Hnlunliiv I , I'Aor. Till! DAILY NEWS L-J. 1 i JAPAN COMPETES RACING IN VICTORIA I I J t C a IBS M I FTl w 9f j G. H. Arnold - Notary Public IN PACIFIC TRADE S EARLY NEXT MONTH Westholme :: Theatre Week's With the Ponies FOR SALE ulldlno Palatial Liner to Compel Two M(Hlern five roomed house on Harden Street, situated, with 0. P. R. with IDTonlghi Commenclnq August J Thoroughbreds on a Hue double roruer. Ha a lieautiful marine view. This Coast. In Vancouver. Tonight, Saturday Very close in. The lots alone ore worth what is being ")HariatltM.,rtne Imrrcvt r irna,HlH MATINEE SATURDAY asked for Ilia Iiomma And Jots. Determined notjo be tefl be a lak hHa, rl.v kil- Ml TnlUA. July ti Turfmen BARGAIN AT $3,600 CASH. hind in contesting for Trans TIM rtv.rM'.s.r"'"""aacr i aaHa.iea.ia. Slid followers "of Mir ponle Ihieifle passcnircr Iravrl with Ml are iM Kinn'tlir nnOtlly I" eonni (alalia! liters, Ihe Nippon Yoeti Tomorrow Alright (be da- until Hie tliornuahhi ! H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. KflMlin Is believed to te plating make then a pp ranee mn e Ethel CLAYTON Insurant Rentals Kaal CaUU an order for an ocean vessel iigain "ii a Vlciorta Irark Tv that will vie with the icst on llir wek rseillR are ahead, the fir-' Pacific. ays Ihe Victoria ''l-iM!. ... hIhiI on August fl. and ih. is Incoming liners tiring .. .miit week, after the iw.. w.-k-mtenal word of the plans of the Japanese impoed by lew. tine. whoe official refer place m MMneelkii with i If ir the liew shli a a "super-F.mpress," Get a Seplrmlier AKfietiMHral K" Dentistry-PrAJ-Bayne and iudienle tlmi she 25c Box llie Willows. The horses will he will be hull! at a niagnw shipyard. ORME8 LIMITED en icatred al AaneiMer on Htin It Is xni.l that all Ihe !day next, and fnttr week rac tn materials for the slenmer infes-', " !'her will be eiinye -I sary to its cnslruellnr, have al-'CANADIAN TARIFF here by Ihe .NUInlaniler. Helgerson Block, Corner Third Ave.and Sixth St ready been acnibled .'ii the, .......... ........ Plenty of Horses. Dental Nurae in Attendance Clyde, and thai he will b in- UNUtK UlaUJDblUN 1 I'w liuixli-nl ami sixty lino - Office Hours, 9 to 12; 1.30 to 5; 7 to 9 pleled by Ihe end "f tiext year by iiturtilMedn are H"W in ne..iiM' Ihe nrili,h builder. When fin-, . Demoer,u Will Urge Lamest wsiiiiii ir tnc o,ien.K ineu wiie win ! aNiKiiei i" me the i r. "they re off. I lienn Possible cf Trsde. Virlorla and Seattle route from Freedom for the first IllHe llll. yeMr in Ihe flrtent. a VsiHoiiver Iraek ii i ex-pected DONT WAIT BUY TODAY Man. r,.i. a .1.1 ii nl tlil ! VA8IIIMiT(Ju. July 15. le- Ihal there Will lie no le. . i.i.i i. n. vi.'.JeaOsB Jit etreet of the iwit nnfnVs ulaMed then '"n ei-s.l-in Foreign Exchange and Bonds ... Vn.on k-ni.lia ..mi. I i.a3eniWKeiicy mitii in i" isl e part in the raeiiiR. U n aito, nui owins: to me serums 7 ,. Mob l.eiflilon in eh arse or m OVEHNIQHT . rIOFITS I financial depression existluK " a .... r.-.. .rPBm,u u f,WK,, ' 'fivernlaht I"-.,His are beina mate hy purchaser. o( fnrcljrn throughout Ihe whl, world, ami;-"" re,. , ,,,,o,, ,,, Wll, j exchange, stei i nu, fi urn s ami marks all registering iniMirlant especially amonK the JaP4rtee :'PPHii)n m .ioMi.,k " In mlled in firl eia '! ; advance,..We adxise inHsiira take Immediate ndtnntaire of Mist-in shipping lines, wep. uandl I?""" ' jgh .'""""lUse .iris, of Iu.t- j price, and il ut-then "i-dor for either fcTi'Jpii exchange ror the time belli. . VoW. ' t'TWLMl CThe ' ,f W" f;' - or bonds with us We sell foreign ri.ctiauRH pti all Qnntinpntal ever, the siluatiou is briKhiep- lP3f" ? rZ Mlloper., iisrludin. i-woe own- I European point, a well a the Orient. We quote prices and in. ii.. permawnt f the u,. . ,,.,.. , buy and sell nil ciii-.- or foreign bonds; Complete Information ' ' iff. The p rpowJ as to dating, maturity ana approximate yield of these and the follower of Ihe m.iI bonds furnished upon request. Many bonds oflored today will UQUOR LEGISLATION (njnit out Oni!ian wh:t. will kiwr will have Ihe npM.rtiinil never again be Hold al present low levels. VkMtftfm fr Alff l ntn i ....... . nf weleomilia soiws of their ! Ihe sddle. aiooii THOS. McCLYMONT whom wlfl be Ihe rraek j.wkey tiHii ciAVTon aa nvne nLUCGrv.w'Oi . TORONTO. July 15. Iv or.ler!l'rM" rrney rate. ,i .....( Hi.Well end Matthews. A kASUttiT ARJCRAT PCTuC All foreign bonds sold on convenient partial in Council the Sandy Dill wi enne.x, y menmer ParUMutual. payment terms, If desired. eitie as too litfrh and sure to eome Into effect "ii the morning Th.we who like to Have ,'..m of July 1. concurrenlly with tlie1 mean enttaaeed pisee f..i wheat ihina n" will have t be n 'Crooked Streets flour and bread. lloniinion letrUlaiifin which pe-! Ilott'c and rMt' .lem. ral in lent with pit tl ins ii on by mael hibils Ihe Importation of liquor "-nr. part-mutu, l he!Una m into the province or iiniarm. the tariff .h-balc o,,lv f. of mild Miobll... f lor I . he Mv.ter lair an fsani nutfB in s .lemaud ihe ul- Serge & Silk Dresses Throutth tlie hill "shrl-eir- iwi.ri.rac.waWc re ,,rtl. to freedom of I'ana f th. F.aal " Alive of Its Hire ard '" become Impossible at "" . irade hetw-en Can.-ts and .he h A Ihrtil 8fsva of ttsaltsfj st wsr wi'B Ihe samotime as non-iiiiiMirld-lioii . Hoyal OiairsHan Mounted P die - i.. ...- ' lM-comes effectfve. The bill w,H "''' Su whti e Ccmcdy - - "An Herhspf f ' in Newest Fall Styles, "J, lnlriKluce.1 to preveiU onlfrs jet of the eiHowcrelal rei itu.ns llllle ... wa lr.vlnce wtth C1Mda will be of the -nf by whsrt.ofK.-s Fox News k Price. 15c ai d SEE WINDOWS - s - - bclnjr and filM ilaced.ousidi,lJU':by breweries within chief theme Lth ei hre tar- W"'T'Aviev the pops.1, 0 venure, "Willinrij'TfTl G. Hnl Bv re, :r h.M.e. j iff ,Jer.ate .n Ihe provlnrclal border. In thi turf inai' of ierta. will he .-.e wny Ihe niovlnir of beer or' liquor Oi ltS .MMUjOTtt HU OS LA.VD MS e. the, MallU'Wd ttaoks in Hi P.O. Box 327 "DEM E'R S" Phone 27 rim.i oaN s . in Ontario I inade impos- capacity of paMack Judge, sim Ible. other than that inteoueu iiJIauajM hit he wHI have a huiwl. The EMPRESS THE A (RE for (iovernmenl diHnaries of (KM, in (H(rtate i.. n- people entitled lo handle supplies. wfrn ovei TONIGHT, SATURDAY wlMSsl n jeijy)li!!.Mg 3i l'rat pnriineN (to We conduct Auction SALES lowi. u ... there to Hike in Ihe ractiia The pasuiji' or Hie oruer in any where, promptly and efficiently Council mean Ihal Ontario raSBSSi WlSS lfJt?t PHYSICS OF 80UKD. P,honeJed 157 -2nd now in a pilin Jo leirally aIS George Walsh ''dry" on July IV. Wtl. WI.VAIl'WJ. July IS. Ml Avs., Section 2 Prince Rupert, B.Cj IH 'Hi Hard to Judge. Mid lie WeHilwrir. It.A. i- an- "Where arc you itoiu for ir.x a.,au.Txt wtis.M. lau ,.. "-accl a ll.e recUdes,! ..f . IN f f raicT flavH1 isXa.vd. b .. aranl of 7o from the Is.nitao.ii WEEKjEISD your"I haven't holidays the lal left. no iai Ts.tU. !. itis fMWcil of lle.emresi. Ml Wei,.. "THE PLUNGER" The difference Hut cau'l you Jude fntm tKr&VmbJ-ttrZ. will c.moI.h.1 her ime.i.s;. father rruvisrr of B. C. fnr mmr WMiBi lion IbIo III- physic of (MUllo! beard SPECIALS wliat and mother you have ay? your ZTIZf: II.Sir io4er l-r,.fe..or Frank Ml MultnrdJeT "Ruth of the Ktcklr Fr -e he Wew ii of omuni IMM. B - had of Ihe physics deuarimen ; A. KelloK's Corn FlaVes ell. from the way nia.talks 'n liiink wer JfoiiiK lo crnHnewiK i a ii puia i f .MsHilobs I oivrsily She I i bould we . . .. . 2 foe CSe; pee dox. $1.48 wISfl r.iw trf U-l 1114; Ih-ew- I'.irl,, Kwilzerlanil ami s rhta.. UMrrj aru.IIIBle of ItlH year. .....! chain: Ibrnr mIS Combination Special Canned . . I Mu. . . IhMW. mWti i KftlAlM it Fruits Knypt. From the way pa iais 't'at ..l The Secret of Malkiu' I lent Itojttl Anne I .hould think we were koIhk lol "' 'm TVo1s" s iVisv. She Must Be. -n sos. est IMuawineli VHKralulale , m workhouse." I the the Blend Malkln's Cherries l.le.l Aprlco.ts dnar boy!Mr,I'm(irsifnter.eugaacj to i -wi-allliy SPECIAL PRI CE t'.fu if yt kiww lb hinul .if Bill' Malkin's Me.t llaitlelt pears Miblii It .uii in wnibr U' RADCLIFFE'S BLUSHING BRIDES. I'laonuf fie--Ko triad idd Hize 2 V," packed In hray tluk U-l .nfit'r t llul-er ar yisi sure he i lrK. iiprrtn itrlkiour syrup, a km ir led ritual 4un. mmsiiBsssssmMa really rich? IN nkvt lr s prK tSai rmubuwp lilies. 8T i 1'hiuwltteh Hitrwf I stVoil.i be rh.Srrl c irltn-- Blue 3 tins $1.25; dot. $4.78 per. say Mt Why, ylre wa srre.ef RllitKNi in II Ami -uu n-uuu .lv V.tul t nKwl I'" Kill (1e Sr Combination Special Canned for lH.pliflinir ami aeqiiilled a I ff.Ull Vegetables a kleptomaniac. MUrk at tia i u. ti. iim Mimid a 0 tin Ouiiler Toiiiatoes, 2V THtara a ooresinci" U liu (Jiiiiker lirn, 2'. Stances. 3 liu Ouakrr l'ru, i l.loyd I sw you illin he. Blue Ribbon AKorlfd a abote, i.oz. $2.18 I wee ii two fal liter in I lie car Seu IVail Norwe;jian l?ar" (In uiornliiK. Weren't you al dines packed to iKire iive mol queeie. o death TEA oil, reg. ?0c. Special 2 Floyd- -li. I IjsiIii l tnui li j for 38c; 8 foe $1.00 ' r.iiiin for complaint. ! Evaporated I'eucbes, lb, 28c Saiea Affent Kvaporaled advanriuu.I'runes This Price Is tlie I CHECK YOUR ! $24.50 John L. Christie laul week al this price 3 lbs. foe 28c; 28-lb. Bowel Troubles Trine Rupert B.C. box for $1.78 $33.50 BY USING Yakima Ittilabasa. 8 lbs. 28c We Kuaranlcc Ihe ijualily fit DR. FOWLER'S lhee turnip and we will refund your money if not EXTRACT OF $45.00 MONEY sulllfd, WILD STRAWBERRY Nev iTurrot, 3 lbs. for 28c If New J'oliU.M'. S lbs. foe 28c ( Wlnti mu itl uimiMM silk HWraM $50.00 Terrace HI raw berries. 2 foe dy M-liter). r.,U.. rriMap l (Xttl. H, 38c; 6 foe $1.00 I toe .imwh, rlMlSe. rlmtrs mmvUu. TO i 4JIHMMT t-u444IM. Muutit w (I.) Terrace O.Heberrl', 2 for h.uiH at Mm b'U laf SMS SS4 I.Uiu i : l 28c; dozen .$J.0 a butUr ui "It. l aar la, New Apple, per lb. . . . ,20c iiuirk.y II ftmn . relta-f. TWa w.wrias sells Finest Valencia Oranve, I lul rrlHMly Um Iii a IMS SuaHel fur The merchant who : llw pa.I t ar. a4 Mah it, ar 2 dozen for , . ,6Bo '-m for LOAN aaaMwl rrimf aajiaMMMIr olktrk sell for CASH can We are selling- thousands of juwt ! dMisesuu. I., tmt SIUI these prawues weekly anu M UHrt NurabW. TMMC"Sja, thejr are liiv value. . tarHsi- WSilr vtaSHas IS Wairn. LESS. On Improved Property ,i.aiMda I had s . atlar ..f Su.rl, . Cash i rier Irjiuf (mm MajiUry mkii,.!,.. Our Prices are all on Long Term We buy American Cur l IM m raStaf, Inn kes4 (tHtsf u I I a. aSlil u. Uav lr. .i.u., . rency, Silver, Gold or tilne I .f WU) 'oiadwrra, wmI . ... Prices. Mortgages Bills 1 i i. UMw dsr . I rau i.,Ui. in rv.MwawtaSlnr II lna4 Btfau. Among the zosmbsrs of s recera erssxinc ruts st nsorlUfe Col-li Mas. I had i4 yl lalra half McCaffery, Gibbons & i his yr wtre thrs brWss. to of whom. Mrs. Trsyssr a4Ur I rntf A. I muui u, O'REILLY Doyle, Ltd. Rupert Table Supply Co. ftMIOi V'BrM sad Mrs. lufvsU T I)rsln (Eunice H4ir sre jlf "Ur. rle. ' i. tn i isir in.i i MARTIN 111 (. Ita SUWl SJHaMUr. Is student st Ilsrvsrd (rs4uste Isw school shova sboA. Mr. Trsyssr a INSuaanci ano ml iitti PHONES 211, .212, Tin p rf Oh iMMOar i. in, a i, n . rss 11 f .. . ... and Mr. IirssUn sa instructor la lbs Mssmcbumiu Imtltuu of Tecb lji -m ualy k lb naui. '. boIoit