e f5, 1981. fTHB DAILT WEWfl PAOK THflttB BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus I OT COLLY FLr THERE COC,TME WPI lf M WELL AT ALL I 1 WAIT UNTIL I art-Si Tr TALL 1 DOOK tlt Efl LIVt! 00 TAtPt, e.HO just I CrM txj LU - I CET MY MAT AM' j CAMT CVfN AWAf zr2rz$r VNriT TO "TEL l TOO t'r-t de"l nuNK THE rif?t OH TLY .WU2. LUCKY. TO (TOft CQM to Complajh to the. I'LL, CO WITH YOU- ""jwaoooJB'f en;irej co by I A-WAf- meak it : (VIowmcb: or thc -.xjildi 1 9 A 0I UJ '' liuo-v . Mr. . 4r.,wn Mr and M: II. SOCIAL EYENT MnnN, Mr. and Mr A. Kmn-h;tii, Rupert It Mr. and Mr. II. tvn. Jrnr. Harry Daily News Classified Ads. WAS ENJOYABLE M"'r Cafe am, Will Si. Regis U'Htaen. I.nrin tnd Willie I loin- 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE, No AdrartlMnutnl Taken for Laa than SO ilii.n, Wr. K. Hirnffr Mi rm Anooanctf snollwr reduction la Thud Aenue Queon Mary Chaptor Qavo Bridge , k.-iy. W. .r.,; .. Ml. Tli' lma ?nrn, , a live S 111 i It follow: WANTED AUTOMOBILES BOATS FOR SALE I (.81.11 Party and Banco LaU K . Mu I.. . Mi- O. W IH Suiter . . . 7TJ.S0 Night Mrlod. Mr. nd 'H. Ar- WILL ewlianir.' rlar !( to dix nUPIUlT Motor ., dalr!i -"Rmj" 4011 Two mael erhooner, new rorped.wti Surter 7tt.ll ejl.t The RerrJezvous Ihur. MrNafnllou, Mr. K Car and Tmeka'. AtU-rtwItlU ir,r.fi.on. '.rtip tets.si On of Ui" nk.-l litllo oriol (li'Tinafi Mr.MMl Mr. J. Arthur. td eHy linnl f Wioria. II. repair i. Tiw, rt 2ti r, h.p. Knaine. 4 cylinder. .Sedaa tMMi titi.se'SSS.Sl of the avmlo ItmI ha hn held in Tr .mi cHi(d Iiovp tuki -1. for equal etHy n similar oorira apd Vyfrl parto alwnyn T7S.00. fracs Wlia. surler. S7I.TI tltll PHar NaMrl fr many a dy u lhir ridnrr w in iu prnnorty In Vrtw- II u pert in stock. Oemmnriui kxidioa :5x7 t h.n. Rejral. Alwaler- Wi tiuter MUI Particular Diner U 1ImI Qun Mary '.fcolT. Arnu Kaol. HfferMieeN and rariu-ular on btrilt for afl :parpeea. lAy K-nt Ifrnition. rUiHhble for I.lrll Vila Plirry Surtr SMI.It SB4i Iaibl'r mt frr KnipKrr. in tho rru4. Ownrr. 88 oImhI A-rqA ut give yoti a prtee tm your trapping or oalmon, 1370.00 T eei a'wayo depend on Mflr. HaN la.l nig.!. Ttv innkl X TCC npcW Vlaioria. H. C. car body. Taylor. A Mnnre-houae. 2r7 -Salmon troller. 6 h.p. Road & Frizzcll here fiw nont ..Claw .Mta. narfi. il .WIWIL UllUlLU Ul U disrner Ihlrd'nnd-sfiialh Kilierman F.nirine In gtod T4 DMlsrs ottt;a paKtrulorty MiilalrW and .aiy- HERE WAVfBI nom for threa PrlHC RBrt 8. C tlllVy prepared dishes, IN BUSINESS A?OHe. tf condition. tS5C.no. from the choicest, aMo. Tbo rartp port f imp oa. penilefe); in private house if 20sS4-,Platire lloat. 5 h. p. fustiest!,(-, rr.eavs, vegetables nink aa ilotwiMf to bridav. nrw pnaftoWa; with ue of both. BIISCELLANEQU! I airbasiko, I eyl. 2 cyola, cm- Mr- Brohaut and Mloo Waud .Near aootafftoe. Apply P. ft. tnd fruit. vraoiva lyifo MNmi ptayMl in ClMKRA and Mhatlar Renal, P1'1- it.- rMiai and f4d bridcr- in Ibr, Eaton to Conduct Fancy Ib.x 4IA or phone M7 h. Blade tHevena, nr ec. -id 5'- ' -P- work or paesen-A . l.omellkr :3fl and . MM iwrrn ., -ih-r. OoodoStoro. venue. opposite Kdite Cu. ger 4.al. Wall eolpfed. Price add pt I lo About II n'rlnrk rpfrrliiiienl W A NTK I V Tt I rent on or before Phone 3HJ tf "n app'ieatlon. of the u ..-Md on Ihr rard laid. in am kiiiH wnirh iut iMrember I. email furniaked ' ft. by 7 ft. oalmon Iroller, full ...I 'n- f Ihr room, ami follimHHf ..prnmB in I hi etty i lo W eaa-ilml kouaa or anile. AppU llei It7 WUSIC ' pqmpmenL 5-h.p. Vale engine. V ip c i In private danrtnic m pnjoy for a (urt-d br well kimn ladii. Ifciily Xewa finW. 57 "THR. true pnrp. e of MI SI.- ':. -.m. . Di'-tr uppr Parties. rof.ie of kMMjra la the oiber It lr. IVoMnl and Mi M. K. Lo aaiaiaeaa 1.. h e..,f..e ,.f 27X7 ""r, fc Tf fer. co iri Connection tea- h linppT roneptiotl. wall pHai Tkw have taken Hm ior BOARD AND ROOMS knwanily" Itorh. M. C. clc Fos Rnsirie. tSOOjOO PHONE 4S l ulled, and Ike iolljr irfy had lorHnerl oreMwd by W. J. Itar- Iti liKKT IU"m and board wMti Italtay. TWkrr. -CS7 F-ighlb 2 ft. s 8 ft. beam. Salmon boat The Quality Grocers a drlie-Rlful lima. rtet Alkifta" battetrer abofi ami prfvata family, for two radtoa Aranue Weal. Telephone lireen 8 h.p. Ouaranlae engine, dy-bohjo I fi. i. the rt event of Ike , roodtorl a tmfy mttrk elb-kind l7. If and etarage battery. or gentlemen. ar H4dlal. ibal ba barn held in 11" t and du plain wha mt Priea iMOM. Mrln .... Mil It i- hkrly lhal'a kind. Apply INX ttft.v jHtily New FUr.SltTURE REPAIRS Xorlhera Kxebanpe. 135 Second mnt oiiM-ra rt f. It.w. ( HM. ln hilereatiM parta of of flea. tf. IlHiXT iiUiKrour FumttHre for ' YOU WANT THE Xmas i Tbr winnera of the priaao were ,1,,. blea will be the BOARD. wort of proper repair. paneh-iTn n. uoal, 10 h. p. eyele en ttlaa T.ev and Munr... ' UroW wnonan'a esrbanfa. where ladle - II. aior. Would make fine ing. Oatinit. HetamiBga a t,i. ..n.rttaflon want to af THR now dining tm at the' wUh prue .f toe eity o to dlapawe (late Hii!ao?ik U-r Co.), 8M trolling or perioral work boat. BEST Mi M. idma and II. T. Pullon. their needlework r any Uer Inlander it now open. Hoard I TbirO Avcnu Pkano IUnck All fitted up for immediate The enmww Uaa In harp n Un artirto made ky tnentoatir mar ky Mto week or mouth, phone; service. A real. Gif ff. -n,t7t. tf snap. Apply ,araoMJWweni aaiv.nio.1 m r. ifc an -mMHMi. it to an lt. X. M. MeLjata. Cow Hay. i5 W. Kenrin, ratiannr: Mradaa laaUtaAann tltat baa ie Beaded WATCH REPAIRS FOR SALE WE HAVE IT "JVaf- ICP lynter, OrfdAaad bar and bnntd be fal. Jeweler arfd WaTakmaker 2 FOOT LAUNCH 3 H h.p. Jut ArriycT n wl M.rrtity nwr Ttta Iron ha. I ha apvaor inlpoft SALK )t.HiebaI. rnraUure LEE S. JOE Palmer engine, large cabin. l. r,.ided ftbarlea and N .Hiaa. -ynrtiKro '.ll in pood and running , by jtoittoh Columbia for rj e,K,HIMMX r i,ak dinln? shape Hse" new sloes, consisting r.alaa-ao. IReea aruum rirpH rlaaner. romn uif; oak bed. upriafra'' Third Avemie. Prinee RBpert order, gale price 1230.00. j Everything u i f goods suitable r. pr-H-eed- are f..r ibe liiild. Thio Waabiae mespeoiaiva and tterioor matter ; wkila A.I Work OuttratVtred. Awlv Tokio, Third Avenue. for the Table tee Ch'ilmt presents, tn rnnd. o)na Ike anaor work aa an lortrfr kadi iprir urn and Oalerneonr Mail Order a Specialty. EKQINES FOR SALE Jews in and look around. Cleaner nut I eorertrvrly. it lata allreaa. oklffoitiar, kitekan MANY AT WEDDING bad a larae eU-in aonoa parta af raaa . Franklin beater, oak HAIRDRESSINO 12 h.p. liaffalo, heavy duly, 2 Munro Bros. COCDJ RIGHT Ike provinea. , parlor laMea. w tot or ebaira. LADIES' liAlimnKSSING, Mar-eel eyl. 4 cycle. I5OO.00. WCtS RIOMT I OF MISS GRAHAM trainf lo the fart that Mr, lire. esN table, ruga, Mlchon irle. waving, shimpoointr. Slng-e-icg, 19 hji Fay A. How en clutch and T-n nnnrnv nrmin l. i. mmm a ii V -w ... .it ot, diahc. ale. Phone- SIS. Hair I7ing, Scalp treaU shaft. 1580.00. Phono S3 Third Avenue 1U KUbLiil rtAlnUu known, tkeir knainrao praoajoo la 368. tnent a epeclalty. Toupeea fl h.p. Catile Perfection, G0.00. F. au inatant aucreaa. Tfcoy ar and wig for gentleman and m Knox with reversible pro-pellor, AKASE , n r already Miuvinv in and are .lata FIR HALF IVo oil heater; bed transformations for ladies. (90.00. wa V r viowwww wi su'viij aaa I""""1- and mattrraa, KHohert Qaeen Switchea made up from ladies' 5 h.p. 4 crHe Portage clutch 'The secret of preparing a t Third Avenue ' Which Frlondt of Bride and taMe; two kitchen . chair ; own combings. REX HARDER propeller and shafting, S225. hearty and successful meal Phono Rod IS Qroom Had SnjoyabU wicker rhaira. leal Iter vkaira. SHOP 213 Sixth Street PrftVe 35 h.p. Studehaker 4 i. 4 cyeJe.' la to have Timo. iFNinYJRIF PARTY auk. elerorir baaler. eur. Rupert, li. C Phone Jilue with pmvallor and mag.. tain. I.aty'a eol . and other K. Ohaa. IT.Ieraq If 8I90.&0. A vary prrlty waddinr wao TO CELEBRATE MILES tkinea. Phone IHati tM. Sex 20 ha. Sludebaker, 4 ejl. I cy Luscious BOATS FOR SALE oletnnlted at i-rtlt o'rlark laa cle with ISGJ)0. Ib i.rinrrftala kdtnil LEMON'S MAJORITY COMFORTABLE hoi lie fur sale. mag.. Pleasure boat. 31 fl. long, la b. 30 h.n. Union 3 cyl. 4 cycle. Iropole Hall lUd-rl rlur Jr . of Mr. Six rooms and balb; lawn, heavy duly engine. At fitted $800.00. rVaWrt Arthur of Third Avanna. A .Kk garden and chicken house. p. nioal I'ujKyab!.' iarty up in heel of akapa. Prior 55 hi. Atlas, full equipment. 3 and Miaa Vkda lirabaai. dauahler Ure at th- rr.i.lei..-.. ,.f Mr Part eaeh. balance as rent. BREAD r imilar loss tkan coat of engine. I eyl. 4 cycle, !000.00. or Mr. and Mra. t. a. ranant m Ua, KifTIi Aenue Ui even. Apply Muuro Hroa. If. 45.fl. boat, wotold make a fine 15 h.p. Rmmerson, 4 cyl. 2 cycle Vartoria. nt resident in Prim ,w, u baiu the .rraoi.ii of KLHNltl BK for qulok lS fishing boat, with 25 h. p. Atwaler-Kofll ignition. Alum, Nvtperi. The ceremony look plare.aa, .Mile attaint hi ina. on tho table. OFFICE SPACE aa Seventh Avenue Wl. (V9 Union engine. This boat an uoini kaso, I I50.O0. Rev. N. R. firant. !.! 3 You have missed one of the tarenla. IK.r jority. yuel wora be bought fur 40 per cent tee 10 h4. Palmer. 2 eyl. 4 cycle, til fH ttiM Hie ofliriiiin i-:.THiiian preaejU. Al the iiiiiiencatRea! ALL kind of furniture fur sale. than roat. Apply N. M. Mo-Lean, with oluleh . and propeller, Joy of living if you have rtie hr!d toot--I rliar-.iii) in'f I be avatiiuc rogr.ajve wkid Phone ItPd 91. If Cow Ilay. i 00.00. not tried Aetnla fn pxdilte erapa de ehina and a liny ihrty-lwo playera waa played, 7 h.p. Motor eyole. air cooled. FOR RENT Our Bread American Lino pink ribbon around the wait ami baing aeated. Ihe firt ladtoa' HU1LT last month. Hull. Amer-teanstypa, with aarburotlor, 135.00. . i Amorican Lino carrying a bouquet of while rbry-aitiaw. prUr waa woo uy Mi A. Walker FOR RENT -Furnished house baMkul boat. IS ft. It h.p. l'arro, 2 eyl. 2 eycle with; TRY IT k,W!,vuii Amorican Knnally rharmitut and Ibe leiohv priie by Mra. overaH. I2fl. beam. S fl. S Is. atiuipment. (225.00. an Fifth Avenue near AlaHrlde. Lino. waa Ika krtdaamaid. Miaa .Nora ft. I.. Warrior. .The firat naoH" tM.M. Year'a lease. Five deep. Open eabin pleasure "nVINRt'OE" eugine, practically; OlJr Typewritera K.iiM.v in Nile green organdie priie by 8. KMiilb and Ibe frant'a room. Apply Htx 3 It laily boat, 2& rt by 6 ft. bevn, 8 arw. cost 2165. Price 2125 00 St. Regis Cafe Cary Sarot axitti a iiinV In I. booby priie liy l.rporat Krneet Newa Office. v S67 h. p. Palmer Knginc lu firat for quick sale. ! lije bride wa iriven away by lieorse Nawnbaia, M M. Sptondid class ooadiliua, only built 4 Northern Exchange, 135 Second, Third Avenue "IE INSURANCE ber father and W. fiedftie Wa ankr ijnd dancing waa anjoyatl Ktlit RRXT Purnird hiHise-kaaptnir months ago. Apply Ssisa, Avenue West. he ..'t man. The uroom glfl dwaiiiic Ibe evening. A anaaial aUUe. Apply 410 Cow Hay. '.i the bride wa a came., nnir feoMurc wa a cmic aonc ky Sixth Avenue Kal, aide door. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE. Dvbhavn 4& ft. II ft. beam. 25 h.p. au-gine. -1 1 r 1 ft nenn )nl wilk pearl and after the Ciialabip Arthur H. Tkornlh-waifce. Phone lilue 217. If x I Auto Sparkora from 110 to One f the Itaat bargain iaarernony bride Ika wa pre-pantail fc.rd Avenue wlh a ailver lea 'l ky Mra. LeuMui made an excellent lUil'SH for rent near Dry K.k. ever offered in Prince 118. Same practically as good SILVERS1DES r rtowa furrfilure for sale for Rupert. Could be uaed a a as now. 2 Wizard Magnetos. lele.ihone do-iin-luient. Rupert, O. C. tin Hirla of the baalaaa abled by Miaa llulh bein IS4K00. Apidy P. O. Hut 128. cruiser or ploasura boat. I high tension magnetos. Price th nreenialioii l.eipon. who aarxed Ih.1 toe. BROS. This boat mab rn re moaay from 910 to 125 according to nimle by J. Mien. Among tbuar preent were lo HUNT Furnished . Hou, tha condition. Northern Exchange. Ul Itiap prtftr summer Tho Danco. Mra. Kailb. Mr. Hau-ti. Mia. li. atoaui heated. .Norfolk Rooms. 1S5 Second Avenue. Second Street, aked for it at present. Apply ' H.Xt hn4tnwtnK the weddltiir ti danoa T. Slroiw. Mr. SkalUdjwi. Mra. PhtUM lM.iok 32. ' waa liobt in I he le l.u.e Halt, the WhrirUw, Iho Minwa Warrior. N. M. .Mrl..:in. Cow Ray. BOATS FOR HIRE Dealers in Sloe WeotholiiK' orrheatra fyrnihiniT Smith, Walker mid (ieorgina FOR HKX't -Four .rtNiins Bd Repair Job i ha uii-. at which about forty Hunter, Nurae MeLennan. Fraa. balk. Aprly Ninlli Avenue and 0 ft.WryJWM m. IXUVN-Uunch -Nar;j WALLPAPERS unlil lb earty Conrad. 270 bet hong" I am not asking you ouplea daiit'i'd er and White Maam owioii. fitted with .' h.p. Fairbanks PAINTS, for ioh. I offering ' V moraine houra. Anmiw Ute K. Ilaugk. Warrior. Nrwiiani, -for cash. a an: von Morse I'.h.'.ip HOUSHKKKl'I.N'fl ruome to rel ongin-v BRUSHES service at reduced J a prices. HUel al Ibe weditliig wero: Mr. Tnontlhwaile, liavic. I. Wca-iiaon, Ilout 35 f: ft. draft, B ft. 8 p. uivn or room and board. Phono Hod I Phone I Hack 100. ' "IHOii lk . . nd Mr. A. MaiHliinald. Mleaaa Itrloo, Matwelt, Kailli. S. 121. It in. beam, in. iLinktn froei WINDOW GLASS nrpair a nop i 1 . Muiyrarei mill Ina WoJala. Mr. tiuilta. tl. Thorbuni. W. Kiev, atom lo "tern IioUaias fir. j HULLS FOR SALE. FRAMED and UNFRAMED "I'd Avenue uiol M I- limtium. W. ana, Moliwaa, C. I.ei.i. n, McCrao APARTMENT To l in parkview 4. . inooiind "'-am ! . 1,1 f 'n'Wrt hn. .....t- Mr nmt M"- I WalKon. and Hie gwral of llo evening -Apartment. F. W. ItarL If. For aale . heap. ,.4r a.Vbl-! urk lloat hull. I200.0O, PICTURES, Mi oii-l Mi- W Murray. Mr. and Milea ltnon. Urmilla fl O. Ho t 27. itifl River Nit lloat IIU.UU. WINSOR A NEWTON'S , SUITE for rent, St. Louis Roams (2x New Hud. Will finish o w la lOet-l Speedo- I'm tryiiw my ln'l Phone Red tl. ' If I FOR SALE -One double-ender. sun purchaser. 1300.00. ART SUPPLIES. t- CATARRH lo git atHPad. SEWINQ Norwegian stylo boat. 14 ft. by 12x8 I'l&at- house with stove. Speolallata In SIGN and i ti LADDER l'a l!-Tli fli. y'" ) I 4 ft. wide, complete with one tva.OoT SHOW 0ARD WRITINO mi a. (H'WNS, OoiU, Novelty Suits and pair - f oars; cheap for cash. :6x? Fantail stern, deep draft. K Men' Shuts made, to order and. i in- skitr conipteie, to ri ions' s 1 23.00 TAILOR Hat Phono 22 P.O. Box 120 remodelled. 733 t hird : ft. In. wide. Apply T. M. and Ava. HHIHW Thero mav ue .,..0 iuhik you Avenue. by Northern Exchange.....135 Seand s-. i O I 1 want. Kaa the olanalflrd rulunui Phone 103. tfi