Pa ftp...2 TITK DAILY NKWS The Daily News NERVES All TRIPLE ISLAND iiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiinii 1- PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH. COLUMBIA Publish! Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News GONE TO PIECES i LIGHT BURNING ;i Printinj? and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. i - Difficult Piece or Building Is Com-, H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. "Ffull-a-ilyes" Conquered pie ted and was Turned On ! Monday Night j SUBSCRIPTION RATES t Nervous Prostration 1 City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month ............ 11.00 'Hip Triple 1-lnncl Iwhfh:iie Hy mail to all parts of the British Kmpire and the United States, K. U. Xo.-C, OilJirirr Puixs,Mw. m.d fojt xlnilun i now npern-li..n. in advance, per year- frt.OO. "la the year 1P10, I hal .V.rjunj Hie llftht I'M i ii? hvn Uini. tl CONSOLS To all other coutitries, in advance, per year ............ $7.50. FrottralU' in It worat form; on nir tbe Hi time MV .Mondayl TELEPHONE 93. dropping from iTOtollJpoundi. ui,'llli. l.ifhh'n:i Kim1!!- Wat Transient Display Advertising SI.V6 per Inch each' insertion Th distort had no tofe cf tny kin In 4'n rii.i -. linvlnjf Iiim'ii A Wend of ftnoTobaccos Transient advertising on front page". . . fSJ.UQ per inch. movtry, and etrry luetltclne I tried, IrafiAfefred 1 1 . .III 1 1)4 Sl-llTi' Local Headers, per insertion, . t 2!c per lire. proved useless until a friend laduced, Li.jit, Lnsiiur'i ii.i.m.i. rtnir ..r for smoke Classified advertising, per insertion, ' 2c.-per word. meo Like "Fruit a-the". i oriiia. men so thelest. Legal Notice's, each insertion, ... 15c per agate line. ' I bejaa to mend almost at once, I bix new inii"ii is n it lli i Contract Rates on A.,'notation. and never bad such good health I in si complete ii.l niiMlern on ili.v Olllce hare enjoyed the past eijrlit years. PuefflnriuisL i built of MfjfoeHl All advertising should he in the Daily A'ews on day, preceding publication. All advertising received suhjeet 10 approval. Im ntttr !'' "FrU--tk?' !rrtnerelenjoiiali.nil iiBd.Hi lfore in tkr Aemst". J AS. S. DKLGATY. hK r'.vi in nieihi. it rnirK- 50c. a box, C for $2 SO, trial lie 25e. 1 1 bin presenteil i miill problein DAILY EDITION. tn,y. ih. ?. 1021. At all dealers or scot potpald by mi acrnuiil of Hi-' roujtli 5jU1r-; CO Fruits-tire Limited, Ottawa. and the small nreii "f bare riM-k.' n :ntrelnr J. II. HiltlitHi w.i Hospital Needs uciirly llfleen month ill luiibtiuw lhPacl(o25 Are Presslna. it and IiriI nmiiy miwl diseumK-' The need of the Prince Hitrert "llipilftl nre prcing. SUITCASES lnr se'tbaels. Tbe slajkm t ! (AIA4) flllCt ltAIII.I 1 I I.K.TXV M Perhaps the most important of thce is the .provision Sif unj eotiiplele nnd operaUnfti JidSffever. nrnlitilaiu e for carrying injured patjetits lo the institution. Often j TRUNKS and I "a eredii in !holio 1 1; .1 !i!!iiiiiiiii!iiiii:itmiir men arc Jimught irom the yat'pti Charlottes or from lumber) ebcre of (Is Imil.litis! , ramps in the neighborhood, limfly injured. They have to he HANDBAGS llie llslil If .11 nn elevnIJon t rarrind lo tlic hi,iit:il in an ordinary motor car and Hie pain ol IfiO f(M-i 11 nd j. isihte for Ui'ii tbe position is intense. Much of this suffering would be obviated j WHOLESALE ANp RETAIL miles. It will be an Wwlirabl" jf lliere were a motor ambulance suitaiuo ror me wtk. ati to trans I'acirtc . rtavuroii' n MAIL 8CHCDULV It is ajso.aked Uiat .there he laiornory and proper X-ray Prince huiierl. and tmcr- upparntns 4iffihc hospital. TlieeVrellniigs which aje necessary J. F. MAGUIRE plyinp fifiin. In tli- Juern fau'ttotle Foe the East. FOR BREAK F AST in every Velt-cqiipped,4nUuUon of jhe, kindnd ULloes not 712 Second Are., Prince Rupert- Is'ands. n w. ll as palntr sliii-I Monday. Wednesdays and Saturdays reasonable ihifcthisily should' IfhVe lo be without what M?m and Ami ri- in. hold diMitdiiin ut 10:1 S a. m. other similar institution .have. An ellort, should certainly be . j-an. made to secure this equipment and o projacrly trdined lechtiician rrom tha CatC Rupert Brand to have rtyirge of it. .-.,. . PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Sundays. Tuesdays arid Thursdays Nurses' Home The Man in the Moon j at 7 :15 p. m. Also Necessary. i 1 1 ' There seems every prolaliilily that a nures' borne will be ' Wednesday, February 2 SAYS:- - , Foe Vancouver and South. KIPPERS erected in connection with tbe hospital this year. President .High. 0:21 a.m.. 18.4 feet. tt . ii .11 i i I, i ii i i ii Tuesdays 7 p. m. Stewart announced last niglitjhal lion. T. D. Pattullo had promised 52:10 p.m.. IC.3 feet. I.N the obi days the fruHa f Thumdayii '. 11 p to try io seenre 10,000 frVim the fiovernment for the pnr-imse. Inw, 3:01 a.m.. 10.1 feet. p litical vTrtory were tlte plums. Satnrdiiy S p.m. A NourisliinK unci Delicious Break jost Fed The home will cot altotit twice that amount but there is 10:33 p.m., C.8 feet. February 12 and id already over two thousand dollar; on hand, donated a Year ago Thursday, February 3. AT n.'je linic caln wrrj ketl i p,ncc ,n wf,h ; by the Red Cross bociely for the- purpose. Tins leave about High, I0;t'3 a. m.. 1S.7 feet. prevent the mien from stefcliuir From Vancouvtr and South. Tfl rnn p3 eight thousand dollars to be raised, unless it t found that more 23:37 p. m.. i; feel. tbe chee. Now II it diftlmjil to Sundays Hp. in. nntj coojj for ,er, mfrjuiei than twenty thousand dollars is needed. Low. 1:21 a. inM 10.3 feet. keep people fn.iu stcalin Ue nl. Wednesdays 10:30 a. in. The home is one of the necessities of the modern hospital. 17:29 p. m.. 6.1 feet. a SdlimUy 8 a. pi. Sold by all Restaurants, Retail Grocers v& Ludxn The staff cannot be expected to live in the hospital building all Till: soft her.rled UWU.Itfe the , February 7 and 21 SMOKED DAILY BY Ibe lime. It is most depressing to have always (the liospiUil atmosphere The time unoJ is raetnc Stan Mi nays rent. ITHT Jluril around fhern... Thgc3nnit under Uiose-cOiiililloiis do dard, for the 120th Meridian, we stj hearted jmin e.llti. For Anyox and Allc Arm. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ill ' ' ' It is counted from 0 to 21 hours their besl work. : A Ili:llll.'li living in the house Sundays 10 p.m.! from midnight to midnight. Wednesdays V p.m. Prfnccj Rupert, fcC of a eorpulent farmer may he Superannuation The table given is for Port rvtilly said l lic on the fat ftf Should be Popular. ''"',' ' Simpson but the time for Prince ' From Anyox and Atlc Arm. A scheme, i of, stiperaitnualion for c5yil 's'ervicg employees Rupert varies only a few mimite the land. Tties'lays should prove'populap with ill staff generally. Ijitil he srbenie c on some days and on others is MKN talk: just as nmeli an hurday p. in. is outlined it is impossible to cotnmenl On; it at length, but any the same. The range of the tide women Xmlwfteilnieji ay le, proposal looking to. Uienrreasfjd. permanence an'J ellleiency of may be computed as S per cent marks LtiVc MrLttke. tlv For Port Simpson, ArrandaU, mill MT LADIF5 A?fH CEMLC- DyaDg - Dry Ctm the service should be welcomed. greater at' Prince It u pert than .at Ijnklnsr. Bay, Wales Island and Naas Rlvsr. MWSTAIIOR for gvui w : f artl It will not have much interest for young gils, all of whom Port Simpson both at springs and HUnduys I'J Tn 0)i natiiti I and rcaar -. (- t expect some day to he married arid nolr'spetid their days in musty neaps. Therefore the rise In the TIIK lmidet Uilwr in Ihe world p.m. 1 17 P THIRD AVT.-lTe j to CITI2S S3 i olllces. Fur men the case is different. . with a regiilar system of Prince Hupert harbor Is slightly is Ibe licking of the elork in a From Pt. Simpson, Arrsndile, mill XiLl la, f.hon. Hex! i.lfl. V eouvar.DYEK3. In-ii-Wa 0T 4ta ar At. It promotion and Increased for length of service mid with the pay greater than Port Simpson. si re that den't lvertie. Bay, Wales Island and Miss RUer additional inducement of a pension when too old to work, the The height Is in feet and tenths To -s nay a.m civil service should attract gdod men and keep them. There will of feet above the average level of T1IM man must have been n have to be some improvement in the rate "tpay, js well, however, lower low water. critic who ehar?ei his wile with Qun Citarlotta Islands: ,if the besl results are to be obtained. not kissinc him properly. For MasaelL Pon Clementn sod Are Railway Employees y -.MAM' tMsotde are unrtrfrrirur I Upper Island poloU- Civil Servants? vs. wt.efher lire Itnsslan rvnllliient ; Ffbruiiry i and l". Civil servants are not allowed to take part in politics. Thai Assembly is just a joke or if it 'rom Ma.sH. I'ort Citauts and condition obtains everywhere throughout the British Kmpire. The STCNOOft APNEAS. num. btisines. ; Upper I'laod pnlnie Canadian National Railway is to a large extent a government . . - WbruacN- ft and IP ' An eianiiiuilon tar institution and the president of the road some lime ago issued jrnurifwr. iu be Im-ki Junior on irxt Stiurdar.tnlr IF HoseIer-' admonition In ihe! . . . an order that Ihe employees must keep out of active participation M.ri. xew I WfiuuiMifr iti. m and liMr urn mn-r American orlHe dx not siieceed'ar kfdkate. 0ieen ''harlotte in politics. This order was challenged by the employees and a putt(iaicft. Hier may tx nre or runrc raiidi. in quielina them, be will diMibtleso Paty rd Lower llnnd points: slrik was suggested. A conciliation jioard ha decided that Ihe Candidal! muit t Krttitti .i.hii. feel it his duly tv slap their February 2 and l men may take part itt-politics. of Itvi fuU a IP of trtrulrra rr-trt mnA writls. From SUuexale. CJumm t;tiarlrtu "THINK of the pain and dollars laved by i!wiji Opinion i very much divided on Ihe issue. There were not.tppllrallona nun man lo Ujlrtfflvc rllr yrara II t cr rrtrtteft are. City and Lou er Inland notnta j having handy box of this magic her bai i-" employees of Ihe company who were members of provincial rp lo. noon. WrdwMlaT, otinurr m. A KLKPTOMAXIAC it a woman Fi'hruary 5 and tu j Zam-Buk has such a wtSe range of ujc' legislatures and also members of the statf of tbe railway. They i I Ai.ii-aiun forma and run nartim. win siejils and annul help it. iara niar Urn obtained rnja iti nnsi Ii is a real purifying and healing agent. It" had to reiign. It is possible that Mr. IJaiina is right and that it or from any isovrrnmmi Arrni. The best thine? lo do Id to put her For Hksaway and tb Yukon. w. H. llii:if.s. and as urt would not make for effective work lo have the members of the civil Srmre Coaironniowr. in ronp along with oilier In-ns and 1 ' lirnary ; and 'i quers eczema, ulcers, piles, ringworm railway staff, all of whom are government employees, engaged Viriorli.Jarnicry B. i:.. tjih, iffj. cbieVenn that dnn'l kniw bow 40 From Skagway ana oon. as ii grows new skin over a scald or cut, or pl' in polities. On the olher hand to cut off so large a body of men behave. February 1 2 and Vrt chapped with cold. It is also splendid lo rub n h rorri political privileges is n very serious mailer. CERTIFICATE Of IMPRQVtmWTS. rheumatism and muscular pains. Iron ?"nux '0-Mineral 1 "ral Claim,cuim.Lot !n.Lot tut-LTi. So. Itavnart, Maple Bay and Swamp Zam-Buk is healing, soothing, and ar'Hr lrby t7JJ: f.nsom.Mineral Mirvrtl Claim.claim.Lot so.Lot No.1I7 All Ten Years Ago Point., and it draws all germ poison from the ' adjoinlnr mineral rlaima Ulna I in Oueen IO II- All these wonderful come from Dr.JOS. MAGUIRE liarioue Mminr Dlviaion Hupert DiainrL In Prince Hupert properties I'ehniary 0 and .10 Uhere loealed: On Louiw laland. rare and cosily herbal extracts, which are W TAKE .VTIC trut I. :. 1. benen of ine FHOM- ny or vanenner. frovmec or antunj pared in a scientific way Free frefl unique February 2, 1911 February 7 and 30 -ifuiiiuia. r rre .ninera cerunraie ."o. II -"S d DENTIST. B, aelinr on behaJI or myteif and i The C.IL steamer I'rinr animal fat, Zam-Buk is the most worde - ayent for ,el Peraen. of Ihe aaid CUT of lanroutrr,Inlena rjye Hiir Mmrr"!ICS)Ctrunral day from o. tb.-4tl-C, Adelaide, newly arrived from Ihe It Is just as cher.p Jo get your healing balm ever discovered. dale hereof 10 appfy for crown JUraat of Old Country, ran ashore at Apple Kinting done well and done at Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Block the AU above fLHTIIKH rlaima. TAKE OTICK tnal teflon. Tree Point, mbiway between lotne as It is to send it away. Try ai.iLii I a na i ! m au.MUWW Dader aecnnn . mini le rommenred Seattle and Port Tnwnrnd, in a rhe Tewa Prlra Shop. j lierore Lady Aitiitant ilw iMuinre or aurn Orlinraie of Open Evenings lnipro-menia blindliiR last riittht. Office Hours: Sunday by bATEb Ihia Jra day cf Decemner, A. 11. snnwulorrn rtotlea ef Intantlae. t Aaply ta Laaaa Ua. ' Mr A. Sawjer. Mi ManJ.Odl -"Sl , rvarl lb'" Phone 575 i.ul n ii m Kuilr oai-ied T. lb K.v 9-12; 1-6; 7-9. Appointment C I. BE.1SE.1. Many complaint are beinjr In Saeena Hler Mininr nialriei. laiwl , iy fiiillirn ort t fan of tx-lTj a ar 'lie- iv m 1 made about tU hnlellery of deep ltn'- tfmt DiMriel of Alira Arm. water I foutul Zani llul n.ier I4ei,l an t I CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. ... m.wi a, kiuih i iiuia i.rerj ; fl l ta,nigh eat ai una aa eel tieal- around Tueb .Inlet Ibe by use of ..'.Tn.D"l"!?- 1 "inerst cuim. un no. aujoinrnr silver city. B. C- aj ilil mil ii i.ok out all pam and iibaidoai "J JJIt: Iron nuke o. 1 Mineral dam, Lot pltlampa. Taae nolle tmi a um under aiyned, awbett. I'araeverani grt w B All M il ! 1 l,"i.",,r" tranion Mineral (lann. Anthony Htvmrt anil Bernard w. Darren, akla over all lu alla " bralej cpibi (' 1 G. H. ARNOLD, Notary Public Lot o. .No,flit IIU;All UarDeld adlolniny Mineral mineral Claim,rlaima.Lot At the Minoker held by the of Alire Arm. oerupanon proepettor sod nuate m ijueen iltiarlolia Mininr Dimion V.ei-' I.ode last nluhl. W. J. alnrcliMper, inienda In atpiy for pernni-pon Hupert Dlilrlrl. Where loealed; On Louiac to leaae iim follnini deifribed landi: Uland. Mcfluleheon. flrsi-president, was . ComnieneMiir ! t paat pianird uiheni Sf n 1. lionfs m Artthkl, Mia A. I FOR SALE City of VanrouVer -roVinr or Kntuh Co- presented with. a handsome gold (erner, tt rhaina omaerly dirertion from N "M? bah and I auRerid p.o .t: raB,"5r KrytVf'0..';; KfcrlrV .Irh charm. s.c. corner of l.oi il; tiienr tt rhaina ' 1 1 1 1 "itli ei m Tlimith aplnntid let ' fine double corner on SUlh Avenue, near McDrlde north: tlwuca Hi rhaina el; mnr fl in er I eraurlr i a il ray IimmU (l (rd S"tl r Street in Section Six. Sewer Connection. nnii be boutrbl MrMr.,1,V.S!Se.S'.,'i.0,ln- '"ki"K ' I-ro-enta- rhalin aoutn; Inerwe 10 rnilni r and In air an. liua prove,! mi ply artMallitainv TOfll-tt. Intrnd Slur IIOj diva from me lion. coniaiuinr nr HIen1.1 ii ihmniihlT rM ihajinanrt icalr cheap for cash. An excellent silo for (hat dwelling which or leai. oaie nereor. lo apply for crown Urant ua bcih cl Cicrf Ittct J( tvMUil.k a wiibuul Von are aoing to build In I lie spring. ur ii aoove eiaiina. A.illHini MriJlIHE, A.MJ ILIIllf a TAKE NOTICE tnal ae. Canlain Mnnrc. of Ihe Il"llp Cf llMAIID W. HAHHETT. H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. lion, uncier aeriion li, muil tie commenced had D,t,(' f"""" . lQ. at today, U-rore tna laaiunca of aurn Cerlincale of a narrow escape noon Insurance Bonds - Rentals Improvemenu. wtien he slipped backward ubitn bATtli Ihia ird day or Ueeember. tllO. Xllk A Lerard, rteaerlU, Mr N rarr-i ALEX liuotlia. coin I tig anhore from the ship and ' " On i -vcoiiiei I .if a I"iij um 1 huilared llonnaol W broke two ribs .between the boat BAGS! BAGS! linin t liiUjIama. Nmlung aliitl h- Can r eee NOTICR. and the uharf. ' W.miu aw until 1 aaal Zam link jljJ mv tl " ' " I'erMvei liin. r wllh th.M fai.M ft.. .la. IrKiul Mid mt 1 THEO COLL ART, Notary Public Ihe 1.1 laaue THE of MATTFIl a fresh or rernneata an annllpatlnn nr title in.rne The PiJnc'e fluperl Ladles' Ifuy a bK of auhatantlil nosllty, spenlily ended mv paielulVlmmi after apivin t7 and Ilia I 1 ' II fl. aiork 14,. Hectlon I Clly! of material that woari and with aoo. ba all dailart, mum Real Estate Rentals Insurance 0,(.T?rt !,u'rL , , jHrldae Club mcjlj't,rday al Ihe a frame that Is conatrurtcd for fur 9 FRfeE SAMPLE BOX jJI EDSON COAL UuICT ia.OO per toa delivered laaue In'r tn eipiraiion or."rme of Mrs, .'AT J. MorrU. The service, ytt of light wt ight. IM FOR SALE Sacked. S13.DO one inohth rrom the nraf nnhiieatinn tieea, -ners were .1. Mi Chrldlia us eruip you properly for ,. ,r; of, a frrab rertincal of line lo Iba anor Mp, '" . Moat Liberal MARINE INSURANCE on the Coaet nirnii7iien lanoa in in name or tnitn ah; Mrs. DohalTl McLeod. travailing. 10.tar Insuranca Company of North Amarica. Pays Claims promptly lued Mabel I7ih MrMordie,lieremoer.wtUrB ttlff.rrruncaM and la Maatasaii " 1 i 'i ' ' H tiered IJtt-l. F. M. Crosby Marry Welfptd relumed this Laud lietiairy nnira, rnnra Rapert. U, C P.O. Box 66 Woatboloia Tbtatr Bloak Pbona Blu 69 "Hint dy or DreniDer, tsii, morning aflefi ipcji'linir linlMays 715 Third Avenue, I'rlnre Kupert it. r. MAcLy.on,. ff - . ... M i 1 je e DUlrirl nryiairar of Titles. I In southern 'cllf Vjm rv .mmmim Jf