THIS DAILY 5EWS PAnr. two re,""tnh. The Daily News CRIPPLED WITH H The Man in the Moon m PniNGB nUPKRT - nniTIHIl COLUMBIA Published Every Af'-rnnon, except Sunday, byThe News RHEUMATISM H " J. A. Kirkpatrick Printing nnc' Publishing Company, Third Avenue. 'I'tIK only man " Mi and iiwn tn I f i la H. P. PULbEN, Managing Editor. .'..iirftor. lie ha noihiiiH loo Tkn Sbe Teak TRUIT A-TIVES-Aftd SUBSCRIPTION RATES I Mm Bn Wll Et.r 3Jr "The Store of Satisfaction" City Delivery, Iy mail or carrier, per month. $1.00 IIYI'NllTIKf'll by 'li...- lly mnil to all parts of the Hrltish Umpire and the United Htales. ! ,v.i- I lie wnv a Ulan ! il..t in advance, per year o.u 'in I'auvbi l a iv i Local Record in Business My To all other countries in advance, per year 97 BO Speaks for It self. i II IN music iafltl lo He r... TELEPHONE OS in. d ly nia.viiiiTni works On May .'I. lo er lbiri..-n yeai if I -oeni .1 b.-ii.., , sT iiM and ti a tieenrred m llir affair. men iboiiiw ibe. e . . , , , , Transient Display Advertising 1.10 per inch eflch insertion WINKINfl i be..ii.Miic iniM-e .,hi aland uim tbe erH' f..r m. n Ilia! hs iuhI.- Itu. ..,, .,, j,,,,,,,),,, , ( Transient Adverting on Front Page f2,HO per inc h ir' Mlent han "er in tin- m-i.'il A CHRISTMAS BAR04IN OfrORTUNTT IS KNOCKINQ Local Readers, per Insertion . . . 2fte per line Stale .nii'i' pruliiiiiiioti v.-ni AT VOUlt DOOR Classified Advertising, per Insertion 2o per won! ini.i foeee. wink i .ifien i lt Legal Notices, each insertion IRe per agate line precursor In a drink "f IomiIcN Contract Hales on ppllcation, AIL advertising should he In The Daily News OlTire on day preceding TIIKHK a a lime wben a Hartt publication. All advertising received sifhjeet to approval. M0M 10T man often wm-f bl h'-arl mi ln-lee4. Shoes X,,w be more oflrn DAILY KDITTON litt Monday. Iec. I J 1021. Vt m Jew tio . f I 1 3 to STcd. 1900 riea it on hi- liip. . I llll. -I '"!' ' '1 .III "for mr c:r, I a f nsit uffeirr from JirW. Cutri" IHK MOfe f-Mtliou a man i-the Worth to $11.00-411 on, Patriotism and mJ Rkrtmttum. My SteatMk t m.ire ' f,Tmly "onie HAHTT SHOKS art nrfmittH Internationalism. k and rat we eoaunt dtttevs, tie will appl.oid bim. .vfiufir..,, Thoe wi have attended public meetings have noticed that hil KliwttaUiia is irJo,UmJ Canada's finest make. Onlv the ,fu,: ,.(ti'..J tlirtro mm- nlwav a few men and sometimes women who refuse.! m almost a eripple. wu tfrsteJ by TIIK rtres of yMilh are put leather are usetl In HAUTT shoes. two dtflVtent dueton tsst tUlr modi-tine bard ui abHil flften i-enu f..i to ViimmI while the national anthem is lietng nng and who look did UM IM (en. lKjautiftil Bhee embody the Wst then . ,r ,1 mi il rather a an insult tn them that such an anthem should ! craftmanshiti. .nnir. Thfv are hone! and sincere mm. sincere that lby are Tkn J tril V'mrfi'ii and at willing to fly in the fare of the npinioti of the community m re-riHing oar that frait nnsJicui btlfwtl m. ill K Man in the m.M.M b.i All ahapa and Isathar on pro been aOvlaed lo ii bidio,' to do Ihat in which they do not leieve. The" man are Boua th renstlt4oa awl Indites. rrlirvrt! ansl the Itlim-jUun as the lay Ibe wlMlj Uoa mneh loyal than UT the vrrtt nflcn lnvnl to their heliefs, more many l-fn to fotnmf, ami la a fw are fMttlisne. rest of ii who conform to general nag. $11.00 looking liack In the eaHy age of history we Unit that the moatli eaHrly diapansl. Far Wi la irm ANY wt kk-lis horn Man a twrlr )wi m, my governing group conited of the famil) . The head of the family finttUu, and I attribot it to tl Prloee IlKfM-ri 4eere lo hm-o was the head of the group aud loyalty consisted of olitlral and o"rruit-a-Uvn" mhieb I Uk TrgM Hv mi f be rairie or al Van - mural support of the family group. Later on the eiMintry was divided into sninll nations. Ilihlienl Uriy. Mra. CI.AKA SIjOAT. histury tell of the numerous nation in what is now Palestine. 60s a bo, 8 for J2.J0, trU! iu ZUt. TIIH bsle4 cause for Mwsblnw Gift Suggestions for "HIM" at Xmis it contained nation. The whole country was small, yet many APdraJeraor seat pottpaid by I'ruiU is b A fie! HSfHisesi bee ear- .Mmber of each nation were patriots who supported that nation, a-Utes Limited,OtUwa. and more particularly who fought for it In defenee against TIIK IMfttt aNtM- IHe i. i tiiiflrie ranar, inrtodniic a lar rl.-. iwn enemies or in attacks on their neighbor. The patriot wn no! etreteajast rii lae r.irnee nr Id. INccKvea.r .u. pnead at iu u $1.7. Iml nlo of the national only n supjtorter of the family group SUITCASES klletHSH sMfi tl a pwt tM tli. group. In that way the meaning of the. word patriotism had back jh nL 4'hnnged. It had two meaning. Belts - - - - m rm i o After time nations were united into empire, ami again the Trunks AHT far heart ke. th. meaning of the word patriotism was enlarged. It now had a beaiily isHeialis)f .aid. threefold meajilNg. A peron wa patriotic In hi family, to his CLUB BAGS Mufflers - reeeKe oe fr fbriataM. Priced at $3.00 to $4 $0, nation ami I'fil empire. He was wiling lo defend either against Large Stock on hand. AIWILVCI: make the hejr the rel of the world. urns riOHier.' wb'-oered niatr-fain 1 fnr IrMh l.laen rnwrl; bv. ;ir aal 11 R TU Mc Now we find internationalism growing up and men of a elas Prices very low. inclKercniers ilia mm be .limned out and 75.ur..l.inrhi in tpui ie m m in One oatfeMl uniting wHh men of the wnif rla in another J. F. MAGUIRE I be rtMon wb.'re ibr intnf colif rountrf fnfllie defene of thit cla against the rest uf Hie people .r. .Mtinn i.. pr'i olber. MADCTO.mrAIURC SUIT Hobbrlln and im-nit, of tlure countries. In fart U has almot reached a point where Nit th Prlne Hnpert Hot 33 1-3 pae canL Discount men of the worairtg ra are ready to unite with hat known liKTIlSn a iioMit etucati.Hi a 1b working ctasjOf .evary country again! the rest of mn-kin. fMl often mean Nuylna: pbic. lt'is nNtsil,f.tJiafwitfj moil of the member of the working vraii rerorvl rl.iss the coolie At'iHf Orient' are excepted. The iiJetliKrnl Huy fr.Mii a store f I lablistiett (eti.lali'n l is I be nh ar I., h.-blab wikingmeii of Canada hardly car to asociale on term of Ten Years Ago MANY aJ wiliell lite ymmv coftality with the coolies of f.hftM ami tuner oriental rounlrifts. tandard ( Mt, ttmll.- an ..niimr Hal i.f . I m.ii tn Prtnc wife friemt aVaerMwujia a Rupart vr-fet who are almnl a igmiranl as he leals of the flehl. On the 1 . ... l dream is a uiaiilmare l. ber K xwn 3 wlfole. Imwever. there it priHgitig up a spirit of internationalism bilbuinl wbi'ii ! M-e I bp hill thai is gradually spreading. It has been eonirag! by the mler-uaftoiialUm Decambae 12. 1911. of thn lalxc 'unions awd by the ifilerntifalim of t.ny Knxiarr a. ltmt laU. li iiaM'4 a a aaa la Hmmu 'apilalits. so (hat Hie walls of naUuwli-ni are Wt some extent el I hi niormiM in tnc I rial of BRANDON WANTS POWER al hr(akiug down ami are being replaced by a broad intmatMinalism. HalM.n . ;ujr .,f princr Itu. SUPPLY IN THAT CITY Canadian National Railways t tcrl i hat lie i(H aot Hisir cw-Iraciors auiiHM ass wee. Ml Patriotism Is sbaaitti Mve Ieeft fr ) Htm. AfeaL Still Needed. alirj for failure . i-xorutr Htctr Urga Provincial Ooommint oft S patriotism is needed just as much as it fver was. nerause a' cmitrarU ia Ike specified liaae. Manitoba to CiUnd ot s ectiuuti n sirr msii i patriotic to a country or n province is no reason why ha IiUm. rMrt at rsaT i i mstioct Prince Rupert should not also be patriotic to a family, Hemufse he is patrioUe to Tac ciiy ctHiMril la i nurtel laj.-f or iiiim. aso t. is he should be I be bylaw l. tjivitlr Hm Nemia Vase M.Mra HMI I. u r i. sf to Jhe Hritioh Kmpire no reason why Hot patriotic city WIXNJI'iai. Iee If.- vwm. a i:. anem mi tutOnada. To carry the renoning one step forth nr. there i no into tbrtss ward a Hx nwmlhs' lion are proeeedtiia bwen lb aaalf I. Iw m in p at tm tnm aaa asuifal -m IM fsMva who believes in internatioualism should boist. I nd rouncil and Ibe reflx'ii why a man not Ira n i-it aa i pii Shipyards also be p.'itriolir to the Hritish Kmpire. The lst patriots are erswoent or Maaiiu4a rr eiien- ti nr i imi -v thtisewho ttMlay are keenest in support of a broad intrrnatiooa!iBi. Aid. MurrtiMwy has atfferesl to H of prmlaeial III dro-efectrir I raaan. uaari sa nam. MVn aana It ioiily the etly fMditleians who would divide nations and et np cbwate one-fourth of kia iau line to Itrandon. for snoplr flusaTTa Dock barriers between them that make for permanent separation. letnaMy as aloVrmaa Iw the ft mi. tioHr to tbal city. Hon. C. It. Mr. j r os rea ?os.m Ha.u4m r OparaUno O. T. P. 30,000 Ton Floating. Dry ral HMpiial. oiMihk that tin- I her son. mnbter of MiMie works.: oaiM styajaer u, Hfl Engineer, Machinists. Bollarmaktrs, BlscksmlUs, fstun May.-r ami i Ik- rei ,f the al-b-rnn'ii New Naed for nnnoitaeea. , ,t , ri TMM ri i ct. ma Kara, founders, Woodworksr. CU. National Anthem. wttl ! I Ik- aioc. mienaion of tbe WlnnifwHt- PSMSrC MretRT I Vt WTSICT WS ' Mnny people, who are intensely palrfolb and proud of being 1'ortaae bydro-elertric line from i met r rotST. assbi. i hanitle all k t f a fueinber of the British rknpire do not eore aliotit siugiHg "fiod Tl' m.tor OMI I. l r XW1H. ! Our plant -ilmpped t WINNIPEG POLICE HAD Sue the King." They believe in, the Kmiire LhI they do ooi ear-niftch abvaR with SHs-eary 'r'; JTZlJZTZZrZi AND iilxMit a miHwrrhy. aid while they Iwve no parttoikar oiijcr-tiiHi YERY BUSY TIME o iirinwNi, wmilH w i ,;-wt.- "Sjaii ' anarm a.1 Mian I 14 MARINE lo a iiiouarrliy a at preeitt coutlitutcd. they believe m the IMMI. Jiiaeph Rocrbettl. fenti'f 'UJl'ai I rM rl ( Mtw af I III. WORK r4Lii of Uie oereiTH veoj4e. To aueh people the anthem "My ru.iniiiiioner, abl iMaias. umm wi ! COMMERCIAL Country Tie of Thee. Sweet Land of Liberty" apieala mweh nut re 8evral Gang of Crooks Broken If lb- M-beme ia (Hmeeedeil lh aiaai si Jr aw . m' thu Hm tuie I lie Hritioh peoftie sing. It i only because we are, as Up and Stolsn Goods and llraodoo rmibl Baate. o r rt'm M llW AIMl PHONCS 43 AND 355 n yroAe. very eoosrrvative iU:U we Hing to the otd national Racovarad. ne t,.tnni,m kMownll boors i.f nM4 maaaer II I St I aidhem. fleelriritx er year. Hie rol per coal sn rev mo 4i a act t A ers4Mi who objeels tn Kinging the national anthem is ho4 WINXIPKii. Ic. !J.gHne. kilemait vioub! run from 3.A to t ucirmnijr oiiMinoiic. nr ma) iimtc iiiiimiiihowj lailll in Ifie UA&K ut tltm violent epilrinie of rent. Mr. HoeebHtt said. Tb.- riosrr iaj.arrstaT III l.llT.Msp MllOK mstmct t -wis I Ilntish Empire ami yel feel that the national anthem is petty and iriwr in ViaBiiejt in NoveiHlMse more power uaetj tbe leaa Ibe cost Ttl awr MMI I. H. M Paaaell. 6fJ 66 DEMERS a. r . hi eatiar. ho4 v, ia. oi uf dl. Hy rommoii emenl one verse has been eliminate!, is reflected ia to monthly rerlj would be." Itw rooifniesiofier aid. tm t knaa lu aeiwaari fi.f pwn that one ui which occur the word "Frustrate their knavish trick. of the police coUrt. isaued bv "as Ibe Rieal that? would re. aaajaaajaav vaaaaaTv ittwal t fjiiml i al a'.i..iat aiaie4 am 'ojtfouud their polities." Hoou we hall aUo eliminate the two n:bief Oin.uble r.bri,, Newton. i.tain lltn .am ' tt raaMw auaui aa fa raauw ! frwa FOR liDIESWHOj RENDEZVOUS !b If K. nm aT tnt 11. laeora a. "THE re Jii.'iiiiiug vee. and substitute for them new wonls more in la November there were 1 Al Ibe preasant tile the gOV-iSIM. Ummm aoaia Sa riMM. ia. arl krping with the spirit of the llmiw. proevUon fer bousebreaklBB ernment kuis no ilaaire M noik. .y ?.mfS.l?r.i 120' ia art. fhlle many refuse to sing the national anthem jieeaue they and theft, I? foe theft, fite far the edenaion nf Hie power line' 'nSara ar U Splendid Asaortmsnt of dipnoi like the sentiment expressed in it, there are many more sbopbreakimr am! theft, four for to IlraiobHt. and, aminff lo Ibej ii. a rl IUH.Spawrial Aal. who sing it siniJy because it is the only way they have of express. robbery, four for receivloa stolen flaaaial ailualian. the coal of rxlaa rtmt II SI I i iig pride in their con ji try and in the great commonwealth of goods, two for burglary, one fr const rur I ton. and oeb iwatler. U0 ACT. DAINTY XMAS GIFTS uatHios or winch tins country i n part. NUMited robbery, one for at oilJ not avpros of socli an NU ef lalaaUaa la elr ta tsass taaC! The Canadian anthem "O Canada" is much more appropriate'tempt! murder, and on for undertaking." Mr. Mel'heraofl CAHISOtl than the Unti-h anthem, luit il is restricted in its sentiment, nod arson. aid. The uovernmrfll wants to la DmiI I aa4 bouirt. aecardlnc blalHrt 1 HANDKERCHIEFS tar rrtara KNsfl. a4 suasw al Copula, QL0VC8 ajCOLICIIs there i no ,iig which has yet been writlen which eonveya the 'lite proeijtbifv foe major of-fenoaa proe up tha I'lirtosa line by putting ft. Till OUmt ... r. uinni uoaC BLOUSl feeling of Hie indltitiuln toward the whole commonwealth. larvely ariiiinated from Hie il Ihrouvh a series of try ins frtnra Ttka halrl.aaoa S liul r. . ormMliwi air' 50 ftH CENT. Off ALL MWILLINCRY artivitiea nf (koliee in eleanlHK U teaia iM-fore proceeding with larae iaial u. tft tor aruawaa M mm IIm faHusoat dMrnbmf Uadi - Three Anthems several gnntca Hb)h operated ex. rmirurin proarain.M rjHuutrnmu II a post Haii II lb c. Im.i-v pur. baser .-nnHed j Instead of One. m. St th.tai aarlfe af WMM Rock. DRAWING lensivety and stole goods running IltMraca II rkoa aurib. Umura ua tbaia GRAND CHRISTMAS Possibly time ITU on u r khall nn,l a mm.,,,' into many llioosands. COiL AJIO rtTWOltUM ACT. ai. inrnra ii rnaiai aoain. iaara ana Cvsnlna Dross, value tW prlia ilMia ml, ltd ruttlilaiai faar rirat that lotl Biura will esnresii the internal ftOliat..... ff,Mllflir tit... flll. lAllrkH,. llturhnl..r...,wi I i'ioes rollected Hi rough tba ally rnt.vcR hi'Mar'tssn rusTsict ctt- ar ki. . Second prlia Hk Blouse, value ISA eanli and the joy of the indivblual in reeling himself a I utile aourt thla until the TwuT or (AiktT, esiif. . n. micimi.iii p, Pt'lrsi. THm"d Hat, valua year up Til i arlio aullM Ih.l I II H fuiKll m,t Afrnl fur II SI, M. IU Ca. Thrt member of a world league, not of a elass but of the human family. end of November lulal I8f,570.00, paaeaa. a. rfatt mfrtrr rarlMar, riil sBi..i r ,t, ntl ., nioyeineul Uiwanl internationaluni grow, the suitable l xeeetilnr the lotul fine rillecUnl raia4 tnr MrHm u, lfi-y iM tut slorl a Hrvnsa la an prir Ike fol MINIMAL ACT. "DEMERS" 2T -..M.r ... r.,,B ,nim me neart or the movement aud we shall in 1J0 by almost U5IK). WIVHlf llrwMljail l.tul.' ruumMirM. I a Ihne ,nrie Ml plaii 4 rluia aoaia sad is ttuim CirUStali if laaeaiesli. 3rd Ave. !; Jlal't'S' Bl,,l.",,, nnis. one showing our pride in Of Hie finea collected mi far this nn iaa wviaato cwwr ar Im one of our llll. I1miw ,1 fta H.lna Hum nntti roininonwualth. ud Hie NoTir.r. other indicating year. has been to (aid our prle the new IS OiaiM, Uiauca mi rlutias. tanra MitUll u t Miaaral CUiia, lint ia internationalist,, whirl, Is to be in time the eiiy. I37.30k.2ft lo Hie province, S"ll rtUlM la Matllt uf RMIwm. lb Skeana MlaMC PirMea af rrmee M embracing. The armaments al, raauuuai Sis sarai. awra er bia. -! taclHrli larilad aa l-ynya Hutil confine n.C..LlMlTED e i the .. . first great step and ttftla baa been j a ..,ii...a paid . . ...l ... nP tnu'iinl formal n mii n.!.!!... .n .. . .. liail. um tail M nor fruu arf lab i r. . 7 , """"'i noionign uie leeilng baa been over In the tlnmlnlnn n..n . rr4 M. NlU, Mtl. UNION STMr gradually growing among the workiBK class Pt!4 fmf iii, Tikr milH li I, Mr, riaraar Hl4. of the worbl and ment. i frrr Minrr rUBetu .Si. U llll., lanemt. ...,i0 .in -iiruir lajHunnuM- cjaaa. i ie nibJiJI ra U the COAL AID rCTAOLKUN ACT. 4111 4f fraai I he dlls liafaaf. M pH I far Vimoih In H lall( nrarlr for I irrllllrllt nf I r earl St conservative class i this regard. It would tie itself down , )(. ' Have you Ui?eu l.HaabO)K .runtr surrar tsso msTsicr -rti. laipraveOienl fur IS Mirt, f uUlfMftf 1 I OaHlsl II Ox MAlsV aVidJ ea , ( tpe oh nntionallsm, refusing to become on hi nf Om , rllm a i n. J.a I ... m, miiidii l rrawa . ... a part of the " a " yMIM. biih - great world of Tii i barometer. Jane iv.iira llul a. r una It. af AM furtlirr Ilk ttntirm llul irllna. caiiiaf i . prlM people, eai h nation with its rights nnd privileges 9tu k0 wi, Ym fi' nidt mil !Pora. B, C . arrainitan mmMi eirasr, iindvr rii'ia If. awil L ranianra4 a' n. an latrad tt, ippiy ir t lirrb Ut prnrl l. rr Ui. l..tinr "f ,. i t-nifl'IM Of oniigniiono io me rrsi oi ine worm jt .. i ii I . (n,. ...,,-,. ,,,, (ll4 ,11,,,! It aa in ful inanr.riiK"i ,iuanuu. il i 1I4 iai na W uf Uilr. llll