let"'- iMtm " "0 v VAX . y T&139 tew TAXI Phone TAXI 75 WE NEVKR SLEEF Huntley- &...Hale PRINCE RUPERT Prince Rupert Auto fH!Ke',on u,OCK Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper 707 Second Ave. - f'rinc Kuprt IMUNCI-: lit I'KItT, II. C. Wi:i).VKHAV. i'KUill AllY 0, ri. YrUrt't CircMlalleti ITTt. Slroi ttt tit. PRICK FIVK r,K,TS Ml. M'. '!' rx i-ivin ii ft irnn ft txvyi ft y rrt fiTrrnrk ut ft nnrT ft y lAnnnnnAimrwirrn rvi v J fa K hi u ti f bi I ill h m m w m M m v s va I H id I v-i i ik h 111 iirr.i.r. iiuivivi Mrrr.Hi. i n in i r.i ih i m iml i.ifiir,irif mir.1 1. Aiifh Afrira Safe Within Britain and States J WL Empire for some Time Yet and News Services . I C..,in La. ClrrA I n n A In CI n - 1 Flnrfirm PVlirif Brti:h Foreign Office Call Crrre-spo Labor Leader is Defeated by Smuts Candidate; dents Together to Isrue Working Majority Expected Warning Against Piecemeal News MNMY I'l lmi.it 0. Tlit SoiiIIi Afrii nti HitImhi rHiini . L It. lf-1 . I a. 1 I I I.. ltill.UM..l NICHOLSON i . p r ! i' l -urirtlli, ltlMtrlte :, .ilioitliU 2. ami MOVTHHM Keliniary . A call from l.niloti In t la-Moiilrenl .(snJrtil I IS SILENT .Slrir n llml on Mnmliiy (lie Foreign Onifennimoiicil KiriltTifk II Ure.-wHl, Mmr leader, deTruled by u r 'r rrrtTMiiiileiil of Ilie Amriciin ir residing in (Srvnl , ,'Klni.it'". tin bring 1 1 feuliirr of tin Hreliuii. 'Irii.mi mid apiH'iilt-iI (o litem lo exen-ie patience mid guard Rfu to Oltcuti Sttamahlp ijz-iinl . ilcriirub or arlioii" wliirli would Hrone feeling belween Tlic in mi m'lore lli eHt! wan uiai 01 wir i-o enoeo a'hcml fA Nationalist and remaining mi-l of the Hellish Plana Knoiwa Nothing of Knglutnl md Anierirn. The rjifK-al vo made direrlly mid it wn l Smut. Pfum vwrljr rHtini Ihi-re Rumortd Chang. (oiiited out that the Iwo roiinjrie.H were now'trending the oIIih , ? Ii uii'iourd M IX M MS s I.IM .., Ihnl Hip rirtiiilrv i wtliillr llrili-li. t hut leiid to war. .1,1 Iml VNCCUVtn,Fb.9. "Our "Ii llivr Utt I1IMI" j h Km u. Lnlrr . l iiikIiiikiiI Uib rU'i lion ii J I w niil that the nation were drifting apart through luck CW'fiTOWY Fi-tirii.ir- plana ar not far anough a, i in il tn" .t.ir ii.-- I.. .ri !l Hniilli Africuii iirl licujril li (iciirrtil Sniul davaloped to maka a deflnita M of i-oiiiireheiiioii of each other. Piecemeal pre turie between r li-j i uliilr. IritlNirilc . Tlif XulMiiilil- gam announe:mcnt,M atatad CapU Joim k'iu the two ciiiiiilric were not helping the situation. C. H. Nlcholaon of tha Ha-t'onal Denied at Washington. v i 'lie Tr-n:-vnl Iml Hit rewuliiig i.iiimii i Ihul hit tttt: MANSON CHOSEM Stsamthlp llnaa on WASIIINfiTOX, Kehniary 1. The Hrilih charge d'affaires Ii.r ; working m.iiorttv. -.! rtturn trtm Ottawa, regard a here. I.elie Craigie. culled on Secretary of Stale Colby today lo tha that ha would Ing rvmor CANADIAN FLEET IS m Rnx placa tha ilamtn Prlnca COMINQ TO PROVINCE forniiilly deny (he puMUIicd- rejjris that the UritNIi Foreign Oeorga and Prlnca Rupart on " f Ollic-e had stated to United .Male newspapermen that Britain and i tha run blwn Vancouter the I'niled lilate.- were treading pallia leading to war. GONE ASTRAY and San Franclaco and bring (-anaillaii un Hi"riiia- Venr.br for Cmlneca Hrnorad by ahlpa from tha Oraat LaVaa nl Ihroiicb 'iSi Janaina Legislature by Being l ti tHlr- plaeaa- n, tfca-Vntoutr-Prlnc a - - Chosen Chafrman. Grand Trunk Railway is' riupcrt run. rl on iiHIicMi miwi" IBKI Captain Nlcholaon aald ha II i lw Jn r.-giiiiiuill " . . PAULINE T5KES To Appeal Action of the til Owing to Lack, of ' " of auch knaw nothing a mova Mi r h 9. PLACE AS DEPUTY Final Count. and wa not priparad to dl-cuaa Board of Arbitration tha ma tit r. Ml PMIIA. Fiii. 'J. A. M. Mm ii-n. I U !. ' II iiicuiImt for (luiiiicrHj . a inil'ri u BALLANTYNE SENDS )f-ena' aflfi'lMmll iltflitt Mk-i Mti.VTItllAI Febni.iry Tentative .-leps towards an apeal i i. v wlllrll liu-t RAILWAY TAXES "f llii- Fifteenth l.-ilalurr of I in Mm lull 'i I In- Ciraiill Trunk It.nKvuy from the deriiou of (he arbilriitiou bI ANOTHER MESSAGE Ill'lll.U l,llllillii. Illk elrrl Kill ! I ii f'lltlllM.il 19 ,Mm,.. ,y 1'n iiinT (i-i nii'1 I'oanl lj ilicide the value of the railway's, preferred and rnuimon I Mill lli- t i nit. il hy v. J. IIommt. h-Hiler jtlock prior lo the ytem Dei'ig taken uwr t the Irominion liov-,"f . Belated Lelltr Arrived thla Morn- I (tMllnl- II iMilin. eriiiiieut, were Uikeu yoterday when couiie7or the (iraud Trunk . Inn, Just too Lata to be --1 1 t i .Hi in ! I EITccllve. r. . I'aiiiin.-. im-iiiim-i- iwnij- i,.,er,.4 .-vidence, which wa refused by the arlilralion board. in. i ul tin- i t. T. Watson, C.T.P. Representative, iiMh. i rlioM'ii d"tily iwaker.j , , . , . lUts "uel h,r tb he ":. I.l ..-rl,. I Mr.' tr "'IJ in n,... r ..u..-r J . ul lllC ll - I f..).vliig ii. rechet IliU ks Fifty per cent Allow-tJiiu ilnnM.ii. iii adiJrcKiHs iU- l.iul- evidence had been purMi-ely bnxight iu Mt that it i-ould be entei-ed nsnrtl ! ti. U lUlliin-j anee on Property, iMiiii (ii.enn.r at Hi f.ruit "oriiiim in the records u having been oilered and refused. II J i.ll 1 1 1 1' I' it . iniiiilT of marine and - 4 uf t ft IIixim". luinied for the r l(.'lli- lUllTIl ine court or hwiiuii i t it , ., . , . . ,.---B-e. IV le i.lhrr f i mhI rcv.llirri. :iihi or yrteciU nflnriMM.H ami - ....,... ! FISH SPECIAL but tote mUoiirned ( najn b l- ' ' ii niiti tuiilly o recover, ii-.l!t'"i- "illi Hie r pill of rre, H ANNA ASSURES THAT J. TRnflKS i ninrily lo al"-t ill the derli)p iiwrmw..iiioruiiiL-, lifli the. . .nmlli-r... , ii,, tli- 'i-oit f His. Honor ul oil PRINCES tTAY HERE iiii'iil I lie ll.lilua iudiiotry nml oi I nc . I . '. (-i-KHineni win w HAD TROUBLE tub).' tUiuail.1 l lake ll luiiicnl soue on with. Mayor llm-hester is jut (iu mI I lie head of the llli pro- Yenlerdny afl.Tii'Miu 'J'. 'aton.j of ire from in revcipl n 111) III:: COIIIllrte, I Would Htj Ibe repre.eUH. of the railway ,D CHILD D'ED "l. If. Manila. IJ.N.fl. prei- Derailed by Snowbank at Salvus rjr hotel keeper anr itlau-V eili)auy. npiM-UH'ii ncior.- no-e. iklil. .lHlllis tlellnitrly Holt for Several Hours and Passenger Ctntlltutnc vtMII be Conttttad nii nr lliriiuuhoiil the cituntry In -.l iiuilnl b'iiik I ii?Ill pot forth AS RESULT ACCIDENT Hie Kteauier.s I'riace ltin.rl Was Held Up. l J. H. Macdonald for lii c prollilneiire to tUiuadlMli tUh tin rr uf the mil way eoiupiuiy. and I'rinee (ievrge jire not Labor mi I i-liiTiiian' t Nuoiial He Klnle.1 lhl il ' 'he de.lpo,on pu Administered by 1 heir Ijti-t night's .regular naV-eiicn- Parly. in J.! uken from I l-i-li Day. February . Ire of Hie railway ruiuy lo, Mother In Mistake No 'train did not arrhe iiulil i:lo a iiorlhern route. 'MUX I'll. 1 V....iiIil (.. i' at Inline cxintutoe ubout barter,with lb.- eily orr the imil- . Blame Attached. ' .this iiioruiny,. ....haviut;.... bfen I ij--..f I I " l.niiiliiii lal ue Itiirii of the Hull we prmluru. te uf a use nine ii i. but all that : ' "r ii i ..iik, lite liiliui i I niiuilu m our iiK8eit buyer. I'n-;liniiti'd iliMilrfd w a fair bats.j A ,,,,, jMipi.".i In-lit Hi is uio'ii- a derailed engine al that wiiit. Ir, ,f Pni'iij.,,,, ,,) , i ti'ilie of flli are uuiU Ald. Ibhlmui i ..iu urrr.1 In 'bi ilm ,, ,,,.a,L r t Wm. riDininc ncu "'"'-'ur ,is'1 sftiai wiii. h 'a r i Wunlvvirli wlVt.nn ( I.I N - X I IMIIST'AN' KMI.TK .idle in on uml our tiller concern Iiut Hie .iewpoiiil- of Ibe rday ji,. u hhhiIIis old titdiiiil rlVt LAKLUAUo rwn ten w the east ye.teniay morn-cm '"" ul lllllllll I'i'i'iii f S. tit I Afilni ho lil! lo eveiid the deiuaml for it roiiiMin mid tli- city u-i In what i,.u,), (. rr,,ner jury broiiuhl n TU1C MnDnllNP '"B Tu u ,,,,w I""11, ai"' liniiii. 11,1,1,1 ,ui,r party I'eeii rc-clifC'd iili K"l m- I'arh anil eery r.aiiailiiin ran' do n-ally is a fait li: sis i the ijues- Jn n ,.,., ,,r anri,,.t,iuj-nl Ii oMLU inij inuiriiiiu!l,r,.aiki,w tirr ,,i, jlt,i n. t,, J"'ii J II Mi.i iI.iiihI.I. tli. jorily. liN or lift lmre tu ili"eliip the Hun. ll.rtiuuli a titiiKoiioiis ilrup being front wheels derailed. It. was live "' iiieiiiii.'i f.ii inol iinportuiil if our murketn The rallwnv ompuny is askhiR ailiiiiiii-ler.il in miiake by iu om ana ai, Biggest to in, ouiu (r t uiurs iiur in1 kjcihimii ie mo in lliru.i n hchalf.i...r. In rlulil here ul Iioiih' by uMiik lUh that the ctly lake a a liasi Hie mollier. No I'lani" was iillarliedl to Cold Storage Co. at w;.s a;:aln on Hie rails and. in Hie ESCAPED LIFE on niljoining properly 11.7c. and 6c. ineautiuie, the went bound paen. I In plnre II dierve.i in one'it diet. ni.se-HHiienl lo anyone. llij that or !! railway uer was delated, being unable lo nllVir nnnno i I.ei nil Ix-kIii loriillivatu the hnbil lo company trfroui-i' MeMiillin eouductet) L'ii.. iil,..nld hulllalll IVI.r. viuiUi uivui u mi February W." and thai an all'-wanc of approximately h.uest and llie jury .oii.pr.se.i ii.. pati. SERVER FOUND Oil per rent he made for , , h U() KU KxcllH,1(!l ls) AT PRAIRIE CENTRE " T. morniuir. Hie ax.-rape price l-ald Ifmrr I rifhl of way uml r.iadwuys. Mcllue. S. A. Coiby. Sullier- . . ... . ...,. ..,.. JUUut rtLLtlltti W. E. HODGES IS BACK Tl iiy's j.inii'1 is that the ruil- VNll'lii., Oeoroe Van Horst, Who Escaped .kwt-tiUtivd to lanu u.iV,iJ' ;W5'.. "rjv;---t W looducts .sMKialioll. ITalitt-! DIES AT QUEBEC Kt, u ii,i..iiii.. wi,y 'niiii) TliA ,AVUlsse' ;we r' FROM TRIP TO OnAWA Ct., Fish and lV.J.1 Storage :. dian US"II I.ii.,1.1. ni l.....fi. p niiiim ii.... i....nisi From Penitentiary, Arrested this allow line s il was tho railway li Wesl.-v. orenl of Hie dead .""1 .7. I ;'' liia iii i.i .i n ,,f crtnln oil. In Seattle. company I Iml ..rllciiially made child. Martha Wesley. Pucillr Fisheries, uml ttoyat Hli Was an Outstanding Figure In I'll-' II!' Ill xl. U, I., (ii,. Is In Conftrence This Afternoon the pluns and tlieire forlh the I.. . Kern in uml I'.. II llrini'. (o. were Hie buyers. French-Canadian Politics. II ).If . With Committee and rlulil of 't he Tom and AI. IJ,0H0 pound's n 'ins ii nun,,u j1PP HKArrUi. Fibniiiry ll. After Representing roadways, parks ways nlM bud Hie heavle.t ealell olferilW lFHKt:. Feb. ! H' ti. I.ooi liuvliilf Vkcuped friiiii Hie New Creditors. until sitrh exl-l and nn open to STEAMER ABANDONED loilay uml she sold for It.J" and I'hillpp I'l'llellei". judite of the (If ,u ,1,,.,..,,.I ,,. u WctlniliKler peiillenliury on July Hie public. "li llort. V. I".. Ilie. oilleiiil receiver (lr lo the l'.old Hlorasie Company. yuebee tlourt of Appeals, died liluli.'t- Van icrml.'H ut B3c. ll liwl year, llcorue IN MIDDLE ATLANTIC. here yesterday? lb' was an oUt-lundiii for the I'rinee Dm-k mr liirt: H life -enlence fur lour, tluprrl lry U II I rv ... iler, wn u-reled here la-t nliilil mid MiiuIiii'itIiip I'.ii,, arrived (his BIG BRIDGlNE AR llaure in j.uliliral circle. uhd will bo retuined In the llanu- iiii iiiliiji rrom OIIiumi lier ho WORLD'S RECORD ! r Bombardier In Slnklnq Condition !u (lie province,. , PREMIER ORE illaii nullioHli e." Van ,1 1 " - wo Iihii been for I ho pint few weekM ji IN SaI JUMPING Between New York and ANCHORAGE OPENS CARGO ( un icli'il of I inuiiler in throwing in comicrllun lth local dry b ck Belglrn Port. u Juiiatieoe llnlierman on I of n u(Tnlrn. This nflernoon lie Is in rti:vi:i.sToKi-H Feb. o. - Is 504 Feet Long and the Second Soviet Russia I'lllll- J.,1,,, ...iu,.!,,,,, .., bout 'ii the Slrull of (ieoriila. Me couferelicit wllh the creditors' Ivind NcImih bloke Hie MON 1 III.AI., February 'J. -The Largest Span Bridge In W. W. LEFEAUX, who ( ft . "Iw.ri ui i ,, ..i..,.i. ii.i. which ed Ill-it ihli stenuier It.m J'aiili.'r has the World. WiiM si'lileliccd to Ilium but tilt' rfiiniiilli'i a up point world's record rr boys' ski Moscow recently, will speak "',li anuilirr SOU lon of tenleiicii wait eniiiiiiuli'il to Ho' at the last creditorH' meeting. Jump here li"l' iiy cleur-liig been ulmmbmed in mid ellaulie ANCIItHIAtlFTTI-b. V.- Ira flic iu Hit, Mclntyre Hall on , r! U''1"'" f'""ll.i I'm. llu. escaped wlln unullier life The liiii'('ors pn this f oininlllrf ISO feel. I bis was nil in ii nlckinir condition. , Tha rrew bus ooeucd over I he uitim river II"","'ul u ...J III' v,..,l ,.l......" "I I erer, Mynteitaiiu f.roin the U"k are F. l.nntwcll pnd J, H. .Mcllrevy, liih'euVe of four -feet over was insim tin ny ine -.inmucr brid Hie second lurgesl spun Wednesday, February 9, o ,iu ri Tui'iima if Vaiicoi.Vi'r.'und Oeoriie Nicker, Moimtclav. Tin H.-inlianlH'r.. . ...was , . .le.. ,. . hi'r wild In the penUeiitlury. his last year s Jump. Ir- ,i ii ii I r.,,1 r..... ut H "re will i unloaded fur ion, t. fl. Ptewart mid M. I'. Mo. ell roi'l' from New York to u Hel- ;uriuyw in me worm- n i ut,in-i p.m. itnir tAdvcrtlte Iu tin? I'aily ,Nuw. Cuffi-.r)'. uf I'rlnco lluport. iiiU uui t ;lolf- - -