Ffbruorr P iofl. TBI DAILY liwa Pali Local and Personal HEADACHES METEORS HEAD Make Life Miserable INTERMEDIATES THOMAS repreecntlng McCLYMONT, Aik for Atkfni' Haul. If lli'lai-lw ar. otm Of' lb. nwM Ittri NATIONAL BOND taflnr iruuMi-a cih rin litv.. iimI ii it CORPORATION, LTD. tnrd li lrunlf alurx Hn t IwiiJ iiki Batter Attendance al Basketball II, I.. l'ii.f.lakerii. Miotic 41. If run mcl ptm til 111 lift Qtmii Lal Evening When Mai your boats fur tale with ltriilrM fflil 14 l" h.UKiil m tin Weather Favorable. WHY NOT BE A fWuni. if M. M. Stephen, tf irtnjr KMik; jmnic sntrfiif ttj ttr, fir. frvui lltfiii. toiinulllf trum The b.inkelliall name between I Ik dud IfthuMilnr. Ilw llna .lu; Cuf flower; bulb, pot plauK onwiiuir. lu MM wrl, Honriuw. in tn--IIkt. (In; Son- of Canada and allien Sold llnU Klly Market. If iimI Ibrn tttla "( llw; ttbuk Mil eM'iiiuii proM'ij a well ton SHREWD INVESTOR? leatrd affair ilb Ihe former the l J. Keltyte arrhnJ from Kit-ddlo Tb-r In Mily n- r Ui r-l flKf fii-lur.M by a ii to 15 M-ore. The If vmi bad tnirrfia.ed 1.000 worth of mi Unt night' (raill. fnxu IM'M wrli-iil Ifxlarlw.. iihJ hal Calliea were in utrepftounlly rikkJ French Monti , ' l by vut llrrrl iJ Hi n-t ot tlx-Irvublr, heller al Uii time la.t jcar unJ re.-obJ llicni in June, you would trim mid Ibe Shim 11 Sam llrail, violin tracliiT. Stu. for nlr Hi. r rrnnurd, kum have realized 91.000 profit. Hail lliey been Herman IIoihI. It iM-iilirlir. lll llll ruiitiMi. lo rtlnl. run (ban bud been ex pet ted. Indeed, din. Walker' .Mu.ir store, tf il 110I iinlil the 1al Irir 5 on hail tradci in, jour pndll would have been 92.000. t' . 1lH fjrl tlul Hortfcirk Moxl Blllrft ua Foreign exchange Im.. already (arte a .tiling upward Them A(( ! run iLvcr.icr siiuf. iti:i'Ain. trrp iiw Hirfn.rli, tirrr tiKt hu burl luiwit mlii'ile that I hu Jack Kauucka movement thi year, ami the .lirevd inventor i. lioitud ripv( lo eases up i. niU(M tmi II win had a real j-afe lead, allaie i(if,. Me.Ulliur'a Hliue Store, 3rd elliMliul. lb. rin vf lb. br.dtrtirf. Amlerun played Ihe .lellar role In make liirii-i'lf n good jiruJH by buying ami celling on Ave. tf Mr. Ilrtl l.Uii lirn. -imim, r-lmrl prodl.. Onl.. iii the Son of Kanada team and MI;-"My rlrm via run hja to4 l. Malhef.on. of ilarrclt Lair, ijf Muud uul wf vntrr. l.anir-4 I trrtl lid mot of Ibe '.coring, while Ihe Wt keep our rlieiil M.ed a; iu prirc, which enable, I It appeals to everybody reached l!i? cfly on'la.l evening' Utl fn.ii prrr. p.ln In my rtf, mhlrti absence of Harry Menzic from Ihe tbefii lo lake ndvuutuge of the inarkel. Our ollire INIn, iim'I. nw frrl ery m.riul. fir hirmi lineup nil- noticeable, bin faul i in rloe loueli wild active miirkel. al all lime nud will tnnl utlrr miirdi.i I parrtiivd buithi because of the pleasure f Hurilurk Hkii.1 Hiiif. mi i rrry flour work alwayn beiia a nource repiireliae llie-e IlomJ. nl nny lime nl market. oiyWkfi.lined ?lo In the tltd, lu rulfrr t dorWd HMtirvtrHw-bt in of worry to bU opponent. Tbe and bene(it U affords puller roiirfi '.llilx morning fur lur Im-.IiIi. u l.lvk .aulnrr and tm rltd melllliern of Ibe l".allie.- eum Information, regarding any of Ibe following ii-ue. EVERV Mug drunk I Mjr llul II ha tkum tut an rnvrumtit played eniilf lent baikptball ami will be furni.hetl im reiiie... Tclepltone Hlaek 85. tloxiul Ml I lu rrNlirti1rd II lu luj flirlid. ) rt) lu .nnllar fm- made Ibe bet ibovi'ing I hey have We ijuole Ibe following price., Mibject In change: MEAL xhe loneesMastln refresh 0. final tr. r?fiiecnliu l.loyd' dlllua. and lUrj all II u t iirril yel done thi. e:."oii. V. K. Wil-liernrt uderv.riter, arrhed (lii jimrn- rriwdy." wa Ibe referee and Ihe ment possible to obtain. tii!: from tin; .otil'.i. - A. ft. rl. ! Hil dp I I J nr iim T. Mil- lineup were 11 follow: BRITISH WAR LOAN SV. BONDS, 100, Price $380 ... l,urn ixi.. IJiullml, 7lnU. "nl. Ada I, Suli. of Ismail Lane. Seoll. IX U. KVlrliuiu returned IhU shak-.ire, I; AnderMin, tfi; W. FRENCH NATIONAL 5', BONDS, per 1000 francs. Sealed tight kept uoiiiiti from a Maine., (rip to t:. F. Hull). limllf-ni of Hie Ulylhe. and ('.. Mlvlhe for XV. Price $71.00 Vancouver and Victoria. I'rlncf llujifrt I.UIllinr l rr-Vfl.1iur Hlylli'e In Ibe neeond half. luriml friMii' 1 talt ITALIAN 5 BONDS per 1000 lira. Price . . . $39.00 right in its wax-wrapped Initio- V. . hiuilli. Chnrlloii. Vafi'itino fea anil alr of home wnlliK In (In MethodM rhurrh nil-ruins.'. . t; V.. Smith. llrabam. i. ami BELGIAN 5', BONDS, psr 1000 francs. Price $S6.00 Jnjpuritv-proof package. safurday aflrinwii.....from 3 to 0. Janif. Vli-y mi J liali lifiiny. lllai-k 8.Junior A ll-Slari. GERMAN GOVERNMENT 5 BONDS per 1000 marks I'til iiiiioii nalhi'n. rfr tsicfi o. 5 Junior iirl All-Slar leant Price $26.00 Mr. 114 th- '. Chainnnu and rtneii n lliii iiiyriiin In lb avenged Hie defenl (liven llienl re. daughter., of Anyt, .are north, w'.lrr roiirt for drunk'titM"... BERLIN 4 BONDS, per 1000 marks, Price $26.00 5C ofitd iMii;ir V' I'rliie ... cenlly'by No. I wlifii they lurneii iironce today, Mr. A. Hi-iMik.bnti ainI .on., the lahle. 13 to 5. The .liiwiljiis HAMBURG A'M'i BONDS, per 1000 marks. Price ... Kml mi'l Jlillii. ami ilauiililrr, ill Mi. I.eon.i Pnrker. who playe.l . , $27.50 fcale of hoUlf ClMlilU ill 111' l.i'Hk. irlurnil lbi morning- her In I mime of Ihe eaou. a The Flavor Lasts 'tnl t'.tv lint in W ol the ho-lita (u I be rll- from XoMb Yakima, mi Kiiiall faefor in the vietorr of CHINESE S'. BONDS due 19S1 per C20, Price $64.00 Friday. Ibe 1 1(1'. Men.e her Tlie.e junior t;:iiue are oil r.l'ir Ibvy liavtj 4imiI IIm mt t.'aiilj JAPANESE BONDS, due 1931, per 20, Price wiul coiilribullon in parly. 31 rrrnl nioiilbx. very liitere.llnz and what lliey H21 . . . may lack lu .eieiiee i certainly! $76.00 Have your wlf$ the drudurry of Illilff Mwanl $e--y of tbe made up in eneray. ITALIAN-AMERICAN 6'2', 1925 DOLLAR LOAN he kllrhen -brlns Iit lia bom- .,;r CrwrKf Lad -tc al No. I M. Kay. I. Treinajne. BONDS, Price $32.54. yielding 8?',. ike,j mem at tin Sme!rtii Tea! u,.k r ,,,i,UM on il.i. trip M. Shenlon. 3; V. Sboekley. 2- and! til loom, 3UU HrcotiJ Avenue. "j.Wlh i.nd todav i .'online,! lo hi M. I.anealer. ! Canadian Industrial n iiiii. uIiiti be l lifinu attndid No. ? K. Hi..-. A. Ilurvieh. A. ED TIkti- mill bp a iriv in b b IH. W. T K'TKill. Slepberi". I: S. l-ek. and I.. STEEL AND RADIATION 6'. GOLD BONDS, Price -liurcb of i:n;ta'nil liuiiabl A li arker, IS. $80.45, yielding 9V. Wcdnr.day' and ery WrMlm. Meteor Champs. durin? Int al 8 o'tU-ck. SHOWER LAST.NIGHT NATIONAL BOND CORPORATION 7't PREFERRED day Ily their vlchiry of 1 1 to I over . AND PRESENTATION Ihe II. W. V. A itirl. Iat milil. Ibe STOCK, Price $100, yielding 7. Of IWil.AMi. II KM KM. HlN ! Meliiir ere nov. niiml of Ibe CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT BONDS YIELDING IIKII WbUt lirhr mid Har.c-. K. of TO MISS KATIE SHAW Intermediate l.eumie rhamp'oiu 7't. I'. Hall. Friday. I . bruary II. al hlii. In Iheir play Ihrouslioul Foreign Eichange Sold on All Parts of the World. d.30 p.m., adnii.i-lni & rrnl. ihipIi! the K-a.i'ii ibry u-e fully wrlh' Al Ibe 'liome of .Mi Noraii prr.on. . . of Ibi ' Ipinor. hav in; nol ot a Keiuiv. I in 11 tutt 1 r M . a ibowif i fiuj-le i far in Ihe erie.l ENTISTRY gjime VICTORY BONDS BOUGHT ' Ainfir Mrtirl arrhula on th-f'rliicp : t held la.l eeitiur fwr Ml The llril hall va inlrly eieii Inil Jobn. Milrb raho" In friii k'. tie Sliaw. uliu i In le murrlcl in Die .rrmiil half la.t lii-lil (he lb north early lbl moriiiiiE.r tiett ueek to e Keinlatl. u rc heller teamwork of Ihe Meeir of r. "15. Illi'on. llanifroli ami I.. l.i.lleil .oldier vf lbi cily. hrouxhl I hem Hie virli.ry. The After Ibe loruer a prrcnlaliopj IS. W. V. A. eem lo laek a aoiMl . of a beautiful (Imt tea m-I m QUALITY thmilius forward with whieh the i:iiHTrlU-.ilair. i4illir KtMit. made to .Ml. Shaw oil lebalf of. Lull :iub. M. .ildrr". Halt, Wrd- the leleiiliiine uirl. of whom lip would be a leani lo Im- reekotie.l BUY BONDS ej eeBaaaaaaaateaeneneaeaaaaaaMeenet with. ody. Mb. at H:3t. Uinl-ini ui.i one. '1i r.rin?: Melers M. Hubert.. inc. Aribur'il Hftrbe.lra. I hr Uie eliower lliere n a A. Kelly. II. Ilihhnnl. II. .Mor- Dr. Bayne iiiunic. 33 law dniled basket in Uiel, riMiii. 9. ami M. I,jiilniy. uti I In- uiri iri-i iilacrtl .ud Ibi O. W. V. A. Mr. O'Neill. A draw 11 by I111 ! .trinun into office iiouks-ItrtH Sewell. A. I l.i ill-mi. S: W. I Iyer. Grand Trunk Pacific Hi.' where I l.i' sue.lx were 9 It It Ifttnui 131 It i ll. iJlirlJjv, 1 u II it riHini and r.. I Iikiii-ihi. r. GO. a rmhli-d. i'he line pnirnl! EDSON COAL 'Hie lauding' of teuton to date htrf (naitj Ins 7.31 n J m-rv 1 11 -n o-ihnJ up ami uerc inneh admlml. The prcilUlion follows: Dcntiil Nurse in attendstnee 11 f the lea eel M!" J ami after Seniors. Railways I'. V. U. I'l, Phone 109 for appointment tiav rrcrlvrd durirj Uie la.t wuriN there a daurinir, folhmed Smii- nf (UiuaiU M 7 t 1 1 Ih r.f trpeka by tb' nin; of r!rahmeuta uii (Owned and Operated by the Dominion Go''t.) kra I'ilU x 7 I It 4, 5, 6, 3rd und HdBcreon Blk., Cpr. 6th a ibiinlily deeoraled lahle. Ihe FJU X I H Best Equipped Office in Northern B.C. 100 Coal pi.rty. nlnmt 35 in number, break. lUlllie H 3 5 I'l Due 1955, cars Iii'r at miilnltflil. up O. W. V. A. ! 5 t t 5 Price $68.31 and Interest Son. of Kny. 7 7 0 from Mat'"d Rlvrr mine, ownrd TEST WILL POWER Intermediates. by Print Itu(rt rillipne. I'rfilt it ." I ir Payable London, Canada and Nejv York, We havt Uie cxelutivr ricot to IH'KI.PII. Feb. . -Im u ue. lejer rt I 3 2 To Yield 6 25 per cent, and Profit on Exchange. fill elTorl lo lent bl-i will kandl. thi roal in I'rinc Kup.rU , Intermediate Olrls. Dr. Sutherland Dvn't b milled hy other eoal Miver A. J. tin ham, u -lecoiid-ypnr Meleor HI ludeiil al Hn' Ontario Apri- dealtra who uae oar firm nam Plmne (HrU I 3 4 ulliiml (Milbvae. eniirltnled ;t (he Royal Financial Corporation Iheir coal. D.D.S., L.D.S., D.D.C. tn a-tv.rtUe Maide t.eafit I t la fsl pTeiilly. lie ndmilleil If ye"want a real food rr.en-j (l.'.V. I rot I, a1,! lliat a clo.e .liidy of Ibe fum'im Of Girls' Junior. Limited ENTISTRY roilililiiHK in Clnim bud purrel in all its branches "l'il lieu 111 5 5 Phone 58 bun on. h be wnuleil lu II ml mil B. C. Khu Kdwaril 5 Rogers Building, Vancouver, bow il fell In lie mil hungry. . Exchange Block, Suite 14 and 15 Prince Rupert Feed Co. Spiirlan Willi.Itanyra 3 3 0 I VlcUrla BRANCHES ImiiIi T L..d.n For NOTICE. . BUe- 201 Central IS tldM L O. I Appointment C.P.rmaa.nt Lea allele. It., Phone Black 516 Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th SU FULLER'S SPECIALS lo whom il may ronrernwe Take nut ice that the partner- F. II. IrftlTce. 3 lb., (nr l. -liiit heretofore eii.tlni; between Sweet Orange, 3.dozen for it. Ihe llliderniHlied and A. Ilichuiond, Prune!, reg. I5e, now 2 . for Special Prices! known n. I lie St. Itctin't'fe, Im. 'lie been illnxsl an at January 31, 23c.Ilipe Olie, per gl. 1.10. Popular Meeting place liljl. The Im..I nen. will be con. Creeu Oage Jam, I lb. tin f5o. HATS AND CAPS tinned under Ibe ownership of the I'urc Lard. 2 lb, for Tic. ruiitiiiuluiT partner. Kamloop I'otaliH'ii higli prude I ile. I to Ihauk I lie publiu'for re quality, reg. 3.S0 on kiiU '.'.C5. Big Variety at Every Meal Time! their patrona? hi Ibe puU'and to i:lra special union., lit Ih. ?5c. ri'tiuest tbe roulliiuuiieti of urh KrU.o, 3 Ibi. fof t.00. KING STEVE piilroiiinio fr my ucci'or. Ilutler. fre.h. 53c. 00c and 03c. J. C. OAVIUAN. II. ('.. Fresh V.s now 05c Man's Furnlehlnge Third Avenue The St, Regie Cafe Is becoming more and more the meeting place Duleil February I. IU2I. Palm Olivo Soap, 12 for 1.10 for Prince Rupert People. With every comfort ana) A oulsln un. celled, all who come here find service to their liking the sort of Try a clatnllTed advertisement NOTICE. rvlc that mahee food. f If you want to buy or sell or If An il ban been reported (o Ihe you enjoy your jou want anything. A lot of buei-nens Aa.ocinlioii (hat rertaiu iiulividii. Great Reductions The number or family dinner parlies at the St. Regis Is proof or i done that war nlt purporting lo be returned : Ihe economy and appreciation ot our service. When you wish to ' inlilier and tit some cane even la our complete etovk of t.rlvO.lt. ! "urve a table Just phone 460. j vyeurlnu nervice iiuiiou wuieii -... Pictures, (liey have priM'ured have been Wallpapers, Do tnotli.rday a tf.r wlUa .olieiliug aid throughout Hit' city, llablac.Aiw4. cititen are reptei.ei In refer Paints, etc. PILES Inf. w rrKruJ-li'C Klchmnnri rile. Ma llie.e men lo Ihe Association, Manager ' St. Regis Cafe Prince Third Avenue Rupert alien iifrsloal you rjalri..1 opri.oon uie where aited.all bona tide returned men SILVERSIDES BROS. mi afford luu bnl ejo. hoi ail P.O. Dos I SO Second Street Phone 22 Vo- 1-lsill.d. edtra. or KduianMW, ! OIIKAT W'.Mt VM-KHANS" 1,.y.M lui fr. 11 VOU UKOUoaUUI rarr tovt.oclot tu ituup v VT P"iti& Aoquno.v.