4 % ef PAGE SIX EXTRA! EXTRA! — EXTRA! SPECIAL BARGAINS | For the Whole Family —=— SCC — Montreal Importers FIRST USED CARS | Prices Slashed WATCH THIS SPACE DAILY FOR SPECIAL OFFERS During Fair Week Until Sept. 3rd Ali Used Cars Will be Reduced 25% There are many good cars and the prices will be such as are not usually seen Sold With a Guarantee S. E. Parker Ltd., Ford Dealers Third Ave. East Phone 83 } LOCALITEMS Mrs. C, H. Sawle arrived in the, city from New Hazelton on this, afternoon’s train, here to attend the Fair, thar f Bhoigkfiank, who has mre on a Wrief trip to the interior, returned to the city on jthis afternoon’s rain. | Mrs, | Mrs. G. A. McMillan and son and idaughter, who have been on a | trip to the interior, returned to ithe city on this afe moon’ s train Miss Marjorie Blance, who has been spending a holiday at Ter- race, returned home from the in-, terior on this afternoon's train. | Archie Watt, master mechanic, sity from Prince George on this} afternoon’s train and will return! to the interior by W. F. Schlothan, Ketchikan cannery Mrs. Schlothan are board the Prince bound for Seattle pend the winter. official, and} passengers on George todav' where they will} Passengers aboard the Princess | fifteen school teachers returning | to their duties in various Alaska points after spending the summer vacation in the south. Theodore Wernecke was a pas- senger aboard the Princess Alice this morning returning to his home at Mayo after attending the Uni- versity of British Columbia in Van- couver. He is the son of L. Wer- THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TRAIL—BRITISH COLUMBIA Ma‘iufacturers ot ELEPH ANT Brand CHEMICAL FERTILIZERS Producers & Refiners of TADANAC Brand ELECTROLYTIC AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE SULPHATE OF AMMONIA TRIPLE SUPERPHOSPHATE LEAD-ZINC CADMIUM-BISMUTH lthe native school, after having | spent the summer vacation in| Vancouver. _ BULKLEY VALLEY COAL IS A HIGH CARBON, NON-COKING, BITUMINOUS COAL That can be used to economical advantage in all styles of fire boxes. In your kitchen range try the nut-egg size and simply shake the bottom grate when a hot fire is’ desired. For heaters use single screened lump. In furnaces use single screened lump with a generous portion of fined added to hold a slow fire or banking over night. You will use no other fuel after becoming accustomed to— BULKLEY VALLEY COAL Enjoy the Comfort of Restful Light ~ « a book and light that’s soft, yet IVE a mana pipe he can smoke . he canread . . ample. .What more can he ask of a restful hour! ; Edi Mazda Lamps add to the pleasure of any 1 FDR storye! THeyicalinét glare... their lightis always soft a kind to the eyes. And they give the full value of the current consumed. EDISON MAZDA LAMPS A CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC PRODUCT ithe round Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. McDe- vitt and child were passengers on board the Princess Alice this morn- . 1J. Smith retu C.N. R. divisional! his afterncon arrived in the)end trip to Terrace. the next train. | been visiting | weeks well known} Thompson, le‘t by coday’s her return to her home at rs. Mrs. | Prince Rupert /her return to \V ing visited here 1c: Alice this morning included some! with her daughter, Mrs. more, Borden Street. H. F. Kergin, who has been on + 1 Atlin district to visit ents there, ar the Prince from Mrs. Kergin. nesday afternoon on warrant that area, THE DAILY NEWS SHIRLEY SHOPPE GOING OUT OF BUSINESS BIG SAVING ON FALL COATS, DRESSES, LINGERIE—IN FACT ON EVERYTHING IN THE STORE We are cleaning out all our Spring Coats at $10 each— Dress Coats and Tweed Coats. This is a real saving. Come in and look them over. Everything must be sold. A small deposit will hold any article in the store. Shirley Shoppe, Corner of Sixth Street & Third Avenue eos Mrs. A. J. Lancaster ned to the city Miss Myrtle Mcintyre, with Mr. and Mrs. Weather! Saturday evs 1ead M.L.A. ived in the Ge ‘orge this the north, The y city o will sail Wed the Princ more people .going int who he here for the past two Walter train on Smith- morning accompanied by and Mrs, E. on train from a week- 1S sailed by the ening or 1necouver after hav a few weeks L. W. Pat 1 t for Atlin, a trip into the his constitu- n 2 Vv e Rupert for their home at Alice neke, well known Yukon mine/Arm. Mr. Kergin reports a healthy manager. mining activity in the Atlin dis- mene trict although there is nothing to 0 ing returning to Telegraph Creek, (where Mr. McDevitt is teacher of Miss R. McGurk, an operator for he Pennsylvania Railroad, arrived | n the city on the Princess Louise} Saturday afternoon after m: aking! trip to Skagway and/ iilled the same evening on the ss.| Prince Rupert for Vancouver} whence she will proceed East. Charged with assault with intent o commit an indictable offence, | Charles McGregor was remanded / for eight days on appearing in| | city police court this morning. The} charge arose out of a fracas on} night between accused | a nda Chinaman on Comox Av enue, Rev. Dr. H.R. Grant, who has been supplying during the want month in the pulpit of First Pres-| byterian Church here, left on o-| day’s train on his return to Fort) William. He was accompanied by} his daughter, Mrs. R. A. Harlow, | and her son who have been visi -| ing here for the past two weeks and who now return to their home | at Prince George. for Supper tonight ! CREAM RICE PUDDING 4 tablespoons 2% rice }§ cup suger }§ teaspoon salt Wash rice thoroughly, then edd with the suger and salt to the milk diluted with water. Pour into « buttered beking dish and add « sprinkling of nutmeg. Set the dish in @ pen of hot water and beke three hours In @ slow oven (300°F ), stirring several times the first hour to prevent rice from settling to bottom. This is just one of the many ptactical recipes from our new cook book ‘The Good Pro- vider.” This book tells you how you cen make neerly 200 delicious dishes with St. Charles Milk. Send your neme and eddres cups St. Charles Milk 1% cups water Nutmeg end the book will be meiled to i ; w FREE. | Mrs. Denstedt of Brandon, Man- tee \ (ee itoba, arrived in the city from the We Boreah 2. tinted ac prairies on this afternoon's rat ’ Gentlemen: Please send me freq end will be here until Thursday | \ ca once rer i night when she will sail on the \ ie Prince Rupert for Vancouver, ac To) ee companying her son, Orville Den | istedt of the scientific staff of the} Prince Rupert Fisheries Experi | jmenal Sttation, who will be leav | ing then for Montreal to take up jfurther studies at McGill Univer | sity } | | | | “Cleanliness is Next to Godliness” P : R | SPECIAL FOR TWO rince Kupert WEEKS | | August 29 to September 10 DRY DOCK inclusive | Soe. ’ AND | Ladies’ or Gents | Suits Pressed || SHIPYARD ‘ By Steam Operating three Dry Docks 50 Cents Potal capacity 20,000 tons Sponged, Cleaned and Pressed 75 Cents Naptha or Dry Cleaned and Pressed, $1.00 Phone — 649 LING - TAILOR } We call for and deliver to all | parts of the city, Mail orders || | receive our prompt attention, Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers for Steel and Wood Vessels Sawmill and Mining Machinery Repaired and Overhauled Iron and Brass Casting Electric and Acetylene Welding 50-ton Derrick for Heavy Lifts SCARVES, SWEATERS, HOSE, ,’ values up to $35—Polos ee Peter Wesley, Indian, kenness, was fined $10 and costs in city police court this morning. R. W. Hannington, regional coun- | sel for the Canadian National Rail- ways, Vancouver, is a passenger on board the Prince George today re- turning south after having made the round trip to Skagway. C. Thomas, general manager of the B.C. Packers, returned at the end of the week to Vancouver af- ter spending a week inspecting the company’s operations on the Skeena and Naas Rivers. He was’ accompanied by Mrs, Thomas. for drun-| Walter Heisel, United States cus- toms officer at Juneau, is a pas- senger aboard the Prince Georg today going through on a holiday trip to Seattle. Prof. Joseph F. Day of the Uni- versity of British Columbia and Mrs. Day were passc/igers aboard the Princess Alice this morning gcing north to make the rouna trip to Skagway Game Warden Ed. Martin sailed today on the Princess Alice for a trip to the Atlin, Taku and Stikine River districts on patrol duties. He expects to be away about three | weeks, Monday and Tuesiy TWO SHOWS — 7 ang y Day LADIES, AT your SERViq = meet .. LESLIE HOW AR) In the Hilarious Comedy “Reserved Foy Ladies” With George Grossmith Benita Hume Society Raves About Hi King Trios to Steal His Stal —You'll Love Him Comedy—BING CROSBY “THE BILLBOARD G mis Musical — “SWITZERL AND METRO NEWS ADMISSION ~- les Feature Starts at 7:49 & 9: WEDNESDAY & THURSD. “The Trial of Vivienne Wa WEDNESDAY REVIVAL WHEELER & WOOLSRy in “THE CUCKOO0S" Capitol Baby Shoppe COMPLETE OUTFITTERS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE =| SUMMER SALE Everything in the store to be cleared at cost. Our large stock of children’s \ BEACH PYJAMAS GIRLS’ DRESSES BOYS Ail these goods, new this summer, are actually to be sold at cost. It is a great opportunity for ladies to outfit their children at prices not usual in CAPITOL BABY ns WASH SUITS must go. We have— GIRLS’ PULLOVERS BABIES’ COATS BABIES’ SHAWLS Prince Rupert. SHOPPE BABIES’ vear yal PRIMCOVERS BOYS’ COATS GIRLS’ COATS Third Avenue DOES YOUR BUSINESS NEED A DOCTOR? Now, Mr. Businessman, have you ever tried to di ignose the reason for that sudden drop in profit over the figures of “last month?” If the ter mperature of your busine alarms you there is no need for you to lose any the remedy is simple. ’ That’s ADVERTISE “Ah? man and can’t afford it,’ | priation INTHE DAILY NEWS” you say, “But th at’s all very well. I’m only a small the reason the small man remains a small man. The big men in business toda) a not become big by hiding their light under a bushel, t advertised, and Advertised, and ADVERTISED, mee tising is as necessary to a “sick” business as the doctor's services are to a sick person. And it will find the mone) to pay its own bills, if done judiciously, from the increa ed volume of increased profits. Start with a small appr tomorrow and test the idea for yourself—after all i RESULTS that count today. We have an expert ive I tising man at your service at any time. He will advis« you as to size of space to use and see that your space is filled with “business bringing” copy. PHONE 98 and make an appointment sleep- ee ee