Tlmr-ilny, Jonunry fl It Till DAILY KWB WANDERERS GO TOP ANTLEE BILLIARD TOURNAMENT .. Westholme Theatre Dsfeated Sns of England by Bio Margin Last Night. nor TONIGHT ONLY I'lilhusiiiKlM whu lire ill lung with kepi! inirn'il t lio , iiirli'hcs Iiimiiji playi'd hi'iwfi'ii Uk hiikiisi i-iuli in I In iiy for pO! - ! The Great Drury Lane Success, .-irssiini nr t r 1. Truil t'.liih (.up. 1 -T.- .ill Hum lal I'M'iiinu. wlii-n Hi'' W iiiKf.-i-.-r 1:1 u l) Mlipi'il Into ir placr hy ifi-r.-nliilK (In- Sims) if l ilMlniul by a il'-cisiM- inai'Kiii. ORMES LIMITED . niiiiiiK ,icr til i'it' oppotli'liln hy 1 .'!'. pmnlK. ALASKAN TANNERY Tin giiinoM wi-i-i- mil marked hy Can't Leak, a.-iy pry lirillinnl cirnrt on I lie-pni'la Tln-n- in n tannery ul t'.han-oul of flu' I'Niyi-is nltlloUMh lln Because It's Made Point. Ki'lcliiknii, Alavka, which ix :ii.- iii-iwi-i-n i:,i. Mi-Murtiip (vnn-ili-n-r-. One Piece l-i iifi inaili- n, mn'cii. according mid I'.-ny Tinker (Son ;i ii-port i if here. 'I'hc or 1:1 1 v 1 tt 1 1 t ih-imIik-i-iI two cxcpI- mi AKAN7LEEK It built tike a I'll ef hll-ilie-. i done ill tht1 li-nt break:' by .-i rh of I In- player w one piece. I'liruiit or hair seal skins ninl in of 37 and 30 r.-peellvely. The Most hot-water battles are niiiKiiiu: tlictn i ;n i fur I h c 'undercr. (Hull hy llieir M'ore tif In section,then cemented HK.rki'l. 1182 in,lli (,ix umiiM of 200 up tocether. When cement dries end cruets, the bottle leaks. .iiiiu- Lu wilhin IM poinlh of n iMMtrtible clean and i Clio r.very Kantleelc Hot-Water EPIDEMIC OF COLDS nweep ppontl heel rerurtl in Ho- aeries Pug is moulded of pure sort rubber one continuous piece. SWEEPING CANADA ol. MoMiMilie'd hreiik of 3? U the w Ko rartt,patches,cement. Even iiuhi-!l stoiar of llm tournanienU stepper socket Is tnouUed in. mil if not Walrn. will will (lie cuu in Six Purts, Question as to Whether Olssase And guaranteed for a full two presflileU hy Hon SelT. Helow tire years' service or a new Kant Is Contagious Delng I ho scores: Cecil Raleigh, v Discussed. By leckfrce. J. Howe (Wunih-rers1 , 200; S. Don't wait until your old bag Tin- waw r rolils nlilrti la now Kins (S. (). K. , 131. Au hor of "Hie W hip" leaks. Get a Kantleelc.Your old Ported rr.un all nan. nl Canada aroused tlM- old oner-lion a In Uither W. J. Nelson (Wnmlt-n-r1 . one at treble open tonight. rtil an- r.Miutri"ll. Jlanv ieolle limur (Senrve lilll ;S. O. K.t , 172. oi-ii.-vc tnai in... are. .u any rate, ll l idylsahli- Hull rmw ettntart .with persons. 1. Stephen Vaiit.rr'., I2; Imiiiiit ilrts should b- avoided.. Comedy, "Are Honeymoons Happy" Paramount Magazine K n.ivn a roi.l or there is a case . Mi-Kvny (S. (. K. , 200. F cold In mullv. el or your a not Uil. .Mr.M.inlii- Wanilert-n. ' , ;rln-Flx rrfitii vn.ur riiira-lst. It 11 a which, arirr a f rial or ten :(K); . I'. Tliik.-r !S. i). K. . 127. ires, stands itm-mia ut-fl rur ine prompt inaliin-iii nt cold. II will rt-liele even It. H. SliiH-kh-y (WaiKli'ii-r. . hid rold in a mrlit and a nw or rlpie J. Iyo!i S. (i. I-:.' 1 17. EMPRESS THEATRE - NO SHOW TONIGHT it an nooar. ii is sum in raranir innn .iihl the tna-HHUt-nts art- plainly stated in P. It. Wanderer 200: ORMES LIMITED rseti tmx. Tliey an- jn-t Ihc lrits usually Mori WeKritRHilll S. (. I.. . lHll. lifted, an Irral colds. ( .mln In capsule Rinftt r'rra. promptly.ttn-y may In- easily taken, ami art rolaN:Vaiiderer. IIH2; Son Tomorrow Night nnd Saturday, GEOF GE VViL ill in "M OiV. NOW ON Try iiip-Fl P thai nill. II works if Knirland, IN'... in seven parts. Mult nnd Jiff ono Magazine. wondcrs. m sal al all dmst-tat Ji rents per lm. I'.illiiwlnif i- tin- tournament Th Store lauilinit to iliii.-:1-lay.Ml point Ave-rain. WESTHOLME Friday and Saturday, Malibce and Nighl Tht root pt ;r TOO LATE lO CLASSIFY Wamlerwe . 1 IIK2 1121 male star on the screen, THOMAS MEIGHAN in "CIVILIAN CLO'l 111 S Trail ...... 3 335!r 1120 WAXTKH by ffpnl It-man, fnr-nf.ificil St. Ai.lrewN t t:;e lout Fox News and Travelogue holrtniiii in privalr n. V. V. A... .Klilll Ki;i:t i rumwai two-color window ranis tak. li'mixi'. VJi. Itux 155. Altply l : Son-, of ftov. 3 ;iiH! In in thr eye iiikly. S- tlipni at Uik Klk.4 3 2!i i ; u; 2 News Jnh lpiartmnt. Full SAM:. One wlckor gu-cait Card of Thanks hiip hahy Hlofpii, Til pood rm- After the "Flu" NVIGaSLC WATERS PROTECTION ACT. ililioite Phhtic lllact 501. If SHIPYARD CREDITORS MET ; Rttlaad Stttutti ef Canada TO CONSIDER POSITION Westholme Lunch (i.'iapier 119. MIST mi Tiiiril'' 'Avenue Im'Iwppii Four Chi'drcn Had Wo wish you one and all the I THE CA.MtKlA.X FISH AMI COLI STIJH- I'ol llilicp ami .;lilln ElrM'l, (Continued from Pac Jne. iUnder New AiiK 1:11.. LTD.. hcrcliy riv nollre mat Msnagemsnt compliments of the season. ll lu iindtT Tlion nryen (7t or the Mid S?G in hill', ' FIihW 'plea r-t.i T Whooping Cough We thank our customers arl Works rii-posiiml al iiti.nub and Ihc in Minuter me omce or or Public ine rn Ik hAlfy N wn onicc. IT how to denl,oHli".with it-mird to tin- ; ALL WHITE HELF New York for in luairlri lirrimrar or the Land H-irhiiry their splendid support I'islrlrl or Prlnrr liuprrt., al I he Clly or IX K..i"JT 1 regret thai owillfr lo lh- pe. Wlfst.inr "ih. alllH.ufb sprriall) s Prlnre pupTl. II. c. a dwnption or Hie i.v tiik si piiKvt: i.'inr or hiutisii the past. site and iik nlann of a wnarr proposed 10 IT'lLI MHI. nlLar etrrtitii.laiiei-si altaeheil lo 'disease ut riiti.fn.MMin ta by (m. means -n- , Wiestholme Special added experience lie tiuflt In Inn skcrna Hlvrr, on land IS TIIK USTTtll OF TIIK AIIMI.M4TH.l- nned It IImI ivrkal. tnajr nrear al Will? we if ha ben iniHiible I liis rase, rovrmt hy aier known and aenrrlfted as TUIA ai:t 'any Hum of life. It is .mm of Hie Iff.! , expect to give still Letter ri.rly sHlrn-i1 rour Lot hundrad"B" nr and Blork rony-nve live (61(444SI,or Lol IV TIIK MAfTKH and.IF THE KTsTE or lo p reen I the million, nl this dautreraia diseases ut lafaiM). sod really Three Course Meal - from 45c up service in 1021 and hope with lianar nve (Si. Coast Jlmilrl, in inn firoiflr: AKWMAA. llfclKASWI, IMKH-TATK. neetin with a fllimteial atale. ras iMtre Tb-ailr than srartei trvr, pmvlnre or Hrlllih 'jlumDia. irfflintd or tlloj.llirria. aud U trutxr- ! continued AM) TAkE MITICK mat arter the -pirallun Tyy MiTliE thai In order of Ills nent other llin Hie iiiforHinlion your encourage of one limnib rrnm the dale of liniuiir F. Mm. vMina. nude Ine Jrd day contained in tli report. A mui in remakr I ban niah rMtdrrn. ment to have our liitle store no nrsi piiniiraimn or IMS nouee 1.. n jaitiiery, s. u. ivti. I wis ali.Hniea Vhirut orb aisrlt nn sneeitnr. -AXAMA. riSH AMI troLI) 8TOIIAUK (... '.Iniinfsl-at-'r to Itw estate ir Oeorve pw- ns I can prerJ this. I will axain wato-rins ( the rresv. irrtuiiuu ut the so well stocked that will LTD., will under neriion aeveg (71 or ine man. di-. .(!. ainl all parlies havlns rtaiius you said art apply to the Minister a', public naainsi ine -in: rsiaie are nerefjv r.HHea sint a report Iif Hie ereditor hy Ihmat. revensimea aad routn. very rarely need to send out Works at fill onire in the Lily of Ollawa lu mruisli . priprrly verified to me, mail. K"in;-' Until all (he information Or, Wmrs Mieir ror ayrtr). ii tkiiMy Regardless of Cost fur approval or tne aald sue and plans and in or oi.ire ine 41 n oay or reoruary. renainiiriHled by mothers eerirlien- fur Useful and of town for anything in our rur leave lu ronstrurt the laid 'Ahart. . I. IHI and all parties HKtebhil in.--Hale with i-.-xuril to the prore I he relief if Ibis IroUOle Sa II kelp l OATKIi at Prlnre lluperl, H. C. Ibis Join an- reuulivd t.. fiay Ine aHmunl of Artistic line. " ds ir .ivemb'r. Iftju. ihelr lliilelilrrtix-ss In w forliiwiia of the liiiuilalion which may be rh-ar ine rteaHf.uf air pasea tt ItM DIE l.A.ADI.M FISH AND JIlll.N II. W.-MI I.U.X. Christmas CHI.D HTUHAo'K .f iiiti-r. t. luurutl an tsMrlm tual Sm lee lass. BIG REDUCTIONS IN 1 ,A.V. UMITKD. D.' EUber and oni'ial llinrilx rul-.r. John Bulger nnrtiton. lis lollrlton. liATI O una 41b 0 r January, tar I. Thoss Present. imI in OH. way beinff an I be -wHwust" Gifts altlrb brints ib- so mum-vsnrM-ror rt-ier Coats, Suits, Skirts, Uluuses, etc. l PnmTK. al tin- Ihi'-.- mei-linif, pr.-ent stwl oeils and auutkre ine hsss. Jeweller I TIIK 4l '-HFMIi i l IIT OF HIUTISII I A III! M'TTF.H OF TIIK ADMIAIHTHA- si-i i- It. I-.. Hi-nsain. L. V. I'atiuore, Mr. j. u. HatMe, laHSwHal. .. wrilM; Tn ACT . W. K. Williain. .m.-1. Til.-. F. --rier Ine Ha.' Ml rail, my rir eiuM-ir GIFTS THAT LAST fai.i toaaa uniaiprNS and one ut I beta Miss GLEESON We are l TI'K MKTTEB OF TIIK ESTATE OF W. Hunt. II. A. Lee. F. Syrotnek. paying JVrS M TIIK-S'I. I.K':r:AKH. IA Tr.h-T'-IK w-vVhni-d bnaw-MU. Aru-r usiojr laro Cha. II. iMinhar. Italph V. I.el'iii.-. r Ibree boll Irs. or. Dr. WooaTa A.irway Third Avctnic Prince B.C TkK X.TICK lllal In orilt-r ut HIS Kupeit, li. C. fiihloii. Albert Kelly, M. 1'. i-ine arrup tlaejr were irraliy rellevrrf of tlMiiiMir F. vt, V.iuna. made ih :ird day r January, .-. ifi. i was appointed MetJalTery. John lbhBvn (ieorKe ll-lr nsly ri.usha. II la sa rsoertally Vi-iiiliiliiator (he eaialr .r JariN MallM-- r1 rrmed) rr esuMm. sad la Mre ...II. dn-ased, and all parlies bavins- rlaiuia Frizzed. It. F,. .MtMire. A. V. (ijin- tbey lake II readily, asal ask for teorr." ssilusl i.i fnnii.b tlH- same,-aid eslale pniierlv r- lierrby vfrtlled required to ine. eron. I. ti. SlMViirt. J. tl. Steen, Hr. WisuaTs Aoear lia Kyeap is lie. O assals a-at asasa FOR SALE 121 ll or lo-ron- Hi' 4M day of February, l. n, (ii-oven, I'eler lllaek, W. '.. awl SUr. a uolll at aM deahrr. I'm DP A. Ii l;'l. iiihI all parlies indeliled lo tbV by TIM T. Milbatra Luollrd, Ta. Viily Co.. THEO stale an- l ii ine amiHint or Fisher, J. A.J.inil-tay, II. H. Hab- COLLART, Notary Public th.-ir indi-bi'-diK-ss In bt- rorlbwllh. AJ oaiut out. jtili.y ii, ... .'. i.i.t . bington, II. F. l'ullen. II. J. Turner, Rust Estate) Rentals Insurance .Ml-'-ial itniiiitsraiir. J. K. Mrllrevy. (t. II. .Monro, M IN I'll A I. ACT. I"Till n. nn itav ,il Januarv. IK.'I EDSON COAX i Hulk. S12.00 r ton delivered 6 room House (. Mi-Kay, John .Mcllae, J. A. Ilin-"oii. - CaetlScala of ImpranmanU.' FOK SALE I Ssekad, 913.SO per cent f.. II. Klkiii. T. II. HuoiMT. JiOTItK. Most Llbe.rel MARINE INSURANCE on the Coea xiiij F. 4iiiii. "lUiyrr CHIT," "Uiier VMir !so. 1," Inwrsnrt Company of North Amerfea. I'ajs Claim promptly Colonel Peck. ."'iiw-r I'liir o. I." and "Owner (.lift and Two Lots fheap foal C.l. I'l-ck walehi-il Hie prM'eed-inKn pa. l" Mineral Claima siiuaie in in nsas P.O. Bos 66 Weilkalm Tbaalr Blosk rkaaa Dlu 69 Jllver VlBlof oirlalon of Masiar Ulalnrl. Exchange nnd on holnsr ked for tin Where loralrd: kllsaull luver. A lire Arm. Fine Harbor View .exprexKi'iin of opinion aid he had last: M'TICE thai I, lleorre A. towns. Free Miner's no. iuii i, artist (I. io - .-i yi I'iiiK pojill to K,-l for inyaeir and at nenl for Joaepn W offer da oaa nn jihe srovi-iiiinenl lo liiulilate the Wells, Free Miner's Orlinrste Xa. U8 PRINCE RUPERT .ciainiK itim ijmpi'uivtt wuii me u. auu AriMj u.tru.ju, i'.r Smlztft urr EDSON COAL jliipiiilaliim iriiC-eiliiiK. This the tlllrale Ho. 4fS (., Intend, alt ly air Central Labor Goiincii, on American govi i nnii-iil had fefu.-ed to do uh rrorn the data tiere..r, lo spoly to Ihc Miniii Hceonler for s Cerlinraie or Im O.B. U. Ml wniil.l i-reate ll precedenl. Ho proveioenu, fur tlw iurHa of obtaininr niigfcslfd that Dr. Thompson, s crown (Jraiil of tbe. alxtrs elaima. McCaffery, Gibbons currency, Delivered loose - $12.00 win wax one. of I'rinre Itiipert'n Ahd furiiM-r lake nollre inai anion, unit' AllitUted MEETINC3 tlnfU and Dales of r srrli.Ht IS, mnil be commenced few' ri'i.-ii.J in Ollawii, would net Bdlldlna Trade Unit, First Sacked- Ut Issuaina of aucb Or till rata of laipruv-tiieatl. & Doyle, Ltd. silver or bills - -$13.50 for I In-ill in any matter, buCho and 'Inlrd Mondays, 8 p.m. To clear our would co to Utluwu iiKuiu if no-epxKary. Paled Inli tin day tf November, lf Central IJbor Council, Every Tuesday, K p.m. 3rd Avenue Phone 1 1 CfRTIflCATE OF IMenoVtMfNTS. Women's Auxiliary, First Ndna'nw-Wtllin loo Coal I.. V. 1'iitiiiore poke appreeia. Inin Imke Miwral claim, IjiI .Nn. fill; Wrdnasdays, Danes A Social Entire Stock, I i I of the work t'ol. I'it;k had Irirti Imke An. 1 Mineral Claim, Uil ,o. t 9 p.m. : Third Wt-dneKlaya, Building Matcr'uls done. If they roilld jrel the ttnv-ei'iiiiienl 31S; r-pwiii Mineral Claim, lx tta. I1J6; liusinrsi Meellnit al f.tup.m. Table Co. Lerttv MiiM-ril Claim, Lol Hn. I1T All rVrtf 7)eeirt will h htU 5iA Rupert Supply In pny for the plant il wlj.Hiilni mineral elaima innate in oneen n at prices rbarloiie Mi inn r lnvision Kunerl piitrirL aiwary. FOR RENT in iKlit enuL-le tiil-MI lo Ket a oettli!- Wliere I.M-aleit! nn juls laiaml, Political F.o.'nnmy Club, PHONES 211, 212. TAfcF. OT V. tbal I. c. J. Urnsen of ine meiit of ihelr claims. In the Kvrry Friday at H p.m. of Vai-(Mivrr, iTovnmn Lily of Albert & McCaffery ineaiiliiiii- they ill uh I llm out the ' "liili.bla. Free Miner's Orlinrale An British II -79.', Metal Trades, First and Third to suit everyone Furnished Rooms H, ar Una on liebalf of myself anil is Fridays, exact pnsitimi of (he i rent for Aria l-ersen, or Hie said Clly of Shipbuilding Unit, Second Limited Vaneuuvrr, t,'K Miner's Orlinrale sa. at oiiipaiiy. C. luli-iiA alaly 1AU1 .lays from Ums.-HI ami Fouilh Frldsysat H p.m. lale lieri-or, l apply for s Croan Oranl of Plalipackera, First Ssturdsy DENTISTRY Hie ab.vr rlalnis. Barrie's Dominion Hotel A.M. M IITIIKH TAKK MiTICK that ae-luin, OPEN FORUM ninler aerlum 1ft. niiist be rfiriitneiired (commencing Kept) Knrond Just Itemodelled and Refurnished Don't neglect your Teeth MT LADlfS'AND CEfiTLE- Your vote and influence lierore linproveiiienia tne Is.uin.a of aurb CertincsU of and Fourth bumlsys, ij.&Jp.m MLN'S TAILOR fiATtl) inn Ird day or Occrnibcr, A, 0, Furniture - Store Corner First Avs. and Eighth One decayed or missing tooth " FIT GUAUANTIIKD solicited for IWO. Street, I'rinre itupert lowers your efficiency TIIIRO AVENIJK C. I. HlK!i. Third Avenue I'hone Ited 408 P.O. Box 353 LEE OpiKMilia I'ust OAice DR. BAYNE " Phone Red 136. Douglas Hotel Prince Rupert Office Hours-Morning. 9 Lo 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 6.30; Saturday, 1W" PACIFIC CARTAGE LTD to 12 only, tvenlnts, XMAS TREES! CANCCLLATI0N OF UStftVC. CUnO'KAN PLAR I'hone CM 327 2nd Avenue Tuesday, Wednesday and Jrri- Sutherland Mil.IF I IIKIIKIIY (JIVF tbal tlwi 1.b0 and I'hona 93. S. F- Parker, Mgr. SEday, from 7 to 9. reserve eoverniv 1.1 4109. ('asaiae i.istnei. per day up. C. V. EVITT Careful atuwttafi alvee to all order fur Violet.,Cut Flower, Holly la eaiicejled. funitur, freight. b sue or mber DENTAL NUK8E IN ATTENPANCC wreaths,Fern s,Cyclamen O. H. Is Allfc.T, riRST-CLKSI OAPI Auctioneer Drpuly Mlnltler of Latidl. tranafer work for Alderman PHONE 109 KOR APPOINTMEHTffl Ubds ln-partiiiriit, Auditor and Accountant ORDERS task roa GOAL u WOOD CITY MARKET A La Carte. lrloria, B. I... If III piciiiibir, IV 10. eeeesae see t