int. lVYD f HER CASE SEEMED WOULD MANAGE Everybody Smokes PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The Newa HOPELESS LOCAL SCHOOLS Printing-ami Publishing Co., Third Avenue. OLDCH H. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. Candidates for the School Board But "Frult-a-tiyes" Brought' Honors Address Electors at SUBSCRIPTION RATES I Health and Strength Empress Theatre. City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month ... 11.00 Three candMal for the school mail 1u all of the Urilish Empire and tho United ,8tntes. Hy units S3 Sr. Rosa Sr., Moxtmuit. hoard were lieitrd last nilit at the! in advance, per year . 'M'U "I tun HtlDf you to trl! you that Ivoiprc.vs Theatre meitiii. They To all.other countries, in advance, per year $7.60, Icwmyliftla "Fr it-a lint". Thtt were Mrs. Ling. L. W. I'alniorej uieJicloe relieved me lieu I lutj and Mrs. Kukalrlck. TELEPHONE 88. . j ivtn up bopo of erer belli j c 11. Mrs. Ling expl.-iiiiAd that us lte fillip I was terrible sufferer from had biM-n a leio'lu-r she emild iew Transient Display Advertising 51.V5 per Inch each insertion . DytptsUaA miffcnsl for yean; scbonl'mallers from Dial ii"'iil of Tobacco. Transient advertising on front page . . S2.00 per inch. and nothing I took did mo any food. view and ii a oinllo'r lh' i M "Pipe Local Headers, per insertion, 25c. per line. I read about "Frult-ativcs" and m' tilings fi'oin the puinl or iew Classified advertising, per insertion, .......!.. . 2c. per word tried tliem. After taking a few loirs, of ibe parent. She i-.W.-l Im their; Legal Notices, each insertion, -. . 15c. per agate line, ctkituenjetut mtJUiiu ntadtfrvm .ppor(. Contract Rates on A, tilictdion. fruit juices, I am now entirety well" I. W. I'almore agntn explained All advertising should he in the Daily i'ews OMIce on day preceding Madame KOSIN'A IXHSIZ. Ibe reason why Hie school hail publication. All advertising received subject to approval. 50c. a box, C for $2.50, trial site 25e. st so much. II was Hie unrea At all dealers or send postpaid by sonable delay of Ibe C.ily C.i.unril - m m mm DA FLY EDITION. Wednesday. .Inn. 12, 1021 Frult-a-tlre Limited, Ottawa. ami the ililelorinesx 01 Ine nuance MAIL SCHEDULE romniillee. of which AbleriHnu lloebester n member, jbnt: For lli East. . ENTISTRY MCKERSCN COMCS OUT PLAIN li U'1 would he fully ali ! Dm SUITCASES caused Ibe iroiibte. lliiring Hie' ..H . V'.lt...,IUu. mt,A U.I D FOR CLEANING UP THE CITY iu.4lion.H fnc-iiiK tho rily rutinril. 1...I "i..e i. i.... I....,I1IMII..1 I.... l..l I.,,.,., i ' - ,iru,j ;iim1;ivs lit IO:la n. in. Kerr, TRUNKS George cn in price no per ueiu ami (Continued from Pane One.) ticnrpp Kt'rr llu only nii'inlnr 50 per renl and il bad lie. from th taaU Of if Inxl vi:ir'. rimnril in'sinl una HANDBAGS Mine mom' dinicult to gel a gurH fn develop It.- ..iiNide ralhor. than L,a,j . Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays , ,i(,. a,vi(.,, r ,,, nice for (he bonds.. From !!,- uh. insi.if ..i ui. i,ay. io mix I candidal. and, if WHOLESALE ANO RETAIL at 7:15 p. m. QUALITY :,..-manio (Kin to 2n.onn bad been bi.l to M-I.Riue Mr. Horh.vfrr lind nr-ed!,hl.y . worP 0,.clvii ,. .v the rily by the delay inelling For Vancouver and South. Ittsl !r)tpinl.,.r. lie wn .oppoxeil !.,,, rarry ,,, (lojr m),)(isas. bonds, and Alderman Rochester 7 J. F. MAGUIRE Tuesdays p.m. uuii, u.iji.iiiim. m'nn-, fr ,,n,fn(t (,r ho -as rhnirmnn of the coiiibilllee unhl I hey wow assured Thursdays 11 p. in. n w Yi A. f rann fe bylaw, 712 Second Ave., Prince Rupert n charge nf Ibiv work. , Dr. Bayne or di'Vidonmcnl would. proreed at 1 J.1 M j McNeil ' ' Sundays .' 8 p. in. , oiiri- All the (ntMiam Mnwh M. j. McLVl'TavnfM.ifl build-J.w Justifies Method. , y January 10 and 30 Hay and Hip ml tanks .hmild of .Mr. more jutllled Ibe OFFICE HOURS- ,jnfr nn fnrin(.Pn,r rt rPlac,. bo u.-d for warrlu.u and yard),,,,. pariapo uhart tliat was Ibo TiDES iirlhoil of liiiilding the new school From Vancouver and South. E:r-!:; 9 li l Lrtcti. 130 tl $.11, Sittrtiji, I ti 12 itj , liuniMSPH. !!. rnundh..ues and PRIKCE RUPERT ulilrji ie piHiple by a IntUf II U. Sunday 8 p. m. ' ,,,,,,., ,. fn. cily ,lad. jj,. Crerf (iId frta M8 li I repair shops would po Hcv!irri. :...,..,, .... ,,, ., , .,., ,lf jnrlly bad approved, (Vt. Me- Wednesdays 10:30 a.m. lie would tiiAkc that an industrial Wednesday, January 12 Mordie. be declared, had alrendy Saturdays 8 a. in. Dental Nurse in attendance until this done.i any mayor was emlrf for tho city, lie aNo fa-vorod lliKh. 3:32 a.m.. 1U.0 feet. . vmI to Ibe city half Ibe a mount January -"i ! providing pi-riunnent tjunr-(ors Ile would also see that Ibe city's 1 5 : 1 G p.m.. I'J.a feel. f tils.salary in freight ra!e alone Phone 109 for appointment rights in Cow Hay were respeclei for the Ilxliiiifr lioaln. He bad Low. J:I8 a.m.. 8.1 Teet. iy ills foresight. Ilie tkdd Slir. For Anroa and Alice Arm. anil would allow 110 mayor to vole' Kooms 4, 5, 6, Helgcreon Blk Cor. 3rd and 6th a .hare in five of these, and it them He 21 : tO J.9 feel. ige paid to Mr ceni for tueir Sundays . 10 p.m. wan interenl ihk to fee those who away. referred (o bis Thursday, January 13 'iiilding bul Mr.M in lie wn gnl. Wednesdays tf p.m. Best Equipped Office in Northern B.C experience as oily building in hud no pracliciil knowledpe of the High, 'M a.m.. I1U feel. ii:g only 7 per eenl. Alderman spectnr and as inspector of con business lake an Interest in them 1:51 p.m.. 19.1 feel. MrLenimn, lm was Ibe lcnl From Anyox and Alice Arm. i struction work justification for as lor eleriinn purposes. At present Low. :51 8.1 feel. leremfab; was Ibe chief critic of Tuesdays a.m. . his election to the council board. there were two Japanese boat 22:13 p.m.. 5.(1 feel. he wiirfc. rhere werr wilhm men-l Tiursdays .-. . p.m... S. E. Parker. houses in Covf Hay. Those were The time used is racinc Stan "iiralde distance of fluishing (be s. I-.. Parker said he bad not all the industries there. dard, for the 120lh Meridian west iiilding rind il had " far cost Foe Port Slmpaon, Arrandala, Mill Clean Flcht. particularly .ouvht alderman It is counted from 0 to 21 hours 1 20,000., It would take hImihI ' Bar, Wales Island and Naas Rler. Westholme Lunch iiiors but fts out behind George Mr. Xiekerson said he was fro-inir Xiekerson as candidate for from midnight to midnight. s;iu.ono mure. He wan assured by Sundays I'i p.m. mavor. The table given is for Port I'oller! both lil. Mr.Mordie and Mr. to pui up a rlean light and The time bad come to go oul at- !Under Nwr Manafrmenl ! was Friing to win. Those who Ipr things and Xiekerson would Simpson but the time for Prince hat the whole thing including I lie I From PL Simpson, Arrandale, mill: knew liini best were supportiiij; dn Hint. The city was showing Rupert varies only a few minutes reinfect fees would nut cost ;Bay, Wales Island and Naas Rle. , ALL WHITE HELP bim slronpest. He ileplored (lie there on some days and on others is llian Trom IH5,00n In SIDil Tuesdays a.m. lw progress; were alreaMy v the same. The range of the Ide ooo and Ibis was 35.0OO morn' ! hispeinjjs and that rfjniqrg were creditable dailies and a flue illus Westholme being etaJoiil in regard io )dm trated monthly publication, and may be computed as 5 per cent ban il should cost if (here Queen CharlotU Islands; Special and he intended to ask Mr. Iloebes-ler. now Ibe bad comic greater at Prince Hupert than at o.d been po de.(.a. They would ,For Masaett, Port Clements and city a weekly ir be approved 'of that 'method The ccoild issue bad been much Port Simpson both at springs and be saving ibe city about 15.000! Unner Island rwiinUj Three Course Meal - from 45c up of campaigning. funnier than lift llrsl. For this neaps. Therefore the rise in the y loins Ilie work on force ac-; Janunrv 19 Prince Rupert harbor is slightly ount. 'row Maset, Port Clements and J. H. Kelly. paper lg come out against Nicker-sn J. H. Kelly said (bat men like be could only look at as a gryater' than Port Simpson. In Private Life, Upper Island point: The height is in feet and tenths Shaking of Aid. Rochester, Mr. January 20 Tom Silversides had been' the joke. of feet above the level of THEO COLLART, Notary Public average ntinory Kali) be ?kidcrnte. -"city's representative "over there" If lho .accusations against wn a lino manior j--eu Charlotte and liis""TTioughL (hey should be Xiekerson bad been true be would lower low water. 4i meet in iirivaiA life ami tbal 'iiy ana Lower Ilnnii nolnts: Koal Estate KenUla Insurance able to represent Ibe city here. not be standing on bis platform a wbere lie hIiouIiI rvinain. If! ' Januarr 22 EDSON COAL,( Hulk. 1 2.00 err ton . r Ho favored permanency in rily and if eve be proposed to band e served Ibf cily e welfln olherlFrom Pkldeitatej. yue-rij Cbarlolte1 FOR SALE k Sacked, SI3.HO buildings and ror-.ds and the put. over Anything of the city's bo riMiecl as be iliil on Ibe flnanrei Cily and Lower Island points ! Most Liberal MAN INE INSURANCE on tl Coaet ting Of the big issues to the pub. kvijnld eerfainly oppose him, There OMiiiiiillre lif-wmibl be lli. rnnkent ! January 18 j Insurance Corn pan y of North America, Pays QaJ. lie vote. He urged for the nans. bould be wholesale aceominoda TIMBER SALE X 2767. frfiliire. I P.O. B.a 64 Wertklne ThMtr Blk rioa tW. II ing if the memorial bylaw. lion at Cfiv Hay and there should Mr. I'atinnre ak(il fur Ibe re- Tor Skagwar ond the Yukon. Sealed lender mill Im nfUvrtt hi tn George Frlnoll. be docks at Seal 4Jove for the fish Olflrlri Forpntrr li"I Uer I tun noon in urn of tbe obi lronnl in onler I bat JanuariJL'i: Kebrunry H aud 22. would lltr tlx 1U1 1 if January. 191. fur Mr U-evjiiorlil flnleh ilie of IhiiIiI- From norsre Frizzell favor the boats wilh a city road there by jxirrlu, or Mrriir X 7J neir Urcnvtlie joli 9kaonr r,a lu.un keeping of fiow Hay open if it Wf oM'.levenlh Avenue, lie woub nanoei Hi mi :i7i.mio rn-l r Cedar. Ual inJT Ibe now rbool,i January Ifi, s; February 1 i im. Hrmlrirk and sprue.-. were kept clean, but as it was now nerve Ibe fishermen as much as OIW Year U'lll lie allimed tar rernovaf Other Candidates. and 27. it was a disgrace to the city. inyone. If the Cow Hay nrnnosj- or rucllier limber. narUrulara or lh Chief Frirenier. Mr. Kirkiaf rick naiil alio b.-i Roads musl be improved and he tVn Virlltrla. fir Itie lllalrlrl Toresler. I'Mnre "I Uwart, Maple Bay end flwamp were held up where would fereij nn- ruy for live ear) on should try to get government aid (Jje wholesalers gel sites It was Ibe srbool b'mrd anil bail n"iT lei Point. in doing so. not a sellWi plan bul was a means TIMBER SALE X 2644. anything bul illnesx keep tier away) D. IHcD. Hunter. to allowing business to establish. Sealed lenlera will he miwIvmi t,v k- from merlin?. Sbe was ur Mrs. Jsiunry Jl I). Mcl). Hunter endorsed the M. IYI. Stephens. Mllilnler fif lnil at Vlelnrla. H t' fu-.t Linff would inake A trooil IrtiHlce iFIlOM- laier than ream n iNe Irrt 1ar or FehKiary, candidature of Mrs. Ling for the il. ,M. Mepliens, speaking rel iur inr piirrnaee u uirennj x vai Tbey had an efficient slaff and a January It school board and admired Ii ml I.If s.oo feel or Hemlock. Halnam. Ibe two yarding Ins attitude as a candidate snnire and Cedar, nn an area altuaied -on ejin-num nil oj rimureii. Nellce et InUnUoa U apply u Ltaae Laed. . candidates for Hi? police commission. for alderman, said be was iiefioraiiou jm't ni.lrlrl.uay, Hume Channel, Hante 3, M. M. Stenbens uekeil for I lie To govern as the citizens not In favor of closing Cow Hay. Three 1S1 Teara will he allotted rne re. ....I,... ..f il... II, i .i. p,f tier Miani. nwiriei, Lanq moval i,r timlVr. " HwiHct. Iieeoniinr iHainel or Alice wtnlcTJ they would have to have Xo rights should be bartered away runner parilrular or Ihe Chler ForeMer, Jlrs., Mr. .MaMei-kin ami I h. sod altuaie al irmntn of LuMla creea Arm, co-operation. The candidates for without a vote of the ipcople. In niifs-rl.irtorfa.II.B. L(' . or Ittalrlrt Pnrealer. ennee hiiulf. Mrx, I.ins wns a very jadj.rtnina wiee r.n. a. c Jlie mayoralty w-re both highly regard to pnwr the city must r.nfiiMe -1 T,se notice tni we Ihe nnderilrned. keyed men and the aspiring aldermen ba, fartoricH and he was not op. MIXKRAL ACT. Am may Mriimre and Ber iard w. Harrctt, i f ' ilee Arm iir. til.HMHl prnmfMr SIMl (Form F). were also good material, but po.-cd to dealing wilh a company k.i. keeper ... app rf pennls- the citizens t,ould )(. ready Willi provided the rights of the city CartiAcala t Imrreramanta. ma m leaee ihe roli,in' aescrliwd landi: Iheir advice. He was not in favor wi'iN' nalegiierded. He also was NOTICE. Ten' Years Ago ( iVmimcneane it a poet platted aotitnea! 11 MOVE rBACTlrj.K Mineral Claim atluale. it rhaiiu ..,iiwn eorner. Hrrcuon rrocn of the element corrupt in the city. opposed to pu;ik ronds. in the N Hirer Mtmnt Dlriaion'ot lu-,iar in Prlnco Rupert I SJl. cnaejor IjiI .a: llienre 14 cnaina nuiiirt Where located: About t mllet fri.m Allre Arm it neat or Stuault iKirlh: lleanee to rlialiu Ibroc li Hiver adjoininr "Bilr Horde" Mineral January 12, 1911 ctialne aotilh: llienre to rnaina taat anU LIMB SAVED i.iairn. conuinllit t aerea. mre or leaa. Dr. F.M.c.TAKE SOTICE So. 3eei-C.that I,aa Uwli arent W.for Ptunore.Hani The find annual uieeiinK. of llio A.MIIiV Mcul'IHE, ! JOS. MAGUIRE t'eleren. Free. Miner Certincale lo. (Aieen Mary t'haiiter, llaiiKblers IIKS.WHIl W. DIIKTT, by ZAM-BUK I07i-c, Intend, tlity daya mm the date Dated Snvrmtier iu. f. rr hereof a Orllflraie o apply or to Improvementa.the Mimnr Heeorder for tne rf Ibe JCiniiire, ban rlionen Ibe "A stab from an ordinary rln( ntedle started my polaoeed purpoa or oLUinirr a Crown Oraot or followinK ofllrers: Ilejrenl, Mrs. ('. arm.' writes Atlas ,S. A. Wcrnu ke. of HUton. U.C Iloas: ( DENTIST. the atxive elaim. A, Keffc'ert: First Vice Iti-peiil, Sim. ' this prws a da In. Sow easily (xiiwnous Infection find U 'T AM) FlIITHLR TAKE .NOTICE that action, into the llnlaat cut. screlih or abrasion? Don i nn Into similar under aeeiiun at. niuat tie commenced il. It. NaiJrn: Herond Vice ItegenL SUITCASES I With Zam-ltuk are lie fore the Uiuanre, or aura Certinrale or danders as )mir everyday healer jo improvements. Mien )c Harree.; Herrelary, Mihs ; Vrcpared foe any injury or skin troullc. Zam-Ruk snoily Rooms 7 arid 8 Smith Block a ted thia !0tn day or INOTember, A. li. (3. M. Martin; Treasurer, Miss! ends pain, swelling and inflammation. - It purifies and safe Lady Assistant LEWIS W. PATMUHK. Jei Merrer; Hlandard Ilean-r, ! TRUNKS guards the damaged tissues against diMSM It means Open Evenings perfect arttiaeplk hcaimg every tinea. Office Hours: LAND ACT. Mrs. Aiikum Slewart. Mrs. ,L C ; ' Phone 575 Sunday by la lr letter Mim W'einHse.i It was not lonj before the pai1 SrfLeniian of HANDBAGS 9-12; was 1.6; 7-9. Appointment Notice ef Intention to Apply te F-urehaee naniedlfonvenur sajrs: "This neetlla ent aa farj grew leaa With perfe' In Caanlar Land Lena.Imirict. Herordinr Dia. a eoinnultfri In arranso for an Into roj taer that it pierced the uiIUmmaiM and no Irlrt or Irinre Ituperl, and altuaie about 'ii -r lain uicril lo e bebr in Ihe' im xi. k..l i.n. , m..h manacles dra out,llie- U 'I one and one utir m iri eait or the town F. M. Crosby and swollen and lumtie diaantieuu-ed a: iitrar fiiluic. I that I could not uaa it n or Alire Arm, and adjoininr lota No.'i iria was mini quite well aa: 1 auci at. J naltiiallf tried every remedy I faleT ul 71S Third Avenue m-luk 1 a wonder' Take noiire that I, Joaeph Edrar Trem-em'elr Aid. V. W. Smith held "At knew of, bul it nly ' SILVERSIDES BROS or Port llanifiuind. oerunallon rarmer. an : Prince Itupert got worae sndterrlMitiirouilinul N " 'I': WHAT'S jliitendi to apply fur -rmnmm to purctaate llfime' in tbo Iinjiree Tbealrri: Illood-pMeo dereiopad and tt fala in. timle mioeial 'C J" ' means practical men to advlss and ine iiiieimina ueacnueu lanaa: tended fight up Into my arm. The. as yo get in erdiuay u innirnia. you, guarantee Oinuiirnrlna at a ruiM planted at the lal nlxhl in support of Ilie raii- pain was intenae and t certainly I Zam-Huk for eors banda. m mutlieaat lot tl, everything you buy. corner or llienre so rliama nnrthi llienre 40 chalna caiti llienre didature of William Mnnnon for, Iboogbl I would lte llielirob. Ie winter acaema, chiHiUint acd WALLPAPERS, GLASS, PAINTS, IS chalna aouthi thence 4(1 chalna weat to mayor. V. V. Hniilb, I). W. Mor- ! A. G. GRAY ,it waaln a terrilily inflanied ami frost bite alo in burns v i IN A Winaor & Newton Art point or couimrnrrnient, and contaminr swollen I Supplies, slate,and ileraJly. we red scalds, ulceiauon, atncetw P asu acrra, inure or leaa. rIScy and O. W. Kerr appeared nn EXPERT SIGN WRITING AND iilSH-H E00AH TRETIIEWEV. j Teacber of Piano . with lumps. A friend adrtaed nie seres, tmgaurnt, and frr alea, CARD nated Snvemtief 11.' istO. Ilia platform asking for support o nee Zam-Ouk wikh I did, audi rbeumatiain, and swwtlea Juiutt. i WORK, In Ibe council content. In tbnj Studio 137 Second Avenue PICTURES, PICTURE FRAMING NAME? Mrjntyn. Hall' Aid. Mobley bold PHONE Dlu. 421 or 444 Phone 22 Secoad Street P.O.Box 120 allot licr entbusianllo uir-liii, the; am-Buk Pfince Rupert speukcl'N liejukr J. H. Cuwper, Aid. CANCELLATION OF atSERVS. Mobley. Ir. W. f. Hall, Aid. ii. It. I'lione Cofi $27 2nd Avenuo SOl.tE IS IIHIhBV CIVK.M mat the .Naden, Aid, Harrow, II, C. Kiiuner- reaerte covrrins Lot III, Caaalar liiainrt. C. V. EVITT Advertise in "The Daily News" Oenutv o. n.Minlaler XKuEH,or Lands. tlurrle,oii, y.A. J., 'Monlajiiiiery,I'rudbomine. I),John, Auctioneer FSEE Tmmb git 7 Bik fmi ntdrmttM . SEND MM 1 I.anda Department, Morrion, Aid. I'allullo and Abb Auditor and Accountant BOXES t .. Daaeat SI.. Tereale. a trial eamelewlllk en nlVI The Paper that geU Quick Rmulta l iruiria,Sum (jceeiuijer,n. i.. IV0. Lynch. eweeeeeerewa'