Dressed Beef fAXI TAXI L SIugMfln(r. Hlilp-I' own. . i. eivk now rr vine Phone 75 i'trl. u.,ikt. V . FORCE J. FRIZZELl WE" NEVER LEEP F.... lO. 2B, 1HO PRINCE RUPERT Prjnce Rupert Auto Fulton Marktt "07 Second Are. Prince Ho- ert LglM.rket Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper .' ! 'IHTZ 1 1 IMtlNCK ML'I'KHT. II C KHID.SV JAM VII Y 11. H21. Street StlM S44. Xl. IT pin r CONTEST iRMY OF 200,000 MEN SAID TO BE ORGANIZED THROUGHOUT IRELAND arry B. Rochester Elected WEDDING WILL UNITE TWO FORTUNES. Grand Trunk Gets to be Mayor of Prince Rupert! $25,000,000 Loan lose Contest in which former Aldeiman is Victor over W 1 Use Cash to Purchase Equiprrent Gecrge W. Nickerscn; War Veteran Leads fo. Road; Dominion Government Aldermanic List is B hind Transaction a t.., hrP. p y )lenlu) . lioen mayor of Prince NKW YOltK, Jmi. 11. Negnlialioiis were riniirlt'leil (inlay in ijiir " of eM titer (ieorge V. i.keron. liven i.,.nk. r mr a loan of apnirnalely i2r,000.000 lo (he (iruiid . Hi eleflMiii and (he niII n a lurge one. k-it nt T ' ik ll.-il .( of Canaila lo lie ued liy dial line and U ub-hui.. . -ii-mijt Hi- lr rtfirinc. (ii( Clerk H. A. WimI OF VICTORIA iri- U i (. 'liidiiig- riiii(nicii needed. il llirrlt niUiil, mid a ((T of .tiiier v Harry g The lii M w.i ouphl liy Ihc Ilomifiion fiovernmeal wliieli. . wiii wM In Hie otllcial linnliiiil mihI mi xiliniK THIRD TERM . i llr i..i!u.i. The line will.ooii le a urtot (winadiaii in l,i1l"ii'iK. Kwry f.o ilils wn iifTered Vlder ..I:iiii.ii .i. . m'I Hie loan i. in reully a got ernmeiil loan. II will KU mid chViently carried out. i .mi. ,.. u.ii. l .i NirHy lo ay for ureliue- in Ihi rounlry in . . , n i ..iiiiM-1 lion fur (lie H-iii"ii nt tddennnii awl Tlsdall Elected Alderman In Van. avoid Hie adverse iili i In eselionge rale. S.c I u fraleii one . ame .o m-ar wiiiniiitf lliul couitron First Count. . n III H lotlllt M'JOREETTH'SHD MKV ( IT Y IJ UK WOODS MONEY BYLAWS IN ARfilKH mi two . ..II I 'I room.I VANCOUVER DEFEATED ltllLi.lLMJllllU ViniVLiLiit i. (ri. - NEAR BEER IN ml ( I trij" ' ' John J. JJIIrhrll. Jr no of banker, worth ii;iii.iiii mhtrt ra Harry B. roshest:r was Opara'.or, Victoria Paste Daylight Saving The i fUruicBt In aiiuuumrd la HU lollia Atniur brirru ta tu.u ..(! Dospaxhir, Ccal Merchant and But Vancouver Reject It. CITIES' BARS I ulm l imam Holt Mr.nager Father Final. VK I OltlA. Jannai v 1 1 I h I Irish Republican Army is Mayor of Ottawa. Election lilial KHiiil (or ftrvl rlioire in Id Three !iuyrali rani(Nilsii in thic rily IJavur-rlrel JJajiT1' II. Hoehe.-lrr Suegejtsd per cent. May be Said be to 200,000 Strong ;-Sold In Motel Dining tnn IIomiI J.' Hm (r Sj I Vi'm r i roctiiiUr . 493 i.-i.u 1'nimk I.mil. Tliit eii-rU n llnliHti ' tdomfcl for the' I a it Rooms. . i I ! I'oriT fur (lie flilrd term. thirly yar. Jlf A family ;are I li.yi.whi L rarrled here De pate to Mortrel P-pernay Force is Well Du- dii:'iiK the '"ry okli,l'WildnN of VAxmrvrji Jnn ii i tile c:!'iiul ami lr srandf ther.ftel (o (hp l'roiiir'frm Victoria Alderman. ... Ho- ..ln.riir. c plined, ha ArieiaU, Armorie-, and is till" a- i nil'N" f ""rkMrr. e) Hip iiale of nrar he-T in H. Kelly . 574 V..ilVKil. Janu.ry ll-f... Partially Uniformed it hkmii'1 .. i!l.-(l Hi T- nii'ny year Il.-iti!i Uoluuihta citirn and il- C Parktr . 550 I T.-.lall i ilrf1liil. tr elerlrd at. :iK. ' i pi't-f of land ad-'lHCe- will l" ahl'iid and that under (he! C. J. FHiitll 541 JiTiuaii for Vaiteouet Ceo. W. Kerr . 503 ...HMii..ol .y.(rm r ImllothiK.1 MOXTIUIU January 1 1. A Montreal Start-able from Hul.l.ii iiiMiniK iii(a-.a in Hie day hefore three IT ri-nt Vrt- ill he nub John Dybhtvn . 475 luli.-i- not rlr'lnl rt I Hit flr( .;!): The Sinn h'em orpamtJilion h SiMi.lhKI men under artil-I'holee ile i-Ei.u.l a iii"vih thi-rn and Alitiitcd. This lie.-, .ill l wold It" ll(H - i n i tlie it1 e in hotel tlininif nMiint but only Slltertidet . 4CS of elerlorw mi Hie flri j it-I.-iiiiI. it i.ilfd milliontatively ye-lenlay. The renblieaii (Tom Pyl... Ii..- li 'tl whirh Mr. -iHlvneal. In tto- inter-.'. In- Perry 461 muiiI an- J. J. Mcltae. Y. live rent of Hie lrih r J"e. Hfmy lir(,eul .er imjoilalion. tt...l,.-l. ii i -i'Mii li- look up -"vi'n meal. p.-ilr.ai may -i Liin I. J. McNeill . 3CS 3 V la' .-r ) ' . : id.' City of ti-jr ;".:.I- t.r.-' l:i InilT.'t. .mil , .3K jrroii: -r(ially iniifornied : has ei ret iirnuN :nl TIi.-m- ii -aid I. i aiming (be M . am until tale lUy. ;ioiie it il K F STt tl . 317 ALBERTA PREMIER Bylaw LoiL 'ariiiflrien. and coni' ie men lielwcen the ages of IK nud :i. i more .n.iuc.ins r.. i-mn of the new- Irfislation to he (tamed a a . S7V I All and liylaviii . : M-liool money rr ,ir i.f the referendum on Orlo-.o' . SHI ILL AT EDMONTON rneied miu- hut m.i.e h.d SK LI. FKACTUKhU WAK VhihKAftb Vht '0. Tlii rere.eat the p-o-Rrrss trk . , i; Hid nHluilte three.fifth of the. h t l School Truttee. Taen with Sudden Attack of Ap-j 0lal ole . were d-rlarrd, lol, BY II3CKEY PUCK HGS:S OF CANDIDATES uul of-in(he far mandate made in of Hie the carrying eleelo-n-i... f.E. V, Llna , 55 pandleHI and Operated on Hsyliwhl in. wlifi h year; t- W. Patmor . 495 ! 7U HoeplUt. w M.hdel here, m defeated oil Employ,, f poya Bank. Toronto, Crthcrlng at the Room Last T, McMeekln , 3H 111.4 flNVHF.tril. I Die After Hocky Cam. ( flight after Rochester Meeting EDMONTON WQMAN i NKW VrT.MIX.lKlt. Jan. if.' 1 " . 2V 7 MtMy.MU.N. Jan. (I.- ..l.-liu an iUio'h of .few Im.iii nly Mayor Johnson ha been re-' IdltU.S Tl. Jan. Ii. Kdyar Ii. After Hie UK'. t:iiji MAY GO TO SENATE I ...... 5H Jl'r-mler iamre iflnarl w re-iiiomI elelel here. Hawthorne, ?J ymr- or line, an In.iiiie Th.-a'rr. .i.-niim i in to. (Ii lliijral Aleiniidrn I'ltl.Vt'.i: lilUiltdl' Jail. II. iiii.l,.tri. of ll.K Itoval lUak. i Folic Commission tr. JIii-.hIhI in 'III I elly TuvKiluy luiry WII.OH elerteil majur ,J(NU H a result or l.einc lrurk r. alderui. i. ami i 1 . - MD.VCHKAL. Jan. U. liy u I 0- Macdonald 54S iiktiiiiik al J o'cli and oenitrd Willi n majority of 37. A, on the head with a jmek when oiauiiki"ni r. (ou.-ili.-i- wuti m v- esoluiion paHfiHl here the Mmt. MA ii r..r uitwfidfllU. FKIIMK. Jn. I I. II. tHeir- idayin hiK'key. II.- had e..nlimieil ,.rJx i.r Hi- .I.Teal.-.l .-amlidat ' -eat Women! CAvXi i-it.bM-j.e.1 10 Tlie new ofllie trniler' III-ne fierKiiti wn re-ele-led luayorli)-r (ilayini: after beins Iniek and wa Wl.r,. n. -,..t f t. u,.- .t N ar Mrs Arthur Mm-jdir. f Fduo-ton, Mimorlal Bylaw Carried. enitiliiii alum! uitliout wunu miijortl) or il oer l- iiuiiouve. ink.-ll liuii!.-. (Ir (li.-ii leeame mi- .. ... .... ........i.ti.i..... ...n .....ii... .. n U:-in-s .iialilieil for a ca( it'ii-iuii. u. '..'I. i w (HI (Milt raii't-d a forlina of HHHiilK' Noon Return. W coiikcioii. l my- from a kHll S hi lir I'linadirn S-ugleam) prnye.1 . 73 jalurni in Hie iroinil imrlla-JnietU VICI (IIIIA, 'Jan. ( ....IA-'.Vhiiii froclure. IHIK III III'- I'"MU1. i ... - lie Federal (iioeriuoenl to ap-iiii miii4ii- uii'l Itiiitt k i and potxl iik oltlm." h-r lo that liutldlllUK TueFdun lull re. I'lirHier pi.mil of the balloi hi IMirl from Hie liottnl iluruiu- Hie elvie elertioii repeal the re- -lh..rlt.x.. ,vl,M.i a.lniiHil wa "", "r,l',r- "V,M".,fl!',m HERMAN WINS ln fiiiriiiHin iiiilieateil thai Hon. .I.Ttioii lo Hie eoiinrit of Ald.'i lo Ocean FalU. IH'IUS lliori' (nan Krniiii.-o no i i." from "tie end of Hie Ii. 1'. It. to Mr. hlruarl IhmI Hie oieraliou man A. IU To.l.lt Aid. Heore Ml.-rioiH oMIieir aldi-mmim ho -iiiiIk itie uihcr. Neer stayins in one and tlml hl condition w Sanitler, Aid. Ivwar, and A. M. DET1ANT T LEAr.tT and tin- nasf-an- "f Hu'ir - ,ac" for ery limn, lie describes m itttfyiii' I" Hie inrdienl ulleiui. Attken. t'ix more are to be elect ineiiiii ial Iratiofer bylan. lOttaw ; atiu n null known as tiimrlf a a "trami railroad op-i.i hiiI-. IhM liir- I. V. T. MrCarliren ed. ! Aii.oim Hi..- who ok- were .rti. ,t.-i . . -i-al'M-. always on the moe and mill M. F.. MrKay. 1'i.r the m-Ii.m.I liimril MaKivtrate , Mayor Mri'djiooiit. Mayor cirri Mi. (to.-iti-v -i - rui tier, who wa .-fiierally broke before ay day. pmtrlcn Boy Over Weight and ley. Mr. SHrford, and A. l'ike II.Hhe.l.'l-. Alderman iyliiiin. In.cn m N.-w V"ik. Iitil eauie lo n J07 he opened lh llret 1)0-lll(.wu Ald-rmail Friiii-H, M. M. Slcpu- ul the hv "f ix. v.bm (h-'.ijiii.ii (ioxcriiiueut TYleprapli of-i "feiled rhoiell. Man Claim the P.G.E.CAMPS ARE lirxc .et.) ii . , i.i..u....... Champlonthlp. The Kiiriiri"!1 of the election wan -11". II. .lf I', llllllinr, .lui.-i..win i of oilaxMi and al Tur iter in Wince Itupcrl in the old ALL CLOSING DOWN tin- overwhrluiluu iiccckm of Ju-Nurlli j Mi-N.-ill. Aldcrmaijj Kelly. Alder- in . -,ii in Hie lloue of iay wlien he had lo lee on In I 'll 1 1. -AUImiiihIi for olire roiiiuiiioucr. iiltfll rneriuen i inn r.oini.K.M- f"t i 't!'. .in (iounty. ;.crk iuatlre!H in the old Kelly-yivini; ' " I cuie IuiiiUhi II will be (wo day before theei.in-ii'te mfii.Mier S. II. Ma.-doiiald. A. J. i!. l.i .-at then in faor of Carrutlicr lorc and when ev.-ry-Sir IMIIMX tiColltli:. Jan. All reMill are ready. (ialland wa Hi- chairman. Tlmsc Joint A. Ma.-doiiald. irriiiicr. body in town ale at th same table, w.i uHkIiI tmd ' NV ui'i the eaiiii! in emiiieetton mIIIi the Vancouver Probable. ciMiliilniliiiK to Hie iiiuieal iro-Kiiiin wtin hail b.-. u defeated In Kiiix- He wa aycnl Tor the Ikiminion Hie ililc, cliihned roii.lrui tloii of I lie I. (. K. ure VANCOl'VKU. Jan. 1 1. Noon liirlud.-d Will CdmiimK l..ii. llr w cuiioidered an tin- (ixpreio. Company for jear and i- Hi" ImuI al Km Al. -1 rloelnif iIomii ami will ii"l reoen With C Ii. TUdall dellnitely elii t-i-d Frank llonerv. Jin k (Mint, Hubert Im-hIhI'I- i-aii.iiilal.- in that roiinly. u n. in the roal lniiiii". iiiwlil xtilltivl, II' . Win tlllltl afler Hie eioll llf Hie lo (he i-ooiiril It i tieneraUy ti.ii-. II. I'litlin- .n and Aljile Thirty year" bko Mr. Ilieheler lakinc oer line ".I'nntiriiieiit f 1 1 llHll leuiHlutiire. MUHtd-d thai Aid. Mcltae. Alii, IIiiiiIim-. 'Che We-illudiiie Orrlie-ir.i fume wet and ha- oened a the Wince Unpen Intel in l'Jlt Ml'l'tl- , " 1 nut iif KOlll) Hit? (Hi oieuiiil up ill Hie Kprillll (.inn.'. Aid. Owen and Col. Tracy u,ic tlnr M-l-'ilH'iii- unit eon. 'Iterator nud train dispatcher where lu ha been nint'e. r (unity work will he Hihed (o eoniplel Ion. iiilKil.-.l ti-ii.-rally ) Hie cm'uIiib'm will be retuiiied. There are eiulit ' 'l- Wild heliiiill , ' rnb'itaHi'iifiii. It win nu early " olli i IifIiiv ei-nt lo ..4llH lo till. ' j "io ( ' NOTICE. look! hour Mil morninw when ''' lllllPK, ' . for Hi.' M-liiH'l board il j .ulli-i Ur.ik.- , iuk up. Hhiii'jIi Urofoixir Mallieioin, fISM ARniVAL8. litalnea tlwlnit lo i.rtaiiliilloii certain rhatiKeii and in oiir Hie J,ih W. Prewi'ull and Mr. NlelioUou ii" I wish to extend to my many friends and ' prolmlile withdrawal of Mr. Wallace Miuild h elccled. The eiimillnn BENNY LEONARD supporters my sincere thanks for their confidence ''' will roiiliuiiv for day or (wo. u nrrhwl lid iiir(ieliallon. from ui'the TO FIGHT TONIGHT f. 5.iMk Kimil. f.r are iilauninti lo rHlucc nur stock expressed at the polls yesterday. lo the limit liy Jmuinry 31. BIRTH. RITCHIE MITCHELL Tin. I'm Mini , Theru whs born lo Mr. and Mr. 5.00 ,0, Iliu Kale lurU Tlturmlay, Jan (Tit Hoo. Newloo v Kc4eit ' ll W. Chance at Prince Heore. it GEORGE W. NICKERSON. "")iil II I mli Co. al ,, 13. CaoedU dltii "ki oui.ieo 1,1 iiiiry Henny " mill r,,-. Ib.y. NF.W YOI1K. Jan. II. Ututti ol ibe ol I mw. Leonard loiiiiihl will defend thej ulil ;i5,ii(i(i ii. W. Ii- VVilllaiiu milled on the. Netioai, drrlerrd Ruroe h..H ' ' -III I II. A. Hull left Iho Wince. tot lil!lil-idlit till- here in a tlftcen. S 11 fe Co. at (fl.Hr iiri,.n. ri.nrmi la.t cvciiliin for on ( ruotbe wfenlsellvo t o Viclm-in. ' jiooiHc ln-1 uiulit for the solllli i-ouiul bout with Itil-tii- Mitchell.1 t