1'he Daily News REDUCED FREIGHT HORNETS ATTACK RELIABILITY- TORTURED BY PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA RATES DO NOT MAKE HORSES, CHILD CUT is a proof of true worth. The reliability of LVecrw, PEOPLE BUY COAL BY RUNAWAY MOWER IilU as a safe, gentle and effective corrective and Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News TERRIBLE ECZEMA climinant has been proven for 70 years, Digtjv"! Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue, MINIMIS', tint.. Jdr IV rlisnnL? often cause impaired health, tiiti.. KDMONTDN. July I5r Reduced 'iivunyM H. P, PULLEN, Managing Editor. fn'lvhl rale mi cn I have not Helen Itoherlson. the 1 1 .year-idd I headache, lost appetite, conHlpatSon, and tiltnew. S.ff.reJ TKree.Y.ara Until Sk.TrleJ dauahler f Hf.1.1, HteHiii. a relieved tnat rcuawe TRUIT.A.TIVES- llimilalc-d the shipment of .M ymay be by family medicin,J SUBSCRIPTION RATES I licrla coal during I lie slack season fanner of nreheirr. had half City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month . 11.00 months, proving tin Indnce-inenl of her left foot ami the in ef By mail to all parts of the British Kmpire. and the United Ulates, m Mr. Householder to gel (lie rifrlil f'H' amrtiiatei when BEECHAMS in advance, per year $0.00. his winter supply In early, the he wa ran over hy a mcwtr In To all other countries, in advance, per year 97.60. ceduellnn heinir received Willi a hayfMd on her father's farm no inure enlhiistasui than a man IrKhiy. The Utile girl and her TELEPHONE 9S. w uld receive a Kifl of a straw Urol her. John, were using a"1 earn f a,.-llerw 1 II I fc U ". - . t hal in winter lime. if riorsfa aiineoeu to tr mwr. c.sis. mmm mm u..uk Transient Display Advertising $1.25 per Ineh each Insertion It is apparent, freight official The iNiy w Mt Ihf leal aIih Transient advertising on front page $2.00 per inch. stale, that people will nol the tenin diHirters httfner Largest Sale of Any Medkina in the WorLJ Local Headers, per Insertion 25c per line 1 si,re their winter s supply of tiest In a eeirner of Ihe fteld. Classified advertising, per insertion, , , .... 2c, per word., i'ohI in Hie suinmer month. Al-iractive The hornetM allacKed the nut Legal Notices, each insertion, ....... ... Inc. per agate line. prices accm to offer mals and the latter ttesran nlunn-ins Contract Rates on Af .illOfitlon. Utile incentive people everywhere violently, the lad losing ln All advertising should be In the Daily News Olllce nn day preceding liei'mr of Hie opinion that (tnlnnce , on ihe tnower seal. '1 subject In damc rrttn lamarrc niiiiiev ill linnil nt litis lime 1 Helen ru!iel lo III aiianee. publication. All advertising rccnlved approval. Polat St, Tierre, P. Q. worth more than coal In Ihedfend in the mix-up she was ler. haseuient, Hbinnicnl nf coal at ritdy inannle.1 alMitjt the feet. Ir. DAILY EDITION. Saturday, July Irt. 1921. "I think It my duty to tll you how 5 much your medicine ha don for rut. the present time, lliey olnt "Ml. I'erey HanKlmrt. who is aitenoing TRUNK PACIFIC I tuffrnJ for tkrr years itk UrribU would nol only keep the mines her. looks for Iter recovery. GRAND RAILWAY Co-operation in Eaema. I consult! etrrl doctors worklnsr Inward tlie limit of Iheir 8, S. PHINCC RUPERT u PRINCE QEORQC Practical Way. and they did not do ma any rood. capicity, hut would also assist Tact. aiimg t Tln, I used on box ot 'Sooik. the railways and rrllete much of Pa. bal I tact?" Thursday and Sunday Midnight for Swanaon Bat, Ocaaa Yesterday the Board nf Trade answered live application fop Vancouver. Victoria and Saattt. i 5WiV and two bolt of'Wl-aWi'tea the romreslion that is hound lit Tact my lroy U helna iIHe Fall. S informality hi rcgnnl to farming land in the neighborhood. The and my band art now clear. Th be the outcome of till hvdt of to a Ida flow yon know can Wednesday 11 p. m.S.for S.Anyoi PRINCE Saturday JOHN S p, m. for twtrt applicniilVeir adyifl lo go to Terrace for fruit land mid the pain la gone and there ha been no coal buying. (nock your head off" For I'urt I'leiitenis Ma-' ii. Ilnrkly Hay Ji.ly fl .. 4 tr , Ilulkley Valley--for farm land. While live i rather many letters return. I think It U a marvellous all ioltil .n lmlhrfn tjneen -harletle IsJurni-; i , lu to have to answer in one day. a great ileal of the rorrfMMiiidenre eurebeeaua no oilier median did PWNCE GEORGE PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Train Saralco. ad lx tried all th me any good Ia.e,ier MONDAY. WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY 1 ofJhg CJfcjetfljrJ'f yiePriiice'Ilupert Board of T;ple i devoted remedies) I eter heard of, without i ih. For ginitheen Prior,, tieorge. lUlnicti' i , 1 v toglyuig f'COUle advice a In land ftir"1 farming' or gardening benefit until X used 'SeetWSaW Krd Taylor, Arnold Klatlln rvilunlay July 16. teg. making direel conneelHin for all piiii'U - .; High- - 11:33 a.m.. I ' feel. i anaila m-t iiKimI and 'Fnit-thti.' and little Kilty Taylor had a i purpose. cooled tb blood In I S3:IB . in . 10.3 feel ACENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINKS. 'Kruit tlTe' successful flsliiwr trip S when the of the Interior have a very ii nf"' ..i.tlioii and rrservgl ' There have lieen times people l.ow :33 a.til , l.H feel. i nHt at and remotrd tike cause of the disease, llcdnesli l.nse ni the first of Tickl Office S2 Third Anu Phon I said that the city of Prince Hupert did not rare anything abonjl and 'Sootha Slt' completed Ui the week. They hrouirhl haC 100 I7::S .Ml.. H feel. City IM them or their development. All the lime people are eiHiiiiring euro." fine tront including one Z-lb. Hunday, July I?. J about land and Ihey are heing guided and advised as to the DamerETEIt LAMAUHE (fils). rainbow, the largest ever recorded High 11 a.m.. I7J feel J localities where the land is to he found. Much of the Mirce of SO,a box,6 for $2 JO,trial site 2V. here. tow. ntSI a.m, I.J feet. At alt dealer or sent postpaid by IM:IS U.. H.5 feel. Terrace md other interior points is due to this co-operation. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY J Fruit a ll?es Limited. Ottawa, Ont. Judge and Mrs. Itnbertsnn were .Monday. July IH. e unpen people, pcnt-niii, mi- niiMum in oriji in uny the honored persona at a surprise IliKh l:ol a.nu 19.? feet iiTini war. party last rtljrht on Ihe -raston lm lMi., t.0 fret. B.C. Coast Service! of the fifteenth anniver Iiw 7:o a.B ffsst. i Oil Queen-Charlotte Inlands there are aid to be plenty of SUITCASES M.m sary of their weddina. A large IH-.65 p.m., H.Q feel.. lands and a good ejlmale, hut there is very little information TRUNKS numlxT of friend Kalliif,l and Tnela)-, July tB. V Sailings from Prince Rupert ?availabl as to lands that may be secured and few place where the evening was enjoyaldy ienl High 0:11 njH.. SM) fei. people have made a success of farming. If there were a desrrip HANDBAGS dancinjr and sinirinir. ' I3J7 p.m.. IM.&. feel. For Ketchikan, Wrangll, Juneau and Skat Hion of ufh places with photograph available at the Hoard of In order that traffic may Is-regulated Itw 7:33 njfi.. 3 J feet. July 1S, 2Sj Augul 1, S, 1S, 21, IS. with nMr safety, I9:3 7 feet. Trade rooms it might he Kissihle to co-operate with them a4o, Tents, Sails, Awnings "silent rops" are lieinE erected p.m.. gee Vaneour, Victoria and Saallla Atiph'sent it seetfi impossible to send people on a wild goose 4 ii (ieorire Street at the junction The time used I Par I fie Stan-lard, July 1. 33, 30; August , 13, 30, 37, cua'lti a pikre where there is difficulty in getting in and out. J. F. MAGUIRE of Third. Fourth and Fifth Avenue for the 130th Meridian It is up to the people.on the Islands, if they want settlers, to make and also on Third Avenue wept. .It I counted from 0 i Agny for all SUamthlp Lin. the PrW F- Next it posrttIe for people here to secure accurate information. Supert al the eoriers of Vancouver andiSt (mors. ltim midaight t niM-llornlnion Full in('rotation from Hlreel. Udght. i ' ' , W. 0. ORCHARD, CUnrl Ant -v,.l.. r i ' '" ' i , I The tahlii given fa far Pert Interfere Does the 'Weather.With Work? L.NU ACT. lneelor Acjand. of Ihe Hnyalfsimpson hut the lime fr Prlnee Oornsr of 4th Slrvat and 3rd Anu, PHneo Rwfrt, B.C MtlkttfMiotlwl rl Ihh la4. ltnadian Mounted Police paid ainuw.rt varle only a few tnm- The question as to whal extent the weather interferes with In Oueen Lnarmite l.liwli LaM UKIrtrl, vlsil to the local detachment this wtirk iir thin city is often asked. Karly in May the work on the R-ntir Dwinel f fnne hsrert, and week. tile on tome days and on other Court Ilous was started, and the officials of the company assure Mtvsie TKkK MOTICE Ihal Csrodisn nth 4 it Ihe same. The range nf tne us that only mx days have been lost since then on account of had r.rfd rmpatiMt sinre(ml Co. ttMt Ltd.fmseu of ennr Rnk drsfr.Kurert. tide may be computed a 5 p-i UNION STEAMSHIP CO. OF B.C., LIMITED. weather. : Yet wehave considered it a had summer so far. Men miwtt lb ppy ie prrrul.ii Ion la iraw SMITHERS cent greater at I'rtneej Hupert vwnvT' vain ra nw par. 1 hi .f , pi. ihe rirflmrlne jtaxeruied UinUt than at I'nrt Rimpson both at E'tr Vaarvueee a.'i na. aam as, aaiwria) p ea have llecu working practically full time and (he work is proceeding Ciminx-nripr t a TkH puniert ofie foul Aara, Alt' arat, Wasr l.ia mat nwinuasi In s KMJttwrir dlrcrllon rrrn Post Hull springs and neap. Therefore fur I'eti Htnp-m ai4 aaaa autrr aia. rr-a)ai a . ropidJy. riim I. K . 1; irvnr Hi ft more r It was decided nl a big meeting lite in Ihe I'rlnee ltuiert MCa BASS Si IT. (M Willi the commencement of the second story of the structure mar:trt In iraenre a a. V its Hrerlk4)rL wHirrir la hw amnr wtler this week lo again hold Ihe harbor rise lightly greater thtn 3 (mm a,M. - - - - . rrtoee a.awt, the work on the building assumes a more pretentious air. fliyen water mark: thrwe neiriertT ! fl. annual eihtbiilnn In Hmithers fcr lets lu him water nurk; Ihenm I'nrt Simpson. fine weather, there would be'no time lost whatever and very oon rt easterly alone nirh water nurk to taint thin fall. Committee are already The height I lit feet and I" of cxiMnrnreuenl aul euotaiclaa arra tha concreto framework will he completed. morr or ie busily engirged working tenth nf feel above the average) Newi Subscribe for The .f)IO LTI , T.riSH H. iftluwon.COLO STORAGI CO.. nut Ihe plans nnd raising finance. level of lower low water Daily All Like Opinions TE'' MT lrtL I If Favorable. a uiee cnnuTTE isi.sns Ln dis- . All 'reader: of newspapers like to read the opinion of the fireal prepar(on are being i editor if tire opinion is favorable to their own views. If it is Take notlee llul Tnnmas Deaav. Indian maile by Smilhera eiple to attend I contrary, they are not so interested. Home people even go so far HJiration r-nt. MaatelL for a Urenee e. C. la iniendt Om Minitier to make or the celebration al Hound Wis to say they do not care to read a paper that expresses views i,ana, tor ine erermfv 'm iut iwr- Lake neil Thursday when Ihe mlaslan 10 pmrpeet rr pelrolrum over contrary to their own. and under trie faltowlna deserlbed landa. Community Hall will be formally As a matter of fart reasonable people like to read an opinion land.iiuaie 8C:en ine whi f,oai wi uraaaro opened. Thirty-five car will "KEEP SMILIN ?as Jong ait is expressed clearly and in courteous language, titurneneinr at a mat nuateq at tne form a procession lo go froni owthraat rorfier of Lot lit: ikrnranorui j Wedge-hammer stufT is pretty much a thing of the pa.L It I rnalnt; Inrnr weal elulaa; Ibenec here. f sow tli rhaina: tasnre rati cnaina, UJ usually injures a cause rather than aiding it. rsjini nl riMiirtniml f There are times when an editorial writer feels very strongly ijaratea I iui ttarra. itii. liuilding in Kinilher is going it inlregatjf to Some matter and expresses him'self very bluntly. He THOM4 Hmtl ir.ssr,Itmi, arnt on apace dee pile ihe hard lime. Universal Co There are no lesa than a doien Trading I injures his paper and lessens his own influence III so doing. iocEE auauiTTE islssds lssd dis- 'a Courtesy is never lost and the influence of what a writer avs i TKII.T .HMt B. t. house ami buildings In course iucreaejL rpther than diminished hy using such language tis will Take nntlee that Trtutnaa Dasy. ln.lian nf erect ion. i rent, or Maaaett, B. c, Intenda to make not injure ine ireuugs ui inf reoer anu win ai me ume time iTPDestMi to ow Minlaler or Landa fr After spending a in Cali convey his verj- clearly. Hie Frovinre or B. C. for a llrenre lo proa-peel year meaning rue petrblrum over and nndrr the fornia, Mrs. M. K. Lynch re Weal rfllowlnr Cuaal drarrild of Graham landa lllaod.aituaie B. C:un the lumed here Saturday and was We offer you the following material for the weekend. We re aoulta 0amrneii)a 7rra the at aoulliweal a sxmI planted enrner( of ehaina Lot welcomed back by a host of not putting on special sales, but offer you regular goods at i:i: thrftre a rbauis eal; tkefie at. friends. riialna aotitb: thrnre rhains wean thenre fair margin of profit. The following prices are good as long s Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE rkaina norm to the dmoi of ckuww, went Lorated litb Mareh. 1tt. fiespalchcr II. J, Kelly has re the goods last THOiIVS liEASV, lumed here and resumed hi MEMBEK OF THE B.C. DENTAL COLLEGE fcofcert Brown. stenL duties after an extended holt- DENTIST (iUEE.X CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ISLAND.LAID B.C. DU-7KICTOHAHAM lay I rip in ihe F.asl. SHEETING BOYS.' PANTS m, u . - 'no"aV asssj Phone 575 Smith Block A seat,Take Mataetl.uuur Hull B. C.Tbofnaa tatenda lair.tu make iwlua ap 72 inches, bleached, per yard. . .65c Sizes 20 to 35, per pair JUS High rrade dental wcrk at the lowest prices. (lira lion to liar Minlaler r Landa tut ine 81 1 can gire ths beat of reference. fruelee or h. C. tor a lleenee to ftrosnert Ten Year Ago inches, bleached, per yard. . .70c 80 year in active service. rr irtroluni over aud under tlw fu4l.iwin vtrrutra una annate on tne weal cueai In Prtncei Ruprt WASH SUITS Ktict tmn-IM t-l lit 71 tftt EfMiftfs ul(.fwrtoiearinr Orebain lUnd,ai a B.poai V.. piantra it iim FLANNELETTE s nrvthweal corner r Let I till lAieore $1.65 aqutn (a) ehalna jtlienre east ( ehaina; July IS, 1S11, New stock at. Ihenee nortk a rluUns; Uienr weal ( Light and dark colors, 5 rliaiaa to point t,t rmuuiwroient. A "g-nlil strike" wa yctcr-lay yards$1,00 t LoraUd 1 1 lb Maren. 11. P.O. Box 1SSS Phone 87 THOMAS tiEASY, made ly Tlnmia Hp root MEN'S PANTS I tu.trl Brown, aa.nl. wliil lie was k rail in K hi Iota nn GINGHAMS t LARGE FOUR ROOMED HOUSE OI.ECi CHARLOTTE ISMFIDS I.ASD Dlt-TMCT Miilli Avenue. Pre wii $2.25 I For Sale in good condition on Alfred Street -OaAHSS I4LA.HU. b. C. found in Ihe nuarti but it I Apron checks, English mill Just arrived, all sizes, special Take rwiiire tnal Teemas Deaar, livlian conaiilerci Terms merely a scientific $1,800.00; Atent, Maaaett. B. C., Hereby rtre DVOee 5 yards for ... Jl.oo t r mtentu to make appli'atMrti to tin curiosity of little importance a s The pot on which the house ttandi is equal in size to over Vlnl.W' r Landa for Ine FriMlnr of V. far a body is rnnrrneil, SILK STOCKINGS lor a tirrnr to prvsrel for petroleum RAINCOATS t four 25 ft Iota er ami uader the rullowliif Orarrik i laaila aiiuau ua I be Weal Oast or Ora. To lurn the Ladies, Radium quality,special s tiam lalawl, . r CHnnienrnr at a poet sour uiukir Inlo H DAVID H. HAYS & COMPANY pleated al tb aoalhweal eursjer er Lot a smilinfc- kbpI-ii, ridi in kitchen Ladies, all sizes, special at . $12.00 per pair. 75c ttis; inenr so rnaioa ra,l; tneBre- s C PERCY TINKER, Manager kbains tvtki throee rhaina arral: tlM-ar vegetable. ia tffii the work I cbalus autita u puiut t euDKuencwiueaL of Kolnmnn Jack ani Uiiiem Real'Catatci Fire Insurance uicsira atarca iitn, tati. ' THOMAS DMST, un their lot behind lb tire on Matthrar Toeniana, Sfenl. Hftli Avenue, n one of the gttEW CHARLOTTE HLA.1I LAD b firt vanlen In Prince TKI' T ChAIIAM hUMI a. C very Itu. NOTARY Take nutira thai Tha-a tesay, Imliaa leri am the rsncrlment ha been THEO COLLART, LTD. A tent. Mux t, a. C , lure by fires tuitlre RlCCaNfu. Universal Trading Co. PUBLIC m iHumiHin ta afipiy lu l lie Mimaier er Uixla rr lb .r.iur. ot a. C fur a A REAL BARGAIN Lot and Fit Room Ileus. Bath; 6tb Ave, lirror wider llu to pruaix-t lollli fur rrllird lrulum la Ma,ee.r ally am Caplain Kefr, nf (be Falvatlon Section 6. 92,1 OO.OO, S10U0.00 cash, talsnc oq easy term. lit l u .at rat of lira haui aland Army. ha returned from three FIRE INSURANCE Th moat literal Marin Insuranee on the and desenbtd aa rultwt: Cuotiiirnriiit at week a S. K. Shane. Manager k i..l pUred l eKaioa avih rrws lae trip beyond llaelton. Jijt Coast Claim quickly paid. Th Inrurane Company of North w,utliral curlier tt Lot 1 1 II: Dmik .al America, rluiuai trwaee ectulh tt tlialnai itwur nrili of Camp 7, Captain Krr Phone Block eaal(Met t ar rhaiasi eauunenrnneaL lAia twrU V cnalas lu had an eieiilnx eirienf when 376 Helgerson r.O. Bea 6 W.ataelaM TaiMlre Bleak Pi Bla U LairM4 Mank Ilia. 111. b Joined in lb wArk f flKbllnn HiM iKA, niaWrt ron, Affnt fire. ft