UtUUtln Llbrir WAH J j 192 r. . 1 on FOR : TAXI f 1UB V Ae- i Phon 35 i PI. A- Hale iiCy v ---- PRINCE RUPERT ROYAL Taxi SERVICE n i. i Northern British ' Ernie Large j fljerfun and Central Columbia's Newspaper PIUNCE ill PENT. II. C, HATUIIOAY. MAIICII 12, 1021. VMUrtfar't ClPCDlttUn It 2. . Strati Sal. 3S3. PRICE FIVE GKNTM a 4 m .1 W Te ussia Again oeethes With Kevo xmrAaTD I T7IM1T 1Y7 1 17 nTVTt -Tal-I aTI TUT m 1HY 1 TYX Iff I 1TT7 lffTTITrnn mtTttv 0T1A1IUW5 UNIM WAY ffcAlb IJN IKfcLAMJ; WLANi mUKlitK ifiilK THIS iS HOW THEY MEASURE Cl OUDS VEl OCT I Y. ssian Revolution U.S. RAILWAYS ffWMfffflffJcFeWjBpffflffi BRBSVrQffajjffi iegctialfcns Urclcr Way C J I? ! TRY TO SECURE For Peace With IrelarcJ; t - rV O .Talari 17 Many Crimes Committed Condition Cause Peasants to Re-; iJlHUN, M.in h 12. It ii stated on ex.'eileul iiutliorily th-it Effort lo "Ktep Out of Bankruptcy ' iiewcil 4'fforU nre bejiiy made to bring ieae with lrel.iml and Bolsheviks at Moscow Desert I and Reduce Rates" lip cpffiitialioiix ate well advanced. The Government insists that Qolng On. ender lie llrl lep in any consideration of a settlement i cessation of for Enem;'; Sur of dllCAOO, Manti I Virtually .ie ntliieks by the republican army. Petrograd Demanded oil Ihe lame railway of the t'nilei) ! I.ONDO.N, Abin h 12. Lloyd George told the lniis of (iim-j ISItttpo hp- Inking lep to brhu noiiiH yesterday that he hail received a request to (MHlMne the ,. VI. .!...Ia. t V rjt r, I..5, n . lahotit a reduction of Hie.....Ar-Hm j .ieniug of Uie soiillieru Irish Parliament and will consider it. LUIf. Iiiaivii ' iflBUr Fill If III." UIIKIIn v ' .........4. f DlMinri4 hafnrai March 25 and j..i. it. ..,..(..- i.. -Imiii lh ruff- ie ib-nii-.l itial 3nn iiiilitary lt'i khou-es were belli;: ere led around ..i .i . .r.ni ihpimitn otntral hombirdmenL Artll- wnv. ul of bankruptcy ami re- lie iiorlliprii rounli.'s, a rpporlcd. ""' '' "''I Itelfasl, Man-li II. Arnt'td men killeil Iiwreni lliekry. r.'ulii-' ha. done Bro.i d.m.0e. "".'f;'' from Kron.t.dt , '' an. and William Lourliaue. Sinn Keiner. at Thurb". J. J. O'Kelly. i.Imm iti.A.iiKAiil Rii! t MnnrtArl. Food con ( 111 l UUIilii'il wwHw - I.......1.1 'inn Fein uieinb-r of Parliament, has been arirsli-il, iiiaKinu the are appalling ana revoiia rc prcuiuy .nrvuynuu. ! . .Ill ua.- .ill- i u. .!..,. - iSKLFAKr. Mareli lO. F-tu. OLIVER REPLIES 1 win. ii'i'iirii'd III' t Mirrh 10. Three br cades or Bolshevik troops al mom uien di.pte4;sur f Ihi Is.un F'"n. w -ri- nuirdi-ri.. forces prompted by the acute i Joined the revolutionary liere. i ds pf the lii'ai' ai on . . TO MR. BOWSER, tii.-asls of Hip men were insi ribed IvIAJORIT IS a at a a at PW 1J..( lku A j .at at at amn.4 py." Alpiamlpr Mrfnbe, ineinbi-r of Oi Iff nifB USCII llUtU'W IIVIH awi-.vtr- A LARGE ONE ... Defends Action of the Government Mlie Sinn FpIu Pa liaiiienl, an.I i.i ft...I 1 1 I annrt -! thai OH it ft 1 ft hat hit An PA Regarding P. O. E, Con- Michael MrlMJglilin. prouiin nt he soviet forces. itructlon. Sinn FeiHers. w p r p orr-sted. i - " ' Palripk Marfan, fouul niiity of Legislature Adopts OlUer M.tlon Mm I I IV WW ! kr a VICTOItlA. Mann U iuiarjre !. .mniTtioii Willi the murtS.;r .rl ' i anoepenoenva 4 I. U-.....J Am. Sham I r el led against Hi'- linvrrimi.-nl IIHtisii ijlilcwr.-j al li-iblln. Wej wlth Admlniitratlon. br W. J. Ile,er III eorinerlion been .;pnlPnceirb d'-alll. ' . J Will Uio-lMI,! tUrf-V" MDIIII.lt, Ireland March IS. 1 Vl.iTOItlA. March 10. Thf plied In In the l-stslalurr fcsrr. t oori Tliiriy i.Tr1-i.r Hie Hed. Vrrmlrr rrMUi-i' lay by I'm-iiimt Oliver lin (lw Jfordsliti-p rpsiiiienl en route In '" H'FiWal lioveriHi. nt Tor r if 1 (ill to uulliorUi' Hip bornrtklus fi A oelqur ixl di-tV eic iH.iruB-enl IH Weetber rncM Uureaa intniiMiL Bal.'d-liit ilWIIinorp were ambush-d an -. a provfneiat iH.noot;- of (be riftl ce ruperi ignorea 'miullirr four iiilllliin- ! wrii.l r wfak-b lb Colled Sutet weJltirr taeke.l by rillp llrp and l-wnbs. " ! Wa.ltloctvu '"raif In t Hie Lprislature on a ole .r 23 llhr reliimipJ tit.llrp. r(MHl''lll wf I'"" ll',r The soldiers in Docking of Ciuiser'l'rlnr" rr uu uii'l'r aoarpe rrzMvt it di'rtif nurl iriwiry of tbe chradt. t'lmlUr' la-etromfots killing sixltakprs'and in .Ma'lr tu 1 al1 "" in-Jep'denU villus d4 Hie ruol ol tU- Hmuii Uurrao UoIUlos. rteterlxis lie Iwoundin one. lUe Govprnm. i.l. force of tb wind tud dirmtuf aud Uie luoifo-tct of Uie tun. I TIip kiJ 'were rllir-J in Hip T'" -us,.rxwliM-s suppoled Announccmtnt by"Captain Hote it That Vei el ,i ' ;,rini.wnt liail wani'-nlv 'uniforms r the Irish republican ,anJ ,atr" l' l'" Ji ' "r Will N t Be Qvei hauled in Car.ada valH i.ul.l.r fun.N and mu1- " (arnv' ' Hip ipii.siiioii Ihul no appliralmn Act Debated j ... of this nature was iirresa" ;ih1 Liquor H.at Hie objeet soiixhl could be lli.i'kwurtli. Tin-M?rnilr wpuI al NAVAL SQUADRON accomplished uiidi'r Hoiniuinn lino tin- V.U.K rniUay Invtili !' I... k -In- nu iM(iliU iri li I'rliii-e 1 1 11 trr I legislation already existing. lij.t-.r- anil rfillm In Mr. llow-1 I. .- uoiillotl (ptttiii llwl Uie l'rim-f In No The lloui' ri-solvrij ils"lf into t' nll'-nuii'in-. Hp rrfprrrd to Legislature; . AT VANCOUVER committee on Hn- liquor bill, during rcil. lx (nf 1 1 1..i - and i uvvaitiiig :i Un- .ri i nl liiiMlmn f tin riail which Mr. Whiteside inquired ). I .' Tie iiiit Aiirura of tttf ltiiailuin i-iii oli hail Iip knn in 10 1 H .r who would have (o bear the ex-Thls i In i v .l.M kt-il in llnli'li ltliiniliii valii IVI9 II al II"- railway wnulil N--; Beer in Restaurants of iiiaiulmniii prisoner ilraln I War Ships Enter Harbor peiise urli UMin . pomp m , ...t ii., i., I'rim-p Huper! for llif urH) nf prosecuted under Hie act. Illtlipr-lo I)n a i of I In- iminrv lip nuulil Morning and are Officially ; i-i Wa'i. r IIip. dirrHor of miviil erlr', -oiil ruction (ln-n. muuiripalitieg hail to bi-ar the limf ninii'-il Welc:med. - fn.ilr. m vtill li-iivo II-ijiiliiHill un April lit YltTTOniA. Xbirclr 12. Whether Ihr rommiMoiiers to be cost. The Premier usreetl I hat the M Hill' -I'.. I m :!' I. PRESIDENT HARDING oi'jioinloij under the new liquor art will 1p nanirdvlyr-Jhc lig;-Jolurc VAM:ot'YF.II. March IS.Tlie rnsl of prosiHMiUou and inalnte. 'II in.') II U milikfly (liut thf'Uaiia-i Canadian naal quadroli dropped k. or by Hip (iovrnimrnt and whvthf Ihejjypalariuv shojibi nance of prisoners should come II Mi-il I'riiirr IIiijhtI, ii- it U ntTt-mmry AND GREAT BRITAIN bp llxod by the l.c?i.lalurp or by the (Joornmenl'vU' debftleJ un anchor al lliiKlish Hay at six from the profits of Die business and entered o'eloek lasl evpiiiiiK '(' iMThiuiliiiff lie fin r their return tu Thiiriday in Hip begbdiiliirr. , (hp harbor this morning. eondui-ted under tin- act. Will Not at Proeenl Deal With The art a it tond jmivldes for the a'HMiiilnii'l Ijy lh This arternoon a formal wel-' Foreign Announced.Probtemi, It Is l.iptilpiiant-tiopriior in Coiinril itud thai they be juiid uvh nlary coine-was extendiHl to Gapt.'Adams IMMIGRATION PROTEST fcSSITY untile i-ubinrt may tlx." and the officer and c revs': cifM he three boa Is by tho reading of all declared I hat "uhIp.- Hip Uoukp 1 prepared WASIIINW ION. March IS. Tlio Tin? ulturiiey-Ki'i'eral new atmiiiili nlioii will iml likely to pxprcss want of eonlldcnco in Hip Kiernment" that eelim mut address ol wijicotJie' at.'! two" o'clock LAW CHANGES F NF,f F.SSARYL nF THF. NAVY tli in afterno, I.'hi' ii lor iHfi' limp I iiiiiiiit. Ii nljoMPil lo hInihI witbout any ebunt-e. waMa4araaB.AAAmimil Wm m Jk AM a f uu iiui'Klioiw of fori'ijrti oliry At Hie Mif?eti"H -of Canon lllneliclllTi it wu uure.'d thai a oiiUtntnlinit. p.ippially llit"i willi rlaue be innerled wlipreby n man arreted for tutoxicalion and IMPORTANT HOCKEY Proposrd to Tighten the Regulations i -nri Awaiting in- This the Theme of Speeches at (in-ill lliilain. Tlipy ilcnirp Urol loiniielleil to tell wIhtp he K"l Hie Unuor ohould not be prosecuted Regarding People Coming, Banquet to Officers and Men Ik ilful with inimiiiK doiiipitlc lor any onPHp diM'losed by liU, RESULTS BOTH HERE to Country er Lin,,. .L- . of proMcm. pvideiipp. ;onlderiiHon If III iwvr in ooroer aquadron. IN THE E AST AND PAIUS, Marpli 10. Ni-KotiMlions rpiiiuiniticr pIiiusps of lh I i I a OTTAWA, .Mar. to. Sinking II.IM ., ir a i. VliriOIIIA, Mon ti II. Dpppud- hi-p umli'V way tiPlwvi'ii Dip I'lrnrJl dcft-rriHl. halites ill the iliiiiiii-TUliuil rejril- I1 " III. I!lll. PIK'P of r.HHUiliiiil fl'PPllillll Pnluli- i-nilniiy nl W'h liilinlnii mill Hip YUHtmiA. JiHi-li 10. II TROOPS MA. OH IN SKATTl.K. M arch lii III,.'lutiuns re reiiorl'il under eoiu . Ilahpil lliili.li in.iliiition and la- stutr lii'imi'iiiirnt in on ciTort lu bpcoiiiliitf liipr'iiiKly ovldonl TO OBERHAUSEN hockey results last niht wero B'llt,raHon of the cabinet. Th"se "".inn hit ii,iiluiitrlul.iruioiily O. uion nilriiiiuli1 fmlupi' l'ri'iil:nt llardiiiK to fnor ,lhnl nobody pspppl the Uovern- Vancouver ?, Seattle I. uie to maintain or Increase tho .inii'rpnn',,uvpl l"''1''""' pni'halipl iii;ih nrri-iiiniico of ii modified .ukmiI will bp Bitcn tho right to I.OMMIN, March 11. I OTTAWA. March It. The Ottawa mtpey regulations now- in forco Whii,. li-lw' ilfcln Bip al a liumjur! jl.puup of Nullotu. beer. It it pijipi ted tho wut- Olieriuupi). aeven miles hue kev lealil defeated SL and admit only bona tide farm 4stai li fiirlhrr debated but norlhwps of Kssen, has eufv of worker and domestics In the u ill .(KMcu li)' Wit' iiiixrrmiiciii iii iMiiMn lor will Patricks or Toronto by a ,. miiuinl of Hip ulllrurM anil men of the rnnn PICU UCTUrD .will IcadU tfutliln Iweiv entered by, li ollieij & to 0 in Hie tlrst playoff to de- ,ci.unlry. for'ees. The Irmnls march. front Out rut F.ur-burrd. and: IniiuiKranl 1 v n i Al.l'lxn'iOluH navul miuailron. cide the euslern i)liauipion.ship ml I to Ilia' lln HpeakCr lie UUPil l.teili.- ON HALIBUT GROUNDS edin wilhotil any untu-wurd Hie riuht to play the Paciflo coast,ope are to Im1 incident. l,ly ( Oovernor Mchol, Premier Oliver, APPROVE MOVE ! SlIIIM. CENSUS ENUMERATORS March i:.-Tl.e t KejKluJOopt. lloe. director of Itanndian Erpocted That a Number of Small mider the Pacllle! ( naval ..ervicpj i.api. it. u. .vuums. hockey Dual Boats Will Arrive Tomorrow's OITAWA; Mar. IS Census eoiiiiiiunder of the miuinlrou, and OF GOVERNMENT Coast II.Mkey Ass-iallon Icagi.p Fish Sale. in win for Victoria by eu ralors will,l.e upr.lutail tiy refilled a FLEW ex.Mayor CIiuiIch F. Gray of Wiu-nli!, ON A HODGES URGES THAT tliP) ceysiLS comuilssioners oi earn WiMllicr on Hie halibut hanks t F Koal to 8. Ulnr K I U ICC TA for Hie past week has been most British Commons Gives Lloyd province, siitiject m ine approval PRESSURE BE BROUGHT r Hie Domiiiinu ii ii(jvermueut. f110 YEARS OF AGE fiivoruble mid u nunibei' of small George Tremendous Majority THOUSAND DROWN ''E WEST COAST t ', limits lire expected lo arrive in I lie on Soviet Trade Treaty ON THE GOVERNMENT FIRE. i IIICIIMUMl Jlll.l.. Out., Mai i li iMiiuse of the next St limit-! for STEAMER WRECKED MONTH KM.. Jlareh l).--Twn 10.- Surah Maxwell ceehrui her toinorrow'ii lUh sale, Arrixals LONDON. March U. Apprnxul third I ' vAxmrvrcii. Mai. I Spi- llicinell were iujureil ud a Dep. lKUIi biithduy today and eiijuyit lii:l been ral'ier liuhl iluilnir the by a larue majority ir the ilnxi-rn. which hoi. lire here 'at March to. One uphyxlaled In a AMOY, Hodii'S. liqulilalor or) 1'i' l.i'd in ullrinpiln iul W. Is "Hem up exeelleul heiillh. few day.-. follnwliiK the bl iiieiit'.s procedure pa-l the residential block valued wh-u wlh ii. iihI...... lii it Orviliwk unit sand were ilrowned deslrnyed a in : 'lil.'nluy ,y rush of a forlnihht nun when &3 to make a Irade Ireaty II 'coolie Moh at lloug lon,(iti. Co.. in a lenulhy cir- carrying sleamer I'llllie Hit House of KimineeriiiK by llllll - QOVCRNWCNT RESIGNED Units with oxer half u million Iliisslo, was given ui 1 1 ''nine The vole of culur I" the creditors urie llialvas wni-keii otr i-ori waimv on . lu Commons yesterday. l an.i poutiiU wvro in lu the coui'se of SENATOR OIE3. 4 be brought to hear on Hie .Morrn a. ace cti.ng. io reporm rv- f for Hte oressiire Yan. ItKIII.IN, Mar. IS.---The I'iiu llsh su!o coiilldeme hlood .'IH, "'aim. two iliiyn. el ceiveil here. She struck a ins'k HALIFAX'. March 1(1. Hon. A. jiieiiitiern to obtain tin early Man? ). iun,Ouvcrnment ha re-'lgneil as Seven earn uce it'pnrled to ar. liovernincnt und Hi' auaiiisl, oud"0 and sank IniniediHlrly. Shy cur t, thoshy, (ioiiserx alive senator wintroverjiy of the 1,1 Hid war a collxequi'lieu of. thu eult of rive tomorrow but today I here arc Tho: Goxvrnmeni refused tho Hemenl the Government. rivd tl'.OOU panaclltfcra. for Halifax, dlvd thl afteruoou. ici'tjiit vlccliun. iui cars in the yard. uurccriicnt on the Soviet ternm. part of Y