.1,1 Halurday, July 10, 1021. T1IH DAILY Nl'.WS MATRIC EXAM i Local and Personal I VEST POCKET. Ma RESULTS OUT M . .M St. Regit Tad. Phone 450. tf SPECIAL VICTOMIA. July 16. 4lt 1 5 tit Dame nl H ink li-iday. IAI ni pll tallng Hi iiinlrirulHiK.il etnminnlfou in the province in Cut flower City Market. tf You can take It any where. Slips e June. (19 1 paed In nil mibjevl into a man's vest pocket or a am) 31)1 supplemental were II. C. I ni.erlaker. Phone 1 1. If woman's handbag. Out of the granted. e Hayner Bros. Pioneer Under way till wanted. Tim rosulla wore a follow : taken. Phone 351. If Prince Rupert Centre. OUR FINISHING Department Prince Iluperl Cenlre Thlr.-cla Oath for your e Victory bond. non-prnfrioiiAl cerllfl-rate, ,o waning. T. Meclyinonl. it Thorough up-to-date method and equipment, and maiinium 1000 Dorothy e v expert handling, will lllvelt. 6 id. llimembf I ne Knight wf Junior matriculation, niaxf-iitii Pylhiae Ptonte Weiioewlay., Hh. 'i Eet tne kind JL.T?i7irr ),MI in loon Ccdrie Duncan, 73; ttW of Pictures you want llolh Cordon, dl; Marjurie llob-rrl. Mm. II. V. Keith, of Seart, 030; Ha dataller. 592; i retrMered nl the Hole! Prince mtaetSamJtif ENLARGEMENTS Helen Morrison. 380; Margaret Huprrt. as snarp as me l.inday. 571; Allan MeNteholl. original. 559. Supplemental granted In K. Holt arrhreij from Swanon TV 1 four. I lay ou the PHtMM (Jeorfre I hi reos lvioiors (Completed junior matriculation morning. Caroline Mllrlirll. Senior matriculation cxnniinn-tion "Hi ISiMmA Shop ll ! "I1" AAA One supplemental examination for buineea July :'3 with a new granted. lock of RMtlt, tl V Prince George. T. C. lit!, if IVrnte. re Quality maintain ecenemy. Yea of Imperial INJarine Motor Oib i ; USERS Prince Ororge Centre Thlnl- ether tnMafate,whfrfi at lumed to Hie htlertwr w Hit may pay bt "per latlen" lf from engine cla non-prufeional. maximum mwming' ten lev. , lebfkatlni eih bat yu get mere of pront and ptraaure to them, 1100 Jame A Wilon. 811. e e' lubrlcatlen "per dollar" when yea tvrry bearing and rubbing aurlarr i. . ht Junior matriculation, maximum Mr. ami Mm. W. K. Iltrwtll. bey Imperial Pelarlne Meter 0)1. unlireakable oil Rim WTiic rrlrexre (r , inoo Mary William. 771. One f iNilvir: rVttaW lie Wly y wear. Good uirotweaaion t alao wmn i . ird The qualities that made our candidate granted uppta-mental leniay afternoon. fuel and oil and increaetieg power examination. e e leerned repair biHa, toner up rep .-u. Ut. . R. II. Mortimer left mi thf and bnger aervke (rum your ear follow il. u-lUarin A. M, Tyon lia leen apoinied Motor Oik. morning Iran lo tnl the SPRUCE coroner at hcan Fall beside hi week-emt al h'ttwamra. Consult our Chart of HaroenwterMlji. .. , or ! dutle a tiwniUry magistrate e Imperial I'otarirw Uat anited to your i. t..i am. gi eminent agent . Mr. Pal IleniMHi I among the at your dealrra or writ to 06 Onm h vto. -motive e e iaener on IIm I'riHee lieorge Lubrication," a booIdH win. h i-aii.i J. II. Seen left on till mnrn-Ins' today returning In Stewart. and otmv valuable) information. the chief wood for aeroplanes, its strength, Irafn for a fle day' bitai. durability, toughness, tase of working, tie trip up the line. He will be Steady ervtce every Sunday IMPERIAL OIL LIMIT, n smooth finish, readiness in taking paint and hack on Thurday e evening. by Launch Oh Baby In Sail Lake rtraMtie In all CMm varnish and freedom from defects, render it (lie Kvinden. I lie well known fetwn l:S iMvlHg Cw Hay. IAS .Mire Arm mining man. nail tomorrow mm rOR A CLEAN EFFICIENT AfOTCff suitable iiluht on the Prinee St. Ilegi new dining room now (vuiiiaMeuuiMmi J (Seorge for Vancouver after hav-imr (en. l abee r.ered for prixai. Y a jpjjaBBMgJK,gammmamm and House Trim pent a few day viillng dinnen anc tpw parier Phom for Joinery Alice Arm and Prince Mupert. 130. II gtTl Ij Q jS vl "Si I 7 LlCaaHTTrnrT UM am or b I - ibt, e e i q i i igea i T n i rf-i-f-f 1 " r ' 1 Itev. Principal Vance. hentl of Aiuru Patleron wa fineii i.K-mite ctan netre ebA Sn . ien. . the Aiigcliran Theological College 410 in I he tMJl'e rirtjrt thia f, h.rmlW te yam r.g.o. It w per , i' LUMBER of ltrilih Columbia, arrived nioruinu by Magilralr Mr.Mullili BIG BAY COMPANY on I he delayed train from for drunkeHiiV. Hie Kal and i the guel of iiipimI 11 til...mi ir.l i'utrnii..1 ..a i-riii- ! Mr. I . W.rMunteil lb I jrtpul Vonf will rU at hr nnnnir fwiWfl inw Hev. Ir rai 'i ie.ii Anglican Church tomorrow at i-ni litilfng pehjthe 11 f taya luer hi one each jMTvice. FOR THE SUMMER MONTHS reftnan, u oh.i4! lm Mr. and Mr. !.. S. Medill. of Hon. I y.rfltfJVri, i order to lake em)re WtaV V-I Tuutui Trrir, 75c Smilher. paed through (he (aielleil 'arAiv ioiilWter of ier at the Poeabpieeji) Cbueah EAT FISH Garden Court CU Cttao. 75c city Ihi morning rnroule from I and during llip hl)ehVe in Hi- tiimrtw. ha Pdr. $1 00. Victoria In I heir home li the old Ouiiiry of l(dn T. II. Pali Mr. and Mr. S Ki Eetzeia tad Alneti Cream. 75c interior. Mr. MrCitl ha been nil.. r Uiti Wit. J150 kettle vlilfng llie capital in Conner-Hon ..at...'"' Siifthere. JU1 ihi- aflein. And Supfxjrt tk Imiitstr. m Ibe PHjfe H yal i.r..uijl ttikat, J2-50 per enct wlh community bulne al A. it. Mar!oia!; of tiie (lov ior T.iewilo Where will vbylftl which support ywti Telrgrapi ley ertim.-iii front SinTther eopecially in regard l enTty The Prince Rupert Drug Co. inciirtMiralion. Haieimu. aii nil anernottn rrj for a tfaljr. I b-y will n tat rr Ask for PHONE 134 rd Avenue and 2nd Street the aoulh an extended TnNlhfiV' lite cxafite nf a law anil, Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention iri.. el I Mbaer ' i. eT Fresh, Smdked 'arid Cunr Safe Cuttodlan. x The aernnd of the aerie of, The old lady at on the Jwtel . lance at Ibe Holler It ink , Fish Mr, lie llo'ier. daughter of veramlah watching the children held lat evenitaaj aMt proved )tnle Mr. Curl in. of fii, ltjr arrived play. Prernlly a boy came Mi enjoyable, a kihmI inunl.. r heuui , Distributed by lo her. Hi mand were full of Ihi iiU4-Hlng lii the Prince alleiu.anre. Uuie RUPERT BAKERY iteorge from bee -lioinc In Sas in pr-. walnut."Can you crack -nul?" be katoon. Marren blel by wa Artlwr'a maeler Oreb'of eereoi tm;.m I. J- Canadian Fish & Cold Storage C IJ For AIm for aked. The M lady miled ad- Mr. Sltlwell llie wa on r ami PRINCE RUPERT I5.SOO feet Klin Drh-d V.joinl CAKCS AND PASTRY OF QUALITY iy. Mr. tWrral had rbaeye of the r--frehiHenl. Ihe Bread Only beet material used "I'm afraid I ran i." he abj. and double dree Hemlock for Orders for "I lo( all my leelh year ago. ale cheap, lit avo liamlling. that RetUuranU, Steamshipa, Canncrie. etc I do o wh " Shoekley Planing Mill. Cow Hay II. S. Munru, pjeneral uie'iaan T RUPERT BRAND Promptly attended to '"Then hold tlie.e while I get Phone 383. m uf the liranby Cera4tjpjteit) tfin I I! Oakun ami C. R. BlGueaT, oinc more, said the Imy. WS. IMltia W -t i te. . ! Satisfies JOskra Proprietors Mr. and Mjp. C. W. Krat-r and P.O. Kox 5L'l 61 'Third Ave. Phone 643 family arrivML the eily dm the' "T tHttaf "u he way Reciprocity. t hanm -Ve railed PriHe lii'orJL.i'Hm Vancouver The iniuUter wa loud in bi Uddgajy tt to tlp aaette-i,Miii I hi m'rnii(iXtf pend a few praie of the fat and juicy bird viilinav5eS, fryiii jtfbx?t cm r.-.n;iii f ilaya hi colored liol ered fur dinner, lat Vdjieaattli to'inim mm II Box and finally he aked. .VoTriiweiithal Hu ll 'llljlMi)llll l M ll t.-'ll W. G. Barrie p? Mm. V. 80S 23 "Where did you gel ueh a fine ardoH ailXkafviiran' ...Ijn.N and mi were among the pa-engem Lumber goo a I halt" for HaielliMi They will rurre.l to Au" .-n Bought THIRD AVENUE - POST OFFICE BLOCK "Pahon." replied hi hol. through Ibe elty from tMal panig lo I he Aaurile wlixti in. I, "when yoU preache a good er-nion train Ihi inorntag. eeeiaiiy ! in-i ii-m ah doan at you wtiar you Buffets, Dining Tables, Chairs and China Cabinets vol II. Ah Iiiim you'll hate e Kr;m the Mill saves you the mid Curtain Rods de coiilderalion fo me.' Prime lira Ir eer beef. TOO LATE 10 CLASSIFY Window Shades, Curtains; naiiir Udluiic Iteef, ric, loo, and It We mission. We solicit your ptUroaait u k Blankets, Sheets. Pillow Cases, liolon Trancript. ler pMiiid; p" roal, lOe l?e lillll. wanh-d. ti. aohl with guarantee" ami I Si'. Own roal. lie. I7r Comforters Church Notices ami -'(r. Cily Markfl. 103 TllOUIaou,houwwork I'hI'hIIm Xpply Uliirk.M'.J'T I - DIMENSION BOARDS SHIPLAP I . Tliere were J5 tlurile from ond Avenue if SIDING FLOORING CEILING MaJiforiua and AriieHia arrltiug MethodUt Church. u ibe Prince (ieorge liMlay. Lumber han now . rtaehd nck-bott r Dr. Sutherland Morning at II o'rloefe. aervlce 'The Season" Topic. Heredity." Kvrulng er-lee Tbey In Slewail a.e making and back the auulh round again.trip Outing Building time is here present your n D.D.S., L.D.S., D.D.C. t 7:30. Topic. "Chrul in at our otfice, Seal Cove or rion I he Home." Senior Sunday Sehtwd Let the us supply Itev. Priiteipttl Vaure. of the al 10 a.m. Junior Cla al tUiO. PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER 0 Aimtieaii I'heokigieol College of DENTISTRY in all its branches at 3:30. Hniih r.niumbia will.'peach in Good Eats Christian Scientist Society. the Church of England here -V Morning aervire at 1 1 o'clock. We can fiirni.ti and everything Inmorrow. mrniiiK evening Block, Suite 14 and 15 Exchange nunuay f-cikhx ai iz. imeuay CUurth ot Hnglaml j.ple hould from Soup U NuU. iiii'ludiiiK For Appointment Phone Black 516 evening eenice at H. Hay Htocklll(rf ,., k ,,.u .....-.....iiw Olives. Plain MuirVut ..r j Second Avenue. Kree literature. of bearing i he Principal. tlipe; Olive Butler. Peaii. t 'AH welcome. llutter, C a; VI Flour. a n n e -at-f'.lneken. PreabyUrlan Church. Are..nliiiK lo wwrtl briHight Lobaier. Pim a Purity' Same quality and Morning erice al II o eloek. from Hie nth utr (he leamer Jim. Salad Ir .ing. Pkkl.--Soft Lvciiing service at 7:JU. rrearneri Prince o ig' Ihi morning. Drink urape Jul-" Art Clothes standard, but new Hev. Ir. II. Jl. Urant. ll. Sun-liUiplain H MehoUon, man- I.ime Juiaa, faury take. day SehiHtl wjll not meet to. auer ( Hi- '.ri.ii.i Trunk Pacific ami Fruit Reduced Prices ANtl (JUAKTI I morrow. C"ut ! iiin.liip eftTth'.e. who No charge for packing - (Cook Allen J ,wa roiiMiir.riiiK from hi re- Kree Delivery. M'r' Hrr ad and Uetter Bn. Over 250 pattern to l-ct ' V nenl 1 1 1 1 1.- l,.,,l Inkue mini her Ladies' fijtUDl'l ted fi i ixnaxbi- - Sold by all Grocer from III rWWtm. (bi villi ;bMl Hum iitnl lt':i, atrulu M..II rill...l Croit' Suili lodiiihi Ovrroilt m Walaaeilliri ItT ii(.l. : lo ln In .I II HeuilliuMil- mi Third Avenve L 52i rwi.rl K 'erml-.d.,.. Pr,,e lluperl. Munro Bros. TIIE BRACKMAN-KER MILLING CO LTD: STEVE KING es um kln. pli pr , taking IH place al Vancouver Prince Rupert ill Ih. Ilia .ltll. Phone SS Third Aveeof P.O. Uo 740 Prince Itupart, U.C. " t 1 mi 1