Fee ? . \ ) %y ¢ PAGE FOUR TSE OAT NEWS Treeday Anones 7 FAIR WEEK SHOPPING NEWS ANNETTES—-Fair Week Specials 20% Off All New Fall Coats. Exceedingly flattering COATS in their many variations, lavishly fur trimmed. In Chonga, Tailored Tweed, Fur Trimmed Tweed and All Woot $19 50 : . Fabrics. Priced from SE, 79 500 Pairs SILK HOSE, 79c A Value such as we have never been able to offer before 9 p { 3 Pairs for $2.39 15 ing weal Crepe Fair Week Special s fi 14 to 44; Fair Week Special DRESSES Flowered Chiffon and Georgettes. Some with coats, suitable for I Regular price to $24.50. Fair Week Special de Chine Dresses, All Silk, pastel shades 100 Afternoon and Evening Dresses, some with coats, dark and pastel shades afternoon $12.00 $3.60 $4.95 ind Pumps; t Crepe ‘Soled Sport Oxfords Sizes 3 to 8; Fair Week Specia) 300 Pairs SHOES also new Brogues Ties $3.95 ° $4.95 ANNUAL FALL FAIR August 30 to September 2 Big Flower Show Garden Exhibits Industrial Show Ladies’ Work Farm and Dairy Exhibits Baseball Football Lacrosse 7 Championship Games A Se 3 lisiiailthanuniaitamiona | Vaudeville Show Evenings Bathing Beauty Contest Sports and Attractions Y A v A :s ee aguenen Si Grand Ball at Close Moose Legion Band Daily Bargains! Bargains! Dinnerware — China — Croekery — Glassware srassware — Novelties — Club Bags — Suit Cases and Aeropacks 25c, 50c and 75c Tables DOWNSTAIRS STORE Heilbroner’s — Diamond Specialist Fair Well Up to Standard of Former Years in Spite of the Adverse Weather and Conditions While a few of the regular features of the fall fair this year are missing such as the poultry and pet stock depart- ment, the flower show is well up to the regular standard of previaus years. In spite of the heavy rain and wind which injured many plants and made it impossible for some to make a good showing, the number of exhibits com- pares favorably with other years and the general stand- ard of excellence is well maintained. The response of the flower growers of the city has been a great surprise, At the time of writing many of the exhibits are not com- plete but everything goes .to indicate that the fair will be well worth the time of visitors spending an hour or two there Both upstairs and down there are interesting things to he seen and outside the building the Elks have made ela- berate plans for the entertainment of those who tire of looking at the exhibits or listening to the vaudeville. The vaudeville program commencing at 8:15 follows: Joe Arse exceptionally talented boys in songs und dance The Melody Trio, the kings of rhythm in tuneful tunes. Novelty Tap Daneing, by pupils of Miss FE. Tite educate leet One Ma three little girls with Band, a clever and en- eau and Sam Joy, two¥ Family Shoe Store Ltd. OUR Annual Sale Continues Over | Exhibition Week MEN and WOMEN Whto desire fine shoes at a substantial price reduction will welcome this great sale. Hundreds of shoes in up-te- date patterns of style, fit and i} excellent appearance. “School Shoes at Reduced Prices” NOT CHEAP SHOES — BUT GOOD SHOES CHEAP Box T584 Phone 357 tertaining act, which recommended Acrobatic Dancing, by two dainty little misses, Joyce Gawthorn, Mary Davey comes well Wrestling, hilariously homorous Barrel Boxing, a barrel of fun. Balloon Blowing, a windy night Depression and gloom will go into the disqard when you see this amus- ing, unusual and interesting enter- tainment. This is one of the most DRY DOCK HAS FINE EXHIBIT Models Made*By Employees Will Be Outstanding Feature of Fair One of the very interesting fea- tures of the fair this year is an ex hibit of ship models by employees of the local dry dock. These models are fully equipped and most of them are made to scale. They make a good illustration of the develop- ment of shipping from the early lays to today. Outstanding features of the exhibit is a China clipper “Sovereign of the Seas.” There is an interesting stern wheel river boat and modern yachts including a scale model of the hull of the Am- erican racing yacht Enterprise, The model of the ss. Prince Ru- pert is fitted with electric lights, ‘engine and everything complete The half models on the walls are of boats built by the dry dock in fill- ing orders One interesting little feature is a steam marine engine model which operates perfectly, | | | For quick returns Try a Want | Advertisement. Bargains! Fair Week PRIDE OF WEST 3-PIECE SUITS— Reg. $25.00; Now PRIDE OF WEST 2-PIECE SUITS— Reg. $19.50; Now PRIDE OF WEST CARDIGANS Reg. $6.50; Now PRIDE OF WEST CARDIGANS- Reg. $5.95; Now DRESSES Reg. to $9.50; Now Summer Coats — Half Price DEMERS’ Bargains’ $16.50 $12.50 $5.00 $4.50 $5.00 CURZON'S MEN'S WEAR SIXTH STREET Men’s Work Clothes — Work Boots — Work Sox — Gloves — Shirts — Underwear Tom Ballinger FANCY CHINA NOVELTIES Cups and Saucers—1lc, 15e, 25e up to .. $1.50 Berry Sets, bowl, 6 nap- pies—$1.25 to . .$1.50 Bridge Sets—$,.50 up to $12.50 | ma ie ie ak ' Tea Sets—$2.50, $3.50 | $8.50 97-Piece English Dinner Set — $18.50 up to $45.00 and $50.00 Tom Ballinger Third Avenue Fall Needs in HARDWARE Stoves and Rang Pipes and Dampers Lamps and Lanterns o00 Ammunition and Flash lights, Ready Roofing and Roof paints, Coa j Tar and Roofing (& ment 000 Let us supply your ure ments Mail Orders Carefully Filled Thompson Hardware Co, Ltd. Third Ave Pri pel ORMES LIMITED Pioneer Druggists Third Avenue & Fulton Street * 81 — Phones — 82 Prescriptions a Specialty The Orme Quality for Drugs and all classes of goods han- dled is well recognized jn Northern and Cential B. Cc, ee ee —- - REGAL! SHOP 330 Third Avenue Stationery Toys & Gitt Novelties ¢ colors Complete range ° tot various kinds 0! plain and faney knit! 4d broidery threads «) stamp goods Mr. & Mrs. John MRS woo!