n.Mfr Mrrws Pago 2 mic The Daily News FREE OF TEKRIBLE ;I-OfTO0N PAPERS PyJfm pmb ...UM!lim.!ll..!!....ll! COLUMBIA PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH . Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News KIDNEY TROUBLE iWUMLl f MUK Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. ALLIED ACTION II. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. After Thr Y" 'Suffn'?'.. "FRUIT-A'TlVtS" Brought Relief Daily News Opposes, but Times .. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: and Post Rejoice at Welding i City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month fl.OO' of Entenl Hud i ner f -. . . '. .. I .. ! J II. . It.ll.J UI.Ih. ' iiy man in an pans ni me uriiisu r.mpire aim me uuiicu umirc, LONDON. Manli I.' M.-l of in advance, per year $8.00. 'fir newspaper- approve I lie nllicdi SMOKING To all olher countries, in advance, per year ............ $7.00. dcrMon to p.-nulue Ueriiiany for TOBACCO rcrnslup to nr-ede to Hie plan for TELEPHONE 88. irrparatir.ns. The exception un After ycare of domination 'die tail.v News, which complained ! Transient, Display Advertising $1.25 per Inch each insertion jt.toyd Oanrii'' tin! "brushftl nide! Still Canada's preference. Transient advertising on front page . . $2.00 per inch. I solid German olfrr fimktnp for u Ira. Local Headers, per insertion 25c. per line. "lir.-.eoful soiulKm of (lie eitna-ition." Classified advertising, per insertion, . , 2c. per word, 9 '(at Legal Notices, each insertion ...., IBc. per agate line, j Mr. Lloyil tieortre," the ricw- Contract Rates on, Ai'rfiC&tion, MAOAMC HORMIDAS FOjST paper ronliliuos, "entnpjelely rap-iiulatcil All advertising should be in the Daily News Oltlce on day preceding (tf France. Tim allleil publication. All advertising received subject to approval. CM Chimplaia St., Montreal. decision wits a triumph of the rrench policy of roenire, and nil "For three years, I u 111 and eilia ustetl aaJ I suffered constantly I do sinister implication.!, II run-tains." DAILY EDITION. Saturday. March I?. 1931. from AW7 TrouUe and Littr ftueoM. My health was miserable and No Justification nothing In the way of medicine did The newspaper awned llm) Creative me any fix.!. Then I started to us there wa no legal and ruiii Thought. Frult-a-tires' and the effect was moral JuMillrat jmi for the lp jr-3::(iiiiin;iiinitiiiiiiiiii Pvery thought miles il i trivial parries with it an associated remarkable. projected Iiy itie entente and uked feeling. When a great thought has revolving round it n glowing I began to Improre Immediately why the 'allies con b! m( have (million there is produced a powerful motive. ;, When the will and AH wnItrfutfruU medicint rntirrlj wailed a forrnijiht' longer for the' ' .siAfSuatn -ur; m r i" luan 111 t wi i ... mtored m ta htaltk. AU the old pains, result of the l pper Mleian releases this powerful motive in ft ilelliilte choice there results and MAIL. SCHEDULI Ihree etieM headaches, Indigestion con plebisritiv'i II ay energetic action whirh produces Vonielhing wllreh iicvcr rxSsliil alipation vers retiered and one more an ?ilmo( inevitable Germany i before. This is wh'n'l' is meant by ereali!e,jthouhL I was well. wilt lose (l0 ptebisette. whirh will Foe lh Cast. FOR BREAK F ASTI In mechanics creative thought jVodiu'es h(;((i(iirfnventions. To all who suffer from Indigestion, l ill fiirltier reduro her paying Mondays. Wednesdays ana Sal Constipation, Itheumatie Pains' or cciarjty; (lie uidemnily will be- urdays at 10:13 a.m. in art il produces beautiful picture;,' and in morals it produces jreat rattgoe, I adriM th tue of mine worlble n ail eeonotiiie From tn Kaat. i Rupert Brand noble lives. I 'Fruit-a-tires'." reality, and Marshal F-h' army Sundays, Tuesdays and Tburs.j The scientific way of transforming character is by the renewing Madame HORMIDAS FOISV. will Unit a "convenient teeaion lo 'days at 7:13 p.m. ! of the mind. Modern psychology has established beyond; 50c.a box,6 for 12.30, trial sit 2.V. take over a asl Industrial region dispute this law of the human mind. The life follows the thought. At all dealer or sent postpaid by which France tins long coveled. ! Foe Vancouver and South. KIPPERS his it Fruit-a-ties Limited, OlUsa, Oat. rbe ultimate euetiiieo of Tuesday 7 p. tf 1.1 If a man thinks impure thoughts and holds these in mind, this reckleis adenlurr,' the.Thursdays II p. in.' is only question of lime and opjtortunity before he becomes a, newspaper went on. "may ie only, Xarrh ts. 23 ami April S j and Delicious A Nourishing Breckfca Food unclean in his life. , SAILS gue.sel, bill Marshal Foeh's ml-1 From Vincouitr tna touih, If a man thinks kind thoughts, noble thoughts, good thoughts anee may soon proe a utarrh to Sunday 8 p. m. ond hold.these iu his miin, he will unconsciously grow like his AWNINGS perdition." ednesdayi . . . . iu:su a. IU.: Tfl rnflV P,acc fry'ng pan wiihil-Jti thoughts kind and noble and good. Wants Activity Limited Mareh ?, 1 8 and.r 28 iu uuuii. nnd cook lor len nanata TENTS Sonif niitii ings were ex. New Thoughts pressed by the Daily Kprc Foe Anyoi and Atlee Arm. Sold by nil Restnurnms, Retail Groeen & Ba&l New Life. J. F. MAGUIRE wtncn urged ihat (ireal lirfimn Sundays 10 p.iu Instead of the old thought of selfish regard which,jia.been limit its partlripalion in uiililnry Wrdnesdays p in, SMOKED DAILY BY 712 Seond Ate.. Prinew Rupert activities (o the niininiiini. From Anyoa and Allc Arm. dominating his if in (he pal let him put into his rniinj. tlie new Agent for "If ibis'is the beginning of a Tuesdays ajn, Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co, lil 'thought of brotherly love as Taught by Christ and inspired by C H- JONES & SON, Ltd. lengthy campaign requiring- wide- "hursdays p.m. 40 yean' experience as makers Prince Kup af His Spirit. spread preptiratioiis ami the crea- Instead of the old 'thought of fear and terror which-plays lion of a great general stafr." ihe For Port Simpson. Arrandale, Mill such havoc with .the soul, let him put into his mind the new newnoaper deelarel. "II will he Bay, Wale Island and Haas nivr. PIoeh Hrilih taxpayers can- 19 of trust and Instead of old of Sundays p.m. thought hope. Jhe thought envy, PRINCE RUPERT TIDES not support another From expensive Pi. Simpson. Arrandal. Mill haired, and malice, which will poison any.jlisposilion, let him put rnlure." Bay. Wales Island and Naas RIr. into his mind the new thought of kindness nd'goodwill as taught Sunday, March 13. Th" Loudon Times and the Tuesdays ajri. by Christ and inspired by His Spirit. Instead of the old thought llijib. 3:Sl'n. in.. 20.5 feet. Morning .Pol rejoiced lhal the of enervating depression Jud fancied disease let. him put into his 13:57 p. in.. 18." feet. Miliferenre had ppMlucet a "webll Queen Citarlotta Island: Low. V:tl a.in.. 1.7 feel. Ina or the enlrilte. Ttie Time For mind ilie new thought of invigorating cheerfulness and vitalizing 21:18 fl.3 feet. PACIFIC p. iru. said Ihe (ieriuai) counlec-roHis. March I I nnd 28 GRAND TRUNK RAILfll faith in Cod. Monday, March 14. als had beiii reJeVteil because they I'rom-- taiiini It js by these and such like new,thoughts thai a man's mind High. 4 a. m.. ift.-J feet. were not honest, and that I lie! Mureli 3. 17 and .11 b.b. fKlrJtfc. UtUKUt.' Midnight Tliurstlay to' Kwao- is renewed and his character i transformed. ShJaul says: "lie 10:15 p. in.. 17.7 feet. allies, hv oceupying Herman! W ver. VidoiiB and HjhiHIc Low. 10:30 a. in.. 5 feet. I nuns, "would have their hands, For ye transformed by the rejiewiug of your mind." ' BHaaway and th Yukon. S. 3. FRtNCC ALBERT 22:29 p. in 7.2 feet. on tho taps through which a large Marrh 7. In ami 2h " M;i-n It The time used is ractOc Standard, For Port i:einens. Psychological Law f J amount of r.orm.m wealth passes, Fronv 8kaowa md Yukon. I'Imi!(! I Always Works. ft for the 120th -Meridian west. and they will know how to rejrnlale ' MflWirilt, 23 and April 2 nihil ii IJiiccii It Is counted from 0 to 2t hours Ihe flmv ! March 17 Mi. 'Iliis psychological law is.nv ('onstanUaudLas rertaiu In us .mala, arnuirr from midnight to midnight. The Ilaily Mail ftMefted thel,Uwrt at n" Swamp tla..i.r MnnrfL Umtnllllai and 8atur4f St 11 1 1 operation as is the law of gravitation. V'l'v life follov The table given is for Port Point. llnal speech by Dr. Walter Simons,' LirSmither. Hieie..rfe. 1 .1.. '"ial thought., The meaning of the fireek wonllrpr, repentance is a Simpson but the time for Prince heml of- the Merman itelemlinri.. ., iH)ll ing Oireci riinnri i.i.na ht .. . change of mind. This is something far mor.e"vital Ihan a mere ttupert varies only a few minutes ,iiiiu.iriii aim riii ni, mi Murch .1. 17 and .11 Agency All Ocean Stearruhip Unti sentimental feeling. What we think we become. Thought is on some days and on pothers Is inai every eenience was an ai- ; FltOM- tnt tarmnaOM ir r- 'tf' " the same. The range of the tide front. March I, 18 and April I t dm. ti., b.. tM TV.a Sitsaa. esaa tn- creative. Change the mind, ami you chnuge the man. may be computed as 5 per cent Kven the Labnrite Herald, while Ir Advertise in Hie I qil v New F. II. VRUXBT. j greater at Prince Rupert than at il called the penalties a sheer Archbishop of Caledonia. Port Simpson bo til at springs and cnlnssiil folly," said )r. Siiimns' WATFIt SWIM' neaps. Therefore the rise in the speech was "a model of taetless- nivtanox a.mi Prince Ilupert harbor is slightly nesH and inaptitude." The news, 7IK MITICi: Uui"Tn W. Y .XM irier greater than Port Simpson. paper consoled Itself. lioweveA by Burr Co.. lit. tanr irM i. s mil RUD The height Is tn feet and tenths Me amm, vu-iuria, a. i: wi arr'r u CANADIAN PACIFIC asserting: "From a revolutionary S licence Ut lafce.aawt asm imu r t.Ki j mtrn Dr.JOS. MAGUIRE of feet above the average level of viewpoint, the penalties will be all &2Z . ..,m acta iimon lower low water. for good, us the end lliul e a'C"?1 ,rJ ,s .mil's rmm siewart. Steamship ern B.C. Coast T irrash from which revolution will; " waier ui tm dftrft tram in DENTIST. LAM) ACT. i.irra.o ai a mm amMii k mile rrwa arUe." ni'iuin fr airram awt m k uil fur it. , A Hxlrial. ammill ami manias ixirpov upun 8. 3. PKINCtSS WRY TI K or IMTMTIO.I TO . . TO Ihe land PLX- ailjnlnnis. ilrarrilied aa T L A. rnvs r -s rrtu:iiASE uaso. SMALLPOX INCREASE )il7. The aw-liaasl UI rtereia n. Foe Ketchikan, Juneau, Skagway Alaska, Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Block imwara as a i:lat ' afMiiirani aiMi ina tn Prince lluwrt ijnd Dmriri. Hecont. . . . nnn.iniin;)!)! Irnii.ri Rupart ins tililrlri nf nanrc S. and ilinde AI KKK I A rKIIVINI r tw auiye .. t-,, r,t ( " Lady Assistant Open Evenings u il i.uiui ijrins hit in imrin ma. or .IAaVWtlA W f WW lffl ! in (II) UT f March 7, 18. 28; April . 1. Office Hours: uprner lnUrul. r oh iiftiif and an ancilvaiiiw. tuirauam HjcI Sunday by Takr imucn that r. Jiillni Il1iiw1, or III and Ssattl frcm Mum Phone 575 9-12; 1.6; 7-9. Appointment Prliicj. HbfTI. B.,C. ii-urallMi rarpenW.'Report Of Medical Health Officer fce nii d in Uw oaife Um Wa'ler Mr'rlrr For Vncouvr, VUlorla intnul to apply or prraiiion to purrbaas Show 536 Cases for Year at enitce lunirri. a. i;. . ) W.rch 12, 23; April 2, 12. 2- in, iniiiiniiia M-nijMi taimv: Obleclkma In llwi IMillnlun mv Cunimritrin at a ki pianint on an ' Inled wilh Hie ai1 water Mertwdrr or Mh inland aiut I.too rel nnnwratrly lcin Accordinir to ttie report of the jine 4npinHiir or water aitttia. parna- ' l.iil Han i, i;wt piairui. Inrwa "' I 117, .i a,.,.in. n. UMU. Viru.ru. i. 1... wmnn around Ihe lilaiul In Itte point of nan. iMiniiii iai iiiriii. ni nrn,, iiiirij aava anr ine nrat appraraifre r nienrrinrnl. and ronlaiiuna 14 arrra, more lie l.nl.llnu' n i,Fiinlml In I lir. I ""r" l"cl npair. G. H. Arnold Public or lea. JIIJI'S IMPLA-in. legislature.. '. Iy"llotl. I.. "It. Mileliell,. : 1.eppuram The prinion nwleriasing for IU si ainroval a cia.a i.' ap Cor 3rd Avnu and 41 h Streat r. r vnoar.a - Notary baled Marra Ira,J tt. a.iaister of heallh. Ih" humber of VXS?,T"1 'SvmZ tLT LAND......ACT. eases of Influena in the province Z ,,,ro;,r FOR SALE. in 1020 was reduced to less than ':'nitir.wirr or or itie Water nerorrW. . Hotka at Inlaollen ta Apply ta I rrtnre lluiierl, II. 1:. 1 1 ; Fine 7-rooined houe on b 38-foot lot, furnace heat. On Purchaaa Land, 3,000 from 7,000 the year pre-: iiik w. v. Mn.AnfFH niaa co ltd . Fifth Avenue, Section fl. $6,800.00. Terms to be arranged. vloiin, mv 1 11U ii.iiu"'..'ii.t BssaaaasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH A nice bunpalow on Filth Avenue. Section fi, with one lot. In Satan Land Diairlel,. arrordins pu Stiiallpot. however J showed Tlw ll or the tlrai pntiliraiion of this trid or Cnaxt, Hanr and auual al Head 1 rooms and bath $2,200.00 on ternis. of I'nlon Bar. sdjolnlnr lot lt. 1111111; nitnin 111 ui-in II..H..117 00 111 II.. 'iil 1 l ( ' HEALTH REP An excellent dwelling site on Dunsirmir Street between lth Taa nojire mat tforman R. Brodniim, of its rnlerr.he nnd there4 were 53fi WONDER and 5th Avenue, firnfl Hill. SOxSn .inn.- .fulfil, uriuiKin inaBirr man. on $1,000.00. case an compareil Willi 101 iie - r mrr. Iniendi to apply tor permiiilon to H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. piirrtiaiie Ihe follow Ins dearribed landf: year previous. Ken Insurance Bonds Rentals Cuninirnrlnf ai a poat planted nn the Diphtheria was 00H compared Suitcases o The World's Greatest Herb aouth line or lot tvt. imW rait 10 rhaini: with 171 the year previous. ttber-ci.Iomx, Ihenre south to (Mint; Ibcnre mail to ... t T rhaina la ahore: inrnre along mere to pon eoinparetl with f Trunks Contains nothing but herbs; and remaining forty irres, more or leaa. reported Ihe year previous, ly-i .IUHMAI H. HHOOIIL'HHT. phold fever 2H5 compared with ! No Alcohol; No Drugs. THE CANADIAN $1.00 baled January f. Ittt. 187 the year previous, ineale; It It pays paya to to chops(ret a good it her Trunk Unequalled for the .treat LAND ACT. 1,995 to 313 in 1919, whoopjnjr Rheumatism, of ITS PURCHASING POWER In Europe never was hgh roush 701 Compared wllh 183 the F. M. Crosby ment Asthma, hesllhtnsn eor.- tj- Large financial houses are takinp advantage and CASSIAR LAMJ FORM OISTHICT OF NOTICE.KISTRICT OF year nrevimja, chiekenpox 108 716 Third Avenue, Prlnc Rupert Stomach Troubles, Kid- Sim: ti,:,lr'.15linrf CASbltH. compared with 303 the year pre na smrtlilta ?Amnti1 rnturnofw"! buying up foreign securities to reap"the benefit of rising aon. or Trlagrapli CrraS, U. C, ocrupanon VioUS, lllUinpH went lip 10 570 from exchange. As an investment we recommend the purchase ImUan Atanl. tnl'nda lo apply lor tenuis- fl 11 Troubles, Piles, Skin kion in lu Oij rolloin tlrarrlheif landai Hn rflr IieiOP:. of French Govt. 5 per cent. Bonds at 886.00 per Commenring ai a poat planted 400 yarda Infant Ifl paralysis dd not plve MUSIC FOR DANCES. Diseases, etc. I f'Xr. 1SM Dorthfal more or lra nnrinweat or me ", 1..j 1000 francs, par of exchange being $193.30, interest payable rnrnr or ihe Telaaranh CrraK townilie.'a return nl nil last year. Compared In Liquid or Capsule rorm. marked Initial Pom Ihrnce norIB 40 rnalnai uu in lh.. nnd' ARTHUR'S aitai. quarterly. Call; for l1" " ear previous, or phone, particulars. Ihenre rant 40 ehalna; Ihenre aontn 40 rt'ina; thimr ei 40 mama to ina encephalitis reltered Prince Rupert Sale the r,r ,inmanrrmnt. and rsniainiaa' ISO icrtai'r",a,e" For by THOS. McCLYMONT mitre er laa. II compared ryllb 12 the year, Phone 481 I'hon 481 weaair.n bcott BiMcawia, ' Data, DeerinDtr 1(10, lltO.I before.