Monday, August 29, 1932 es e_—=- BRYANT COMPANY | M2 “EEMITED Quality Men’s and Boys’ Wear Suit Specials for ay Week $40.00 Warren K. Cook Suits; Clearing Price— Suits for inen, re- Fashion e men and young gult iY 85) 5): Clearing ee $20.00 — $20. 00 ae $9950 Suits. Clearine All Leishman Suits to Prices clear at— 30” to *35°”" ea will convince you they are bargains extraordinary Prince Rupert Sixth Street tm Stylish Apparel Since 1911 $15.00 | A look at these suits Phone 297 Leading 1 A CR RRR RERRoLERNENRRNNCNRe | 2 2 ee ER last night from Victoria and else : H S O] SEN EUROPEAN EXPERT > * nd WATCHMAKER Five years’ apprenticeship at the Royal Danish Watchmaker School at Copenhagen, then 12 years abroad working n the b of Europe. Attended to. Prices Reasonable. TERRACE, BRITISH COLUMBIA | All Mail Orders Promptly The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous ) | 66 99 Rupert Brand | SMOKED BLACK COD Munro Bros. ., ‘ . i > 2 = LOCAL ITEMS ' | The latest in Fall Millinery at| i Miss Barbeau’s. 202 -_—— | Mrs, H. Mist and aaughter ar- rived in the city Saturday and will be here for a few days at the Sa-j| voy Hotel. | J. B. Miller who has been’ on al week’s business trip to Vancouver, ] returned to the city on the Catala | last night. A social will be held under the’ auSpices of the Woman's Labor in the C.LD.L. hall on Tuesaday, August 30, at 8 p.m Miss Bell, fur lady at Gold-} bloom’s, left Saturday evening for| the East where she will buy for her | firm and investigate the latest de- signs in fur goods. Miss Margaret McCaffery re- turned to the city on the Catala) | where on Vancouver Island wi-.ere lshe has been spending the sum- ‘mer. Mrs. C. P. Ashmore, wife of the manager of the Granby stores at} Anyox, was a passenger aboard the| Catala last night returning to the swelter town after a visit to Van- couver and elsewhere in the south Miss Jean Fraser, who has been spending the summer vacation here with her parents, Mr. and rs. J. D. Praser, Fourth Avenue East, sailed by the Prince Rupert | Saturday evening for Vancouver ''where she will resume her school teaching duties. Rt. Rev. A. H. Sovereign, Bishop of the Yukon, who has been in Vancouver for the past two weeks, and Mrs.Sovereignand son ana two daughters were passengers aboard/ the Princess Alice this morning | bound for Dawson where they will | make their future home. Bishop} and Mrs. Sovereign's eldest daugh-| ter is in Toronto where she will attend Havergal College E. M. Haynes, Victoria, Post Of- fice inspector, passed through the city on the Catala last evening bound for Stewart on official busi- Pre pared Daily By ness. He will return here on the . Prince Rupert Thursday evening ° ve op ld Si ( Ltd from the north and after visiting ° — € « L Z Canadian Fish & Co ioraseé 0. { ° various points in this vicinity wil ° ’ I , sail Tuesday of next week by the >> 'D’ DITDHP ‘ > J 3 PRINCE RUI ERT, B.C. Catala on his return south } sienna sningibinnatinid / TAT LON: NOTIC E ~~ o- Snel ABA aur - MT This to notify any to whom it UL? IN STE \MSHIPS L IMITED may concern that I will not be re Rupert for Vancouver |S sponsible for any debts contracted *O.8,: oe Spay 4 &. ra als ae |without my written authority r.S.8, CARDENA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIG HT LYLE N. MARR A y - nidnigh approx ee ee 2 Weekly saibir e¢ Arm, Anyox, Stewart and Naas | % mday 8 pm - t sailings and tickets at VYRINCR RUPERT AGENCY Second Avenue Phone 568 PSL re i ine smear | Announcements ——— A Rupert Tennis Club Dance Sep- CANADL AN PACIFIC jtember 9 AUGUST SAIL! NGS FOR VANCOUVER qonmntatinns PRINCI \DI ) ! ia Ocean Falls @nd way ports | Dance Sept. 16 and 30, Oddfel I 5 | Lik Saturdays 5 lirect ‘sia cr) re a ( NEAU and SKAGW ce |low’s New Hall, Mondays, 10 a.m, outetem ! I ‘ evs , . i allan Prince Rupert, B.C Catholic Bazaar, October 19, 20 = CHANGE a , - By RTE IN TIME JRE ~ 4 Retain the i } ffording extra and better pre- Effective August 3ist ervation tha Sin dried. shingles from which the essential oil has been evaporated. Our shingles are made on Queen Charlotte Transcontinental trains Islands ane 1 home product, deserve your preference. Shingle will leave Prince Rupert makers Wages on the Islands are spent eventually in Prince Ru- 10.30 a.m, pert, while Vancouver wages never ¢ north, Support a home Every Monday, ’ indus try and your own welfare by spec ifving Air Dried Shingles. Wednesday and Friday * Prices: No. 1 5X $3.75; No. 1 3X $3.25 HYDE TRANSFER—PHONE 580 Trains will arrive ' : Prince Rupert 9,00 p.m. Every Tuesday, Thursday saws to use St. and Acorn Ave. St. John, N. B. The most economical Simonds Canada Saw Co. Limited, St. Remi Vancouver, B.C. MONTREAL =~ - He . it 5 (iii ‘ /} / ) aes NULL Wait mana onan ALAN nti Mi 5-508 bid i yk] (a Law tl — z oT yuan.’ and Saturday. For information call or write local agent, or H. McKWEN, D.F. & PLA, Prince Rupert, B.C. V. 168.92 CANADIAN NATIONAL i THE NEW FORD FOUR FOURTEEN BODY F B. East Windsor, Ontario Easy time payments eM Be es eT LTR ay “Uva e4adnnOW ANT ‘OAT OAH You’. have a new thrill when you drive the New Ford Eight and the New Ford Four. 1 You've heard that they are great cars. You've seen them on the road. But you can never know—until you take the wheel your- FO self—the full story “of their se seaiiatiel per- formance and amazing riding comfort. TYPES The »y’re different from any other cars you've eve or driven. Faster and smoother and roomier than you've hoped. Low, good-look- ing and attractively finished and upholste red, So perfectly balance -d and comfortable that they seem to glide along with: out effort. Easier to drive than any car you’ ve ever known. And so economical on oil and gaso- line that they set a wholly new standard for four-cylinder and eight-cylinder cars. See the New Ford Four and the New Ford Fight at the showrooms of the nearest dealer and arrange for a demonstration. Take the wheel today for a new motoring experience. | . HE 7 FOURTEEN ; THE DAILY NEWe PAGE THREB Tuesday Special ; = ice pe ea Oe . : ‘ " Tue New Forp Coure ea AD: EIGHT BODY TYPES } { ' morrow afternoon southbound. imprisonment | ree for drunkenness, ; 19° ¥ LT Walter Hume refurned to the, G. W. Heffernan of Smithers is; Mr, and Mrs. D. McKinnon sailed Mr. and Mrs. F. Noyes, who dis- city on the Catala last night from | paying a brief visit to the city, hav-| by the Catala this morning on their} embarked from the Boeing yacht Kelowna where he has been visit-| ing arrived from the interior on last return to Anyox after having spent; Taconite here after making a ing for the past two or three weeks! night's train a few days visiting in the city lcruise of northern waters, sailed with his chilaren ieheonieieip chensnemnt ‘on the Princess Louise Saturday —-- J. Walter Hughes of Smithers is R. A. Smith and A. E. Lawson of |afternoon for Vancouver. J J. Little, manager of the Nor | paying a brief visit to the city, hav3, Balmoral cannery are paying a brief | —~ — —___——— thern B. C. Power Co., sailed on| ing arrived on Saturday afternoon 5! visit to the city, having arrived on NOTICE the Princess Louise Saturday af-|train from the interior ilast night’s train from the Skeena | - ern for . trip to Vancouver on} __ meetin River. Mussallem’s Economy Store wish company business Miss M. Ewart of Port Simpson | -~_— ! none sever the _—— Was a week-enc visitor to town J. A. Anderson, road superinten- ae Re eet ee John Lind and Vaina Reikanon,| having arrived in the citv at the|dent for Atlin d strict is paying a RR ve neching WOMTSs. 3s ee on oe : : ay § ee eee b= “collection of the old accounts ow- for drunkenness, were fin $25,;end of the week from the neigh-| brief visit to the city on official | ;, . <— ideo * with option of thirty days’ im-| boring villag | cetitdiadin Deis dee Art ae ing to the Mussallem Grocery Co. prisonment 1 Cl lice court} Pr Ri 5: ts r ay — tare te z y po oe : inc Rupert Saturday evening | These are to be paid to Messrs. ind Mrs, F, A. Weero a from Anyox | Williams, Manson, Brown & Har- M. S. French, district agricultur . ! i per i. ‘ cian. Making her final voyage of the MA _ - Ce ee er eis as: Bringe: Heciidentedd tn . m vine SF ee pe pan sane yase . Trust Association in Vancouver. , way where they formerly resided, sea on the Alaska service, C.P. the ay from invertor on last turned » the city from the R. steamer Princess Alice, Capt night's train and will act as one of th he Prince George this William Palmer, arrived in port at he judges at the Prince Rupert Ex- | morn 11 o'clock this morning from Van- iibition this week couver, sailing at 12:30 noon for - i ainitaieaalll r D. I iltor iwervisor! Skagway and other Alaska poin Miss DD. Hogan Mr. and Mrs. James R. Mitchell le ( i n Bank of Com-|Whence she will return here Soar and family, af 1aving spent the 3 h Coh i, Sailec | Saturday afternoon southbound ummer vacati isiting here with |» P R Saturday ev-| For the fall a ten-day service will] elatives, are sailing this afternoon; ning on } irn to Vancouver; be maintained by the ss Peinnél TEACHER OF MUSIC the Prince G e for West Van a Vi and di Lou ‘ouver where Mr. Mitchell will re ct on of i) business Phone—Black 232 sume his High School teaching du ies, Harry Bowman, agricultural and lonigation representative for the The fire department had two!Canadian National Railways, ar “Build B. C. Payrolls” ‘alls on Saturday to extir d in the city from the interior i e himney fire at 11 am 1 Saturday af noon’s train and ct P F R t he home of J. V Pottinger, 1 ulled that evening on the Prines 5 6 | == : lanes or en Eighth Avenue | and the othe: for a trip to Vancouver on Vitamines ‘DyciF ie | : at 8:50 pan. to home of A.Cr Morse ‘ficial duties ] mex) 34 Per Month and Up 328 Taylor Str wnere was’ no; © | ae —_ . ine i jamage in either case Royal Shephard, well known Ju A V t | i h >} & Y x , i mining engineer, arrived ir re I a i EVAPoR?TED | | I arr Tuned, $8 Dr. Murphy, Vancouver physician ity on the Prince George this cM LiL. ittached to the Workmen’s Com-;morning from the Aiaska_ capital —— WALKER’'S MUSIC pensation Board, was a passenger|2nd will proceed from here into While working on the vacuum | , ae ‘ vboard the Catala last night bound|the Omineca district. He will in process for Pacific Milk we | STORE for Anyox on official bysiness..He| spect a property in the Vital Creek had reasons to believe that) was accompanied , hy; Dr. Layal| country in which Jocal men aré'in vitamines have something to} - Leeson and Mr. Matheison, both of! terested ’ do with food flavors. As the | Vancouver, who are ,making, the . yd expesipents progressed it was} round trip Roger’ Powell, Indian,’ Was” sén-| fount that there was an ert Hotel Central tenced to one month’s imprison-| crease in valuable vitamin Delayed by having had large!/ment in city police court Saturday | content and the flavor im-| Limite } | ¢ iz consignments of cans to discharge/afternoon on a charge of having proved almost in exact ratio., Covenient to business district, ut Butedale, Carlisle and Hump-| liquor in his possession, Cecil Ross The new ptocess is therefore | homelike, beautiful harbor {back Bay canneries, Union steamer |similarly charged, was fined $25 doubly successful views, Catala, Capt. A. E, Dickson, did option of thirly days’ impris-| Rates reasonable. Spacious not arrive in port until 12 o’clock|onment, Andrew Nelson for drunk-| P ifi Milk | sample rooms. last night from the south, sailing) enness, was fined $10 and costs, | acl Ic 1 FIRST CLASS CAFE ja couple of hours later for Anyox,; with two weeks’ option, while Er | “100% B. C, Owned and Controlled” Open at All Hours ‘ Stewart and other northern points, nest Luth was fined $5, with op > I" , oF ‘ ; Reet find oer Ee fet eae lait a ee I PLANT AT ABBOTSFORD Hotel Central Ltd. First Avenue & Seventh Street terest enesacccecdnenesasel PR PEE. onl : es + < ——, = ae ee