TAor TWO TJIE NBWS i The Daily 'News m. FROM ALD..SILYERSIDES IN CRITICAL MOOD I'lUNCB jfUPKUT - HRITISI! COLUMBIA PuMhtiwI Hvcry A'erndon. enregl fm!ay, hy The Nrtv OPERATION PfirfWlf Called Foard ef Work a to Task and I'aMisltina; tympany. Third Avenu. . at Council Keattnf Last II. P. I'UI.I.BN, Managing Editor Night on Stvseal Fotnts. i "Fntif-s-flns" Cclely SU3SCHIPTI0N RATCSt Ahi ftftwarsieV. wr tn a rrtti.i ristad Ms Oily Delivery, by mall or carrier. pr month. . tl.90 eat moral erf ln-il ntaftt r .ni.. ll lly mail In all parts of the IlrAi-h Hmpira and the United Btaten. mi t'H ., Vnsrarrn. mertinai and railed tti 1 jk in advance, fer year '.41.00 "I luffenMt with ail the iatfo of Woe la t. oil Sr . r it To all other countries, in advance. per year $7.50 of 1'cMMle troeMr,with r.W &a4-pmmm Miini. mmi arena WwmJL I bad r'irat he iiv w.miel in k.- TCLCPHONE 08, J afMio-faMl MM 14aWlM'l HI the !-' aa.l hlM idatikaMtod he.- taken 1 More Tobacco for the Monoy Aveiiu ana Ii'M,k w. -k r o- i tevaaaepenttMi. in Hhrr i if Ike DAtLY F.MTIO.V Tuemy. October 4, IMt. 1 starts!toMnc 'Trail a le"l venu aat in-n Mi,. iik h:ol this asealetae has ony fiiah nWnwl heen,. removi-il wi(h it the j.j.J of kfl sad wffertef. m mjr auar Do Parents MaKe Hat itateh"!. Aid. Kerr -pltiaMl Immrr frU aad liMiiahn Home Attractive? " Htat the tt.r4 Arsa! tWtwM CWUf.Uee, aad Ut The tendency of the Uy i toward I Ma? away from hoMr ami did not Inow aavthinc nhoal iaia Mmt ma U the fraH m.Utir, making lb home lust a plate at which to sleep and eat cea- Freit.e tires." rwwviaair and had not aathorice lortftlly. Men ahd women of the lat preneraUon depth e thai lm U.J OORs.r tt. Tlt foreman In charge "1 -tendency of the age, which is to get away from the family lite K a Vat. fl fur r? !. Mai pTV. had seraaed had wtnird u ideal and in teed to spend the evening" away from home. They At dealer of seat p."i-J by up KiniK plunk. ' Co wtirk hm1 claim, and with a measure of truth, that I he time whstn girls did FraJ-e Umn-i. (Kta.i. aaan onlereit Iomm.i i,v !. , CanadiTs best buy-the needlework or spent their time in other home occupations it gone mayor. I 11 IWi-' and that instead the young people wiu l get away from home Then AM. Hderfil.- wanlet' ECONOMY oclv influences. This ts to a eHata extant true, sad yet ie il not alo SUITCASES to knuav if otethtn Midi a.ii' true that the fault Ifea Jargeiy with tha menynd women of thr hA doe a tayb rMroei. laai ! older freut-ration who are doing the roannlHining? If Iheynad-the Trunks tri waa in bad ronjito n m.l, home sMetentlj ertrrartrre taartmJU the outside influence., w atmoal .mMMatle. iil.ll the young people would stay there. Many parent forget that It Ri lie poiMr lo take ..ii. they have a duty to make the hume pleasant, to provide amusement CLUB BACS I lh old niank trn " there, and to invite yoang Huple with whom their on an I Large Stock On hand Klreet and toy Ihem .t. rn M..-rt I f . 1 daughters may associate. If the parent do not invite young Aid. Kcnr replied ihnt the riad I select from. f. to two and ' S people to their homes the children will go where toe young foreman aatd m ihi ;u cmiiI Lm-doflo ic aii.M-. In f M ami I Mil lhare people are. Make the home a I tractive,and the young prSiptv wUI J. F. MAGUIRE fnr Taytor Wr.fi an.l -vx-aesteil iia. I,,-,, The Lat a KfMl ne half Cylinder t ly Day of not 'be so prone to wander away. Parents forget the need of peraoaal re.n f..r 'in. Si companionship and fail to adapt themselves to changing mndi- Neit tbe Prw. Rupert Fl his avM'in. He knvr Hi.it . roacbire here ihat vm a not ' i oi. 'l.n I s. tioaa. ParenU are often in need of eduratioo evea more than Taylor Street m u& .tispe. rfHAV children. rinally the matler w . ton vth loura neap. 1 -Ih. ekana in v T il S ! . fhe r ,t;1 Use aaaynr f.r ati-midk. foe . I w.iW !'ke o fcoy Ikw davs and 'hr winter ncnli.. - Slipshod Marriage mayor ataleo iiiai ehai m ! Aunt Jemima's ri Mmo. are mM far off I ian Lead to Divorce., eoektoot of w rk in thr eitt m i - 'T art 1 1 maae a hrrak Urvoree records of British Columbia show an increase of .to Helpful Hints giar's offtr.- had keen made.) per eaaL in twelve months. No wonder. Testimony in'ome There wM an or.W Ik- . fTEWEAS RECEIVED instance reveal an acquaintance of a couple of week- preceding kaal Mm m miff tif ntpM Mee oroerv rv riltei In FORD SEDAN FOR NEW the marriage, while several inlainc how the weddng were mm m hf r.in r Tk a Xtw. lead of tk' verbal syia Ihii RESIDENCE "mail order" or matrimonial b'lreau matches. All of lhee. it oeraldioe One had boan tn vomie W00DW0RTII LAKE tm,d way for Atdrman Hit vor ides ala uu- 'IciBoastrated, were marriatres made of hatv acqtuintanees yon to sBaattoo ymr hair t to Wantrd In knnw whiaf wm iteine ity num. wui nnrniy any person hi acquaiDtanee when hrw1e ail,wah M w4l with avs I,ut done about summit Atrav i.t Tener fnr groom- came rrotn ai-iaat part- or tftr UnHod tHatea to compete m nrm tne are freh and the new eHlar Kerr anid 1 1,at Ike Boar.I a' wi wb l be eroded at Wi.al the contract One m mmm tiet velathre of his an alderly npacted ranaave all the MmIU. as it w.d J ; Worka wools' nave a rep"- ! rtb ! ak. fr Hmri UMr by iiHiming nance, fie ioo a cnanc ana mimw Her aner thcii.oi aw rtiramal for wee( ynnr I b i- for neit mating. I'o- rlly Were rept-lvd at Ut "itnw uirmnw wme mm iwnnujN. rial is oaiy a ciui" i heart to aot the ktHi in hi of week- ego. Now he is in the divorce court. ieik, nrhtU klaeing lre .jhi cuunrii mevtlna arul r-mr wet referred In Ihe I tllllle uur uivoree courts win aiwaj - have a coirstAtit run ..f hui- , 14 dghag lata hair, you aatahi WAKEFIELD IS- ON l ''ii.iinllee Wllb axiwer In IMiler 1 ney4 so long as marriage is treafc-c! nippantiy. Th- .m.-.ma partltian it over the hack of a ohair i Of the thing ie Uiere not WAY HOME AFTER irtv a e.-nlrarl with the bl'bler j ROOD & FRIZZELL-Ford are more of them, w han all Uiina- are j in front of an open wtndaw kn I Wli ' as it aaaarOa the work. TU-i-nJer conkMiereu. Ktrange, isn't it, that a man will dicker half a d.tv owr thej If. tiring. TEN WEEKS' TRIP inafudea the ream v at ff I'hene tireei. Jts IV.e- i. Ml prehae of a taHaeefaet nt hartie, but will mth mtio wedlanki- Lr inp JnlpiYt laa 4d aba,-k atraaa on tbr iir lUa'i. Iir b-en ilrawn u by " ""wuij stiw, upru-ya, on uia inMite oi an hi -1 my naisnaya m Ta win arnva nro Tonwrmw mi fflikmurf niwml T. . ... SUawte Mhm rtvpert v Mi J.! i Inaperlor. i o" i vimmrr, i roil in lve wllfe a Aiftl bow often wM one flftd a shrewd housewife clawing teautifal girl wamn I met at Crosby WHI Qa Cast-' Itie f..11 vrlng wr the ten.j ncr uie conienis oi a remnaai aaie ror a whole afternoon to save; '-ngliah Ikay. hm on night we Cai a few cents, but who will smlrkingly yield bar life's future to ajhad a niHliff4 beaeh ptenia hi VAXOKTim, iel . V '' " Il.77. A Strand oeer)- oKtirtim wnoe umimmmwe a lf-raof acting davil would t aathaag aulla, ami fried wofnars U'akoftesaV UoIUmI Uiai... r ...,! I Wiaasplin. II. snunr mere win always le 0mrrs so long as wedkx k. is ra-garded In the sand. In the darknes. al Prior Hnpert. .ailed Usi "r,''"r Jswcneii , in this haphaiard way. miaUfok one of hor tuoa far nit for the north hy thr .i. .. Under Nr-w fuirf-r t sausage and scnafe my fork tain Prtara Moaoa M return; "'"" r Third Avenue Specialize In Something, 'i. Mm got mad ami hi an from a tan weok's vt.it i,. ih :r. z t' Pr?nv wr a i pmirF Young Friend. opofcen to me shags. Hie has This ia a lillie lay sermon to you, young man. or you. young now fame bean la- live aad ja sir. vvmaaaianra irrnal at 'BEST Or EVERYTHING IV THW!J lady. If yott are soon to gc oiat in life to make your ay in tin waat to raneW IhsT frteodship Prtne rtataart. Major ... LOOKING FOR STOLEN I Phone 583 PtssiZl wwW, don't make the mistake of thinking the tMil has a wl W hal-ehall I daf Cntry, now ad in cn-u'. :ii GOODS ON WATERFRONT I come for you unless you can do something parterulnriy weL-Without Your tnsly, leave for Hfklrhkl t t..i hi- traim'ng you will be out of luck. Tha cities and towns N WILLIfe tpn.& JanJor ..ab mmm.1. i.. mml .... j.. iaiaoie eaini. m me are filled with medicare man and women who never learned to Answar QaUe aay. Willie, uo sorneming wetL Urlltoh UolHmbia has thousands of them lual let! the gfrl she looked ntae room in iratn. ninni anakuur pviar k e,l rruue yiany.of Ih Dr. Sutherland failures all. nough lo eat and you forgot aier ka Um HrinMy of the liar- Bame glrJs Imagine a happy. Weal norau. J marriage will come along . endeavoring to round D.D.C r sowte ap L.D.S.. to t imfdify tilings and render traintag unnecessary. We hope it In the Letter Box J.ioleii rotnHy. Thar has been D.D., will turn out that way. but it seldom does. Learn to cook and keep PRINCE GEORGE house, anyway. You owe at least that much to him an.l iu the I Hi. water rrwai recently, especially DENTISTRY in all its bra k irld leu that Mm .llnf itiwi!.. . . Im. a.m .,u.i 11.. PAUL AIVAZ0FF EXPLAINS -----. vu..v. '-. m n ij mmui c mmnjwi i iiir .rr.i mi m m i in! tb- iieia-khorbood of the pine TBoy are acaree at beat Probably sou wilt have i.. -.. i uasiswu wilt nave a . liying- Learn to do it to Derfectioo. If von follow a - ,,.'. .i ; hBg here lomorrow nlxht to 1 m your yeateroavs ixim I lie. nfraeks have keen broken Eachnnre BUck. ?uite MaxdJ, course, leare to srH "'-" the oamtiaJtfH for the raaard i.. wk Johua and na asioss aiave iteea taken perfectly. Many girl- in the . ilies nr.- , r m. ''from I hair Phone Clickj sUntly getting "fired" awl hired and "fired" ar.f. hei it J 'heowriU federal esacUsai ip selling out JaafcVe Ugnr Wore u, niooriag plarea. WO f VJWia wenry emidfyer has no time to tool with getting the -am? L ite urt yrti wton. .J Irm frrma Vom.u.. u I wrlllen " CraMrford aaul If i . I Hiibaaylao for Hie UaMy News. over half a dozen times. And lis same thing w.th au - adMalj. ,M,"8 icarn w uo ior make clear to yon and the poblic S J"" your keep. Make sure y,,u k.tnm il well. P. 8. Itonoar, ditriot fore tar. that we wen fteml out, not soft! THEO COLLART. LTD. v! And ou. young mi learn a trade or some Bnrtirin lis bock faam a Jvumey fo the UJ- ti-n I and U. V. X laker. mthNof eaniNig a living, no matter what H honeaUy i. Witho it f" .7'" . . " prM-a sun ducMfed In Urka over Jaiik a roa sail t .1 m i - ' trade you will -ooh drfft into the uwkleaa rank, in .... .... Iu,c ta " I1 "rer aoun. Cigar Store I asked Mr. Hrvnul- tMh. SalaiMS U'i ie M ft I Van III il ai" iiiMa mil as'ab , - . . try. aon. wis. waa aeting us Agent fori lullll Rm sum ' . v r i ansa n a am iMtivinrai aai anas wtm anau a i tlwiaiids of human misfit, human weeds, eMIgies of mankind.) . the owner of the bremi-. . .r N0T1CC wastrel, wreck, dismal failu -the fellows who " W were lakliia nrr miA .7 ."1T ?A never troubled alar loins is nisibv civri ui u to learn aometliiug when they had the Hiance. ReaiebiUr. ' a,i..i, iti me urtTwr. store, IU ownar, Mr. Alaarji-" W rmttf uf I'rotl. a.114 '".mmm hiuln... I. I.C r,..u . Wlorfki'-liua ai ia. nai.mr rni .1 raunot Hild r.-iaan mmfe "get b" the laosa without to ; . . . knowing,how: to do something well. n I ulalsllx SuKjiSly tr. r.xl4 W .....i.i r.u , r iH.g aim na- no .lafce for the untrained, (iet busv visit to bis home to Calgary. ior inree yeara er more at use eaasMl nbatrt ir Ua- m fariaaob la lfei leuiiiw wimi i dm m. itraaawal In ' v ' 'Fa "Ul our mina, ana team ome eaia- etiial aa was then being auuu.bf . Tm. fur .nmmtuMa ttf lam welll thing. Ir. Lyons is building a ttSOO paw. Mr. Alder wired back to Sato.. IS. aaaesa at UM liisij tkj ial o uritmw bill wfll rri. la. huiIhi f le.ioeiMe on Bevenllf Avenue Mr. llrynoiaon that be would M CareaUr. Oararaataal .Imi aacr a. sa MMasiiiwd aad tiauin m Vancouver w ar Street. giaoiy giv m a waa for five viui.'. na tat smA. Dr. JOS. MAGDIRE on years thai at iinderaiandinn tka aome rental,I atoaeu HR. aravr.J D UHSr-S.reMiaruJ semurr. rvos Mar . . m. av ax m in,. n rai Ten Years Ago he deal with Jr. John-. VirtnrM, -sSaoiber lllk. 111. Jul a few day before I be ent KOIILSTIVK atSIMakV, membzjc or TUB B.C. bCMrsL COLLUat In Prineo Kuport of I the presaaH a aw got ai rnti mil. DENTIST letter from Mr. AhW soyifw W Mmra o saner nro out ih. hbm Phone 575 Smith lock Octobsr 4, 1811. VMY aiage at Ihe same An unknown man w3s rushed lwm laased In fame ubr li.tfh erada dental work at tU laweat arkas. party ale. ea saierdif. Mm reoi tur f mur. I can give tb test of refarenr. thr 1'ieal liospilul this morning ffrw" Vanenuat, and the party I'M. .frlMim awM U ptinMM na an i mm wsutmnnsv iiaaa aiin a Wjrnn in wtirt itrvU. r .ui aui n where lie was 1m- ,ro,n vaaoanvar arrived W ilt. pdMaodwe. 1tl braiirw tru Suadiaa Cflict Bian-112, i i:fu. (f; Crtitofs jured Il...... in ll a poir. blast,. hi I...-itlMsir own- stock. and therefor. a aaaSr li ua ar kefart Wai,."eiitd. u",niuii i. uc may lose ma eve.I we were .laaeeti lo nove .kii Z3fVL m a s. aeaor ism I tght as a result. iocs ami nave I be tuiui.. in the store fug two.thul of wlia I alegrapbia news to hand' this it coat ua to put Ihem in. t raSSATC PHILPOTT, EVITT 8c CO. I'.M.iiia-from (be reports IMvar Kundanl that the Mine ore VAVl. AIVAIKK IN TNt fWf jl.T or SWTIIII Next Poet Office, I'rinco i tw users or fiit snwisisTat nupwt, H.C, Phone MH naianofi gives valuaa nfj BUNCH OF RUBES. u h i it4 i nut NsrfrN .M.H U Uie ttMI. Ilia ownar. i f-TT or rrttK cuaiitu. Le-i STEEL WIRE ROPES. MANILLA ROPES. "f the mine are U. Mell, An-(The New luh. (Ut. l.kMUl. ISTkSjJUTK. TSH W'MiX ialla MOUNTAIN gus nUrwart and A. L. Mellugli. I" II 'Hunt to ad of Allloliiol.il, .... f MrS XiMkg tutiH enter ia 111.of 4..!his PARK STEAM AND FURNACE COAL -p. , '"r Hud. f,iur Bj aim,.,! .11.1 f iuVLLmV&"e.r OwMffe. The only houa in Northern B.C. TV, .tUt. 11,0 WiUgalf LjIu.-Iit Wre,:.,. ,,w v... I . ..1 til ini(. kirtn. Hibu hhhiI d. carry in? lare LJX 1 aa sea oiiO1 a fur I stocks of above. r- - 1 f : .....n t.r,,-rii t.riliHi. iu ai ia or A-4 for tyiQVii;nr . ll.fi fill. .U. ..f r.i. ... .1M. Mi,..,, "l'"i i a lluiH'g of Uuu. r I llnH,l..l .v 1.1 .li I. Id. r., INSURANCE of All Kind AUCTU r.EERS I n i I kan f r i ',M lH l" "' Kiel ,i ., k.... 1.1. In...1 !I. n.r U.r f...l,ailh wi. i 1,1 ihcir tt tr. I 11 . II M. Ml I I l I jllunk f,,, ,, irtm n 1 1 Ik . ;iu- Hi.in - in. Mr 4,iiiiiti..trflti ! tobs' WslbC Mill. UM. .ih ,11, "I .H,uur, llll.j atarnwir v