NOV baa For Prompt ' mail TAXI 99 ceil . i Service 1X1 Phone PRINCEt RUPERT Mmonklnri md 7 rststngtr ni Night Service Northern and Central BritUh Columbia's Newspaper Touring Cars I'lllNUK HUPKHT, II. (-, T ijlUHlj W NOVEMHKIl 3, 1921.,-t ciruiw un. it si aae. PIUUK FIVE GKNTSI miral Beatty Is Acclaimed Hero IAIN WRECK ON CANADIAN NATIONAL AT JASPER; MEN KILLED NATIONS' HOLD ON CHINA AND THE PACIFIC Killed Near Minister of Agriculture o Defends Government Policy isper When Train Regard to Land Settlement; Rockshde ' VICTOIUA. Nu. :t. In a !!erh in Ihe l?ilatiirf yelerr Struck C II I NJAUXl ry I.iy Hun. K. I). HaiTow drfcndnl the OuvrnimenCa noldirr aettle ilinit (HilM-y and anJ Ihn ailminilralion had accomplished 'i .ircideiil near Janer the trim w.H n..t maximum of rrnl within Ihe flitaiiefal limits net for it ll tomorrow morning, mid the I'rm. rmphaiiizrd Ihe mvn of Ike Merville netllemrnL The site haI I Home aeiifri-r from the Ki who leiii i Iiopii by Ihe mi themfehe. The Land .Settlement Board . . r have bean Iran f erred at Japcr t 1 1. could only make aifrtilrialkn! on the Van of value received. A mmmvsmr. (oniniiwiii w now invetigatin? rondition among the noldier .ill trnrrmffte! lki fWnrtliwK ttat the ettlern attd he expected lo lie able to reiommend that some a I md (1 l. it. UiU Vklttrh le.fl un.ueeeiiful aelllara be tran- l- i . to Htferr Hue of Work. i hit . n-k.atile -even mile wet of Ja.r ENDORSED PECK Mr Harrow al dafrnded the were lilted. Son of the r- "til i iariig ir.. n ioHIIRii-Nt admmilra- the Irata Ihhi. He fMka "f Ike uveiof. an4 Sr4 nWFatl? J I s' mi l i .f tke ralH rlirfl avkeme. UST NIGHT i .laniiaved. SMITHERS IS rultiuz iH tin- liiln.urlm of , r wer-thr purcliaMMl nlork in the ooribern; " - least. interior. jG.W.V.A. Pasa Reaolutlsn with live Ware GOING LIBERAL Th.- mtaiK'rr of aicrtovilHrn Thraa DlastntlenU Favor-, .uTOf tUMl .ke ot itroparand whieh w In? Candidature. noed for the HriUb Nlaad Fred Stork and Other Speakers ! .icouraxe Ihe bel type f Ttwre wan a merlin? of th ; iih '-.' Given Good Retention it witl-m to MMHe 4 thin count ry. (t. V. V. w. lat night In lha cepneially wtu a view tn ettth? Vefrraa. etak noiu and thi Meetlr. up Mm- vacant Uim1 of ihe pro. nmratnu the foAkwin statement inrv. wa ?i vaii aut: liAin MMM. J. - IMayrJ "At the regular meeting of lha ifc-apitefc) Kre rk a iv- im hr bit th tout lla af rblax with U lita(-tu4 h pr4 Um csfurul tba Pfkia Oar. araiDMit It to It nana a rfaiara la la trn( lor iu(kuxlf ttt rnat4t H jf 41t frj 1 4 dW3harnS?r& -SfMl iwiimavterr oa t-afrc oa b rarUc ad ta rr Kcit All U ailm MmUt um&tf r SlS-TirOi?M BEATTY GETS lueiJysnJfcrt.W4i frni&if aa4 tka rt45 ar to Uk part -O rut Brtula Tra J'pia. MnltanC Bahttaav Pnna .1 ad lb lTaii4 ordinary elaletnenl which had ae.,haM. .. Ik gUba. Th ls(rtt of RanU ara to b arcrde4 tT U )mI l-ttr of M jt: mbrm U conftranc aiH'earod ia the column of the lariic afidr )il'fc..iii r.-.i-iJArtr-Mi bmU la Waablagtoa ait Btoata. AN OVATION ;Iily ewx to (he effect that a ieM 4tt. the , fi-w niemhen were making fran-i'lir ncmtib-irboad around, aod -rr. " effort to puh through a aireei i ihiiiB ooat a. tnuc vol.- for PRIfiCE GEORGE Union Jacks Cheered In Kansas IuIhhi endorting- the Coloner, '"A l- PRISONERS MAKE It. --l-fV ila Mil LLOYD GEORGE IS NOT City at the American 'In- iirroa is llii city should be urtN-''"IiKl. TTc rl,-r GOING TO WASHINGTON FUTILE EFFORT Legion Convention. adviifd thai thee frantic ef-f ILL IS tr' tm ill "f lh- laif.ty i liir ON STEAMER AQUITANIA PAPER trin had tteeu entirely aucfc-ful. rtUft mk Urcr. H9tfUM'Ui a Fired on When Attempting KANSAS CITY, Nov. 3. ' thf rr4ulion lo quest foa D MFND II atr-r n rra"rJ ' l.'a to Escape, With Over 30 a The American Legion convention havinir paed radically unar, (intli.-r.l turl will ifltai - ' I'l.-iHu-r !.! it ' Iia IN THE BALANCE - Killed and Wounded. a carried and cheered imU!lv. ttu-re beinz only three MIGRATION lineal "f lb audH-iiM1. 4rlholl raiifllfd hi Union Jacka and evidenced hM otmir vole In a large aud t.iiMmN, X. 3. Tk HIm i ii-aafi U-Mr 8(.rk MtMifr ui Ho- ilunanl every cordiality to the Canadian eprcenlative meelimr. ll- iiry. Htairuiati. aiMl', atraiurr Auilania oh Party "t Victoria Taklna Up with India oflirr announrf that and British delegates "The following telenrani ha , )CCTDIPTfAMC T r hk Im- aaw tu Governmert Tlmier Ltae thf rnonrrii in Lahore a hera. Admiral Beatty waa !e. ii forwarded le alt the l. W. fiUfi for IIh I'nttad Propottl. iail MMilr a ctrTUwl rf. escorted from the station by V. hranehe in thl rnlita-, IMala faliinla to at. ( t rx-ap- oa 0lifr the British delegation and . n -y The Prince Ruiej-l branch t Rcommnda Do COAL MINERS OF Irixl I Ik- diariuaMtrnt eHt VlirmitlA. '. l. Tfcora p 30 and rraaliwl tkr outer fired waa given a tremendoua . r the ; V.VV, at an enlhul4., wbrra vr- farM--' at W aliinttn. II art hrr, l.d eT R'rt T ualr, tky ovation and acclaimed everywhere Uc iii.-eiins toiuutil went on ree-J Ctf-mnt l Pra- WEST VIRGINIA ARE la un.lf r-t.MMl thai Ike hural. mmiKT of tha rrr upon and ostr 30 wire a as the greatest saa-ftghter on! .i- -nl.rifit? the candidature; aUttr Co-nino la critll U' IfirotJBtl MW Tlinl" ndinel. for - killed and iuunkM. None of the century. of r mraiif CoWnet Cy reck, .U, TALKING OF-STRIKO Irlilrk Iruk -ffair- ar- mm- utimow f ii-.-uii with Hi' eai-aped. a Special tribute was paid US ii i.' Ihe "forthcoming fed- fwiji ha ranaMl at lr- ' tUivarnnii'iii tin- nroiiii f by the convention to the cral eleri ion.' a- a a a MHAAILlli. 3 eixiua) not to aU t xuttaWo- uf.' ( Mili timkvr in Canadian war record. :it I () i. ,. il.. I ii I led Mum- prc.rnt. Ike iielilil"-! IhhhI t Prllin IRIqH PAPER'S work.M i t Awianaa ni.i ttiNirajr. If iM-xfiil in c LIQUOR SALES FLORAL EMBLEMS IN, i.. ihl i ri4c HmhJ iiuiMr -!" imHntr uf(" i'ni hraar. "HAD41 'Vk-,' ",- 1 MrniMMa rr i mi a aax million EMPIRE WREATH ON CONDEMNATION otlar naH-i mill arar Hnnn . MINISTER SUED triiv ARE PROFITABLE U.S. SOLDIER'S GRAVE Hi- a1rra)r ha a LLOYD GEORGE ' i 'W lu- d.-du. . laryr ar-a f timkar utt tlo . by roiliTtin. iifiion FOR ALIMONY Goveroment Will Make SO,000 .IIMI. X 3. Ill Ihe Brit "ia RIMt Ilrtti from lUf min'i w:trfi- l.i hanV of ih. Kraarr HKrr bimI ish F-inpire wreath to be olaced ui'r for Ut Irihuiaf-. h'ttt hrfiM iu-fiinif a Week Accordlntto Provincial Hiim r i-lmiii a i-i(n- aui''-- mi the t ti ..f tit- unknown lit HLIX. Nov. 3. - The leivb. III ll' !l I- !' n lir..kMI Rav. Harry Walkar Scolded HI viu'li lr am lli- Secretary. American oldier in Arlington iu,.(iii expresseji Hin Fein cenT ""urfd of wind )' a ron- ceiiMHery will he red roe for ,ur,. ,,f .oyt! tieorge for nok Wlf Too Much and She . litnioii iiii'l f" all tlmr t" VICTORIA. Nov. 3.-- That Ike y PAYS PRESIDENT KBKlaad. ova pie leave for Can- eefognuim; the condition re? REPORTED Left Him. eoiiip. .ro(il in Ike ffovernttietii eate . for idii. foriset-nie-not ao r,.rml to in hi bin speech loui GREAT WAR VETERANS ..( Imuoi Mill avratfi- tl.MH ti-mroek for Ireland, heather ,a1. u Haj that Ihe proposal tl TORONTO. X.o. 3. Ada ..-r vi.-ck 1 indN-aled ill Ihe PRINCETON ROUTE for .Scotland and aruw lilie for utMtiit any agreement arrived at HOMAGE nrhool made hv H. J. U-Mrl.ean. Toronto former OFFICE lf r latenu'iil WILL RESIGN Ihe .Mher llrilih Dominion. to Parliament ntiffht endanxrr the aeker, la auina Rev. Harrv; .rovincial crrtr) to IS FAVORED FOR fruitful ieuli of the conference. Walker io Ihe Aisa tuH for the leiUlur-. Il lied keen p' Natint ii.ti. i -- It i unrlood that a a reuii . -.,. Mp. alker PROVINCIAL ROAD olimah-d dial I! irofi! foi NOTICE TO REDUCE ...... "trtnc. ta Unknown ol la.t mehl a pnweadiiwa at lha u m ,.,1 minister in ttii llic fir-l ocriod of Ilia I if)Un LABOR mm liAINa Dtal , . WaailiW t'( UW. "ftJ11 tVf ''u,.n. kut at ureul wMkout hoard adaiiutetratioH froiii Juo. PAY OF MINERS AT Hon. Or. J. H. King, MlalaeJof N.-veniker So wtHtld be MUNICIPAL COUNCILS JsTfe i?rW'Mf'-, 15 1 1 SYDNEY, NOVA SCOTIA n,4 U,,,U.'f'i,r Public Works. Makaa This Mile of ill Mr. Walkar eao.woo nn ihe warn V f ai l fb W I r V i ait wmi MMiaU. UueUoued tut luornuMf. . -v, u,., lor Wbaud wa oo- Announcement at Vlotera but during tbia period ska Bv. IN liKtAl DKllAln Nov A strike of a. HYDNKY. - i a Wkr. n to thin. Mr. Inulujr nutt alatttiy faulUMadiiiK and was a had reatUad ItSt.OSI. of Xuva Scot la 1 eal "Mi itattil. uUolutel lo make a.aMtlntHVHt. kontinaovts euM. Hie decurail VICTOHIA. No. 3. . J. M. Halau.-.- licet how I a the miner Both Liberals and Conservatives fnun MiibU folios inn a itotiea thai oa Ike honeymoon four ear Ktvtst. iHinui'-r af fmbk wi rk turnover in tke diuoal of toek iiiftte utaleti Lose Representation on Average of the owner an -'it Mat 11 BALFOUR LEAYES aim baaowiptaiiKHl Ikal ka wmild ha aiinoiiiK iil thai Ilia awvain-Hienl have nol yet Immni mad public. d Novcm-bar of Country. tvdtMitiwu in wage My t il'! have tu ue lasn m viken fryi.K favor Hh Moaa-lHiaoeioK Hon. Mr M-Lean icfe)eil the :,v tuuler eM, tie aaid he was etlraviw route. Uelici know mm Ule I lewd-uey liiitniiraliiii of Ike civil erv. SO. The miner threaten Lo LONDON, .Nov. 3. Ilcturii uuiiiriil. Head of British Delegation to aaat Willi Ue butter and stwiar. fa road. 1w Ut lratu - iii-ii iia liom the publlr at- ipHe Hie reduetkin by every from aiiikty principal tuwus In Washington la an route to an4 ha al accu.ed her of !rlKg prnvtMcial luatiwuy. Tkkr i iiiioi Hlceady iuel thai the pUibll- IIMfttlH. 1 Iti Ham in Hie municipal elect g DEATH IN Quebec. a iraiMtWHil, He ohjeaM to bar ekoaon a Die beat of tkrer xiM iiilitun- for Ihe JMAiMteevane lion aha the fallowing reuU4 uaitm More tkan a quart of tint route. ill.- mminler aialeii f Ihe civil aervk'e Waa witllln MILK IN NEW YORK I , V't ACTION WITH UiMlUN, N- 3- Hk l4". water ft yteeti fur bathing and Im tkul Ike via leMtoe l'..-tiottM K- reasonable liuttl. OOD A. J. IktlftMir, kaail at tka ltrii-Utt .ailed ir a NHty brule. be Uoill Im- ieat. STOPPED BY STRIKE CoiisefXaUvegaineii $3 aiid DISASTERS prooaU?. FARMERS TO RUN. 1 50; I.flieraU italHed IS and lit Valilni..n to The ea.e la alill lo Item deiaffiiHiii.the roiifercnre for Ho-llllit KING AND PRESIDENT. NLNV YOHK, Nov. 3. The citl-Uo; ImietmuIeHt gained lo and 8 WILL MANSFIELD DEAD. NoMHKVt., Nov. t At a sen of the metropolitan area o 15. lialtt 1 1011 of hi nmno'lit ' A KIINi. uN. Nov. 1 i."' of oi..-I..t ftriHtrf aroe ayaiu yaalerday to break- - m ui'd I' "'n froai It. .ail.'.l yrl.-nlH .! 1 1)M S if". I 1 . I ' 1 Ii.- r'mi'1 "r 1 1 iNIm iX, N"ar. 3.-m -WW Man-6im1Iihi ..1 Hi. fn-i 1 1 at 1 -1 1 1 1 1 1 -I v I 11 11:hi til ll wa ll'' taut without milk, and eraasn. il TRAINS RESUME. 1 1 ii ( It. the MMuund day or 'hr tuHk V.VNCUl Villi, Nov. a Ti Viae aunt .1 i. I- : on I iv- .'.viidldali-1 a' mg II. i,ltt r I- it.-.- t-.: 1 1'. If.- e N'.ik. .t uiett kan- yesterda) at ta ll.vl.. .-.i- ''' .' lilt ' I--I.-11 ll . hansJit ts !. Tlicic nl1. sstkound traiaw oil all line flood,jing!1 BHrr 1 I .4 8il. f 1 ion Kt (iKU-u. ..11- ii- iiid.jK'iidriit-. luruaoect of a seUlcuicut in iltfhl. 1 hw i-uui.d traflk).