Saturday, August 27, 1992 i BRYANT COMPANY LIMITED Quality Men's and Boys’ Wear nna " Suit Specials for : a $40.00 Warren K. Cook Suits; Clearing Price— . Wdshion Craft Suits for men and young men, re- $15.00 $2.00 to $35.00 ea. A look at these suits will convince you they are bargains Phone 297 Prince Rupert Leading In Stylish Apparel Since 1911 Sixth Street et ga BSP SE 8 8 i SPS Sow eee FP 2s wes we wy sane SUPPORT HOME INDUSTRY On natural resources in lumbering, fishing and mining second to none and our future prosperity is unalterably at- tached to these assets. Every person, not only in Prince Rupert but also in the Skeena and Bulkley Valleys can do their bit by giving their mental and physical support. Pull for the lumber industry—boost for the establishment of a pulp plant in Prince are Rupert. Take pride in the quality of our sea products and tell the orld. Give the mining industry that support and optimism that greater things. When arranging for next winter's fuel re- feadas to local article remember that established producing the market quirements you have a highest grade industry offered Bulkley: Valley Coal already on this EUROPEAN EXPERT WATCHMAKER H. S. OLSEN Five years’ apprenticeship at the Royal Danish Watchmaker Schoo! at Copenhagen, then 12 years abroad working in the big cities of Europe All Mail Orders Promptly Attended to. TERRACE, BRITISH COLUMBIA “ack Prices Reasonable. The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous “Rupert Brand” | SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By \° ie * d o Canadian Fish & Cold Storase Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. * UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Bteamers leave Prince ey for Vancouver ; P.S.8, CA ‘ VERY TUBSDAY, 1:30 P ; "ts Se arriving Vancouver, Thursday a.m C.8.8. CARDENA EVERY FRIDAY ete aan r midnigh Wee ey callings 40 Pore Sumpeot. Alice Atm, Anyox, Stewart and Naas River points, Sunday 8 pm Purthe t ding all sailings and tickets at — EN KINCE RUPERT AGENCY » Second Avenue. Phone 568 Sat SON A Tt. > : a) = == CANADIAN PACIFIC AUGUST SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER PRINCESS ADELAIDE—Pridays, 10 p.m.—-vla Ocean Palis and way ports, PRINCESS LOUISE or PRINCESS ALICE Saturdays 5 pan. direct For KETOHIKAN, WRANGELL, JUNBAU and SKAGWAY- Mondays, 10 am, Por Information call or write W. L, COATS, General Apert Prince Rupert, B.C —_——EEE——E—E Early Ad. Copy is appreciated . visitor in the city today. Fair Week : ae $20.00 ¢ $20.00 . ieee tail ik. i] Leishman Suits to @ T. S. Griffiths will be sailing this evening on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver, LOCALITEMS | Mr, and Mrs, H. Phillips of Tel-,ceived in the City Hall until 5 p. kwa is visiting in-the city. lm. , Monday, August 29. 8. A. Tingley of ‘Sunnyside is a) K. G. Bosworth and N. Ohman, who have heen empolyed at Queen Charlotte Islands, W. H. Williscroft of Port Essing- | night on the Princess Adelaide. ton is spending the week-end in | the city. Miss Bell, floor lady at Gold- —— jbloom’s is leaving today for the Frad Scadden was a passenger | East on a business trip. She will south last night on the steamer! investigate the latest styles in fur Cardena. | goods and do.some buying for the | firm before returning, John Emmerson was yesterday fined $10 im the police court for; driving to the common danger. SUMMER COMPLAINT CAUSES MANY DEATHS AMONG INFANTS Thousands of mothers through- out Canada have used Mrs. Joe Naylor, who has been visiting in the south, returned yes- |terday on the Princess Adelaide. j df at K. McPhail of the Seal Cove mill t staff returned from the south yes-| terday on t Princess Adelaide | Exhibits for the Fair in the Ex-| hibition Builaing must be in place} | by 12 o’clock Monday night August} 5 29. | nai: during the pas. oJ years it has W. S. Sargent, Hazelton merch-| be2n on the market, and their A child's life no doubt saved by its ant, is leaving for Vancouver this timely use. Price, 50c a bottle at all drug- gists or dealers; put up only by evening on the steamer Prince Ru-| pert : The T. Milburn Co,, Limited, ; Toronto, Ont Wallace Brennon who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lance Styles * left this afternoon on tne train for} Gladys and Ronald Beaford lef Brandon on today’s train for Edmonton where they will attend school dur- ing the coming winter Barge Pioneer of the Coastwise Steamship & Barge Company has| had its overhaul this week at the dry dock Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Blackstock left on the train this afternoon for | Terrace where they will holiday 140 Seventh) for the next two weeks. caused the| that address A chimney fire at Street this morning brigade to run out to No damage was done DIED TODAY There — be a session of the po- lice court this afternoon to deal with several cases of intoxicatior | Leonard Wesley, 16 year old son of and other minor 'Gwy Wesley of Port Simpson. The | funeral! will take place Monday The death Occurred today at the Prince Rupert Genera! Hospital of offenses rvTv.w Inspect« Hall of the edu- cation department returned from} the usual summer visit to oe ver,on the Cardena. last. night. i Miss Eliza- 1 Mrs. D. L. Pitt and beth Pitt have gone Bast to Bos- } Janc y ton where Miss Pitt will enter| Rupert Tennis Club Dance Sep- chool. Mrs. Pitt will ember 9. to Premier later ret urn | | 16 and 30, Oddfel Dance Sept. tow’s New Hall. Mrs. Weatherhead visiting Patmore is leaving who has beer her caughter, Mrs L. W for the past few weeks | today for her home in) ee C.N.R. Trains Catholic Bazaar, October 19, 2t Vancouver Robert Hardy was picked up this morning by Constables Grant and Gilker and charged with ean liquor for sale. He wfll probably| for the East— '/ Gome before the court this after- Mondays, Wednesdays and Satur noon lays : 12:30 «oon aioli Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fri- D. E. Murphy, wno has this sum-| '4¥S 3 pm from the East— Sundays, Thursdays and Fridays mer been between Prince George the train and Smitt. } | | ' conductor of ’ to Winnipeg ers has been moved es 11 p.m He came in on today’s train to| Mondays, Wednesdays and Satur- meet Mrs. Murphy and they will | days 1:30 p.m travel together to the prairie met-| ropolis where they will reside for} the winter SHPRIPP'S SALE | In the Supreme Court of British Cotumpbia “ BETWEEN: MARY QUICKSTAD. Piatn- NOTICE iff Judgement Creditar), and Jon naeeeorads McNEILI JAM®BS J. CONNORS anc Mussallem’s Economy Store wish Tuceass WINBOW, Defendants (Judg mer JeoLors their customers to know that they! TaKE NOTICE that in accordance | have nothing whatever to do with] with an Orde oe ge + _ , th Honourable Chie ustice ulay Mk collection of the old accounts OW-|.on Da > August the 15th, 1932, I ing to the Mussallem Grocery Co.} will offer sale on the 20th day of Ltd September 2.30 pam., at my ofifce in| am the Court House, Prince Rupert, B.C These are to be paid to Messrs.|the following Crown granted Mineral ridlis ‘ be Qleims, namely Williams, Manson, Brown & Har- Lot Forty-eight Hundred and One (4 vey for the Canadian Credit Men’s| 801), known as the “Supertor” Mineral rust ssociati j . Claim; I Forty-eight Hundred and | Trust Association in ‘Vancouver. Two (4802 known aS the “Superior Number 1!" Mineral Claim; Lot Forty eight Hundred and Three (4603), know" SE TE CAE as the “Red Top” Mineral Claim: Lot) Forty-eight Hundreq and Four (4804) j known as the Red Top No 1” Mineral) } Claim; Lot Forty-eight Hundred and/ Five (4805 known as the “Hector “ _ " SCHOOL TEACHER Number 1” Mineral Claim; Lot Forty- »p ‘ eight Hundred. and Six (4806), known AT REC TATED as the “Superior Number 2. Fractior 5 y _ ‘a y — - ~ ir . - : Mineral Claim, Let Porty-eight Hundrec EY E SER\ IC E and Seven (4807), known as the “Rec . . bd Top Fraction” Mineral Claim Lot Some months ago a _ sc hoo! | 7 rty-nine Hundfeq and Forty-fiv teacher, having eye trouble, after} 4945), known as the “Amazon” Min continued close work, called on | ore Claim; I Forty-nine Hundred and - ' © | Forty-six (4946), krown as the “Ama- G. F. Davey, Registered Optome-| zon Number 1” Mimeral Claim; Let | of on . . ; | Porty-nine Hundred and Forty-seven | trist in charge of the Optical (anat),. Kraven aie “Aiea ium, Dept. of Max Heilbroner, Jeweler,| per 3" Mineral Qlaim; Lot Forty-nine for . “Amazon Number 4” fitted by an Oculist in the south, Giaim: Lot Forty-nine Hundred thought the glasses should be all|F eae — > mM ber - right. A thorough examination | potty: nine gave exactly the same preserip-| Known aa the Minera) and known as the “Red Mineral Claim; “Amagon Praction” Min- y tion for distance but the Oculist | Tea ria caoaiy “aan as | Some of them how to work, what had failed to make provision for} | ae arn n Number 2 Fraction” Min-/with haying, canning, garden work) pop the East— tra um | * continued close work, Of course} “‘ pe above Claims are located at i housework Monday Wednesday and Satur- the best of men make mistakes en avert aoe miles North of the) 7 hope you will print this letter. GOB. ii. taiincisn...nah OM but the local man is right here | ‘CS of Beat, Diver, Osssiar District. cn onk you for the s d time, Dated at Prince Rupert this 27th/Thank you for the space an from the East— and pleased to guarantee his work. a eer) ae 8. A. NICKERSON, Sherif t, County of Prine Ru * 8-07, 68 10 17 24, 7 went south last}! Announcements |) | Monday Special | y tet ee Munro Bros. | The Letter Box CRITICAL GF STORE KEEPERS Editor, Daily News:— Will you grant me enough space to say a few words? So many times «wily 4 Have read articles in your paper about buying in Prince Ru- pert and thereby helping out the home-town boys and girls to keep their work in the stores. Now I'd like to ask how much the business men themselves purchase in Prince Rupert. Everything is brought into own from the outside world ithe cities to the south of us and |from the east, much do hey buy from the country nearby? How much garden truck do you business men in Prince Rupert buy from the country right mear at hand to you? Not much I knok. Just because the farmers put up their stuff in home-made containers and not all adogned by fancy litho- sraphed labels then I suppose you don’t want it. You say we have to compete with the south and east, well why not’give the poor farmer from and how the chance and buy your stuff close to home When we folk out here on the jslands were all in chicken business and we brought eggs in in winter. The store ed for eges course, but in he given away together and it was fine keepers beg- it their own price of summer they couldn’t and when we banded purchased stamps with which to stamp our eggs, thereby guaranteeing them as to freshness, ete. and so the grocers -ouldn't mix our new-laid eggs with those bought in cases from cold torages in the south they they re- fused to handle them practically. The memento which was presen- ted to the H. M. C. 8. Skeena when t was here some time ago—wasn’t it purchased in the south? weren't the local jewellery natronized then? So, Mr. Editor, as long as things are run the way they are, and busi- 1ess men purchase their stock from the outside, then just as long will nere man and his wife and kiddies benefit by the mail order house ; and vou fai the government going to take the land away from you? If so, then you }pull up stakes, drift back to town nd hard work eh‘ And | cire le so it on a continual never getting anywhere, If the government wants a real “back goes to the land’ Why stores to pay your taxes, is someone else benefits by your movement then they ee . FOR SALE PURE OLIVE OFL will give good BOARD AND ROOM FURNISHED Rooms heated, with 3PECIAL—Goodyear Tires at lower prices than any mail order house. Kaien Motors Ltd. Phone 52. POR RENT -——— HOUSES for Rent, F. W. Hart, “am —_———_——_ — --_— -- ~~ SOME choice modern apartments for rent. Greatly reduced rates. Westenhaver Bros. tf "HELP WANTED LOOK AHBAD--Get into the Civil Service as Postman, Clerk, Cus- toms 2xaminer, Immig. Inspec- tor, etc. Pull details free from the M.CC,, Winnipeg. WANTED TWO school girls wish board and room in exchange for household services. Phone Red 497, 203 PERSONAL PRIVATE Kindergartens pay. Ad- vice given free by the Canadian Kindergarten Institute, Winnipeg. MISCELLANEOUS ANYONE wishing to be taken up the Skeena River from any point between Prince Rupert and Ha- zelton write S. P. Kennedy, Van- arsdol, B.C. 202 % Is YOUR PROPERTY VA- CANT? Let us overhaul it. It will rent and give revenue again. Charges reasonable. J. P, MOLLER _ Phone Red 302 health. $1.90 a gallon. Phone Rec| °F Without board. Reasonable 720. tj| term. 704 McBride Sreet. tf eee ame, ORCHESTRA FOR Your Dance orchestra phone Mrs. Black, Green 218. Snappy music! Prices reasonable. (tf) TRANSFERS epspnemmenetsietoenmens -_—_-e~ CAMERON'S Transfer, Phone 177: Dry wood, Tables and Chairs for rent. Beer bottles eae ee CHIROPRACTIC —, Tv W. C. Aspinall Vhree Year Graduate Chiropractic Modern Ray Treatments Given Phone for Appointment Green 241 and 549 fypen Evenings 6 Excnange Blk. —" DAIRIES. For FRESH LOCAL MILK Phone Red 608 or 953 DOMINION DAIRY 8 Quarts or 14 Pints for $1.00 —_ “PASTEURIZED MILK IS SAFE MILK Fresh from Bulkley Valley Farms VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 WATCHMAKERS Manure For Sale No Straw, $2.00 Per Yard Send Your Watch, Clock, Jewellery and Optical Repairs to A. E. RELAND Casey Cartage Fuel Co. 324 Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C, ' Thirty Years Practical Experience } Assures Absolute Satisfaction : OUR NEW LOW PRICES WILL Z°RPPISE YOU Lawn Mowers Ground Absolutely guaranteed to cut like new. Here’s one advantage the mail rder house has over purchasing in } Phone 303 wn. We know we want certain ods but no! certain of color or ae rice, with the catalogue before us ve can study it for an hour, finally making ir decision. What store PRINTING an you go into in Prince Rupert nd take that long to decide? They OFFICE SUPPLIES won't stand for They offer you how vou that and finally Rowe, Cowan & Latta ; ou bi ymething you don't want!” Phume 234 ‘ yr walk it without it - see I'm condemning the clerks,; far from it. for they are very po- lite. But we don’t want to be a “THE DUNES” ried. When we fisher folks have to|} Queen Charlotte Islands work so hard for the dollars we|} Last sailing of Prince John earn we want to make them reach Aug. 19th to receive benefit of as far as we « $1.50 a day rate The cry nowadays is “Bagk to the Qn Sept. ist rates will be land.” At the vrice the government raised to previous rates of | puts on the certain piece of land you $17.50 per week | thin Kk you ke you buy your bit of Write or eee j lax id and spend the best years of MADAME i | you ! + Lif viz arve a home out of the micht rest, Then if sick- ness come 1 hospital and doctor jbills take tl most of your earn- Hotel Central jings, for seve: | years in succession Covenient to business district, homelike, beautiful harbor views. Rates reasonable. Spacious sample reoms, FIRST CLASS CAFE Open at All Hours Hotel Central Ltd. Pirst Avenue & Seventh street | will have to give the land away free| -=«- or free from taxes for a few years, a iunyway. It’s true we pay nothing) . for our fuel only hard work and we Hotel Arrivals raise garden stuff and berries by) Central. Hotel some more hard ;who come out to visit the also wonder lonesome Mr. Editor, Sunday, Thursday and Friday, I am yours truly, bi 11 p.m. A FISHERMAN’S WIFE,| Monday, Wednesday and Satur- Phene—Mock S83 Oona River. I ecicatehsachsactllbdacaianelegiagd «4 130 pan. os work, and folks the islands examination. Having been! ndved anc Forty-eight (4948), known! ack us if the government gave us land free. Oh yeah! And they how we put in the Hundred and Fifty (4950), | time out here to keep from being I think we could teach | T. Anderson, C.N.R.; C. E. Bled- soe, Vancouver; M. Shubolt, On- tario; Mrs, R,. Baragon, Niagara Falls Mail Schedule a STAR WELDING & REPAIR WORKS } H, B. Stiles, Proprietor |#hone 313 Cow Bay P.O. Box 764 The AUCTIONEER Packing — Crating — Wrapping and Genera! Furniture Repairs List your goods ‘with me GEO. J. PAWES—Phone Black 120 AUCTIONEER List your goods with us—Prince Rupert's leading Auctioneer. G. M. HUNT Sra Ave. Phone Red 637 Pianos For Rent $4 Per Month and Up Pianos Tuned, $3 WALKER’S MUSIC STORE Miss D. Hogan TEACHER OF MUSIC *