i . stt Pape 2 1TTK DAILY NSAVS PrMur .Inn n:irr I ; The Daily News iER LAKE PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News COAL COMPANY Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. , H. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. ., FORMED HERE SUBSCRIPTION RATES I iNew Concern to Develop Mine at City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month ............ $1.00 Fraser Lake, Hjad Office at liy mail lo all parts of the Itrilish Kmpirc and the United Htatc, Prince Rupert in advance, per year , S'i.Od. J To all other countries, in advance, per year . . $7.50. Yli: ni Jan. 13.- The in. ' Yon know It! It beRlos with i Ht'porufinn f the Fraser Luke TELEPHONE 88. i In ti-klln.your throat.Irritating You sensation cough to '"IlicrieV I.lit., with n ciinilallta- tlesr the throt. Ia moment : i ion or smiti.iiim n. ntn ni- Transient Display Advertising S1.S5 per hich each insertion Uitrelt Issfalnt nuiineed. n will have ils head Transient advertising on front page $2.00 per inch. A minute' rence, then eln lHci-- til pi imcc lliin-rt. Till in Local Headers, per insertion, 25c. per line.; you cougli, and so oa until and you k. i iMiijiany r Tilled by resident nt tbrot by Classified advertising, per insertion, . 2c per word. : cough the time your the cough tore,Is sulficl-ently Fori Fraser district to develop,a Legal Notices, each insertion 15c. per agate line, i allayed to permit you to ji-oal properly nt Fraser Lafc Contract Rales on A idic&tion. out.deep,This you are kind thoroughly of experience worn I HI was tli-rmered last iwiniiiw All adverlising should he in the Daily Mews Olllce on day preceding Lit particularly tryiug to old when a slenni shovel wa being publication. All advertising received snliject to approval. people. .used there, and va rejwvrieM on Tept mskethls sort of thins mmi fnx.tral'lv hy II. II. Odgmie, quite unnecessary. of Prince dcorite, a ititti insr en. DA1JLY EDfTION. Friday. January 1 I, I'M Put a reps pastille on your srlnwr. tongue and allow It to slowly The coiiikiii owns nmMkifiiK New Mayor j then dissolve,liberated,llaallnc which fames mingle are like 2.IUMI n. rwt of cctal fand. and Aldermen. with the breath and are carried iiiiiik th- owners arw Paul j to the remotest part ot the air llaiMtn. tl. M-.trderi. II. II. Oiesen, A new civic year has commenced and there arc new men in; passagea and lung. allaying J. Keliyl,. and T. T. Hamilton, Charge of affairs at' the cily hall. Major llorhexler vn elected the Irritation and assthls; the (ill ii is iiii.I. i.-i.mhI oIits nre in after a rather exriting con lot liy n siilllrioitt majority lo make, ing Inflamed the-cough membranes,and making tnui sleep end on the concern. The otwl is it rleiir what (he people wauled. He has had three jears of experience possible. tii:-nnllir.i. il.' and Is Msbl to br at (he council and this .should now stand him in gum I Pep ar a!ett fer bronchitis, unod for domestic and uleain pur- lanmaitla, asthma, eore throat nd l'Ose. stead. lloJi-is a good couiicil.wi(h him and there, ii jio. reason colds. Try IVpa at ur ipj. Ktod this advertisement and sit. Prince George Opinion why ihe .poming year lionld iiqt e a most'successful one. , sump I-trs Co,(for Toronto,ratarn posts-),and rscslve to The I' . lic.iejrr Ulliten AlalK-llochwler has. Iwutfiiies of polfcy which are admirable. FREE TRIAL PACKAGE. All -: al.ina i In- mine savys: dealers. He box. He stands for heller roads 'aiuf rt clean cily. II was prohahly Hie "In early Jt.ly of Hit j-ear a laller policy lhat elected him. There was a feeling around the -(; in simti-i crew wasal wrk at city that Ihe less desirable elements of the community were point, and in the prurp of i:iMnu a i ni I hey broke into a hacking Mr. .irkerson, and lo -people a large extent the were :i or coal four f.-c wide, ami i ight. Xiekerson did not hid for that support nor, we believe. v;i al of swh excellent he prepared to cateV lo it. The fact of receiving lhat support defeated appearanep (lint the (.-round was him. however. It was undoubtedly used somewhat in- . -icKed arid lhat lcuio sluwel crew dustriously b Miany of Mr. Itochcsler's supporters in Ihe contci t 'i.-ne sfnre lli.'ii been railroaders !'V irifpfii(iii. hut dial orwrnlor now closed. The announcement of the new mayor in 'favor of with o miKhly prnmisins future' police reform also seems to have been endorsed by Ihe people. TRUNKS t'y a freak of cirr um-lnees. I Ins is a matter Tor the police commission as a whole lo deal "A sinall proarraui of work was with. ' HANDBAGS ul,Iin at the heirinnin?. ron- Road Policy ' -islihaf eh fe!K .r mi r fare pros. Of New Mayor. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL p-'lin.T and I -1 i n tr Hie ennlinuity Mayor Rochester has always been in favor of heller roads, "( the Art! ti-m h a xhorl rut. and MAIL SCHEDULE lie knows wi.ai it is to drive over Ihe bumps and he realizes lhat II was in Ihe ir..re., nf ,rti. i s in any modem city the streets must be kepi in good shape. In the J. F. MAGUIRE piTling work that in a few days, Foe tha Ears. . . city council as alderman he has often inveighed against Ihe badJ 712 Second Ave., Prince Rupert ihe men opem-d .mi a ten-fool Mondays, Wednesday and Sat DENTISTRY ..... ahfinl l,flr ...... ,ilm ......... ,. ,,,11.. n ....., condition of (he thoroughfares and doubtless now he has ihe umil urdays ut 10:1 0 a. in. opportunity will see lhat things are improved. first sliowini:. .inee lhat time a small force ha l,-rn drivlnir a! .... r ik. Coming Year Is .: r tunnel on the seeond .earn vifli , of . . Very Important. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES lie L".'! " crallf.,, MK-oess of steadily The coming j ear is a very important one for the cily. The wideninB theeam and a di.llnetida" p m' QUALITY news despatch from Victoria saying lhat a new pulp concern had Friday, January 14. imiirnveiiient In the quality of been incorporated known as the Prince Rupert Pulp and 'Paper Hi; Ii. l:U a. to.. 19.1 feet. Ihe coal a pfoprc-s w made. For Vancouver and South. Co,, Ltd., with a capitalization of four million dollars, is in ilsel 16:3(1 p. in., 1H.2 feel. Excellent Quality Tuesdays 7 p.m. very interesting. With a mill suc4i as that in the.cU) there Low, Ift:3 a.m., 8.2 feet. "While no great qusnllly Iwtf Thursdays It p.m.I Dr. would be no fear of a drop oh" in business and population as soon 22:10 p. in., U feel. been senl out for lest on the Sundays 8 p. in.j Bajme .as the shipbuilding program is completed. It is lo be hoped that Saturday, January 15. nu.rket, ihe ctwl has bet-n used! January io and 30 Ihe mill will be ererled at or near Heal Cove. There' are good Iliph, 5:27 a. m, JO feel. qIoiik ihe raflwav to a MiftVienf OFFICE HOURS-. sites in the neighborhood and it would be a decided benefit lo 17:20 p. in, t7.l feet. extent ad lo the Itelicf that ) ait n From jla a-sa Vancouver and South.o Msrwi 9 u 12, Lltnm. Ill ti ill. lUtttix, 1 U 12 b . the City U have it Ihere ralhcr than on the Skeena River. . Low, 11: a.m., 8.2 feel. the boys have a (lr(-rla pro.bicl ' ' " ' ' ' " " " p' w.,, j Ertn tmitf (mi 7.II tt l Many other proposals fr improvements are likely lo come up 23:30 ii. ni..7.2 feel. fir ilonic-llc purpose ani Hope !.,.,......n j IWiJII a. Ill, in the not far distant future and Ihe mayor and council will have The time used isracinc Stan and eonlldenee. is generally e-; 8 a. rn. Dental Nurse in nttctxlance an opportuniiyr(o hov IJieir mettle. A growing period is always dard, ror me izoth Meridian west. pre-s-c.l hat Ihey will be able to January 3 a dillleult time as improvements are absolutely necessary to keep It is counted from n to 2K hour ie it on the niarkel at an early Phone 109 for appointment For Anyo and Alice Arm. pace wiin me iiunix oi nay resiueius. from midnight to midnight. ii-iie. i line no iiiicini ac.M- ' Sundays 10 p.m. Rooms 4, 5, 6, HeJgerson BIk., Cor. 3rd and 6th The table given Is for Port are available. Ihe coal i exrellent Good Follows Feeling Election. Simpson hut the time for Prince in eomhiislihle oualiliew. i clean ,Wednesdays V p.m. Best Equipped Office in Northern RC. Rupert varies only a few minutes Both Mayor Rochester and Mr. Xiekerson showed an excellent and on some days on others Is spirit following Ihe election. There was no bitterness evident. the The ' "'ii "I imarl.iva . ame. range of the tide content. Xiekerson took his defeat like a good sport and Immediately may be computed as 5 per cent .Mill -UUJF , pf , on the announcement being made, congratulated bis K opponent greater at Prince Itupert than at on the victory. 11 is the way in which contests of this For Port Simpson. Arrandala. Mm Port Simpson both at kind should be carried on. . People support Ihe man they think neaps. Therefore, the springs rise In and the Ten Years Ago Bay, Wales Island and Naas River., S.S. PRINCE GEORGE best fitted for the work, not lhat theopponents are bad hut that Prince llupert harbor is sllgfitlv In Prince Ripert Sundays jj prn, HAILNO they think their man better fitted for the position. We lake this gnealer than Port Simpson. (From Pi. Simpson, Arrandala, mill , Midnight Thursday for Swans' n V opportunity of congratulating Mayor Ilochester on his election The height is in feet and tenths January 14, 1911 Bay, Wales Island and Naas River. Oeean Falls, Vancouver. V" i to the important ofllce and Mr. Xiekerson on Ihe fine fight be pot of feet above the average level of the Duke of Connauttlil has ;Tueadays ajn.l Xeatilf ANVOX Wednesday 10 p.m. up and the sportsmanlike way in which he look his defeat. lower low S, S. PRINCE JOHN water. I acellel the iiii.iiritincnt as " . , Qun Chariot Ulanrfs: Sunday 9 p. m.- -twnnn Hay tr piivet-nor general t C.-fnaila and Advertise In the Hailv News will arrive here nexl Seplemli?, fir VaesMt jon ci.nents and r nils and Vm" rpper lala-id potots: 8.8, PRINCE ALBERT . January 19 Mii-selt. I1 l tn nia ami lneklry Hay January Seventy.five men are employed Dr.JOS. MAGUIRE 'inildinK a whaling lntim nt ,'rninjlanset, Port Clements and H. wari, Janiuiry Hi H.mm Ii Oueen ctiarluttr M.in i Jnntini 8M. iraco Siiiiliil, Queen Chnrlnlle . Dpper Island polnl: "21 Ulaiid. .SiH-leotrie plant hn heen January 20 TRAIN SERVICE. DENTIST. TIMBER SALE X 2767. I'assenifer a.m. Monday, Wednesday and Saturday at in lalli-d and Ihe dnnt i to he "or flldcKRte. (jut-eu Charlotte "'a'-InK ior xmifiierx. I'rinre Oeorirn, Kdmonlnn and wlnniprir. DUlrlri Brali-d l'oreier trndrri will not-Jfr herwlrnl ihan noon by Um nn ready for Iho spring catch of .City and Lower Island points: direel ciinnerttnris for all points east and south. Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Block piirrnaur'uw liannH(l lr or dy nil i.irrnre or.17S.A00 Jinuirr.t7r,7 fwi of Ij,nrsr Oflsr.Urenvilln for Hl-am. ine whales. ' From flkldenate.January Uueeu 32 Charlolte Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines IlimUx k Mr. I. Dlreelcr and ror Information ard rrvillas apptf lo Lady Astistant sihI himrr. children City and Lower Island points-January Open Evenings oi yi-ar will be allowed for removal lefl Ian! Cft TWiat Offlas, lis TMf Sfsaee, PkM f0. nhtht On Iho I'rinen Office Hours: nt tffiitMr. IH Phone 575 Sunday by Furilk-r particulars or Ihe Chlf Former, ienrife cirrflnle for Chleavn nn n 9-12; 1.6; 7-9. Appointment yn-.iris, or 19 DUlrlcl rvrfttr, ennre Huprrl, B. C. visit. For Skauway and the Yukon, i ' " TIMBER SALE X 2044. January 5; FehruarV and ??. Willlrtin AiaiiMoii, newly fleeted From Srugway and Yukon. flrslMl tcniteri will be rrrpivrn pr iw mayor, is ti the heafnf epirim January 30: niiiinu-r or nod vjrmrla, . c, nn Ifl, Fehruary 13 CANADIAN RAILWAY SILVERSIDES BROS- uii-r than nin on the srd flay of Frhruary. Hi-npiic iiic.jnej,f mai ne, jm n PACIFIC 0l nir ni nurrn or l-lrenre X f 644, evere nlniccjijQn his le(( arm WHAT'S Ii ut t.lKi.Obo tert ut llrmlork. minimi 0AFI4OISSI PAOtflO O OKA K SIRVIOSS means practical men toadvfs yoa.and guar- kpriiri' aMil xtar, on an area silnalrd on wiiicli wnsf jfnneeil yeslerday, iiarc, inapis Bay, and Swamp antes everything you buy. iit'KMiiaiiiiii iMiinri,na, mine i;riaiiriei, Hants s 't' Slf iPofnt." B.C. Coast Steamship Servicei Three (3 viars Kill h allnwrf fnr rm. A priKeiiifiJ(ii wan innde on WALLPAPERS, GLASS, PAINTS, roii. . an.,.., ,ji iifniMT. IN A VVinaor St Nowion Art Supplies, rurllMr liartlrulars or llu rhir roriiT,''"J,ialf ot the Andrew's Sneiely .jilanuaryl 8. S. PRINCESS MARY EXPERT SIGN WRITING AND l'"rri.Vli'iiirl.n,11.I.c.. or OUtrlfl forraler, I'rince'j'laxl niftltl'fii I,, ij. Mandonald in FIIOM for Ketchikan, Juneau. Skaoway, Alaska, CARD WORK, reeosnmon r in splendid ter-v(een Jnnunry Rupert 22 PICTURES, PICTURE FRAMING MINK11AL ACT. a m-erelary. The jrift was January 24; February 7 and 21. (fonn fi. NAME? i' haniixonie Hllver rullefy ealJjiel. Notlca of Islsnllofl la ppr to Lsas (.and. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle from Prlnoe Rupert-January Phone 22 Prince Rupert P.O.Box 120 Carllflcat of Imprensmsnts. ... . A In Sneeiis Inner Mlnine nutriei. 1 im 15 and 29; February 18 and 20. XOtlCE. dUtrlrl, hecordlne liiMrtrt of Allre- Arm. LABOR FEDERATION 8. 8. PRINCESS BEATRICE NOME rnACTIOM Mineral Claim situtre H. C, nt alma t.it nw.ulli of u,ui Crets in Hip Mass luvi-r Mlninir litvlaion'or :-lar rrsm Prince Ruparl for Swanaon Bs, Otaan Palls, Marr '" ""' iltlrlrl. Wlwro Incur tl: ADoul sriMiiiiinr eiiivrr i.iiy, 11, c. aaatsr IS DISSOLVED IN Cera. Pswsll nifsr, VsnMvisr leurle nillrs from Allre Ann at iuad of miiami Tae iwillre thai (h underalrned, and luvrr adjoining "surer Horde" Mineral lrjr Satursaf p.m. THEO COLLART, Notary Public claim.TAKE nilTICK that I. 1UI1 U' I'llmn,. FRANCE BY COURTS le,t AUr fpation prospector and for ruts, rerervatlona and tallloia, spply M r.M.c. No. I-U. aa ar'-nt for llans -.i- ,.j i'ii7 ior perinia- W, 0. ORCHARD. Qenersl Ansnt. Real Estate Rentals Insurance l-fdi-rsi-n, Fr Miner's Crrnncai ivo. alon lo lee the follow ins dearrlbed landi: 4073S-C, Intend, amy days from me date I'.WIIK. coiniiieneini si ") Cor 3rd Avenue and 4tli Street Prlnca Rupert, B.C. s sl EDSON COAL Hulk, $12.00 per ton delivered hereof, lo apply to the Mlnlnr Kreorder Jan. It.--The dissolution planted soutneait FOR SALE ior a i.rruiirai or iiiiprotrnii-nts, ror Ins of the general Federation of corner. It fhalni mulherly niri-rtton from J Sacked, 913.SO Ii s I i jiiro of ontalmnt a Crown U.K. Oram of eonier nt Ij tt: then re 14 cnama Most Liberal MARINE INSURANCE on the Coast I lie above rlaun. Lahor is ordered,, hy the eciurl norin; tlienre 10 rlialns weali ihenre 14 A rli H It T II III TAKE NOTICE thai Insurance Company of North America. Pays Claims promptly under section II, must t eoiiiinenced ac-llon, which Irts heen hearliiK charges rhalna sou in j thenre 10 mains east and t.cfora Ihe Ixuinm of such Certineaia or conlaliilnif serra, mors or leas. nafiinxt oflielnls of the Federation P.O. Boa 66 Westnolnie Theatre Block Blue liiirriivenM-nta. ANTilDN V Subscribe for The New Phone 69 IVio.natrd mis lotn day of November, A, 0. In ouine. (ton with InfrlnKeiiienl IU.II.HAII0 W.Meilt'lhK,UAIIIIKTT, Daily of Ihe law (governing unions. Wl at .. LEWIS W. FATHOHK. j Caled Novrmber 10, v0. 1 no Leading Daily of Northern British Colurobi