5b a IfriGiS. FOR : TAXI Phon 35 i Phone y..ntlev& Hale PRINCE RUPERT ROYAL Taxi SERVICE .1"'-r.-L.nDn block!! Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Ernie Lar,e .in i, l I. .v . .u ijujxhj-Uwij ii i mvjuimju juu J i.jjj ,- PHI NCR flLPEflT. B, C. Tlll'JtfillAY PRBHL'AHY 17, IH2J. VmtfUr't Clregltll 1.700. tfMl lalt 460. PHICK FIVE CE.NTB H, VII ,f iillElT CETS K MAJOR. Y ON FIST YO ... u.i.1.!. i ' .'. ..f' IU. 1 j.l.1JI.I I I . J I 1 ,J- .' '. J .1 . --. ntsr fnnii u nil 1 m iil' i-jKia '-a-a'aaammi mil in iiii 11 ii'i - imiKi-iitBi 11 m a III. I IIUllll! II 1 II 11 arl K HIJIIIIIIVI KIBIIIVtlVlllllM It I II SI I III IV Mll 11 I M IVlLIIUII mill i Linnu i vn uinuun. uvuiiiiiuuuLi niiiiivii unu uinniLl SEES THE WHOLE WORLD DRY. NfiVAL SQUADRON Independents Vote VISIT VANCOUVER For Station Here ; OTTAWA.MA.-.CH Feb.11 IJ.TO The 16 with Government on (.nnadliiii natal squadron. i Mi.- gift of llrita il to Canada, M. tang, Superir tendcnt cf Build- whleli I iiii it way Ut Liquor Legislation I hi maul, will vtlt Van-cmitcr r,niilf nn urilh ll. n a ! m r rt I March S. 15 VUIiaUit UK Tii iuuiiiiiviiiu between II mid 10. It Mill leate for First Vote Taken Regarding rinal bet Ike return voyage, tu (Ii4 in House at Victoria catl r.l on April 13. Result in Majority of Fifteen for .1 . i ni'.iinlolll of building of (he (IS. It., who i .. -ii-.-day, i Iitj ill connection with the bulld- Government; Conservatives i , n ..ii'l hit a el of preliminary plana fur the PRINCE GEORGE MAN a Unit. li. i- i uiDiuHiiirr with the vnrioui deiwrlrneiili n, .mi a final set In uhmil lo Ihe he-ad riigi- IN SHOOTING AFFRAY c. i,u VICTOIIIA. Feb. I". Hy a vote nf 21) lo It lh II. C Legi-ituri ' " I .''!.IV.I. Jf ' eterday endir"d lire profedure of the Provincial Ouv-riimeii i , I., l.r II,.- .rt .. ill rutiiidhoinr and lift addition Was Without Occupation and Mad bringing the liquor question up for cuuideralion. Leaded Oun Which Other I,,- ,. ..riiniciK-cil in Hie yard. The work' KITortj. ii ihe opposition lo prove unconvlifhlionul the move. . i done by Ihe de-rH Man Ud. xt. le.ug ' ,M,e op-erntiiig ! .vherebv ihe Motive a,a whole would petition the Lieiiteuanl-lovernoi VANml VF.II. February 17. A lo pi-e?.eiil a bill to Ihe Legislature, was frustraled after ;Prince Henrtlc man (Inured taut !rite tu-ling n hour. herta Liauor Case to night lu a Vaucouter hHling af-i The vole taken provided the first occasion this session for frays in an apartment hour h - A On iiii and on that ovration the move of Ihe GOvernmeul was !curtrd Uije) ,y dnnlrrn of til" Supreme Court of Canada;underwnriil. when Marie Main , i!fiivcl. ihe only adverse expression being from the fourteen l-ilftiM-i.,! ii lfi-.ik.ti &rtl f r.ittl M , ..;is.-rv i.i meintierii. all the in- -tcpiMuieiH -I...I .. t.w J Ifti.ana.mi.n u n.1 iiiriiil-r xolinn wilh T irAlPD S 'ITL'rVITA Bell Company R cce-ntly Won rPl fr osataionj(--lin,J iiray a, fatally wound- lie tJovirniiienl n. el'al LJlUlL Al llllllJ of $50,0C0 Sto k of Uquc r vhich Had Nd. i -Miakif!jc in uiiHri to ii- iiiiiiijia? j. ii. Htu, me renter r a uiie ii ranl l tU' prnHwd bill. Jieen Taken by C own INSTALLATION 'in the !inir. tnlA i"(,fllr Kllli', M. A. MaVdxtiald d-f-tarrd (lie ' " llii-i iiurtiiiiurjluiiiucnn.tnriiliia. uubiir.jidaiiijuLlluvJiawi: I'Mll.VXni. fc. Usury. .17 c-TIii jJii--iCK.f nri(IU..1iport- mn ftf TlSnJSffun,!, to-.V -.i:aure t 1- il.-all villi ai u "ELKS' OFFICERS iii'llmtg ftt'.Vn' n" fOoti In win Ihcfr cot' plwrr Ih)i1 ,rKin lhat h1 rami mviy iuiilion. He lii-ld. Ihal tht I,..11 K.iiHil llir Nat Hr lijmr uarj'hoiif. Tim (mi rntof tirjir o monlh aso ir.-diiri' ia perfectly cnn.iiitu- .. .i ! tin- Supreme turl if tiinmln, it i. "I ! '! rrptlin. ; nnal .The aiiK wlnml . t.iVen'Banquet Followed Ceremony and . a.Jmillm nwnliiB a fully loali : K. iinetli Ihim-aii of tmii-han. .' trun hrli Dincnmii In -tomr ay, J..l!"i -dUU dr; t.i -... rli. .- I' Hick Iturde Albcriil, and Uphill. Dance Clocrd Big Cslebra-lir WillUn V9xh f a " """I " '"i'iK ' f lliroi. JikIkiw f 8, ,w,rfc,K, r and tucd. DinK-! ! tlw l-aiei laltor mi'iiilwr for Kernie. earlr t!on Latt Night. Al tine urUoi: V.I..I ilmi-lcl .ip.n.i-( Hip niiiirr if AUifrta man drarrd li did nut Vnnw the) 0iri.a tni tvJ rfnurnt. u-kin? in upiHrt of Ihe n-' miiiiI . illwuling Hip .(),(KM) .lin k of lllr Km loadod. reailr nf N 1k rilyawl uiTinuliiiB town. I wUlcli he ccdure. ; Tli' Ilk had a bin ecli-lnut ion .rr Uial I hi- riiniiuinv ti.ifiup illrmllv. I."B Ml' 1ina "ill" In; h- primljHil Skrr. b rmaltrl Hie frt t prWWNl las I n i lil in liunor f ll M-nl "f ...l-pl " " an..ili. i p.iiii diirms the flaming- , ia t W fBf.TCfd la Itif I'Bltinl 5ll Ivf-rrtryUie mfor-v BOATING CANNERY llic head of Ihe uriler. lirund l'.x-t-ellenl ! 'I... .1 L-na I Hp lint Wd Hi- tlil'pd Mat- ri lluler Je Morris of Van-comer, rt'wr .-nBlrW. m;h JM.I-.'nllf ilMlliMi In ll dr u .U t t FOR NORTH COAST who ilh (imaii Trustees il rr.l FLAW IN SHAFT prohlWUon. U a U ut lllfly ! hHPi. . OFFICI'LSOF UNITED V. H. Morrow aud Shaw were the I si I bat-l for a haoJrpJ yran. f nn't ' u a foe Financing ;U7V iU;' ha,,ul"1 i iiii ui'x rranaements ,de , .... , .. I" Mm-' FARMERS TO ADDRESS of M. N. A R. Canning Co. niiu uiiik r iiiinNiun .."wa.M. 'In Si i til-run- Sulphite Mill boon lo Recently Formed. tion of olllcerrs. VICTORIA CONVENTION! A feature of Ihe eM-mns wa ' (..I a alay Ihe or ladle al Ihe tj'luiaicnt Albarl Will Take About Thr Concern Says Arr-iiifieineiil. hnM" been madei presence Be foriiial in-ttullalioii ..f iillirprs. i n l .-lain IHHI- VAXr.orVl:it. Kch. 17. Xr- Going r I In- linaurinsr or III" M. N. &. Week Longer Before Lalng with which the proceeding coin-inenreil. uniil nfter iimn Idnnlwit, rreretary of thi 'I. i".arininc tlo.. the conceni that; - by III.- the Ory Dock. OiiiHiliaM tVMineil tf Agriculture, Visiting Engineer Taylor I.. i.(.ii..li. n II..nlii.tr f.n llflV i -Uh membi-r wa rn- "" " l,ri" la " trt 1 u,,, 'inn it a. In i)f 'innl..-,-: t:. HleJnne, sen. .... thi .-..al during Ihe cmiin? made. Jle Inirina Hie rourn of Ih er- ,.ra i,,na,.P f the t:niled 5rin .. cm.... The pro,H.al i lo sJi"aiy wen? Ihere. t he ceremony, -ary he ban) of the Prlne Albert a Haw ,(i,,,cri. Aoetullin of Wlnnljir. i J. A. V. Rel). of Ihe Kmermi lumber iiilerels. and Howard one or lb.- ,le,n wheeler now .,ulS"W -nOMftlH hy !' - I In- Privy In her llirunl nhall wu direr. IHI j. u. M,,-i'iiian. neerelary of S. Taylor, of the Management Engineering A. t)eelopmenl Ho.. ..r eoi.i...i.i..n on Ibe coa.l ..and. liranl. -'! uUn a limy I itnii tt kiilvn ailM Mi i:iti.-r Kiminei-r lUiiieriin and ,. Sa-kalchcwiin tlrnln llrowern in with K. F. Dubv. I mamiger of the Prince ltuperl In 01 it un n a cannery, tin tl.e dlM-overy will nefie.-llalc Ihe j.,..H-irllon f MeBlna. will nd company leainer to k. plaecl at any point' The Banquet' Lumber 'nt elerltiy after Ihe arrival of the Prim e tleorge 1utallaliin, tii.. FollowiitV Ihe icplaoiiiK nf Ihe liafl wilh n cm. cnVHillon of United j...f..Mtiii.nl r.if. livllillill! till Mttl-I UA1IUN 'tUHl ilelay of about thn-e i.,,,.,,,,,, ,,.,. exl imipei tiiig he sile forhe new pulp mill at Seal Uoe ami Imiighl fii'ii ni"t i In.-iiiiti ii-7M,n.i. liable a were laid In the hall, the wil-k in Krltiim her nut of th t j on.rliH. that one fin. there- will be a inreljng with Ihe eily einiiicit eommiltfe lo go n.- vU f..rme.l li.al-,'ari'Miuiy .non inimoi uiie.-ii yard. The work will lively be poi-tant inalter lo iiupe before the into Hie ipietnjii of oblaiuiug water power fnim the city line ly and will be ihe flr.t of IU kind nlnulr- beln r..nnnie, In Sel- AT OTTAWA done here before he leave. Ironventmn will be the pltion whiclr Ke-i by Ihe. property. Mr. Hell and Mr. Taylor, will lo operate in lirii.h Columbia n P a .read which did Lxeell.-nt honor llnken by Ihe uociii(ion ill re- v.aler. It i expected lo operat ' an uccaion. GREAT DAMAGE TO " proceed 'mi Ih tonight. for ten monllis.of the year. "t,lulr V' 'J,' iZa lf'J ' ... iicyru vo tuminy . ... "'""' h'' vUlliHK upenker Mr. Taylor, in .'Jieaklut or the project lo m .Wwp. reprej.eiilatixe carried thing off in,, a happy ini or iinn Mak.H t.a TIMBER FROM STORM " " iwauadfth farmer- till liinrllii. m-eiiicd yery fuortbly inire-.ed with what he had nil imDMI X nCCCDC Uvin. The room wavacked to il wiinuilt,V VUlf i.j j.un thi' (.'uiiiulian Council. :eau. '"Priiiri! ttuprffl U th lu?ieal plaev for flm etablihiiient uf lAUrUKfM. UrrtrAO rapacity, nhowing the need of V Ihe netl pulp li'iill on the eoat." he ald, "fur II lias both waler PI FVTV ftF FIlFl Oil '"""Per quarler. foi Mich an liovern- Cruisers Report Thirty Million rLE.il II UT TOLL nnd rail lrnpitUn and Iherw i plenty of nuittible timber The UlLj,,v,n if ihe onler I to expand. II ailed fur WIRES UP Feet Down on Limits Near PRAIRIE initial plant would be a Nulphitc pulp mill and if the concern Is I Itluminalive addre.ne were 1 1 I In- deliHli' Powell River. FOLLOWING BLIZZARD uble to Ret water from ihe city lucre is evvry indication that it will Guarantee of 00.000 bbls. Sug- piven by the visilinst grand ofriccr. 1 1 ihi oiie will bn a, H"I''C propition very oon." gested for Twelve Months. and r. fiiant spoke well in repty- VA.SCOl.YKH. l eh. U.Kxlen-klvt Mr. Taylor wilt ralch a fat tioin on hi arrivul al Seattle and np i:t the lotl of the ladie. l In- I,. .1 i-xit.-. lol iIhiiijiki' lo limber lliniU on For Two Days Communication In! will return to lie)ton. He will likely be bark hen- in Ibe siiiiiiiht. VA.Nftll YK.lt. February t7.-r- ine. were given by .Msrfrs. n Tue-dny. Ihe llrlih lUiliimhia eiuit wa Manitoba Was Cut off Ann in-icing thai fuel oil will be AVaddell, Shane. Fleti-her and '1 -( It Ion of euuoed by wind liniiii al the end by Storm. a.-rain on the market. ('.. M. Ilol-1 "i n" and inlrumenta selec- ik. of lal iiionlli. Aeciirillnx lo a Drydock Legal Battle tou. local manager of the lni.'ii..iw by the Klk orelilra. li" Nalii.nul rrporl of criil.i'm. 3U.IIOU.OIHI feel VAXt'.Ol Vi:il. Feb. I . Tele. (rial OH 'o.. lrle that t'ali-l Following Ihe banquet wu u iiilintr. ini nf limber i dnwii on Ihe limit ui opliir Mini ih-wh eriee of east fornia proiluecr are preparinl lo dunce iu which a lame number ' ' ' vunl to Ihe of llrookii Sen n I on and O'Drieit ern t'.u nada wuh reluri'd thi Commenced in Vancouver; guarantee ttno.ooo barrel in de- j; )arl and which was kept up ' i iHtihinir near Powell hher. iiinrniiiH uller beinu cut olT for livcric dUtributcd equally oxer until a late hour ail -"id it I m- ivo ilayn iny lo one of tht,wrt Creditors State Case;the next welt e month. Committees 1 -"I'l'urt the PRISONERSISCAPE blUiurd of Ihe year which hwept I f t eri Ilea I Ion of I he'offer come ' The general arrangement were ovi-r MHiiilnlm. di'troinu' wire lank al Iie will asain be open Injlhe hand of.the chair officer CMT ni-rAi .. eouiiiiuuiralion. VAM'.Ol'VF.n. Kelirtiary 17. Special The legal halllc io Hie public. J. t:eh. liHrgo Munro. Dr; i ill n p 1 1 1 1 iiiiaiBiL Two Men Qel Away from Prince I,i.l.n lh Citpi-iiinpiil nml the creditors nf Hie Prince IlNl'Cl'l Mapuirc, S. K. Shitn jwtil V. F. JO PREMIER OLIYER Qeorge Lockup Local UNIVERSITY ACTION llrydnck e. Kngiuoering tit. opened Ihi morning mid was adjourn-.MANAGING DIRECTOR . ThompNn cnniled and ll'i'of'MiJ'per V. Iteid,coin-nlllec !'. Polka Informed. ENDORSED BY SENATE ed until Mptulay. FllMnNTflN IflURNAI Mvaioff. II. Fraer. K. Hood, Holt r.in. Gounrl for the creditor rjaim lliat Ihe Dominion nmeru- j . lx.'H. S. K. Sliatle und i. The of-1 r.lilef Minly lum 'ereixed it tele- pleel and other mulerial Ulbo Al YltlUKIA Ilichmond. ' for "-oluliini (I ram from I'rlnee tiiirK lufi'rm-Ing ANi:m;Vi;it. Feb, IJ. The ment lout 'the If" whiolt they hod 1 "HM'lllliin hlui Ihul Iv u prUnnerit hue Si nule of Ihe I liiernily Of II, 0. Kiipplled lo Ihe drydock company when Ihe lpilce wu nppoililed. VltrroitlA. February 17. M. It. CARUSO FIOHTINQ. It 'I- "f IVnile Ciiuped frnin Ihe luekup Ihete. ih eiuliirM'd Ihe farully'a reoiim-iiieiidullon The ciediiors are not proleatiug ngulusl Ihe completion of the managing director of t iTinneiit, Tlvey arc l-'miu rerdlnaud Ilar-niaii Ihul Ihli'ly vltidenta be ehlp now half biiiriiut defitut' that nil material " ymxl U Jenning.the IMiuniilon Journal, died here NKYV YtHIK. Feb. IT ilanijo 1 '''V I'l'iiiiilor Aniiiik, a llulu'inlit n. ami Oeo. imlci'd lo willnjritw' from the innll-I llie croililor. t:hnrle WiUoii. Ii Ii.. ap- ' the hole Diot'Oity of thi morning from an anile at-;IhI iilvhl wu reoiir il lllilina u )!... l('ini tin. iceoj'ij. U. Illldkoli. held under lh extra, ill ion on iiocount of not "obtiiin. poared for Hodges, wltllo 11. L. Held, K. 0., was for the tiovorn tnrV of hear! failure. 'He hadigrlm but lie with deal ti and Uieru f i" tlAl. .. Kiveii- cioiu illlliiu anil Inimlir.'utiuii uols iu. Inir Miillcli'iil iiiiirkii at Ihe ClirUt-iiinn Utl ' been ill for some lime. Is no change today. "'ly dale. lecthel'. exumlnulicrv. ment.