tlerrnihe; JL.TM " The Daily News HEALTH MESSAGE HARRY WEBBER Published jytWCB Rvery nUPRTlT Af'-rnonn,- ewept HKITIHII Sunday,COLUMBIA by The News TO WORLD PASSED AWAY j . A I Printing am' Publishing Company, Third Avenue. . II. P. PULLRN, Managing Editor. Prominent Local Sport Promoter -U Take "FiaMves" And Died In Vancouver Christmas SUESCniPTION RATES t Makn Yourself Well Morning. "The Store of Satisfaction" City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month! ,f 1.00 lly mail tn alt part of Uio lintish Km pi re ami the United State. Tniit t:rrs":tlnmrriini1l-riot A telegrraill Wil reeetveil (ill in advanee, per year . . ..,$0.00 mm-h fr fruit Jiurn anl tonled, '.h-r(imaa lay -hr nni liilhuly 1,MltB.B,.,..,..,..,.,,,,,,aaaaaBasa To all other rcntintrla. in advance. per year. , ". . , . . i$7.00 in 1 1 if mo. 1 nrilllmtirl. aJ hit Mil irllinn f Die .i.-uih uf Marry tliut hatr- r I.iv i Jlren In mankind. I'an1' (Htat Webiier. in . TELEPHONE 08 . Jntl at onwiri, ap;4. Hp ami fMn fatal. Dtemnuver t bk Practical New Year Gifts Oonlraet Hatea nn plJloe.tin. ppiort ara Bai'' oun bm 'Seta a, s TXWaV rttoriiina aae a taea TruUi ti-"- Aft adyorllatnif shoald be in The Dmly New O(Tine fin day pre frait JuNHg--hrt poBeentNtr anti Ttn lata Mr. Wi-aVr had remit All rereived tv "Ween alricken ill Hiid the advertising subject tb approval. ceding pribliralion. IntrnvlllOLl n l!t ftlrtl Slmock tmd . . . . . . v Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. Urrf MmHrimm. tk fivuHit KUkty imriiir nail uwriii iiiiii n f-iiaiiaw f rliuinte. II. hikI hi fumilv for Me wU dUtUrnr Mn.M.:r -it rr"ll)W Appropriate n had ooljr ae in Naneoover for DAILY RDITIO.V Tuesday, Ore. f7. I Ml. lifrr-Ai gr-m.n rosV f Hmd. a few wen. Tlte eaed wa athtt, CoKttfi". ImQflHktn, Xtrtmrnf ru aJ M UmfJuiow-H aW mU. an old ;tsr of Priare Rupert People Have Had bavin live on the Pacific Oofci To he well, take "KnUm-Ures" Elections. far a eonalnerahle niunher .f Enough 90c a tiox, 6 fur K o, trial atS3e. Hv lh lime nest month' rivir elerlioii are over the people At JwUrre r aent posted b yeinx, lrarllnm .in the hoalu t Mufflers t will be heartily tired of elections. In Ihe tl twelve month or Fruit-Urii J iimuil, JIU4. lie'ieii iii irl an.l Vane.Mivei Ni ecKwear nn.l tw'iwen Hiii"H anl H.i"l-lon. foil tn -nil the must .o lli-y huse been .having (heir till: the moderation ptelHseite in raiwe tii-ioler. lo?if; tha provincial eieiltou. December. I?0; the Hl in the un .'f -Ii rn I; .i.ltoia draaaar A aomforl-. Ihe vary IhtsMi far a hr&law gtr, ov , iiniMM-i(ii I'ifi'iton. Iln liomFnToit election and. Ilnally. Ihf rheeler" It.- .iuii-ii .1 ' mi- elft. Hi-ai liful knil ilk. ojM he prntid tn reei-uc ..f II iipMiii liiiif i-ivie election. Alter January there appear lit be no CLUB BAGS I he UHliee Hu . I Ili4el PrHd at $S,00 to J4.60 in A laae aei.'t-iii.n u eh-. It.-., more election in sight for a ear nl lenl in pite of the fr.intic for tf.uif In itil ;';! itore wt r. patterns in Hlaa, Italian aud Knaji-h .. . ll m it of some ni ihe iHtiviiiciai opposition that there will li Christmas Ill- wortieil fur 'hrei . i nappy rawtetataa aaea, spaafM 7&c t t n ft rti in Victoria.! long. This ia being renewed at the present I waa . rl m i.i. " Belt time now Ihnt two went- m the Legi-lntore, eNon and Vancouver. Gifts lai- Hr. S ( hawe.l 1 hr mnl be filled and new ;ittofiie -general mit-t be selected, with Vlrtttry t.uutr ;.i.i uii eivtli Komelhlna ua-ful and tnllsi. In (lie rofi-eqiienl by-elect ion. II i not likel (hat lhee l -elections Large Stock on hand. Sirewt, attire th! nine familiarly iiotit ntiial li ..- Dress Sox will weaken (he government, however. Iir. Ho.e wa a Omer.i Prices very low. Xn aan a MlU" cbii. From 91.00 up Always Acceptable live ttud Mr. Merrtoiiald whs a l.ilier:il. ioi-I il i unpndinMe lha -il.-. . Mr m ei ii-aaineui J. F. MAGUIRE all-antil ribliC'l iirle.t I'n two tjoutervatiw wilt lie elected in ihee rnl. The eeclton or I.hmI ai'iorli rirrli nJ hta b-U- . all . .t. Special at 0c psr a attorney-general when it i- n 1 il- vu!l in nil prubabilitv lie ri tilled Neit the Prim Ruirt Hotel iiii-Hmcil dy hi ina-n Handkerchiefs. by Hie voler. althoiifrh (he opposition will likely make u hard light fii.iul. in ll.e ri';. He f'4iahriiere ..., ri,.ir. Iiln- k, liriiun, ; (o ile lent luni. ai.. .ii !i) yeai. ot ae. ami Will n fail ' .leae aa a h-llirr Bpsotal at 75o per pair. .i it .-il by In. vrifi- and )'"'" riirisfiun. arif A'ltF' .'irr . ' .. r -I. ,1 . i Municipal Election PUra Irish Llntn eal ftede .Ml It i ' . i Special at SI.00 nd tha Next One. The Man in the Moon Special at 3S. &0 a'nd 75o 91.n per pale. I in January It the municipal voters will he railed to the polls 8AYS FORMER EDMONTON i HimeUtcnad Lawn for tire aattaal duty Of aelerline mayor, n Mermen, arh(Md Intttcw Sptc'al at ICc and 15 mid pottee e4ajaaiieaft,iiier. Mayor Rochester ami mot of the M0UNT1E A BARONET I I IFF preent connerl are understood in aa-ala 1 in ifta flekl for I he Sn thai two tnemhera of Ihel rop4ivr poU. Caioael M Mordie has rume (Mil ia opposition Hulary tn ere running for' c- " P Dress Gloves ka? W JL X i to Mayor Itoehealer for (be rhief magitrey ajsd there will mayor the reas ,.f kmrM cu. prolmbly be opposition to the -itlin aldermen alcv The elector a ell be sytsBlnaied for ataVrtnen.i Succeeds In Old Iraland.Baronatcy J.'-l II I,.I 'Im- r,..l ,ta YOUIt CHOICC OF AKY SUIT 11 STOCK in r;tTnia ttieir ote win o on record aa to whether the work tmlfe or faatiea eom. In Kid. Chamois and Vool. dane !' the present enouril he- Hiel with their approval and iiissmner. KHMONTtl.V. la-c. ?7. A one. rntli'e fi.r wnrntnU roMunuatiaa or whether a change ia deemed neeeaaary At Sala Prlcas. Msnr reeMent of the clly. HapUnn $39.50 in the conduct 1 ir civic nffxir-. Moth Mayor llocbeater and tMHiel 1IXH(1HS (iMll'KM IHIt S lcil rMwnrd lenny! late of the M Mordie have "hown themelve ly be high capable men with maaia?, Praneoia DeaetMunpa, ft. V V. M. P. and an nriainal. good administrative abiUlie-. It wUl b for the wtei to deck) ha oaosRd OD a faefory In . inenihee of the f.-rce, hai -1 The a'oi-k I "....I- f Sn Si a-. Caps whK-h represcttK tha hi pli-y and to. vote according to IheiH Franco for rhe HMHnfaeiure of u a ksarnneiry on the death tnclnatina H. n.i h.a-l ' n..l- It's ai d i ((iinulioa-. Thero fthould lie no and (ner noie. nave eome (ersonaliti nn polities t neeeakaMe aak eieateatrltarka of ht half.lroUirr. lite hate ir KlArst Mil'- wtai-. laix-v ealMl. I l i oiignt to hear in Hie roulei. :n contact with aheose thai re. flnori' rrl other ataple kaa of all Arthur fienny. et Trnaae. NOTHING. riNCn MADE nuirr. tn ae Ntekeai in a vault Kiol. At sals prices. Iraland The fkaw.karinei.' K"-r. aafe to it tfTn? Christmas Spirit -r prevent a t to h reiihfsa at iMMtton. near Kj'- Wat Better SHown. iiii-na.'e eoeieljr. jio.inlon. where he la tra ranrer ,MU pualtr; jwrni pirtdie and private orgnita4ion ami 1 lod! rifllrihrrd JJinakiiiB- the firoitniaii oeason wbieh bA jiift IT i aa'd that mmsnv ! thejlwr D)aasnin Onwrnsnsni. mAOCTO.aiCASURC SUITS Hob b rim and Semb-Readr pa-ed a merficr Kha happier ono for those in the rity whoe 'ot af all V. A tUfle of M Hired rroaa jykf H. W. -M. I. in 13 1-3 par cant, Oisoini, tail. He want lata rnawkisw aa.l nn-iimMwei maue n more or ie imposxiuie lo relelHnate (he riMH l afwav accept a Me any. ocraiun in the uonoJ monger. Poihly time are haeder thi Ikw. A ml .Jai ev tinwt4 a a lock ranch BBlBTv2llV 1 ! BIST' - 1 Willim Hroek. Mneleod.1 a, Jnl near winter than they hove bee a for wme ear pait. !miI Vbe tnie , Christmas npirit eem to Have Totj more in evidence thma ha IIKAITTY is eaMy esin de.-B at .fP w... " ' , .... m'wm CjUM kMt maoUMJM ACT been Uta caee for a.aong lime in the pat. Poiihly this van t aaad. Perhawa a Htlle ataa to the Peace Hover, befure raisir ni raanr Lsan ttffaiT MS beraut-e it wa needed more than before, but it may a I mi have mnx at eamify .ioe fafca1'" ,Umn aaaa, -eiat. ci.tat B a .t er a beej, iceanic thejieople generally are driftinii a certain degree we faVV meA. IB -Hijucrioa- wwii unpian t.w . taei 1, a a rMMt. Canadian National Railways a lJhVU. the n.ea r Cecil TZT rTTTTTT. ZTZU buck from selflbuea in the direction of a heller humanity In t rwaai lkmnv. Ilart . rouSMVatf Kort aaa aat..ri fa. as cm rat any ce, I here ia 40 doubt Utat tha mtada of the people generally . Ssqn.M of paper" the mu w at a in mars. ifr, where tie orlamay atoi k ui,a iaa n mm aaat ia aasiaa and Ihoae are more freuernu in a position to do mi tbiokiag more of the poor and the weak than tbey have (tone for MHTie a a aaiM, Uaa mmt Prince Rupert IT iiato tlaa hemdtMi4irm of LLIt I. aa aaa aM aa eXMaa. Ua time pat. it rvtnoml that Me liewry tf t .k- --- - - -la- I M't i as riiaaii sa imbs as Ford Oampaay will irtve a leva inmt tta an ae Preflnant Week nnirrH with aeh ear natr- pee jr. After the Indian reellion h. a In Irish HUiory. rhaei in the New Year. The ( aptaln Itenny lived at iixt aaraaVf is, iati Shipyards iMsi waok was a pregnnnl one in Irih hito, with the scale Miuirre! ia trained 10 run be. aetiNR aa Indian eiMMsmaatoner, bnliuiced betweropaee and war--between aai lisatiftttte agreement hind Uh ear and pate. Ura "nnta" i-t which vma rhaaa hnu beeanae raix. wrttt ioj aKT.a'V of the greai InHnmae fee held over' t.. Snaa as i. i! TT naaiiiax Too Floating Dry Ooek with Iintain and the re-entry into run1 wmr uml anarchy. up. Operating O. T. P. 20,000 In the KMig history of Irih .lilllcnUi aince tbe Brit outbreak ilea tntHana. Ha wn lire avfe,i..i t., ZSSU tZ'TirZ Engineers, Machinists, Bollermskars, Blaekamltha, PstUm iiirrt 1 i.t Hnt,-h rule n. ( the situation, i now chter a nettle-menl KO waaHler kh iiiasar Maahed candWate for the old North We.t- asd. aaaagi Is makers, Founders, Woodaroraers, EU. the draeaiua rn Giunril in the rieetMan at the .Rim. rwmi r i. tn (t m rver Itcfon-. The rpieation ha had at vaTH. wtpvi M saw lnd a aav MilS tinit ii .1 rffei t u Itr lih politira. Iul now the governjnent a a 1 1'lie. a Electric and Acetlene Weldinf. h;i fir. uii .I in a ,I.iti fur Hii-riieiit and it i up to theHriih tWHOUITKIH.Y the woman The htrnneiry to which t.ap'ain JJJ".n a'rr.p.-Ml e af r ajaaiaiiaaai.or lass r. people to decide whether tlie will tnke it or not. It ta ptaiblv ptaee in in the Rome, JodsTln iMnny aui-reea ia one of the old. it r Noarox,rM vaaa.tai fur pianl i eninjnsl i" hai.dle all kinds "f nan. it the iiin.t eijinl diie plan tli -i , ,,,i. ,o fram- d and under it Ireland from Hie bathinaT draaae one e.t in the faited Kingdom. I rxi4 Siiaaajii u. Iff! ''iniiliL if he in- fiit- -ia-1 in iM-.i of iiriirre and mum. aea at Ihe movlea. wja wealthy at one ties but ha wii n ervnotn-M t MARINE AND lately twi-s Impoverished. fh" rsvi a at rsT u hunan t nts -n mw baronet ia the author of tbu.t or "iT. as.. i fk antlra thai I r .- r COMMERCIAL WORK -llldera of the Maine." An unci Viri ru asiaiac niiwtr .uin -i i .i-i i-rr j Ten Years Ago a liras a wwat fr lr.J. ai 'of hia aa a noted writer nl Miuial t. Ua IsatoaiHM riW4 PHONES 43 AND MS j In Prince Rupart ) t.vmii. .auawn ml U pnsl i.lanira a..i- ai ia sr.. roraar .r i .,i 441, -3 ra.i an rkaim. ibrtx. aarak sa irlM'ii Um. '-ham. Maaxv aamtaj Decembar 27, 1911. CHRISTMAS DANCE Sa rhaja inial lann weanat. raa 1 ' .tainiat as araa. avva ht Ma ' UarifiiMB 1-.; 0 r SuS' lTiiS, laaaliiaL ,u- quite a AND PARTY HELD r-.i m NaiC sri. huay waterfront. Ihe Venture naiaai ii inalu 11 1 at 1 "DEMERS" called. alo the Prince Albert CO 41 T and Prinee Joba. The Uapslaaa Me. and Mrs, Fr4 Wermlg Entertained raiME Stan t UH ii i ip. alo flte t? .MsaltHarti Prlends at Home Tata inrTTVontef aai I I. 11 il h. 01 ranuatt,1 "THE RENDEZVOUS FOR LADIES WHO KNOTT u::".nBal h mullee wal. Last Evening. nraa. S C. ta. aaiT rur aaaaaa k aai. nr I far ikr ('. r aa. IXery nlitbf thta week, eiee'.l A danre anil i:tiriluiaa party !arri',i ia i a a4l aiaaiMl Splendid Assortment of wa be id I la-f ::-iil at lh- hiisn-'f! aaat a aaa sa riwia man peehapa Frhlay, the etty eHinc r af ua ! iaar ttt is will meet in order to rub the of Mr and Mr. V. .. WorinU. haiaa aaetn SS ra i.s. Iaa ara aaal hi aaria .kams to aaya. aakM) 1 15 Ma ive Avenue. I'ii.. GIFTS last .i. mumeipal buaiaes before aiani, laviimiiif aa DAINTY ireenl rr Mr. and Jr. ar Maa. the eiti-Tt eaiapaljfn aaat the h. a HiawrTT. iliraal. id of Use year. Akerlieru. Mr. and Mra. A. Iler-m rt4 u iuiC ileal. i-siaa MM em bar 11. itij " .', Mr ;;!if Mr. A lveron. Mr UP""r8r.L" QLOVIS HANDKERCHIEFS A Merman Newton haa an-nounred and Mr. .1 M. Hiuidttir. Mr and ;I'MNrr QfHL lp rCtROLKUM ACT. SILK AND WOOL HOSE BLOUSES that h will apeak tav Mra. r. Wearh, Mr. and Mra t MallLLINEftY ALL nidbt In the I'reahylerien I'loi rah O. A, Mr. .and Mr-Ounnard Ixiaraa.Til waUaa a. C aarapatiae HM t il mlaiai a ruaaatt.aermaar,af! 60 PER CENT. OFF Hall la open hia mayoral earn-patitn. Anderann, Mia Mar'. laiiHl a (MSf fur a Nraaw ia prwrwrt Kvery purehaier . n'.M. d to a Hrket m Mn 1 fur uMwaaaaa laal natural att aa iaa TJ-Uxmtnt haloff, Mlia Htibr tsaey. Ita iaarwliae laaet Cgtamaelar it QRAND CHRISTMAS DRAWING lwetli. .1. Keen. 0, rooih nmi pl piaeiatt eaalaa -nS .wl IS rMlai 1 value $60.00 Dress, ! fraaa Uat aurttwao n.rnr at Lai First prise Evening 1S.00 A. Ohneaara. The party hmke HI', liana aaal sa -iuw. iaea nana1 Ssoond prlts Silk Olouse, value SKATING in rkafM. ISraea ! aa rhiiM. Ikaara 7M aboiat up '.' a.m. after having had value aaa aa caaina w xi rr aenunaara Third prise Trimmed Hat, a aplendid lime. 'M-iit. raalilalnr no irraa. aura or lata, 11 n ri sskTT. apfinraal. Quite a Number Enjoyed Fins minimal act. I rran n 11 U, A lea Skating Yesterday. "DEMERS" Ctrlti af laipraiaaiaaU, I LAND ACT. 3nl Ave. .VITICK. jNatHa af lalaallaa ta lf la laaaa LaM. JWwean (fprlyfive. aad flfr nuiiMM aa. I HJavml cnittn auaa I Caatt laatt IHitrwt. Haeardiua Monti people wanj sHSf lo tfa, bo iaa VlaeM DMMar Maialaa af eaie af rrliee Wyi-rrL aM irtaita n Caciiia m uihiwi aieaiae ua m Muyal 'IM I11IIH1 Lakes yeajrriUy afternootr aud uhjt. caw am aaO aW tnea Serf lawi Tk taaSaa Ib4l Kir NicoVMld. af LIMITED. ertjyed raod skstinv until live rtras rriaat"IMul.haaaTtji. f are r nan atDrmia. UNION STEAMSHIP CO. OF B.C., Tlka aM'if iai I Mm Oimu lltaui " mmw ar iwa.MBa ia lasta o'eak. Tbe tae, which ia about rra Htaar .rliarai sj. fii., laiaaa ana ataotavo H . sUiast rrre nm ,.lu ,UMrt , . , Mil t 4tft fraaa liw dla kaeaaf. ia asaiH ' ..rllr M 4 fnai I!al4 II Iba S t Sa Vl4lala.rin..i ji T,"' "auaS;r. a ' U harbas thiek, ta In eteallent la lbs Nlnini KrraMrf fa? I 'rlifalr 1 . . arr. aa ekOat naeiS U WI U Murk rar ran avna. " ''" .".r.V... fi ii. M l. coadMi'-n and snt tnfioarhii fur tie swat nf uaKi'.n.f la aaaln. ti"iib ink. .ma rbala CH 1 1 at eala aaa na twr i i-'ii1'"1 1 rJya '.raai af lb abae rlaam. ,. Ihriw i rhaiv 'Ul. UMara aa I, II JMI I it. IS. the fialt will be a favorite J rurihrr 111 aolr tfeat irtlna .riia.n i-m, M raauiwai faar irrai aaura 01111 al.llla. laaiaaa. Mill al be MIIIBIt ori, aa4r rii..n 1; nwi.l a Manata44 ba- :r lr I li Dai. II. II, ..i. avian. P. v port ground if lha ro'i f .rr iaa . -tr aAaasLiv, s r r- --r pre-enl 1 .-iao a uf urS CarllS'lir R Vlrri AppH-ini an Saa Aiaaai Mca HUrnnif at Ihe toaight Wettholma Theatre. II.If. . 1illlP., inprnramrai .-l r. r n M 4 a ik Ce, tlUil tail lUb 4ir Of NottiaUr till fil4 SrHiiuUf It, UII