II ttrai I ZZ q BRINGING UP FATHER ,TcEconcmy , , t in n : "in ' 1 -II . . . I U 7 ' II I I 1 111 v. I nuuun n - II -- .-.. .1111 ' I VK.- Gg&Sk CWv H" THC MATTER? U-'TCXN; 1 ' ' k jj "F YOU tend us your last yeari kirt or dress and hare it returned lookingIke new-isn't that true economy? Cleaning Frequent and Pressing Dry r 11 lr -4 will prolong the life n W W- - - ...i ...... w : ASSEMBLY DANCE WAS of yonr clothing and The Man in tbe Moon HELD LAST EVENING! keep it fresh and new. SAYSt BUSINESS DIRECTORY Proved Very Enjoyable Affair and COA May we help you Seventy-Five Couples WHF.X there i all sorts of These ore Good Places to Mnloq Your Purchases when Ycu go out to buy economize ? fbout Attended. walerpower going to waste in this norm rnuiir), n is uiiiuiiii hi seiMjj Canadian There were about 75 couples why people should want whiskey EDSONHBEBJ present last niplit nt the first of j or heer. akhatkp wvrrcns FrUMTI'lli: AMI nHNKHAL KAUMlHIKS Sacked Steam Laundry m (land's in tie jnven hy tlio MKIICIIWIIISH Bulk THIS is thv time of Prince .Rupert Assemblies which year when BCAVtR BOTTLIMO WOHIt CAKAOIA"! ITtAM LAtfflDNT to Phone 8 was held in (ho St. Andrew's hall. everybody 1 thinking About' gelling T rrar .r-i -- riKin tit WILfMIO OftTTONCor. Tklrd tod Tth. rhnne I. far CVtMst ui4 Trewlsr tnL hark to the land. Hurrah fr Ptxxi Oreen III. rr teraiht luM rural. STEAM M dance The wan informal and wns Ur. ;TorraeeJ n,mi:ii SllfU paixtkiis ami nw:oiKvroits . thoroughly enjoyed by all. Theee .o.d.1 cirt m lances are to be held al Irregular KVKiivnvi! want lit see the yokum BARerit tMoe rniMTi'iiK ruto CADOln mienais at times vvnen mere arc.cily Inro tM.HUtfu Then why i.tj PrUr - Jlh JJl tru Ave. mint. rcmu sitm inn rrer Oree lt fcsn irw iimrr uauccs on. .1 icaiure noj induce the ekinnv eirls to! TalM ; - Mmiw Oreea 411. NANAIUO . WtUaJ v mi mat tiie invitations will he wear dre.es hiplier a ihc neck.j HAKKItS PAINTS AM) Oil sliiftlv ndltered to and none will' COtl The Home be admitted who dottot have theiii . M'AT.Il Blve adire to a marriiil 1 la came aimr l-KKP 8TOIIR.S TMl A. W. IDflf CO. Ind Ave. rhlrd at the door. man. lie has. to lake it when he Avenue Hxtf II hv. eniNCi Mwrcirr rito co. Nlt. OltU M WtMtr. i The intHie lat nijrhl wa pro-Sird Is at home. leeaueo. w. 11 Alt tixl 7ik hy How rd While' Orche.' CHINA CUOCKKHY. VOTIOXS PAINTKIIS ANI tlKCOllA'nms Albert S m Paint will add years to the lira ennKisling of HoWnrd While.; T1IH dresses are shorteninfr In HSII MKlH:il.NTM. ItrrTAlI. TKf OtNNT AU.IN CO. ILL a CMOtlCTT Until life of your horre. and our !d.-mn.: Mis firnn- Ourtin, piano; such an' extent that .It Is feared Thlnl A venae, oppoxts Post OlDec. I ASTMUR new wallpapers wou'd make H7I11TI Arthur. Jr... violin, and II. some of Ihe ladies will get knee, ! rhim sve. rbooe n MAIVirr m. r o. doi m! PU Phcni11l,W MHIStl the interior more comfortable 1.. I'eytnn. rornei. iiatering- wan inonia. CLrLVMNf. A Nil PHK-SSINO and attractive. in the hand of the St. llrpis eafe OKXHItM. MF.IU:ilAXlUSK BTIfM a lOXOWIll. pm a. and refreshments of a hich order PKOPI.i: who watrh the modern;tokto DYt woms rrit wa rr SILVERSIDES were serve.!. A. K. llazzetl-Jnnea waj or danrinR Ihe fox Irol are'rtum no - ptwiae m WISO CMII TUCM CO. n:.vT.Ms 711 an4 Itm.i rM IImI was master of epremoniex and f " wondeinjr where Ihe Irol conies' - The U BROS. J. Winsby was on the door. niem GFKS (iMOCKIUKS r. W. MART flWM SUlk III. 2nd Street L'MllllliyM V III If 1 W j A .VETKriAX afler THt aesTOi omu linzits esuic auecar aaoccRT allendinR a. SIOX PAINTIXU A. K. Haiiett-Jone?. S. V.. Parker.J hall said rho 47 iod puce to ei ! Cer. ! lo4 raitoa Thou II jcharity 11 reminded him Task Paints Wallpapers Dmml.m utherlaml. I' tl. Tahruml - . of of tho rharite of Ihe Light llrica.le v fit a COitTT pviMt ATT. Varnishes Kalsomine ana j. insny. annon to the ,riKhl o flheni. , THt CLITC CATC j IIAMIAVAIIB .SeeniM Ave. BltrrM iwsl foe l!e mnrT, il-'T nnnnn In (he riRht of I bent. atMULTV - tu4 Ave. vTVr. Glass, etc. HEMMINGS BEAT DAVIE jnon in front of I hem, and nulher I HilkJlerr. pslnn and rubermea tup. CIIIAHS ANU TOHAIICO PU. evIMsf hv Sheet SleUl That's tiW :ti Wiosor t KtwUn's Art Scpplits billiards ust NiGHT!::eS,rr.ro:r-1',a' aowrs BlwpvJ Ave raoee III to jrie csr Pictures ad Picture Framing VOLAKAVA- m TUri Ave. WMI. iMpoiiTKiotoa:niF.s Phone 22 P.O. Box 120 Tournament Between St. Andrew' I.O.NIOX Opinion sucse!,. Mini ALDtlTTA MEAT ttARKKT rtm a i.onowill rM s. For dc i t: i and War Veterans Close and Ihe prim of xoap may have U-en imirr.uisTs firm aitcet elwoe in sta: . c - KtfM Alters Standing tut Levered up. T A I NO M S- L A 1 1 1 A fiKXTrt fvi .g-taste lT)L I.AI'.Vi;ilH FOR IIIHF. . j W. i. McCUTCMCON Utile. Cakci. t - -Cl A prisoner on -being asked If he Seroikl Avenue u4 mm Street "HAsarrsoNO- rtt iim! SOO. T. LIS - OjA.l THmI one "Hr fin Urrevi drug bmie la .lortiiers . C tbe IIM.90 ML iiwi o.M)Mif tea and c .r Tad In .he final game of tin- Mllird;,,ad "- Ihej EOSON COAL CO. .iirnament in Ihe Trail Shield I' .' r rie.s helween the St. Andrew's took Ihn last dollar so he wsis'H- S n iely and the CSat Wan Vet- helpless. have received during tbe lat' jl:il.'-r Mis. (nui.V. J.was llemoiinrs.sueeessful of in de.!b Till", new hook "Itolshevisin al ! ' Daily News Classified Ads. 5. Regis Ci Work" three week is evidently a work of fir. U-alinr n. Iiavie, St. Andrew's, hy Tted fact in. a reviewer. ;i M-iire nr 20(1 p tS whieh makes says S CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Lese. than ROe 100 Coal Ihe Idals for the tournament ANNUAljlHTOOF cars 'n?n to KU.1 in favor of the St. WANTED. r'lill SALP tw h.p. slalionary ton ftcwT i Andrew's. The game was played NtfM rf w Jj LOCAL TENNIS CLUB cntine guml rendition, hiir-gitin: V " from Vfacleod River mine, owned ji.t Ihe Trail i:iuh. The result of WANTF.H Sr cond.hand fornl-, also 12-15 h.p. station, TO llM I urn i d suite, two by Prince RoperC citizens. jtiir tournament niters Ihe slainL ture. If yon have anything to ; ary. alino: new. Hot ICH, or three rviotiis. r1. I.olil. (hiiii Dy Pho We have tbe exclusive rfeat to 'int: of both rluhs very slightly. Enthusiastic Meeting Augurs well sell call lied 243. We pay cash. News liniee. CI - Phono lint VI. , M STEEN 8 LO.iG handle thii coal in Prince Rupert, for Renewed Interest This j r . vru9U7, in iiiru aiuiuc j Don't be misled by other coal Season In Net Game. West. tfH MW llange, healer, iron LOST Sheet Metal dealer who ose or firm name Ten Years anu iu- Ago I oeu, spring insure, LOST Indies gold watrb. rmno-rnrwi Ar t r if jrrj to advertise their coal. i'Kiiii:xn:i fihkma.n wants oonrd, dresser ami lame. Cheap. In Prince Kupert There was a irrmd sized and -J.M.W." on back. Return If you want a real good screen-el j i a job. Jto a sport Kiv a re Til Firth Avenue Wesl. I'hone Sanitary and J enthusiastic attendance nt Ihej 11 to American Consulate, tf tleatinl coal, call op annual gene-al meeting of the! turned man a chance. Apply box lllue 0J.. . 00 March 12. 1911 IS? News office. f0 sih a'riarj Fmel I Prince Rupert Tennis Club held , ACCOUNTANTS , Phone 58 FOU KALl-Fourlecn-foot The i city iiinril has sent for sklir.l ITl.iee 1. in the office of W. O. Kullon. Ihe H.M.i:.sC Itainhow and failing thej i;unr.r.r.r,i-r.ii ir.i .ippiyi t n centreboard. Strongly KXPFRIKNCKI) AC(M)UXTAXT Prince Rupert Feed Co. thai a d'Ui lirnenl of militia to sefrelary-treaiurer, yeslerday af-! Mrs. FelherstonhatiKh, Second; built. 23.00. Apply box IftJ would lake charge of set ot ternoon. Plan.i advanced pioteel ihe lives and property of were for Mreet. W Dully NVw Olllfe. If jHks. whole or part lime. Corm-r 2nd Ave. and 7tb St. u good reason and various sup. ihe eitiens apainft violence at the W. K. WHIUrrofl. Phone!; plies were ordered to be V A.Mi:i--.lrl In nsslhl willi. in KALI! Wee MacOregor saw, pur- &m hands of Ihe strikers. The 31aek 259. tf: SMITH chased .The Acropolis 1 1 ill court s h.nixework afternoon. Phone' , tnt 7 n, naw Jn p(M,,j worfceiv l H'i'ial esfon have Ifui-dged yr'M soi'in le . :l in i-hape and Ihen 29- .. condilion. Apply Nu. 2 Ulnlori SHORTHAND TYPEWRITINQ themselves to conduct the will for Ihe llooms 1521 players appear evenings. jil'i- -drike wilhotit dinorder even WAXTi:i Olrl lo assist In bouse jl'itman Stenographic School Terrace Fruit Lands I i r (he council Pring Ihe military first The time filovvinjr Hits season.ollkers for. I he keeping- sleep out. Phone 308. FOrt SALIV-Tch slmres Seal Covo I K..vnoiiiK 1. classes,1 . . .muiiusj,.I. 1 h iu. I into Ihe cily. They w ill not be year were elected: JV C, Marine Ways, Apply W, J. nesday and Friday. 7:30 to 9 UttUlsUl '-tampeded ino arts of violence. Tliornai. box 165 News office. o'clock. Individual Instructhm. 22 Acres, ljnile from Terrace President. C.'.T. Heward; vice, BOARD AND ROOMS Addre... M and only 500 yds. from j Mrs. Dr. Hall enterlained at president, A. H. Wakefleld: secretary-treasurer, FOR SALK Trolllnu oulfll I h. Vo. fo Smith Mock. tf etr.aui ft J school. 5 acres cleared and 'Five Hundred yesterday. Thnse V. O. Fulton; ex-eciitive HOAIIO AMI IIOOM SLlTAHLi: p. engine. First 125 lakes Jt, HAIR ORESSINO. 0f fenced containing 75 bearing ipreseut were: Mr. Partington, committee, W. H. Tobey, for one ur two. I'hone lilack Apply P.O. box 217. tf! fruit trees. A Spring Mi. Hilditeh. Mrs. Heilbroner, Miss Phyllis Jenns and P. J. Me-fk-Vmott. 217. 60 PAIR DRFJ'SIXO. SP1XIAL SCALP creek running across the iilis. MrMordie, Mrs. I.alley, Mrs. Second.hand furnfture bought and i treatmenl. Marcel waving. Face property. Good log house, Hunicr, Mr. Law, Mrs. I), Mc-l.-id. It was decided to bold the an. sold. P. LeClalre. Phone Orecni massage. Hair dyeing. Ladies'i 5 rooms, and good log barn. Mr, p. Mrllae, Mrs. J, nual cluh ball on April I V FOU 8ALF tlxl.OM, halibut lial, "I. tf combings made Into switches.' Hotel Price $2200 cash for quick M.-llac, Mrs. Xeher, Miss Mebiu, fully equipped Frisro Slnnrtard FOR -BALK. Monarrh ranj-o. Charles LeClsrcj. 233 Sitth, sale. M sv Mat-on. Mies Keeey, Mrs. II, MORE SUNSHINE AT Fjipim; , Phone lllue 317. At S(rel. 'Phone Hlue 78 for hoine i . McMordie and Mm. Morrison. .ICiO work boat 2H It.p. Iieavyl FARMS FOR SALE npiontmenl. 1 1 j i NORTH POLE 110 pir THAN KENNEY BROS. & CO. . The fl fa I hirUi in Ihe ne- gen. duly; DANCES i i :il hospital occurred today when 31xH work boat or Iroller 5 h.p. R. P. n. FARM LAN DH The rich FlolTjr1 Real Estate and Insurance ;:i son. Joseph, was horn lo Mr. AT THE EQUATOR Yale; prairies of Alberta, Saskatchewan I'VFRV SATI RIY KVFXINO, 0 2H til runabout 20 b.p 15 llll 12- Itanee in Mrlnlyre Hall. Terrace, B.C. nd Mi- I. W. Peolt. in the and Manitoba are especial. ."atonic Ward. TOno.NTO, March J2. "Tlir? rntle; Iy-sui(ed for mixed farming. Admission: Gentlemen, 50r; ''..in 1 ' 1 '' . i - - . j t.nn shines longer on the North liunahout 20'miles, 30 h. p.; 1 Land that will produce blfr LadiPr.. 25c. 1 . tf pole ihan any other place In the 15 fl. row boat, 2 h.p. Inboard crops rtf grain and fodder, and eeeeeaea ss world,' stated Horace L. Seymour, enKlno; 1 welt adapted for dairying or MOTOR BOAT WILL m.T. "Sg TOM LEE CO. Mum too much bile lift town planning engineer, wbo do. IulI 2!9, rfsdy for engine; livestock raising can still be SOON BE NEEDED l(Terej Iceluro here, 25 h.p. J.ryclc enKine; ! had at prices 810 Second Avenu, West in the blood by ( dertnd a reconlly. averaging about liver. v Frwn tltrures kindly fornlhd 6ft h.p. t.cycl'i engine; 118.00 Dr. cnne s r.ianej tiver an acre, wltb twenty', Those who hove motor MA VEGETABLES Pill tat the liver rirht and by Mr. Connor of I be. Meteorologt-i.'u 7 h.p. Guarantee engine; years to pay If you wish. Only1. bonis for rale should advertise oilier (he speaker said hn was 4 h.p. Adams engine. 10 per cent down. No further' Wholesals and Retail One dose. rjm soon us (he pill a ppir. M, SI. 8TF.PIIK.VS. I able In state that the North Polo payment on tbe principal until tic. box, ll dollars. season I coming when i Henecal Contractors and ( enjoyed about a week's more sun-khlao FOn SAI.K-.F.nklUh boby-btigny. the end of tbe fourth year; then they will be In demand. A Labor Exchange than lbs equator, and tbat sixteen annus! Interest : GEORGE Dr.Chas food os now, 25.00. Apply 320 payments. few dollars spent In advertising in lb Utltudo of Torpnto U was Fifth Avenue Vft; 61 6 pev cent. a boat usually Prfnec Rupert, BC. thirty Wrlle to H. 0. rjridneyifi pcisilbjeie trcvc pm or Lougbran, Land brin If (h wits, priee Phone 547 P.O. Box 725 forty morf hrnirs of sunshine out nARDCX MAKURP'fnr sale. Apply Aent, C. P. R. Ktstlon, Vancouver. is right.r W&.rl eeeeeeeeee T He ef the year Ih'tn at (he rqunlor. Prjnco Rupert Dairy. ol