trnt 'daily 'news

                                                                                                   mm ml                ANNOUNCING TWO BEAUTIFUL
                             " T                                                VALHALLA Anu                                                                                                           NEW
                                  The Daily

                           PniNftR 'RUPERT - HltlTISII CtUUMMA                       PURPLE WIN AT WHIST,                                                                  of the

                     IMiblishPii Kvry Afrnoon, except Sunday, by The News       Neither Team Ytt Defeated Thla

                        iAnting ami Publishing Company. Third Avenue.              Season  PriMan Slaltrs and

                                If. P. PULLBN. Managrrig Miter.              J           rabebaha tot.                    runswick                                              Phon

                                                                                   Valhalla whi-t oh..'-tn
                                        TELEPHONE 08                                 fmilur knathcn Iheir     I

                     DAILY EDITION                                                                                      Model 207

                                                                               Ilhr dfli '                 TV-                                    IVrunewirt. afforta bar    aya bafn diraetod towarvl rednc.        Model
                                                                                        tea  nw ha-         onl                                                                                                              210
                 Veterans' Band                                                fwaroer                                                             irriMlayn ols, xytlhoMl in          Ian
                 Uiitiu nf fiiinnnrt.t                                          of four Wins to Il ruMlf   i II. :                                                             any lany   pairing the ajuuhu (,f ,

                      Thr. IB tin iMolitlllilin III I he citv halter worthy of support iir far lhi -'-''''                                        tfaa iMM-ftWioM IVaj4av?tol; Pttauam.

                 lhao the 0. W. V. A. HoneJ. In city whoea we arn largoly       pythlaa Slateta' nitl  ---a. ..f

                        .i....    .Lrw.n.lni iin ourselves for musical enter wta-    IkwaJ  Porob- ni   i  vrd.                                         iiiev nave siicraonen in prrMiorutg in net) fumtrl. I
                                                     veteran' band has already            twin  wont. i hv r. t.
                                                The                             the Inner
                 m.nL it Itand is very desirable.                                                                                        tied to keep pra vatUi 4he miveraal lemand for i i
                 dHic good work nnri i the Immw of a valuable chric orgaaiaaUon I.                               iMil
                 worthy of Hie support of everyone.                               Te stnnolne;     et.' f"" w                                      .i..:igraph musM at a lower price.

                     Willi the riming   t the construction part of the local shipyard           V. W    I. ft-

                     a number of men find thrmsolvos out of employment or will Valhalla                                                            Th    two anndola nooaeaa aft the portal fentnres whr h I.
                           mi iinrf them solves. Among the number arr wporal Rityal Purple       f   f
                 Imnorlant mamfcor   f the IkwmI. An  Tort hi bing matte to kop ftrhraah             I                                             town ilia. Ilmnswirk it leadership.

                 thee men employed         that they may remain in th      city. II. . F.
                 Km plover who are able to aid in thin would he doing the rity a lythian HuMers  tat                                               Mi-  liave the famHis

                 cfexl minr if thev would taml behind the bandsmen and give SI. Andrew           t        I

                 them whatever preference is possible. Miralr is a ehrie aaoar and                                                                               All Wood

                 Anything we ran possibly do tn enconrak      H shoirtd not be    a

                 neglected.                                                          LOCAL NEWS NOTES

                     Thefe i   committee apooinlxl to try to make arrangements

                 for Iht rwnllwiwire m Ihe city of several of the men who are     A real itpuori unity la   th-res                                              Oval             Horn

                 proponing to leave. It is to be booed they will meet with a-trce-s. haatiionhip fVrht.

                                                                                loniaM, 7e and tS.

                 Britannia Tragedy                                        s                       s                  r   DESIGN EXACT I I '        limit IkVa a Violin VimI (he hne a.    the wfderfu

                 Excite Sympathy.                                                 The Liberal rmm.      Pattallo                                                                                                          titer J

                     The sympathy of the people of Prince Ftapert will go out to block are open afternoon   anrt                                                    3-in-l       Ultona

                 thf peofle of Britannia vetMi hat hxl pnroot orehHdren, relatives vninas. fieialty evenln.. If          Mat       4ii sla.

                fir friend in the awful tragedy of the floods of the last wej?k-end.
                                                                                                                                                   that perfect reproducer ami bote ami which, by a mere I wist,
                 II came norm them in their own homes at night      They were     J. M. !ryaafc. who has been       Hriaht t&H inrhes.

                abolu(elv defenreless. and the horror of the situation was made employed al Ihe dry dock here,      Wifih.Ikrolh. ?!IV inches.inche. plays ALL makes of with Ihe llllHKl.T point

                wore by Ihe dread of uarertataty as to the extent of thr trouble. sailed for Yarteotrver on the Yen. AM-ood (vl Horn,

                I'arents were separated from their children and wes from Iheir ture last niaat.                     fttaat IMaphraam t'Hona.      Npoituin and vtright.

                 husbands.    Tole families wer wipeil out. and what was even                  s                    Pmnswirk ittiaranierd

                wwse. ia some rases members of . families were taVen and          VIr. and Mrs, Araorl Moore, of      I kiutle-perms' Motorv
                                                                                                                    t;.:nch Turwtat.l.-.
                others left                                                         ns.n nav. amveo inis  tr-       Automatic tf.
                     The people of this city were keen to knew the extent of the ing ia lha etty and are raplster.  I.HM- Modi At

                tragedy, and if neerary will he jnt as keen to help the sorvi.r. I at the H4l PHaee Ruirrl.         IhMll.le IhMir.
                                                                                                                    Stirlf-tlllrtB lyli-ii lloslawed
                                                                                                                         aeenninKxtate Athom.
                Candidate  Out                                                         galf paid IU    Ton pa       All Trvoimins ticket-plat !

                Looking for Vote.                                                r,e to   e  th   cnasnpfemaahji    Fumed      ,.f Mahoony
                     The eadidate    in the forthcoming federal election crre ant iahl aeteew fiiaiasn and Car.     Full  liiiBranlr.-.l in. In.ling

                 looking f&r l,le. They are trying to impress the elector  with  .r-niier at the Baapress tonight   Automalii Krin ili llalancrit J ul

                 Ibe fart that Uie district will benefit from support of the particular        s  s                 Ontinui'ii. tt . i

                 rtridnlale. OolaajelO'M  tels of what he has done, and on the    Mr.   V. ft. Murray and fam.           AND ONLY ItSS                                                                                   o cnn

                 strength of that and his military career rxpects to be sent bark to ly arrrted front Vielnrta this

                 Ottawa, not aa a Conservative this time hot as a Inhi Quixote to n. rains la Join Mr. Murray, iho

                 till at aar windmill he mar happen to    . Pred Stork, on the :naaaer ml Ihr VorUera Inter.                                            Only $20.00 Cash will                           place eitherofi

                 olher hand. ak   for support not on his own merit so much as ,.r li.perative si are here.

                 Ilerause he ttfttM a e(.of pHaeiptea, ttkr 'pemetptaa of the                    lUmtm                     S20a                         these BRUNSWICKS in Your Honr

                 UIeral parly.  Slofk ha CTenUJT whom b       win ronww, so m      Mi, stand B.        and Mra

                 relurning him everyone know exactly what Wiey are vofing for. Hrehait. f1 IMghy Island, who                                                                   IMMEDIATELY

                There is nothing perMial mhtmA II.                               ave bren vMtia ia tMatile and                ONLY      CASH

                     Liberaliom has stood the test of many years. ItJ aot by any 'ther   thAa chles rHarned to                that       "     i .t.Mi wsMi ttMro to satradiira onr .if i!,.. I.. f ll l!ll Mlinrtil
                                                                                                                     Healttina         )
                means a fled irmrtple.   It is ofmed to (merratsm in that it :ae attjr na aW Priara llapeH                not have t   i.n .iin tiaM prW avathvMe. alt llrwnsalck ,i. irr. t,mx- . f r. I Mir r
                refuses to le tied and ImmiimJ by Ihe outprown usages of the past, hia snneaiair.                    asar

                bat it refHe to be led headlong iato doobtfnl experiments by the                                     JuoTttsaaa   rash payment of only ISO place, in home IMMI fIA     J. eitli      ,f itj-

                too radleal element. It ba often been used and abmed by peltyt    Ms. P. Ms It. Tauajr arrived           attt hae aa ltTIHK     KH In wharh to   ay Ihe Mia ore
                 M)lttiHa  for their own end, bat it reroaias as before, the rge from the soalb Ms aWraing after     yoa

                forwaril which keep men and women abreast of the times without      tiavntp been on aa nlaadeil                               See Your Nearest Brunswick Denier NOW

                    encountering the dangers of being too far in advance.       visH.  Mist  Martraertto Voshm
                                                                                has yon   to Toronto to attaasi                                              somewhat llmilrd
                                                                                                                 Oor production of Ihese two modal   will he
                Carrying.Banner                                                 the (VOmrtawry of Music.          for Ihe halanre of this yar aad there is a slrosw ptMsMlily that          Order Now for ChristmaJ

                of Liberalism.                                                                                   Ihe demand will ha greater (ban our power to suppry   o avahe
                     Fred Strk is carrying the banner of Liberalism.  If alerted  Mr. and Mr, a A. Kirlvendaie    aare of yoar now model Hnm.w irk by ordoriOR AT OMIIt. Make      Any Hruaawick   anr will teuj

                he wUl be a supporter of V. I Mackentie King or any other leader reienel to  eatf1 an t)e Vaav    sure that alt this fall and wmier will bo a hie lo toad yon m.Kri foV 0toT small any nnv up
                                                                                                                                                                                   to du ts lo make a      aapasii
                                              rote     select  We know exaHJf tfira last nfgM.   Mr. Ktrkendaar                                  throuah the only piioooKrapb
                whom the Liberal by popular       may                                                             home with all the nork!  iiiur                                                        This wMl
                where he is ami what we are votinr for in siiortortinfr him. if mm act lax manager of the Itoath  whieh is KXPfUii!!.   Iri!vKI    to ptoy ALL roeords tUU         aceordtaf to deiery          a
                                                                                                                                                                                   order at ooee and lnur yu f
                the other hand we support CoIiHiel Peck we do not know whether Pieherie    Oanainan  tla.  here   HBtrn.Y  theMly phonopraph wiich I. seleatinaally Klit lPPH

                he wjilt support the Tory leader, Arthur Meighe'n. high pratee  wsns   Y. J. Qi wa     away on    i.. i.r.Mlur ALL Ibe T1?K an record.

                tHHilt and friend at the profiteers: T. A. Crerar. head of the holidays.                                                                           At Anv of These Denlcrs
                farmer movement, or Mackenzie King.     If we give him one vote
                                                                                  Mr. aad Mrs. J. P.. CHwheiav                             I frl     TVliVrl AvA                  Walknr'c; Music Store, Seco
                we do not know what he will do with it.                                                           1UI.DMM P.r.
                     If we vote for a Socialist we know he will carry Ihe banner of arrivsNl Ibis asorahts from Yaa- lTlLlVaU UlUd.,       liiu.,     nmu            v..                        "                 .... uy...iaH.i

                Roeialism.  If we vole Conservative we know the candidate will i-mver and are roaistorad at lb                        M...I..I' M.Mn,i.. a.)..w Co-. Sola Canadian Distributors. 143 "-"               "    -

                be a high protectionist and will curry favor with the millionaires Hotel Prinoa HnpaH. Mr.  rn-                    IV

                of the Hast, the Sir William Mnckenzie and Ihe Plavelles. If we licua. who Is a wU kntiwn fur        k .nihi, JaiMioese. wa. fin-d      ria Usk sf UW Cur Mts.
                                                                                            awrried        time                                           SS MSI. lorar
                vole for Slork we  now he will be in the marrh of progress; he buyer, was .          sisnte     tto   n the potieo court    I hi rswias. BVwx wm tbtm. 0wc   Mlk                      Sutherland
                                                                                     and this i Itrsl visit here                                                              m            Dr.
                                                                                  v                                                              a      U      sf sinasal.
                will he looking io the people for gnidiftx-e rnlher than to Ihe       the weildnwr.              momma for drwnhmiM-.            ijaot sis sarv.
                millionaire: but if we vote for Peck we dirk onr     ote on Ihe sinoe                                       s   s                                                                                        C-

                roulelte table and spiu imd pray that it mi) ome out u winner.                     s        ha     Mr. H. H. (ranl return' l ilii                                                  D.D., L.D-S       DjD
                                                                                  ttnoa    . A. H. who
                                                                                ben atlendiair the Anolksan Sy- nioriiina from Vanrouvr-r whri'1             JIOTICK.                                                     bKl

                                                                                  mI meetiBK at llamilton, On    -he ha  aeon vlrlthur for! no ai-rtar USD MSTKICT- DIS       nPNTlSTRY in al! its
                                                                                                                wek.    rh  weol aoulh with h-r      TPtTT r Vifnnt aiAE nvr.
                                                                                tario, rotarned lo the etty aa the                                T.I Man Ual I. Hr. Ktrrj 0wJrsr.
                                                                                              this moraina; having on, An-tiie, who la an-ami ae oT Siullteri, C. rra4lkM i OMStwna.                                         U
                                         Dr. JOS. M AGUIRE                      Pnnea llUrrt                     I'niversny Of Krlnah ti4.usl"la                                                  .        . .1. c    14 wd
                                                                                    eome west by way of Vaa-rouver.                                 ulwVl in tsd wtrvlaai w las ti
                                                                                                                                                    m Atl     UsJf Ct4VWOCISf l k                                Phone
                                                                                                     I"". II. Iu
                                                                                         Archbishop                                             imI BUale4    ks tt   t rUr hotr             For Appointment
                                                   DENTIST                       Wruet. whit also was Kal for      M. Wood    ia miwii   tii I!. XtvJH tba nwulk sf Mills txur or,
                                                                                                    is  ovpeeleili Prhiee 14 n pert this w                 I 04IH. Utrv   RVJIB
                                               Prices        tbn                th?  sante ourwsMr
                                                      remain     tame.                                            f J i law'fi d who la Oti lioli.                           rui'
                                                                                                   night's train    a.                          'I( rBiiK lo lal ossaisacstrxat.
                                         Visit hla Offlce Rooms 7 and 8 Smith   liomr by tomorrow
                                                                                                                                        or   the I MS     BCIM.                                                             SO
                                                                                                                 lars. A.  II. It'iaooM.                      I   lilt.
                                                                                                                                                  likftUd Abfl lit,
                                         Block or prions for an appointment                                                                                                                                   EVITT
                                                                                                         ebam-and Prim-'- i ri', is flrl si.lnnt       II ASH T OI'.iBl"!'". pv"r"'- PHILPOTT,
                                                      Phone 675                   Impey-Carpentier                                                              c r, snvb. ri                                               ul
                                                                                                            U- purr .mil V. I.iler.    rcind a-aislanl
                                         Orflce hours: 9 1- t   6 and 7 to 9    pi 'Hitiip fitfhi loniirbl                               renilar I           norire.                          Ml
                                                                                               KmprMs, 75c and            Fred  lloroin,                                            Talephons                                   1
                                                       cvenirgs                                                 I srood ..ltnt of the Prince I       isict r cot av(tr. nir                                            .aO' Tf
                                         Kurnlay Appointments  Lady Assistant                           ..                                        Ttk aslics lh I. A M. aranr. al                   this diktrtot t,r- IDS- . i
                                                                                                                i Ituperl. i. off Mir ve-l.     irnara Kspvrt P. t siU   lll ssrl-mt, Sola Agsnts in               ..M ir t-J '
                                                                                                                                                     Inlrod kppIV tut t lltvwM u pet'              really  rap"    i'"      . ... I
                                                                                                                             fiOTICt            Ml far   i. Mtaral $ ts4 pcirokwm a  I'etly Mine  a
                                                                                                                                                 tm Ifilnr oMlibM Unit. Cuotswiwiar                   nl ls               AIB
                                                                                                                                         IT            Mni4 mm Mrt frtsa C4r kno ainokflesv.
                                                                                                                rnivrr avrra                     I t smi
                                                                                                                    ThJrT or                     a lha aorta Usk or UlUs cltr lur               .l    .t sold W "ii '".-     U I'1"
                                                                                                                  Ttk astaw tht I, Oyrti KWiim earwr.    !   rnaia. inurw m   mm
                                                                                                                sf rnar Aaiwtl. h. C- sceaUM itl. rlnwi, UHttv !  Mia, larac aoria  -      ...    .  . tilard   toes,      ..ii-id-
                                                                                                                  -tnrr lahriul la BntMr far a llrBM Ik fhaint i puisi al cuauio(nial, oua aacksa, ymr          ,    .Mf ten
                                            '                                                                      v-1 for owl. Miartl  aa lira UMI    49 mftmm.                                  Blsessnvlin vast, t
                               L     A'            11        I I                  f lomorrow Ainsni m              i oa (fx fsUawlsf d.trrilsd Uml: UMtod Arwi int. ttl.                  Tslkwa
                                                                                                                  inm ' mr it a Dl pliaud on taa         A. M. anCU.Vkn. ABptlrsat,
                      1                            rLDil                   1            M d i u util smi uf Csdr luv'f ta4 lo
                                                                                                                m w   nib ar Uttl Cart.r Mr, law
                                                                                                                 i-t 'i rbMM, lhar norm SS rluln.            XOTICI.
                                                                                                                Iltrar wmii St rbtini, Ibtwa smis rawer aurraT mvh MSTKICT- DIS-                                     tUMPCC
                                                                                                                 'win. tn putnl el cunoiwarruMBl, rualtla-in ihir-r or coast mamie live.
                                    And Support the Industry                                                       '.I" arra.                     Ttk aolb il I. itm r An.lron, ef  PEMBINA
                                                                                                                  I'M-aoa Ak-ra.l SIM. Ill.     roar  hsiwrl. a. C, nrrupslliia toil al-atar,
                                      which supports you                                                           VHII Mo.VTAOt'R CAHTtH, AfflMnl.  lalsad ku ttlr fur ncn la rrus-prri                     bu'l. '!"
                                                                                                                               t,      st. htm-     r..r l.wl. atluril tt ts4 lnHVeia aa         DtlUtrad in              ttk
                                             Ask for                                                                                            Um ratlosia ikitrrllta Itadi: Corumnrln         btllv.rtd In ..e.'. 40,V "'.f
                                                                                                                             aonca              tl t wwl alal4 sua tad on qtnr tail
                                                                                                                rum w "' tMT t      MSTRICT DIS- rrum (Xlr Kir  ! lo mil, touts of
                           Fresh, Smoked and Canned                                                                     T Or COAST RASOE riVE,  I nil C4r Hlrr. Ibrac  ! SS ehl,    This
                                                                                                                  Tik. aMa 11 I, A. H  NM-kal, ef tkw anrlk Ik rhtist, Uwar tin t   Absolut   fre. frm dual           f..
                                                                                                                friar HuMrl. a. C.. acasawlMi cHil tl- Uwttr to in t riMint to point ar             whara V" 'r           r
                                              Fish                             II                               nrr. inin f WW 1ST t lka  I pt4- jimnr.iul, mauislot kit kcrtt,     mend this coal               I""1
                                                                                         SUITCASES              I  I rr nwi. uiarti ll plreiiii an l.ixtl'! Uiml SHI. Itl,           for fO".l"
                                                                                                                lh f"lliit dsarrttwO Ua4c Cammaeia    JAMLS c AMUrntu. ArDlirtnl.                                       W
                                         Distributed by                                                          l s   alaiMl n aiM trtm CsAUr Mf                  Sfhiuti, A.p.
                                                                                                                   iK                                                                                          "Rton
                                                                                                                      iani iwna ar uiim mww rif.r.
                                                                                   Trunks                       tbrni              Ilw   tsuth tt            NOTKr                  Ladysrnith-Wel
                                                                                                                          tt Muk
                      Canadian      Fish & Cold                        Ltd.                                     rktlat tbaa   ! l-t HMla Ihsars anrlk rhl.VCC M rraT I ami MTSlr.T DIS
                                                     Storage Co.,                                               SO rkilM Ia farikl r tmnnl UB- TSICT OT COAkf SANOE IIVK.
                                                                                                                Itinint t tprat                 ' Ttk slk  thtl I. W Brit, af rnnrt                ..   a Im aatki"       tv" . kL
                                                                                         CLUB BAGS                LKti4 Aaistl Slit. ttll.      kurort, a C . artaptilsa cttil .nttiwwr, la     Dllru           .   ha W"    as'
                                  PRINCE           RUPERT                                                                      .ifrHOI.S             ,.    lor k IItiim I" piwtpw.l fur                        -
                                                                                                                           A B         Aptllftnt inn  iptbr                                     Laaysmi.n-.-        Yh,
                                                                                    Large Stock on hand.                       i f  .hiil, Arnl, rwl Ulntit iti tnt tlrlliti on Ik fol Tha famous        .   u o w a ra,
                                                                                                                                    -        -- i, nt asarrlLr) oainMsiiat kl k Iht  .Lai Am OVir ilJ        .  11
                                                                                        Pricea Very low,                     HOTIi.C            i- o 'I"'1 tmt mil front flr hi.f oa              of h    P,f
                             RUPERT                                                                             rai.vcr s'mut   .mi" t nis in  -ia pnk r t uu ciir air        quaiiuts
                                                    BRAND                                                           TBI. T - if "A'-T RAMUS' r'VIC sl su Stint, lhcn n-irlfc St rltilm.                         to
                                                                                    J. F. MAGU1RE                 Ttk tut.- ktl I, t T rinatta, af Uni'i rtll It vhtmi, lhanra touib tt Prince Rupert
                                                                                                                T- t i a       intv -a pr p:l r In. i-haint lo polM el .junociuol, touuia
                 II                                                           I  I  Nst th  Prinr  Supart       lend ti tnp'jr f'r li-- to p;jp-l fur lat tia ki r.
   r                    -                                  .  ,                -                                     rat, .1 tl tt'd pr louia on Um Lwtlrd Atissit fill. ttll.            Otntral Hotel

Maai.                              llZa-aaaaaoo.aoo-.aa                                                               llfHts. ,, yilp ffs,(ll df tlop,           JJllJillllrid APIiiireni, J-?S1-
