Vrilnciilny Jan Page 6 mil HABLT MW8 HAZELTON 1 liYr,X t it.l iii fi Auoiil f.neiiiu luiw i-.llf'd KTLEEK III! OI'tllT fllHlldlllllK lllliH'lll'H Oil Westholme Theatre i he lliui'ltuii itpn'rvc. (:it. M.iii Harris iin n-lurni'd TONIGHT AND TOMORROW fi. Now lliucllon after ail ex I ended i il lo Hi- Himlli and i'ul. - JiJsrr'cB XSSOOIICT A -oiii wan born on New Year's) )a iii tlin lliuellun llo'l'llal to Mr. and Mm. I". J. a, of llulkley (ttll.VOll. ORMES LIMITED Mr. rttid Mf. Dilworlli liaxe ar-j rhtil at New llHellon alM liu! FLEET IN FEBRUARY token Hie .MiKeiuie ri'nidoiieo. Mr. Milworlli i- Hie new rhool OTTAWA. Jan. It. Tin- t'.an-ailiiin Can't Heel tlif-i- u!iiliiix tear tier. I It Leak, art1 I supf orti d by due In arrive in Yniiroiiw'i' nt (lit; Because It's Made The Mi'llimlKl l linreli in line. Hid uf February, afcordintf In elf it nlready lint plans under way ill One Piece present plnn. They are espceted for llie ererllon of n new rliureli Wanda Hawley lo leave I'anuniii on February 8 'J'lie old ti built like opiioditr? llio drnu nltirv. AICANTLESK lur Fsquiiiiiilt and Viinronvi'r. in one piece. church vn tliHii-uytl in the re-1 Most bet-water bottles re fient lire. I made In sections, then cemented ..... together. When cement drift Faint and Dizzy Spells Mr. l.orirtK. Indian Aselit hero, ' "Double and exacts, the buttle lealcs. wii- plareit on the penalmi lint l rVery Kantle;k Hot-Water Weakness and the end ! Hi year. Mr. l.orniU Bf is moulded of pure soit Iiiim been flUelil here for thirty; rubber one ccnthuous piece. years. No pcrtspstchrs,cement. Even Shortness of Breath . N, I Speed" stopper socket is moulded in. Mi. J. 1. .Mi'lhuitrnM and And guaranteed for a full two I'ainily art) eiiinx shortly for; yean service or o new Kant. Von ran srnera y tell wlien the heart Kdiliolllnil ni route lo the fence suj'ecrior to 1 Js 'mr t The leek tree. H alTerled liy the faint Slid dlaiy Hlla, tier Don't wait until your old ban Hie sliorlnMsa of breaih, palpitation, throb- country. . . D. ncitiR Ft 1' lilnr. Irtrrular lwallnr, mother nir m leaks. Get trcJt a Kantleck. Your old alHMis. wrak. sltiklaf, all itooe frrlinir. Mi'!. I,. A. tSraef eiitertiiiuwl trii AL ST J )HN S 2 1 eel cce tzz epen tonicht. -tKiktoit aeuxlhin. fir. tVettday exeniiiK in honor of Iter 3 Many men and wninen lieeimies rim-il'itVn .uillier , Ccimed' , VALLACr RflD sod VAN DA HAVlFY lAlttfV f(rjr athl wiini out when oihrrwine thry 'LOUBLt SPttO' A PA(4AMUUNt AtiTCHAlf PrCf'IT 'JL.KAN1NO t I n llM be airunir tint liea'IB If they unnld only pay some allrntlou to IIh llrl Man PANDERHOOF r iN-art tteaknes. i .V.i niiiirty will tin so mneti to make tor dehhuj WlSbTHOLME- Friday and Sntutc?ay-'WM. IAl L. in'lht C j 1 m lHarl rrrtlD lreili ami vlrr, rernUle Forty pueflii njoyed n us Inw and rntrF it tn a Ivallhjr awl ni party ut the Inuui' of Mr. and ORMES LIMITED imrnial rondltloa at MllOuru's, Heart ami Mr. H. 1. Otilii'.iii on Tuenday rve Mrs. Pills.C. A. (S. Drake. Paris, onl.. writes: I'll iiik. EMPRESS THEATRE - NO SHOW TONIGHT "I liair nomf mi towards IIh seeoml lm 'r Mllbiirn's Heart snl iNrrtr Pills aiHl Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Jdliiioii en- of Political on account Meeting. 'iihI (hey hare done me lutMl. I had IIh me lertainrnl llfletoii KueHln-nl New Th. Store ami i n. duty spellR 'ttce ta a whllr, anil Year's dinner.- Afli-r the excellent lo weakueis and snurlnam if breain. anal i i key dinner more gurslx nrrhed Tomorrow N.ht Only DOROTHY GlirK In "Tun Ire tl e Ti bii would beronw u rjtuketl V at limes I i-ould hanlly sleep wlllml atllln up in uiiil (lie exciiiiiK wait speill with Com rdy and Weekly ld. When nalaanr luo fast 1 would luve iniiiic ami daiii-iiiK. Stephen to slop ami try lo mm tny breain. I feel iloline.t Kave pianoforte ludim, NOTICK. lot lieiier sliier I have ttsnl your pills J know that tliev have h-lpd mr won talpll i'elfojil ttWiK popular Milit! . IX THE MATTER of in application for drrfiilly as I have unproved very luurti." ml the daimn jnitsie win proxiiled I In- lsue ut a rresh rerlinrate of tide for Jewelry I...14 ? ml 8. niock f. Section I City 'rlre sur. a ln at all dealers or mailed !- Mik. lloltiie. fieorxe Otilruni, ir I'rliHf Iiiiixti. (Map 013). dlreet on receipt of prlrr by The T. .Mil-tiiirti Phil 'l'cillieiit niid Mrw. Jolilintoll. MITICE Is hereby tlvin that It II my Co.. Lllulleil, Torunl'j, Oh I. Aclvl. ... Your vote and it fluence Save Cow liilctilton tn Issue arier th eiplratlon uf Bay one month from the first publiration hcre-or, Mr. Hint Mr. C. I.aiupill have appro iat-d Costs Less a fresh rerlinrate nr tl t If to the ahnve MI.N'KllAL ACT. mentioned lands In the name or fcdith left fi.r'a visit in Wiulok, Wab- Mabel McMordie, which cert in rale was THANK YOU Preserve the Water and Power Right of the t It Issued t?Hi December, HIS, and is num-here Cartincata' of Impeevamanla. iiKlon. i 7-l. K . BANISH THB PLANK ROAIX Now l and iK-alMry omre, Prince Rupert, B. C .MITICE. ?nl uf I9J0. Tlie open air riiiV in now run-liilff day Dcemlier, "Iiiier CHIf," "Copper CHIT, lo. I' George W. Kerr nna II. F. MACLLOK, full Kwiltx, Monday , m-ip-diiyM District Wflslrar of Titles. "Copper CIHf So. t," and "Copper CHIT Since (lie luxury lax lias Vo. 3" Mineral Claims situate tn the ." hiiiI Fridays beiiie; the IN PRIIRATF. Iilvrr Mlnlnr Division or Casaiar Diatriri for Vote for M. M. beeii ubolixhed nearly all our IN THE St I'KKME COIHT F PIIITISI1 open nights, i Stephens l. THE MvTTlll OF THE AUMI.MTKA-TIOX Where lorairtl: kltsault Hirer, Alice Aria pinxl-i cost you'll) per cent ACT 1aE M'TICE that I, George A. Vouny, Alderman Mr. and Mrs. IL A. Milrhell ami Free Miner' orunrste Xo. lS,c act-ina 'Candidate Aldeimnn le, The former war lax I? THE MTTEII l'E THE ESTATE OF for (J JU-.S MATIIE'SO.N. DtCtASED. I.NTLS-TA1 for myseir and a srrnl ror Josepo entertained it itiiinlier of their ; of 1(1 per-Wnl Is also cancelled, E. Wells. Free Miner's Certificate .o. 40SII-K, friend lo a lui'ke) dililier oil Ne TAKE MiTICE lha In order or Hil and Arne DavrdMin, Free .Miners Cer-nilrale .and as gold has not Honour F. Mcll. Yoiinv, nude I he Jrd day Year's, after wliieti there Wits of January, A. I'. 1921. I appointed o. 40II-C, Intend, smy days i . a.lvantril in price very much AiUiiliilstralor lo the estate or James Mafhe-soli. from (lie dale hereof, to apply lo the iiu.ic and dancing. Thankinstciu for supfvrt sraj rn- VOTE. FOR derrseed. and all parties havlnir claims Ulninir Herorder ror a Certificate of Improvement!!, Bdenre in the Your t Influence past, vole and Voir,- Jewelry is cheaper in, proportion analiist the Mid estate are hereby required your T f LT J In furnish same, proiierly verified to me, for the purpose of oblainint PRINCE GEORGE influence will 1 appreciated by 'f-r J iVellVanQ tu tuts of thing. m or berorc the 41 tl day of February. a crown Oram or the above claimi. A. n. mil, and all pa rile, indebted to the And further lake notice mat anion, under t-.lale arc required to pax the amount of imlr indebtedness to me forthwith. section SI. must be colonic need before W.H.yV. TomSilversides John JOH.X II. Mr Ml I I.I.V tl.e Issuance of suru Certificate of Improve Ooutiiur !.ure of Hie luwii. John Dubhaon Bulger oni lal Adminls!ralor. menu. , ile urea and oilier area for the DTK0 Hilt IIh day of January, lil Dated this sin uar of .Vivemner. lru Mttrrnt, FR ALDERMEN. Jeweller irojecliol iiiilp mil) here are soiiiK , CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. in. Ilobcrt lyliiirst. the Keneral urray hr lh, w , r GIFTS THAT LAST All sound iirscti al i uf the Frarr Timber Iron Duke r.. I Mineral Claim. Lot Ho. ii:.ii:iK-r for llU. rnian work ermlen mm.- r JJJt; Inm Duke Mo. 3 Mineral Claim. Lot viidieatc. khvs Hie reus of pro? fare of th riiif." a An. :i.14; Pimriie Fraction Mineral Claim, Extra Special ! Lot .,. 33S; Oarlleld Mineral Claim. Lot Hie plans will depend oil (he al ALDERMAN will U appreeUlrd ! irg of the No. lut All adloininr Jiiineral r la una, titude taken the authorities -iluate in Ourrn Charlotte Mminr Division by at liiiert District, Where located: on Louise Virloria. ' ssssaassssssaassssa sis sasssssssssssssssasssjssssssssssssssssssj, . , . Island. a i, - ssssss-sssssssasiisssssssssssas..,, . . 1 ssissns-aiassi-s-. s.sas as ia , TAkE .MiTlcE thai I. Alei Horrra of the r ( nv ol Vamuiivrr Province or British Colombia. Mrs. W. I.. Iloriisl')'. wife of the FOR SALE 100 boxes No. 1 l'ree'Mlners Crrtillralfl o. IJ1J-H, senna on behair or myseir and si areat nuiiajrer of the Huyal Hank, Your Vole and Ir.l1urnj ftotfWUd VoUT Vote and IT ror Hand Mardimald. or the said city of Vancouver. Free Miner's Cerllilcate Mo. iafi'il (juielly, iiwqy in her sleep Vote or 'wr soficitetl for J(ifl4 H, Intend amy (SOi days from the dale hereof, to apply ror a Crown liranl fmlay inuriilrfS. 6 room House Jonathan of AMI he unnei atNive H lirllUl section rtaiina.TAkE S. must MiTH be eommenvrd E that ae-lion. Aid. Henry WiUtiii and W. I'. D.McD. Hunter John G. Weston DoUglaS iM-fore the issuance of sum Certificate ol Silvio are the ruiididales for loprovemi mi.. DATkD inn ird day of December, I9u. niityor here. '1 he alileriiianlc and Two Lots ALEX HuliLIIS. ixpiraiilK are Harney Kcejcsn, (S. "' Sutherland Miiclalr. M. t:. MrKny, A. M. Apples PallorMiii. Ir. Alward, Mr. IVi-cir Alderman Alderman Fine Harbor View iiiiJ anil lion Mcl.eod Mr. riomer-' DRYDOCK ton. for Alderman $2,300.00 While they last Jitney Bus Mi France NiefcUwu, the tiree, iniiiiiiiiillliiiiilil " I'lilertainer. renderml ail excellent Leaves the Royal Corner program under the nunpieen of I lie I Vol. for For ALDERMAN and i Vo,,ror Snl Avi'iuif and Clli Hlrccl I.Ldie Aid of the I'renhylet'iarr ' McCalTery, Gibbons $2.85 7.35 sharp every morning aijiiiiion Church on to Thursday.Mckavut night.mere In McMEEKIN S.f ' i Mrs. Catherine HYnF TRANSFFR w luciil liilenl which included will be appreciated T? T & Doyle, Ltd. SERVICE Mont! by Mis Helen (juln. Mr. TIIK MAN YOU KNOW by Zi. rf box Hiirrcnaor lo Joe lW'UWII Fraxer and Mr. lleuell and violin j per 3rd Avenue Phone 1 1 nolo by Mrs. DuU ami Mr. Elizabeth C. Trcl la-way, , tiwteb ' school School Trustee Mrs. Wiiinii" Iaee, a Uhinrvu , Kirkpatrick Central New location nx tutrix, i xUiling- the city. and riayitroundi for the y'outigstert ,n1 ,un "m rMnl ot lh Table Co. FOR RENT Rupert Supply Helgerson Mrs.ICdiiiontoii.,ec is eiii'iiliig aviation in PHONES 211, 212. Block . . Furnished Rooms TAXI Associated with llobert 'J'yliurst, senerul liiail- IH l-IIOBATt Taxi Service of 4 HKer of the Fraser Tfhiber Hyndi. II Tllh SUI'ltKMK CIIHT OF WKIIUII St Cars, Limousine rale, ami Miss Muriel Milliutiii COLUMBIA. VOTE FOR Dominion Hotel and Touring Cars. were reeeutly iiuirricil In Van 151 TIIF. MATTLM OF TIIK ADMISISTHA-llo.v DENTISTRY Phone ACT Your Patronage couver. and - Frizzell Solicited. IS TIIF MxTTKIt OF HIE F.HTATK OF George J. Just Remodelled and Refurnished Don't neglect your Teeth IIJ k.M lHO.X. DM f Asrll IIILSIAIL. Corner First Ave. and Eighth One decayed or missing tooth 139 Huntley Tate; TAk'E SOffCK that In order of His Street, I'rince Hupert lowers your efficiency Honour F. Mrli. youua. made Um 1 1 in day I'hone lied 468 J',0. Box 3S3 Notice lo Advertisers or Drrriiibrr. A. D. mo, I was appointed for Alderman Casual advertisements Administrator lo I lie ratals or HI knulson, 4 DR. BAYNE for luscrlion same day deceased, and sll parlies bavins claims Oilico Iours-Morninif, 9 to 12; should be in the Dally araliisi the said ralalv are hereby rrqulrrd AND A FULL DINNER PAIL. Afternoon, 1.30 to 6.30; Sstur-day, Chartered Accountant & lo furnish Mm, pnnierly verllled, lo me, PACIFIC CARTAGE LTD 9 to 12 only. Evenings, and Auditor. News olllce before 10 a. in. on or before o III Hi day uf January, A, D. Tuesday, Wednesday and Frl GEORGE RORIE Changes In advertisements Ilill, sin! sll Turtles Jiiilfhle tu ins ealate TlioneOX S. a Tarker, Mi?r, afday, from 7 to 0. are required tu pay the amount of thulr of Kvrie 4 flmall, C.A., Vancouver and should be on hand before Crful fttUnLlon givr to 1 ordrt for Irdiutediieai to me forthwith. f uj-oitura, frwlsht, bftgrothr DENTAL NUK8K IN ATTENDANCB I'lIONKSS? i'rloca Jtupart.P.O. Uox Mil 5 p. rn, on previous day. JOHN II. Mr Mill.1.1.1, Subscribe for The Daily News tr&naf mr work PUDNE 109 FOR APPOINTMENTJB Federal Building ' limiial Adinimatralor OROCKS TsUKN Kta COAL and WOOD Prince lluierl, B. C. Note China's of Address sn4 Cbano Datsd tUll 101(1 of Th Columbia day Pocembaf, IvtU. Leadinjr Dally of Northern British