—————————————————e - SC csanreneininnmescantemnemnamnmtaadnipadite enenoteamadnentiniaiindidimeimandiai dit aelinesatiaaediaaineeiimadinenemananae muesday, August 30, 1932 LR ee en PAGE THRE —_ | o eA a RRR ° | = LOCAL ITEMS Wed. Special | I Anchor Opener Freé With 9 Each Bottle of Olives j . City accounts for two weeks end-' Br t ‘ing August 26 totalling $3,144.92 | yar ros. . a eae eis eee i LIMITED were passed for payment at last po isedishe ' e i night’s meeting of the city council. 1 mara ce emt , ' : Quality Men’s and Boys’ Wear Miss ‘Mary Macfie, babniiy spec- ' y Mrs. Rolf Walker returned to the j,)is¢ will be home on Saturday, o city yesterday on the Princess Alice | lSept. 3 203 e e after paying a visit to her home in| + Suit S ecl Galt, Ont. She was accompanied by | Dr. Laval Leeson and Mr, Math Our Prices During This Sale Make it Possible For Every Boy or Girl to Wear a “Classic” or “Chums” , 1 a S or her mother, Mrs. Cation of Galt, ;eison, Vancouver ,druggist, are Shoe, at Extra Special Savings, ‘ | . who will make an extended stay) passengers aboard the Catala this ‘ ; ' ® here. afternoon returning to Vancouver rete re . ; i } after having made the round trip Growing Girls’ “Chums” Oxfords; Heavy Growing Girls’ “Chums” Patent One Strap; u t Boys and Girls! Jackie Cooper in! north on the’ vessel. welt sole in brown or black. $3 95 heavy welt sole. $3.95 f “When a Fellow Needs a Friend, "| ' Reg. price $5.00; Sale Price .. . Reg. price $5.00; Sale Price ...... s iy : . $ at the Capitol Theatre Friday and} wre y p. Thurber and two ; ” cht p Fashion Craft Suits for | $40.00 Warren K. Cook §|S4turday. Do you want to see it? | daughters, Adelia and Thelma, ') men and young men, re- Suits; Clearing Price— Buy your shoes at Jabour’s school! sailed yesterday afternoon on the Misses’ and Girls’ Black & Brown “Classic” * 7 » gular $34.50; Clearing opening sale and get a free pass! prince George for Vancouver. They One Strap; $2 25 Growing Girls’ Patent One Strap » $2. 95 me i ® pr ‘eeu $20 00 to the Capitol. 203 | will reside in Vancouver where the Reg. price $3.50; Sale Price .... ° Reg. price $3.95; Sale Price t + . $20. 00 e ‘ Acie sie bd children will attend school. ¢ i \4 , recommendation from the fi- i a w nance committee that the sum of, B ghamper, president of the v4 2 re ; All Leishman Suits to $84.50 which was overbid on up- |Calgary Paper Box Co. and T. Boys’ and Girls’ Black and Brown “Classic” Little Gents’ Black Storm Calf Red Stitch E s $29.50 Suits, Clearing f set price on lot 14, block 27, sec-|gwindlehurst, also of Calgary, ar- Oxford; $2. 95 Shoes; best quality $2 15 % s Price— clear at— tion 5 at tax sale be refunded to lrived in the city on yesterday af- Reg. price $3.75; Sale Price Sale Price ee ° Pa § i ‘ jthe owner, Severt Evyen, was ad- | td 5S ‘ ternoon’s train from the East in 4 r $15.00 30” to 535 ca, | opted by the city council at its) the course of a trip to the coast mf . ore last night. jand sailed later in the afternoon Boys’ Black Storm Calf Red Stitch Shoes; Youth’s Black Storm Calf, Red Stitch Shoes; +f 3 ca : : ian corny lon the Prince George for Vancou- best quality > best qualit Oh 8 A look at these suits will convince you they are bargains | The city council last night adop-| yer Sale Price $3.75 Sale Pri ’ $3.19 2 extraordinary ted a recommendation from the fi-| Ne Te ee ee Tae ‘ ‘Nance committee that lots 54 and} The city fire department re- c Phone 297 Prince Rupert 55, block 30,section 8, be sold Bile to four alarms during the * FREE — A PASS TO THE CAPITOL THEATRE — FREE Sixth Street John P. Hed for the sum of $50’ month of July as a result of which With every purchase of a pair of boys’ or girls’ shoes. we will give, over and above the sale price, a 5 Leading tn Stylish Apparel Since 1911 ,and 1932 taxes. The property is sit-|no loss occurred, according to the free pass to the Capitol Theatre. io. 22 eee 2 ee 2 near the corner of Alfred | monthly report of Fire Chief D. H. . \Street and Eleventh Avenue and! |McDonald presented to council at} = _ a nn a eee = has no road, ite ae last rg alae A.J. ‘Matheusin tania to the| > | Rg eer ut of the department for the month| city on yesterday afternoon’s train| WAR $ 2 At the request of W. R. McAfee,| amounted to $970 and there were|¢rom a brief trip to the Skeena fr ite ta ; aneraiee: of the lumber company,|a few small accounts. Usual in- " ‘ ‘ » River. the city council last night granted! spections had been made ofpublic | iN UEST eae Aged |a flat rate of $6 per month for wa-| buildings and departmental equip- i iter to the Big Bay Lumber Co. dur-| ment, all of which was found to} 20%" R. Morgan, who has pb als: ing such time as the mill is closed|be:in good order. paying a visit to the Billmor saW- | Circumstances of Tragedy Which , . idown, This is the same flat rate} mill, came into town from Porpoise| Cost Three Lives at Week-End Scott S ST |as was given the mill during its | Harbor on yesterday afternoon’s Being Probed : shut-dewn last year. train. lle EASY TO DIG Dr. G. B. Murphy, medical offi- )cer of the Workmen's Compensa- | the city from Stewart at the end of | {tion Board, aisembarked here from | the week and will be the cuest here | | the steamer Catala this afternoon « bile plunged into Port- for a couple of weeks of Mrs. D. J.|*" tenia , P an F R after making the trip to Anyox! ! and Canal early Sunday morning I 0s or ent Inquest opened at Stewart yes- erday into the circumstances of the death of George Naysmith who, With two others, lost his life when | i Miss Bonnie Campbell arrived in FALL SAILINGS Lflective August 3let From Prince Rupert for Ocean Falla, | Matheson. P Powell River and Vanesmven, and Stewart from Vancouver. He| Flavor from the Stewart-Hyder road. The $4 P Month and U rhursdays, 10.00 p.m. jis conducting examinations at the Charged with assaulting a inal 1earing was adjourned until today er p ‘ |Prince Rupert General Hospital a hice : - vhen evidence of survivors was to iS QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS |this afternoon before proceeding to, KELLOGG’S Corn Flakes have |" 0m Comox Avenue, Nick Ku-) bh. taken at Premier. The inquest Pianos Tuned, $3 From Prince Rupert for Vancouver, here be points in the district. | a delici s der” fi dis- eromny) Sppyens. eae being conducted by Dr. J. W. Vos- P . % é etllling ot Grease Citastette teladmann. a delicious “wonder” flavor dis Munro, Justice of the sPeave,+ tn Surch coroner : . wi, * , - iia e court thie’ tte: - FSi, CO : es service. Particulars on The Esperanza Mines Ltd. of ee oa - eae city police court om afterndon. Search is being continued for the WALKER’S MUSIC TRAIN SERVICE | Alice Arm, through its secretary onan sprees y ee ; _ | 0odies of Mrs. George Naysmith STORE Passenger trains leave Prince Rupert E. H. Mortimer, haa a letter before} any one else, Union steamer Catala, Capt A E ind William Mowatt, the two other “ ” Mdndave, Webnesdans aul Wildies-es | the city council last night which} Dickson, returned to port at 2 45 | victims of the tragedy. 10.30 a.m. for Edmonton, Winnipeg |invited the city to bid on a num- iorafinnebaasin:> wage rssh rye: v0 Pag ia? eee and points East. |ber of cases of forty and Sixty per- ut and other northern — ane The chy Cegnch, 0F hs Mnene SPRAINS |cent dynamite of which explosive: will sail at 3:15 for Vancouver and|iast night, gave authority to the Passports erranged For wv tion call or write local agent or | the company has more than it now waypoints. Board of Works to proceed with an Sees gencly. Ir for Old Country H. McEWEN, D.F o PA. requires. There was no informa- omer he installation at an estimated Gaye talemenation, suethen, ; H Sailings Prince Rupert, BC |tion as to the age and condition of The ‘Vancouver Bank Clearings| cost of $60 of a new two-inch wa- mane * the powder. The matter was refer- for week ending Aug. 25 was $10,-| er pipe from Second Avenue to 17 Puts you on your feet! V-o5-s¢ fred to the Board of Works with 949, 657, this is a lucky number | 1e lane in the vicinity of the B power to act Freshness for W. H. Tobey. He wins a suit! ° Undertaker and Alex McRae (poLuLy (bine from Fraser & Payne for the sec-} ’0. Lid. premises, replacing an old | A letter from C. K. Ytreberg ‘ ‘ ynd time 1 he-inch pipe whien ts now out-of- acting as agent for A. Andreason. 2H¢ minute Kellogg’s leave the pees der. Authority to carry out the we } Was read at last ntght’s meeting of toasting ovens, the flakes are Mrs. Diggles and Misses M. Dig ove oacag eon sted by Ald. J. H.) Mt the city council offering $195 for completely sealed in a WAX- | gles, A. Diggles and R. D. Diggles of ‘on chairman of the | ; ‘ lots 36 and 37, block 27, section 1 ioe : xstew are visit he city f a WOTKS ish heim P R F v PY rs Serer oe hich is placed ine | xstew are visitors in the city for) The Fish which made rince upert amous with payments of $10 cash and the ee bag w P the fair. having arrived from the| r balance $10 monthly. It is Mr. An- side the red-and-green pack- nterior on yesterday aft rnoon's | Bess we ee dreason's intention to move several; age and keeps every flake fresh train. } 6é 95 re from their present location) and perfect. It’s a patented When You to the ne s if his off S : q o eH — lots if his offer is a Kellogg feature! D. Sutherland, aistrict agricul. | i eC r cepted. This matter was referred lturist at Smithers, and ‘H. § % to the finance committee for re French, agriculturist at Princ port ( ier ane : 1 thy ‘ ai : te | +} ;Ge re, arrivec I 1 rain yeste SMOKED wae eS jday afternoon and will be in the] A recommendation from the fi | ‘ity for the Fair : “ nance committee that an offer of fs : } Mrs. Clara Ellen Casey to exchange | Coe | | lots 111 and 112, block 34 section | William Swanson, for his fourth ” 2 8 on the Prince Rupert Boulevard. }29ifence on a charge of drunken- | for lots 3, 4, and 5, block 34, sec y Iness, was sentenced to thre Fatigue is the signal to rest. Obey ; : : V alu we peer ras | it if you can, When you can’t, keep tion 8 on Eleventh Avenue on an mths’ imprisonment, without op cool and carry-on in comfort. equal basis be accepted was ap- ion of fine. by G. H. Munro, Jus- | _ Aspirin was meant for just such Prepared Daily By proved by the city council at its Kellogg’s Corn Flakes are e of the Peace, in city police] times, for it insures your comfort. epi d meeting last night. About the came , eat | urt this morning. On a charge | Freedom from those pains that nag . . 1 & ( id Si i ( L irea was inyolved in the two par.| @mong the most economuca ‘f theft, Swanson was remanded} ,Stnerves and wear you down, One sak ’ ale Se t ‘ . + wo par- C ; Ba en : 4 tablet will block that threatening Canadian Fish \ Vi 4 lorase 0., . els. Ald. Collart explained. and and convenient of foods. Guar- ight davs Ihe adache while it is still just a ‘1 DIIDR xv the Geal,‘the city would stand ed by W. K. Kellogg: “If threat. Take two or three tablets PRINCE RI PERT. B.C. to calter> Seine Sheen dentebeines anteed by ' 68 when you've caught a cold, and ; hic] ; : Mm Mavcrovement you do not think them the very that’s usually the end of it. , which if Was not now > , . ; Rew OSS seiving " best corn flakes you ever tasted, Carry Aspirin tablets when you acon “ — ae ' a an A travel. Have some at home and e — ~-- return the empty red-and- Mis ) u ~ keep some at the office. Like an et tn. nae NOTICE green package and we will re- rniSS Og an efficient secretary, they will often UNION STE AMSHIPS LIMITED : i save the day” and spare you many r Vaneotver Mussallem's Boonomy. St is) fund your money.” Made by uncomfortable, unproductive hours, 3 eave | 4 Mussalliem’s Economy Store wish . . 4 Aspirin is harmless, so keep it Ps \) s 1:30 P.M I vin. Wagpoin Rs auine ‘Vancouver, Thureday 62 their customers to know that they, *ellogg in London, Ontario, TEACHER OF MUSIC pandy, Nene 1h insets. One toe PS8. CARDENA VERA FIREDAY sins vn i have nothing whatever to do with TEAC ? wits No man of affairs can afford to vedi LE a tee ‘im. Anyox, Stewart and Naas ‘ollection of the old accounts ow- tanore the score and more of uses “ Weekly sailings to Port Stup ‘ ! Phone—Black 232 explained in the proven directions. River polits, Su Spa ing to the Mussallem Grocery Cr , From a grumbling tooth to those irther information regarding all sat kets at Phone 868 {Ltd rheum¢ at's paina W ich seem almost MRINCE RUPERT AGENCY: Second Avenue OS, po to bend the bones, Aspirin tablets SR URNA UOT, NT eee Katana ea 0 be paid to Mossrs , are ready, with quick relief—-and Re . : ams, Manson. Brown & Har- always work, Neuralgia, Neuritis, |vey for the Canadian Credit Men’s Any nagging, needless pain. CANADIAN PACIFIC Trust Association in Vancouver, |! AUGUST ‘SAILINGS FOR VANCOUVER ac “te a \} Hotel Central Get the genuine tablets, stamped PRINCES Sait AYRE Srvehael, 16's. . Ocean Palls ang way ports, . a 4 with the Bayer cross, They are of PRINCESS onan ISE or PRINCESS ALICE —Saturdays 5 p.m. direot aS i Limited perfect purity, absolute uniformity, "or REECHISAN, WRANGHLL, JUNEAU ond SKAGWAT 4 4, 1 Amouncements || MS Coventent to business district, ge en eee jee Eis For Informition’ call or write ae als homelike, beautiful harbor costing a few cents less? The saving W. lL. COATS, General Apen Prince Rupet ; \ views. is too little. There is too much at | Rupert Tennis Club Dance Sep-| LY |} Rates re asonable, Spacious Stale of on mfg 7 tbs |tember 9. 2@l sample rooms. in the large bottles, ——— oommeemen 2 FIRST CLASS CAFE Because it doesn’t pay to advertise poor products, ge ra 16 and 30, Oddfel- Open at All Hours } ; 2 UL $ 5 | ’ ar : It does pay to o buy those advertised. ee Hotel Central Ltd. , ‘ 3 . . $ = - ee a Cathlic Bazaar, October 19, 20. j if you lose anything, try a classified ad, - ‘ : € : 4 ; "y : . go» First Avenue & Seventh Street a Brae: