rut i PATRON SAINT KnlsrhU slimmer.of M-n,.TWin niiliitn.ii1-amiiol well received last MADE STAR WEEP IN lllld Mux Meat?her lli.n;ul. .nfTor 1 i" from n -Unlit ihl. n. FAIRBANKS PICTURE 0$ was honored:cnJnjVil. Tlie(f Sown, Awn of a "When the Cloudt ! r y sr "jrs I 1 I iiypiciu irih eitlfurnnl farewell Roll By" twit urc. Shown at Westholme Tonight Knight, of Columbus Concert In , Harry Flelhecr. the Ineal lenor. J w Wealholme Theatre Lait n- in pood voire and Li blddinir No real nianvrr infenfionnllly Night Wat Qreat f..i.w,l f lit Old Land and his "t to work irtffliake a Kill ery. Success. loved one in annjr m touching-ami for If thore'H niiylliuiff he (llnlike Irt lire If Ik (hrfi'ljiaiiny I rue. won fiiatcJ by f l,.nr. j .' a last BEIT LOCAL TALENT WAS Ml orah Kenny. who look the Vet dial aPtl nhat VHw ASSISTED BY VISITORS iil- of sweetheart, umi Milne. Jean Fleinlnir, Die dltccinr for lou(ta ;;ill HW'rT i( Iveiliiy. a the lri1i mother l'nlrlank, illiffln Iiiaiv'n "Itig r. " fan vala The HI. I'al ink's Day i-innerl Original Playlet. Four" pietdfl!. When l he Clouds .1 ! , by proven 1,I under I lie mi.!( of 1 1"- l airi' Glen." u nlavlel fl'l I lly." willed I- in le .eon at c.illDg cf llha hnlalil of (Vdumlm In Ule fsparially written Tru tlie cnneerl (be V'eMiolllie (otliffhl. nJ I bin wrota IhW-tory and ,rfs in one i hwir-iHi wnfiiioiiic nipi(tiH" irjp,jK.iiiie! rmes cr ltiiet M flue x rfi.rniHiit'. Itti lakeri by MCvffiU Mra. J. :. Ilrndr. neeiie (e lnl(pd In hit crjnl (hat I , it grft perawi In the bla- rtlifrt" IHITi H wljrlnal riihi well earned out. the ymina laily wllti vtlmin de wa hralirj Irifulon In love and wliiriiirned him down. .-..hli. i:nllli or ;niidi)n,'ilt wf loenl color made 1 k it inierasllna-and wait to dfiM re) t r. Kathleen Ilitcned la art entertainment that doubly attnisirifr ,uluJtt mi- enjoyable to (lie fullest Je. Mr. and Mis. llrmly were assisted ClifTorl.- unld younv lt. in the ..euakrj. Jl.i'l' J llll flll Cftllle 11(All I'llflreiy by u band of fairies and leprau- lert. eMibln'l maLi- her tear duel ilf range salMl'-d. a tlie utfurnm chuu played by Mie M. Walker, work the' day1!!!" i.icture wan to cf unique II cMi Well nil me way M.O lleillv M. Kweel nti.l V. Iltrne be made, ho lVfri tur Fleminir. p. i ,r, an J Uitvugb , Willi rnirtiiiHM; cn.tff'l Master- XI. tTitrlen. A. Hardy. when be bad lir r'ln-rinic on I lie i. J. Ilrady and l. IlAinaa. el, deliberately berated li r r. herbal Tin tliwitfr war vrUllrolly . Mr, II. AIlon Rae ideainv Finally the (einneiaiueaUl Utile v lueveiy Oeroraled wllll lfi iltlrOiawf Ihr Kf on whlcli were well re. HirJ became Hi wnrkei) up and reived. Anollier nerou (hal ne, l.i.ikc forth in Knigliln of OoliimlMiii nrrfor ami inierellne num. inf.ll) of Hie oluttr ellinv Here Iier wak l lir f lanlern great hearlrf ri'liiiir (. and then tt tlo mtmi lloi nwM ami lal-fitlly IMmi of view in Irelaml whirl, the fiendill 'liri'itor yelled. nrmnjred. K. A. (innliiii1 wrre ib!erUrl by K. A. iKifMihue. 'gjimit. liilhtit," ami laiifhml Mnally at lief iVviii.i- he had liillM,efr of the rlinpler. H III (rrb dnee were ren)ml in ne. liarfe of llu oluire ami Hie r- food lle by llerf MrKvoy and eurwl jutil wbat-he d .n-.-ii. Mi niu . ftpMlnred under. Ihr IK. I. MrKy and ram llrall jrnr efile liU flU'-e' . il win dark cni'Mlite .llrWloii of frloriil J.U slehdld iUu nU of IrUh befnrejie .Mli.-. Clifford be- i.. llrmly. air A ttuet by liille lla.ler lievyirlbat he ' .mly urtlinjr Tlii lkl numlr on tin ir-uraiu Mlllon null, ami Mie Avne her in .'.lay a jwyirm part. He wan a i elii-lo l'.rin ti arttlon wax inrnf eHj,y1,l. The irnve bU atfprtimeiit evefiliinlly llrnfrh" by Hie 'efboii.- (In lie.' final number nnn i (-Horn "I'tie when I hey priWned llie neene and tra i,ilttlfiK of SaiM llrall. di Mary thai More Thro' TaraV lliey realized Ibul the barh' 3 r.Ttr. F. W. llrowiM" mm! II. A.UH' trn4f r.;i by I lie entire iHelboiN had obtained eern! 70S Bnnchel - 1020 Vrrtm. , Tlw nMtfii alo ren. romjianys l-e.iill.. dered rdemlnl inl.TMil4i.n .,mI Committee List MILLBANK i-iiii.-al eeiiion. all with (lie) The eiiiinillf- in eborve is de. MARION DAVIES IN Bank Iriuli totuli. erinK of morli erodit fur (he e Royal 'THE CINEMA MURDER"! Hie ntii'-'in mier a hennM attained in lln- i-onWrl llanlV Ail'lr.w" li II. i Ktvenont lb nierlaiiiiiii iil dit ne. if. unrhml in Hie habit of wo ae,jlt roni.t.-d of J. t: iavi?an. Marion l)aie' 1 I -1 pielure if, of Canada Inh mii.olrel uiili llic niirii-nl eltairmaii. J. J. .MuUbuin. J. I a ereen adanlnilon ..( F. I'tiillin- itnd rieii harfi Ix-fore him. TbejVeiMlble. K. NX Mim-i m-Ii. I" U'Joppentielm'H IIOVi'l and prnvide iiililre.. wn rleur -nl and idea. iHaniiin?. V. J. MetWTinolt II. the lalonleil player vviib a trikinx j j nf injfunil l "id the ir f i lie day Anloria and l'.I.a I'm Uehicb- in wlikli mystery and filial wan bein celebrateK, Umrh. 'romam-e pUy rrr'nnneni parts. 10 for 15 cU. a a . ft mit oil the orient ami n-vered tt-'lie is i-a-fas aQ aureus "of ?r A traditions ,.f tle Koii rald Ule. ' The Man in the Moon promise who near I ntme iimler 25 for 35' cts. i PaiHriilar favorite with the, the dominance of an uneriijnil-ona Round tins of 50 for 70 cts. Today SAYSe- Onanrir, but by her la. Uieiiro si'fi' I lie wn dalllly ; i- -,iel had better jilaane by a arnp of lit He ?irl. a love fur a ytavniiE, fUyuriirJil who ne er f'lhe flr.f. an lii-h vTbree Haixl' . one of II,.' ril !. to llii- niith. i himself iimler ftu-urioo for the 'll.-i by Mlea UrUB Mi'lireil , nimbi Im rrnH to mention i:pvrseu murrlec,,"! hi, cousin. money Now is the HealriiC Cauli atld IWfrolliy I'.h-hi .y uk"h. Ibina are i quiet you eui Nitel Jtarrie llli.- leadins man to ia;r the foundation wa Rinifile el iirarvrul and lle beat the interest fall due. and head, a-r.d suiortiitr : MTi:Lflw d erraotri'vi ivoTict. to Ibr Mlnutrr of Lniu for t luratr to Und: CioimeMInf a poll puaim it jalmt utsiKJirr of oi rr chihuitic , Mwnrl lor umnl m ml Mninn tr ihe r njmr m km it. Tontnin . . . . t .reciloil WU)J )lirh It wae cXe rompany. Vlll i b fmlOWUlff iV-Arnlinl Ulull! llnham II r tssM m... sA be " i. 'jpwi o. rmnsjis vinoni, n. uxanwnruK ii post puniea ll ID mains. mii l rlum, sl raalo. :ti rr tta via i-ki v at v n a v ruU-.l.petterle.l iMM.It.crrtdit ii.., AtSB.VTUIMlHI).IS may ffe in MHiisOT if UMt r. nwr of Fertk i. TmrataiD I. iwrtn f rmm lo ptun Of brrnami. leer Ilyrne, the trainer. Tlw all rISrtil rr -et. o wont tUL 1.S A.n letMuur.l'M MHirt!. rpr uninv 10 prwrx-l for Html m Oimau laUixl. a. C. tanr eoaim loraiMl Jimurr rtia. ttlt !nj i-iruaun orr lbs l-Atoing drwrtbm ourtn: s main c. tt riuuu oata; cvaoLCS D. KVINoxs. ewiaiUiUnee. the llmte loee. hy mivwt n rml rail in? doe. The dithict nr orrrt auaLoTiK isiw: rximx-nrinr ai not pujitsa it tu main rs.i to nt or Dffiauiair. Lortlor 11. IBs aorta wsM eerner if 1. Ton.. luralsd Jinnirr ?lh. . Mle Hvelyn Vieker. VeriUkUmlnlel irtan kliiilld lie Cjkh O. taaiuM. f VKiorn, B.C. ship , tinntm lUixt B.C netK it' AL.4API- a. .IcFMUU t4TiaL erTHoirrv iiiiijl tu.1 tfladtiibowyou ThotufMffn,- NortRA Ijunijirhen ahoenl treatment in Irtinl- a HT In it" KKUMrr of lMi-bin onin. "Mm. eil. rtr null uaur, i Dr-TKfl.T OF Ol TFM H Rl llTTF H"(rer. larenv l trHpst far iMtiim ni mm. It rbilnt wi M rout cf I tin aoccxjVf r, a. C I'uvn i;i ' rt tic pot.I Mi l.aren ami V.. Jr'e. tva aine. ml retrMmim n tns fslms i assrritiea ,. r. f!amla fl Fntrnmi i.t llrtiwii n e )lllst ; rnmri)ar !,. pol pumefl at Ltte4 iaaiurr ttia, tttl. MATtTUt OVS A1V fKTHOttt'M NOTICE. Ir.lrod M irfly lo tv vmiurr nf'LkiiU oiomI beautiful exhibition .kilfoHjj ; Miinii.i y-"-, n.inunin , lor a orsnse in prosperi inr JMrural n .... .wlkaM .u. S ,1 .Smm biHIh II fl amIh. rendered in M.ft H1i. l b--"; THE "w"' "Mhe member lL.3S. f(o4 plmlMHn aw llie f..lloww OearrUXI rhtia: al Humi:' nnna rnami;' - - I. A. arfaau tatma K) (pprrluast: Cnamrnrie at a post ftiamxl at i:iiKin imiiiti BirU vwre trained by Mr.. II. O. "' Hrii- Columbia lgi. teet e riMia t t't'nf nsritiame. xvti rvi. nv ad PETaoLtrn notice. la Ihe soualer of Lajad for I rfarrtw lo , tns n-ia earner of sruna J 7. Toao-; ialure Ml uoitbl uantea jaaairv umi, imiihii r r it rii chvhlotii. prospers for nainnl n and priroMsm atup t, CrtDam luml. B. t tceare (4 tesrctl JJI1.12i.Jn Oi-we. ym hardly iihk cvrons a. ttvs. tLAir. 'over . follf.uix dssmiwa landa: mains ouia: rbain rut: -coum in uy rw oined eery ortur. i. unupa n. ifruiH. or VKItlil, a. l- (Vrfnrrtiwin si a twisl manlMt at tfl SIMS I. .hiln. k .. .n nn... r s.wn. Eicellenl Vocalists. . . ... . . i. i.t. i i law iiHisrr w i. ..-rr . , avvu.-uf I '"IT. H'ber -.., ..iMeit bit ere Miaile TWyef. VAT rati. OAS AAD IRTaoLCtX .ViniX fm a Itesuss lu prusfeel (or aalaral rat I'Uod. a.i.'.. tbrnr sou I a so ruin: rst Loraiea Jannarr IIB. lift. . , and rlrateuoi oter lbs fanoia oesmosil eaauu; aorta rnaloa; rait so duins, (uaoLt'9 D. by Harry hlinn"n. the Vnroufr W'TRirT W. on FJ riHRLOTTK laivls: iMnmsneiav al a post punted at lo point of Is-ainuipa. , Lorator. YIXTFJIUAYH now did the I Ans. lbs . E. enrner nt Seriwn II. Toanantp i Lusaiea ianuarr lain. Hft. I Irieh balladit. Mi- l;n Ka. I. Varataa 0. IMm. of Vs-tona. . C . Graham luarsl. a. . Us-ore a rbaina i AlUVA-NCLK A. McPUAJL, !TI HVL tH A.xn PF.Ta'M.F.i;! AoTlCK. who made nrl iiuU it- rai-id disApiiearini? Ael. lalsfsl a apf4 ti Miaiatrr of Lanat somiB: ao mains sat; aa raaica oorin; , Lorator. i DliIKICT OF ot KF. CHABUUTTt; r rv t t- her, ifnr a arfc.. s, ..-.-pert ror oalaral m,M rbalas eal to (aiC or IXUUUDr. Vanrootrr. a. C 1 lstP. ye i i i4 (.'r.ranee Ii.f'. ami ttarn- -o. ; ill IBM .,,.(, ..rniil in the anal pstrntrttn otct o rolloaina iwrilxo ' Loraiea luxury fl-l, llll. e I, Carols! O. tmnvu. of Victoria. B.C. A JftLiLi laodai Cfanmearint al a post punted al, v-AhoU! U. EMVIO.IS. , lAATI'rHl OAS VXD PFTROLEU MiTICC llntsiut to apt-ly lo tar NinlMsr of Lanna teiir. of Vnneoiiver. and Vis ta-iiieia hreal of 'very northerner. When Iha H. F.. nantrr of -srnoo to, Toananip; Lorator. j MiTMrT or ol FFJ CHARLOTTC for a lisensr in pro-pert ror.tuturu ran v. Meaaher in duet niimlurs. . OnBam rturM. H . .. Its-Dr norm : ISlAOS. land prlroasum over Ihs folloatnr dsarriasd e n r these is ni.ttiinv ele In en I I bey rliaaaa; i t an rtu.r.a: aoata an rlvaina; S.ATVB U. OAS AND PFTHOIJ l: MITICJ-: t, Carolu D. Fjiudoos. of Vlrtona, B. C. lanxla: CiSKntsnrlnr al a Mst punted at I lie flrat Inenlionetl is ln.."sl (i east aa rbaiaa k I- l of Uainnlar. 1 im.'KI'T or CHAMUiTTK imwim to iptur to ins MintMrr of Lanai'.ine E. eorarr of ssr. . Tmnanip t. e il for meals. serv LneaiMi jaaaarv - in. tvri. isi.aus. ,ror a itreo.-e to pns.psr inr natorai ras .ijranain iiaua. a. c, insare o. rnains line vorali; ami his lrRii bMf UAil.. l. r..aa'"a. swnrr a. vjri'bail latrnd to apply and nriroMun over ine fuOovnna drarriDed aouta. 0 rruin sst. i rnains norta. ( ill Locator. la ll vilnk-tsr of Land for a liasnsa lo umlv Uwiiorntinf al a pol punwd ai'rnauia ral lo putni of brainntna. voire wa leaMIK bolli TIMI H are bad. nrvsasrl for natural aaa and pctroaruu ins V V mrorr or Srrtlon 4. TooruAtp Loralrd Jamiarr fflh. Itt. Ihe baritone and yixllniH number. Viil iwn't tletiy it. XaTt'RAt. HAS AND fETHJ'LEl'M MITIUK. iitrer lbs foimawr drsrriasd unit: . Oranam UUnd. B.C., insnre aotita an CAMULLS O. C.MU.8. $250.00 ioanienrini at a tl planted al IM rnaina: ral au raama; north D rnatoa; locator. Mr. Miaiiimn waa en red tune n bttie liy and, rniahT r Zt tt chablotte SI'.. Corner of sertwo IS. Tomnanip ,! 0 raam to point of twamninf, j IA1.A.MIS. I Orafiam , HUM, a. inrnre nuria to; Lorated January Ji, 1. I NATI BAL OA AD PKTHOI KCM JIOTICK. .1 AnrH U after time. Mla Kak bai a elroir I0 vt belie it? I. rarelua ft. IlKnmi, of vinona, B.Vu.,; sst a rtitim: aoutn So rtutna: CAHoLVS l. til.vio.xs. DHranrr of v,''F-',' chakuitte T I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I IlflllL-U lanot as to rssal of . Loeator. sweel v-oifie and a tdea-ani -latte And )ti we ce ir.tem to apply'lo ia MmiMrr of eal roain brrmntnf IsLA.VK. fur a liotiss In MV"rert for natural a Lnramt lanaary lata. l. i I. Allan ?tea art, inlrnd to apply to Uw manner. This yoniii; lady rrealeal A siUiv llnlmr and pelniletim over IBs rmlntiini asarribsd AlEXA.XDLH A. MrFHAIL, iVATlTUL OAS AD PETBOLEIIM .OTICK. vinistrr nr Land rar a urn to prospect Und: tVmmeivrltir at a xl planted at Lorator. msTHIcr OF ill n v rilinuiTTK fur nalural ana iui prtrotsoin, orr tns $1,600.00 quite an hnpreaaioa and furllier To Ule UTk elmiil. lias a. F evrtier of keetioa ft. loanaatp Vancouver, a. C ISLAN, follonaiar Jcscnrs-a land a,nuncntiit al nipeanine.'a. t.m e looked forv All bHilit and Orattam laiand. B tnsnr norm aa I, Caroms D. Unmocw, of Victoria, B. C. a post planted al tns s. K. rorner of .Hse. shjnlne. rksin.i ossi as shsinti aouin aa rnainai I VATt'HAL Ot. n fETHOt Et'M Mil' intend to apflr to the Minuter of Land 'IS, Toansiup S. Orajvam Island. B,O. tnence ward lo and nppreatlnteal. "Killar- a eal aa rhaiaa lo of tx-rinninr. I liHll'l.-T OF OI FEX CHARLOTTE for a Itrrnse to proaprci ror nalural rate rnaln north; so rnama men; so rnauu JFST lake advice, ilon'l ad. 'Lfiraieq Januarr t.'ia, nil. i lfAlS. and prtrolcuna orsr II foUoamr nescrtbrd :outb: fu chains rati M polnl of Defia- ney," n diniryiW. number, wac "e- my hi ill a U. ENMIOS, I. tlsianilcr A. McFaail imcod to trply liisln. Coinmcncina al a pol punted at nlnr. StMo3 J. flat, to v lleulariy vvell rendered. XI r. Ie" vntHe that i unlesn you wih Locator. U the Minister T LaDdt for a Iiccbmi to the A W "corner of Sertton tl. ToaOlp Located January sth. HJI. BMn" A,;artmctit 1 ' peosprct ror natural ra ana pciroicurn a. uranant loano, a. u., inetire ao raaina ALLAN STEWART, Lorator. i.iiiiliMir, vvlm annij here al tlie In s.'1 1 y'(ir (flsxls. tATI KVI. OAS AAD PITHOItl'M 'VOTICE. ..ver the foUouia drarnbrd larwlt: )north: 0 rtuini eavl: SO raalB .toulB; Asvander A. Mrt'hall. Atrpt, $600.00 HHTIlli T or "I ftN CIIARLOTTC I'Miimrarint al a poal pUnled at IMiaj rbaNi aesl to point of tsnuni8f. IsLWUS V. riirusr or ffllon II, Toanaotp S. ' Located Jamiarr 9 11. Itl. .Ys.TI.RAL OAS- AND PETBOI.EUM ftOTICt. I. Carotuk D. Unnioua. cf VlclorU. B. d. iuratum. laUnd, B,i:.. Ilirne so c&ain ! r.AnoLVS fx DIlimCT Of Ot tPVI -CMARIOTTk, f intend to arpo ui tts Winner of Land nurio; roalua eai: v raaiu aouB; ; Lorator. s tSLA-NDS, P'l i for a license lo rnnet for natural r rnatn arat to p.soi oi neruuunf. I. Camlua D. Immon. Intend to apply and iwlmletun aw toe folioauif deacrUied Located Jiauarr It to. ISII. . VATI RAL CAS AND PETROLEl'M MOTICB. la the .Minister of Land for a license ao J J UlUUVUi) umil: ilinieiiciua s.i i'hhisi sii - r ..... UM PLHTRtCT Or Ol'ElN UlARLO'lla, prnsect- ror natural sa and, petroleum 1 the a. K. corner of section S. Toanntp i.i locator. ISLA.NIrS. over ihe fuluotiui described landa: & (irahaiu lOaisl, a. I hence north so Vancouver. B. C I. Allan Slraarl. intend at apply io th caouueiiciBa' al a posi punted al the Doyle, Ltd rutin; art I as chain; soma So rnaina; Wihltler of Land for a license to protyert 3. V. roruer of See. J. Township S. 'Orabam ral So rhain lo point of psainnin'. .tATTRAL OAS AID rKTR'lLEt'M MITICf. Island. B.C.. thence norta SO rbatnl: A Venn . Luraira janoary ai-i, tsat. MsTRH T OF yl-FEN CHAHLOTTK ucjuiamr aetrrthed lan.rt: lAimrDrnrtiir al east so rhaina; aouth SO chalusi a est 80 ni riione . aAROLl'3 D. EXViU.U. tSLAMiS. a post punted ai ins corner Of ate. chain lo pwul or b-ainnlna'. 1 1 Locator, I. Alatanrler A. MrfaaU IntcrkUlo appIT . Toanbip . Graham Isund. B.C.. tnenea Located January fstb. t?l. lo the Minister of Lamia ror a license to aofin SO chnn: ! SO chain; norta 80 K.AHoLl's li. EJI.vioNS. AVTI'nAL OA n rETROLILM ROTICK. proie lor aalaral aa and petroleum rnains; eati su cnaiirt in simt nt peflO' VKInril, B. C. over tne ronnaiinr oesr-noea lannvy nil. Locator. DMTmn op otr cmvphitte I'annmeticiiir al a pnl punted at the located January fSth. ISII. Mis. mirui et corner or sec. to. Toamimp ALLA.N STKWAMT. Locator. NAT! HAL OAS A.ND PITHOLEL'M !VOTICE. I rarnm n r mnuii. of Victoria. B. a. lira ham I Hand. B.C. thence aoutn ao Vancouvf r, a. C. HI SI RJ CI OF OMEN IHVhLOTTfc in lend la apply m the Minister of Landa ; halnsi cat so chainat north SO chain; AWtander A. McphaiL Aaenl. IsLA.Nil.s. fur ft iirhsM tt) nper for ruttirat rajri DO rtuins to ptii cf tierinnins. Vancouver, a. C I, Carolu ti. muiA, or virions, a. C. hy Risk Intend a anplr lo the Minister or Land landa: Cominrnrtna- al a tsjat plautcd at ALI.X rLH A. WrPHAIL, MATfRAI. HAS AND PETHOLEl'M MOTICE. roe a license to prospect tor natural t s. I E. rtirtier of see S. Tuauahin s. I Localor, disihi:t of-ji t a.- iiiahlutte and peiruaruia over toe rolloainr described raluin Ituno. P, 1 inenv mju.ii as Vancnuvsr, B. C islands. Undi imimenrur al a post pun led at ham: artl ao rliamtl m.rtll SO rhaloai , I. Allan Sleaarl. .intend to apply to the the V E. cor ore tr sec l Ion 3. Toanshtp -ai SO chain In p.,ml of bcrinoirf. ATI'RVL OAS AMD PFTHOLEI'M MITICK. Minister of Lands for a license to prospect S. Or haul Island. B.C.. thence son IB 80 II Yon located January .tl, li. nirllUI T OF OI FI..N IIIVHU1TTK for nalural aa and petroleum over Ihe chains; aest ao rbams; norta so rnaina) CAIUil.t'S 1. ISt.A.NM. fojkjmin described land: Cumnwncin at rest so rhain to point or befuuiini;. Localor. I, Carolua D. Emniona, of Virtorta, B. C a pom planted at tne , w. corner or sec Lnraiea janoarv uiu, tvvi. Intend in anplr la the Minister of- lands 17, Tuanship , lira ham Island a. C, CAHOLt'S li, EMMO.tS. NATI'lt At. I1VS AP rKTHOIEI'M .MITICK. ror a license ta prosperi ror natural rat inrnre norm ao roaina: rasi ao cnaina; loi-ator. 0 IHHTHtUT Or Ol'irN CIIVhLIJTTK and prlroleuiu orrr Ihs fulloaina tlesrrthed aeulh SO rhalos: vieal SO chalos to tolnl ftAs.' twf.on. landa: Ciaiainetsrin al a post planted al Uf ves.n.iina. NATI'RAI. OAS AND PETROIEl'M MITICt; XVUL'L' I I, Camlua P. tninwna, of Victoria, B. C, Ihr .V E. rorner of Section IS, Toanshlp Located January istn. tail. diiihii r or t'" iiiahuii it lnl.nd to apply I" the vnnister of landa S. lirahain I: land. a. C, thence south ALLAN srtVVVNT. Locator, If ANUS. for a Prrn-e to pi 'lcl ri natural rat rhauia: aest SO rhaioa; norm SO rhalps; Vancearer. B. C I. Aletander A. va-Fnall. Inten.1 to apply anil petroleum over th' rolloann dearnbed rati CO rhalnt to point or heainntnc. Aleiandrr A, Mrphati. Airnt, la the Mtouier or Lands ror a license lo V lis ... , laist: (kdumenrln al a ml planird at Lorated Jannary toift. ' Vancouver. B. C. trpepeei ror natural iras ana peiroirtim ovvr llm . W. eomer ol HeCllon s. Toantrup v. C.AHOLLTS U. ENMOSa. he folloumr dvarrlbed Unas: l,r r.rttMini Itlaml. a. ' . Ihenca norm so Locator. ATt'ni. has Avn PsThoiu'm mitick. rieunienrin at a nnti alanted al ise - chain; rati SS rnaint antiilt SO chains; ntsraicT or uni cjiarlotts t. W. rorner of Section t. Township S. ii.i,. v Flro artl so chain to p"ini or befinnlni. VATfRAC OAS AP PLTROtrOU NOTICK. 1M.A-VOS. Uraham Island. B. C . tnence 0 chatsa Located Januarr flat, ISII. I'MTelCT or yirr.-t n ni.u i ic I. Aletander A. Mrphatl Intend to apply north: sa chain rest: SO rhaina oolb: SO "f (ha lAlU iLl'S t. EVIslo.tS. tvlAM'S. lo the Minltlrr or Land for a license 10 chain arai lo polnl of betlnalnr. Localor, I. Allan gtraarl. intend to apply to the prnsprrl lor nalural ' rat and palrolruni located January Iitn. tail. 1 ' in buy VJiniater of Land for a license lo prospect otrr the rolloaina described laads: ALEXAPLR . McfMAJL, Locator, .11 I,. ,ATI IIAt, (IAS D PsTROIEI'VI MOTtCC, fnr nalural rat and psirulctuu over Ihe cmnrnenrlnt al a post planted al the Vancouver, a. C Conimenelaf S. W. Sec. IS, Taa-nabip S. Orabam ' r v-"vnv-iia ronoalnar drtrnhed lands: al rorner j niSJHICT y'il'jj a post planted al Ihe N. V. rorner or see. Island, B.C. thence so rnains north) so .YlTI'HAf. U43 A-ND PETROI Fl'M .OTICJf. I. Allan Rirwart. nnrnd to arply l t I, Township S. arahitn llnd B. C, thenra rhaina raat; so rhaina aoutn; 10 roams pisiarcT or ytrtt LiisnLuiic Minltlrr of lands fur a license lo prospect tft chain anutb: so rhaina rasti SO rnains arat to point or oennniDff. ISLANDS. ror natural and petroleum over the nnnai so rnttn arai to point i( ii Located January stn, I SSI. I. rarolua D. Einoion, or Victoria, a. C. k. the Minister or Land ALtXANDtR arPHtlL, intend lo apply lo landa: Coinmenrinr al folio lua drarrihrd H. r of ""locsifd January fsth. tttl. Localor. for a llceua to proapeet ror natural ta Ihe rornrr er. at a il Idanied Ulii Vancouver, a. C. and pelrohmm over Iba fotlowm deacrlbed 4 Hanson I, Township S. Cranant Island. B. C laenra ALUN eiaAVART.Vancouver,Locator.a. C l;ndl! Coinmrnclnr al a poat planted at K'tith SO rhain: rl 0 chains) norta SO A. MrrnaiL Affiii. SATl'aAL OA) AiD rUTROLEVM KOTICIf. the a. E. Corner ot Hoc. SO. Tsawhip 0. Alratndrr ihtins; rot so chains to point of bciu- Vancouver. B. C. lirabam Island. B. C. thence nertb So ""llirstcU rbalai: arai rbtml: euta l rtarntt 20U61AS FJIIRMlffMS in "CJktn ttte Clouds Kelt y ' ALLAN Jsnuarir STtWABT.'IV '(lorator, I. tirr'ii v. a.oufi"iiaa si i ...out, s. ritt SO rutin lo petnl or MrtDDi.os. nnc nnnrt Vancouver, a. C VTn,?TtSr,r.8V CHABtOTTS Intrnii t arpir to toe MinlMer of Landi LOraieq vinwirv tll, ll. alrrbail, Ba ror a licena to proaprct tot natural (as CAROLl'S D. KMM0V. A. Asrnl. Blnrrinjf tonight at Ihe Westholme Thfcatre. Aleisiwlfr lanfouvrr, B.C. I. AIMinrtcr A. Mcrnaii. tntrnd to apply and petroleum over the rsllaarini described Lorster.