v. ma twTCT msyra Pf-M 1 Bv BRINGING UP FATHER True Economy m. H I I i. --. I a! I ' V 92?,T,N f BARREL OOVN TQWN IVTO HI6 gANi Aa HE I I riV ?5. N ' ' TAV ' 'WytWftN'WTll. fV HAWT. EVEN CAR TARE f wmtSB K wuar flv I l;I IF YOU us your last year's skirt or dress and have it returned looking like new-isn't that true, economy ?. Frequent Dry " H L PHEX.T MONINO 4 tezi m, ut l rn. st.vKt ie '' ' ' ' ' I, i .n i - " j - i i Geaning and Pressing - - - i will prolong the life PORT SIMPSON GIRL BERT KERGIN i GUESS! of your clothing and wuam tpapmprq keep it fresh and new. ARE ENTERTAINED j A T MEETING "MY CANADA" "iJY CANADA"- C0A1 May we'help ydu $300 Cash Reward to any Person J r economize ? Tin1 teachers from the girls' Discusses Roads and Trails with Who is nearest right on 3 Guesses school ! EDSON MINE iiif'iislri.il rfl-ntly His Constituents at Alice Arm Frankly, we wnnt to draw y.nr attention to lie enormoit HQ! Iroyed liy lire nl Port Simpson Canadian tmonrtM of t inted States K""d ml" Canada. We want yuu to Sacked tout, entertained nl tea yesterday wen1 AI.IC.K AIIM, Feb. 2. A mceling realise mUml it all means to e.r Canmllan-lo IjilMir eiuec-inlly. Bulk afternoon and several of them Steam Laundry vcs held latl week lit whieli the So we will pay in la-h MOO.fin First Prize, 1U.I0 left fur 111'1 south'iin the Clichjhsin ( Phone 8 Dl-aron, eilizen of the I'islricl lining lit SiiMind Prize, ton.no Third Prize and the nest leven prizes r Miss in tlio evening.. STEAM to Vancouver befon" the riTonlly elected fiiern-Imm, of M.oo each lo any person who make and endn in to n the m principal,Mis Pliiluol has gone lo Monlrcal, Miss It. F. KerRln, I he mnt pres-iiiK neareel fiuess to the amount nrjminey in irtMHls.llial will b r.o o. c-s tty nrvtlM of the district as lo iinportetl into Canada rrnm the Fnited Slates for FKHlUrARY. .'i Inn to teach at Coqualectza in- (l.i.-irial school end Miss rrafton trails, roads' and hrlrtires. Mr. 1921, an will be reporteil in M- Kersin 'outlined the policy of the left by train Mil morning for 1921 NANA)40 government ami slated that lie Canada's Trade Returns for February, Fdmonton. Miss McFnddcn had , already pone nn to Toronto. would do all that he eonilenyy The rtmire for February. . 120, were 0.7o.2 tH.UO; for COAL Reductions Some or I lir teachers hope to could to further the advancement February. 1019. Ih. were S.'2..'j'i.llflU.00; for I ' lliiiai. ItllS, fij I he distrkt. l.tR5.ni February. IP17. were 53.ri78.B7.ta, , return in a year when llie pro they were t.no: posed slew home i ready for The illlenlion of the inem1er and for February. I'.M Mj(ore Hie war they were aly M3.-2Hfl,7:H.Mi. All Lines Albert & on vo; also called lo Ihe iniporinnre lo McCzfa- occupation. Y'lU see where we are and whnl we are i-oinlnir of of upe:iiiK up the: Indian RoMTfe. ill Canada! What will Hi IIimii es lie f..r February. f.2l ml hicl; a portion of the resent 1 Are you a iiimmI irueer If win one .( ihe prie. Phc Kt llsu LIGHTHOUSE SCENE town of Alice Arm is located utul i Furnifiire asked to hasten action all ikiss. i HOW TO WIN "Dosp Waters" is Story of Love ible. . . Get two of your neighbors to give you only ONE DOLLAR each and Adventuro Adapted from for a year's trial subscription to "MY CANADA" (regular price Noted Novel BASKETBALL GAMES Two Dollars per year), and send In the money with "your three i WE SAVE until my guestes. Each subscriber Is also allowed three guesses! Will Maurice TnUkpciir comes lo I he PLAYED LAST NIGHT you risk an hour'of your time to win THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS? Large Stock froiirnttarn with a brand new aU Cornel iQO, GET ITM" ! iinmhor . setting fur his latest Sons of Canada Win by Default "MY CANAliA" will be published monthly. II lie. to help Your Ciotk is reduced feature, v'I)eep WSIPM, lo lie and are Tied at Top of you and Canaiia to heller Ihmgv 11 pocs without sn)! lual -li.wn tonialit at ll"1 Kinprons, League with Colts. Ihe more reader we have the better this National perWpl This'limc ll 1 itplil house. Ilic Will lw. This is not only true commercially, but we feci tftt llav Barrie's story weavlmf ilnlt aromd the The - plrls' junior basketball! etery additional reader meins so much addml imirsl upnort. II l. .! 1 ei.nslrurlion. of the liphl, wild itnme between (tin Kinj; I'.lvvurI-i i Your auess inul b in by FKHHL'AltY JMth. 1PSI. As the lln illin ' nrtinn' during a heavy and the Whiz Hangs lasl nifihti old attune would ay. "obey that Impulse" lssy t mwl Help CHIl ! .' ' Furniture Store, -Inrni and a shipwreck at nijtht. was a hard lni?sle from start to us by this means to reinforce our contcllon as lo the fulure n up i 'If Third Avenue Mujiy new photoeajihic effeelM llnisli and Ihe Tormer won by a! and Ihe present in Canada, nod of leadlitu llie way to peiier Jllst pll li g been, cleverly done in this score of 13 lo 0. The Whiz Hanss thinss for you. ami vwjr, and us. Aiblres yoitr cues and ailii- T'lurnetir ofTenny. Xishl srencH showed a vast improvement over, si-ml suhscriplion lo the publishers. "MY I'ANAHA." Sullen briiiK lie uiili the hupe beam playinR in-ri-sanlty their playins al ttie first of the! 311.5 Stair HldK.. Toronto. on Ihn rorky "6asl, the frfh. season anil for a while it looked; 'own and it people, and the tieene las if I hey might pet I heir first! Terrace Fruit Lands nf i lie xhip-wreck. make "I)eep points in the tdaridin?, but luck Modern Cleanicjl Wiilers" a urippintr ea story. wes not wilh them. 'Hie belter; teamwork' of the Kina 1-Vlwn.rds Classified Ads. 20 Acrca,Good 3 Miles Vafn from Road Terrace on AFGHANISTAN BUYS vsas responsible for their victory.' Daily News Pressing Ca Good black aoil on clay sub-soil. MANY MOTOR CYCLES The scoring was as follow: A.' 2 CENTS PF.R WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Less than fJOc 3rd Avenue reit 4 Acres under plow, 7 ncres more King I'dward L. Parker. 4; Bl partly cleared; 25 bearing fruit Stephens, 5; A. Morrison, i; M. try trees;water;2 well good made wells log-house,with lots of 18 plans to Organize Despatch Ciiiicy and K. Ilyan. WZHTIO Full SAI.i:. Slightly used Conner ACC0UKTANT8 by 24 ft., two stories, with addition Riders fop Frontier State Whizz Hangs K. Iloss, 2; II. 1 electric watiina; njSishliie, in. 16 by 18; log barn, 20 by Ilyrne, S; M. Itatrhford. M. Slicn-I0n, STKXtlOHAPHBItfi Fxaniination .i"-ne-.,i huiiiiiiii.in i. ii h it...o" KXPHHIFXCfJ!) ACCOUNTANT r.f with cellar beneath, full 'H.I.'. Civil Service. An j woiiht taae charge of stl of ! Khrht ! 40 feet I nOMHU', reb. 2. Life in 2; M. MrKinnou. for I used Waarner habij-huBKy. H. f W t size of barn 10 feet deep; Prite and ooks. whole or part time. 'vxuininaliiiii for junior writes Mrs. II. Mobley jnadn her flrt $200. c.h for quick (ale, S2.4CO '0ft:liaiiislan is speeding up, Phone (ireen 501. 27 W. U. WilliMroft. Phone i Day lhons 8 on terms of half cab, balance I a frontier correspondent, of the. iippenrance as referee in UiIm senior steiioarrapiinrs win iiei nvr.wn year .t 7 pr cent. I'l iiiiii- of India. game, and handled jt exception held on SatunUy. February I If I It BALK I trass heltead Hlaek 259. If ctccm r of ally well. lUlti, Itii III Vancouver, Victoria, nliii tlnidi;, hat mattress, ' KENNEY BROS. & CO. Three cartloads motor cycles SHORTHAND-TVPCWftlTINO . ...... u'Li ihiive rei enlly arrived at Jellalnliad Intermediate Girls. .Vew Westminster and mahotfany ehlfTunier, white Real Estate and Insurance for Pj-injpe Csir Jan, llie. Oireclor In Ihe inlcrmcijialn, all-slnr such other points as there may bedstead, etc. Phone lllack 232. Pitman Stenographic KtImmiI Agent f. Terrace, B.C. 'of ('oiniuuiitcalioiis, who intends pirls gftmiylhe Whiles had almost be live r more ciiiuliilates. FOIl SALF. CHILP Two bo-lies Kvenlnx classes. Monday. Wednesday Sanitary a iio organize a desji'alch rider ser. as much of Ihe play nsUieir op Candidates must be Itritisli and lots on Frederick Kjfeet and Friday. 7:30 to 9 leatln Cn!wr nllhmiRli ie stibjeels. resident of Jlnnada for o'clock. Individual instruction. U-t: Ihrouiilipul tlm eounlry. ponents they were and Pipe Line. Apply to uwnrr Strrc' lirilern have been issn'd by Iho fealeil 1H to H, The Illuejt proved al least one' yoar, of Hie full uge No. 10 fmllh Hloek. tf &th i.t 27 rin ll'i; The best way to have Amir tfovcrouient for contracts si perior in their basket shooting. of seventeen year, and not oii priperly. runs IT R. to eonslrurl macadamized roads The lineups and scoring: more than thirty-live yenrs f poll HALF. OH LKASI! Job print- IS TIIR SlhtUt ColtMT OK URITISII YourSuit H-roiiph the country to tho capital Whites I. Kelly, Mrs. Ilrown. age. Applications i wriie win ing business and plant. For IIO TUP 141 Cf ZH or TMK ADMIVIttMV- noil for the importation or aulo A:,Kely, 2; M. Carter, t). and K. he receivisl up lo noon. Wednesday, particulars apply Dally News ' t thk NtTTtn or tint raTTK or loohih- vehicles. Firms are also Thomson. IVhroary ttlh, I02t. office. If itMSS MVIIIKSO-i, HM.UIZII, I.VIM SMITil & HAUBi Cleaned and Pressed jmiled to establish woollen mills HliiesMrs. n'Nelll, T. IHng-UT.II, Aiiulicatinn ortnn and full tiar- TT I. Hill K B Ibai utul .susur rellnerlns at Kali u I. tho fi; Mrs. M.,hley. f.; M. Hob- lieuUrs inay.Iie oblaine. froiii l..).Mi-IIA.Ml r Ull.M TUHr; sol tlnCKiki r. VrR ItUNt. a iw SM 2X is by our f Jiausry. A. Ii itttt. w (pfasnim i;;-.pill. erts, ?: I..Mardunuld and W. Ilibh the undersigned or from nml on commission, p, LeClalre umtuirarsinr ox ui r Jimea Mi.rie-vm PLUMBING AND HUT Steam Pressing Machine for It. Mucdonald. Covermneiil .AgenL W. II. Ph. nn Oreen St 4. tf talsal ileeMMsI.Im Ad(ml alt all ranies ara hrrrlir Mrtsr rronir)!ttsiint ttiQIKtiM W. K. Williscroft wn rffcrce. MrlnncM, tftvll Service fioin-missioner, lo larwoi miiW. prnfierly rrinri lu iw, foraW Method. NEW DIRECTORS BOARD AND ROOMS tm or iirorp ih lib day .r rrurssry. F-stlinstf It only takes 15 minutes. Senior League. Vletorlai H.CM January . fl. If I. soil ill lArliaa ladrbtMZ Ul lh lalale K fMNInal In Mi lb. itlMMHit f Our Price Is There was no senior loapue ll'lh, 1021. - Two gentlemen can have hoard I'Keir liwtrtlreneaa me rarihvlin. Address, 3rd venut t Reasonable Hospital Board Slightly Changed (Tame as Ihe flin of Knglaiwl were Young married cog pie about to rod room with private family. oiiirui AdmiMMraUvr. nl Ki thd sirwt Delivery is Prompt This Year. unable In Held a team, a r-e-zrel UTf tl IM 4lh (lav .it jtnuarr make tbeip home In Prince Itupert. Apply hot 157, News office, 2'J aid P 0, Wf Giye us a trial. Phone Dlack 502 table occurrence and not (lie first , would like to secure room ix rnosiTf. Al. the annual mct-ting of Ihe Unifi this season Ibis team ha i'wo young ladies can hate room it THE StfllKNI: nil ur ur HHtTISH LING TAILOR Prince Itupert Hospital Associa-li. been unahlo lo appear. The Bonn and Address board X.Y.Z.with Dally private News family.office. anu i mini in nice tionie. .lppiy i TIIK MVTTKH OII.I'MSIt.or THK AflNl.tlgTHV a last niaht Judno Young was of Canada thus v,in by default and bnx 160, News ofllce. 27 TMM Alh Prince Brut 821, 823 2nd Ave., Rupert 28 a'i in elected Hon. President and are lied wilh (h; Colls at the brad 1 1 THK VUTIH tir THK KSTSTK or i'-HONO the directors chonen for tho year FOR RENT litoiioE nzwmu. ihi.i ai.h. iti. AINU of Ihn Senior Leaguo ulandinK. WANTKD Second-hand furni 'TAIL PI REPAIRS were D. '. Stewart, I.Ieul.-Oolonrl s'tandiner Tll: MITICK thai n nM sl Ilia The to dale follows: If have anything lo ture. yoij tlrswur f. MrH. Vhiiiij. FOIl HK.NT Three-room furnish lad Hi Iri rtay MUSIC FOR DANCES. McMordie, J. McLennan, I, ('. Seniors. sell call lied 213. Wo pay cash.I of laieitry, A. h. mil. I wa aiisnnoil 1 HOTO EHiICWl ed apartment. 208-210 AIniiilirahr lo Um i-.hi. r iimiim ARTHUR'S nffia. Mi-Hoe, P. I. Palmer. P. W. L. I'is V. M. Crosby, 71G Third Avenue Apply mau, ilm-eawd, am ill raitl hafint rlaima Iff' Other "Jiructors arc appointed Colts 7 0 1 12 West. tf Ninth Avenue' West, tf atainsl lh aaUl eaiair ara twraliy rettmrml Agent fr lu fiitlii.h lo aamr pri'rTl rvnDl iur, ! ' Including Kaxsplione by Hie citv and Ihn provincial Sons of Canada 7 rt 112 TO HUNT One furnished suite. isi nr liror llie 4(n day or rtrury, mad tn A. II. IfZI, (lul III tarllra llvtrbwst In IlK necessary. and the directors Housekeeper d Phone 481 Phone 481 Ifcon'i'utiieni, F.lks '7 4 3 8 WANTKD a n SI. Louis llooms, phone lied rauie rt rMiuins! In rat llw snmuDl of I any conditi o' may, ir Uiey wish, nppouu oiners Collies 7 3 0 chambermaid at Ihe Commercial 01. 25 Uwir inHcliiwls'aa 4UII. II.i.i MrMULI.I.S.m f irilmnti apottfil in an mlvisory capacity. 0, W. V. A. 0,1 t 2 Hotel. 2'J oniciil Aitiuiiiialramr. filTI H Uila 4ll lify t,t Januiry. Il. Dance Orchestra fonn of F.ng. 7 0 7 0 FOR 3LE LOST Rupert Intermediates. Z Four, Ave or six pieces Colls 5 h i 8 FOIl R.I,i;, Five roomed, modiirn LOST Cold Shamrock brooch Now ready for engagements nnB't blame the itornseh whan lieu vers 1 t 2 hoiisr, No, 42,8 Fifth Avenue surrounded by( srnall riuggejs, .Notice to Advertisers Phone H. White, Red 102 - t cstts I i 1 m in. ,. ,U Intermediate Girls. Vesl. a,SQ. Terms. Call or greatly prized by owner, phone the rs ol thellvsrndbowl MHcpr. i 0 8 or phone )or appointment. Ulne 500, llewanj, 20 Caiual advertisements Hotel PrinceW 'tidily relieved by Or Ch.ss I Phone, Crs 4 2 2 4 . fine of Urn liajt residential, LOST J'.namelled brooch between for Insertion same day Chartered Accountant Kli5nyLlytrPi'l.0nsp.llsdowi.' Mapln Leafs i. 1 3 ' 2 view; douhljfCfl.rnea in rJricUoij Second Slreet and Seventh Ave. should bo In the Daily and Auditor. ISC. S BOZ, 0 V. V. A. 4 t 3 2 ? 7.",n nnj'iiTnrihs Finder please return to Btnee. News otTlco before 10 a.m. CUROPK" GEORGE RORIE Chases Olrls' Junior. One business. lot on geconij , Ion Tea llooms. 2fl Changes In advertisements 1.b0 per 1 f fturi 4 Email. C.A'., Yancoq var in) g. TUIIcums '4 1 $ Avenue, on,grne fl.ino. M: should bo on hand befon PHONR W Prise RuimrV P,0. Bos SM rivci King l!d ward, 5 4 18, M, fllfphrffij l LOST Finn's gray woolen glove. 5 p. m, on previous dny. riRST-CL Federal Itulldinu Spnrtnns. 4 J 3 2 Finder please return lo News A I.SB ' Not Chn of AddrM and l'!in Whlz-llanss 5 0 5 0 Advertineln the Dally News,