Till DAILY HIVVB Jor.u:njr Page 3 BEWARE OF BOARD OF TRADE Do lou ATeep Local and Personal FOR SILVER CAMP ARIES H, . H BRONCHITIS a close tab on your digestion? This is import- DI Officer flecld at Organization ant. It will pay you well to do so. Digestion Ask for Atkins' Sausage, tl by, Meeting at Mayo, Yukon 13 cumpiicaieu anuiis processes ouen Decome mrlfimr rM. of rr"f .r rl and Territory. disordered. This brin gs immediate discomfort Ufff. mutton, polk. City Market. liwb-iw'nl wrtUwr, It lx-ri itn 1 often severe pain. Use for For baKKascc, I'liune 580. Hyde t,n.l..f. i4 llf ..nd r.wl lAW SON, Jan. 25.-Advlri n r--- rratmffr. tf fmfii ih imirt. 1 litre i mmi or yi'hfii from Mftyo, Hie nrw Yukiin irm, niMrMilr ." iw w inaUiiver raiim. (nl. lliatfa Imard of I BEECH AM S Office and Pocket Surel We'r going to the Q. W. mrtil.lx)iH-t or Tltli imaai I. h IW or aititr..ii .imi bni m(,,r ttlrr'..., , .. .... V. A. Ball. 25 rtwiuii Hfly charter for lliej u4 it ttfntnamt HW-1 nti j kiod. but a necessity to the tuccessful fin III Drat dim fliSiMkMriiill. vim fu.nlri puri' of (I'Hcloplns tlio rc-l luxury PILLS Not n Lit bouts fur talo with your rlw.li it IfMMMfltMtr hr "' Dr. WokI'i Houriio of tin-,ililr,i-l. 'J'lie of-ficrrx business man or woman. M. M. blrihcn. tf Vwwr 1'iar lymfi, llwrrlo prrvmi 11 elrcleil arc: Vrf-Ment. J, IX l'rrrll. This valuable preparation has for years been Loose Leaf or Bound, W. II. Wurk Irfl on Hit morn- inki hm iwar iwrKKM lune iniutib- MK-llM-kl. Virc-n'nJiit, Oitear lA'lyur-m-au. found to relieve indigestion, biliousness, sick Ink m (ruin fur tho interior. M. Flrli CmIImib, onuriii. neaaacne ana consupauon. inousanas 01 j from 25c to $4.00 Irk wfth fenrMIM, Hi lu i In tlif in -.-lr.-.. Stiil?y t Wliitc. careful folks have learned to use Beecham's V. u. Dawson Ml an (be I'rin- humr Ml wMr. 0r 4) I mw Ur. Pills, which have proved both corrective and M Mary Ifi.t tilniit for Victoria WixKl't .Vrwr Pin. 8ni' Klrfrlimi, to preventive, txpenence has taueht them to Gem Calender Stands Complete lln )utir -ImtcJi tomorrow at murk;I rH I MU ttirm Ixilt eul Mt Wt& . ml tnr It mni-trrj Ten Years Ago always have a box handy. Profit by their Mr. Hiiiih-Ioh'o. 30! Second Ave. pb-lrly nNrr4 m. I Mniwi tint. III example always have lieecham s Pills Wood'' ntiti for Mhi 11 nut. Tw in Prince Rupert tf. of my nriiUlMjre tfe tn in( 11 tut In Your Home ruldt." Pud .only - 75 cents run hm'KIit hiioi; ni'.i'Atit. iHill'l .r. . .IllMtllWH l'r lr H'M' January 29, 1911 SOLO EVERYWHERE IN CANADA. IN BOXES, 2Se, 50c iiik. MrA'tlliufD Slif) Hint, 3r.l V.r riiw riup; ! iioior put Tin- :.l'.ll. announcivt tin1 i'hii-olriK'lion Largest Sale of any Medicine in the World' AW. tf )..r ritW; Ihrrv mw lrrr of nnutlier vi'rl, the Ok- irxk- li Micr n'..- ind tinr ' r; diiilirtili' uf the l'rincea Adclaulc. BROS. LIU. ywti wii ibr O. W. V. A. niuiilli LtiuiKd.nurd T'.ninK iilj liy"u(.TIM- 1 milium Adrt.:., for th niwlhrrn (r'irV. Thin' licRAt i ril, wliiii" and lluc sIku in (hi KUiniiirr tliifrr will be ni'o "(orrtf , 25 ntpimr on Hie Vanoouvi'i - i f SURPRISE PARTY IN I'rlnce lluMTt run. WtW.Mllk-MH.I.I:llfi r-l'H Katn Itrntl. tlolln Irachrr. Tor .... nrrauuviwiit call Wc(hftlni HONOR OF MRS. LEEK Tlir rim! pay ulalion ilioue lia, Grand Trunk Pacific. Tbratre. tf tMSpfl in.lallfil in (iiMlx-ir ciKr j S. PRINCE GEORGE sailing - Pjrthlan Lodge Recognizee Her -lorr. Anolhrr i alo lo be put ! ftowwif; lianlir Miduixlil Thursday foi .Suaiisun IJa. Oci-an Kail Vulicou-rr, Cut lillr. nnf. at tb wharf. Invaluable Organization Work O Victoria and Siaiilp. Wi-dnimlay 10 p. iii.Aiiyii.T. hi. hrtib, Ml plants a in I S.S. PRINCE JOHN rnn. lty MarWL. If tlf. V. W. Kerr preacljiNj a ENT1STRY l-u r-(iiii( Ui.r- iirrU- Kor 1'iirl :ii-mi-iiN. M;--tt. Ilui-kley Day and all point on Haying- nermon on tlor tcial mil D parly riiiitinK of KmiiiIHh of i:ii; rnlli Inlands Tbur. A. H. XiSMlinRflle, of till- IumI in Ibc Kniprriui Tlu-atr- Sunday SuuUirrn Oiu-i-n January 3il; fire l'nrliiHnl. waib-d on lUm lylliiai and I'ytbian hi-iir! Klb- nia;bl. "Tlii' Irndi-rloin in i'rincif day, Februaiy 3rd Sli'wail. nil 11I Ihe Iwmr of Mi . Ui-orKr l'iln Mar- Il rrisbl fur Van. T.1AIN SERVICE. Hupi'rl ii no iiiuit 11 '' to nary . . Of . . .i -k. Kirutul AvBMt xt. to do I'aytiai-r Monday, Wednesday and Saturday at 11:15 a. m. flu' i'ily I ban linrnaili'- an- to a honor fur (be enerfrtM u..ik u fi.rSiiiilli'T. rini' ifrre. hdinontnn and winniprj:, making QUALITY Splendid staling hI Sbawallan.. lta done in hioiwwImii with lb bip." hi iWlarwd.! direct cnn-'i-t ior!. for all poinfrnul and south. I. unrh "Oli Jlaby" wit! cari tkrw UHtue, tin? euc ? of lii h in thi GUESSI ! Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines Ih-.y Float at 12. I and 3.30 Sun latl i-r lute bepa lai-'-ly lur t W'lial lll Iw tin- hIui- in iiMNii-y dry. rHurn. 21 her efTorte. car TKi.t oficfc f ze Ttird . ew teo of th" I'nilcil ,Slal Iradi- with ... 1 A Ix-autiful alKcr . ,ii.- Iiu.krl Dr. Bayne Tli rtilblmt of Swl tUnr whoal J 0; iirrfiitrtl and .111 uildrcm Unada for Frbruarx. 1931? Hi-ad word of tin- ijiliiy rry an-noum-i-uii-nl rald and dffftetal Win sum of rmd liy Mm. 14 HawnMni. Thr OFFICE. IIOL'RS- Iweniy dollar to I he fund for the evrnimt wa iMas iim-i drliirht-rt.lir. pn paKi' I. ami pui in your jruron. and K" in lo win 1 ti CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY whn ufTrrtJ hi Ibr I'ort fully in rard idayinv ll. frr.li- lartii 9 tt It llersMt, HI la ill, Sittrtajs. ! it 12 rtiMinn flre. 1300.00 rah prizi-. Tbror KUi-r" . tiirnl l lh i'rp brouiihl un-invilrd escirio oum sckvicu CAN40WH (Vtr ftrtij Irta 7.31 n I ... Kuml. Ibrard. and kui,iw fur your Harry AlkiN mr wa rrtnovi-d frjcud and ncishboris. B.C. Coast Steamship Services Dental Nurse in uttendnncc Ur.t nlslil aiij llil iHoriiinR a t IDOHtTF Phone 109 for iippoimmcnt found ly i'.lilrf of I'.dirr W. II. TEAMS SELECTED IX THE ftL'MCUfc i:ilLIXKI UK HT Or BHIHsll S.S. PRINCESS MARY VI krr. Hi'lrtl IH fnmt of hi i.x tyr MArrea ir iue -admi.mstba For Ketchikan, Juneau, Skagway, Alaska, from Prince Rooms 4, 5, 6. Helgcrsnn 131k., Cor. 3rd wixl 6th rtMldftw ihi HUUi Atrnur. Qlrle Who Will Play In the Big Tlo ACT - 'ixl Rupert . . M TUT WATTEX HI' TIIK ESTA1K or BeM Equipped Office in Northern B.C Came Tuesday Might. VCMVl.X r. UAMHIC January 24; February 7 and 21. Tht (i. V. V. A. boy arr truing tkm.TUf.r OTir.r Mi. Vihhht.(Ml in lb. urdrr or Hit For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle from Prince Rupert 10 on iw tiurfui awdr lh. Mtirrata Mil ikji on, rhr f)mj(1r -oniJ -ley . I mm-. It. I t irmbim Ad-wlni.tr. January 15 and 29; February 12 and 28. llir I lib uf Frl.ruar-. Yuu iwkM ,Wu puk.-d r-a fn.. (he KirU' tor 14 IIk- buv uf V.mna r. U. tlaiiilik-. "- wrt. M1 ill jxrurt Mvlur S. S. PRINCESS BEATRICE lo Kel your licli-U oimi. Iliry ri. inlTinMUir IfaKU 1.. bo ulnved -iMIHii IWmI tkr mI4 rl.i an brmr tfm rrinc. nnn ut iu-, om rn. Hrdr bij, utn a.i, I Bolus fal anl I In- nuuilier 1'iMwlay nlabu 'l"-TWIflll tmr urn to riiralMI arfap UM.um Miaimlt MMlprtir i,nM nj t luili tot. l.vU Uf.r, Van -i.ttr and Victoria limited. 26 Xo. I lim. I. KHIy fl.V rrmrtry. n lfl. tad lU'iurtm In-44.ftHf If.rf Sal.ffJar p-m. tA Ihr rlMU- ar. rrj.lrrd to J-tv '.A. . Mim. llrov.11 T'dt-iibiiw wwrnil of Ikrir MKirbiPdnrM la tut fttt ri i-t .ili. .a Hnr acp. Mr. iid Mr. Aucu Mi-IimI lttfUr.Hk W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Mi II. HiMutrd M.-lnor . Mu JOIM II. Wrm i.ij.i. jPECIAL REDUCTIONS :: iinrth HirnisJ laf lo nialit ibr Hly rt Ibr from I'rin.IIk M. t jirtM Mapli l.-nfi. . ,(-. K. onw-MI 1'riio AHlWNWnlnr.Hnirt, B. i;. Cor 3rd Avenue and 4th Street Prince Rupert, B.C. TboiiiMin 'il.W'.V.A. . Kutr' twmt in. im iter fir itmuxrr. 111. Mary. Mr. Mrltnl we in 'Mi A. Ki lly l i.-..r. and Mia (uiiirrly a uwiiiIi.t of lb kiral Coats and M. Lindy fM-liiim . Maide ;D:i dnarliunil nml i now rn jtaf rolor. Isatii'd In uiluinp 111 Ho- north. Ready-to-wear Hats. No. 2 -Mi-- M ItobpiiK Vnt- Th rliarae of ...lrn im.Ml in r"" '" '" H. Maple in.........H.n aKain.l I.. WmiuV 11 ud I-fr . Mr. M-.l.l- Vi-diniu DEMERS Eir DEMERS I . Ml llf-tol ari.r.. nnl i.r !.. I!., tl I. V.M I . il..n - Blld 'A LESSON if a riiln rVnOmlirir. Thr Im. T.-li-: !! . tmn. rirtra. idrtitini-d in a local lin? 5,r- atidS. ,9 ndo and on uiruriiiahoii iM-ina ' t,t" M-H- I -af . IVIf- 1-. vni'i) llir Brrc-I. rrr liiadi' I'boHr .nor.- . t THE GOVERNMENT PAID FOR. Ii Srr-'i nf Adainii i - .rtL lUAUGHIERS AND MAIDS estholme Lunch ' SuKAnDi tuUf Lh WhKE j OF ENGLAND INSTALL Before 1914, Bond, Brokers and Bankers were indifferent advertisers. who advertised their Many regarded expenditures ! MARRIED LAST NIGHT 'Under New Management THEIR NEW OFFICERS as "sop," and thought they were doing publishers ALL WHITE HELP favor. Mis Agne Crowe, Nuraa, is Bride a Tin- iitolallalioii f oltlri'fs of of Patrick Landers, Westholme - Engineer. I III- Italinllll-r. Ml- I Maid of ..Then came the Call for The same thing is true of Special ; Kiujband in iK ii:n lal I'xrniiiH War Loan?. On the advice some manufacturers, who, , in Jim K.I'. HhII. v 1 Iby llronicr hree CniirRf Mvn 1 . frnm An nr l.n.1 fMMiiiy; a rry ipiifl . .... . . 'ii-lrict di'iuly of this Association, yet contrary noting the results of the ww w mm a a I ilii.u " nriiiniiril by llr. Ir. III. It. (irttul il thr Ma 11 r. wImmi lirciid .r-i.lrn. Iw uik in rbarKi- lo some Brokers' and Imperial Munitions Board f 1 In wrMiionii-.. Ml., .vtr i:rour wan uuilril in lii i,v of Iit i' niy cktfuiMurR Bankers views, the advertising newspaper advertising, have 1111 rrl.ier I 11 Patrick . I.aiidr. from . ily. Mr- WKH Kdmuutl of these loans was commenced to use the same, llnl It Mr. and Mr. Umlcru are ri-l!t4l from 1 ho oiih-i- dlf pa.I prr. made force to introduce front Anyox AAbfir Ibcy nr humanly interesting. post-war ldtm and .Mr. M ink Virki-r Dr. I npulnr and rll kltouli. Sutherland Wi.tt inlaJIHl. Mr- H. II. Snii-Hl- The results you are aware products. liiiairrlii.-.l n rt'placiH ,. t.i ..i...1 by Mm.' W. T. Iinni. inner! of. The Government paid for . .. D.LT.S., L D.S., D.D.C. i.niii' I. - .1 1 I l II. a...... .Inr.. lUltf nml vn in I In- I'riiicn l",ru- But here is-the real point. this lesson. lllpl-ll liflllTfll llliopitlll noiiinl BIRTHS. Have you considered pro-,-fitting Bond House yi-ur nso. Mr. i.iulrs is an Nearly every i-lipilti-rr ill lilt fluploy of Hi 1 111 J . i.-; and Bank in Canada is, today, by it? Exchange B ock, Suite 14 and 15 aggressively advertis-. Advertising is not a matter Iiirir iionryiiiitoii in jinntrl, r-turnliiK For Appointment Phone Black 516 to Anyov in uliiiil u pfk. ary al I Im 28.tli-ni'rul If o)'it at on Jauu ing.and using all the interest of guesswork. It requires A dmiulili-r a- I". 11 lo Mr. and and ingenuity at their com skill and knowledge and experience. NOTICE. Mr. J.ibn I.. Hum- l I low St.. mand to attract business. It is not something Toko iHitlco (hat Wotijt l.oul at Hip (t-m-ral lhiiiial yi'Mlerday. They observed the power of to be lightly undertaken.but Wimk llti(lirr l'i. lint lmiiylit it be undertaken-with, Never forpel lo lnok throupli nevspaperadvertising,when can tin- Alll.'t llufe, 2 Gilt Hr.cl. th nlaind lll and have of if it is and nit iiccounU auulti.t suld properly used, pro-fitted assurance success lu-nn - iiiimt br rfiulon-d uu or by the lesson. (done properly. 'before January 31 n(, lUSI. 2lj too Late 10 classify If you have ever thought you would like to 'lb" Hop Hluit Company bus I'OII NAM'. - Hi.1- bi-ibd.-int In 111 u lit out Uu' World Oitfi utul ' III ill lllli -ll . I'"1- lUUllll'Nll, advertise if you could get proper advice on how lv II I. ki piMHi'fiuii uu Mart'lt ll. niuliuKuiiy i-liilli'niir, whllo They will nut bo rt-Kponslliln for bdotriiil, rl. . I'll..11.. Illuck 23V. to go about it, write to this Association. We any arruunls agalutl (lie World H.ufo jo 0 will give you the benefit of our experience in I.OST lluld Kluiinriml; Iimnm'Ii Ymi ar tn.t mrrouiiili'd bv -inull inirKi'l, starting you on the road to successful publicity rCZEMA I p a rlntenw lfm)llr i- ri-tl by '"'IMW'. I'liouu a w u v UiMs'a you 1 uia tilnw it. IIIiii- 5)mi Hi-wufil. 20 Issued by the Canadian Daily Newspapers Association, I menl for E-ifni and flii lrrll Uaut. It rrll.tn at une. and fr.du- LOST llnuini ll. l lin'Cli bnlwren Toronto. Mir nr.i. iu. ..in. rvmmni. dok in. PiMMiiid Vlrvrl I "Veillb Aa. CliaM'a Olnuiirut lr. II yoq uiwiUon Uili all. and aeud So.ant run lur ptwuia. mm. a Kinder pli'am' -.tiii 11 to Siiht-l"ti Ii.lH-r alld'nJ.ii w kUuiauauo, UaUa ft IXi., UUIWII, VIUUHI Tea llfunis :ol