' VWBt HUE'S -il'.VD f?l ,t!jr,Iliy umurf Q. , p.fj.a llnnnn nn ornnfirienl oracle llm ilinCnrdrd lucifrr of nnnivc paid Ihelr Aral vii( lo I'rinro muikiT. or any ofhi-r arcidrnlal Industrv of the Soil lltjot'(. id (hinK forfliem. raiiN' - -f oiiuhl to Im alda liy A- ejve anil, preaumahly' to do fonr'it'd mid vi("rii action lo' their duly. The former, with n dlfcotr and neffriin wrapon ' rtorc I lhi un r Mi).lime audnrlly, worthy of a for our fuirjMU. wiilmut rtfima. , rC Umnl In ih Dominion1 cabinet hurleipilri of much longer narily tiolalinir whai i- n I leil Tin-Ijiw. f,J.m.ntl Indu.lrr- pl?le ilnndinir. Informed u Hint up to lb iilial iiiiiiktiI hp win not awn re Mat meeting (there ua no railway ta(lon In liy mil llTt- innx iiifffiinKI lh ielrrol of ailculltirll. ITlriro Ituperl ami Ihen with moek of fh rilUrnaj rtHlll inmii. ; jollrftude and aympalhy ur-l(nlcly. at whlrli )i If 'linira nnd If J from eo..l lo eo.tj in ' lit ' llial Dial Hllil -i-veinl oilier of irlelerioinallon of lh- li'-opl" wmild ' or lo f re jour Jiml nHcvani i n would c ri'-!liii'lici It itIMHftl If tin llilfrrlaill ulllioul dnliiy. innniior. and rj-rlain dflnii nr. 1 INION BANK OF CANADA i On PrornUe ruiniled llona darldwl (Hn, wliiili -oo. ' Willi a Mtli innily in-iitininK III hardly fail to prfi- r.uit-- in ipoHliino (In- all-wUi l'riniiint fart nml'l I" it llml t ' Prince Rupert Hranch A. T. Rrodcrick, Manager 'alo jiuvp iik In iiriilnithl that di'Kirnl raiiHa wiwild Ik nrurrd i lout wronpa wVmld tin rlKlilfd, and or Ty iinpimaBiM, tiarfMninica wi.j. riinnidi'Milc riiotiuli to aMirt lak tdaw. All IIih, i- rrquiml . lux llml our frrtplit ralftt would ia il'-(i-riilffiM milihiiuiiKin jahorlly IfJiii'f rii-i-d. Tlita nx-rial If llM rra Wi itn- -iilT-i-ii)Br i.ryiMir mi tirnmptiy arrifii mil, iindrr i-ontlnlHW tt will In' "III u II In the Letter Box limit il i I lir only on iif lln- many fpull. 4i n rj- ni uml 'nl it i860 705 Brnthfi 1820 nifidf lo u dial liuo liivn even like moil, putlfntr 'n.-i ilirr and ACTION ADVISED REQARDINQ jpnrlinlly fullHk.l. iiiindiiis I'V me'nnoiln r i .vhIK m, RAILWAY SITUATION i The Greatett niy allion Mi At ffio s l.. ,,-. ,., like Royal Bank Tli dirt' dM-on1ant of i:pn al n fiM7ie iin'i-iim-. If hp -lflior. tially I think ynii 'Amililutt iiiid 8apliira liml not do we ar lind In win. v -Ii.tM ty nearly trik tlir right indf-'pnuWdiil vry fNroti lli"ir voj'ai" I.' Iraa Ifjail lOFtl if t li rulo Canada in iur lorlal whi-n yni wiy ill diwovrry. u ihy ilrrilJ thin ndhraa ffoadiKoo f nlfnir of ii rJiouWIm tl pl of I'rinreUlK-lr tour, brfut another nm-iiopfri any dinner. timk th-Jaw inio tlirlr own laador from th lrniili uf fame If we are nit wrm afraid ewn Land In roniKHlnn with tin IhlnK nl Oiinwa dorr ilown un,n u in lo turn let n prop n in tukiriK c allml a railway ry(m with jnoliMnn tale and lonfl)urandiMir. up Hie wHlfria fO'liin mir n-arli n Men and Young Women vhkli Kiln ploro liaa biriiMirwilJmid an wr llolcniil lo the itrarioun and uin I hem. 'I (' i-otiid Ih- iur Ha inrcpiiim. A it-trop,,l jwurd that fell from his lijut w tUenllone at n pnlilif mei'linif; I8per paelcn&e Have Great Opportunities if thai urn nn Mo aiHni to Jdllfy all with one roi-onl vrlaliuril: einvmei In- ihe .Mnyor and up-i jtli pinion that il ronrehml '"Tin' Kn-aleal jot iheae la Itnllan-ni iwirieil y the ltAanl ..f Trade and fro forJ5f Today in. iHirn in Iniquity and nurf.o.1 M)"". and we frit that In him wi mir itullanl inemher. liulonel Vrk. never Dau better i '! inaidenl lnfoiiiH"tenei undjl'"d friend IndMnl hy whoi'ii mir J. 1. MMil'iniJ. and intini of 50 100 IThey inaliifd In rorriipl Ion until, lm Jlroull wiMild ! rndl onr fur chanced to makif ana lo jwl l lie pulnl of diulh through Jafl. "To aoth- mir orrow. hoal Perfection nve money Now is the ifiuiari-n). lli unavnry moa waajniar Aond anil driv away our MORE TMRINE Ithno t. lay the foundation diiniM-d lulu Ho- uitlil haiid of frur." thi crcat and k'mmI of future prosperity by cul-tivatsnK ii miack pliynirlao iallf a itn. aullmrdy on ahlpa arul flli max-iriiiiifnl. ti;o habit of thrift. wlm-f Him I fiinrlinn will 'niiiiinily olimlfr-d to ur hix INVESTIGATIONS .ln UimI if uiMlrlkir unli- ly a t m I ;IIirU inyi-riiiiiH Tb.-r Sa'. irtjft ucpartmeni jtie mirai-uloua interpoailion of phrae In Mrurf for im a wlmrf tt C7C- t.Tft 1 'i "f I'd bank. ai.nif limliT power the dying thief altoul two lindml fwi ImiKor Membera of International Committee Tfct"cTw I be f lad lotlmwyou . r-. ii--l fnim a dUhonoraMe than the one fur wliirh the n.n-Irri Appointed by Canada !,; to : lit? the lint depoait rne at llir i-tentli lioor and l wa jiiI then Iteing larel! iiit i n a'- rliant'e to make lardy Idol of Our Hearta OTTAWA. Jan. .K. W. A. it Eesenn $).0C8,tt0 2iiliiilnii lo nn out m(red Wlitt that w. preaeot ran ever htiUn,u nviiuat ,. puir milliliter b)M fomel Ihe hrond irrtna of delipht f fj,hrt, Urtnir iti,i and llUlEttrtftW S5I9JZ2.317 Proefi r Lag Ion and RrallliHe Hial aeeompaniwl jj,Pi iUnamn. of the mariue i tie uiMory oi ii iiaaunca wiin .Hir IHunipliiK. or the laMf tM l.hiliMrir.1 hnftrd. tts, lm named PLAYER I'linrc Itupert i a nhamef.ul re. relllinaa of the feathe rutleryi,,,, ,obem c lh- miernatlonari 3 eon! of C"nleinpluiu neali-t. wuen uie oracie. wuw liy una nine rolIHnMIW pn Mmr4n- H.herlea in-li. .ihy-iiial inroinwrne and delih. I l-H-oiiie Ihe M..1 Of our ll.-arta.i, j,,, WM .j. rale dNeiirn a erilrnt Ihua .Lowed hia delermiiwlion to ',.,. . ,,. r ri.,...,. NAVY CUT WE SAVE pi iiry of iiimiH and injury In ;-iri-nil heap roaJ. of kindly fire utH.n our j,j4, .wu.j.i, in r,.uaI., , ,enJ form. The ajtallal'le iiewa. araniiuir ii. wore than we;,llr jnxn,lon , tn tlt a pimifa of Ihe eorrerlneaa of had ake. or thought of! Uuherie, adjaeent Im.IIi r.fciaU. CIBARETT irii-rtii.ii are teflon' In nuiuber. Our grief nl the deparlure of' t Your Clothes .runninit ihiKiuch all the year lietiefarlor lUllanlyiw wna onb' jfmm the rlrarinj; of Hie oni) lemfreil liearalde h the eonol-iilB PRESCRIPTION OF io the iiiemoralde Aeration ahout teller lilo that Ihe two hlin- GREAT HERBALIST MINKflAL ACT. i! soiled? Hoe a year ado when two of the leaiUdrel feel of tmnua wharf would , : r. rpairtpu-? We .inn Wealern nffleial of the furnUh u with a iierjielual re. CafliacaU af liaafa.taitau. B & K CHICKEN CHOP fnrfarii.ua roriuiralion aieare.l luinder of him. on wlilrh we eotild No reneiy ei-r offered In Hrit- .vmcc. u rlolhr and jtielore a eeicly eonenliat all timea kneel and hte lii l (Vd u India haa atlrarted nmrej "Oprr our. cnfr, cnir .o. i, B & K SCRATCHFOOD i U'tul hap. ineettna of Ihe bufne men fiinWMry ami praiae hia name. I nenuine inemi than that ahownl rjoffrt Clia So. t.' ami "Corrr cu if name and hi eity. and. inalead of reallrtnti am fully aaliafted h (he reati."n Wonder He.illh flealorer lian-io. v w.nrl cuiai ausaie in im Mt These are balanced rations and. if fed vith and we will tlx iioporlanre of Uii- oreaatmi ni4hiii? haa inee ien heard died in I'rliw-e flupert by the torr vioir Dituwn or canar Dinnct. the necessary preen feed (ALFALFA talk about Hie bono ,1 be? pardon. 1 Prlnee Rupert Iinur Cn. Wbrr l-lnl:-.lltiiull wnr, Allra Arm.. MEAL). BEEFSCRAP5, GRIT, SHELL . - line anl jini.l lrinn in ene. dxporied laat: M'TICC UUt 1. tMorr A. rounf. Tbi remely i if) a rlaaa- by it. and LHAuCOAL. ure to results b "twwiua" addition ia are give (I tlii'ioarlt'-a like a hrare of bulT-'Hin. mean xiraply frw Mlnf Crniaraie aa. ItSlt-C. t. 1 iaakin hartl luit fntite that it ha lawn fetinMy aacer-laineil aelf in that it i iecilly (be private Ml tat BiTwir aa.1 areol for Jwpl, and INCREASE EGG PRODUCTION. pre.eriplinn uf one of the world' WHM. rr vunafi Oriiatale .no. ioit-: '.ITnri ! Iw- funn7. and wllh en4 I.) ihr aanliii Irin al Ottawa -rr Modern Cleaning & rfTrontery rtplainina- that iheirjllial there i no material In eill. reatrl b.rl.ali-l. a native of, i:,iwraie and Ante o. itl-c li.ro-.n.inteod.miwi-uty tuytj err- We retail feed in any quantity Keolbtmi. Tin hi life ixati epent jlnnliiliiy in ay aayiliinp worth eee of line enouah qualify lo lie Iretn Ik title brreor, to tpply la tnel in the aearrh of ti'Th juieea aurh Mlmnt Hacorder lor ortiaraie of Im-. THE BRACKMAMER MILLING CO., LTD. iiaiue for Hie I.eneilicllon li.l. uinu to waa due In the aieeh. tially Pressing Co. aa would roire I orfanir complain provrrnu, for IM purpore of ocumiiir i alnee and inaleail of n llallantyne e niallla (hey bad ien! ao '-Uipert, Cramn Oram oT ia aboa claimi. T U and rei.re l(eallh. He P.O. Box. 74J Prince B.C Phone 3SO Jrd next Currle'a arr.Mna in nur moat Im-pilahje bleaainK we have a cabinet eurne. M rariarr tak noUra inai ctloll. OL ' Artnue, auereclt'L to u Ii a degree that Inm-n! CrT entire Meant dr teruon IS. must t caumorrd brar 11 Bittry Ihe fame of hi oarallon spread lutaanr of pr. U tuctt Crrtiartuv of Improrr- We lialened to Ihelr Imheelle liul now. aeViotialy. Mr. ICIilor, far beyiMHl hi p.-raonal touch and own it. Inaihlle, anil I llln e what ailly aurker we have been wyBr(ually tialay thi remedy prepared ar-cordintr Diird tlit (IB oar of fnorrmbrr. I no. hi I'liioded it. when by right we alt Iheae veara for llieae "Wle to hia rael formula, i" ixhoiild have hia Iheni off Ihe men from theTjit" Iheae Irona. now offered nil .fer the world. KijhJ Phone J, fi: gutn, S71 'll..i.r. Hut aftflr all perhaps their fmrtation Irampv.and minllerlal, That it la tliiinu untold koihI u W IBfwIII, BlaeT70 lerfirmanee wna a auilahle ale. oiuunlrbanka. and how- they inuat aualed bv thtuianda who hiive TORK'S trleil ii and round relief. Day I'huna 8 iiiuiori d'diteranre for a plare lauKh al lln over their entree and -i -i- If vi hi (or iiny uf your friend s i- - i-u: :r- COW BAY T m : SIEENJLONGWILL jwljirti they hail, no dnuht, been rijrnra aa they ran ire the plain in are aufferiim frmn Aalhuia. Ith.'ii- SE1X ELECTRICAL AND MARINE SUPPLIES, itnt.vhl hy the mandariiia above their private earl rnaltam. Slmiic'-lv imuhle. Kilm-y TOVES. Shet Metal Work ilii'in l reward aa a joke. A you ay What l the mean- f'oiniilainla. X.-rvi- diaeaes, pit'. representing Hkin nITei-liiin-'. etoM roll al tin' Canadian Fairbanks Co. Ltd. No Cellar Treatment intr of II all How lone are wo Prlnee hrufr tUt. and ak Apnt for McCliry Fumi Itupert C O. Crude Oil Marine Engines from 30 to 250 Have we any rmtun for eje. timiiK in pin up wnn iit vvuailal ImmiI under llillt llrslori-r. it h.p. 4 Unitary nl iuif better Ireatmenl from tlie new are vvi polnc in do- ntmul it T n nniiiina mu uh- juice or iierns Fred Stork's Hardware 8-10 H. P. Heavy Duty Distillate Engines, 'St but ila work ban deelureil it lo be 3 Heating Engineer oiitrollerat What ha happenelt Well, w bethel or iml any governmental All the Latet Improvement. A. mo of the moi potent ai ellee. tla Rlrl n I...-. t!l It ia many month ainre Minialer "atudif In wood" with 1 1 w n,uuvlft'a iii I lie. world. Second Avb.vuk Electric Lighting Plants Curne and let u ie you a rrtet KtiDcrt ... It t ol llallwaya llehPn manifeal nc- whlfh we may be intuited happen PHONE B1ACK 114 practical demembration. Lnoali and I'raaldenl of Italhvnys, In be eremaleil prematurely by Advertlaa in the DhiIv Newa. 5r WHEN A MAN'S MARRIED i. 7 o 2 VOU SEE- m r Something ih well- ??? ' ? NO MATTER. H A Shirtwaist 2 VXAT 1 TAKE. W. GOT ME D01U- cH Ytssta. hat .Site4? OH Anythimg s-sCZ HOM2. TO-PAY T xHAr Coca? . vS'HE'D make ME.' - ANP 46 - IT , K ) ) CHANGE iD-MORRtW 7l X seally coesNr (V ANYWAY- (!'. - .top- yTS I j YtLLDVxOC BLUB MATTER. oz cosmos: I V' Some-thin- '31 .1 f