Tyesdas rues 30, 1932 THE DAILY NEWS ; ‘ ae PAGE FIVE Thousands of People Read The ‘Advertisements on This Page Every Da RENT THAT ROO M, SECURE. HELP, SEL FURNITURE, REAL ESTATE, ETC, THROUGH A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT CLA - — eS = — — I 2 Ry yy = = i t ‘ Bananas, 2 Ibs. —...... si 35) M iS } | | bor Queen, Charlottes— THE MARKET Plums, Ib. 15¢ 6 tb. hasket 86 a Aug. Sand 19 2d 9 pan. ; | Cherries, ‘Terrace, preserving ame From Queen Charlottes— Retail prices current here at pre- 2 Ibs. 25¢. Basket ‘SY for the East— MOE. 0,27 GABE joie nine ag. re as follows: Strawberries, upriver, basket Monday Wednesday and Satur-| For Alaska— ‘4 sent are as 12'ec to 16) day 11:30am. Aug, 8 15, 22 and 29 0... ag. , vor vent, for sale and @il other email advertisements in this section charged at the rate of 2 certs . Mt ~~ ap Raspberries, basket 1): 19 oom the Bast— P ined 2 word per insertion with six imsertions for the price of four. By the month the charge is 250% woed. ||) "°2°Y fer rane Fe " “ “qe Apples, dried 18° Sunday, Thursday amd Friday, — 8 6% Benes? é No advertisement taken for less than 50c. No. 1 Creamrey, 8 tos e Peaches, Peeled iat all de SY pa: fing. 8, 6, 8, 99 and 27 -.......... age. i a Se ——atneniae teins ‘ rere . Apricots, lb. 18¢ to .20 Monday, Wednesday and Sq@tar-— 1 nlllireaehennniapntin nny 4 _ /Flour, 49's, No. 1 hard wheat 1.69 Prunes, 30-70, 2 lbs 26 day 1:30 pam. Aid Pastry Flour s Al Se ae ees Se a : ig Vas be en eeneae ie FOR sae | CHIROPRACTIC , DAIRIES ‘au : .- — Se tb Ibs oe * Apricots preserving, crates... 1.40/for Yancouver— : ° ° \ iz i SSS Ve. Fey me Peaches doz 300 to 49) Monday occ ccceeee BPM. 2 pee jaddly 2 inp elie ? a3 Re REE are esi n duvmunjinaibel fish } fy , POR SALE- Pisisa, very reason- a Smoked Kippers, ea Watermelons, : y : = Wednesday die dip ita pigon” 146) mv t “Arn ‘ Hie 'S 2A j oa ee ‘ | Hee f : : 4 ’ = "7 : "Eeeoee Giaten Lat ‘ oy ; t . aie t ~~" a we -" o ~ = \\0 we . } b © i) ¢ NX, ( HuRry \ er mare : E ne Hundred and, Forty-seven ; x ANE) “THUS wy sues ee Ls Bt us Wii your'e wi as the “Amazon Num oth ' XN mae AND "WVTei kG 7 iJ ~av } | wihat . Oo aC. Kk j t Wit eiRe VD Like A WIONDE Mineral Claim; Lot Forty-nine VAL 1 THINKS Ovt Fore ag “\ J \ - Ee rt i TO KNOW i Porty-eight (4948), known uF <8@ CLO’ Leni ~ i J~ Amazon Number 4 Minera) w SHORE pe ——) AS “3 ; : % Forty-nine Hundred end —\p - SUM a . — e§ 7 hime (4949), known as the “Hed | . Ne ie : uber 2" Mineral Claim; Lot | i POet ty = ‘ Hundred and Fifty bara a. { Eo th Amazon Fraction” in| 55 -~ . i wd ry aoe. Hun- \ ti e Pe - wane Fifty-one «@051), Kmnowh @ Porenpeen < in 0 Number 2 Praction” Min- aN fot . bove Claims are located at Cul-| ars ei sbout 6 miles North of the} gm { Bear River, Cassiar District a ‘t Prince Rupert this 27th) ped \Ugust, 1982 ms nM CASH «hy 8. A. NICKERSON e Bheritt, tae éle County of Prince Mupert, 77,63 1017 be oie . , 5 ftaee: fil 1 pei Ma ea a i ala unnaeNibaneNeN Hybhe ret BELG ¢ a 4} ee