I M'annr mm tvosr TAXI Phone TAXI 75 WE NEVER SLEEP untley & Hale PRINCE RUPERT Prince Rupert Auto llelgeiion Mock 707 Serond Ave. Prince Kupcrt Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper I'lllNCH HUl'F.llT. ll. C HATUIMMY. J AM AllY 20, 1021. rtlltfOr'l ClrcvltOon 1,7M. PRICE fivk r.EN-n XII N' 1 his City Loses About Half Million R SHORTAGE CONTINUES: 80,000 LBS. HALIBUT TURNED AWAY YESTERDAY DITORIAL AN ANTI-BLUE LAW CRUSADER. GERMANY TO Grand Trunk Pacific Railway II h i;ir -1 1 1 1 -i PAY IFi SUM Owes lost tiglil City at Least $400,000 . ,.,-. I-1. f I affects Fifty-Six Billion Dollars to I,t, manner L. i ii mentioned different' Be Handed Reparation.0r for ! Was Granted Rtmiifcicn cf Taxes for Specific Purpose; pre. i AgMmenl has Not Been Carried Gut; Arrount . PARIS, Jan. 29. The Allied i ', , a re only three i Supreme Council has approved be Collectable Law .. ig. i train a week) of the plarl for German May by ,( I. . ll). Iv.l-Oll , reparations at drafted . IIIMIIIIIl Htll'll lie. ' bf Its special commiltte. mm output of ll is ttintated thai the Crnud Trunk IUilwuy Company owes .mount of li al This provides for a payment the i il or I'riure Itiipert half a million dollars in taxes remitted by Germany-f 226 billion LOGS DURING 1920 Ynade. IP II lllff was un Hie TniderslHiiiliiig lh.it rerlfain improvements were Cold marks, equivalent to ES there cOj!d be Thre improvements have not been made, hence the money is billion dollars at the normal ' Twenty Eillion Feet Wert Scaled owing. .-till cichange. by Coernmer.t Officials. j . . .till, iliere The payments will be made A rarefuj t-uleiiliilion h:is been made of the nmoiilils whirli (ilTiTiiiff ll i ar In 42 annual installments on VH T"itfA. Jitn. Id iiie ot wt,"W have heeii collected had Ihere been no lax remission , j i -1 l - cn i-v it a rising seals beginning with Ibe dri-linln lumlMT produetion Mheme pid forward. Ha-ed on the actual as.-e.smeul ds il ap-and V 'li l-nty ut . irn payments of two billion Hie nmmnn closing of jears on the city book.- today the Hallway Company should have dud Hull .nir marks In the first two years manv of I lie eani .lurttt! !!- last ..... ... ... ...., M. . ., al, . ,,.. . .r. ... additional of and an payment ii.nnlhs uf 1920, I lie breaks r . ' - m-ghl be twelve per cent tax on German all r-eird In loa yrn.f rdu"'lMm. yrar 57 l,9iW.D6. whereas under million u'liujd build a nice little the agreement in reect to fuu station snd nuntlliou'' and a frw (he en port. Eight cent i'. per H regular Ilurinir the lh- lumber sealed yar iriieienl lliey paid only IC3,- i4lirr iuiproveuii as wi'll. discount will be made on pay-mints Tlr would give by government officials i'ruia-b-iil i made In advance. 000. This leave due lo6,05.O0. I .ill Ih' ex lo S.lMu.OftO.OOO feet board Pcor Assessment tic I r..:li WfMl 111 mea'ure.. rMiiiaml with 1.758,. ll is iiointed out. however, Ibat PORT SIMPSON i..iii f,.i in mi 9. !i-h -hi.nn ni- BIGGER FAIR owing lo th'' fact that. the . T. I'. rr i i. il... rr - - 111. IlllOlied Mini!' I -,al" SIMPLE CEREMONY jKessMienl there was a good oe! l liawsiMl ut t r THIS SEASON mf rarelrnrs in inakin? .that ' Hoard n( Trade; 'assessment s t'AUtS. Jan. JH. Simole cere- whirli in eiuily should IMPRESSIVE t .gain l III .,..nl- matti -'uf- .muluhiI have m-rii tnueii ntsiier. nurd of the First ailii0..Oirs4r.CIeuenti.NiliNVnt. if 5Mibil-.rfr:i-MMHiHU. lnUr tbeconi- 1 i. v. wfK. It wd - Omeers and Make iKrunre. r.-i.ri-.-nlii.a ll.r un. Imiii)- is immii. not on ue ariuai Farewell Service and ! .! tllttt Jnan in ba ct I be Anuu n4ty el New r my. Plans. l.-ntill'-.1 war ia1 li-tnalli Hie tat rale levied but on the rale as Thanksgiving !' Jllg t wiitild have lieeu if the (i.T.K to Teachers Held tio m Arclin ile Tiiumpli. A plain dab rooilxl tueday ! . Irniir brifd Cbane lk km dkl pri. to I ix erW"6 had paid lhir taxes like others. Tuesday NlghL GEORGE MUNRO AGAIN mark i lie r-l njt .ot. treol "t tfll s ewcmiromiiix lo ll H"wli o rrwadf jti-i n id YUli IS THE PRESIDENT lo illu.lrate this: In IViO the I i(!.-, nre cars. W lnuelle h.ier All he b fell lWy U h e einillvo local lax rate was 23.IG. If Hie A service, in which all the til 1.n,i of getting te rrlUta. twl tm lo knu 6) lbe rfterrovi Sett U ! toe pnt-tttr. Ids initial mr.-ling of the re. HOBO QUEEN li. T. I. hud olid their taxes the lage look great interest, was held ; -rr !. e .) ibal II lb ro-i tni eobda. U. nU sBuata jeenlly elreted bard of iliiii-tors rale would have been 20.113. In hi the Methodic Church, Port f (vt aitwUMl dty la tU arvk tulllrlj lo ltmMr. , of the Fair AsialHMi was en-thusiastie inakinu the calculation of llieljMiini.uii, last Tue.day iiixlit. It enrict Brings Business and mI- rll for the IS DROWNED .-in.mill nwuu- by Hie company,'wts announced as follows: "Come, .il el bnlj)es ! stirrcs nf the n-J( ethibilion. ll..- latli-r rale i ne., 'whieli is and Rie Hihiks for tli safely of m ri i in- hit" inl nw !Shortage of Cars The ofllcers eleeled wire: inn. li .mailer tjinn if calculated all Hie inmates OT the Crusby . ' w ill increase. Hon. pretidenl. i'l. C. V. Peek. Girl Who Was Here Recently on the act mil rale. 'girls' home." V.C'M.I'. ' Jumps Into River at It j estimated that an Equitable: The gathering joined heartily ' in lu the 'imiig lion, ver.pritb nt. llun K. !.! Wetlmlntter. assessment on Hie (S. T..1'. prop.Jin the hymn, "When all the 1 !.. interior ml j Boat Goes South Harrow, nifnUIrr of aancuUure. ! ii-rlii-N would have been l,5O0.00Os'iuercie.s of my Cod," a,nd after i Prince Hurt' 1'rei.ldnL, tieorse II. Monro. NEW WESTMINSTER, Jan. lf llns had b.-eii (lie valtialion.-llie'jirayers, Miss ltaaeoiu principal, in k ! die I Vire.pridcnt. H l'aUinsn. 2?. Evelyn Butler, seventeen jlolal (axes ilue l the company'gae an account of the imrariiluus I! (h- city would have been for uf the staff and children i..iiiii' it f the j Secretary - naurer, 1). Meli. yars of age, of Prince c.scape Commonwealth's 80,000 Pounds would Hunter. George, Jumped Into the Fra-ser !lhe ten years il3.9G?.87, from from the burning'building. tning every year that lie and iWhirli dmloet Hie amount actually Anions those who sMke were It n reported I eo. River this afternoon Ml deveJop-1 have Meant $1 1,000 Sale and operation of Iwe Indian aeents aflr swimming SO yards towards paid under Hie imppivcinctilV. S. Musgraw, for llie village, irie mid am had been secured ami thai already shore was drowned. a'.-.eeiui'iil IC3,toO and the Joseph Ityan for the stewards, ' winiii) iii a tery $2,400 Express Tolls arrangement! were under way for This Is the girl who recently 'amount now due the rily owing Kred lloss, for the Athletic Club, Hie lillsi- a competition Iwlncen the differ passed-through Prlncs lo failure of the company to ful. 'Mrs A. lludoward for the village.. - I would lie a The halibut mIhh r i. nwi-.iliti. with 80,000 ioiinds of ent agencies and that a large In. Rupert and made herself til Us part of the agreement is Mrs. J. II. Wesley for Hie Ivy l'i in. c IlllTK l l tu llh Avhb h Khe olfen-il lor ide mi Hie IpeHl market, vlearetl- la dian esbibil this car was assured. notorious on the steamer t578.9rtT.8i. Iliuibl, Itev. A. Jlarner for tlys Mis. .It was derided that this year all Prince George as Queen of Recoverable By Law. 'sionary Society. Dr. J. C. Speucer forced In the American port, i)U miles for nway, MTMif lc .in-e evening Seallle, conceiou yranti'd by the asso. th Hoboes. She Jumped It is possible that the half mil- made appropriate closing re. K'OHg through on iirmiiiil nf the refngemtor ear shortage. 1 elation would Ih- in or adjoining from the bridge today In or-1 lion dollars, more or les, vwhicli marks, IT it. , fur u day (If Hi" five cars available c-lrrdiiy lo the loi-ut flsh concerns, the hall on Acropolis Hill. The dee to escape arrest after escaping the company owes is recoverable i Money Raited, vt ' 'ml leuy tlieir four were sent einl Willi I lie ll-li bought up at yesterday morning's carnival will be brld there. i from the girls' home. by law. Al anyrale it is morally The people had been busy m i lifi'O dns. Kate and the oIIht 'mie wiit east with INh for the Canadliau Arrangements for musical . Ithrotfghoul the day and 'during exrnts will be Hindi' and a more I the service il was announced that l'ili and I Sold Slorage Coinpitm comprehensive ami better indtis. the following aiuuntstiad been 1A10N FORT There Is but one car in ight now and the usual vveek-eiid trial display will tu arranged. Churchill Boom in 'colU'cled for llie relief-ot life staff 1 artiynls will likely arrive lodny and tomorrow morning. The jand scholars: Oommoiiwealth would have received $11,000 fordicr ealch, could It-levvards of llrare Mi-lhu- NORMAN TRIP she hae sold here nml the express company loses $2,t(0 in tolls PLEBISCITE British Politics I(Collected dist Church by Mr. A. S.w. . 50,00 for four cars of llh. If more lUh halo tie turned awny tomorrow on uceoiiiit of Hie car .shortage more money will thus be lost In NECESSARY I!irace:biircli liudoward Cliolr 50.00 iO.20 !"fl Dominion Govern and Canada. f" (uiptndlng Slaking Prlv- this port Times Announces Electicn Likely inilfSlyl?.l",!B.""!, ICS " It Damper E. E. Campbell, of Granby If Provincial Government wishes late Spring; Lower Taxation Fore- CxcnuiK offering U0.05 Hexeral Monopoly Mutt Do It Under Cesli donation S-"o it i in. tiiru iri'inru-i has Resigned Doherty Act. i casted in coming Budget - ".no mile over Management, Total ?i.S3 ' l Uug Irani and REPLY WILL BE SENT The ladies or the villas.'.! aho - is;a "'li. i suppllea to TO PREMIER OLIVER l.OMlOX, January 20. Winston Churchill, the new secretary,in..u. n ilVuml lull it I'lilllllltir. '''' !" " r'orl .Noriuail IV i Inp Expert of Anyox Will Take Reiporuible Position of stale for the colonies, will inherit the estate of the late Lord, .,.((, ,,r;it.v, was also made a ' h i ii "i.ubly nbanilon or in Southwestern Stalea; ATunro on Way North OTTAWA, Jan. If the Hril- llerberkiVune Tempest, a lousin. who died some time ago from tubauiial farewell to (he lady , ' ' m Mint of Ilia isli Columbia goMM-umenl wishes injuries in a railway collision in Wales. I i 1 1 uv.I....... i 1 Blh I, . i-io-.l....I I.- VANCOIJVKH. January 20. K. K. Campbell,assistant general to have a monopoly of the supply. Political circles ure eagerly discussing the possibility of With the siiii.'ing of Hie hymn. I I ' 1 i Muoht-iali Consolidated Mining, Smelling and Power iiiK Of lluuor to tin" riluexmi of , , . . :i:....l .....I., a...I "O for a fallh that will uof shruik" UrHiiby ' ' 1 "I p.n.ininent hild niHiinger or tjie the! pi-oxlnce. tin- legislature will uniircnui now aspiring ... uc.-ooie un " i.."u. ,..., - ald ..4mJ wlltj Joll ti e liu.el I li 1 1 1 ll I i' tln-r luilleo the Co., has resigned and leaves in two weeks to lake u responsible have to formally reipie 4he Dii.'ullimately prime minister. (again," Hie lueelinj; closed. Ml; t' UKuitf or other, position Willi n large-cojiper cotporalion in the southwestern mlnion.to hike a pteiiisctie uuacrj- The London Times says Lloyd tieorge ha sent iioirueuou Ul i' ,, .,,s "il lumls in tlio Hie IMierly Act as a recently . ,, , f ,.()ajijon pail which ho leads, lo be ivady BODY OF THE LATE W ,' T. ' of niot of the province's done in the three prairie prov-l. 1 H.irles. i' Mr'. Campbell was hup tl)o promineul ...,-. : ,ir ,- ,. i,,i .. i..it of fill "" nilsii)ncr has mining men and beTore becoming assislnnl general manuger of lures. That In effect will be Iho. JV " m""- y - . JAMES MURPHY FOUND M" H . Ihe budget xvlucii win lake piarc, emriy in .vprn. authorities. ""'reitlt'd purtiea, Jhc (Irunby cninMiiy under the II. H. Miinro manugemenl, was answer or the federal, I'"IS nr...,ii..r. nil....! 'ri... comments 1 1 iii l il iiiiin-urs the urime minister ItlMIW A- Williams. le the i.. ii .....i ..f kiime nniier ""il who hail mine superintendent under was one of ir lliw i-iUvi"l "I , - ... . 4ll,.,,lLl- In,i J TIim li.ule U"..l r., I..I 1....I-1..1 1..11 In d lli.i' i .1 ll... ..t II... ......I.ii.hi... I....... .1....!.!...I il I k iui..llili III ..r-i...ni . ...r, . . 'I'li'pia rioui VUvJuw olllciub! .who survived the general shake-up lu tlio manage. ll .1"- IU IIH I.IM" '. I " f" - ' '-' Iftllll i-iiuiii-eiiiii til iiit v.s. ii. ..it IIM i v. 7 i-..!r..- 1 N-ll L . IIU'lll souiiiiiH II. IV Covernmeul the solo right j,,,,,,,,,,,,, n (llldgl., , ,,,v.de for 50.000.000 which would X al:-.m Tin' oiinoiincejiKVil w muile '" oiculent wllli the return on to Import l'uuor ousidei'iible remission of taxaliou compared with fornier years)Wti4 r,mmj yesterday a(leiuoou in l':i 1 jf it Ih ll t Thursday of II. S.f Monro, g' lin .1 manager, from ilirectors' and thus nlTortl a f.ivorable tpporluiuly for appeuliug lo the the Thompson Ithcr, hulf uvm I'm., Healrfe for ineellng in Xi'w CJit M' Muino left on the Chejohsln lust Ir. J, (5. sieneer arrived yester- below here. ,'"i Fall. iiiglil for tho norfh. dny from port tlinpon. , .country. I!