perature, 62, es a a XXIIL, 201, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., .C., SATURDAY, AUGUST 27, 19 27, 19; MR i wo Hundred Thousand Otiaitines Affected By Strike Order Going Into Effect at Noon Today | Banker Clown |some English Weavers in Lancashire Are Tied Up With i | Agreements That Should Not Be Broken and May Not Respond to Gall ‘rishi: nas | MANCHESTER, Aug. 27:—At noon today factory| ‘whistles throughout Lancashire called 200,000 cotton| |workers out on a strike which threatens to become the| | greatest industrial dispute Great Britain has experience od} since the nation-wide general strike of 1926. How far the call will be obeyed by the weavers, who are! % v . Today’s Weather (% ® lf 4, | Prins apa aah ho sg —_ % east wind; ‘ 12; m- ee, ' ' nr ee tla Raabe Ath aie Mia ma sichltaminn bbls coca /ad tla imade’ Sit Tomorrow’s Tides Sunday, August 28, 1932 WAM eC 11:35 a.m. 16.6 ft. 23:11 pm, 19.1 ft. GOW iniia aan 5:15 aim. 5.4 'ft 17:15 pm. 9.29 ft. Seriously Announced at Winnipeg PRICE: FIVE CENTS Anglican Church Funds Depleted Is tInvestigation Followed Arrest of Chancellor Machray For Theft From University of Manitoba Funds—St. John’s Col lege Also Loses WINNIPEG, Aug. 27:—Funds amounting to $1,250,000 of the Church of England diocese of Rupert's Land and of | St. John’s College have been seriously depleted, it was dis- 'closed today by church heads who started an examination jof the books, following the arrest two days ago of John A. _Machray, bursar of the University of Manitoba and chan- Mthe first affected, will not be known| until Monday morning when the} . Indian Party on mills reopen their doors. Only a} small response is expected in aon , places because of tempor w Cardena Enroute a mm ause of temporary work- | agreements already operative ¢ In other places the stoppage will be | Cc 0 at ar $ complete t Rev. GA. Raley, pritetpal or the RAVIOR WON | WANTS 20 DAKE TENNIS CROWN FROM US. ie |Coqualeetza Institute at Sardis, B Marjorie Leeming, Vancouver star and former Canadian C., accompanied by about 25 Indian AT TORONTO | champion, displayed excellent form in winning het match from j e Pp f Pp sviy a net er . Is or. children, left last night for Van Anne Page of — yivania in the first round of the US. wo me te itie } > ‘ ‘orest 5 J j } couver on the steamer Cardena | men’s national lawn eae tithe oe at a let ye : ir ‘len Wills Moody unlisted among the contestants this hara-hit- These young natives, who had been pp; : - | He 7 rat 1 from the vari village PRladelpate Gn Gutewam An | ting invader set everybody specu'ating as to the possible next gathered trom tne variou IMAgeS Others in Big Annual Event | titie-holder in Northern B. C. were all going to For Third Time | ' the native industrial schoo! | TORONTO, Aug. 27:—Margaret Superintendent Msnanfitstnco"'s Heavy Rains Interfere With Harvest winter. clown in sum pil mile women's swimming event | 0 ti All 0 W t R gi ° cxiatinhansthcuesiajapiiicliaciaiinlastiga | a sale il existence of Of Bank Visits yesterday for the third succes- | pera 10ns ver es me € on, joy, viee-president of sive year | Mav Cause D to Grain Grades| Arrested For cane investment hous: Ci fF D Evelyn Armstrong of Detroit | ay ause amage 0 ram ra es ity ew ays came seconé and May Looney of G ttin F d F ‘ Warren, Ohio, third. E e g 00 OF \D. Mayne Hamilton of Bank of Several of the contestants | Peace River Has Fine Weather But Crop Not as Large as Commerce Sees Financial Im- | "ea weRent oe Last Year—Much of Harvesting and Threshing provement Commencing er Completed Already CHARGES 25 Fi h St _ Police Trying to Discourage Peo-| There is already a little improve 1S ory rom WINNIPEG. Aug. 2 7 -__Heavvy rains all over the west- ple Coming to Prince Rupert eer nee Seren le vion have delaged harvesting and threshing acti- a 1British Columbia and thi itlook Blue Nose Source | rn region hi € ‘ gs ¢ Condado ier S. F. Tolmie Says Investiga-|is improving according to Mayne D iV ities and i in prac tic ally all districts the rains were more of | Charles Leonard Griffiths w showed Them to Be With- Hamilton, general superintendent . . la hindrance than a benefit, as all er ops are either cut or so}recently arrived in the city from out Foundation lof the Canadian Bank of Com-| HALIFAX, NS. Aug. 27:—The| . 1.+¢5 mat urity that the straw is too ripe to conduct mois-| the Caribou country, has been Sas mates. ie in camel 0 Qaw'te fish story of this season is told |! tl in heads. Rust has not been a factor in af-{Tested Dy Sergeant Service a RIA, Aug, 27:—Charges|in the city visiting W. M. Black-! by 4 resident of historic old Halifax. | ss ee “a The ont a 7 ats jeharged with obtaining food M. H. MeGeough, former | stock and the local branch and in-|The story is about a gold-fish, no j Fee —_ ns - ve Sooo es ; eT AEP RES Ss ripening | {2/8 pretenses. He gave director of relief in Bri-|quiring into conditions, He said the |the one who had no privacy, but an | ibility whi eee a ae o “pe uingetiens ey ee cg on a name mbia. that: ove million |ruit growers of the Okana extremely adventurous gold-fish = yea! aw _ of a oe <2 slow in the fear of an early The police are trying to di relief funds | been di-|qone fairly well this season consid The gold-fish, according to a re-| *hrough = mi ee SEE aa arent Te ce ehite aioli aiminad courage people from coming governmen officials, ering the general condition putable local journal, jumped four oy. and oh a fs = 4 pone rm “m — a ssp aaa Prince Rupert and they know tl ed by Premier 8. F. T The Bank of Commerce has been | feet from its bow! to a chesterfield | ‘° om tate earougn SI - 1S om | anout i y pe a apie : cannot expect to get relief if th istrumental in getting better stock t lay in a state of coma for| ee eee . y tend aw ee re Cae pea nN} come in from other places ; 7 goodness knows how long. Discov-|ing yields come from some localities} areas report crops maturing rapidly Premier saud'ta COATES | into! the WRRerne canmery aie in i by its heart-broken owner be und indications are that acreage| with cutting well advanced and | same as were made by Mc- | generally encouraging and helping aoa whe ete ate tari an | vields in Alberta will exceed those} threshing to start immediately. No | before the special commit-|to finance the importation of good = 7 a lentes No venti But lof the other two grain growing pro-| yoints report frost damage and to- | legislature last spring i|stock into the interior valleys ed ; ; = a ea as eae s according to the firal ton | hail damage is small compared | ENGLISH 1 LEAGUE investigation showed them | Ther: ure branches it Prince | UPO! being held over the stove i ft ; ‘ ericultural depart last ve i thout foundation George and Vanderhoof began to wiggle and was returned en oe i inns fa aia * oan mivee tereibiieuneiil First Division Mr. Hamilton had been visiting at % its old home, Believe it or not, | mer! ara | wi Sas wr me » witl : ar-| Birmingham 0, Arsenal 1 ‘Jasper and he said the governor RaLWA ye A Beg er warm end Cty Wen Bae Bolton 2, Newcastle United 2 1 | t 1 tl eek : > Threshing in Manitoba is fully | vesting general and no damage} rdding of Naas Seek M io ‘tas ealiene Halibut Landings half completed and the out-turn to| from any source, Yields will not be | : . = "t a h i a) lent a date indicates a high quality eon ; heavy as last year rere the Tisning is e . t ns iver People Was bee uperb American berry with prospects of the average | 1e scenery 5 ec a , ; es answer to a question the su Thor, 3,800 at 5 and 3 to Cold yee — S - oa, - Market strength a week ago was + ean : yreed 3 re 9 tw 2 yushe arse ’ 8 eld at Cathedral |: perintend said he agreed that! Storage the south and south central areas ithe financially difficult time had : i lprought a great many people to a Ibetter appreciation of real values Canadian are for the most part disappointing White Hope, 14,000 at 4.5 and 3,|due to eehwvens damage and} and Atli, 22,000 at 5.6 and 3 to Cold | some districts wil! require all the ir| live wedding took place on} afternoon at the St. An all western stockyards. Prices -) cet handy weight killing cattle jheld steady, but the plainer Kinds! Live Stock | 1, “AVIATORS PROBABLY % cllor of Rupert’s Land diocese. , Machray is at present out on bail {of $50,000 charged with the theft lof $47,451, part of the deficit of juniversity funds amounting in all | to $840,000. He is ill at his home-and the physiican declares he cannot ARE LOST» == > = - sas [Kcedeealbala LONDON, Aug. 27:—Europe to- | Salteries Has day assumed that the transatlan tic plane “Green \iountain Boy which left Harbor Grace two days ago for Oslo, was down in the Atlantic Ocean and the only hope | of rescue was from some passing |the British Columbia salmon fish- feries, the provincial government today cut the salmon dry saltery licenses from $1500 to $100 for sal- ‘on canneries already licensed and $500 for initial saltery licenses. | The announcement to this effect ship. The two men, whose lives may have been lost are Clyde Lee and John Bochkon. In Wrong Name ar- the wrony }was made by Hon. 8. L. Howe. BODY FOUND of Agriculture For B.C. Re- ho covered From Sea nd to ey | WOuld take his own life OLD COUNTRY FOUTBALL RESIGNATION Chelsea 2, Blackburn 2 Leeds United 0, Derby County wae for increased arrivals | Wanderers 1 Portsmouth 1, Huddersfield 0 Sunderland 3, Manchester City West Bromwich Albion 3, Everton ' | ilv the system which met a draggy reception. The hog/l. Ibut unhappily = the neni dele Anglican Cathedral with lhad grown .out of it was injuring an ie a oats and ogre y for = ng oxge seed division regained its strength and| B. Gibson officiating when many of the young people who were era Beatrice, 14, at 5.6 and 3) purposes. The Swan River Valley is} this condiuon will continue for} la Brown became the bride| ; : to Atlin Fisheries this year harvesting one of the best). , : 1 : llosing their self respect through : hist |some time ; . disiaciniaieniens indiches sas J ory Adams, both of Gitlakda their willingness to be kept without jcrops in its history. os os the Naas River g MeMill working PRICE OF WHEAT In Southern oo" she a wheat aran McMillan was ! * s ceetnceens } cutting is practically com ed ex- \y Pi Yr’ and Timothy Adams was LEST WE FORGET |} VANCOUVER, Aug. 27.—The price | cept where fields are being left for | ancouver loneer ae of wheat quoted on the exchange | combing, and when grain becomes | Di d L Ni ht Member of the Canadian Le-|here this morning is 52c a bushel. | sufficiently dry after the rain com- 1e Last 1g : . lease attend the funeral of me re bines and threshing machines will! uneral Notice jeven . . ~omrade, Tommy Black DIED IN “TORONTO be operated. Wheat yields will be deintedlk ae vows : of the B.C. Un _ variable and flax and oat crops | VANCOUVER, Aug. 27:—British! funeral of the late Thomasidertakers, Sunday, August 28, at TORONTO, Aug 27Silas Rich-| will have their out-turn diminshed | Columbia's oldest pioneer, Alexan- | take place Sunday at |230 om ard Parsons, chairman of the | due to the recent dry spell. North-|der McLean, 81 years of age, who| from the parlors of the | Members met ( Room at| board of the British Oil Co. Ltd, ern areas in the province are hop-|came to the province 71 years ne, Undertakers 2.16 ;died here today aged 78 jing for warm weather as where! died. last night. SCOTTISH LEAGUE First Division Airdrieonians 1, Rangers 2. Ayr United 3, Aberdeen 1. Celtic 7, Morton 1 Cowdenbeath 4, Kilmarnock 1 Dundee 0, St. Johnstone 0 East Stirling 1, Queens Park 1 Motherwell 1, Clyde 0 Partick Bhistie 1, Hamilton 2. 8t. Mirren 0, Hearts 1. Third Lanark 4, Falkirk 0, Leicester City 1, Sheffield United "PETER VEREGIN | WAS REJECTED | Officials of Doukhobor Organiza- 9 tion Continued in Office PRINCE ALBERT, Sask., Aug. 27: Liverpool 5, Wolverhampton|—Peter Veregin’s resignation ipresident of the Christian Com- Middleskrough 0, Aston Villa 2, |™unity of Universal Brotherhood }was rejected by the executive here. Sheffield Wednesday 4, Blackpool The resignations of K. P. Shukin, vice-president, and W. P. Reibin, » |secretary, were also rejected. months for perjury Funeral Notice ; | Fraternal ‘Order of Eagles | Ir ja | Black. A. ASTORIA, Secy, yi Been Lowered VICTORIA, Aug. 27;—To assist WHITE ROCK | Remains of Former Deputy Minister NEW WESTMINSTER, Aug. 27:— The body of David Warnock, former by deputy minister of agriculture for British Columbia, was recovered near White Rock, B.C. Warnock js-| Jumped from the steamer Joan when enroute from Vancouver to yey; Vietoria after indicating that he It is expected that Veregin will {direct the Doukhobor affairs from ithe jail where he is serving 18 All members are requested to meet at the Eagles Hall at 1.45 p. m. Sunday prompt to attend fu- jneral of our late Brother Thomas