BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMa irtiJ Ithc.. I jiDONTCAe If v II Tth oooHEv S I J I onS I ' -Hl -rtMtl I ? I S ' MCRFD C LT J fZLl I 5 U THINKT XOO I'M CONN, LliTEN ' ' "l L t I ARC HORR.O RIO OF TOW6 OF TrtVT tONC ! j J f I THE f & V WPl Tu nr hoar of the day one of four ixwwliolil n slnn. with a nattv cut or bniite,a burn, staid or sort Iltihca you realise bow n pavto hare 7 am liuk alwar harsh Jim a touch anil Huk lain out all firrv pain or smarting irrita-tioa. At lh tame Pmt it puri6e tin tta-Use, prevent dangerou fanning or lceratton, enaeres peedy healing. am-llul' unrivalled antiorptie and healing virtues are derived front a unique blending of herbal oil and attract. Jll' Animal fat and coarse drug found in ordinary ointment and salve ban no parilazam-Bu. Itaherbclthroughout. "lor over ten years Xm-l!ul ha been our household remedy."write Mr a. S.U. Kolklm,Somerville. Mas : "There has never been a healer made to UX it place. WewoulJo the without Zam-Huk whatever it coat It never fail In burn, acrid, cm, chafing, and innumerable other lin trouble. " Fas fcralinf eoM-eortv cracked hand, rcreata. aaa ..tiiHut i mraJoahlr, Alao la ltlara. rtnfwurii. abceaaav piWv raaintjaj wuDtl Of drwt it an4 ELECTION IS Rupert iipinl Ihe world. foe rem 1.ttaaa,at atk.freaaj t.trli iia hlk il.ev i'u .Turoota Traaltajnpl (iorge Friiirll snid lie would (.I flic dinner puif Willi rotiinioii j Daily News Classified Ads. SPECIAL! FOLLOWED BY snr and although In had tnadr mi iriiinii' hp wnulil help 1! 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Adrrtlomnt Taken for Leas than OOe uho had In carry lh(tii out. lio; LOVE FEAST asiircd Mayor. llohrlir of stip-port. This Week WANTZO. FARMS FOR SALE (torsi v. Korr .i.tid that hp had 7J": -.-u !Kmpwi -401 WAXTKD- Second-hand furnl r.iiw LmI ino ricu ..,,1-- ; iii- ilU ChiiTonier Happy Addresses Given at Theatro m,f roiisht bill had jut run. Ho .0 I urn. If yiui ha nnylhlriR toi pralrlP or Alberta. PaskaUhe-A.p(,t Followlnn Counting of (lhitiiktvi lh hoys of Hip Trade'! rttpit.einb.vri;.; ....Hh atl Hh1 -H3. wk cash and Manitoba ) pay wan are pwlal. Ari, (N(JfJjierB the Votes. pin COAL CO. and I.ulmr Council, psptn-ially, fur P. M. Onby, 715 Third Avenue ly suited for mlied fanning.!A1I, ,vhM.M m.S Kitchen Chair 51 ! llifir xtiinirl. Although IkiIIi hn WtL It Land thai will produce Htf A tlM EVERYONE HAPPY AS nrrrnmiei Upholstered Arm and rieHirpr Frlixrll vk(rr htilrhor of and crops grain fodder, andj CvaporaUd Fruits. PFC1IIT fiP VflTI'Wr't',ey would Jiol nil i-prlliinp up. .V.'AXTKIV Iw ofltre want booV. Chairs well adapted for dalrylm, or nek nr 15 llLoULl Ur lUlinu: j),n ity,iaii IirW-lly llinnkI j tpr' wiih -inuaraphk) ami Iiave received during U.e taat livestock raising can still btf'u'f.ii n-- ' Tr Tapestry Arm Hip rlpctorate for Hip renewiNl ox tyHwr xMTn-nc Apply boi three weeks Returned frier. Jubilant Over the had al prices averaging about Aprleots ... ISe Rockers C!5 prPssitm of confldrnre. 147, (tally .w tfflri. 10 Success of Candidates and 18.00 an acre, with twenty p,,B,.h ... Mat Parlor Tables Memorial Bylaw. Rupert on Map. WAITflHBK W NTKH AT OXCF, ypar to pay If you wish. Only nidi-n ...tic I 100 Coal T. W. SilvPrsldP said Im Ml cars Apply 7tr l.iin. h. If m per cent ounn. 00 mriner i ' L4 IUUIH1 a a ... . . . Jiv (lfr I In cirri ion rstillA hadilhe rily was lphind Uip rrlurnitl parmoi on ino principal unui,irun lifiMt announced lati 'iniiiR andiW' n,l '! "hown II. HpI FOR Lt 5fH)-30 arne s from Macleod River owned ine cnu 01 me lounn year; lucrt mine, Harry IIotIh-mIpPs phftinn n !'V1 rpprially lo sev Jack ) Fish' ' sixteen annual ln-1 by Prince Rupert citizen;. mayor hml Iippii nttNurpil llirrn vn JKelly head Hip poll. Thoy would. Wp nrp makintr pnrtrail poalcard payments, jj. 30 Day We have the right to f n- I silked.' iiip'lmr hold in Hip pflliolinp ,' hiiimki in r"tmp i'rinci- pr iiofii. iiii anil ar- u-v!!11 joc handle this coal Prince II 1 Loughran. Uieiirrr.h FURNITURE SALE in Rupert? Thpalrphv Hip IlochpsiPr intprol. Rupert on Hip map, rann In have the baL-y'e photo MApk , (Fm. Don't be misled by other, coal In relpbrnlp Hip occasion. (Jeorpe liouslas Sutherlnnd sahl he wai taken. Sep Cttnndler. I'hotnp. Ant. C. P. R. Station. Van-. nBn,n ,4,, v dealers who rise our firm name tl. Monro wa Hip chairinan and not taking Ihe tlefeat to heart. 'Hp j raphi-r, t Pith Street. tf fHiVt'r- HalibuL (Mr Jc; to advertise their coal. iuany of (he Kuccvfiil a- well a U8d larlel off lo elect llnrhetr! jllsrrinr. klppere.1. pr lb., 13c! If you want a real good screened FOR S.W.K. Snap. llelmonl ? j Salt Herrins;. each Ac Hip df fcaled candiilali' were inaytir and had perhnps smrrillreti coal, call up Hootnimt ll..iie. with Jot'; partly Market Prices j i Flounder ITOets. II... ... Oc present and made short speeches.. hliilielf In his. effort mt he wm Tarrace Fruit lm fornteiied. Xow rented for 1 Sail Aeada IUI lb. botes ! alisllr-il. If he Phone 58 Mayor McClyinonl was the flrnt was ,nrpl an. speaker and Imrely had he rom-iiii other twelve inonlh he would run IAS a tnnntli. Apply Oratidview-Hotel. KReots. kale, per lb, 0e Prince Rupert Feed Co. iired when a lrop nf relurne.1 again. 0 .,Kivlnin.. v .f.V.v. r,.-,7, II.tu. ...a... U. Hrllls 3 for Sc , OM M,la reaa taH I men hrj.iileil by Captain Formhy, I Young Yet. FOR HALF, Thrw eniellent view I,pf ,hI r.aa.1. lb.. 58 He to 2hc'lt" lue iiae au tars. Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. xiillrtnl and Cueerinp, enlerp.1 Hip M. M. Stephen? said hi Virfi UiU on I ,f:ii Aveimi. Ill. t t Sprtnc salMa. pec 16 Mr set m ranter ah' vr II with men- two s-urrtvtriful wmild not demand a recount aiflffi. Section 7. tteiutie al IS5.0o lieef. rib roast, lh.. 30c and 35c j White salmon so, altar eaater tinni ia I'itndidatees Kellywlio hcail- evitientiy me ciiy diu not UiinK nil ph, rmU. M. M. Stephen. If IVeef, boilinir. lb, . . .. 18c to 2Sc WATER NOTICE, ltH. ans crust - i' lunea. a.raax mmM I e.ltfhe poll andM . W. Silvemitles.'paciiist was ncpssarv Hp co'n-f Hamburger, per, ib. J 25, t sr A.sp sroaaoc. rt a fc-.o. ar - s I PRINCE RUPERT A.s Gf maytM- apl5" reiiiarke flie cralulalrd the city nrt.vhcrtr FOR SALF-Xew brn and while StewltK beef, per IK. 20c and 25c, Tllt rrafe arsjsU. brrSak- v,.a i:-ii jnz Stats 4im li inrper than lof .mayor end although he-viTdj bedsteads, mahofrnny chlfBoh-iere. Corned beef, lb, i 22c yuM h.,- m. rw u. i tvanair tart - per fi-;-- . . .. Central Labor Council, hen he had coinmencel. n.yi stain iiiitispii rip ieji iiip!ii"-.. kitrlien rahinet. pie. Phorra im.ii t iv-'- v:.a wnuu, iff. r iu.. l30iTtT Mr Hiw w ! tn4 ' Congratulates Both. Wad lecn a pom! council elected.' WacJt2.1t. It O. B. U. Lainli. loin aVC ' aervasl 'eel n( laatrr a,r 1 ret. llOC a lra af ; Mayor Mr-Clyrrtonl xiiitel tmt uniT me quip u 1 reci ion i'",.rail SALE Oil LBASIWpb print- Mutton, stewing alas Hiter. mr laset. a i , ala tiwrwa alaas 1 Vrsr- M a aaaV thai lhi election had Ihe ia.-,t., , . -..i.i k- a Vemwr rH. mtse Sum amlartr aM rpen V. m ' v 1,1, 1- " 'V.I 4 II, a fkMjimt Affiliated Units and Dates of ing business and plant. For Mutton, shoulder, lb.. 2C to 2M train son t.ia rsrT taait at it ; MEETINGS ipavipt poll -sincp the"early safe povernlnK body. He was particulars apply Daily News lg of mutton, lb. .1 40c tMr Tfce ssaeire-ftaia iBlrt. tf, I prr wM .,araa4 i). aiat at , KENNEY BROS. & ti Building Trades Unit. Tint uav. Ilolh winner and loser in younjr as yet and you might hear o tnce. tf Loin of inatlon, Ib 40e 'air. Ttar eatMert a r na.nim to a Rs&ISfiataaiuS fnauraaal and Third Mondays, 8 p.m. ihe mayoralty contest were to he from him asain another year. Veal shoulder lb.. TMhsl ill Wwnil i akoai aera feet IM it riKtsl, per . 2fte aJatart .M Mm f ft T-rr.o. BX. Central Labor Council, ron;rrafulated. Mr. Xiekerson had !. Mcll. Hunter congratulated sixoxii-iiAxn FtmxrruRK oid lx of veal .30c and mslef M t mM rrti Itar ' ' SsaSM aswait al Ur ta4 of Women's Every Tuesday,Auxiliary,p.m. First Miiin.-d the larpesl percrnlayp of the citiicns on their choice of on commission, p. I.eOaire : Plain sausages, per lb 25c 'J!r " l""r astraiM tJrsw am lat.1-m22 Wednesdays, Dance & Social votes thai a defeated candidate mayor and aldermen. He' felt quiie Phone (iren ft It. ihaioroet; auie 45o at erua MM. at 9 p-m. : Third Wednesdays. .ml ever obtained in a local muni jolly in facinp defeat. He hopel Pork, leg- raw aiee a. ti tar rraaiaii' Business Meeting at?.30 cipal Maid. He would have pr- that if he was ever called -upon POn RENT I'ork chops, lb wriaai r. ltf. a TOM LEE CO. per ?e"?atn.w-! NEXT DANC E will be held ferred lo have Keen Mr. Xickerson lo enter Ihe fight again he would boulder . ii , he t4 la ita. ,rfBr on 2nd February. TO RHX IWtomfnrtaWe furnished r' ul Uat W ater Political Economy Club, run for uldtrntan and hoped that do so prepared to face either victory taedriH.iu saltaMe ftr two gen-!Uaeon Hced. per lb.. a 4 ii U". Every Friday at 8 p.ra. it he diil not sei-k the mayoralty or defeal, !"n. sliced Ileineii Clone lo dry ilork. Ap- Metal Trades, First and Third a-'uiii nexl year he would al least Police' Commission. 1 isairr ail rat. rra VEQETABLCf Fridavs. ply II ti 7th Ave. lasl. i3,'n, smoked. o" l!CSL- .H-niria. a. c. aiHaa he a candidate for alderman. - S. I). Mardonald, newly-elected Wr twr is. sm of 'Wholtsale and RtUil Shipbuilding Unit, Second Salt backs I&C tas aoiier Is , k., tnf . and Fourth Fridays at 8 p.m. Winner and Loser. police commissioner, was not only ru bra i r urnisneu ueuroo'iis. ic.hicken. er lb &c . t wr lain. im. l)-t tmr. Mill tirneral Cunlr.o ' ai Fishpackers, First Saturday Mayor-elect Rochester thanked plensed ttu! he was licklaMi to ettiee In Iirv Dnek. .'to I ' i ii. Hrer rrl aM TMeS Latea, ShmrWi Late, 50c oar OPEN FORUM Ihe of'death for he had shown ( I na. piawr nauu i . i wtiertn& . the electors for expression that h gtatlt Avejuic WetJ. 12 Plekled pbrk.P"r" lli (commencing Sept I Second runlldenee that hail been back with haiidomr '1'frriillr shown,fenuM come a rmmrl m rmunsS Ctaaaeraa PC and Fourth 8.30 Cooked bain, sliced, Ib, 85c PitisM HUf-rt Sundays, per p.m -and LOST ftlJlT., r.", "r ""tisaosjsssws. S With brighter-, limes in sight majority. He was happy lo know! tioinn 4fU B' Spare ribs, per Ib, 3lc I'ii'M ! '. in excellent con noil to assist them Haul the men who had fought j f)si mtiit etiy asn frra o, caineo earring at Roast ham. per Ib, 85c AHajaraat. ie was sure that they would make conu support one who had not. IT ftnel a aval v The belt way to have ii showing in Ihe coming year. Hp eipresspil'liis hearty good will between SL Andrew's Hall and Jellied Itologna.tongue per lb ,50c to 30c fiiw sss vrxxk" u" liporgp Xickerson, the defeated lo his opponents and especially SI. Qafe. Finder Regis please Uroilers ,60c -vwatLtt YourSuit .Mayoralty candidate, said he was lo Tom Rose, wATtft esoTiCTios or return U, Daily Xewrs OtHet. He Calves liver, lb., ...T 0c -i,re. sorry and mil ifled, sore be-criisp 11. T. J. Rose was pleased ami Mttlt4 ItttatM f CaaaSa ard. 12 Cooked beef tongue, Ib, .... 8lr, 'HMOler I IS. ' he wouldn't gel Hie $1,500 setisficd with the rlmine of Sid! e V Cleaned and Pressed Hint the bootleggers were foing to Macdonald as police commission. LOST on Third Avefluc between Turkey, per Daley Ib Peoduee.' 65c if CO.. I.TIt.. Saiaa. aralaa - . my him, sorry for his friends and er. He einpliasiie.l this wilh aj Post Offlce antl FuUon Street, Hutter. per Ib, 65c et iiwM itK I a, oiitlatrr nC Ttiil is by our satisfied wild Harry Rochester as hearly hamlsliake to the winner, j ?M in hji. Finder please4 re-L. Wort at oiuwa anil ik. TT1 Steam Pressing Machine mayor. Of course he had wanted W. Palmore, school Iriislee, ! Lirn p-jlly News office. tf flutter f cooking. perll4 60e,ttti nra-r.irar t am Laad Ktrttirr or emaee HtrTeri. at tse cm ar Cheese, Ib aj, il . . . 40o ' per , ., i v. in hut he had made a rood eihli.trrnf iilale.1 1 1 a rrv fliieHealee nn raarr naiieri, n r a - ry and I Method. LOST Man's f?ray woojen glove. Limherger cheese, per tin . f. fits atvl the rian nr a wsarf aiuaawi u IlaatlnK Enlneefi and would hi:: election to tin assure Mayor-elect Hie mayoralty. His ,h " "IT" .'" ""er. m itM la rvt It only takes 15 minutes, Kggs Cease Finder return to '80c iti HiPsle that as an ac.Hve member disappointment lit the defeat of please Newt arr TiTn stM oraertaM a. and Frarr StreH Our Price Is H.O. frash laalmrd Inl 'tir t Blnrk flrr it, m 1.1 8th Street Reasonable of flie Hoard of Trade he (leorge Xickerson was tempered in office or phone 98. eggs (case ....... flpeJ rrtr ttundml M rnrty s, iilil. ! Prince Rupert Delivery la Prompt could assure him of thai body's sifeing (be sportsmanlike manner ACCOUNTANTS Margarine soc ,71?" f "rtnas CotamMa.OMtntt. ui ina i uipori in legis'laling for Hip good in which he had accepted defeat. Comb honey , f f,oc TAkE MtTlt;l! mil arter tt i. I Give na a trial Phone Black 602 frw the Sogar. lh. .....C '.'IL H.' "ST atte or; und progress tf (lie rilyy The He thanked Hie electors' for the F-XPERIFNCRD ACCOUNTANT! per 15o LING TAILOR lection was now over And nil return of Mrs. Ling and T. Me-Meekin would tdko charge of set of lirrad. per loaf ..... . 2 for 25c I.rp . tll Htyler erltrst ar.m n 6r Ihr MUSIC for DANCB Flour 'hard 50-lbrk would work together to make to serve with him. iT.e took, whole or part lime. while) 03.20 Wor at Bf mrr S21. 823 2nd Ave., I'rinca Rupert Prince Rupert a good city. former had obtained more votes U. F..- Willistroft. Phone Milk, per cose . . .10.50 to 18.25 ' aseiearsl of ISe taut w im an.cmt ar4 ef nin ottt ami For U.W.V. A. than any other candidale in Hie , Dlack 250, tf VtgeUbits ' ' Is.emMtrtiri tsr ut hrf. J. II. Kelly said he fell tha,t the election. ' TYPEWRITING. Onions, dry, perilb., of metalsr.nll nH Itli.tin r aTiiam. ARTHUR'S SHORTHAND elector h.'td not voted alloffcjlierj v- uasu not Least. Beets. ner-lbJ sr im Is UITII 9. MAIICTT Ifop Iflrs"elf r.Sd T..i!i Siitersides. M. J. McNeill said he was Ihe'I'itman Stenographic School Carrots,, per; 'Id.??,- ..,.. it w.Wlfl I Orchestra 4 intXUUUl 1 hut had voled for the principles of last alderman on Hip successful F.vening classes. Monday, Wed Turnips? per Ihfi. ....... M rnUaUTC. Four Piece lOie O. W. V. A. He had wondered lisl hut he hoped he would not he nesday and Friday. 7:30 to 0 Cabbage vT; ... f. IX THE UTM ME cOl ltT or ssiti.h ' Including Saxophone sPLUMBINQ AND HEATING Isninelimes hut now he was very (he least. He would do hi iitfiioal o'clock. ' Individual instruction. Cauliflower 25o lo 60c PILI'VSH , ENQIKEER3 proud for Prince Rupert had slood lo serve and (hanked Ihe eilirens Xo. to Smith iilock. tf Head letliiM ....iu.. 10c lo 25o IS IiiK MATTKIl tf THE "APM1.MSTKA- Phone 431 Phone 4S1 I New Potatoes, nee anrV St .n Tl'1.1 ACT" I Eatimates furnished. In lund the hoys as she had said cordially. jhe would. He also was thankful Wilh Ihe singing of Ihe Na MUSIC. iSweet potatoes . . ; . 3 lbs. for C5c to IM THE' MVTTIH or THE rsrirr nr Address, 3rd Avenue, bead ,Tor the passage of Ihe memorial tional Anthem the patherinir li-;MU8I0 FOR DANCES Mae' Or jCu'riiinhers, each 20o kYfrllUllllio soBAYASHI. ptCEASIP. jlivlaw. All would gel behind May- missed, Ihe candidates Ihep resorting chestra, four piece. For engagement Celery, per II 20o o 3f)o IJlTEiTATri of Second Street, Hotel Prince Rg! to the O'eal War Veterans antl dates, phone FrulL hona 174 p. o. Co i 274 TAE JtOTtrE Ihtl la im dm.. r . ! i rooms where Ihey were the gueslsyj Jicd en. f Cianberrle 3f)P' r. (bnsfipaiidn . . .. x nir. are. Tstinr. mart ttta Mten. r ii. .1 Ha lianas ri inn irtrraua, ....,..,.....,,. 76c treoltl tlav nf t. tft,u.r, 1110, I it ap EUROfEAN Ft." ieewi I flrapefrult (California) 3. for 25o pntoled Adiaiwtli itor of IM Eatlt of vp' uTiuick! rtlistsd whsa ths - DRY DOCKS WIN. .emons ...a. tod Erulbirlilro k(r il. dreeaint, tnt all 10 per LADIES AND CEMTLF-MEN'S The Dry Dorks defeated the raw hitinr riaims uiibit ine Notlos to Advertisers Dates (dromi tttn M.T. lirtr it sroutsd to activity by I 35n eittl are herrhy Cf require lo riRST-CllA furaita TAILOR Tiny Tims in Ihe secitml game of itmo ths tits cf Or Chsti's Kidnsy. Casual advertisements Navel oranges...... tOc lo 11.00 .rojrir rnnm to ms on or Ufor itva , A La Carte. Fit Cvacamtuo Livsr Pills Otis pill dots. the Juvenile Haskethull. League for Imferllon same day llalslni, per Ib, a . . . , 3Se rletenta nay or January. A. Ii. lm. jrvd LEE. OpajoaiU THIHD AVENI7E Pea Offlra t last nigh! by a score uf ten lo should be in Ore Dally Table raisins, lh. ...... 15c II parties indented th, ut, lrf ISe i boi, all dialirt. quired lo pay list amount six. The players were: Tiny Tims of ineir in-drtledneti Phone Rel 130. ivews omee Derore to a.m. " Curanls, per lb. ....... 30o o iim farlhsilri. Di. Chasei J. Martin. W. Cavalier. D. Friz- Changes In sdvcrtUements Peel, per lh., , , too Ji'll.l II. MtMULU.X I Wit.? - Drvllcaffin, xe'l, 0. OUpp and J'Kelly. Dry should be on hand before Mixed nuts, per Ib, 35c omrui Adminiitnior, 1 For good work, prom SUBSCRIBE FOR Docks F. MrKlnnon. O. lllythe, rises Huirl, j .k . i4al tend ? . m 5 Table Figs, a. c ttc p, in, on previous day. per pi Paled tbu The Daily News .K Iirill$ R. Dell, II. Lumqtiist and R. Jacob-en Mince Meal 25c ttth d.r of PweniMi-. t, j tTciTIZFS-'cLEANEp.;;incus,.u....n ....tuji . i . Orapes Malagas per1 lb. 35o Advertise lu lbs Dally News, I CAUn.r. Irwiulrlea solicited