i Pago 6 TTIB DAWr HWB Friday, Jnm i. i, . CATARRH of lh REV. FATHER lANTLEE bui 24 nam Each hr LADDER fi!Uvwl HOURS Cp in Westholme Theatre Man In Public Eye has Curious Tonight, and Tomorrow Matinee and Evenii g Hlstcry; Punished by Church , WILLIAM FARNUM IN 'THE ORPHAN" HNION, Jan. P. lather M-eliael OTIanat-'Mi, intuit; prr- i i'IH of Siuu i-fin. who ki'mI Ihi' WILLIAM Lalost Production Tonight at tha famous telepmm Premier Lloyd lAHVMiiX')sBBl Weslhlme Thoatro. tltorw tiskjitt; In in what steps lie NsSSsBsBKBSsMskSHBaKUKl'BHsW proposed tO'ntal.i- peace in Ireland Willimn I'nruuiii in "The. Orphan," before. Christmas and who lias will In "'II loniphl at! IIjo born in fuiiMiliiilion with the FARNUM Westholiiie Theatre. This slir-riiifr 1'imiiior iiK. i described by one 't plmloili aiiia has attracted alto known linn as "I In sort of It Can Leak, -ni:n'jy house r eryw here. Mr. ir.n who would not hewilalo to in Because It's Made I'arniini portrays an outlaw wlm. 41 vue with the I'opo himself. in One Piece because nl I lit- naluri' of I lie many Whell lie wto e unite nf llrnns- "The rrinies credited In liim, is Imli'il na. uy I'roti'vuu- Hubert Slil. " Eb AKAIITLEElt It built Cle a hihI hiiiili'il by eowptinchors. In rliell Henry in The Kxolulion of one piece. nil attempt In capture lln mi I law Minn Ft'in," "Father OT landman Most bat-water bottles are I lie sherilT is himself made cup-ive; had taken a i active part on made la sections, then cemented (ml after n lleree tight with' the s'lle of Sinn Fein In the ljil Orphan" together. Wlicn cement drift Intli.'iiKs this pair heroine stead- Cr.vun election, when Arthur and cruets, tie.buttle leaks. last friends. I.nlcr, through the ii-illlUi wns returned. r.very Kantlcrfc ITot-Water "ITuilt of a piil lie Ihim resetted tHHin after lir wait deprived by Bug Is moulded of Bolt pur: frum I Iir Indians, lli oullaw for-i4 It is 1 1 In hop, )r. Coyne, of nil his rubber one continuous piece. Ko parti,patches,cement. Even nk tin' path of lawlessness. iMonKles B priest, inrluriiiiK "Wet and Warmer" stepper locket is moulded in. the rlRht to say iiiiihs. The And guaranteed for a full two THE MASTER MIND ! hnirnl olTeiire for which lie was A Henry Lehiman ?r ial years' service cr new Kant pt'iiislicd was that of1 havlliK ad Two Reel Corredy letk free. EMPRESS TONIGHT dressed' meeting wllhlii bound-,'!ph Don't MJvs Thfs CtmttJy Don't Wait until your old bag uf Ihttv iNirihlie of the local It's a bcur' leaks. Get a Kantleek. Your old parish price,t?. ' The .Maslei Mind" at the Kni- oce taty trciU epen toclfht. FvpiyoHv kijew Ihnl tlie real jii'-s l neal re toniKIH is oescrlued oasoll for Ills punishment was is an all-ahorliinK drama of not the technical olfenee, but I In if,..,-.hate, n iiilriiii-,n.,..i. ...,i,i,ilnil,t revenpe, love, fiI.A nnd tuit Hint Ills speeches had been! EMPRESS THEATRE - Tonight and Tomorrow ill,,, ,i i,ifif iriiiiiii iiuiuii, (!. , ; l w'..... fittingly, ll l in t'M'll vioieiuiy, onto -lory has to do wifh a brilliant I I Ml. psycholoKisl. who, through the '"The Mople or Cpissiia relrlt impulse of revenue, is inspired to . .. . .. -i .....! a LIONEL BARRYMORE iiv siiiiiiiiik no ciitircn up parisii ORMES LIMITED use his superior mental farilitie .ml rtfusiiiK to allow mass to Im,! ruin a district attorney who sl id in it by any mir else." j in hud rvndiicleil Hie prosiiMil Ion After the I'Utsler risiitK of Ul, '. Iticli sr-nl his iroi-r to Hie Kill her O'FIrU.ikhii toot, Ktiuioiiir elerlrfe chair on the charge of "The Master Mind" tie Valera'n place. j The Store milder. This limn with a master In he is iteerilieil ttiinl Hints it iay to train ciim-pl-te appefiriinee coul rol over a j.rnii(f of daii-certuis as a "OlilillK loall ill early middle J Fox News ( nzette Mutt nnd JciT In "Sweet Pnpn" FJrices. 3S : M ;C with just suspicion of siller aire, ti criminals tif the tinder-"o-ld Ins black hair. His eon-1 in jel. and willi their aid lie works vcrsiilimi is and willy, nnd notici:. for live years In crush the mini he easy on I he platform he is ait clTWiiti- IS THE MATTKH of an" ..li.li..n rir 'inles. t'liotmittir the immienl In-' iIIb- ihiic i,r a rrpnh rrriiflrain of title for reaches the height of hl career pcakcr, Willi n erip ciniiiiiand Those Nasty Jewelry Lulu (7 ami , lllisk tl. SrrtloQ t UIJ epmrniti. nf I'nnrc llniwrl. (.vn is a Hiibernalorial candidale. Notice is hrn'by rin-n inn I is mjr REDUCTIONS Inlniliisi l-i itme trirr llui ripirallon of L:ttle iiih- month rmin Uh" nrl publirstmn tre-nr, Vever firsrt In look thrnuKh INSANITY COMMON Pirrples Costs Less a rrrnh rrrllflritr or utir to tlm atnve miniionivl Unils in tiw namr of trtiin the classilled lint Milx-I MeMurilir, whirh rrrlitirate was AMONG NEiV SETTLERS That c-rnc on the Face iMiifd I Tih I ! ruber, if It, and is num-Inti-iI matketl until plain price 7o-l. on my Are Caused by Bad Hlocd Now I.siiil IH'irKiry iimrc, rnnre Kupert, B. U. tml Oij of (m-fiihrr, lu. Anglo-Saonsvof Older Part of - heavy ntock it reduced II. C. .MACLEOD, Vii tbprii Imaiifal aixl sllrsr-nvr Unlrlrl mtisirir of Titles. Saskatchewan Not Arnlcted an Hiiiee the luxuiy tax lias tfr t u4i nurrcd Uf tlw wivHsMry i I'llOBATK. CAKCELLATIOM OF RESERVE. with Trouble 1 i-imptr and varsnno p ikn truubtr, STEVE KING . been chnllsthcd nearly all our ix the sfl'liKVE i;u iit of iiiiitisii i rauant Noll bad Uuud. l. TIIK' .MATThll OF THE AU.Ml.MSlltA-To. .!.. .E IS HEItEH Y OIVE.1 Hut Itiil by poods cost ypu'-tl) per cent ACT anil rei-rrve i rsnreiiea.rnvrrlnr Lot 4 IS, ta.tlar lilslrtcl.j,. ItKCI.NA, Jafl. i.y. Tli old idea Many a rnrrk and hrint ran la lar Man'a I'urnlahlnga "Iliiril Atrrrte less, Tho former war tax i.v tiic mtteii or the estate ok n. n. KAnEiii. . hmmiM uf brf 11I1 harr 1m-tu Mdly drrarni, In duIt MlMMrr of Lands. iiui omuiiii ,tiv4i'' prairie pni-vfliues JAVr.S MATIIKio.V. DEi;EASEO. I.NTtS-TA1 , Mrir llrrlrtr uu Si1 Iks- p IMS' ofHO-ppr ((nl Is'ul.su cancelled, K ' Mnds Vletnria.lMrarlmnl,R. c... is it ill II lied to areas of tbr - tianir fare" rrodrmt uniMiMiy . TAKE .4VOTICE tha In ordrr or Ills arid as 'cold has not M'Hfiur r. Mrll. Vaiinr, made the 3rd day . tih ftwnilKT. ISta. which are not served by railway- '"f r. of January, A. I), tatl. I as appointed is expliHled by a map wlaich the Tnrir tmwp Is aw of rlutiarraW' ; .'ohaiu'i'il in price very much 4t:mtnUlraor to IH- ejilal of JanHMi Mahe CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. hsui lo iivsk aailrtrtt a mrll a pain attd 4n. s:i-ai-l. snd all parli havlnr elaim Adminislrnlor of Lunatics' K-tnles ; DRYDOCK Jewelry in clieuer in proportion Raaliitttif Mid 4lal srr hereby requurd Inm fiiitr n. I MiiH-ral Mum, I,! - c.-ri ! Ulr fiMadi.. ti fuml!i ssiw. pf"lH'i' yirilli'rt to rw, 3St: lnn Pukp o S Vlirrral Uaim. Lot for Saskatchewan has under Iin 1. "fTttrtual fur rnrw r- an lu lots of things. mi or iH-fnrr the 4h day or Frtiniary. mi. fjit; sitiiw Frartinn Mineral tlaini.j . ..1.. ,......t., ...,,.1, rruwdty Qieap joal A. Ii. ll. ami all uiri.- init'titod to the l ot u. J3S: Gartw-1.1 Minrral Claim. Lol ll 'iHr.!. .011. .1 pill -anal d lr. a MM to Humor stlnus) 1 Bus -lalf an' ri-riitir-i-d to ta ilu amount of o. rS3s All ldjoiniru miwral rlaimn,I .lule mi the map. Kt:ii-n. ilir old rrliabk- mxtirinr Ibal Ms t Jitney Ihrlr IndeLicdw- to me forlKwIin. ituair 111 O'li-'n i:lnrloli Mimnr lilirliKm , John Joll II. MrMl l.l.l. IHiperi Olslrlrt Where lurstft: On Louise 1 The li.'-l faCI to nll-ike our who i,n 1 11 ifw market for rr yran j Bulger 1 Liaves the fToyal Corner j mii'isl Adininlrn("r. Uland. 'XHiiiiiies lino i- thai the I' jnw. out all I'- intHiriiir rrosn lajr ( IMTEIl UH. Ith da or mil. TAIE MiTn:r nut 1. Aiei Horrrs of nw map ;anniy. til 1 ai i I' . thr ,.upi.i i rsaar aais j :i. d f i mo I olli Hi reel Jeweller i.it of anronr er'trinrp of Hritisn t o-1.111I1U. older-sel 1 leil portions r Mie pru-illce. Frrr vinrrt ortillraie I17tl-H. is aiiiiv I J 7M sharp svery morning belialf of and srrnt ' wln-i I lie populut inn 1-principally at-liinr on myivir s v.-.. Jo-r-. Wiiosiu. wairrroral, uni., i GIFTS THAT LAST for t::.;t ..; ioe i ii, r COAL VatH'oi.vrr. I'rri. Mlnrr'a lrtllteal : of Auulo-Saxoti stork, term-. !) trr a nitrnd rlta HYDP 1 HANSFFll EDSON Veek End :ur3( B. 1 11 1.nrt imy (0i days from tn- here is prartK'aly 110 iiianily re. Piupl' r.ir iH-ariy a jfar. I autt ditrrrni SEKV1CE Specials! flair to for Crown Urant nrn-or. apply a kiiMl rmmtlrs r to art rid uf nana sud J of 'ho slmvp rlanno. corded, whereas its the newer-settled I to .In.' ItloWIt AMI F( IlTIIMl TAkE SOTICE Hist action, nniiiy UsHiaht iDrrV was no rrnef. A unner imtiIoii 8S. must YrfiurnrMi pol'tniSl til' pills III so rii.uil unitit ia one der ana) lotd ta 1 ' Delivered loose -$1100 IWore trip Ksuance of suel Certmcsie of elbows. And h-siiii Burdoeii Hioud 300 Sacks JninrfiVfriMni. points i-uli ver try HiRara. I did DATED this rd dsy of ihTmter, lf, ireuerally they kwp vpry clow to'' " " " Sacked- ALEX BuOtHS. iplttiptes wr sH dlnapprarlar. from my - -$13.50 FOR SALE tlie railv.r.y p,"""" rrsoiiu,, and ,, 1 karr a rirmr roomiriioii if Centra! New location POTATOES acorrdmir to Ihn a.lniliiislraloi-.ut,a.-tlml llli tlie uieiil niaiorilv of the' a ft. (Nsneiacserre tar 1 r Helgenon whose eslules MitbHrn M.. I isniiMt. Toronto, out. ji Block Niii W.liin Ctil 100-lb. Sacks insane persoa lire ra Isa TAX 6 He beinu nil ministered by the pntvin. AMoriatrd with Iffuh M room use LNO ACT. BtjUJine $2.50 Sack per rial uoxei nnfeiit at the present Taxi Service (if lots. B time came into Hit provil)4' w ilh i"011" of iMsaliea le plf 1 Purchaas Cars, IJmootlns Special price on ton Lana e rush of liniiilifrtiiits which In casatar Land Di-ire-l. lirra-timr ms-Irlrl and TuurfnK Car. and Two Lots of 1 rMT Huocrt. and aiiuai. aikmii Phone ori-nrieii during tlie punt two de. "if aad naif am rsti of inr in- 1 i Your Patronage Just Arrived ICO bexes ratles. tl lte and nf St.itm Arm. and sdjtminr sola Jo.'s C f Kollcitoit. j Alberl & McCalTery Fine Harbor View jumble Tlu nallre Iftal I. Josrea :dar Trm. I UmltsMj ea rf sswa li4MMi. ncemsiiion farnier. lob? Huntley Tate, j ;KNICHTS OF COLUrICUS WON. 'tiletKU ia aj.prjr ror prrtniwHn to purrnaaa il roue anlna dssmtml lauda: APPLES esjKOMsirles si a imi oiiuu-d al list $2,300.00 The Kiucliln of Coin nil.iis won siMtiajesal nfflirr of lol II, Inrnr SD rliallu noflll; IIm i- 4U rtiama rati; llM-nra i ) I 'U the postponed wjildt KHUie from a enaMM aouih. iiwkt o mains hi Id TUNING while they last point of owiinM iiriiMnl, and eonlsinius Flrat Oars of our new Hie Ureal War Vetera 11s lusl itiKht Ke seres, rnorr or i. SUITCASES PIANO HEPAIRS by of 3 In t. lOSEfll KIM.AIt TIIEIIIEWEY. I $1.85 per Box screened Lump Coal have a score nau-d Mntemls-r tl. lo. arrived. Tlie blaiulin follows: A I13TJ INLI CIMINTS McCafTery, Gibbons IT'S CLEAN W. L J'ts. CtRTiriCATI OP IMPROVEMENTS. TRUNKS f' "rt enlar : 500 Tins Alfent Hons of Canada . 7 tl Irtin l"kf Minrral i.tsiin, ll j:it: ock Fes Ooal also Inai Oak lk made in laneds. N'gal l.aiKii t Minrral Uaim. Lol fto. i & Lid: lnr:lils lyiiilms J n TlSS; .'sM4ii Vliviral l lano, l ot Mi. JJ: I HANDBAGS ' necessary, but mer.lv H"'1 Doyle, TOMATOES on hand. Have you tried Knn-lits I'ylMas. , .1 10 ltli voni-ral claim. Uii ftu. 111! All any ron tilbm fak'il, ' Our Krk Coal in ail glioma mliural riaima aliuale in OiiM-n I your SI. AlidresA .... 5 lu harlutt Minlnir fiiviaiiHi Inipert pialrlrt "tpolUsI even! 3rd Avenue . Phone-11 raiiKe? Mnri- loralsd: on Louise laland. Phone ua ami we will al labels Sous of Knalaiiil & 10 TAkE .Mlfll K that I. I! J Hrn.n nt turn; F. M. Crosby 'it, slightly spoiled IT'S HOT city ut vaionrr. I'ronnie nf liriinn Valhalla . ..... ti o t. otumiii. m rir:xus . 715 Third Avenue Red 291 r-o. tv 2 Tins for 25c IV. V. ,Y, .... ii 0 73 H, arliuv nil lWiaif uf luru'lf.and a' Consumers Coal Ltd. an-tu for ftrls lfri. uf tlui aid i.uy of , Prince Kupert Co., Oddfellow 2 Vaimdiyer, Ul Miwr'a i rrliniais rtn. .. Llks Z A Ill C, Intcnil 4lty (cn iav rrmri ltl, FOR RENT ilaio tH-riMir, u aeiiy for a l.romn ursut of Table Rupert Supply Co. J, Lome MacLaren. Manager I Ik alioie rla'io.. AMi H'liTIIMI TAkE MINKItAL Atrr. MIIICE I Hat ae-lion, TORK'S PHONES 211, 212. Room 11, Kmith Hbrk Phone 7 Try a clusxIITeil advertisement muter wrllon St, ninal be roriiinenred Furnished Rooms If you want to buy or fell or If lineriiiciiirnts liefore Hie liauinie uf surli Cerlillrsle uf Oartlllcats ef Imprsiamaals. s SI'.LL you waul auilliin?. A Inl uf business IATEU lilt ird day of Heccniner, A. n, MITICE. at ItiU. TOVES. in donlliHl way. V. 1. HENSE.1. -Oipisr Llirr." "CfH-iwr Clin tin. (" Dominion Hotel Chnrtered Accounlnnt & a. -oiiwr :iur .No. , sud "tiir ui'ir DENTISTRY t IV ritOIIATK. " P and Auditor. i.v the .sL'rid.MK oitur iik inurisii . Mineral i.lainis Sllutta In the Mass COLt,MUM. I Uiver Mimiif liirisioit of ussisr piatrict. Just Kemodellcd and Refurnished Don't Teeth GEORGE RORIE To the Electors, y VS'lwre lorsleit: kitusull Mirer, Alire Arnu r Corner First Ave. and Eighth neglect your of Rorla A Small. C.A., Vancouver and City of Prince Rupert IX JIIE MtTTEIl OE TUB AiMLVISTtA-- laaE MJ1KE that I, Ueorte A. Voui.i, Fred Stork's Hardware Street, I'rinee Kupert One decayed or missing tooth I IIONB an Prloc Kup.rt,P.O. Dos MS snd - rrre Miner's Ortitirsta ,No. Itl-c, an-Inr I'hone Ked 4C8 T.O. Uox 353 lowers your efficiency Federal Buildinu Ladies ami (ientlemeii, H THE MA TTKIt or THE ESTATE or fur niyaeir and aa srrnl for Josepn Skconii AvrNU of Addrc and Chan. liHiHUE nKW'MA.V riEI.EASEII, I.VTES-TATE. Wells, free Miner's CerlMrils No. 4tt-C, Not CbtAaa I wi-li to Ibaiik you for Hie I'llONF. Ill ACK IH DR. BAYNE accorded TAkE NOT IEE llial In ordvr or HIS and Arna lisvedauo, Eres Miners ter-llllrale ''lieron- support II ur E. MrU. Yiriins, mads tin- 3rd day No. 40Stl-C, Intend, lltty Otf OHiee IIours-Kornintf, 9 to 12; me yesiirlay al tlie poll, or January; A. Ii. til, I spiHiinlid from pis dal liereuf, lo spply lo tne Afternoon, 1.30 to 6.30; Satur. I will do ull in Aiiiiiitiiairaior lo ins aial or Oivirse new-nsn, Manns Itrrorrtrr for a Orlinrale of inn my power and all dri'awd, parlies lianas riauna PACIFIC CARTAGE LTD dy, 9 to 12 only. Evenings, A. G. GRAY 'lo justify Hie coiilldenco you aaiiial Ilia said esuie srr lH-irliy requirrd provriiwiiis, fur llie runxiM or olilainin PlmnefiWl S27 2nd Avm" Tuesday, and Frl- !.'; rnn;;sj i.,fvija Wednesday mmm-, vriiinl to me, s crown Oram or in bov riannt. Phone 93. S, E. Parker, Mgr. Rday, trnm 7 9. TmJ. uf FI.no have placed in me. on or Ix-fore tim iin day ur Erbruary, And furlhrr lake notice tnal anion, under C. V. EVITT A. P. Illll. ami all fariina imlrutMi to inn Camiut atuiitlon aivs to all ordvra fur DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE Studio 137 Second Avenue Fail h fully yours, twlale are required lo nay the amount of setUon II, mini be rnminenred liefote Auctioneer furaltur,fralabt. bsasaoroUitr CATHERINE E. LINO. llirlr llulrulrdiioaa lo me foriliwilli. the Issuance or suelt Cerliltcsle of linprovi-men transfer wark PHONE 109 FOR APrOINTUENTS JOII.1 II. Mt'MDI.I.I.H, Auditor and Account" ORDEBS TAkkN roa COAL aki WOOD PHONE Blue 421 or 444 Olllrial Adiiiimiirator. is. nia.ne" iinmw JJATLU till. IIU ilav uf Jauusn. lsl. baled itilt tin nay of fortmttr, ttJH erel