Pw?fi 2 TJJlt M?f.Y W V .. .. r SOLDIERS OF PRINCE The Daily News HER -CASE SEEMED GEORGE ORGANIZE PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News HOPELESS Alex. YunQ Secretary of Veterans' Printing and Publishing: Co., Third Avenue. Political Alliance at Prince Ceorge H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor, Bot "FruU-a-te" Brought IMIINfii: fJWHHSK. Feb. 16. SUBSCRIPTION. RATES: Health and Strength T!ie work of perfecting the new City delivery, by farrier or mail, per monih $1.00 (clillenl orgnnii-inu formed lieif-repenliy, Hy matl'to alpartslof the British Km pi re, and the United-States, ,19 St. nwn St., MorrtKAU by ex-si rice men. under ll:e name 'of (he "Veteran's Political in advance, per year CONSOM "1 am writing J ou 10 fell you that Atliniieo." in proceeding ZSmg. To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.6". "hmil-a lipt". TliU texttnyliftto a;'?1 under llic aide guidatiee of medicine rciicTed tae heu 1 bad lis enerpellc A, Mell. secretary. TELEPHONE 83. 1 A blend of JBno Tobaccos i ftrtn tip hope of erer belnf well. Voirrir. Foirowin;.' the derision Transient Inch eaehlnsertion v I terrible mfTerer from a ilveil at at a mass meeting held 1 for wlio smoke thcliest. $1.25 Display Advertising per fyrsfeptia lia.l tuflVretl for years; in th-(tly iiarly in Hie imnith UijtVf men MifM Transient advertising on front page . . $2.00 per inch. "arid nothing I took did menf food.- W- the rel iirned men of this enllri) Local Headers, per? insertion, ....... Stic, per line I read about "Fruit-a-tirea" and district form lliertiel e into n Classified advertising, per insertion. .. V-c per word. tried theni. AfterUkinBafewbrne, Legal Notices, each insertion, Ifia per agate line ' oHtiswonJirulmtJUiiutHaJtfivM l.tiifeal orgnninl mn nf their nn illi the lef i.r plticlng tlteif ftWO J Contract Hates on At ,'rictition.. fmitjuues. I am bow entirely well" i mine in th.- Ilel.l in nil wwufnir All advertising should be in the Daily News Olllce on day preceding MadimB ROSIN A FOISIZ. elerlions, either Federal or ffw publication. All advertising reeeivfid subject to approval. tOc. a box, C for $2.50, trial stie loc. viielal, a committee of fh' foil dealers send postpaid by At all or low ins men has been furnieil to DAILY EDITION. jjta Wednesday, Feb. 16. 1 n 2 1- Frult-a-tlres Limited, OtUwa. carry out (he tro..itlon lo its ffi! Vfa l y teal eonr!iii"n: A. Mrll. HxPackop 25 sj SAILS V. ling. J. II. Ilenicl. Alee Ogsl.m, Sentiment In North - ' s - l Vlhhard, W. :pwier Ilwwer Toward New Province. AWNINGS and Mr. lleale. with llnnhQlocli-n There is a very strong sentiment in the northern part of Hie ne iih chairman. . TENTS The new assiH-iatlon wfl have province in favor of breaking ,vvay .from the southern part of noililns? ffi do nilh any pattleiilar Hrilish Oiliiniiiia and lorniinp n new province lo include every-Ihing J. F. MAGUIRE party and will have for list aim. frbm, say, Hella Coola In the Yukon boundary. It is a more not o much the nhtainlniTnf any ir Ie4s?jalen senjimeni Injt li41i(yijfanned a. good deal oMale. 712 Second Ave,, Prince Rupert special benefit or legislation ford p't.ffl uUnt brmd. jNiriiciiTarly 111 dislricts where Ihev feel Ihey are not getting a Agents for soldier or returned men. but the AH. the liilNg tliul il"" I JONEA Ltd. G.H. SON. general good and welfare f the square deal from any of (he gt;vehtneuts that have been iiiKiwer 40 years experience a makers entire northern dilrict. In the get you anywhere I InMpu imih- rViiHMniiiiiki-ivHi m hk k an . m & i h ir;1 k w a.j in Victoria. . - ....r....... tiet mote a Mill llilil" voll doMI). y l'nefll of the entire resilient The swing of the soulh.i strong, it is rlaimed, that very population as a whole. juide and 1hK for u lctter GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC few real improvements ran he s?Mired; .for' the linrtlt. Just nov PRINCE RUPERT TIDES young m.- n. , S. PRINCE GEORGE sailing we need n rom (.he ryajt ti -ihe, We.nred il, at the m m m i Mntnu'lit I tin rla fi.f xio'in H.i roast and the YieopTe fit the erior need it. There seenis to be Tuesday, February 15. Ten Years Ago MAIL fCHEDULf , . vet. Niili'i.l .Hid K.-.i ! ! V . . little hope that we shall hate II for pome time to ronie, yet they llijrh. 6:18 a. in.. t9 fet. In Prince Rupert 8.S. PRINCE JOHN 19: Ifi m.. 15.8 feet. For Port Clemente. M.i-II lli.-i. . I' can have roads in the south. I'nless the north gels good treatment, p. Tor th Cast. .. Low. 12:18 p.m., 6.9 feel. ollllTII 1,'uern I tlhl li-llf I I ii i J larger representation, good appropriation, there .yill undoubtedly February 16. 19" Monday. Wednesdays and Saturdays Wednesday, February 18. learl. Febrtinr ll'li und I : Mi he a Mrong agitation to have the provinre sheared, in HIssh, 7:26 a. rn.. 18.9 feet. Fx.Mayor Stork adilreesetl the at 10:13 a. m. TRAIN SERVICE, two midway between north and south anil a separate provincial - 20:37 p. ni.. 15.7 fet. Presbyterian Uuh last yrning. Piaenger Monday, Wtneaday and Stturxtai at 11 11 it. I fating for hi iibjeet, "Onnitdn "From th Cast. ror "loiiner. I'rtnei' iie.rire, ru'ii.-iT. v Low. 0:16 8.7 feit. government formed for each. j. n i.d fair direct -i.nne-(mn for all p ir- . II :fi p. m.. 6.7 feet. rillzenli'p are tmrpMtitilr." Sundays. Tuesday and Thursday Be a Unit on At 'lite foundation of eHiienlit at 7:19 p. rn. Agency All Ocean Stearmhlp Unci Railway Treatment. The .time uki ractno Stan. was eiluration. then inUret in rr tefornvaiiA aiai r rii'j it m dard, for the 120th Meridian west. local nffair. and then in poilie For Vancouver and South. If we were a separate provinre just now we rouhl heller deal according lo Mr. Slock. Ttui lly Tuesday ? p. m. It is counted fmrn 0 lo-8l hours. with the deliberate of the claims iff the uorlh the ignoring by from midnight to midniplit. lein? with rltfiea of tlie Thursdays . . . II p m Canadian National HailwajV influenced doilbtles. by the .Mackenzie The table given is for Port rias Mi.itie, tjawa&i. he talurilny 5 pm. interests, which are so powerful throughout Canada today. A Simpson but the time for Prince declaretl. with all its jnagnlflcmt February 12 and tft provincial goverjimejil in thehiorth would take up the fight for nupert varies only a few minutes poibiliyei and reinirre ii Taut heeoming the bent country In the From Vancouvsr and South. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAIL! and others is a betler service..""A govertiifleiit at Victoria has not that compelling on some days on inlereit in thing here which would make them see the the sam. The range of the thle wi.rld in which to live. Sunday .'. ft p. in. eaahou eacieto eotaaj natKu be computed as S cent Wednesdays 10:30 a.m. great uorlhtand as we see it. Theysee it a a purely Dominion may greater at Prince Rupert per than at There wa another meeting of t'aUmlayii A a. in. B.C. Coast Steamship Sern'tti question, which of course it is, rbut. a northern- province would the Prince ftueert C-inadtnn flub i Fehruaq' Jf and"2 1 Port Simpsoh both at springs and make it their own Question aiul would have a great of prestige teei niel.t in Malnr n 1 in',. ! S.S. PRINCESS MART sncias. BwOjoTrdTof latfe"Rfvc not: iit ii.flueHViiiw the neaps. Therefore the rise In the ivfllce. Preparation' urre aw! on rni. an.. ii Prince Rupert hatbor is slightly For Kalchlain, Juneau. Skagway. Alaaai, frm fm railway, lo give ius ihaX service."luvvjjch we are ehtjfledV f f-ot .for a regular opening proier 'Hundara . . . to n m. greater than Port Simpson. in the m.-nner fur ttliich It i de- Kvednedaya Rupert . .'. Prince Rupert is . The height is In feet and tnths V p.m. - 7 and 21. " itne. in about. Iwn WeelV lime. Fram'Anioi and All'ii.' lem. January 24; February Pattern for North. of feet above the level -of average I'he guel for the occasion will be Titeadavi For Vaneouiar, Victoria and Seattle from Print JUri-January m As the largest city north of Vancouver and as the place with lower low water. the prospect of becoming n large centre in the not far distant mi.sinnary.tne veteran Arrhdecron i.nurrn i fVdlinii.r;ngimi, .'huradav. P. in. I 16 and 29; Fbturi 12 and It. future, Prince Rupert is watched more .Iosely lhaii the ordinary A lof of people spend money in city. I'eojile come here and go avvnyy;ith- an impression and advertising, others invest- il in fhn police having ialilieii fat raiea. rwemttoM ao4 anion, aec'f this impre.-sion they try to impart lo.others, advertising. An adverfisement in themselves that the boxing iiin-1 W. C, ORCHARD, General AatnL One man. a journalist too. at that, called in oassinsr. He the Daily New is an investment. tel to be lared by the Kaien Cor 3rd Avenue and 4lli Street Prince Rupert,III apparently saw the lower street, of the town and went away lo I'land. I a pure and implc iix- tell the people of the east what an ugly place Prince Rupert i v He saw the worst of it, as travellers usually ore who spend only 4&Z iriiuijaiir, flirf IlMtf nair an hour or so in a place, and He carried away a false impression. mission for it tube carried out. rr'BTMFVT "I VMlIM ( L I llll llll It is because of the danger of our creatiug a bad im APMjr.ATIO.XS FOB ORAZHO ff.H.MIT ; ' mUS lender, irv ii it.-. t ih- unit, r pression of the whole north that responsibility rets on us. We LADIH ORtZIMJ ACT ttl. Jim Pelroff and i'ele lilomilch Ufcr.ivned 'rfi i-an i. i- madr t,. fcllll .IWt ,'lwill.. tt tli 1 l.lH.rb e.i,..i Great Reduction! should use every elTort to smarten ourselves and put our, best Appllrtuon for permiK w frtie lle. are eiiHai-d in a deathly Hlruaule wam.ft umi iu nvmni . i,, : goods iii'ihe store window. -Ve should see that even if we have fiiyr on ihe Crown rinr wiibib eea l, 11- r !!' ''" " imru.,,. .... ... ...... '1.. ti...l i. .r... .-. Ontlnir DIMrlrt or the Provtn-e of Brttl.n lumber wauon. It thai , renorr. i iw wwrnoaniMI ky a rvrtlMed i In or i-orrtifelo aloek if ni, .-Kniyu, nr iiuovr (i j-ijieiuiis apisir imcfliin'iMV'He iijii Jiiicr- mai . f Columbia diirtnr kritiM- for Uv luiovr uur. 4i-ri- ance., Th?? fact that we have much hill and ruck is simply to say Ull mull be Died the,witn milnr the DiMrlct tttvm For of the latter U nllemtlnp to lake 'liali"n end i trirr i-ll.-i)Ur. ran nr ea ! Wallpapers, Pictures, that we have, benuty possibilities which no Hal town can possess. ester at cariboo. Crinbrook, Fort ueorte. )ii!rnion oi i ne wiurun n iinout n... M'imf iuiitii.. ...iver. or uae Think of any JeveLeityUuid compare il with a fine city like Seattle kamioop, NfHon. Prince Rupert, Vaneou .Hir.oer lilt.. The e - l.u. h,.,. ru H'if"rl. - .l.lir.- tl ette Paints, etc. or Vancouver built on hills and, the difference is at once noticeable. rer. Vernon or wlto Uie ConitnUtlonrr of remilled to the Hifh jiurf hv ' Thc t,r any oihrr leader aoi , Orannr, Department of Und at Victoria, 1 ,veeauin irnim jnrl ilw We loo are buildhig on hills and it is a rock foundation B.C., on or before Marrti St. it. Mngialrale Carna. -tupbtrrt In I he IhU. Vpril, lfl. BROS. wiai is permanent., We. nave all the possibilities of making one I Blank forma upon Mrn to lufimlt ap. i hlt-r j v lnmr..r Mianijuvi,r 1 i(rtr.1 . SILVERSIDES of lie finest ' ' " " pllratlona may be bbumed from mf ali'-.iu.rf. PrieMfil cities oj Canada. the Dia- j leOruiry lli. 11, P.O. IJox 1 CO Second Street trlel Foremen at the ahove named tiaee The Man in the Moon King Puts It Up ,. ,.- or from the firparim'nt of Laud at Vic To' Weighen. toria. SAYS- The rraiinr of UreitorK on the Crown Mackenzie King has pnl it up lo Premier Meltrhen in the u-ange wiiboal permit, eonitltatet treipaai. a BAGS! BAGS! most forcible manner possible that he is iiot the crnlseii' represeu-1 pronioitea oy taw. LOOK olive, the Klk are in tative ol the people Mil raiiipr a Holsbevik leader, ruljng hy right O. H. fiADE-X, town I fluy a ban of iubUnil quality, Dr. Sutherland of might rather than because he has been selected by the people teparimnt of Deputr Land, Mmialer of Landi. of maUrul that wears ami with for the position. He did not use those words but that a frame thai in r.,r,irurte3 -for was the Victoria, H. C. AMO.N'fi I he- IhimiM that don'f jtel intent of his address, it is the apt way in which the other Liberal January tun, I9J1. you any where it fiyin li find txjuiji yet of yon litrht oroi.t for Jt D.D.S., L.D.S., P.D.C. leader. Ernes Lapoinle. puis il in many of his addresses. The out why an F.Ik ir, always sayins. , trareillnir. LAND ACTA true HoJshevik is one who uHiirp.- the powers of the people and .VOTKE OF INTE.1TIO TO APPLT TO Hello. Hill!" DENTISTRY in all its brancb rules autocratically on behalf of a class. I I!1HI' 11111 ' F. M. Crosby In Oueen Charlotte J.landa Land Dliinct 80 MF of the boya around town at adru Harbour adjomint Lot 411 and feeling it thelrSluty lo pivo up 715 Third Avenue. Prinre Itutxit Exchange Block, Suite 14 and 15 TAkE 50TICE that I. Hume B n.hinr. nomelliinK ditrinff the nix week ton nr prlnee nupert, aceupatlon Muu-r For ADnolntment Phone Black 516 Dr.JOS. MAGUIRE uariiK-r. Huron. 10 apply lor permutlon of Lent have decided lo give to k-ae I he following- tleaeribed landau i" M"i ' iitoiioii'ii lor llieir C'noriwiirlnr at a iku Dlanird 11 tiui ) nortanrtt corner of Lot 41, on Oeorre reHpeclive ftirbi and buy.iiK tfekets , TravellersXafe Point; tbrnre aouui I.VO chalna more or DENTIST. l la uw low water mam of .naden icr uaiieen and the ;novieti. Harbour; ilirm-e aoutheaitrrtr and following- AND BAKERY the (aid low water mark to chaina wore or I.M to a point due well 7.40 8KKI.NO how anxioua tonic of! Ltte AhW Otfe, 211 etb ritreet. Food Inspection Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Block phalna 44t; Utrnre 4rtm eaat Om Rmiuii.4U chama lo tne aouuo- the ad i rn to apend Iheir money Open from fi.3U a m.' to l eorner of Ixit 443; thenre nrtn. that way, if mut be a ftreal aelL j I'i midlist. "!" wetterly and folbiailnr the Blth cater A!) our meata and flah art carefully fnapected arl LadyAsiUtant Open Eveninus mark of Bladen Harbour 17 rhalna more or nai-riflee on Iheir part lo ovef eome Quick ScrVfcc k.. . . .1 . . . ,.1. t.MU. I, Ir cm- . Ofice Hours: Sunday hv mht poini or eornmeneernent and me nantt temporarily. Good Place to Ent oi oniy mat, nui you can wwn uv- , , a Phone 575 vfui.iiMii. ifn-i niure or i.a. th" I 9-12; 1.6;. 7.9. Appointment HUME B. BABI.KUT0.1, e Roxea for family partiec Tl,. i.. i- i . ...u mi can ao Daled Per the Fred.etu day Nam,ofianuary,B.CL.Si, mi.a rent. WIIKN you nee Irouhle ahead, I LlMaln iU Wicj Er:s rrcprktsrs TUV I7MPBT7CC fAFE treat it like tlm man trealed the! Notice ef Intantleo U Afpljr te Laaaa Land. bear whirli W. Loula WinK, Manauer. 1 11 Li lalllk lUUU w i!,':l he illfeovereil eurleil1 WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING GOOD DWELLING SITES In tkrena nicer Mintoi Dlatrlet, Land up In a hollow loir. Je Hlinnlv: Where Evervbodv Eat. All W'H A,Double Corner with magnifleenview on Atlln Avenue, duinet,iifcordin blatnrl of Alice Arm, ifcnoreif ihaf bear. 0 4 ..aada1 rmpreai Hotel lllock, Orel Ave. H. C. and altuate at roouta of Louia creet ctinn 3 S750.00 Pair. FOR RENT adjoinlnt Hilvcr Qly, B. C. Two Lots on 'Fourth Avnue on flrafl Hill wfth beautiful Take notlre that we the nnderilrned. JIKVKIL Maine the rhildren for y view .' ;. ... . $2,000.00 Pair. Anthony MeQuire and Bernard w, Barratt, looking liku Useir. parent They A Fine Building Site 50 x 150, at corner of Dunsmuir and m Alice Arm, oreupalioo proapector and can't help if. Furnished Rooms Put Fourth Avenue, one of the funst desirable iteg to be Hon ttorekeeper,to lease the intend follow to apply r deaeribed for permu.landii at THEO COLLART, Notary TiiKItK arm many heller fhinax nau'n,i bad : , $1,000.00. Commenrini at a poit planted aouibnit It on I Eetnte linillala One Lot on HJxih Avenue in Section 3 $425.00. ronier, It chain aeuthrrly dlreruo from then whinkey for a eold, but the Dominion Hotel tan He " S.fc. eH-ner of Lot J; tnence ti taunt difllvulty 'bt KOSON COAL, TXQk, 91 1.20 per whrn'youa in Two Lots on Park Avenue, fcecllpn Jf close to Third Avenue, norm; thenre 10 cnaim went thence 14 ore sn Juat nmoIelled FOR SALE I Sacked, -,1 and ftefurnlahed only $750.00 Pair. rbaioi touih; thence 10 cDaiot eail and ourry you nevtTjJnK or inein. Moit Liberal MARINE INSURANCE ""'f (-oiitamintr tl arret, more or leal. Corner Firtt Avt. ami Elahtb Inauranea (Viim. rf Nnnk Am.rlca. Flit OW"!' H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. A!thoy MeOLiai;, IIOL'PEWjVE.S onen advertUd Street, Prince Rupert ; - - tu Insurance Bonds Rentals BpANARD W. OAUhKTT, iw a corn pimn coon. I'naiilPly Phont Red 468 P.O. Box 853 FkMI r- Dated Aonmber 10, 1(10. j le iht)V titlh&'ermk were not eeeeeeeee