August 29, 1932 pacepeeiiocmenmmet § beren ae \ in\ Vonday A> 4 \REMI) THAT. ROO M, SECURE HELP, ‘ THE DAILY NEWS Thowsands of People | Read The Advertisements on | is Page } JRNITURE,, REAL ESTATE, ETC, THROUGH A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Vor rent, for sale and all other small advertisements in this section charged at the a word: per insertion with six insertions for the price of four. By the month the charge is 25 a word No advertisement taken for less than 50c, = nse sseeeaeasnnnentien FOR BALE C SIROPRAC can 3PECIAL—Goodyear Tires at lower prices than’. any mail order W. C. Aspinall house, Kaien Motors Ltd. Phone | ppree Year Graduate Chiropractn Modern Ray Treatments Given FOR RENT Phone for Appointment Green 241 and 549 HOUSES for Rent, F..W. Hart, In pen Evenings 6 Exenanes lb FOR, RENI— Modern flat, ane Bloek Apply Max Hellbroner. th; es . WATCHMAKERS RENT—Clean well furnished (ttt roam, Palmer Apartments. P P ' me ne ner Apartments sap! Send Your Watch, Clock. . Jewellery and Optical IME choice modern apartments " or rent. Greatly reducea rares, Repairs to Ltennaver ros eve: ea “| ALE. IRELAND R RENT—Pully modern six-room | 394 ‘Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C with furnace, close in, Phone Red 720 (tf) | Thirty Years Practical Experience: - Assures Absolute Satisfaction LOST OUR NEW LOW PRICES - " ne ere WILL Z’RPFISE YOU r—Neck-Fur between Ambrose a nd Metropole Hall. Finder phane Blue 185 203 IS YOUR PROPERTY VA- CANT? Let us overhaul it, It will rent and give revenue again. Charges reasonable. J. P. MOLLER Phone Red 802 WANTED wish board and nge for household hone Red 497 203 MISCELLANEOUS | | Manure For Sale \ taken up t| No Straw, $2.00 Per Yard skeena River from any poln Prince Rupert ana Ha- LEFT FOR NEW METLAKATLA Mr, and Mrs. Robert Tomlinson and Kamily.of Hazelton Went Out On ©. P. R. Boat am Mr. and Mrs. Rebert Tomlinson and family arrived in the city at the week-end and left this morning on their way to Metlakatla, Alaska, where Mr. Tomlinson will take over rate of 2 vents DAIRIES For FRE SH LOCAL MILA the mission work of the late Father Duncan. Metlakatla was founded by Fa- ther Dunean and he left an estate to carry on his work there. It is en- tirely undenominational and known “The Christian Church.” Mr. Tomlinson was for years as- sociated with Mr, Duncan and since has been under the United Church Missionary Society stationed at Kispiox and later at the mission hospital at Hazelton Phone Red 608 or 953 DOMINION DAIRY 8 Quarts or 14 Pints fer 31.00 PASTEURIZED MILK IS SAFE MILK fresh from Bulkley Valle Farms VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 Port Simpson Boy Is Buried Today Funeral Held This ‘Afternben From B. C. Chapel of 16-Year Old Lonard Wesley Lawn Mowers Ground Absolutely guaranteed to cut like new ' STAR WELDING & REPAIR WORKS H. B. Stiles hone 313 The funeral of 16-year old Leon- ard Wesley of Port Simpson, whose death occurred at the end of last week, took place this afterrioon P.O, Box 764 from the chapel of:the B. C. Under- Proprietor Cow Bay akers to Fairview Cemetery. Rev, C. aii D. Clarke of First United Chureh Steamship Sailings officiated and there was quite an > attendance of relatives and friends ae in attendance 4pm Ketchik: an n Plabe ‘or Vancouver Monday—ss. Pr. George Tuesday—ss. Catala 1:30 p.n Brings Passenger Wed.-—ss. Pr. Robert 9 a.m -—— Friday—ss. Prin. Adelaide 10 p.n Pilot M. Sasseeny‘Ketchikan com- Ss. Cardena midnight! | mereial flyer, landed his seaplane Saturday Pr. George 7 p.n.;here from Ketchikan shortly after ee es —= = het te Flu Representative body types of the new Ford trucks and commercial cars which are being presented in Canada. Top photo shows the stake body on the 157-inch truck chassis, one of the most widely used body types. Below (left), the deluxe delivery on the 106-inch commercial! chassis, and (right), the attractive front end of the new truck. Secure Cash — uring Hard The Classified Ads. ue Pa Casey Cartage Fuel Co. Aug. 29 Prin. Ali 12 noon today, bringing in a pas- : write S. P. Kennedy ea ? Phone 303 Aug. 27—ss. Prin. Louis p.m.|senger. The plane returned north Many people have .something in the house they no our . . — x ediately ' j i j j ets ert would like to sell which could be turned into money Sunday ata le m SOT REE i hwy . ties af M Wed.—ss. Pr. Rupert 11:30 a.m,| Constables J. V. Boys and E. T i if they knew of a customer. Try a classified adver- BOARD AND Rt ) Friday—ss. Pr. George 11:30 a.m | Bagel — in the city = the ; tisement. Most people read the classifieds, For ee Friday—ss. Cardena p.m. Princess Alice this. morning from 2 ‘ We ak eee TYPEWRITERS Ss. Princess Adelaide p.m. Victoria to join the city detachment about fifty cents you can let them know about it it it board ; me ane '| Satur.—-ss. Pr. Robert 11:30 an. |of the provincial poling here and it may prove a profitable transaction. 104 McBride Greet For Saie or Rent ); Aug. 15—ss, Prin. Alice any | ab a nl ED ; ; Ser Mans tiiver s Port S son-.| Atthur *arsOns Was a passen : Reese, Cowan & Latta - en a : ss ” oe 1 ger aboard the Princess Alice this ORCHESTRA wang vecktBrrenie agra Ry morning going north from Vane . " Phone 234 from Naas River & Port Simpson 7“ gs i e = } R ti th H ; Se Datele 11:30 am ver to Fort ears Yukon Terri- en ng e ouse Your Dance orchestra phone Nor titeuats snk Bree. ory, where he to be shortly or pi Se ap Black. Green 218 — Pridny—ss. Pr, Georg 3 pn dainec a Anglican Church clergy- There are a number of houses in the city not Prices reasonable. ¢tf) “THE DUNES” anany—ae, Catal 8 p.m |man , THE DU! ere ee ee ae si tian | rented yet and many people make little effort to TRANSFERS sane agnor £ antes ean aeliies fe “ee as secure a tenant. Others who are wise to their op- AINS x ast sailing of Prince John u : woes oe ee 4 i oat 22) sos, “Ath ‘ta seneien amedit- of Satur.—ss. Prin. George .... 6 p.m THE MARKET oprtunities try a classified advertisement in the RON’S Transfer, Phone 177 $1.50 a day rate — onto og ong sie iM “For Rent” column and often get results. As one a Table nd Chairs fo: Se st rates will be Mona S reOr ge 4 p.m.| re ee eee aie ' » ¢ ‘ oe nee aor . ve a SS . : ; a ; Friday—ss. Prin. Adelaide 10 p.m rey - oe ap satist ied customer said recently : Those little ads Beer bottles bought se evious ral a de - sent are as f vs! : : ’ $17.50 per wee! Satur.—ss. Pr. George ere eee certainly do bring results,’ . Fram Ocean Falis— Butter a. ; SHERIFF'S SALI Write or Telegraph , /Fancy cartoned, Ib 29 omnes MADAME RAJAUT Wed ss. Pr. Rupert 11:30 a.m. | * 8", ae at in the Supreme Court of British Friday—ss. Pr. George 11:30 a.m,|N0. 1 Creamrey, 3 lbs . 78 | EN MARY QUIOKSTAD ute. ring Friday—ss., Cardcn p.m Flour j igment Creditor), and JO 1 ER Ss. Princess Adelaide p.m /Flour, 49’s, No. 1 hard wheat 1.65 S E: R di 4 1d. HM WINLOV I codes wae The AUCTION: Satur.—ss. Pr. Robert 11:30 a.m | Pastry Flour, 10 lbs, 45 to 50 ome Lie eader 5, eo WINLOW Defendants (t+ 5 ; , , ; : ren Chis a ia Aust. Pastry flour, 10 Ths. ......... 40 Debtor | Packing — Crating Wrapping |For Queen Charlotte Islands f : : ‘ r ‘ coord < r ; ? , MN » » ° ry - ‘oe NOTICE that in seso™eine! ghd General Furniture Repairs | Aug. 5 and 19—ss, P. John 10 p.m Fish Some people after trying other kinds of adver ( j So Ay ens List your goods with me From Queen Charlotte Islands— fare ee, coceedocoscenscoees P: tising decide to try a reader among the locals and Augu e 16th Br . oe Se 4, Aug. 3, 17 and 31—ss. P. John a.m,/ Salmon, fresh, lb J ‘ or male on the 20th ty iy Mh Ai RAWES—Phone Black 120) pice | Halibut, Ib 2 lbs. 25 personals. Then they have got results. The cost is Court House, Prince Rupert, a > Wed.—ss, Pr. Runert 3 p.m, | Eggs a little higher but they have been well satisfied. following Crown granted i Satur s. Pr. Robert 3 p.m | Alberta Seconds, doz 18 ? s48 ‘lea * : wa se a - ) . . Ss ar , “a | ght Hundred and One e : AUCTIONEER Aug. 22—ss. Prin. Louise a.m.|B.C. Fresh First. aoz. 96 When conditions are like they - today the news- pune ae a Oe Aug. 29-~ss. Prin. Alice a.m.| B.C. Fresh Extras, doz 29 | papers can often help. The price is not very high. 4802), ,known. as the ‘euperion List your goods with us—Prince From Alaska— |Local, new laid, dos. ........ 35 Do not lie down and bemoan your hard fate. Try a Minera! Claim, bot Norte! Rupert’s leading Auctioneer. Monday—ss. Pr. Rupert 7 a.m. | Meas : : j , j Hundred and Three (4803), knows m ton... ; * : Red "Top haieral "Chelan “Lat M HUNT Wed Pi. Robert 7 a.m. | Fowl, No, 1, lb * 25 different kind of advertisement and if that is not rt Hatt dre q ae aa Bn G. , Aug. 20—-ss. Prin. Alice p.m.| Roasting Chicken, lb. 30 successful try again. 1 yorty