TUM DJULX IIWB Page 3 Run No Risks . w m m a SF rTI i V V mhtn tymptofin of IndlseMlon Local and Personal occur. Act quickly before tbe become obttiniu. I Mill 1 X V Take Aik for Atkins' Sausage. tf IVerham's nil it once, fn mssf of Vsn aueceM lew !to stomach,will brine liver relief,asd II. :. Indcrtnler. I'liuue II. If bowrl dwofdeniprrAea the won h of Apprentice wanted. Atkins. QUALITY BEECHAM'S Meal Market. 27 List your boats fur alo with PILLS Cm 4. M. M. HU-plieiu. tf Dr. Bayne . V. Wattle, of lfazclton, reach nl limn (hi inurrifhff. OFFICE HOURS- SEVERAL THEATRES Koroin;. 9 lo 12. Arterooon, 1.3 9 It 5.30, SatorCijt, J li 12 to:,, FOR NEW YORK CITY (Ian IhkiI I'riivincHal leaves, for OWLER Ever; Evenloj Iron ?.0 u I ,' Klnwnrl Thursday morniuu. s7 Dentnl Nurse in attendance NI'.W YOIIK, l ib. J. Aiuilher! ,r"- . Imhii. t returned J Smokes llK-k of Nw Theatres for New,"" ironi nncuUef, Phone 109 for uppointntcnt York! Karly nl monlh Momr. T. A. IJoolson, of I'orl Oletiicnls, Blk., Cor. 3rd mid 6th arnl J. J. Khtih'rl an- (o uimmi Rooms 4, 5, 6, Helgerson returned today from tin- south. NILLBAHK (!. Ambassador, the first of l Office in Northern B.C. Best Equipped Incw lhilrr which Hiry are Jack Harnsley lfl lai iimlif for ImiiIiImiu ii f Hilt nn.l Ivtli Hlrcels Vancouver on a month's holiday. in'itr llroudwny, 'I'lic Ambassador is Hie first Have our lunch tomorrow at .is' New York lhatrr lo ! 1111 on Mr. SmeH un 30I Second Ave. (lo- (rlofiHulnr pi mi. Ily (hU Dr. Sutherland arranpruienl llir angles or "for- Hill KXI'HHT 8IIOF. IIF.I'AIIU nis" of Die building are utilized .'" JlrArthur's lriho Store, 3rd i-illuT for sa, drinsc nwinv'' tf D.D.S., L.D.S., D.D.C. or ioini?e, i result neing- iiiuii I'. W. Haidwln. local '..P II... .llU.ll lutlllliMll 111. I IM I auditor, rr"",M',, XUUmwt from the llii iitre ll.cr will b an inereased EN I IS IKY in all-its branches .alum miiurily of alMit too. south. "I'll lilI of lh capacity new ifum llrail. vioTtn ii'ai:lo-r. ! Hu nt re will ! ixix'uliat smaller Exchance BJock, Sufle 14 and 15 rranMonl Vi-ilholiii (f tit it I lii- Hwrndr Canadian theatre For Appointment Phone Black 516 TliMtrc If I - rlxiul I..WO. Tli opening nl-ilrnclioii will b "Tin Hose Olrl." (Jllbi-rt lnwii ArrM'-'l from Hi a musical comedy which hail Its miuIIi hi the J'rlin Ovurg IliU Pi.iiiKmv nt Allanllr City IliU iiiorniiiK. PEC1AL :: REDUCTIONS I.. W. I'flUROrt rrlorne.l Hiin WW iiioriiiiifr from 1h&Iih- Irio lo CRIMINALS LEAYE Yancbuver. Coats In and THE UNITED STATES Mrs. Marry lAgmt-- rriurnml 1 10 or 15 ds. Oils iiiomiwr a Her M-ilinjf hr 25 or 35 c to-Round Rtady-to-wear Hats. 'Make Their Way to England by home in Yanettwfr; 'y''" Tins of SOor 70& . Stowing Awak en Ship.. j ( N Third Avenue , an arrlral at tl" Hoii-l I'rinci' EMERS DEMERS Mil III AMI' I..V Ina F.b I. Prince rf ,8If. Rupert 4.1'iiniiiiiU tlriM-n out of Aw1 . , . Vork by Ho- .-irorls lo uirrej i:,urrb of Bngtaail in.-n- lan. Hi i-iiik- o- lhre arr llrlna .,(1,.t WnlmnMity, Fbrnary Sml. For i.. I iiuIhii.I t .ia) .n llrit-;n 7;3 p. ,. TUkH tl.n. s: SHORT OF BREATH tfli ay (h llrilili niarin-t w aaaaaaaaaaaaai a-aaaaaaaaaai wwwwvwwwwwwwwi. bh m aaaau BaaasBwraasasaww a bbbk w T w aaa a I a i a bh w a 1 1 l i a .i n. out i-aplaln loll n magis- J K. I". Mannina diln. i fv-rr, iviir.Miniiaivr.iiiiir.Bii-in"r-i't-i Ii-Tf dial stowaway had mii1 (Villain 1. O. (Innra rrinrnnl Could Walk h- ii ill.wnrivil on boanl cwry.thia UNirnins ftMH (Wan Falls. Hardly Grand Trunk Pacific. '.i iiumI -Inp Ihal Mllh-d from Nw po to York for I'.nnland for th lat A. A. I'a-son. of Hi llyal Dank. Without Resting S.S. PRINCE GEORGE sailing II.(-' UIOIllll rHurnml llii moraitip aflr hav I Midulehl Thursday foi wanson Hay. Ocean Falls Vancouver, THE EMPRESS CAFE Liwhl iou)ii ucrr found 'in ing m n liolMay in unuiver. a k pm. ". to im Victoria and Seattle. Vidneday 10 p. so. Auyoi. 'lo- flh"T liiiiM-rtlof oh hr lal . tr any heirl Oimba- nar ir Itir j S.S. PRINCE JOHN Newl jr opnrri fnrtiuiincii lri. 'Iln wr' rnlrnrtM lo jwiy FMllr'a Oroesrry i Cidiitf aflrr Irl r l: "Are yum .hnrl For i'ort ('lemeiils, Miissett, HueUey Hay and all oiuts on hwlp only. Open day and night a II im- of CIO ah or Mrln;r oiir IIM JHlsiHf'.. Unlrli our window r I Southern (Jueen Charlotte sland January 3lt: Thursday. iiuiiith in irion fur kwn MYial. I'hone Vw, vara Us swt u aStvlxd February 3rd SI swart. . tf tun, a sauttnru t4 hnaia, MlMUUun. TRAIN SERVICE. ' ibntiaur. lrtTruir bmltaa, mtuttirnmt I'assenrer Monday, Wednesday and Saturday at 11:15 a. m, Mortr Craig:. IU- lurat artLI mnilijs. aiutarM aad a wrak, suikmr.i for Smilliern. rinre Oeorr. ljlmontin and Winnipeg, making rlornml Ihia niorintiR from Vie M-iwii tmimi uf lawvwuna.acid aaiwlr-OS direct rnnnectinns for all points cast and south. loWa hrrr hr ha Im-n i.M'ii.lin Uar Brl UHl (rf ISr brarl h-rtuillf Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines rsJrm - lv nrror uulraa - a bolKMy. rr mrorroatioa aid nwerTtnoai aiptr la ra' Ih-al anl -rrr pill. rr Jin ibr fflsrtl? st ffvqmsr. 7lw- n'mtlalr .imI Oit TIctM OHIca. tt TliF ?.. Fh. ZSO- I kit lltmrm. HoHi-riiiK plant utHiliiir iter- brvrt. anu imiinitrn aiui A LESSON fir. I''niirra pn-i inaili lo nUv ikr Atsil. n ' r ylm. iirdw. I'Iiiuit lo. of all kiii'k. 4r. M-tt li i.rrti. .- I llBunl. . - , nl: "I Mlrmt for Ur won )rtr. :ily .Market. If ln lnMr. I nxiiii uardi wait Injn CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY THE GOVERNMENT PAID FOR. inr btmr l ibr bn) itiiiiuul r.-.1 1 ii a- A. R. .Virholl,. c hi.-f rl.rk lo W. S. I uwl n " sirt r iHralh lM-.y. camsoism racwio ocean auviocs Kiathrioiiliiiuili, diiin nM Mil Brli aw. My wire tll un I" a I. Pllltlnror. n'turnml fruni I tie art a am if Mlaburti'. Hrart aixl Nrrvi- B.C. CoastSteamship Services Before 1UM, Bond Brokers and Bankers were indifferent mhjMi IM moriiins. eiH aaa I 1H briwr aim- uimr ih.tii. 1 Mkrre Ibmm anli iw sjutaa urii. I am advertisers. Many who advertised regarded their expendi- Ilelkah. IhIk. Wlil.l ri.-. ! kaajtar my atw ui wort . larm. , i S.S. PRINCESS MARY an4 ran lnnarlUr say I frtl like a dlltrr- For Ketchikan, Juneau, Skagway, Alaska, from Prince tiircs as 'sop," and thought they were doing publishers Ilainl 1 1 lor k, Fulton strrvl, Tliurn- mii tHM." : I Rupert a favor. day. rVbruary 3. at BJO. Ad-iiiissionSr. Vnm sr. a am ai all Ovalrrs r umiuh January 24; February 7 and 21. All widooiiM. ? dircri ba icerta ttt pnrr ay Iwr 1. .- burn bL, UsailM. Tunwlu. OBI. AUvL For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle from Prince Rupert- Then came the Call for The same thing is true of The Itoyal A roll Mason hold an January 15 arid 23; February 12 and 26. War Loans. On the advice some manufacturers, who, in'oriiial dance lasl 'veiling in Hip M. 11. il id vie. of Ktlebikan. was S. S. PRINCESS BEATRICE of this the results of the Masonic hall. Tlicie -re about reKi'lrred at th tiolcl I'rinca Itu- From erisc Ruptrt far Swaaass Bat, Ocsan Tails. Hardy Bay, aiart Bay, Association, noting yet contrary iHiir CM. Pawall ait.r, Van-auxr and Vktarla II fly oouidoa in allrudance. erl yesterday. C.ary SatsrSa S a m. to some Brokers' and Imperial Munitions Board for rt. rw.rrtuMx.)tod ilio, apply la Bankers' views, the advertising newspaper advertising, have I..0. 0. M. All members ro- A. A. MrltoiiKall and sou ar W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. iipi lo n I tend in.yUlltf Tliurs- rived this iiiiiruiior from the of these loans commenced to the Cor 3rd Avenue and 4th Street Prince was use same da ilia lit in t)c Lum Hall, llu.i- iuIIi. Mr. MeltoiiKall (I well Rupert. B.C. made humanly interesting. force to"introduce post-war iivss iiislallalioii of uffloi.' 27 known cunt rai tor" in the North. The results you are aware products. In Hi arth of Mir games of the The I'rlnce John reached Ibis 1 1 1 1 1 St. Andrew's vs. i:iks billiard tour oil at 10.30 this morning after of. for The Government paid nament It. Ilolierlsoii was fuer ss-ful baviiiH mad a special trip to But here is the real point. this lesson. oit J. II. I'illobiity, 500 lu 1 1. Tarnmn with Premier mine ore. $50 to $5,000 I'll vessel leaves at midnight to- A YEAR FOR LIFE Nearly every Bond JIoufc Have you considered pro-iltting . ii iw noi'ii by i.ruwl niKttt for nil Quei'ii Charldtte by it? unwin rrom lh.. (a.iiurt tiilimtdi.iui. A CANADIAN GOVERNMENT ANNUITY PROVIDES IT and Bank in Canada is, to Hint In will b li'aMiijr LhuriHiidi 'toyi aggressively advertising, Advertising is not a mat- ' on February 10 and should b Inl A. W iiinr.n, until wenlly No No better better aecurity life iovcitmrnt obtainable available and using all the interest ter of guesswork. Itrcquires llupcrt by Hi end of Ihls uioillli. ImaiMiger of the Hoyul Hani in lliii Cannot be aeiaed or levied upon for any cauae eity. returned this iiiorninir from Will be replaced If lost, stolen or destroyed and ingenuity at their conv skill and knowledge and experience. Ih iuen;i'i iiiilu from the VwVheouxer hi rliit O. M. Siu- ' Free Not .ilTxted from Dominion by trade Income depression Ta mand to attract business. It is not something nsl was held no yeslerduy nt olalr. who is koiiih away fur n No medical examination required Kvvlnitsa on urvoiint of u snow. short la of.absent. Mr. Cu- t Anyone over the aje o S years resident or domiciled In Canada They observed the jxmcr of to bo lightly undertaken.but slidu and readied here oarly this ln n will h here for two or throe t may purchase. be undertaken with inoruiiiK. The truin ruunliiff Any ttvci person i may purrhaae jointly. it wuj newspaperadvertising,when can wrks. Employer) may purchase for theiremployees school boards for of if it is on lime until she i-Hiche.d thut their teaihers -congretstioni for their minister. properly used, and have pro-fiUed assurance success (loiul. 111 YEARS OLD. t A. t y ' .Mr t wr4r. s.t.. fra. lo S T B.Mnso, Suprr by the lesson. done properly. " An u ia.Wl Mr mtm kuuk..l and Stan taiia.l. II. F. KerKin. M.I..A. fur Allln, TOIIOXTO. Feb. 3.-Jos)h If you have ever thought you would like to arrived yelerdiiy mi Ih Chloh Miinlell. one of Hie oldesl men in tt sin from Alire Ann Mini leave Hi country, died hern today in his advertise if you could get proper advice on how loinori'iivv ii ik li t on llio I'rliK'o tilth yeur. lie was burn in F-ntr-land (leorK Tor Vielonu vvhfro ho will in 1810. Special Prices! to go about it, vmte to this Association. We ill lend Hie M's-inll .f I lie ikIsIh will the benefit of experience in lure In vvlilch he was reeenlly QUESSI AND give you our leeled. What will be Hie value in money i HATS CAPS successful of the liiiled Stales Initio with: starting the road to publicity Do not aufrf you on sunUivr day witk Caliiulu fur February, tlS t ? Iteud Pll FS Itaklai,Alord. vird of tb disduy an-uouueemeiil Big Variety Association, lutf. r Prulrixl. every Issued by the Canadian Daily Newspapers Iii rllaa. No oti iui.-i I, and iut in Toronto. aM mm wiivh aarslcal rwiuirro.oprr your Kiiess. mid K" iulo vvln the ' STEVE KING Df.CtiaM'a Ointment will rlla you aWiwa 300.00 rash in-ie. Three une-ises J". H and affurd Uitiug liiU Mil dral.ra. w rjnianMi. Co., IJa.ltnl, allowed, uiul kip for your Men's Furnishings Thtrtl Avenue Tun.itd. Ruiinl. liAt lr. It y4 luwulloli till. ftft sad social So. lUuiu lo yajr uaU, friends and imlk'libur.