The Daily News IIP! iBIG CARNIVAL 6 Sg?l5iii'llllllllllllllllimillllK PRINCE RUPEKT BRITISH COLUMBIA, ' i SPORT EVENTS Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News NAL Printing and Publishing Co., Third-Avenue. AT ALICE ARM H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. ! v M will mate youJ f A All I I i ; SUBSCRIPTION RATES t (Big Crowd from Anjrox Took Part BRITISH I City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month . . $1.00 In Skating and Watched Races By muil to ol parts,or the British Kmpire and,the United States, in advance, per year Jtt.OO. IDAWCC AT HOTEL CONSOLS To all other countries, in advance, per year ............ $7.50. DUHINO THE EVENINQ TELEPHONE 88. Joe Lap Qalopoli Rac; of Matksd Anyoa Carnival Won Sl-! A blend of lino Tobaccos Transient Display Advertising $1.25 per Inch each Insertion ORMES LIMITED j on ICS for men who smoke (lie 5 Transient advertising on Trout paga , $2.1)0 per inch. but, Local Headers, per insertion, 5Jfc. per line. ! AI.ICII AnM, IVb. V. I(n- Classified advertising, per insertion, 2c. per word. SUITCASES ihr lilMivl imciiU lliiil n evi-ri Legal Notices, edch insertion, 16 c, per agate line. lirbl hi-r' look place on Sunilnyj TRUNKS ln'n a ernwd of ,viilor eiune Contract Hates on A ,'IiCtttion. All advertising should be in the Daily News (Mllce on day preceding ver riiiui Anjrox n iii Annii HANDBAGS ii nil i;njnyi'i-Hi.- .olcnlintr nl lln" tm y:U&sxj Mil publication. All advertising received subject to approval. j 1 riik. wali'hoil up loiik, jmrl in lln-I'l-e-il WHOLESALE AND RETAIL aftd olhor rneos and enjuyiM DAILY EDITION. Wedne-lny, Feb, 0, I!)?I. Ihe'il ourninl fnlbiwiMl liy Mi' danre In ,ihe eyeuin :il ihe I'l'l J.F. MAGUIRE Alii'e AMti llnlrl. What t ili-ril'iei Message from ii jh ")irNtle!t .rnnrniu (AIMI flKM t ItMll.t: IM . Peterboro. 712 Second Ave., Prince Rupert I tlil ia TIMt) of .-(xirlinpr evrnls ever staj.-'''! in While it is never safe to gauge public opinion by the results in s retiin" was pi'lbit off und in any une constituency, ft may lie safely said, following the mm the uhide ibiy pit en lit In general trend of events here and elsewhere, that the life of the - present Government will end just as Mioti sis I he pewpVliave an PRINCE RUPERT TIDES ritjyrni-Aftfienirtn VTwente opportunity to express an opinion. Xn personal joPiilaril,v of it In Ibc aftrrnrwin a six lap race ajflM9HaaHaallaKa3aHaaL9alBaHaaii candidate or nnynlher considcr,alion will. lnml in ,theway.of t.. Wednesday, February 9. was .ulM aifT b.-lwif n Joe r.alo- MAIL tCHCDULK plaiiiJy.sfiYiwn'wheii 'il jlo High, 2:28 a. in.. 20 reel. the will of the people being conic II voting for nr tigainsl u continuallon o Uievpi-esjmL ndminialrutmit. I 1:23 p. m., 20.5 fed. Alice Arm, In vihbvh Ihe former Tor Lhs CasL .. Canada's National Fish Even the press despatches, which m the past have.usiially had a I Low. H:2:i a. in., (J.rt feet. wnt Ihe vie tor. A four lap raei Mondays, VJnendays and Sal. Day strong Tory bias; liowre, ifilrced to" irml1 Jbe' 'frjrlli Hint the , 2f: 1 1 p. m, 4.2 feel. between Si Ihan, H Anyox, anil urdays al Ir:l5 a.m. desirous of a change aml'suggcst that a general election i The time usri Is ractflc- Stan people are Henry Tmrney, of Arm, wa Frcm ths CasL Wednesday, February 9t is imminent. tfard, for the 20th .Meridian west .'.- Mi,, . , .. - Hip and Thurs. ,u ?m TO tvnn by foruterv Sundays, Tuesdays It is cnuntrdvfrom to 21 hour Must Vote Money" ; . , from midnight to midnight Alice Arnixtas ihe winner in a days at 7tl5 p.m. To Carry on Government. Jt J The table given is for Port h. rd played anil Clean hofiey Supjxrt Prince KuiktI's Most Imiortant Induij Xo money can legally be spent without Die consent of the Simpson but the limn for Prince Miiilch with .nj ox. Allbmijih itio j For Vancouver and South. and House of Commons. With the doe of Ihe jluaiirial year, there Rupert varies only a few ml nut la.trr Iccni n on Ihe oflVn.iv.-Tuesdays 7 p.m. will be no money available to pay the civil servants carry j on some davrt and on others ihr liioft or lie time. Alice Arm (Thursdays 1 1, p. m. on the other functions of administration. 1 fie result, is. I rial the same. The range of the lid iiiaintalned tbe lenil. This who iSatunlay 5 p.m. EAT FISH. Parliament must meet and vote sulllcient money to carry on be-Tore fnay be computed as 5 per cent followed bj another liM"tiey match I Felirtinry 12 ami Jo ihe finveiyimeut can appeal lo the country. To do otherwise jrater at Prince Kupert than at between the Anyox Mlhe Juniors j From Vancouver and South, would cause confusion. A short session is proposed and following Port Simpson both at springs and and Ihe Anyox I tench Juniors.iriini!aya Hp. in.! at Each Meal on February 9th. thai an election. It is Ihe logical tiling to do. Therefore The rise in to The miners won by h wore of 1 'Wednesdays 10:30 a. m.! neaps. Ywr P.flalt. r will etl you sny of lh follow 2 1 lo I. H Saturdays m. -1 Prince Rupert harbor is slightly tinllbut Smoked Fuss Klppra Why so Much BrtSa Carnival Masque l-'cbroary 7 and 21 Over Peterboro? greater than Port Simpson Salmon Smokax Black Cod Sulri the much fuss The height is in feet and tenth I'lie'e ,va a protrrain of iluncen Smoked Halibut Some so people are asking question, "why al '.be his nia.iii'' cnrnial hebll Foe Anyox and Allcs Arm. of feet above the average level of constituencies' have Peterboro?" Olher against over gone jhe in the eM-tiin al Hie (link. Joe -Sundays 10 p.m. fioverhmeiitNvilh.iio falal result. In England it is u very common lower low water., of ilttn'lter town, was j Wednesdays tr p.m. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co.rLll thing for byeleclions" to go against the Government. In fact il LAND ACT. ar.ain a victyr, in. ilcfculinv Al., From Anyox and Allcs Arm. is" Ihe usual thing. Almost every Government in that country Kalcoiu-r. ofAiirinrnk Prince IJ.C Notice af Inttntlon to Spefy te Purcheae In four'Tueday a.m. Rupert, gradually weakens. . ... una. Ir.p rare., , HirW tnmmixiil race' "bursdaye p. an, In this country there has been a general weakening. J. 11. In cur Lino Dmriet. Hcorrtint dii v.Lr mn br Nvllfinrii Ployerl and1 Dnrnham, the member for 'West Peterboro, along with dozens irirl or I rinre Hupcrt. and attuate about vn ana ow iui miir. ran 01 id iowh Mifi Florence Kwan-on oxer Joe For Port Simpson, Arrandals, Mill. of member of Jhc Jlouse, felt the position of the present ii or we other Arm. maa aaiominr lots no. Minx Island tl and 94. (inlopali and McMillan. Bay, Walas and Has Rlvsr. i Government anomalous., lie was Conservative but bad been Ta ntltrr mat i. Jcwrti Eflrar Trtn A tirl rliatuma i.ic between iSumlays 19 p.m. elected a'Jiifinis'll , JlerJiad represented hi constituency for n-wpir or Port mmmond. nrrontnon firmr as ;.nirrMi in apply for nrmiMuon lo pttrcnaac Mi I'RMoot.1lr.t1 Mr. Il" ami iFrom Pt. Simpson, Arrandals, Mill I many years-'and felt safe there. He urged Mr. Meigheu lo go lo ,nr i f.iiownir nwu)fn uraii: r.rrjimrnrint at poM piantxl at B M.8K Swan nit nnl William -Ploy. .Bay, Wales Island and Naas Rlr. the country and ak' for eridoration.r fitit this was refused; Then-I wmiuraii rornrr oi 101 at. infure au erl wn won by the latier. An lumojaya ajn. Mr. Hiiriilinm resigned and wentback to his 'constituents and riiainfn nnrlb: ttmire 40 rnatm rail; tnrnra & rnaina nvrirc 4 enainn to mmiUi; " eichl ap race between Dean and, " GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC asked for pmnt of mmrnnrrmnt, and coouinini re-election. arrrs. mnr or AiiiJ.-r.-iiii. .n vox Mine, anil McCall Quean ChsrlotU Islands! The Liberals met Mr. Hiirjihnm and asked him if elected ' JOSKI-H r:DOR TRETHEWET. S.S. PRINCE GEORGE .ailing in l tireen, Anyox lleneli. wa won Kor Massett, Port Clements and r1 .Nntrmbrr tt. UtO. would he definitely oppose the jiesenl'Government. Mr. llitrnham Mi'bilirhl Th'ur.iday fo iwan.n lux. n r h by Ihe latter.. Another rijihl lap; Upper llarul point- ; refused lipledge himself, so tips Liberals reffYed lo lake;cbances Nolle of Inttntlon lo Apply to Laaaa Lan ver, Vletoi-iji and Seaitl.- Vtlm-tliy I" rare bcltvvco .MortU I'elenoio nliilj Kebrtiary 2 and fi and put up candidate, of their 'own. AH the parties had .their In Siwni MiTfr Mining niMrirt, Larnl -j Shotfland. both of Alire Ann, 'row Mae get. port Clements and . 8. PRrxCE JOHN own candidates Liberal, Conservative, (JiViiniistV Karmer,: aud itmtrirt, Rtrordinr nislrici or Alice Arm, Fr Port r.lrrnentu, MMI, Itiichicx H.y ..nil rc.ijci! in a tie. Four lap be. , Upper Ilsnd polnta: Labor. Of these parlies it may be safely said that four out of B. c and tmiai at momn or Lorn crrrt southern Oiiecir i;liloit. Iktanil K-n ' tween Oray ami finieroi n won February 5 ami ttf ljrunln Hilrrr CJIjr. B. C. th' five are opiMed'lo the present administration. 'Give 'the 1 riiewnri. February fith and I7h Take notice that we ID undTilrned, by the latter mul I!) .MHIinin Government the Conservative vole, which possibly belong to TRAIN SERVICE. may Anthony MrOalre and Bernard w. Barrett, nmt Victor llnnen ilefealeil Hurry : "or Pkldifate. Uumii Charlotte them ni)i there is still a majority against them of 2,4 12 and that or A lire. Arm, oerapttion prcrVftor ano I'aernter Nlondav. Wednesdav and Saturday at li tis.. Fowler end fioul Anib-rnui in Oity And Iiwer Island in an old Conservative seal in conservative Ontario. torrkeeper, Inlenm to apply for pennil a point:: lor fmllher. rinc- Cleorire hjbn..i-b.n ruid W won to leate the rotlowint aeannbed landa lii k cbancinjr entel. j . February 2 anl I tl inif direet ronnertton for all point eaf :-id s. Jf Ihe people in Ontario are aguinsl the Government, how Commeneint at a pail planted (ootneail rwe between Morrin Peterson and -From fkideirate. charlotte' Ujen LInei AU Ocean Stcamehlp much more so, as Euclid would say, must the people of the-West corner. II 6hami aoaineriy direction rroro Agency both of Anyox. in n foor lap race City and Lower Island points be against them. That is why there so much fuss over Peter S.K eomer of Lot J: tnenre 4 er.iini "rr iBfcmxrios n-cf ttiloei tip) ! boro. norm: thence to ehfini weal; tnenrt 14 William Ployerl and. Ml Flor-I February 3 and 10 Oltf ,Taa ano, IM TVIf . t cnains aniilh; tnenre to main eat and cm nil ton ilefentril Joe CSalo- ! Where Were Farmers ciilainiin H arret, uiore or leta. iali and Mi McMillan in three) For Bkajwiy and th Yukon. A.NTIKMY MefJCIHE, ' In Peterboro Election? BKH.HMfD W. HARMKTT, laps. In a click fhunpinic runic! February 7 and 21 There Is no suggestion of a jibe in asking the question, Dated noternber lo. Ho. between Mi.-o. l'DrMon4 and Mr. From Skagway and Yukon. where were Ihe farmers ju Ihe Peterboro election?- The only ttf.-MH and Mi- Swannou and February 12 and 2 fie CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY MXD reason for faienlinniiig their defeat is because so fanny people ACT. William I'loverl tin- littler won. ;1 ftSflMI have declared that all Ontario would ryliirn farmer candidates. flAssun iAn nisTiur.T district or Five IniiH'bi-ttri-eiil.XtiVf in lleiiiler- Itawart, Mspla Bay and Swamp oAnokoian esowto OOS There should be fnrmer candidates in. large numbers in Ihe .. '! TMiK OTICK I.HIII1,lhat We, J. E. Blirk and r.11 and Indian Kid fionlon re. Point. B.C. Coast Steamship SerricM ne.l Parliament, not as class candidates, however. , We. do-not II. V. kertin of Alire Arm. nrnipalion prixi-tm-rxttr. ullerl in a win for the,latter. FfJft intend to apply ror tiennUMri In want class 'legislation. ' Most ,of the-' farmers ae Liberals' And leae the rmiowinir denrnned lanrtu: f.i l)-an. of -Anyox, defealeil J-'ebruary C, and .10 ucr.a MltV - lhi'jr policy is a good Liberal policy. .Sometimes they are radical norm 4V,ninienrlnr ihh ndarv ai or a l.i!pout ISli:Mtnlel tnenre m It Ihe .iirk.i Hiililiivilrb, if-Alice Arm, FljOM i For Katchlkan.. Junaau.b. a. rni.iv...Bkaawav.. Alaska,m from rnn..... but not anything lo worry about. They are strong on personal lowlnt llx luth water mark in nurtn mr n n four lap lace and Donley j-'ebrnary 7 and 30 ' C " nr or l.ot 3iti tlienre H. as tier. J Milk Rupert ownership of land and that hold ihem hr;H from any. dangerous I-. a dltlanre .r 411.S rt.. more or lea to (lean defeated pU lli'an In a tbren radicalism. The Drury Government in Ontario was elected a a el I boundary or niter Moum mineral lap -ronleitl. Two laps between ; For Vancouver, Victoria and Beallls from Prlncs "upit- farmer Government but it has all the elements of Liberalism. itienre loiiuwiav proourtion of aaid niver I'eddv Kerjfin mid F.orne Falconer, 12 ana Binnin iKHinoary vi i'iw water mark; inenre January 1C and February The Labor men are Liberal, with-the exception of those class followlnr 'l'iw water mark In north bntin- both of Alice Arm. xm won by the t; a BDiiiCrn. nraTfllftE conscious people who are afraid reforms will et back their dream poiinoary lcy or iJit or 313;l.oi 3C3 llviice to rollnwmr point or Winn roni- laller. A. I). York defcalcl Hilly XI'CIJCXTIOXS rui (numn J- ' ri.HMITHll ' . . m .... uar . S1" of revolution. A gradual forward movement is what is needed lljriirviiimi.JIIIAI EIlMO.Vn RTAIIK, Afent. Millet in Jwo lapt, while fil. )cau u.xiiui OHWivt ai;t ii. Imif Cat. ell "Itar, VaaiMttr VltWfla- -tint jn the country. Tin-war debt is hangiug'nver ns, however, and Hale January 17, tott. beat. Waller Hahclph in four SalurSar will keep any Government lhat happens 'lo e in power from l PR(tBTI' lapn. fireen anil Philphen, of ArrllralKKia for prnul n (rata rara'. I tar raica, rwrrxttiona aoa railtos. ipvt lit vtr i;rn I.N THE SI'f'HKMK OlIKT Of RNITISH rant williin AJ. a. ORCHARD. Genaral Aont. radical it might wish. remiil.' four being as as i.iii.i'tnit. Vnyox, ran a lap rare Oraiinx lil.irirt .f tin l-rotyiro ot Hciti.o ir TIIK Tlo.N MITF.II op THE "ADM1.MSTIIA n In 4 win for Ihe laller and five ruiliniibu iliiina tho tntifir eaaA of Cor 3rd and 4lh Strwt Prlncs Kuprt, l& ACT tu be I ween lv0 Alice; Arinie, Ul iimmi IM niml lia Hut DHIMct lnr- TS THE MATTKII l.K TIIK ESTA1R, Of ejltra it cjmikmi, craiiDrfa.k, rorl (ioart. Victor Hanson and i!iiI UlA M, HUlKH, DKCE.SKO. Anderson, k'ainlwifM, cl.n, I'rinrr liiiM-rt, Vanmn, TAkK .MlTICK thai III I lie order of III! esolle l In for the former. Dr.JOS. MAGUIRE Honor. F. MrH. You fit. male the vain amv vlelory vrr, Vrrwin or lia itm onmlilinr ftf 'n jtooary, itri, i waa anpoinien Anmin Thli concluded Hie rarnivnl Orailnr, Ixpinimnt of Mmti it Victoria, latrauir to the etiate or Ida M. Rider, II. on or l-rr! Marrn St, ttll. & MARINE derraed. and all parllea liavlnr claim. program and Ihe day wa4 bronchi lilank funna ELECTRIC aainl the aald etlale are twreliy rcl-ir'd o a close wild hx donee in Ihe upon wuicn to autiailt ( WARD DENTIST. lo rurnl.n tame properly verllled to im i a ,llcatn.n putjr Jm .niaiprd rnmi ll Uia CO. or liefore ihe V' dv or Marrn. A. I. ioe. I net Forrairr l the ahovn nml'pucr a SUPPLY awl all parliea Indebted to Ihe ealale are . or rnmi io itinm,nr or IJincia -at - - - - - A XS recnnren to pay tne amount jit their ID Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Block ilettednea in Jilll.T me rorlfiwlin.II. MeMtXLI.I, MILLION DOCLAR u.n. Tj : ELECTRICAL AND MARINE SUPPL orncial Adminlairalnr, rans fx-rniil ronatituiM lrctrt.x Lady Assistant Open Evenings naied inn rn day frinra or February,Rutert, tvm.B. C CHURCH SCHEME rtfprtfteiuinir Cn. Ltd. Office Hour: Sunday by o. 11, v"--x, VlllrilUiUII S ! M"M ww a Phone 575 LAND ACT. Prpuly Minuter or Mali. n n nA m km.l- rn;a from 30 to 250 np 9-12; 7-9. - 1-6; Appointment Ws W. Wl UUC Wit iTIUlIIICa- 4WlglIV Portable Buildings to be Followed fw-parimcnl of tjindt, NOTICE or UTEJTIO I.KASK I.AM).TO Ari'LY TO By Permanent Edifices lirioria, a. 1:., 8.10 H. P. Heavy Duty Distillate EngieS- In Uneen Charlotie lilanda Land Dlatrle! January ftn, I HI I, All the Uslest improvemrnM. iaiol ai licconlin.laoen naruoiir liintrlri adjoining or Sterna,l.oi and 441 situate ana TOllONTO, Feb, (1 A million FT.etT TTKT pT-T. Come,.and M JJIL dollar rliurrb crheme for G: H. ARNOLD, Notary Public Ki TAkK til prim.NOTICF.Huprrt.that I,occupation Hume B. Bablnr Matter million population lirlhjsfity ban a BAGS! .1 Mariner, Intend, lo apply ror rennlaaton BAGS! l ..JZm Ui leate the rnilowinir drarrlbed landa: een outlineil by 'be Toronlo ...... . - - : i.oimiicnrina at a pout planted at tna MelhorliiitK Union, and eireum- as norlliwrii rormr of Lot 4 4J, on ueorre FOR SALE Pointi ihenre aouiii mains mora or lancei allow, from, I line In time, liuy a bag of substantial quality, THEO Notary leaa to Ihe Jow water niiirk or aden of material that wears and with COLLART, A (Ino double corner on Sixth Avenue, near McDrlde Harbour; tnenre aouilieamerly and follow-inir the fcbeine will be carried oul. a frame that Is conntructed fur Roitl ew Mid low walrr mark 10 ehalna Estnta Rentals niup- Hire! in Section fix. Sewer connection, Can be bought more or leM "to a ijlnt due well t in To lb U end rhurchVileft lime been service, yet of light weight. tt "t" d'"v,r i hunt from the Southwell of Lot us "EDiON COAiTt 'ulC t I.2S Pr rnrner hccurrd in Ihe oullyinK dUlrlcts wjulp you properly fur cheap" for cash, An excellent site for lhat dwelling" which 4ij; inenre rati 7.40 rnaina m tne aoum. travelling. FOR.SALE Usrked.ia.OO ,. .. L. wett corner of Loi 441 1 Ihenre norm. of (he rilv. Poilablo buildings tt jroinpr lo build In the spring. yon ar wetlrrlv and followlnr the man water Most Liberal MARINE INSURANCE on '.y H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. mark of Maden Harbour IT mama more or will be put up (h ineefthe rhurrh F. M. Crosby Inursnce Company of North Amerita. Fsj Clsirni c lean to Ihe point or commencement and crdu at Ihey develop, and lalcr v rnntalnlnr I acrea more nr l-t. Rentals Insurance Bonds inmt O. BAOIIOTO., tbede w bo replaced by per-manent 715 Third Avenue, Prince Rupert P.O. Hoi 68 W.ilUoU. Theelre BUW r Per tred. Nah. fl.r..L.., tacnt. ruled the cm day of January, lvl. ( ediflcesj