PAGE FOUR Y ANNETTES—Fair Week Specials COATS 20% Off All New Fall Coats. Exceedingly flattering in their many variations tyimmed. In Chonega, Tailored Tweed, Pur Trimmed Tweed' and All Weor lavishly fur $19.50 Fabrics. Priced from 500 Pairs SILK HOSE, 79c airs ’ A Valu have never been able to offer before $2.35 2 F . 15 Flowered Chiffon and Georgetites. Some with coats, suitable for afternoon $12.00 $3.90 $4.95 and evening wear. Regular price to $24.50. Fair Week Special 25 Crepe de Chine Dresses, All Silk, pastel shades Fair Week Special 100 Afternoon and Evening Dresses, seme with coats, dark and’ pastel shades Sizes 14 to 44; Faiy Week Special 300 Pairs SHOES In the latest Crepe Soled Sport Oxfords, also new Brogues, Ties, Patents and Pumps; Sizes 3 to 8: Fair Week Special $3.95 ° $4.95 Din |. Bargains! Bargains' Bargains! merware — China — Crockery — Glassware Brassware — Novelties — Club Bags — Suit Cases and Aerepacks 25, 50c and 75c Tables DOWNSTAIRS STORE Heilbroner’s — Diamond Specialist place t Whi showing ANNUAL FALL FAIR August 30 to September 2 Big Flower Show Garden Exhibits Industrial Show Ladies’ Work Farm and Dairy Exhibits Baseball Football Lacrosse . Championship Games Vaudeville Show Evenings Grand. Ball. at Close... Bathing Beauty Contest Moose Legion Band Daily Opening of Fair Takes Place Tomorrow Night at 8 and All Entries Must Be in Tonight Entries for the fair are coming in well, according to Walter Vanee, the manager, who is busy today putting the finishing touches on the arrangements. The opening takes omorrow at 8 and entries must be in tonight before midnight. le’ the rain did some damage to the flowers, a good is expected. The program™. for tomorrow night follows exceptio Joe Al | LOCALITEMS seneau and Sam Joy two'| nally talented boys in songs | and dances The Melody Trio, the Miss Maizie Macdonald, who has kings of ioe : been spending a holiday visiting in ehythm sunetut tunes Vancouver, returned to the city Nov Tap Dancing, by pupils }trom the south on the Princess Alice yf Mi Tite, three iittle girls with | tnic morning uca feet ee One Man Band, a clever and en-| L. B. Jones, agent for the Cana ining act, which comes well] | dian National Railways at Skagway commended }iS @ passenger aboard the Prince Acrobatie Dancing. by two @ainty '@eorge today bound for Vancouver ittie 1 Joyce Gawthorn Mary , Where he will spend the winter — : | Mrs. Pat Partridge arrived in the W re ng, hilariously homorous . city on the Prince George this Bar Boxing, a barre! of fun |}morning from Ketchikan to pay a B Blowing, a windy night. | two weeks’ visit here with her par ry ion and gloom will go into )@mts, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Thomp he d when you see this amus- /S0n ne isual and interesting enter- This is one of the most There were 81 passengers aboard programs ever attempted. |the steamer Princess Alice on het arrival here this morning from Van SSS }gouver enroute to. Skagway. Nine I vi Wh sub } will Hur dat exce "mc NOI G Box Family Shoe the Princess Alice this morning re tore t turning north after a ¢ombined ° business and vacation trip to Van Annual )persons disembarked from ‘the ves se] here Oscar Anderson, Télegraph Creek merchant, was a passenger aboard jcouver and elsewhere in the south OUR - Mrs. Robert Hyland, wife of the well known Telegraph Creek mer- ) chant, was a passenger aboard the }Princess Alice this morning return | ing to her home on the Stikine River jafter a holiday trip to Vancouver jand elsewhere in the south. Mz. and Mrs. Lucien Romer of ] jParis, Franee, were among passen- ‘gers aboard the Princess Alice this ‘. morning going north to make the round trip to Skagway, Mr. Ro- Continues Over mier is av official of the French government and is on a tour of Ca- ixhibition Week nade WN and WOMEN mn Completing her final voyage on the summer schedule to Alaska, C DN R. steamer Prince George, Cant Neil) MeLean, returned to port at 8:10 this morning from Skagway and other Alaska points and wilt! sail at 4 olelock this afternoon for Ocean Falls, Powéll River and Vancouver. The vessel brought in §2 passengers, 14 of whom disem \berked here. She will be back here from the south on & special voyage next Friday morning and will! then lesire fine shoes at a ntial price reduction elcome this great sale. eds of shoes in up-to- yatterns of style, fit and nt appearance, ‘hool Shoes at Reduced Prices” } CHEAP SHOES — BUT Q0D SHORS CHEAP 1584 Phone 357 ibe tied wp at the local dry dock | for the winter. Fair Week Bargains PRIDE OF WEST 3-PIECE SUITS— $16 r O Reg. $25.00; Now PRIDE OF WEST 2-PIECE SUITS- $12 ~ Reg. $19.50; Now . PRIDE OF WEET CARDIGANS.- §5 ; Reg. $6.50; Now oVY PRIDE OF WEST CARDIGANS $4 a Ree. $5.95: Now d $5.( DRESSES Reg. to $9.50; Now Summer Coats — Half Price DEMERS’ CURZONS MEN'S WEAR SEXTH STREET Men’s Work Clothes — Work Boots — Work Sox Gloves — Shirts — Underwea) Fall Needs in HARDWARE , Tom Ballinger FANCY CHINA NOVELTIES Cups and Saueers—10c, 15¢, 25¢ up to $1.50 Stoves an Pipes and Dampers Lamps a1 Ammunitio lights, Ready Root and Roof paints, U Tar and Roofing & Berry Sets, bowl, 6 nap- pies—$1.25 to $1.50 Bridge Sets—$.50 up to $22.50 Tea Sets—$2.50, $3.50 $8.50 97-Piece English Dinner = si adits set — $18.50 up to $45.00 and $50.00 fully Fi Mail Orders Ca Thompson Flardwat Tom Ballinger Co. Ltd Third Avenue Third Ave ¥ REGA! SHOP 330 Third Avent ORMES LIMITED Pioneer Druggists Third Avenue & Fulton Street $1 — Phones — 82 Stationery | Toys & Gil Novelit Prescriptions a || a Specialty _|| rains | ca ? F plain and | ; and sear broidery thr id goods - The Orme Quality for Drugs and all classes of goods han- dled is well recognized in Norther and Central B. C. i Mr. & Mrs Johw we