruudl. (heir union with something like The (ioveriinieiil has ileeklwl it is lis duty In slick as clo-clyl MEMBER DIED mm It, 1 A-.'iT public uiinounred lliut the Can. Hons there are ery bud. Ho ex. forty present ami bud tuslrlivled as possll.U. to the Uuor eonliol lernis. imj.Iied in the plebiscite. " kiiiiwwao T aiilnn ulr force in In be irorKOil-t.n peclK lo be buck here onie iluy. him lo post Ihe notice,.which ho T(movn, Kl.b al ou.,iuil, m ii,,. rUHI. ..,., That. U the reason there U no beer clause in Hie Ooverumenl Tllll Wallace WoodbrMstV mem-drafU on it periiiiinent IiiuIm xiinilar 1 P. hud duiitv -Hi ' 11 -"Ir-Uefetiee lo units of iuilitlii furor. Tbe II. I.. Frank arrived lust oven. Two Handlings. Aeconling to it the only beer selling Iu be allowed will i,er of Parliament for W,t York. I. voluntary plan will ceu.e to tiut.;iiij; from Tt-rruce. Several of the buyer poko,'lje in bottle in sealed packages. jdU'd today aged U.